MCI Assessor's Guide: Undergraduate Medical Assessment

(For Undergraduate assessment)
Medical Council of India
New Delhi – 77
Sr. No.
Stages of Assessment
Cross checks
General Instructions
Verification of Teaching Faculty / Others
Declaration Form
Schedule of Assessment
Page No.
The role of the Assessor in establishing the standards of medical education cannot be
overemphasized. The Council’s decisions regarding establishment of college, permission for
renewals, and recognition or continuation of recognition at various stages are made based on the
report submitted by the assessors. Hence, the Assessor is the eye of MCI and the assessment
report should be such that the competent authority can clearly take its decision on whether
minimum standard requirements are met or not. You, the Assessor are a medical teacher, with
experience and knowledge regarding the needs and complexities of a medical teaching
institution. However, the assessment of a college for regulatory purposes is a specific activity
that involves verification that the establishment has the minimum standard requirements. These
refer to the adequacy of clinical material, teaching faculty & infrastructure. Your final opinion
based (Adequate / Inadequate) on your experience will be important for taking the decision and
should be unbiased.
Assessments must be evidenced based. Proof in the form of Evidence Sheet signed by
Superintendent & Dean with relevant photographs taken from your camera (Mobile Phone etc.)
( even if the assessment is videographed) will substantiate your findings.
All infrastructure must be carefully verified.
Finally, as Ambassador of the profession, you should treat your colleagues with respect and at
no time during the assessment process reveal any prejudice or bias. Also your demeanor should
be polite and not reveal your impressions to the host institution.
Stages of Assessment
The assessment team consists of:
i) Four professors / Addl. Prof./Assoc. Prof. (6 yrs. Teaching Experience as Assoc. Prof.) from
Govt. Medical Colleges –for regular / compliance verification assessments to be carried out for
more than 150 seats.
ii) Three professors / Addl. Prof./Assoc. Prof. (6 yrs. Teaching Experience as Assoc. Prof.)
from Govt. Medical Colleges –for assessments to be carried out for 50,100,150 Seats.
Videography of assessment is mandatory to be arranged by the college. It should be supervised
by the assessors & handed over to the coordinator to be submitted along with the assessment
report. In case Videography is not arranged by the institute or is arranged late, this should be
recorded & signed by all assessors and a statement should be obtained from the Dean. In such
an eventuality, importance of having photographs from the mobile cameras becomes very
A soft & hard copy of the assessment report, signed on all pages by all assessors & the
Dean/Principal/Director of the Institute and must contain the name of the assessors, should be
submitted in a sealed envelope to the Council within 48 hours of completion of the assessment.
It is possible that the Dean may have some objections to your report and he may refuse to sign
the report. In such a case, he may be asked to state his objections and then be asked to sign. If
he still refuses, it should be recorded by all assessors and signed.
1. Planning
The team should plan activities in such a manner that the assigned task is accomplished within
the allotted time. The Institution also should be instructed about the planning in writing
preferably. All the Assessors should focus on the task allotted to them and should avoid
arguments & explanation/guidance.
2. Organization & Work Distribution
The team should divide the areas to be verified The quantitative data required in the form may
be collected directly from the college and this should be duly authenticated on each page by the
Head of the institute. The hard copies of Faculty Declaration Form with supportive
documents duly filled & signed are handed over to the Assessors at the time of assessment. The
Declaration Form must be signed by Faculty, Head of the Department and College
3. Coordination
The tasks need to be coordinated in such a manner that visit to RHTC, UHC, Hospital Clinical
departments and pre & para clinical departments in the medical college are all visited within the
time available.
4. Cross checks
Assessors need to cross check data provided by the college with their own observations at the
time of assessment e.g. number of operations performed with the OT register / number of blood
bags / components issued by blood bank, investigations – Microbiological, Pathological, Biochemical & Radiological to be cross checked etc. with the bed occupancy / OPD attendance.
Histopathological investigations record should be cross checked with reporting time and it
should be verified with the specimens & bottles during this reporting time. They should verify
the records from the source data.
5. Reporting
Each assessor should complete the part of report they have been allotted and handover to the
Coordinator. The final report should be jointly made by all team members and signed by all
assessors. It will be the responsibility of the Coordinator to ensure that whatever information is
provided by the college authorities to them is properly formatted and filled in and to submit the
same information along with the assessment report, in a sealed envelope, to this Council. No
separate letter / page to be submitted with the main report. In case of dissent a small note /
remark may be added in the main report and this could be from any one of the signatories.
6. The team should be careful as wrong reporting has serious consequences.
7. Assessors should not give any extra comments and should focus on the desired information
only. They should avoid using any subjective/superlative remarks in the assessment report.
8. Assessors should submit a summary of the report stating whether the college under
reference has adequate or inadequate clinical material, infrastructure and faculty as per MCI
General Instructions
Assessment is to be carried out after due consideration of State/National Holiday.
The Assessor should briefly meet the Dean / Director / Principal at the start of the
assessment explaining him about the plan of Assessment and for making constructive
changes / suggestions.
The assessment process should be completed starting from 9:00 A.M. till 06:00 P.M.
Normal / routine functioning of the institution should not be disturbed.
Not to accept any transportation, hospitality and any gift in any form from medical
college authorities or anybody who is connected with the Medical College. Note that if
at any stage they are found to have accepted, the assessment report sent by them would
be treated as cancelled and invalid and the Assessor shall be debarred by MCI from
Panel of Assessors / Assessor’s Bank.
Leave(enumerate) allowed as per MCI /EC guidelines and norms with necessary
documents and authenticated by the head of the institution should be documented and
Officers / officials posted to special duties (for e.g. in OTs, peripheral centers, laborrooms, procedure rooms, etc.) and on official duties outside the institution are to be
verified and recorded. Their attendance registers, duty rosters and other related
documents to confirm their roles should be verified and documented to the satisfaction
of the assessor. It would be prudent to obtain the list of personnel on such duties right at
the inception of assessment from Dean / Medical Superintendent and verify their
presence by one of the assessor by visiting Operation Theater, Labour Room,
Radiodiagnosis department, etc.
Any instances of non-compliance by the Dean of the host Institute, of instructions given
by the Assessors should be reported and such report should be signed by all the
The Assessors should report any instance of misbehavior or commission of an act not
befitting the dignity of the Council or any instance of doubtful integrity by the other
Assessors / by college to the Council immediately. Any case of established cheating /
defrauding the Council would be enough to stall the process of assessment, if the
Coordinator deems fit.
The Coordinator has the right to call off the assessment after informing the Secretary,
MCI, and taking necessary advice and directions from the Council or seek police
protection in case of undue stress, obscene behavior or threats.
Assessment Form consists of two Parts: Part A1 which needs to be filled in by the
institution and Part AII, needs to be filled in by the assessor. Compliance verification
assessment is to be filled in Part A III.
Assessors are directed to use only the assessment form for the academic year 2017-18
which is provided to them either by the Council or they may download the same from
the Council Website. No other format is to be used, as the assessment form has been
modified. Institutions have also been advised in this regard.
All columns in the assessment form should be duly filled. No unsigned / blank pages to
be submitted. Deletion of any point is not permitted. While formulating the report, care
should be taken to ensure that no column in Part A II is deleted by the institute.
Medical College-Staff Strength - Faculty / Resident data should be carefully calculated
and entered in the assessment form (A-II).
Assessors are required to verify the details at the time of assessment vis-a-vis those
found in the declaration form.
Ensure that declaration forms as per format, duly filled and signed, are supplied in
respect of each member of the teaching faculty. No column should be left blank.
It is mandatory to submit the Attendance sheet of every department (Completed before
11.00 a.m.) signed by the faculty present on the day of assessment duly countersigned
by the Head of the Department. It is reiterated that the presence of such Faculty who are
on special duties like O.T., Labour Room, Procedure Room, Radiodiagnosis department
etc. should be verified by one of the assessor by visiting such places.
Clinical Material information is very important. Please ask the institution to submit
daily average clinical data of last 12 months and clinical data of the first day of
assessment. Bed occupancy is to be verified at 10:00 am whereas OPD, Laboratory and
Radiological investigation data are to be verified at 2:00 pm on the first day of
Efforts should be made to understand the downtime (non-functional status) with respect
to the equipments in the institution.
Conflict of interest, if any exists, to be disclosed by all Assessors for assessment of the
assigned college, before proceeding for assessment (Annexure I).
All assessors should sign a declaration of “no conflict of interest”.
Verification of Teaching Faculty/Others
1. The permission granted for 2016-17 by the Council is for the faculty present at the
college/institute. Any faculty migrating to any other college/ institute would be counted
at only one institute for the said academic year wherever she / he appeared first, as the
permission given by Council is for the faculty present at that college / institute
2. All declaration forms should be checked and all possible efforts should be made to
verify authenticity of the information in the Declaration Forms. The Assessment report
should give the correct picture of the strength of the teaching faculty in the concerned
institute. All deficiencies should be pointed out in the Report.
Faculty attendance should be checked before 11:00 a.m. on the first day of assessment.
Only faculty/residents who signed attendance sheet before 11 a.m. should be verified.
No verification should be done for the faculty/residents coming after 11 a.m. If Senior
Resident / Junior Resident were on night duty in their own hospital, Dean/Director
should be advised to call them by 12:00 noon as the Residents are supposed to be on
duty 24x7 and they are also supposed to stay within the hospital premises. It is reiterated
that the presence of such Faculty who are on special duties like O.T.,
Labour Room, Procedure Room, Radiodiagnosis department etc. should be verified by
one of the assessor by visiting such places.
3. The Declaration Form should be signed by the concerned teacher and counter signed by
the Dean and HOD of the Institute. In case of refusal to do so by the teacher or the
Dean, this should be recorded and signed by all Assessors.
4. Verification of teaching faculty and resident doctors with their declaration forms are
done on first day of assessment preferably as far as possible within college hours time
and not beyond the closing hours. Teachers must be present for physical verification for
all the days of assessment and only teachers who are present in the medical college
premises during the period of assessment should be counted. Any teacher who is
presented as faculty at a place other than medical college or any teacher who is
not present for attendance before 11 a.m. on the first day of assessment should not be
included in the list of faculty of the college. However, in case a teacher is present on the
first day of assessment but has not been able to produce all the original documents, he
may be included in the faculty list, if he is able to furnish the original documents before
11.00 am on the second day of assessment.
4. The qualifications, i.e., MBBS and Post-graduate qualifications (degree/diploma) e.g.
MD/MS/DM/M.Ch/DNB, etc. of each designated faculty must be documented for
considering them as faculty.
5. In case a teacher is not able to show the Registration Certificate of additional
qualification at the time of assessment, the Dean should be requested to submit the same
within 7 days. A letter, specifying the names of such teachers, should be submitted to
the Dean/Director and acknowledgment of the letter should be taken from the counter
6. Each person accepted as teacher should have all the following original documents
(mentioned in the letter sent by the Council to all the institutions):
Recent attested photograph.
Photo ID issued by the Govt. authorities: i.e. Passport/ PAN Card/Voter
ID/Aadhar Card.
Registration number (Both for UG & PG) and name of the Council with
which registered.
Degree certificate for MBBS and PG Degree, additional, if any.
Date of joining in the present College and relieving order from the previous
Details of teaching experience with exact dates of employment at each
college with experience certificate from each college.
Details of payment of salary from July, 2015 onwards or from date of
joining whichever is later, with copy of TDS certificate/Form 16 for
financial year 2015-16 and PAN card.
Proof of residence i.e. Landline telephone / electricity bill, Gas bill, Voter
ID, Aadhar card, Lease agreement, Quarter/Room Allotment Letter or other
genuine proof.
Anyone failing to produce any one of these documents should not be counted as a
teacher. However, in case a teacher is present on the first day of assessment but has not
been able to produce all the documents, he may be included in the faculty list, if he is
able to furnish the missing documents before 11.00 am on the second day of assessment.
Tip: In order to cross-check facts as provided by the Institution, students may be asked
about the teachers who are teaching them for various subjects and Senior / Junior
Residents may asked to identify wards where they have been posted, their colleagues in
the Unit where they are posted and brief history of various patients in the ward. In
addition, Bio-metric attendance records may also be checked.
7. In case of any teacher who was found eligible and accepted by MCI in the same
designation in previous inspection i.e. in the same academic year or previous academic
year in the same institute his certificates may not be verified again.
8. In case the same management which owns the medical college is also running a Dental
college, irrespective of whether the Dental College is running within the same campus
or not, separate staff for the Dentistry Department may not be insisted upon.
9. The total requirement of teachers for the computation of the faculty and residents at
different stages for 50/100/150/200/250 admissions should be computed as per the MSR
& the PG Regulations.
10. Excess of Professor/Associate Professors/Asst. Professor can be counted towards
deficiency of Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/Tutor in Pre & Para-clinical
departments & up to Assistant Professor in clinical departments. Excess of teaching
faculty cannot be counted against the deficiency of Senior or Junior Resident doctors.
11. Tutors/Registrars of the clinical departments including Anaesthesia and RadioDiagnosis having three years teaching experience are to be counted as Senior Residents.
Tutor in Dentistry should be counted as Junior Residents.
12. Courses which are not permitted/recognized by MCI or which do not come within the
purview of MCI need not be taken into consideration for calculating the teaching
13. In instances where teachers can only provide the allotment letter as evidence for staying
in the college campus, 3-4 randomly selected teachers should be requested to show their
quarters. Similarly, 3-4 randomly selected Residents should be requested to show their
Tip: The Assessors can note the condition of the quarters, which would give them an
idea about the veracity of the statement made by the concerned teacher.
1. The actual patient attendance in the indoor and outdoor facilities, numbers of clinical
procedures / interventions, and laboratory procedures, teaching activities (classroom and
practical) should be verified and documented by the assessor, for e.g. correlation of
surgeries performed with number of blood bags being issued by blood bank.
2. The infrastructure (building, area and space, equipments, etc.) available with the
institution and any other relevant information should be verified and recorded.
3. Any clinical department that is running postgraduate course, there should be a minimum
30 beds in that unit.
4. Any discrepancy that is observed between statements made in Form A, B & Clinical
material supplied by the institute and the actual position as observed during assessment,
should be clearly marked and brought to the attention of the Dean/Principal of the
institute and her/his signature should be obtained at the relevant place.
5. Computer generated hospital statistics pertaining to outdoor and indoor admissions, xray and laboratory investigations should be cross-verified with the hard data (manual
register) kept in the respective departments, OPDs, laboratories and operation theatres.
Any observed discrepancies should be brought to the notice of Dean/Principal and her/his
signature should be obtained at the relevant place.
In case it is observed that any patient is not appropriate for clinical teaching purposes, such
patients should not be counted in calculation of bed occupancy. Such patients should be
randomly selected and their details recorded, if possible along with documentary proof. The
signature of the Dean/Principal should be obtained at the relevant place.
Declaration Form
Colleges are informed by the Council to submit:
Request for next renewal assessment as per Section 8 of the Establishment of
Medical College Regulations, 1999 as amended from time to time and as per Time
Schedule approved by the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
CD / DVDs of Declaration forms as per MCI format for 2017-18 for (a) Faculty &
(b) Residents.
CD of Standard Inspection Form A & B. The letter contains information regarding
the attested documents that each teacher needs to submit. These must be
countersigned by Dean/Principal/HOD.
The Declaration Forms are scrutinized and verified by the assessors from Medical Council of
India at the time of assessment. The verification of declaration form should be done in light of
points mentioned from 4 to 9, 13 and 14 on pages 7 to 8.
Schedule of Assessment
Colleges are informed by the Council that the assessment for renewal of permission for
admission of fresh batch of students for the current academic year 2017-18 will be undertaken
by the Council assessors within the stipulated period of time given in the Time Schedule as
approved by the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
As per the orders of Hon’ble Delhi High Court, all the assessments carried out by MCI are
required to be surprise assessments. Hence, please do not inform the colleges or your colleagues
in that city about the forthcoming assessment. Travel & Stay arrangements should be made by
the official MCI travel agent.