A Mixed-Signal ASIC Power-Factor-Correction(PFC) Controller for High Frequency Switching Rectifiers Regan Zane and Dragan MaksimoviC Colorado Power Electronics Center (CoPEC) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0425 zane@colorado.edu, maksimov@colorado.edu Abstract - A mixed-signal I C controller is described for singlephase PFC applications. The single-chip controller block diagram is described, and the fundamental analog and digital operating blocks are developed in detail. Implementation options for each block are given, with experimental results from a 1 . 2 , ~ CMOS test chip included. The controller blocks are derived for boost and buckhoost type converters, but control of other power stages could be derived in the same manner. The final controller is proposed as a single-chip PFC solution, with no external design or components necessary for high-performance, stable operation over a wide range of operating conditions. 2) Low-cost: System costs can be split into two categories: componentlproduction costs and design costs. To minimize componentlproduction costs, controller power-stage interfacing should be simple with few components needed. To reduce design costs, very little design should be necessary to implement the controller using the most common power stages for particular applications. 3) High-pegomance: Performance requirements for front-end AC-to-DC converters are driven primarily by regulations that specify limits on input current harmonics [SI. Also, it is often desirable that the system operate over universal-input voltage range and a wide range of load conditions. In general, the controller should force the power-stage to achieve low current harmonic distortion and near-unity PFC, while maintaining as wide-bandwidth control of the output voltage as possible within input harmonic constraints. Regulations such as IEC 1000-3-2 can often be met using simple controller/power stage configurations without precise input current shaping. On the other hand, the regulations proposed for avionics applications have much tighter limits on the line-current harmonic contents. These limits can be met only using high-performance low-harmonic rectifiers I Introduction Many new control techniques for AC-to-DC power converters have been developed in response to tightened regulation of the input current harmonic content [ 11-[4]. These controllers generally add complexity and cost to power systems with the performance benefit of powerfactor-correction (PFC) and low current harmonic distortion. While such methods have been successful at meeting the demands of many systems over the past ten years, especially using analog ICs that combine multiple control components on a single chip (such as [13]), the recent proliferation of electronic systems throughout the home and office places new constraints on front-end AC-to-DC converters. Specifically, applications such as light-weight, mobile equipment, “smart” appliances, and fluorescent lighting demand controllers that result in smaller, lighter, cheaper and higher-performance power systems. In leading up to the solution described in this paper, we will first examine each of these power system requirements and their implications on the controller: 1) Small foorprint & light weight: In order to reduce the size and weight of power-stage components, the converter must be operated at high switching frequencies, likely from hundreds of k H z to M H z . Also, the controller shouldn’t require additional power-stage components for proper operation. To reduce the size of the controller, multi-function chips should be used and total component count should be minimized. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. ECS-9703449 and by the University of Colorado 1998 Summer Session Research Grant. 0-7803-5421-4/99/$10.00 0 1999 IEEE [W. Combining the above requirements, an ideal solution would be a low-cost, single-chip controller capable of switching frequencies from hundreds of k H z to M H z that requires no external design and very few external components for stable operation over a wide range of operating conditions for most common power stages. The analog ICs available today offer many of these characteristics, but are not capable of the adaptive functions necessary for stable, closed-loop operation over wide operating conditions without additional system design. Due to the versatility and adaptability of digital signal processors (DSPs), many DSP controllers have been proposed and implemented for lowfrequency, high-power applications [9]-[ 121, especially in the area of motor drives [14]. However, due to the high-frequency and low-cost requirements of the PFC controller, DSP solutions appear infeasible for the foreseeable future, even with the rapid growth in digital technologies. This paper presents a mixed-signal IC controller that combines the benefits of analog and digital techniques, with the potential of meeting 117 power converter L4-l driver I clock t b 4 ------ k----------------’ Mixed-Signal IC Controller Figure 2: Step-upldown controller waveforms Switch Freq. Select Figure 1: Mixed-Signal IC Controller Block Diagram all of the ideal PFC control characteristics detailed in the preceding argument. The general design and operation of the controller is described in Section 11. Implementation options for each primary block are then developed in Section 111, with experimental results from a 1 . 2 CMOS ~ test chip included where applicable. I1 IC Controller Description The ideal PFC control objectives are to maintain the low-frequency portion of the input current i, proportional to the input (full-waverectified ac line) voltage vg,and to keep the output dc voltage V, at a specified reference level, A general block diagram of the proposed controller is shown in Fig. 1, where the control input to the power stage is the switch gate drive signal, c ( t ) . The power stage operates with a fixed switching frequency fs and variable duty ratio D, and can be analyzed using standard techniques [ 5 ] . The controller is based on the non-linear carrier (NLC) control method to achieve the performance requirements of (1) while maintaining simplicity and IC implementation potential [6]. At the beginning of a switching period, a fixed-frequency clock pulse sets the switch drive high. A signal proportional to the integral of the power stage switch current, i 4 ( t ) ,is then compared to a judiciously selected non-linear waveform, i c ( t ) ,resetting the switch drive when i,(t) = ic(t), and thus controlling the power switch duty cycle. General operating waveforms for a step-upIdown controller are shown in Fig. 2. In developing the mixed-signal IC, each functional block of the controller in Fig. 1 was examined separately to determine if its specified function coupled with its interactions with other blocks would be best performed using analog or digital circuit techniques. Starting with the power switch current integration block, analog implementation offers the benefits of simple interfacing with the power-stage and infinite time resolution in the output i, ( t )for continuous duty-ratio. On the other hand, digital implementation results in precise control of the integration factor and automatic switching frequency scalability, but very complex high-speed A/D conversion of hgh-frequency switch current, possible sensitivity to switching noise and stability problems with discrete-time output and resulting duty-ratio. Thus, analog techniques were chosen, with the need for adaptive circuitry to vary the integration factor with switching frequency. The NLC waveform generator block must regenerate an amplitude modulated waveshape, dependant only on the power-stage type, within each switching cycle. This has been performed off-chip using discrete passive components in the analog domain [7]. To maintain precise waveshape generation over a wide range of switching frequencies on an IC, a digital NLC generator was used with an output DIA converter for continuous comparison and infinite duty-cycle resolution. Interfacing with the outer-voltage feedback loop can be acheved using either digital preset modulation in the generator or analog modulation in the DIA converter, depending on the feedback filter type used. Finally, in order to maintain stable closed-loop operation while optimizing the transient response characteristics, the outer-voltage feedback filter must adaptively adjust its compensation for changes in load. Due to the very low frequencies involved (twice line-frequency), analog techniques would require off-chip components and would not facilitate adaptive behavior. A digital feedback filter clocked at a low frequency offers a good solution. For example, an adaptive, digital feedback filter implemented using standard microcontrollers has already been discussed in [lo]. The full controller as outlined in Fig. 1 was simulated with ex- 118 Tek Stop: l O . O M S / S 4062 ACqS C h l Freq 98.380kHZ Low signal amp Iit ude Ch4 Pk-Pk 1.23V 6 N O V 1998 10:51:28 280ms i(1ine) 290ms Time 300ms Figure 4: Experimental integration block waveforms for (1) integrator reset, (4) integration buffer output, with fs = 100kHz, D = 0.2, I,, = 50mA. Figure 3: Simulated AC line current waveform tracted experimental waveforms from Section 111 using an averagedswitch model [8] of a step up/down power stage, with the resulting ac-line input current shown in Fig. 3, achieving a total harmonic distortion (THD) of less than 5%. I11 IC Controller Implementation Two full-custom ASICs have been designed in 1.2p CMOS for testing of the mixed-signal controller depicted in Fig. 1. The chips were fabricated using MOSIS services [18]. The first chip isolated each primary block for individual testing and evaluation, while the second chip combined all blocks for full closed-loop operation with the power-stage. Experimental results from the first test chip are included in this section where applicable, whereas the second chip is still in fabrication and closed-loop experimental results are not yet available. The final c h p can be operated with a single 5V power supply and a single high-frequency clock input. Sub-Sections A, B, and C develop implementation options for the three primary blocks of Fig. 1, namely the analog integration, NLC generator, and digital feedback filter blocks. The second test chip also included a current-comparator, switch-drive logic, and clock generation logic for control of switch-drive reset, integrator reset, and NLC generator clocking and reset. A. Analog Integrator The analog integrator was designed using three stages. First, the input power-switch current was scaled down by a factor of 5000 using closely matched current-mirrors. The design assumed a peak powerstage current of up to 5A, with a 1 : 100 current transformer for 50mA peak chip input current, scaled down to 10pA peak for the integration stage. The second stage used an on-chip capacitor and reset switch for current integration, designed for operation at a switching frequency of fa = 100kHz. Due to the on-chip capacitor, the integration constant was not exactly known, but only needed to be maintained within a range of values dependant on the NLC generator output. Future designs will employ adaptive control of the integration constant or current scaling factor to allow for operation over a wide range of switching frequencies. The final stage performed voltage-tocurrent conversion for interfacing with the current output of the NLC generator. This was implemented using a voltage-buffer and on-chip 18KR resistor combination to maintain the current through the resistor proportional to the integration output voltage. Each of these stages were tested separately from the first test chip and found to operate as designed. Results from the integration stage are shown in Fig. 4. B. NLC Waveform Generator This section develops simple difference equations for ASIC hardware implementation of the NLC waveform generator of Fig. 1 for two power-stage types. Additional generators could be developed in a similar manner and included on the same chip with simple selection logic allowing a single chip to be used for all common power stages. The ideal waveforms for step-up (boost) and step-up/down (buck-boost, Flyback, Sepic, Cuk) switching converters are given by 163: step-up:v,(t) = v,-(I--) t t T, T, Vm-TS t = vc(t), step - up/down : vc(t) = vc(t+T,) where v,(t) is the ideal NLC waveform (ic(t)in Fig. l), V, is the slowly varying feedback signal, and l/Ts is the power stage switching frequency. Starting with step-up (boost) type converters [5] and sampling (2) with a period T,, the resulting ideal NLC waveform is given by: 119 v,(nT,) = V, -)TS nT, nT, (1 , TS (3) 3-bit Shift Register U Reset K Figure 6: Step-up/down NLC Generator Filter Implementation I -3 to focus only on the non-linear portion of the signal results in the samuled waveform: Figure 5: Step-up NLC Generator Filter Implementation (7) using the same notation as in the step-up generator. Again using the 2-Transform, the recursive form for hardware implementation is found to be: where n is the sample number. With the goal of a simple recursive difference equation for filter implementation, the 2-Transform of (3) is found to be: ) z - ' ( l - b) - ~ - ~ ( 1b)+ 1 - 32-1 3%-2 - 2 - 3 + (4) where l / b is an integer representing the number of samples per powerstage switching period. The Inverse 2-Transform is then used to find the desired recursive difference equation: Equation ( 5 ) can then be implemented directly in hardware, as shown in Fig. 5, by pre-loading the first three points during reset, then operating the filter for the remaining portion of the switching period. For step-upidown (buck-boost, Flyback, Sepic, Cuk) type converters [5], a discrete-time implementation is not as easily derived from the ideal NLC waveshape (1) due to an infinite response at the start of each switching cycle. However, a good approximation can be derived using the same exponential generator analyzed in [7], for which the sampled approximate NLC waveform becomes: (6) where a = 0.22 is a constant found to minimize the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the input current over a universal input voltage range, and Dmin is the minimum duty ratio expected for the operating load range. Normalizing and shifting the waveform by D,i,T, This filter is shown in Fig. 6, where the reset signal loads the voltagefeedback signal vm[k]into the delay element input for Dm,,Ts, with normal filter operation for the remainder of the switching period. Note that the voltage-feedback filter operates at a much lower frequency than the NLC generator, as signified by separate subscripts for the two signals, vm[k]and vc[n]. Notice that for both NLC waveform generators, the frequency factor b is given by the ratio of the controller sampling and power-stage switching frequencies, fc and fa respectively. Thus, if the two frequencies are scaled together internally, the waveform generator operates independent of power stage switching frequency, as required by the application. An analog NLC waveform output ic(t) is achieved through a current-steering D/A converter for high-speed, high-accuracy operation with minimal passive components [17]. Details of the circuit design were described in [19]. For the first test chip, a bit resolution of 6 bits and a sampling clock frequency of fc = 40 * fs were chosen for good resolution at high duty ratios and low total harmonic distortion (THD) of the AC line current i l i n e . The resulting K from (8) is: K = 0.890625dec = 0.111001btn . (9) The maximum bias current (peak vm [k])for the least-significantbit (LSB) was l p A , resulting in a peak (reset) current for ic(t) of 63pA. Low-pass filtering of the output was performed by sizing of the output current mirrors. Experimental results are shown in Figs. 7-8 for two switching frequencies, fs = 25kHz, and fs = 250kHz, which demonstrate valid operation independent of switching frequency. Higher frequency operation could not be accurately recorded due to bandwidth and noise limitations of the testing structure, whereas in the final implementation of Fig. 1 all NLC waveform generator signals will be internal to the chip with predicted switching frequency fs operation up to M H z . 120 Tek Stop 5 OOMS/S I T 136 ACqS Tek Stop: SO.OMS/s 7 ACqS 4 Chl Freq 24 998kH2 Low slgnal Chl Freq 249.94kHZ Low signal amD Iit ude amplttude 1 3 %: I.. I.. . . I .. Ch4 SOOmV% .<ni\.. . . l i . , . v ~ 3 0 N o "1998 M 1 O OMS 30 N O V 1998 16:2S: 18 15 56 00 Figure 7: Experimental waveforms for (1) Dmin,(3) digital clock, and (4) D/A converter output zc(t)(26pA/div],with fs = 25kHz, fc Figure 8: Experimental waveforms for (1) D,,,, (3) digital clock, and (4) D/A converter output i c ( t )[26pA/div],with fs = 250kHz, = 1MHz. fc = 10MHz. C. Digital Feedback Filter A block diagram of the voltage-regulating feedback loop for the IC controller is shown in Fig. 9, where F ( s ) is the low-frequencypowerstage control-to-output transfer function, G is a constant scale factor, and A , ( z ) is the digital feedback filter transfer function. The power stage transfer function is given by [7]: where the converter pole frequency w p and transconductance gm are defined as: Figure 9: Voltage regulating feedback loop and R, is the equivalent power-switch current sense resistance. Many well-known methods are available for design of the digital filter A , ( z ) in Fig. 9. Since the loop has already been analyzed, implemented, and tested in the analog domain, a logical approach would be to use a discrete equivalent filter from the known A , ( s ) . Thus, the compensation approach used here is modeled after that in [7], where A,(s) was chosen as: W O A,(s) = -7 (1 + -)s W Z E1 , [15]. The resulting discrete-time transfer function is given by: where A1 and bl are given by: A1 wz(tan (13) where wzis the compensator zero frequency, and integral compensation assures zero steady-state error in the output voltage. To achieve a desired loop-gain cross-over frequency, the compensator zero is used to cancel the converter pole, w z = wp, with a resulting cross-over frequency given by: = bl (+)+ 1) 2; tan ('fi")- 1 tan (y) + 1' = (16) and T'j is the digital filter clock period. From the Inverse Z-transform, the desired discrete-time difference equation is given by: + gm R . (14) 3 The desired digital feedback filter was determined via the bilinear transformation (BLT) with pre-warping around the zero frequency, y Z fcross 1 = vm[k]= Alve[k] Alblve[]E- 11 -fo + vm[k - 11, (17) where a possible block diagram suitable for hardware implementation is shown in Fig. 10. In order to maintain optimum feedback 121 [7] R. Zane, D. 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One option is to extract the line-frequency ripple and sample 131 Unitrode Product Guide, “High Power Factor Preregulator, the output with a clock synchronized to twice the line-frequency. An UC3854A/B,” Unitrode Integrated Circuits, Merrimack, NH, on-chip anti-aliasing filter can then be used to filter out the switching http://www.unitrode.com, 1998. frequency noise. 141 Analog Devices Product Guide, “Single-Chip DSP Motor Drive Controller with PFC, ADMC331,” http://www.analog.com, 1999. V Conclusions 11.51 G. Franklin, J. Powell, M. Workman, Digital Control of DyA mixed-signal IC controller for single-phase PFC switching connamic Systems. Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1992. verters has been presented. The single-chip, high-performance con[16] R. 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It is San Diego, May 16-19, 1999. suitable for operation over universal input voltage range, wide switching frequency range, and variable load conditions. Mixed-signal (analog and digital) ASICs, such as the PFC controller described in this paper, are proposed as an approach that would enable advanced, high-performance control functions in future power electronic systems. References [l] R. Mammano, R. Neidorff, “Improving Input Power Factor -A [2] [3] [4] [SI [6] New Active Controller Simplifies the Task,” Power Conversion, Oct. 1989 Proceedings, pp. 100-109. R. Redl, B. Erisman, “Reducing Distortion in Peak-CurrentControlled Boost Power Factor Correctors,” IEEE APEC 94, pp. 576-583. C. Zhou, R. Ridley, F. C. Lee, “Design and Analysis of a Hysteretic Boost Power Factor Correction Circuit,” IEEE PESC 90, pp. 800-807. Z. Lai, K. Smedley, Y. Ma, “Time Quantity One-Cycle Control for Power Factor Controllers,” IEEE APEC 96, pp. 821-827. R. 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