1. MuItimodule Parallel Series-Loaded Resonant Converters S. J. CHIANG C. M. LIAW, Member, IEEE National Tsing Hua University J. H. OUYANG C. C. CHIANG Industry Technology Research Institute %wan The design and implementation of a multimodule parallel series-loaded resonant (SLR)converter system is presented. The SLR converter to be paralleled is operated in the n = 2 discontinuous mode (DCM). Its de analysis and dynamic modeling are made. In parallel operation, an average control technique is proposed to compewate the mismatch in current control characteristics of each parallel converter. Good dynamic and static current sharing characteristics are obtained. In addition, to obtain good output voltage regulatiq control performance, a design procedure is presented to find the parameters of feedback voltage controller according to the prescribed specifications. Manuscript received December 11, 1992; revised July 23, 1993. IEEE Log No. T-AESBl/l/M98.5. Authors’ addresses: S . J. Chiang and C. M. h a w , Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua IJniversity, Hsinchu, %wan, 30043,R.O.C.; J. H. Ouyang and C. C. Chiang, Electronics Research and Service Organization, Industry Technology Research Institute; Hsinchu, Biwan, R.O.C. 1995 I IEEE 0018-9251/95/$4.00 @ INTRODUCTION Multimodule operation of converters has the following advantages. 1) The converters can be designed in modular fashion, and thus the system power capacity can be easily enlarged by increasing the number of parallel converters. 2) The system reliability is greatly increased. 3) With appropriate configuration arrangement and operation management, the overall power conversion efficiency and the life of converter can be increased. For a high performance multimodule parallel converter system, in addition to good current sharing property, good output voltage regulating performance is indispensable. During the past years, although the researches about the multimodule parallel operation for switching type converters have been made by some authors [l-31, the dynamic modeling, controller design and implementation for parallel resonant type converters are still seldom performed. A series-loaded resonant (SLR) converter operated in n = 2 DCM (discontinuous mode) can be used in many applications, since it has the following features [4]:1) Zero current switching and zero voltage switching at turn off make it possess higher efficiency and higher switching frequency than the switching converters; 2) since the switches turn off naturally, it is possible to use thyristors in low switching frequency and high power applications. In addition to these, the converter in this operation mode behaves like a frequency controlled current source; this makes it suitable for parallel operation. However, since the switching frequency is variable and the switching current is sinusoidal, the peak-current control technique [5, 61, which is commonly used for current-mode control of switching converters, is not applicable any more. Here, the inherent current sharing property of SLR converters operated in n = 2 DCM is studied. The results indicate that in the n = 2 DCM, the mismatch in current control characteristics among parallel converters is caused only by the difference of the capacitances of resonant capacitors. Since the differences are generally within a finite bound, the SLR converters have acceptable equal current sharing capability. For being a high performance parallel system, the accurate current sharing property is very important. To achieve this goal, an average current control method is proposed. The output current o f each slave module is compared with that of a master module; the regulated current error signal is then used to modify the control signal of the respective slave module. By properly designing the current controllers in inner loop, each slave converter current can closely track that of the master converter both in the transient and static periods. Based on the proposed current control technique, the outer loop voltage controller can be designed using an equivalent single-module model. Both of the current controller and voltage controller IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS VOL. 31, NO. 1 JANUARY 1995 257 are designed using the proposed systematic procedures according to the prescribed specifications. The simulated and measured results show that good current sharing and output voltage regulating characteristics are obtained by the proposed converter system. 11. ANALYSIS OF SLR CONVERTER Depending on the load condition and the ratio between the switching frequency and the resonant frequency, the SLR converter can operate in various operation modes [4,71. Among these, n = 2 DCM is the simplest mode to be analyzed. As stated in the previous section, converters operated in this mode are suitable for multimodule operation, thus only the analyses of this mode are made here. A. - vo + (4 DC Analysis vg The half-bridge SLR converter is shown in Fig. l(a). For simplifying the analysis, no output transformer is added and all devices are assumed to be ideal. According to the direction of resonant current i and the status of switch, the operation in this n = 2 DCM is divided into four submodes. The equivalent circuits and the related waveforms corresponding to each submode are shown in Fig. l(b) [4]. The resonant current i is rectified and filtered to supply the output load current i o as shown in Fig. l(b). Since the waveforms of the first half switching cycle are symmetric to the later half cycle, only the analyses for the last half cycle operation are made here. According to the equivalent circuits and the typical waveforms shown in Fig. l(b), the resonant voltage and current of each submode under steady-state can be solved and listed as follows. 1) 0 5 WOt < 7r v(t) = (V, - Vo)(l- coswot) - 2Vocoswot (1) T 3 T " "m" iLl ( 5I (4 where VOdenotes the steady-state output voltage and + v(t) = (-Vg Vo)coswot + (V, + Vo) Fig. 1. SL!K converter. (a) Power circuit. (b) Equivalent circuits and related vvaveforms in n = 2 DCM. (c) Operating characteristics of SLR in n = 2 DCM. where Ts dienotes the switching period. It is seen from Fig. l(a) that i~ is rectified from the resonant current i, i.e., iL = lil. (8) (4) It consists of a dc component and a high frequency componenit. The dc component of iL is just the average load current lo, which is found as IL = lo:= TsY2 2.58 v(t) = v(27r/wo) = 2V0 (6) i(t) = 0 (7) (1"'"' (9) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS VOL. 31, NO. 1 JANUARY 1995 From (9) and (3) one can obtain: vin=2vg A Equation (10) shows that in n = 2 DCM, the SLR converter can be regarded as frequency control current source. For verifying the operating range within which (10) is reasonable, some simulations are made using EMTP (electromagnetic transients program). The circuit parameters listed in Section IV are used here for these simulations. The relationships between F, and VO(= IoR) for various values of load resistances are plotted in Fig. l(c), in which, F, is the lowest frequency (about 100 Hz)generated by voltage control oscillator (VCO) and Fs (= 100 kHz) is the highest frequency below which the SLR converter can operate in n = 2 DCM. The results shown in Fig. l(c) indicate that below the rated output voltage (VO= 10 V) and within the range of load resistance 20/9n (rated load) < R < 2 k a , the characteristics of frequency control current source of (10) is true. However, for larger value of output voltage, particularly for larger value of load resistance, the output voltage becomes saturated. This is mainly due to the fact that the output voltage of SLR converter cannot exceed the input voltage V, (= 24 V). B. Dynamic Modeling The dynamic modeling of a resonant converter is difficult, since the commonly used state-space averaging method cannot be applied. To overcome this difficulty, the concept of extended state-space averaging method proposed in [8, 91 can be used here. The basic concept of this method is that the averaged high frequency dynamic behavior of the resonant circuit is combined with the low frequency part of the output circuit. For convenience of derivation, the small signal equivalent circuit of Fig. l(a) is drawn in Fig. 2(a). Where i~ and io denote the perturbated average resonant current and load current, respectively. i~ is found from (9) by replacing the steady-state , P, and F, + f, values of IL, V,, and F, by IL f ~ V, and neglecting the $Pg term as + VO VgR +i0)Zp where = c A V 1 + 4+ - +J $7 , cG "0 (b) Fig. 2. Small signal model of SLR converter in n = 2 DCM. (a) Output circuit. (b) Pansfer function block diagram. and R, is the equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the output capacitor. In practical realization, a VCO is used to generate the switching control signal with frequency fs. If the gain of VCO is K , then f, = KP, (14) where 0, is the control voltage generated from the regulated voltage error signal through a controller. From (11) to (14), we can derive the following transfer functions. Control-to-output G = SKCrVg. Audio-susceptibility Ou tpu t-impedance The variation of output voltage 00 can be found from the output circuit shown in Fig. 2(a) as z p (4 + ir, = 8C,Vgfs + -0,. Do = (iL and rectifier circuits R ( 1 + sCR,) 1 + sC(R + R,) (12) zo= 7 A 10 9,=op=o =z p . (17) One can observe from (15)-(17) that in n = 2 DCM the dynamic behavior of SLR converter is determined only by its output circuit. The transfer function block diagram corresponding to (15)-(17) is shown in Fig. 2(b). CHIANG ET AL.: MU1iTIMODUL.E PARALLEL SliRIES-LOADE<DRESONANT CONVERTERS 259 ;:r+cT1tT$!a Obviously, if all output capacitors are identical, the equivalent ESR and capacitance become R: = R,/(N 1) and C' = ( N + 1)C. Since form Fig. l(c) and (lo), the SLR converter behaves like a frepency controlled source, the cross responses (fsi to i~,, i # j ) [lo] are very small. Hence the cross transfer functions are not included in the dynamic model of parallel multimodule SLR converters. The current sharing property and the design of voltage feedback controller are described as follows. Curren,tSharing Characteristics: Suppose converter 1 in Figs. 3(a) and 3@) is regarded as master converter, the current ratio of ith slave module to the master module can be found from Fig. 3@) as SLR Converters &. ..... .. 2 I "c , : : ! . + G . : ............... ........... Ntl h +"0 i = 2,3, ..., N +1 (19) + I (b) Fig. 3. Parallel converter system. (a) Circuit configuration. (b) Closed-loop transfer function block diagram for direct parallel connection without current control. where G; 5 G1 AGi is assumed and AG; denotes the mismatch between GI and Gj. The ratio of current sharing mismatch between ith slave module and the master module to the total current can further be found to be Ill. MULTIMODULE OPERATION OF SLR CONVERTERS A. Module Paralleled Without Inner-Loop Current Control The circuit configuration of the parallel converter system, which consists of ( N 1) modules (providing the ( N 1) redundancy), is drawn in Fig. 3(a) where the control voltage (current command) V, generated from a voltage controller is common for all modules. Since the effect of input voltage variation D, is much smaller than that of output current io, it is neglected in the controller design introduced here. Accordingly, a transfer function block diagram can be drawn in Fig. 3(b) from Figs. 2@) and 3(a) where CV is a voltage feedback controller and + + Zb = z p l / / z , 2 / / " ' / / Z p , N + I = (R.1 XR:+- + &-)/ I ( R d + &) Tf only two modules arc paralleled ( N = 1) and AG2 is within f10% of GI due to the variations of capacitance of resonant capacitor C,, then from (20) the maximum value of R T is ~ 5.26%. Practically, this is in acceptable range. The maximum value of R T ~ , i = 2, ...,AT 1will be decreased as the number of paralleled converters is increased. Design of Voltage Feedback Controller: The controller CV shown in Fig. 3@) is the proportional-plus-integral (PI) controller, which has the following structure: + Generally, the parameters of CV arc found based on trial-and-error approach. In the following, a systematic and quantitative procedure is to design the PI controller according to the prescribed specifications. The closed-loop transfer function of PO to io is derived from Fig. 3(b) as 1 SC' where the impedance of Zk is assumed to be approximated by an equivalent series RC brhnch. 260 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS VOL. 31, NO. 1 MNLJAKY 199.5 where U = 1 C'(R + R:) ' c=- 1 C'R;.' d=- RR: R+R:' O + 4 N+l b=dG', (23) G'iCG; i=l Fig. 4. Closed-loop transfer function block diagram of parallel converter system with current contrcil. (27) For evaluating the regulating performance, the output voltage response due to unit-step load current change is found from (22) as vg(t) = hle-pIr + hze-flz'. (28) For ease of derivation, suppose that p1 and p2 are all positive real and p2 > p l . Using (B), one can find the time at which the maximum dip of vg(t) occurred and the maximum dip to be and + h2 (2) (A) (30) 112 - 111 from (23), (29), and (30) as This is the voltage dip due to ESR of output capacitor and cannot be eliminated by using control technique. It can only be reduced by adopting the capacitor with lower ESR. 2) If v d m = V'.d is required, one must take the saturation of control effort into account, since in this case the control is more demanding. 3) The constraint of p1 and 112 being a11 real is rather strict, and slower regulating response speed is resulted. This limitation can be relaxed by making a more general formulation in which p1 and p2 arc complex conjugates. B. Module Paralleled With Inner-Loop C u r r e n t Control respectively. In order to specify the response speed, define t,, to be the time at which the response of vo(t) restores to 5% of v d , , then the following equation is yielded For achieving more accurate dynamic current sharing characteristics, an average current control technique is proposed. In Fig. 4, Cli, i = 2,3,. .,N 1 are the current controllers for ith slave module. The average current for each module is obtained v d m = 20(hle-"1're + h2e-pzfr.). (31) by rectifying the resonant current and filtering by the low pass filter E The error of average currents According to the above analysis, the design procedure of ith slave module and master module is regulated for the controller Cv is summarized as follows. through current controller Cli, the resulted signal Dm, Step I Define the specifications of v d , and t,,. is augmented to the control signal 9,(D,1 = 9 , ) to yield Sfep 2 Solve p1 and 112 from (30) and (31). the control signal Pci, which is then sent to adjust the Sfep 3 The parameters Kp and K I of the voltage output current of ith slave module. The effect of input controller Cv are found using (24) and (25). voltage variation 9, is also neglected here. Comments. Design of Inner-Loop Current Controller: Since the 1 ) In the design process described above, the response speed of the inner current loop is much faster minimum value of Vdmcan be obtained by letting than the outer voltage loop, the outer loop is neglected tdm = 0, i.e., the maximum dip is forced to occur at t = 0. In this case, the maximum dip v d , can be found in the design stage of current controller C r , . The CHIANG ET AL.: MULTIMODULE PARALLEL SERIES-LOADED RESONANT CONVERTERS + 261 design of Cf; can be treated as the tracking problem; its major purpose is to let the current of ith module closely follow that of master module. The structures of the filter F and the controller CI; are chosen to be F(s)= + a (33) 1 CfRfS From Fig. 4 and using (33) and (34) one can derive the ratio of these two currents as Similar to the design procedure introduced prek iously, by specifying the desired response time, p1,p2 can be solved from (43) and (44),and then Kpi and K,i can be found from (38) and (39). Design of Voltage Controller: Once all controllers C I ; ,i = 2,3,...,N + 1 are all successfully designed, we can treat i ~ =i i ~ 1 ,i = 2,3,.. ., N 1 in the design of outer-loop voltage controller CV. Thus G' in (23) becomes G' = ( N + 1)Gl and the design procedure developed in Section IIIA can also be used here to find the parameters of CV (the effect of 0, is not considered). + C. Design of Input Voltage Feedforward Controller (35) where the transient part T1i is defined as T A - S2CfFf aAGi(Kp;s + Kr;) + [l + a(Gi + AG;)Kp;]s + a(Gi + AG;)Kri ' (36) For investigating the tracking problem, i ~ is1 treated as a command. The steady-state value of the unit-step response found from (35) is equal to unity. So there is no steady-state current sharing error. As to the analysis of the dynamic response characteristics, TI;of (36) can be used. The partial fraction form of T1i is hi h2 TI&) = -+ s+p1 s + p 2 (37) where pi hl + p2 = -[11 Cf R f + a(G1+ AG;)Kpi] (38) Although the effect of input voltage variation on the output voltage is much smaller than that of load current and it is neglected in the design of feedback controllers, the feedforward controller G f shown by dotted line in Fig. 4 can be augmented to reduce its effect. Since G1x G z E . . . M G N + ~if ,all the inner-loop current controllers are properly designed, the controller G f can be found [12] to be Gf = M/GI. (45) Generally, complete elimination of the effect of input voltage variation under various operating conditions is impossible, since (16) and (45) indicate that G f is a function of load resistance. It is suggested here that the nominal load resistance is used to design the controller Gf. IV. DESIGN OF PROPOSED PARALLEL CONVERTER SYSTEM The experimental parallel SLR converter system is assumed to consist of two modules. The specifications of each module are 1 + h2 = - Cf R f aKpiAGi vg = 2!4 v, The unit-step response of 7'1i h ( 1 - e-pIf) y(t)= L P1 A. is h2 + -(1- e-p2'). P2 If p1 and p 2 are all real and positive and p2 condition for no overshoot of (42) is [ll] hl = d f i h 2 . (42) > p1, the VI = 10 v, Iomax = 45 A. (46) Power Circuit If the resonant frequency fo is chosen to be 200 kHz, to ensure each SLR will work in n = 2 DCM, the maximum switching frequency F,,,, is set as a half of fo, i.e., E,,,, = 100 kHz. The resonant network can be determined using (10) and (3) as: (43) Furthermore, the response time t,, is defined to be the time at which y(t) reaches 90% of its steady-state value, then from (42) one can write From (2), the peak value of resonant current is 262 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS VOL. 31, NO. 1 JANUARY 1995 0 9L A 2__Lpi-. 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 U om1 0 . 0 0 ~ 0.003 0.004 lxl0-31 Time (sec) 0.005 0.006 o.007 o uun u.008 0 IOG7 0008 0 009 Time ( S e c ) Fig. 5. Simulated current tracking responses. It is known that a lower value of ESR (R,) leads to smaller steady-state output voltage ripple as well as smaller voltage dip due to step load current change. However, the capacitor with a low value of ESR is generally large in size. This leads to slower output voltage regulating response, since according to the analysis made in Section 11, the dynamic of SLR converter in n = 2 DCM are mainly determined by the output circuit. If the maximum value of ripple corresponding to the peak current of (48) is set no larger than 0.5 V (5% of nominal output voltage), the ESR must be not greater than 0.5/10 A = 50 mil. Accordingly, a capacitor having the following parameters is chosen: C = 3300 pF, R, = SO m a . (49) 0 0 001 0 002 0003 0004 0005 0006 Tmie(Sec) (b) Fig. 6. Simulated closed-loop responses. (a) Current tracking characteristics. (b) Output voltage regulating characteristics. Following the design procedure described in Section IIIA, the parameters of the voltage controller Cv are obtained as Kp = 67.915, K I = 53722. (55) The simulated responses due to step load current B. Controllers change (lo = 1 A to 7 A) plotted in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b) show that good current traclung performance The parameters of VCO and the filter for the slave is obtained and the voltage regulating response also and master converters are satisfies the prescribed specifications listed in (54). When the converter is operated at 90% rated load K = 5037.02 and a = 0.25, ( l o = 8 A), the simulated output voltage and current (50) responses without adding the feedforward controller Cf Rf = 1.8 x lo-'. due to 10% input voltage variation (frequency = 120 Hz) are shown in Fig. 7.The results show that the Assume that the mismatch between the current variations in the output voltage and current sharing tracking response is characteristics are small. If further improvement is AG = fO.lGl (51) needed, the feedforward controller of (45)is designed to be and the desired response time of the current tracking response is Gf = M / G l = 0.302 ( R = 1.25 (2). (56) t,, = lms. (52) The simulated results shown in Fig. 8 indicate that Following the design procedure introduced in Section IIIB, the parameters of the current controller C12 of (34) can be found as Kp2 = 3.728, K12 = 4.3593x lo4. The simulated responses of i , y / i ~shown l in Fig. 5 indicate that the given tracking characteristics are exactly satisfied. Having designed the current controller, the specifications of unit-step response for designing the voltage controller Cv are prescribed as follows (R= 10/7R): t,, = 4ms, V& = 0.022 V (1 A). significant improvements in the input voltage rejection characteristics have been achieved. (53) V. SOME EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Having confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed controller, the circuit implementation of the designed current and voltage controllers are performed. The measured and simulated frequency responses of control-to-output transfer function of single module under nominal case ( R = 10/4R) are compared in Fig. 9.The validity of the small-signal model developed in Section IIB can be confirmed from the results. (54) Supposed that the two paralleled converters are CHIANG ET AL.: MULTIMODULE PARALLEL SERIES-LOADED RESONANT CONVERTERS 263 2gr--- , - -- . 19L o o 005 001 ooir 0.025 002 003 0035 1 d 0.04 0045 Time (Sec.) 0.zr , , -40t l __ Simulated ... result Measured r e s u l t (1.5 0 10 __ I 0005 001 0015 1 15 2 25 3 35 4 1 002 0025 0035 003 004 Frequency IOexp (Hz) 0045 Time ( S e c ) Fig. 9. Simulated and measured frequency responses control-to-output transfer function. 3f the "0 V -0.510 . ' 0 005 0.015 0.01 I - j - 0.02 0.025 I --d 0.03 0.035 0.04 0 045 Time (Sec.) Fig. 7. Simulated waveforms of output voltage and converter currents due to varying input voltage without feedforward controller. 29- , tP I 19 I 0 0.005 0.015 0.01 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.035 0.04 0.045 Time (Sec.) I 0 I 0.005 Fig. 10. Measured dynamic responses ot the converter :urrents and the output voltage due to step load current change (1 lo 7 A) 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0 03 are also observed. Under steady-state condition with la = 4 A, if one module is suddenly terminated and then restored to its operation, the dynamic responses of converter output currents io1 and im and output voltage are plotted in Figs. ll(a) and ll@).Good performances obtained by the proposed controller are further verified by the results. The responses of output voltage due to input voltage variation without and with feedforward compensator G f arc shown in Figs. 12(a) and 12@), respectively. The effectiveness of augmenting the feedforward compensator is quite obvious from the results shown in Fig. 12. Time ( S e c . ) VI. CONCLUSIONS -1 The analysis, design and implementation of '1 parallel SLIX converter system have been introduced in the previous sections. To let the SLR converter be suitable for parallel operation, it is forced to operate -051-_. I in n = 2 DCM. The dc analysis, resonant circuit 0 0005 001 0015 002 0025 003 0035 0 0 4 0 0 4 5 design, and dynamic modeling are made. According Time (Sec ) to which, the inherent current sharing property is Simulated waveforms of output voltage and converter Fig. 8. investigated and the average current control technique currents due to varying input voltage with feedforward controller. is proposed to yield good dynamic and static current sharing characteristics. The voltage feedback controller normally operated, the dynamic responses of converter is designed using a proposed systematic procedure such that the prescribed specifications are satisfied. l i ~ and 2 output voltage due to step currents f ~ and The simulated and experimental results show that load current change (io = 1 A to 7 A) are shown in good current sharing and output voltage regulating Fig. 10. The yielded voltage response is very close performances are achieved by the parallel convcxter to the simulated result shown in Fig. 6(b). Good system controlled by the proposed controller. dynamic and static current sharing characteristics A 264 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE ANI) ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS VOL. 31. NO. 1 JANUtiRY 1995 REFERENCES [l] [2] [3] lo 1 [4] lo2 [SI V n VO [6] (b) Fig. 11. Measured dynamic responses of converter output currents and output voltage due to change of system configuration. (a) Module 2 is suddenly terminated its operation. 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IEEE Transactions on Aermpace and Electronic Systm, 28, 3 (July 19921, 829-840. Liaw, C. M., Kung, Y. S., and Wu, C. M. ( 1 9 1 ) Design and implementation of high performance field-oriented induction motor drive. IEEE Transacfiom on Industrial Electronics, W,4 (1991), 275-282. Bologna, J. G., and Duffie, N.A. (1988) Computer Control of Machines and Processes. Ncw York Addison-Wesley, 1988. (b) Fig. 12. Measured output voltage waveform due to varying input voliage. (a) Without feedforward controller. (b) With feedforward controller. CHIANG El' AL.: MU1,TTIMODULE PARAILEL SERIES-LOADED RESONANT CONVERTERS 265 C. M. Liaw (S’tW-M89) was born in Taiwan, Republic of China, on June 19, 1951. He received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from the Evening Department of Tmmkang College of A.rts and Sciences, Bipei, Biwan, in 1979, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from National Tsing E University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1981 and 1988, respectively. He is presently a Professor at National Tsing Hua University. His area.; of research interest are control of motor drives, adaptive control systems, control power systems, and power electronics. S. J. Chiang was born in niwan, Republic of China, on Feb. 7, 1965. He received the B.S.E.E. degree from the National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1987. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at the National Tsing Hua University. His research interests are ]power electronics and control systems. Jr-Hong Ouyang was born in Changhua, Taiwan, Republic of China, on Oct. 5, 1964. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from %tung Institute of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1987, and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1989. Since 1989, he has worked as an electrical engineer at Electronics Research and Service Organization, Industrial Tkchnology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. His current research interests are power electronics and control systems. Chih-Chiang Chiang was born in Bichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., on Sept. 18, 1965. He received the B.S. degree in automatic control engineering from Feng Chia University, Bichung, Biwan, in 1988, and the M.S. degree in nuclear engineering from National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Biwan, in 1990. Since 1990, he has worked as a design engineer at Electronics Research and Service Organization, Industrial lkchnology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. His current research interests are power electronics and control systems. 266 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTR.ONIC SYSTEMS VOL. 31. NO. 1 JANLARY 1995