THE AUCKLAND STAB. SATURDAY, 3EPTEMBEK 6, 1913. 10 PRACTICAL POLITICS FOR THE PEOPLE. "There is nobody with interests that the Industrial Union—(the Revolutionary Cnion) cannot tame, and the obstreperous cockatoo, despite his appalling egotism, will be uo exception to the rule. If you <Jo dirty work. Mr. Farmer, you will pet a dirty deal. Stay at home and mind yonr own bnsiness, unu you needn't worry. There may be a few tcore Brisbaues or Tim.irns, bnt the working phis i? rrerrinuinK to think. Finally. if you vnlue your stock, yonr herds, and your honse. mind yonr own business and stay at home." PARLIAMENTARY GOSSIP. . RACING WORLD. ■Whakapona, which ran second In the Electric Handicap at Marton on "Wednesday, paid a record dividend for the Dominion. Speaking at c Racing Club the meeting of the Park The Benzpnian—Platypus filly A.J.C. SPRING MEETING. in R. PUBLIC:KOPCEg, Kaox's stable is developing into a fine last week. Mr. J. McVay exanimal, and. if appearances go for anyopinion the that the appointment The .foltcrwißs is a list of the nomina- thing, she should be able to gallop. of stipendiary stewards had done a lot of NOTES; FROM iSir Solo Is toeing kept in active training. rions received in connection -with the A-ron"XBySVHATKBONE.) " T " The horses Glenmore. Marton. Daybreak, good. They not only watched the riding-1 g dale Jockey Club's Spring 'Meeting,- which He has a. long list of engagements in front ,3 -, r EVOLUTION V. REVOLUTION. Loch Mabin and Prince Kddie were shippedi and ruuning of the horses, but also the takes place on the 17th. and 20th inst.:— of him. • Mr. C. V. Vallance put a half-sister to (By Telegraph.—Parliamentary<Eeporter.) Grey Lynn Hurdles.—Vestal. Merrimax, to Sydney from Wellington yesterday. general management of meetings, and their and White, by Benzonlan. into comRACING nXTURESPoicters, Silver Olnse. First Wairiki, Lloyds, Amber appointment had been fully justinecL mission rllis week. She promises to prove Ruffy. Watehcirain, Aa Appeal to Wageworker* and EmPip. Slang. Dash. •W'ELLliNGTOX.tRriday. eren a better racer Than Amber and White. In the South Mr. \Y. by Rouge Dragoon. Davey Kerr's Paul. Calm, Slaney. ployer*, to 'Capitalists and Professional September 10—Dannerirke R.C. Spring. Mr. W. E. Bidrwill has throe horses enWildwood ,7r.—Gertie, is favourite for the Kiagsland Hurdles.—Crispeneer. Vestal, OF .^KVRTCTS. September 11,12—Ashburton E.C. Spring. TIIF. N.Z. CCT. Exploiters and Exploited. OI'SRCROWDING paged in rue Hiwwa Stakes, to he run at Merrimax. Omatere. .Pointers. Silver Oluse, Page 4.—"Right" and "Wrong":— New Zealand Trotting Cup. Calm is on the The first payment for the New Zealand First Wairiki. Lloyds. Dash, Oountree, the Kgmont Summer 'Meeting. viz., Sub17, 20^—Avondale J.C. Spring. **W> ought to~do eomethjng lofrellevf.„' September S September 22, 23—Otaki B.C. Spring. "They strike wit&ont a grievance to show limit In that event. mersion. Iroagina-tion. and VocjLtion. Cup V .jl yesterday, being j Ruffy. Pip. Slang, Rouge fell due no than Waichchain. Nat Williams, formerly of Oareville. has their power, rerun-, to wnrk without an the overeroTvding- of unfortumrtemnenta!"•■ September 25, 26—Geraldine R.C. Spring. Dragoon. Davey Paul. Slaney. .(By-GEORGE rTJWLDS.) left in. Bobrikoffs withdrawal leaves Midtc,o-; September 25, 27—Wanganui 3.C. Spring. a large string of horses at work at <Maki. agreement anil indt-lpe in sabotage, a term patients," suggested Mr. Oeo. President's Handicap.—Christine. Pα ranight southern horseman Among The L. Wilson will be Sun at the head of affairs with 8.13. para, Self, Pawn, the number is a youngster by :iinl practice springing up in France, where the Minister of Public Works when thec October I—Hawke's Bay s.C. Sprlns. Tamainupo. Spinster, October 4—Napier Park Spring. in Auckland for the Avomlale meeting, att Not withstanding his reported lameness, Waiorewa. Overtime, Tangiwai, Gloy. Lady Achilles, from San Julie, which did good the workmen, threw their wooden shoes House passed a. voie for asylum .main- l" October IS, IS—Auckland T.C. Spring. ? which trained at Masterpiece prill stays in. and follows Mid- Alicia. Monoline. Loloma. Blue Garments, work for Jim Cress when TV. isabotsi into the looms. They respect no he has a number of riding engagef• " Hon. tenance and !Mr r. October Masterton. repairs. The 27—Wellington Spring. As <>oe if their leaders said K.C. 25, Tidings. Allegation. Royal Irish. Slarnight Sun in the handicap. That Professor Milk' characterisation contract. Nothing of Glad ments to fill. Man!cau will in future be trained by his recently. 'As in wlie her a thing is rig-ht Fraser agreed that something waeTjeeded(B;- November 5, B—A.R.C. Spring. angai. HohungataJii. Parawai. Revelation. importance Fran—Queensborough The San *f the aims and methods of the Indus- or wronpc makes no rufference in our plan.' to relieve the preeeure in mental 'hospi- Novems>er 8, 10, 12, 15—C.J.C. Spring. Las dropped out, and, judging Crown Pearl. Tobora, Colonel Soult, Maui owner. ! gelding has done nothing since he ran a 10, 22—Otahuiu T.C. Spring. The foalings at Glenora Park have comat present, there seems crery probability7 Nina, Lady Thorn. Merry Xroas. trial Unionists—the Revolutionary Un- Their plan Nt" revolutionise the present tals. The Government was impreeeedCL. November good rate behind Blue Lake at the last November 26, 2U—T.J.C. Spring. Handicap.—Tragedy King, Jlasterton meetingof a record fleM lining up next November. Henderson ionists as they ought to be c.Uled —:■• industrial ftynl Im.~Jollet, 1.L.L." t menc.ed. and Mr W. Walters that announces strongly with that fact, and -whenns December 2tJ, 29, January 1, 2—A.X.C. Tamainupo. Decorate, Marconi. Bleriot, Hot ove.rdra.vvji, is clear from the followOld Full Rate" is going -well over the And this sort of etiiff is published with very Lady Musket and Komola have both thrown Summer. the Public Tiresome. Almeida. Battle Abbey. Parawai. hurdles at Hastings, and will tw a starter came down v ~Dec. 27, 30, 31—Auckland T.C. Summer. fillies to Ueneral Latonr, and Soult Girlj AVONPALE .I.e. SPRING MEETING. ing extracts from the "'lndustrial Union- approval in New Zealand, where we have it would heWorke Potoa, Muleteer. Maui Nina, Holdfast, San- at the ]>aT>nevrrke meeting this month. thai wa« a confound jUecember ■ 26, 27—Thames J.C. Summer. tot,"'of .July Ist last, published in the city adult suffrage: a filly to Marble Arch. The nnminatious received for Uie Avcn- tiago, Merry Xmas. Since leaving the Wairara'pa The Officer siderable sum.indtided for new buildings. Nursery Handicap.—Za.mora, Castalia, ge-lding has qnietened down a Of Auckland: dale .Jockey Club's Spring Meeting are in Indigen.ce. lot. Shepherd's Crescendo. Bush. DATES OF COMING EVENTS. Mr. Bidw-ili may take some of his horses E^TIMATEiS. every way satisfactory, The veteran horseman Lindsay gathering ; Kitty S. has reand tbe Mason Bee. Marble Star. Bellalrs. across to Australia this season, "The Timaru Uistrict Farmers' Inion. and givo Ulster, Suffragette, them a The absence of Sir Jas. Carroll. Hon. Mullingar. Which was instrumental iv the procuration sumed riding again, and is now a regular promises to eclipse all previous meetings of Delenda. run some at of the .Victorian and Lady l'enurj-, Graduate, Glcngowry eo-lt, New South of scabs snfficiect to break the recent strike meetings. A. T. Xgata and Dr. Te Rangihiroa. September KBW ZEALAND. attendant Wales on the tracks at Kllerslie. where the club. Roth the Stakes and the Guineas Wahinc. Cup.' 17—Avondale of the Wntersiders down there. held Copper to unirvorcraibl-e causes, pr-ompted"T11 September 17—Avondale Stakes. services, being such a handy weight, are look like producing good fields, the former owing his Nihotapu Welter.—Tragedy King, Dawn. recently its annual conference, when a 'remit September 20—Avondale Guineas. especially so. Mr Morse's adjustments are Tamainupo, Decorate, Advocate. Flying lo lite Dominion Conference wan-adopted to FOR DISCHARGED PRISONERS. the Opposition to urge t.hat the Nativec in great request. WEAR AND ETEAR. Soult. Prince Merriwee. Worcester, Celt, totallingo- September 25—Wanganui Guineas. the effect that the Inion take steps to due un or about Tuesday next. Departments ? October Bay Guineas. La Reina. Tiresome. Almeida. Battle Abbey, ■organise emergency committees, as was done As the years roll on In their trackless £.24.724, should not, be considered until11 NovemberI—Hawkc'e s—Great Northern Guineas. The latest to come into the market for the Domino., Mulf teer. Cloudy Dawn. at Timaru. tn~secnre labour IScaus:i to meet AT THE CRITICAL MOMENT. Islington t£elter.—.Vestal. Haku. Soultl- course, the stress and strain of modern their return. It was-explained that .Sirr November S—Neiv Zealand Cup. AUCKLAND TROTTING CLUB. rf N.Z. ('up is Kmperador, which was made a waterside strike at any port.' " Tragedy King. Lady F.lgtva. Montl- existence slowly 2G—Auckland Cup. #£'; flip medium of a big commission in the koff. but surely have Their Jas. Carroll, having '.recovered from hiss December The annual meeting of the Auckland Trot- ■ form. Dawn, Tamainupo. Tangiwai. Poic- ouVrt. and, December 27—Auckland Trotting Cop. SBB-GBNTLE ART OF SABOTAGE. Vur many years, says the annual illness, would be as we approach, middle life. ablesao resume Parlia- Jamiary,. I—Gxeat .south recently. i_> Emperador is at presentt ting Club Uiis year created more interest; tiers. Flying Soirlr. Prince Merriwee, TireNorthern Derby. ••The- linn, labourers of N.Z. must feel report of the Discharged Prisonere' Aid mentary work in a- fortniglli-t or so. most of 115 suffer from ailments, such as Cloudy under R. J. Mason's charge in Sydney, than usi!;il. and there Almeida, Domino, Muleteer, AUSTRALIA. was a good attend- some, cbsnued by their master's eonfldencp in Society, thit society has carried on its Dawn. rheumatism. jtout. neurallgia, lumbapo, When the Hon. Mr. Hfcrries persisted ina October-4—A.J.C. Derby. You know when " where he is reported to be doing good work. am-e of members. ■vbeir trnstwnrtlitiiess as scabs. The average The balance-sheet put Flying.—Prince Parapara. .Self. Soult, """C mon w' sciatica, anaemia, beneficent work and women amongst indigestion, biliousness, going on he 'was told tirat he wae not a11 October O—Metropolitan Stakes, ajumpkin's intelligence hovers around nil, forward showed tbe rapid strides the club i Dawn. Tamainupo. Waiorewa. Overtime. jaundice, -we know, and he- has litl.!r> or un time tv discharged from gaol. It comes forward "sport."' His answer <wias tlrar. lie -waes October 11—Caultield Guineas. sick-heartaciw. general debility, Lady Wellington Racing Cloy. Monolinp. The Alicia. Colonel Soult. Clnli are evidently has made during the past few years, tbe Monkey Brand has Improve It; still, he might he-directly helped at the critical moment when the man very intimate with the*uiative memhere, Ocrtober IS—Canlfleld Cup. / The satisfied with the work of their handicapper. assets, not including the main stand and Blue Garments. Iliad Tidings. Rosea. A-Ile- gravel, stone and bladder -troubles. .along the rood -to utsilhisionineut. That November I—V.R.c. Derby. gation. Royal Irish, Snlitudo. Maransai. Hoinefficient action of the kidneys and liver there's many a slip 'rn-i-tn cup and lip oner more regains hie freedom and is who had not made any-raqncßt for delay. November Mr. J. H. Pollock, for lit their last meeting exclusive of mortgages, totalling £10.805 0/6, hungatahl. Crown Pearl. Lady Cup. 4—Melbourne Thorn. cleaned -nrfpht well be- remembered br rebels on thu faced vritSi the temptations with which There was nothing tr> -iwhirh they could they they increased his salary sufficiently tn bring ;i state of affairs that reflects great credit (up.—SouUikoff. Merry Roe. Prince Mer- is the prime factor when we suffer from ENGLAND. •wnarves. and ihc scabs will not foriet it. free men must meet. Too often this i≤ take exception. The Nffitrsve. Ty»mL Court riwee. Worcester. Colonel Sonlr. Celt. La one or more of these complaints, and In up it that on internal paid by Racing to the Auckland !h» club. Jγ management imperative September lAnd tlrc farmers find ir indend 10—Ths St. Leger. of the the day when the dischargee Roinn. Bleriot, Tinopai, Bluesrone, Royal such rases It is necessary to restorp the by are met l really dealt -with all cleaned judges' salaries would <br that they iavade the wharves, and thus Clnb to their haudic-appcr. October 2—Jockey Club Stakes. iLiiii further imprnrements were contemdestroy the striker's rhanc* of making a former bad companions, or ie tempted to shortly. The Native I>»tkJ Bill would be jilarcd was well known, bnt that these Plumpton.—Tragedy King. Mon-tlfonn. kidneys and liver 40 health and activity ere <lecerrter living, then the .s:rikers may also take strung drink. a <mre can be effected. a fortnight, and ififei* would give Warner's iSaf-down and polished. in gelding The Salvadan Antarctic would run into something like £16.00n came Tamainupo. Dernram. Flying Soulf. Prince has been imperative they :find it Indeed invade The society endeavours to find employ- th-prn an excellent opportunity to diemat Cnre possesses remarkable curative and ANSWERS TO CORftESrOXDEXTS. Wanganui railed from to Warerler, whore i as a surprise wben the president, made the■ soiDP, AlcDfiofl, RlucsTonc. L/HverTia itae. holy s3DCTnary <>f the woolshed, the ment, TLova.l the to country, eend into to or cuss native grievances. restorative properties in kidney and liver *>am, the -orchard. Many ati old swagger he i= tn he treated to a spell. It Is now announcement, and it Is evident that the Arm*. Maui Nina. > xifl.s, by an innocent reference to hut sun friends, to help by advice or monetary Maiden Handicap.—Kia Kaha. Christine, disorders, and sufferers fom any of the SPORT.—(I) Tart has never raced away reported that a contracted toot has been manaseair'nt mean to keep the c!ub in the IXJURED JOCKEYS" tFUXD. end dry grass, transmitted a. cocky's score assistance those in need. Vestal, Ilaku. fyonrmoor. Motorman. Rolled above-mentioned ailments are confidently Considering ,imo-a-.f*d and a flop." from Auckland; t2i .Royal Simon. 5.2, won Antarctic's -rrmhle all alnns, and there is very fir?! flight. Gold. Lady E-Ifriva. Parapara. easily Excavator, recommended to at once seek the aid of the small amount of money available, " Will i-ne UovoTnmcnt take steps to the Flying Handicap at Waverley last much speculation as to tbe result of the Ornaterp. Selection. Spinster. Nukuhau. it is surprising what a large amount of prevent the Cont'enence fromj October. Kama. fcA-FOWERFUL Warner's Safe Cure in order that the uric Opposition, Marconi. Prince Merriwee. AKGUMKNT."' being spell. 8.11, second, and WELLINGTON RACLVG CLUB. <rood hat; 'been done. The balance-sheet using the. funds which -were, .suibscrihed LEVER Monojack. biliary poisons, Colonel Soult. Loloma. Soltane. and the retention of which BROTHERS LIMITED, *:t. 5.4, ihlrd. lathe adjoining column I read:—In cainmon with other clubs, the comRosea. Wairiki Rose. Centenary. flittering causes the affliction, may be removed from gives little idea of the time and effort by jockeys and. trainers. ownSYDNEY. N.S.W. A Press Association cablegram from mit;.<<c St. Drouet, Solitudo, Aackland.-Swordflsh and Record "Searching sabotage would prove a power- put. forth. of ;lie Wellington Raring Club bjs Sands. General Each application is dealt ens for tihe assj:-taiice of licenced the system, and health speedily renewed. King Lumsden. Golden Grain. Parawai. Sydney states that Soltano Is Inp-lijrlhlp to de.c!ded upon making a substantial increase Xni argument in edocaiing the N.Z. and vvith on its merits. is no home, Warner's £-afe Cure is sold by chemists no trainers and jockeys who meet -withi Reign met in ihe President's Handicap at Lupin. Reverarion. Laverna. Ornata., Topic. Australian cow-thumpers. rule, no hard-and-fast method of accidents being used for the -payment off tbe A.R.C. Spring Meeting on November start In the Cbclmsfnrd Stakes next week, in ihc nukes Tor the next reason, and Ihey Tohora. Merry Widoiw, Spalfish. Rouge and storekeepers everywhere, horn in the "Many of the latter are 'srrong i' th' arm lixed on account of his being unregistered bernrc will he advanced by £4.g.'ifi. Better ttill, Dragr-on. Brookneld. stewards?" is 1?W. Swordfl.-h stipendiary inquirjv put t c. Reign, Some an Record won, granting applications aetris-tance. original and weak i' rh' 'cad. 13/-I bottles axd in the cheaper the date nf entry. Before F. ]>avN left from New Lynn Handicap.—Kia Kaha. Chris"A little of the above tactic, judiciously have to 'be refused. The society is sel- by Mr. Dickson. which was making a first appearance, ruaii racing nf new. the dub has tine. Vestal, Haku. Lonemoor. Motorman, (2/6) ••Concentrated"' non-alcoholic form. Q d,,n nt as t.> whether replaced ;i applied by -nomad proletarians, would prove dom Sydney ; for he was unplaced. niDg tivo-furlong handicap by a mile Rolled (Jnlrt. Lady Elgiva. Parapara. F.xcaable to spend-any large sum on one as clertrir in driving farmer-senbs 'back t<. KXCUR!?ION RATES TO THE he would arrive In time or not to register welght-for-age race, ami has fnrlher insti- vator. Monc.form gelding. Selection. Nukuahe land as does ginger in driving a worn- person. With from 1.500 to 1.800 disrhe cnlt before the date nf onlry. EXHIBITION. I'nder intPd :i livo-miln weight-for-ajtp race. The hau. Prince Merriwee. Opposition. Loloma, chargees every this is clearly imcat borse (o the sale.' Soltane. Monojaok. Kosca. Wairiki Rose. the new rules of racing in Australia aIZ Trenth.itu Cold Cup. A concert will be given by the Mr. Glover has asked the Miniver of "Tdc .attitude of the I.W.W. to tlie sruaM possible. Nomina tinns for tip Paknranga Hunt a< ibis two-mile crent. choir, assisted by leading local ■isracr is rniiipr one of sympathy than b Club's point-to-point steeplechases clos2 on horse? have ii> he registered lii'fore they is called, will he run at the autumn meeting, Pronct. The society has laid down one or Iwo Railways whether h« will arrange St. *~ Lumsden. Parawai. Y.MX-A. * otherwise because ine latter" is overworked enn he entered, and as rcgistrniinn is nui.v ami will iii> w.irrb l.OOOsovs. No penalties Golden Grain. King Lupin, TJevelation. Miss talent, in the V.M.C.A. Concert Hall guiding principles (li To pay special hi.s Dopnrtment that excursion rauss. on.lilk3londay next at 5 p.m. anti mnch exploited. (Folly. Wednesday. Topic. I.arerna. Omata. Toliora. next allowed when horees are actually in Au«- it or "Tt Is withheld, however, from strike- attention to first, -offender*, and (2) to the railway to Auckland, for the openallnn-anccs orhrr aiitr.matic Merry Widow. Spnlfisb. Te Onga, Holdfast. breakers Spring Steeples.—Crispeneer, Pyrmont. endeavour to help lads and young men. ing of the -Exhibition, shall commence-iat Mr J. D. Kemp intends mating F.lectra. tralia, it is evident that Soltann did not hanilir.ips arc ronnectcil and i "Quite a classic literature already exi=ts Many lcttere arc received from England. least one week before The opening <l;ry. with Advance it a service to that horse can rench Anstralia in Urn.- for this to be dnne. the iirw event must at one-tlicrewitli, Tiri. Togo. Atahaere. Countree. Royal '■ take rank as j Armonr. Heybn.v. Ohipf. Master Webb, ,npnn the subject of .-ahniaie. TAXLOKS. only as has d>c i-ccured. The chance ~j Y e him a race an* nne nl" the "No branch of :ndn=try has yet been dis- Australia and elsewhere from the par- instead of on the 2St'h Novem-bcr. nios i important annually to be Hangitane. Donzel. Slang. N'apper Tandy, will be been stated. Roselull injt. at. on thr Tangitua, of fellows have linu rtje (loi-;iierl covered where young searching tactic has not ents who come to in ihe Dominion, at such Irish Maid. Kapakapa, Siola, been applied with phenomenal success. this country and taken n -wrong step: The gelding Bon. Jour, formerly trained j a lime or the year. too. it should attrarr Noble. Hero. A COOK ISLAND MATTER. "If the bojjj should, happen t<> renrl down Mount Albert Steeples.-Pyrmont. Tiri. What Sir Rnhert Stout termed a nnrrl ail horses of any note, as .' at Kllc.rslie br P. Conway, is now nnder J. they this column, he should, by ibp rime he | and here the chaplain and his co-workers wants to the will .ill |I Togo. At.Thaere. Countrer. Royal Armour. -Glover know from Mr. application in his forty years' experience; have had reaches this paragraph ithe endl, have a try to take the parent's place. Not a Minister in charge of the Cook Islantls \Chisholni's charge at Avondale. thorough preparations for the | Ileyboy. Lady Jean. Chief, Master Webb. witb courts and ihcir workings was made F.aster meetings. Witbx>nt tlonbt, the i Rancitnrre. Donzel. Slang, Napper Tandy. Tagne feeling, that wo nre after his hide." few in gaol are well educated and come •whether-Colonel Oudge-on has been apclub Irish Maid, SCapaJsapa, Siola, Tangitua, from good families. The Auckland Trotting Club made a profit by Mr W. .1. Treadwell at rhe Supreme lus taken the rigln <-tcp in placlnfi the point-etl to-a position at the Cook Islands, MIGHT IS KIGHT. On the female side few applications and. if so. t-o what position has ihe been of £JSUU m/4on last season's working, after Court nt Wanganui recently, on behalf of race upon i:s programme, and there seems Noble. Hero. Again, in an article entitled "Might come before the society. Official visi- appointed, and at what remuneration 7 giving away £T>:J7O in stakes and payiDg a juror who wished to he excused from scr Ito be no reason why it should not be one FINAL PAYMENTS. and .Surplus Value": vice. He stiled that the applicant was ! tors. Sisters of the Church, and others The member for Auckland Central ex- £2070 13/11 in Government tax. Ihe bc.-t paying rt.-ps nf ihe year. AYONDALK STAKES, of 225sovs. "The workers.are now. In every country, look wHI after the women and girls, and a tha; his ebarses had and spring incftins next ninnrh. the the Four furlongs. opinion the ! presses that the Resident AI to repudiate 'sinking ,ii tlie the. numbers, fortunately, pox, Smallpox.and are not large. Commissioner at these Islands, who ir; A seven-year-old mare by Soult—-Bianca very important engagements :o fulfil at Ihe principal increase is in the Champion I late. Mr. G. Cremer's eh £ Suffragette, by ■ballnt-box.' and are striking ;it the source On the Syren. Xiartou form— races, tha; male side the numbers are en and If he was which value, debarred Might—surplus of wherein the might a -nell-kncMvr&superannuated stipendiary Is-the latesuaddition to J. Rae's team. The been raised from lOOsnvs to by Gladstone c Ulster, Mr. O. Cremer's eh large as almost to need the wiiole of of the Master Class is stored marc- is odp of the excitable sort, and wiU frnm aticDdins to them in ihe la»i few sooenvs. At ihe summer meetinsr. the Weland Vir-torine. "Brery strike, victorion* or otherwise. Is the t'rmp'of one man, and the day is not magistrate, sh*>uid'i>e thoroughly capable■ of investiga-trngrnative Jatid titles in the give uer-trainer plenty -to do to get her days, all his past preparati'in mipbt no; he linsnon <'ip has been raised to the value Mr. G. M. Ourrie's h f Graduate, by Hara step in the direction, as it checks far distant when an row—t;rancJeur. aptnuet be uny of avail. On ground ;he agent lo.' appllthai l.nnosnvs.. Cook I-land?. quiet. she accumulation of surplus value—reserve and the winner's Miare will ing is Mr. W. K. Desmond's eh f Crescendo, by pointed to act for the society. On the now lie £1,000. poVcr. The Wellington SrccpleriMigado -Crpcy. EXCOr.-RAGErj.OCAL INDUSTRY. (Jet '-Worker*: businesslike: This is oilier hand, tJie appointment by the The Freedom gelding Kaibcre lias not yet interfere detrimentally with his business, cha?". a; the winter meet.lnz, will be worth Mr. F. Halls b f Castalia. by Marble Arch sorely a business proposition, and remember. Woverntirem. of probation officers will reMr. MycTs-wishai the Minister of Cus—F.rry Roe. I.OTXVnvs ihrst horse £850), while the St. from the fall he sustained while tbe application, was graniod. like all business, it has no fancy Meals. ] toms to say whether, .in view of the recovered Mr. .lam".' Hand's b c ilullingar, by Marble schooling ai Ellerslie recently, and is to J>e no ethics save and except itmsc thai pay lieve Discharged Prisoners' Aid Societies ---f.>r our SUITS, and take particular Arch—RonKSlaof many that they have hitherto unenjployment-rife in the boot trade in given a few months' rest. pride ill making every one a. cred'n %est." Mr O. c. McCee, who was present at t'ne carry prize-money to the extent of J. P. Kemp's br c Last Call, by StepooOsove. Mr.niak had tii deal with. Auckland and other parts of the .Dominto our roputation. AuckUind Trotting Club's annual meeting. EWrra. And under the heading, "French SyndiCook's b f Mason are given to ion, iho will Bt-atejf the Crovernment inMessrs. Laurie and R. You will flnd tlie wearing quail- i The thanks of the the nrohalily oldest sivinsaan In the c&lism: Tin' lonfederation General dv P. Brady, who is in charge of Mr. F. Ross' is NEW ZEALAND lie*-, tics, CLP. Heirarch—Cotiweh. tend br the style, and all-rouud comfort sessj-orr3<o»caxry this the (the Mr. Ironsides out. recomgaoler). Mr. Crook horses, is now a regular attendant at the Ati'-kland province. Replying ;■• a mn;inu Travail," we are told that— Mr .1. Knott's b 1 Marble Star, by Marble a splendid retnrn for your money. (chief warden, the matron, and the offi- mendation of -the-iCost of living CommisArch—Cyrona. We will carefnUy include every little j tracks, and during tbe week Ruse of welcome. Mr McfJcc win reminiscent. ] Ellwstie pdncnted, rcrilpred .ilwavs more cers generally for aid and valued co- sion. 1912, dealing writh imported boot*, THE ACCEPTANCES. featnj-e -,about which you may bo Mr U r> o> Lantmir's h f Shepherd s Bush, j and ftarerl th.i,- the tirsi trowing race that de •Guerre. Fleet conscious. Hip workers augment, the ]icwer operation by Marble Arch—Hotcherina. '•faddy. und ipiaranter- that your j in this often trying-but always shoes and slippers. The "member jvoints have been, workedArrow, Soldier and Salute ever took place was beiwcpn lior.-T? owned I and rerolntionary Intcnslly of ihc I'rolethere under the superr>. .!. Lynch's b f Kitty Bellairs. by Suit will be correct in every detail. ! recoiumorj&iii.tion '-No. (i It".)'oi Mr." useful out that neveseary work. to by tariar means of li.r Mressrs 11. T. Grahani an.l Wllllaiuxon. gymnastics Obiisado-S-wcel Alice. Commission states: vision. The annual meeting- was beM on Friday the Cost of Mr Frank Marshall's eh c, by Bnnyan— who trotted from MciJee's (Jrecn Hiil :o sive Tailors of many of ihp best- i "This conception of :hc tuovetnent in- ;i! rhe -Dioi-csan office. Mr K. (I. Ewing"All imported an*! 'i-oca-lly made boot-. Miss Dix. Friday. dressed Clini.STCllt.acn. men and women in Au'-k- | After ihat there j Mr. Brown, the owner of Te Ongo and Olahuhii for £5 a side. evitably brings forth a Sv.-ito of stniKgle ton being in the chair. The Frank Marshall's eh f. by Bnnyan— annual re- *hoes and slippers. «xintaining oomposi- Flying Feather, wiijeh j Phe fr>]:nwing ;i'-fep. a ices have i">een re- Mr. Thai trnnslaies itself tc. a .-i-rii-s of uuiiiti-rLariy Airnos. were passed in when were several matches at Kpxnni, The Makes ! ccivc.l r..r desirability of placing * y"nr order ! the New Zealand Cup, uf port and were read and I jtion ineoles. should be bra-Dded "Com! ---rnprcrj strikes. being as high us Sifr aside. Mr M<iiee .-on j ■J.KiiV.jrs. iwn mill-? Mr \V Montgomery's h f. by Rirfeenheaa offered for ,-,alc a: auction with US. yestr.rd.ay, intends jnI i Lady Kegel. "Then there is the bojrcdil aud sahotagp adopted. Mr A. t>. Holmes wae elected :])osition."" and if containing cardboard training the pair •himself, and they will Sgratnlated the eiuh on ;he wondri-ful strides We have the Most Compleie ■n-hich the worker cau use. thotiili Messlenrs ipresident, the Right Key. Bishop Cleary soles. should be bnauded Mr. C. Morse's eh c. by Strowan—Romany Cardboard. shortly st IU st lb I Girl. of all kinds of Sprinjr a_nd Sumaaor the Caplrollsts. of all i-.itegories. condemn vice-president, -make their appearance on the tracks Llie sport had made during ihe piKt twenty Mirln'glit Sun s !:: Mnwhray <". Budd hon. sec. Any vendor selling s«dh»goods unbranded 7 3 1 Rev. E. Snitingrs to clioofe 'from. years. them vehemently. Strikes heroine more urn! Mr. 11. McKianon's b c. by Penury—Miss at I'assadena Ellerslie. Ma.-terpier e sll 7 .". should be liable to penalty. Tmami the whole α-iion and and treasurer. Mr Budd was accorded a moro M '.' Sea rink Gglilniidcr 7 .1 Mr. W. Ryan's b c. by Marfcle Arch— proposranda of the (■nn federalinn is r<. perhearty vote of thanks for .his past ser- ported goods of this matirrc nnbrandod Kinal.U DROr IN DURING- THE WEEK. i In an editorial dealing with Uie re.eni j Bon Ton 7 .". 1 Lady R. It is understood that R. K. Brown. C. ipri rhe means of making a general ; trike. vief*. The former s '•' .; chernblir. 7 1 |I merubere of the com- jshould be liable- to sehnire «nd dt?rtrucWnoitnn-Sievpr libe! ihe -Sporting H.iu Ktve W. L. Thomson's eh t Detenda, by and this has heen ratitied liy successive j were re-elected, with the addition tion by the Customs -ofStvrs. Tlie brand| Browne, and J. iVShea liave received a notiHronze N B Hoywl Amis .- tl:i I Mr. I Every OWigado ■TVlania. congresses that have been held for the mittee i fication to .s K.H.sPvel: nex; Blcri.,; attend the I 4 t> l.'t ! Mr. John Wilson's eh I Lady Mabel, by meeting of the of Mies It>a. Onthwaile. official visitor. 'Guaranteed lca.ther' eiiould not be last ten years. S :'■ Oglpr in the case was t.he extraordinary !jLa IlPina ii i,i i Monoform—Little Mabel. Vndp-ldetl permitted unless'the articles art- exactly Auckland Metropolitan Committee in con- clement Ijidy s Moiitoa -J uVJ sninniing-lip by Jndge. N..thing "THE REVOLUTIONARY the learned nection with their applications for licenses. Oα described."' s J Iniacinatiiiu labour l>iiy Ii 12 J AVONDALE <;FINKAS, of 225sovs. That, the committee have decided CATACLYSM." IH.niiun S I St. Francis ti 12!j One mile. to give! TEACHER?" <iRIf»*AXCES. review Sir S"l'> S I Ccylnn Hill Mr. .1. t;. Duncan's br c, by Achilles—j tbe beys a hearing has given general satis- quate lo the occa?ii>n. Instead "The General Strike appears as the I s 1 Ariom <i Oi j Report. ing the cvidrnce given, and directing the I Mlra supreme effort, the last revolt, of the Prole■Mr. Poland asks the Minister of 'Edu- faction. n [sir rianlel ti 0 | Mesrfames Poss and Steuart's br c boulujury in respect of the value of the evidence. Sold'r? chorus S tariat, to obtain their emnncipuHon. cation whether hre~has received a niemoThe (i 0 Haskayne H II Mangnrtw kofT bT Soult—illoleberina. day when any power, no mailer which, is TRAMM-AV EXTENSION REQUIRED. rinl signed by 102-cjc-hool-*eachers of the homily on the subject of j Ktnperatlnr n s S n..unic Boy Messrs. A. Bnckland and Sons offered a he delivered a Mr. F. imil's b f Merry Roe, by Sonit— Incapable of complete the astronomy, ami seemed more anxious to gimninilne and North Auckland district, and <iocs he number of 7 r> Invader ..".... 0 S LADIES' 6" GENT.'S TAILQRS, V'rry Roe. holding np l>y "nnanimous ttorses for sale of production, leads their lerture the (i S ! auction at 7 0 Martci necessity I'otori introduce, The for extension this tramway to Mr. R. Ilanuon's br f Tinopai, l>y Stopnlak legislation JiM-kej- Club on tho-ir duties ; F.xpi-ct ses- yards yesterday, but in each case the bidInevitably tj the revolutionary cataclysm, 7 s Krown Trout fi 7 1 in the Mi. Albert district was urged on sion to Temove-the-grievances"they com7 i <;.>!(! Cup ding failed to reach the reserve, and tbev in rei-peet nf the riding of jockeys than to Sonne by C 7 Mr. ".I. o. E. .Tacfcson's br c Marconi, "Such is the aim and objects and nwthois f.Mr. .1. .1. Walklate and Mr. P. M. Hansen plain^of. deal wiUi the leading T 7 Mere <i 7 Souli—Caller On. (Nearlj opposite Post Office.) were passed in. Flylnj; Feather was sent before him. When Jμ- poinLs of the ••α-srjiTlirax of the C.G.T. as set forth in i 7| Mes>rs. Kidd and Stone* b c Brookfield. the rules and by a representative deputation yesterday did. refer in T-nrf TannhaiiST ..7 7 C.irric at nogns. Te On o at nogns. KO explained -by ihe members.' back RECOiIMEXDATJOX. Knp 7 U Arohakn 6 7!i br iHutcn- -Dia. S Kaiwaka affairs his obvious J.ii-k nf knowled'gc was u afternoon. Mr. M. J. Coyle" (Mayor") at JOgns. and Xiiknhau at 16gns. 7 r. ISinapls (Joldfiold Anguish Lady by fi 7! Ahcia, Immediately below this article appears snd Me.-ors. T. R. Clay. C. \V. Harris, F. The and Miners' C-ommittee H. I). ilp Latour'e i> f There was most, lamentable. His summing up w;is Multiply " •"> Somnifonn -.6 7 IMr." 1/ady Aiy-s. ObHgado | jdamaging to Wootton. but the .inr.r loot I I reroueal "the following extract advertising- a work J. H. Harrison. .!. .Stewart. W. Powell. T. reported '"No recommendation' to the no bid for Master Theory. 7 7><3iay's i> f Roj-lettc by Koyal { Mr. S. (J.Yolp'lP. of Atexander Mackay. of Pae■by the writer of the article. I commend R. petition case C. .J. the in hand themselves, iind after a | SoultEntrican. and the The Dayntree geidJDg a, reward in recognition of his the, extract to the attention —thp careful IFon. (i. Mr. l>. M<-Klnnop's b c Marshal JlcDonaJd, Countrre was siren jvery !nng drliberalion retar-ne<l a verdict | N.Z. TROTTING CLT. Fowlds compriswi the deputa- roa for TOBACCO AND CIGAK3BTTES. by Hesper. attention—of the Trade Unionists of tion, and it was pointed out Uhat the services in discovering gold at Waihi. hi? firs; lesson over bis: country ai Ellerslie for the plaintiff fnr a rarthing damages Ii P. Quirki's gr c. by Joe Chamberlain— Thursday Mr." Ohine/mitri, Karangahake. and other on morning, with Noble as a and costs. Zealand: handicaps It hove "been deprogrf*a of the district warranted reafollowing iunst he adniitled thai The Athol Brosr. j sehoolmasrer. The p.iir jumped the sod although Wnortnn has. wni« the ca.«e, he clared fur the Mr. Frank Itoss's br c Soldier, by Soult— -onalile treatment in regard to tram places. TRADE UXIO.VS IX ENGLAXD. Lady Musket. The ea-rne verdict is Tcturned to the' wall. <lmible and stone wall m good style suffers cotisidorab'ie injustice. 'in 7,KAI,AN!i <T-F HAKDICAP facilities. An extension of tJie line There are NKW 'JXic>sov>i; t he hiirnßssi nf second 4<Ws»ova. third Mr. Frank Ross's eh f Ruse de Gnerre. by .Tessie first lime, but --oming ai. the so<J wall wo "On the whole, carefully considering all from -Morningside to the Mt. Albert rail- petition of F. IHunt. of Armdale, -Civvy. 1 reasons which, perhaps, affected the .".(K*.-nvs. nnd fiMirth liiffeors from stake. Stepirink the points iv favour of the trade unions station, a <l:Ftiincc oi about a mile, lor recognition of the services of her the second time Cminrree hit -hard anJ j jnry iv nsscssnng tho dajrjages at a Jiominnl Two inilcs. Mr. F. SronninCs cb c Moztojack. by Monoand possibilities, of them eominp lopetiier, way husband, lodged late an discovering gold in the his rider, w. M.rKinnon, who form—Miss Jack. sum. The tirsi was in respect of foul K. O. iiinl Mrt< liuucan's eh Ii Kint; we Industrialists Lave come to the coneln- and it. similar length of mile along the came Mr. JJI. Waiters' eh t Rosea, by Gluten— nit -wilh iho bridle in Ms hand. Coll. Bgtil S4T. eion that their permanent menilin: is well- Edendale Road, were submitted as Kuranui Stream, Thames. Noble riding. It is obvious to anyone who knows Lady IJose. R. M.-rhjii-nell's l> in JJmmeline. sigetf scr. jumped the remaining- fences alone, nich nn impossibiUty.'" X J. I!. "Allen in urgfin. giving anything about racing "that, deliberate foul Hay (rt-iid'Cs' eh Ii Denver Huon, aged, Us Mr. Coyle stated that large hixe-trho word "Winfred" ""Jlet-oltitionary L'niouUm." good display. a riding is an art fi>r ivhici a jockey should 1". MncUiinald. and gr g estates in the district were 'being subT. lieid's K. implies—the syxnbotof cigarette purity and Or turn to the ''Industrial Unionist' divided and settled upon, and the probe stood dnwn for eve.r, nr at all events ft-.-cn trle 2s MEETING. ASHBCRTON SPRING Bright, itged At Ellerslie on Thursday morning A. li. Wilson's l> 4s ] find: for June Ist, sampling each had been so rapid that it was MerrU Tor a verj' considerable period. But it Is <;. (Turkson'3 b g Redvhiid. aged Cigarettes are appreciated most by 4? max and tlie Tal Rosa gelding were 1. The withdrawal of the efficiency considered it ivinild not be long before schooled claimed by Wootton-—aud certainly with M. MnhPT's Ii h All>ert U.. aged. (By-Telegraph.—Press Association.) 4-s those experimented with other kindsover a round of tiie hurdles. After jumpin- mnch justice—that the aru for which his i I)<-lurgeys h h Prince Alert, aged of t.lie railroad serviop. t> v tbo r;i <*!t?»*k the Council would have to face an exteniie Nyhan's l> h Jlavoc. aged misdirecting the loading" hills, and freight sion of the w.-uer the second obstacle Ihe. 5s ASHBt'KTON, this daj. supply service, which, last-named was sons nnd apprentices liav<> been punished l>. UNSATISFACTORY RESERVES; Molloy and A. Holland's b g li-ii-k landlers piatlnp wrong tags i.f destination ■I . pulled up owing do not constitute that kind of when installed some following aeccptances not long ago. was estito cf hte-JSear going crime at Thr are the for the Fly. ageii r>s first on the cars, may cause a inufnslou hard to wrong, and Merriniax -srent on aione Uay i>f the Ashlmrtou County Racing all. On the. other haud. although the acts S. W. Si-ot i's b b Quineey. aged i-s mated to meet -the development of the untangle, even partial paralysation." Cluk's Spring Meeting: succeeding 25 years, ft was stated by (By Telegraph.—Parliamentary Reporters ng well. After having his gear adjusted are a breach of the rules, and must be .1. (J. McConochie's br g Abprfeldy. '•ADVICE"' TO RAILW.WME.V. r.s First aged Hurdles. —Coronetted 11.0, Cardiff the Tal Rosa gelding jumped dealt with by the authorities, there la no a member of the deputation that at the three re- dnnht 11. F. Nicoll's cli m. tiianella. fiyrs Hs m-!. I'nieraboy 10.3, Ribston Pippin 10.2, Happily, our railway servants take no least 2.00(1 people would maining flights alone, getting Thf.v are viewed by tiiem Trnm a W. Kerr's l> Ti C.itm. Oyns WELLINGTON", Friday. benefit by the ~"~ over without very different Us Buster 10.0, Redwing ».T. Terry Flynn O.ti. 6tock in such pernit-ious teachings: but suggested extension to Mt. p. s aspect from !).:!, Overton H.O, Combination 0.0. Nova, aged riding. misha fouL H. Wells' b Twra tfe I I Tairlie Albert." Strongcomplainte about -noxious weede in an adjoining column of the same paper NeiOrer should it be forgotten that many J. I'ercnetf's b h Adonis, 6vrs <t< II Braeniar Welter, nf JtOsovs., seven furMr. Wiilklate undertook to send the and innumerable rabbits on reserves jor L. Dorrie's b Ii Bribery, aged <■« jMongs.—Medallist n.U. Waikehna !).:!, Glen a writer dealing with the recent trouble representations made on of the oCfemvs with whi<-h the Wootton Walter Kerr's b g Bollis. ag.-d The dog nuisance has again made an «s Owl Somniforrn, 5.9, Wuitoto 5.2. Brito the London the South lfilau-d landless natives were apjockeys were charged- have been i-mssing. .T. An-hihalds b j! Brtl Metal, ar-cd at Timaru. says: pearance at Ellerslie, and lie caretaker, Flora MacDonald 8.1, «jj tnin's iTowu 8.1. Hoard of Directors. Mr. disobedience at the post, and made by Air. Anderson (Mataura) to-day A. Hill, nas liad tS Slamboul JS.O. Sant Rosaieer S.O. Tagus S.O. other fanlts. I). Spemp's l> g Ijftle 'Plb. aged "Just here I presume t« '.iffor some advice: to eboot ja-veral re. when the Estimates Alpp's g It. McMillmi and fl". J. eh Aslibnrton County Handii:ai>, of I.">osovs., Native were under cently for chasing eveu of a trivial nature." Whenever surh a strike tabes place the railhorses on the tracks ns one aud a quarter miles.—Thrax, The Ix>rd Dillon. 6yrs discussion. He urged the .Minister to waymen should lie appealed to. aud ihe .1. l/orge-lly's iih Ii Ix>nl limifhi-orp. aged. <>s Cornet 5..). Ladrone T.n. Mnmnra 7 0 message of class solidarity put before will tako dogs on uv a racgive the matter prompt attention.,for the Why people them A rather soiwl story, -which hae the-merit .1. Shiiw's l> h -Medallion, (ta Martel «.!:!. Gold Coin 6.TJ. Gold Oip 6.1i. Kxen though They ii.» not respond to the rail course whej-e :l number of valuable horses )i sake of settlers -whoee lamlbbeing Irfcky's age« of .1. G. blk true, (is Maml<>rene. expense \rere beinsr are being is tbe Hack Handicap, of SOsovs., six furlongs.— of a :t would let them know what is expected of worked Is beyond comprehension (J. Fryer's l> in Princess I/onise. ag«l <>s Olden Moru 9..". GnnHasli O.'J, May Dalthem, and it would give the (pw severely prejudiced. local peociller (says the Wellington, writer C. militants for it is ii positive danger not only W. G. Abbott's l>r m Stop lit. ag«d FOR SIX ryniple I/XPAID Ks YEARS. 8.11. Nilhsdalft 8.11. Ariel K.'-h Whiz in the 'service" a chance in ilrive home "We shall have to have Bediyfi-e"). to "Sir some sort of horses but their the It seems that-Bhout the -I. MrCiucJieon's I) h Kaveu.sfbild. ased (is ,s.!>. Trireme S.:;. Rpeerlometer 5..!. riders. It Is understood, first New Zealand. Cup '-audirkMe reaUy T. Hops h ll Hold Bell, ased Royal ('-ranrnweion to inquire, into the tte 7.11, Vanquish 7.10. John 7.8. Gilt Edge 7.7. I'ircumetanceri."' declared the Native Min- in addition to destroying dogs found on their Iwcked for money-was St. Francis, a ;hree- .T. FnrreH'v l> m (ilendalough. agerf WELLINGTON", Fridar. <is Royal Charley 7.7. Marvelite 7.7, Debonaire before we can hope to win It is interesting-to note-that no less than ■' li [lartie; Irave aeied in a very un- ister. He quite adTnifci«i that affaire course, there is every probability of the club ng-hts. colt by San FTancisa-o from Miss Spring Handicap, of mOsovs. six furlongs. 1« out of t>ie nominated are placed ou taking proceedings against, the Page »._"Canadian railway eonstrnetion liiieinPrislike way from first to Inst," Gladys, belonging to Mr T. 11. I» w ry. the limit. o-wners. said were n<rt satisfactory, either to Che -Oxenhope 0.2. Sea KtDg S.iy, Pilgrim's wortere. notwithstanding the fact that their Mr .lusieo Chapman when giving judg- pakeha or'ihc-na+ive. 'He-'wjahed Finding day that he had: .a Way {*.!<. Tannhauser S.S. Spexialtorra S.O, tor get to spare in conditions were good, comparatively, started eumming-iip in ihe Wootton-Slevier Napier prior to going ou U>- the (Jisborno Carolus 7.X Kilts 7.5, Gnome 7.7. Fender Conrt to- a full report on the position -before he' WAIKATO HVST fXUB RACES. an aggressive utrike. to exercise the strike ment in a case at the 7.7. Nautnai 7.0. Stepmaid 6.7. fi.7. ratisdeß. no to speak, jnsl as the athlete duy. .fiuip Hudeoli. a. married woman, ■broujrtrt in any legislation. He intended* iibel case. Mr Justice Darting was-«omewhat Winter Meeting, the-.-penrilln- i» questlou Long Beai-h Trot Handicap, of 55sovs., -severe on. Franlc Wootton. Herald: 'thought Jje .t'323 for housekeeper's wagee, next seeMon could--notdo claimi'd a better following WD desaling fliaii takti The "It are the ac!-ep!ance.s for the one niile and three furlongs.—Glpndalongh committees for studying the strike, stirring & had beem» said that -whenever plaintirrs a run-out .to K. Da.-»is-'Stable and see -.what above races, which take place on Saturday scr.. Andy Regan 2s. Rema Rosa 7s. Cedrie rate of £1 per week for about, six •with the landLcES aatiyep of the South, up strife and putting ginger into the move- ai horses- flost there was something improper sort of customer this -eai-ly Clip next; Ss, Myrtle Palm Hs. Jessie Hamlin 13s. and a-half yeans. Shr further aeked for meat—they get after (he boss. favonrite -running—Uiat flier 4>oys "But Bee how docile we are in Australasia Hunt Hurdles.—Arty 11.2. Rouge Dragoon March Hare 13a. Sherwood 21s. Lyndhxtrst as interest and daxnagtß for wrongin wiett,.4hey •was—for the colt JiadT never 21s. Master Rothschild 21s, Lady BlacfcIsiit it nbout time we become ihe ■<■•- ful Excatihur j-ace-did public. 30.13, rodeaaaiiad. :u.lO. Matador Peaxle £: 10.9, respects it on Af'er <iue dPtenti-on of th> nonfv. The deH was had bepn paid 10.7. Slang 10.7, Blazes K).7. <-hild 21s. Maid of Derringell 21s, AUce grcs*ors': TopiSorn 10.7. Hnon 21s Quineey Maid 21s, General Cass '■ " fendant, all very-well-to cay .that PYauk Davis -was asked "Wliere is .las. McPhec. proprietor of a Woctton ""Let's get after <he boss." Suieplechnse.—The Hnnt Chief GolAgnes 12.7. 21s. Sweet 225. .■;.< -winning jockey, wawa rhat Again:—"lt is lime to vlop foolin- and lodginjrhouse. lodged a counter-claim for -and was *he finest this-SI. much money came borue 12.2. Westerley 13.9, Royal Armour Tlie following entries have "been received <lr",-> ttiat bailot-box. nose-count ins theory JL".ils day;- In reply. Davis opened 11.7. Arty 11.4. Exealibnr, ManMa. 10.9, ; horseman since; Archer, but It was very for the 1; 7/ for plaintiff's keep. for the Trial Plate:—Nancy Form. Sancie ana get down lo some veal prona"and-j the--doors uf a btrx which contained worlvery The Drover 10.9. Glenalbyne 10.S. Chris 10.9. i Lady. Narcia, Glenfln. Forest Bell, In giving jiidgTnent his Honor said Cana The self-reUant rebel will not fee A CHEQUE FOE £1 1/ has been sent to unfortunate that lie had been before the Slang 10.7, Knrirua 10.7. Kaiurangl date arine. .Waihaorunga, Formal, Glenor, the abusive adjectives hurled bydeterred no question about the rate of the writer of this verse—Mr F.E., 74, Royal stewards of "the Jockey-Club- for improper ordinary-looking animal, indee-d, whose coat Olnna> interested there was BEEDICAI.. 10.7. Fre«nount 10.7. Irish. Maid Madamn..Hfllsboro. Tronnsel, Conntees May, labour leaders who cannot tolerate riding more often than anyone else. He was staring like bristles on a nail brush. havin- pay or thp. amount due in that, respect. Terrace. Dunedin:— Dartosta. Jennot. Chorale, Miss Kolmar, thc:r theories challenged." Maiden Weiter.—Golden Tlato 10.7. MataMy wife has found a magic soap" The counter-claim was disputed, and his had teen told to 'stand down' for two "Now. now. come off that." said' the pen- dor W.7. Be .Tabers 10.7, Ladj' Mam-Ice 10.5. Marvelle. No wonder that she chuckles: jciner. "you can't tell mc this is what Merry Widow 10.5, El Gallo 10.4, Golden Maiden Hact Scurry.—Nancy. Form, Page 3.—A Warning to "Farmer Honor said rt appeared to him that il months and a fortnight, which -was a When Puritan does all the work severe Sancie Lady. Alarda, Koyal Cbarley, Forest (again Scabs Instead of her poor knuckles. with reference sentence. That boy iegan life at 13, and they've been coming at." "Oh, well," re- Grain 10.4. Tinoroka 9.0. to had never been set up until it -became Bell. Canarine, Walhaomnca, Formal, Davis, who promptly saw Ambergris Ladles' Bracelet 12.3. Bouce Timam:— nprceeary to give an answer to the claim. I [plied opporan WIN A GUINEA: Prize Poem Published ar. 19 had amassed a sum of £31,000. The Olenor. Tenria. Reval. Bonne Bouche. runity to pull tbe visitor's lep. "if yon Dragrvm 11.7. Arty U.S. Faida J1.6. Ponrer» .' Inlava. Hillsboro, Coansel, The onus tt,ts on the defendant of provjnry had seen him. and -would Judge May, •Bnt as thins-s are at present the Indus111.2, Gieoalbyne n.2. Matador 11.2. Be whether the Teal St. Frauds ing- the coiiTiter-clarni, as if it were a line advt. verse' about' "PndUc Vanquish, Vaona, Chorale. Miss trialist wLshw it to be dtarincUy along Jaber? U.2. Slang 11.0. come not a great temptation to a boy want u> see understood there was printed Gienapp each week. A Chndlc, colt, wrapper—from Moneyaaker. that -when tbe farmer scabs on the industrial e!a:;n made in ;he ordinary -way. lneide here." and leading the way into Scttaoo'e MaThe nomlnattons for rh.-» events that win There e like Pll So? P— m"st be enclosed, clama. that, with little manners or intelli•worker, from that Iβ the most perfect he will be treated ■wan no clear pvidenra of a H2ntan to: he ask-e<i: --Now. wliar <ir> you think with mrn foil address, preservative -For the Skin dietinct as a social «nemy,moment "Puritan Soap " P O gence. to ride as he was told. His father j box. nii-se u> pay for keep, therefore the pToBox 203, Wellington. Wholesale Agents! of him." The visitor was so stnu-k by been run are as follows: and Ooßtplexion. "If the banner and his kod are j genfnvaiuabis far the SKIW NOTES, "oln~ to eral rule said his difficulties were due to his 'over ] Maiden Steeplechase. IrlsTi Maid, Roya! j WAIRARAP.A A. E. Paterson and Co, interfere Ltd. tha.t the paid appearance, then the I.W.W. proclaims Soltano's employer § for HOT for the co\t, who had Armoiir. Kxcalll-ujr. PrlPr Pryiii-. Angcline. in tie OOI.D Climates, remuvin.r ail | to win. Bnt eagernesß that ir. is the duty of the -a orUinB class t^ se.rva-n.t'6 kec,< ehcrald appry. there was another wintered and let down There was splendidly, is of Irawadi. Th» Drover. UarStaivey. Tbe i μ-go landwards, snd loot after the expfenation, wKchr'Tnlglir. explalni»-a good ROUQNNES3, !REsTATIQf« and TAFJ the 6am&»doubfc about iFrom Ouj Special Corre?D«>nd«»jt.) Reckoner. Blaze*,Golden-Grain, LeoKnJgbt. j at« eiccptionalij- iandsome claim for course p their considerate owners return.fanns-iintfl liorse. inLet tha. deaL.of'twhat >«rasedmpoteiat» Vtoottaß^aa± j Breeze, Knrirna. Bimth, CasAJTQ REBf»EBHt»IQ THE SKIN, KEEPING !T SOFT voricerß -of Xaw Zealand, esnedany the ins- Merest. Jtrfgnsenfe-<wonldJ!>e for plaintiff For Monday.—A that for «i«if. jxtonrent* he 'wasr-nnatoli;. fj3 Dtmd>-ToptJiorn.. Sed«II C99U*Q '*eea,?BBBB?!f-- te-.«er»w|ipr e"*ET-AUr-THE YEAS* TP 2AI -ivindou- of °tliesesi*oy^a>er.jiiepcsca<aerrtend,-.-jQnit -:e«B Teply. jJOUMD.. £4»«dmTi7fce<i to-Aaveieen ladies and to-the cwm*rx for At lengfh. liini'wmi. Jie-manegiuf ~, marrioi ones, VEBY SOOTHING IF 1 ''to banners" Pftie * Stiseieechest— Otnxi&A, iThe EaMinpiiaw is Tnr*'3JMû «sriT txtm children* T*ear. Final three 1 When tbe-TnsGe?«rtßssdn wtlvbisarlilekerk. blnroeoat, Kahffranjf (Itta 19 Iα MTDcent, Clam}, ***^= : .. - i'.'Z-- fc , •~. m- &i '■ ' ' \ ' pressed :, c r c .. - c . ' — . A HELPING HAND. • e • •_ «- • > -. . '"* •• '. • jpwi Pans dßm %IJ ' \ , •, . : ; Pots Brass . > ; ; i^lo Pi KEY ; ; ; I /« ' \ /£§ \|H them; , . . 1 /I / , •, : \ |S|l So too « *' j . " ... — ' , Mono-! — I II ' < ' : '' ,! ' ! ! - ' I MOUNT ALBERT'S PROGRESS. I . . ' , . — |'I~ jI ; ...... .. .... " ■■• ' . ' kni '~ « • : ' - . .. Soap-'wiw ; Ij i tie* L ; j 1 ' 'I''I * _ . I , •• «■........ —- i Auckland, ! I! July, 1913. , . ; CIGARETTES - World s Best Value Mwdfadafefsi?AßDATH TOBACCO Co., Ltd., LONDON. - , ! - excellence- — ; : ' .. : : ', I "" ' — ,. II Ij ';! tot a> -iwt >w«tttra«tt»3oaacmMMww«.t» i . ■ ■-••■_ 175, 177Karangahape Rd. — .. I i I .... bY '_. I ! WAGES. .^ |i THE BRITISH WOOLLEN CO., |j Opportunity. understands'-ail-that the. , THE GUINEA POEM! . .' ..... , You are strongly advised use ; ]j : i ttie , \ I ; . ' ; ! ! I■ J n PORE SOAP THE WISE SMOKER the' industrial j * fenci- HOUSEKEEPER'S 70/- Diseases : ... ... ail otherDirt-Spread- ' ' TANIWtiA '> LANDLESS NATIVES. ' .... ..... that one of the Best SUIT. — .. \ •' ' • — I' ; ■ — ' tintend — race . ..... I ' any! ,' : is-to Ccrtff?j Your Spring!! I , (Qjblß Preventatives ofChicken* - J J Important to the Public! IT'S TIME YOU ORDERED | We charge from I ' t J i jJof • J j ,„ — . I s'olitndo. • ' • I : —— \ , .rre,- '■ s ' Kolmar.' !| ! a er © : If * | i