Economic Indicators for Transmission System Expansion in Europe Thilo Krause, Spyros Chatzivasileiadis, Göran Andersson (EEH – Power Systems Laboratory, ETH Zürich) Objective of the Research Work § Show where to invest in the European transmission system. § Compare different technological investment options: § § § § «Conventional line upgrades» Ultra-High-Voltage (UHV) transmission lines Flexible AC Transmission Systems «FACTS» High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) solutions § Compare different investment decision criteria (technical / economic). Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 2 Researchers Involved § Spyros Chatzivasileiadis § Thilo Krause Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 3 Acknowledgement The research described in this paper has been carried out within the scope of the project “Infrastructure Roadmap for Energy Networks in Europe (IRENE-40)”, supported under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union, grant agreement 218903. Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 4 Agenda § Objective and Introduction § Motivation and Background of the Problem (Challenges) § Modelling Frameworks, Case Studies and Conclusions § Cost of Operation and Cost of Security as investment criterion § Mitigation of market power as investment criterion § Overall Conclusion Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 5 Current Challenges for the European Transmission Grid – I (not exhaustive) § Aging transmission infrastructure § Lions share of investments made in the 1970s and 1980s Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 6 Current Challenges for the European Transmission Grid – II (not exhaustive) § Increasing share of infeed from fluctuating renewable sources (RES) Wind Power Deployment Curtailed RES Energy (in % of total available RES Energy) Source: Andreas Ulbig Tuesday, 23. October 12 PV Power Deployment Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 7 Current Challenges for the European Transmission Grid – III (not exhaustive) § Massive cross-border flows triggered (among other reasons) by electricity trade. Source: ENTSO-E Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 8 A Definite Need for Network Investments § Where to invest? § What technologies to use? § For what reason? § But: a number of complications exist § Different investment options (technologies) § Uncertainty regarding future developments § Different investment criteria Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 9 Different Investment Options (Technologies) § «Conventional» High Voltage AC Transmission (HVAC) § Long AC-400 kV/3000 MVA with series compensation Source: Axpo AG. Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 10 Different Investment Options (Technologies) § Ultra-High-Voltage (UHV) AC Transmission § UHVAC: Long AC-750 kV/ 3900 MVA with series compensation Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 11 Different Investment Options (Technologies) § Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) § Thyristor-Controlled-Series-Compensators (TCSC) § A means to «control» power flow to optimise network utilisation (among other functionality) § No «real» capacity expansion, but can have a similar effect through more efficient network utilisation. Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 12 Different Investment Options (Technologies) § Voltage-Source-Converter High Voltage Direct Current Transmission => VSC-HVDC § VSC-HVDC lines 3000 MVA (not available at the moment) Source: ABB (2x) Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 13 Load Flow Control with HVDC (Beware! Very schematic!) § Conventional AC § AC + HVDC +1 MW +1 MW ~ ~ «HVDC» 2/3 1/3 -1 MW -1 MW Tuesday, 23. October 12 1 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 14 Different Scenarios Compiled by the Energy Center of the Netherlands Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 15 Different Investment Criteria Source: European Commission Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 16 Objective of our Research Work § Build models to answer the following questions: § Where to invest? § What technologies to use? § For what reason? § Use a scenario-based approach to come to robust decisions. Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 17 Modeling Framework (in brief) § Model based on an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) and a Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow (SC-OPF) § Find a generation dispatch that: § maximises social welfare § while satisfying network constraints § ensuring an N-1 secure system (SC-OPF) § We «mimick» network and market operations. § (A rather unhandy optimisation problem.) Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 18 Three Technological Expansion Options § HVAC: Long AC-400 kV/3000 MVA with series compensation § UHVAC: Long AC-750 kV/3900 MVA with series compensation § VSC-HVDC lines 3000 MVA Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 19 Before we start… two preliminary findings Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 20 Overlay networks are preferable § Less line-kilometers achieve the same effect compared with internal reinforcements Assumption: intra-country grid is more meshed than cross-border lines Country A Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory Country B 21 More does not necessarily help more! § Findings for overlay networks: § If we add one cross-border AC-400 kV line, the NTC cannot increase more than twice (upper bound) § For one cross-border AC-750 kV, the upper bound is 2.6*NTC (usually the real value is much below the upper bound) Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 22 More does not necessarily help more! 120% Maximum U/liza/on of New Lines for Different AC-­‐400 kV Expansion Op/ons AC-­‐750 kV HVDC Line Loading 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% AT-­‐DE AT-­‐HU FR-­‐ES FR-­‐CH DE-­‐NL DE-­‐PL DE-­‐CH IT-­‐SI RO-­‐RS Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 23 More does not necessarily help more! 120% Line Loading 100% 80% 60% Maximum U/liza/on of New Lines for Different AC-­‐400 kV Expansion Op/ons do s d i r G g n n i a y l f r o de za/on n U S d i T l e C h / s A u e h t F M g u i y o h l h h a t Hig llow for work wi not a ay AC Net O ve r l AC-­‐750 kV HVDC 40% 20% 0% AT-­‐DE AT-­‐HU FR-­‐ES FR-­‐CH DE-­‐NL DE-­‐PL DE-­‐CH IT-­‐SI RO-­‐RS Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 24 Where to invest? Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 25 Duration of Line Loadings 4000 hours Examples of Lines loaded 99%-100% for more than 4000 hours 100% loading of a line, means 100% of NTC (not of thermal or other limit) Hours per Year Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 26 Shadow Prices for determining investment locations Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 27 Where to invest? § Additional Lines identified as necessary in almost all scenarios (in red colour) Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 28 What technology to use? Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 29 What technology to use – Cost of Operation HVAC-400kV UHVAC-750kV HVDC 10 AC lines + 9 submarine HVDCs 10 AC lines + 9 submarine HVDCs 19 HVDC lines Cost = 95.29 billion Euros Cost = 94.01 billion Euros Cost = 88.74 billion Euros Reduction= 10.3% Tuesday, 23. October 12 Reduction= 11.5% Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory Reduction= 16.5% 30 Cost of Operation § HVDC expansion leads to the lowest Cost of Operation Annual Total Genera/on Costs (OPF) Billions of Euros 250 200 Base Scenario 150 AC 400 kV 100 AC 750 kV 50 HVDC 0 BAU CCS DES EFF RES 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050 Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 31 Cost of Security § HVDC expansion leads to the lowest Cost of Security for most scenarios (~1-2 billion Euros/year less than AC) Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 32 Cost of Security (cont.) CCS2050: All expansions with the same number of contingencies contingencies in the SC-OPF Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 33 Investment for what reason? Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 34 Warning § You are leaving the perfectly competitive world! Power Systems Laboratory Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 35 What did we do? § Built an agent-based simulator of an electricity market considering strategic behavior of generators § Included functionality to study network investments («Conventional line» upgrade vs. Flexible AC Transmission Systems «FACTS») § Objective: Study the coupling of network investments and market power Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 36 Case Study Two-Node System § Show how congestion, and in turn, network investments (only line upgrades for this case) influence social welfare. § Show how strategic behavior influences the congestion rent. § Show how network investments limit the negative effects of market power. Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 37 Welfare Effect of Congestion and Invesmtents Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 38 Effect of Strategic Behavior on Congestion Cost Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 39 Effect of Network Investments on Market Power Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 40 Case Study Italy, France, Switzerland Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 41 Optimal Investment Location Optimal Location for a Line Upgrade Optimal Location for a FACTS (TCSC) Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 42 Strategic Behavior and System Limits Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 43 Conclusion – Investing for what reason? § Transmission investments counter effects of market power. § Congestion removal and mitigation of market power are complementary objectives. § It is possible that the optimal investment location does not coincide with the congested line. => European Dimension of Network Investments Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 44 Conclusion – Where to invest? Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 45 Conclusion – What technology to choose? § An VSC-HVDC overlay network is our preferred choice from a European perspective. § (We do not advocate HVDC as solution for all investment problems.) Tuesday, 23. October 12 Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 46 Thank you very much for your attention! Thilo Krause, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory 47