Tilburg University Strongly regular graphs with strongly regular decomposition Haemers, W.H.; Higman, D.G. Published in: Linear Algebra and its Applications Publication date: 1989 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Haemers, W. H., & Higman, D. G. (1989). Strongly regular graphs with strongly regular decomposition. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 114/115, 379-398. General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. ? Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research ? You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain ? You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright, please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 01. okt. 2016 Strongly Regular Graphs with Strongly Regular Decomposition W. H. Haemers Tilburg University Tilburg, The h&he&n& and D. G. Higman University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Dedicated to Alan J. Hoffman on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Submitted by Alexander Schrijver 1. INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS The title refers to strongly regular graphs r, which admit a partition { X,, X,} of the vertex set such that each of the induced subgraphs r1 and l?, on X, and X, respectively is strongly regular, a clique, or a coclique. A central role is played by the design D having point set X,, block set X,, and incidence given by adjacency in r,. If rl is a clique or a coclique and r,, is primitive, D must be a quasisymmetric design. If rl and r, are both strongly regular, D is a strongly regular design in the sense of D. G. Higman [14], except possibly when r, is the graph of a regular conference matrix. Conversely, a quasisymmetric or strongly regular design with suitable parameters gives rise to a strongly regular graph with strongly regular decomposition. Moreover, if r, and rl are strongly regular with suitable parameters, then r, must be strongly regular too. We give several examples and some nonexistence results. We include a table of all feasible parameter sets up to 300 vertices. For most of the cases in the table existence or nonexistence is settled. Some of the results in this paper are old, due to M. S. Shrikhande [17], W. G. Bridges and M. S. Shrikhande [3], and W. H. Haemers [13]. We mainly use eigenvalue techniques. We need results on interlacing eigenvalues (see [13]). Two sequences p1 > . . . 2 p,, and u1 > . . . 2 a, LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLZCATlONS 114,'115:379-398 (1989; 379 0 Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., 1989 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 0024-3795/89/$3.50 W. H. HAEMERS AND D. G. HIGMAN 380 ( n > m ) are said to interlace whenever for pi 2 ui 2 Pn- n, + I Interlacing is tight if there exists an integer P,- n, RESULT 1.1. i=l ,...,m. k such that pi = ui for i=l,...,k, ui for i=k+l,...,m. + I = Let A, be a symmetric matrix partitioned as follows: 4, = Let B be the 2 X 2 matrix whose entries are the average rozu sums of the blocks of A,. The eigenvalues of A, interlace the eigenvalues (i) Cauchy interlacing. of A,,. If the interlacing is tight, then C = 0. (ii) The eigenvalues of B interlace the eigenvalues of A,. Zf the interlacing is tight, then A,, A,, and C have constant row and column sums. Conversely, if A,, A,, and C have constant row and column sums, both eigenvalues of B are also eigenvalues of A,. Our main tool is the following lemma. It is a kind of mixture of Theorem 5.1 in [3] and Theorem 1.3.3 in [13] (J denotes the all-one matrix). LEMMA1.2. A,= For i = 0,1,2 and let Ai be a symmetric A,C+CA,=K+/?J vi X vi matrix forsome such that a,pER Let A,, A,, C, and C’ have constant row sums k,, k,, r, and k respectively. STRONGLY REGULAR GRAPHS For i = 0,1,2 denote 381 the eigenvalues singular values of C by fi,...,K, the pii’s and yj’s so that: of Ai by pi, 1,. . . , pi, “,. Denote the where m = rank C. Then we can order (i) pl,l = k,, pz,l = k, with all-one eigenvector, y1 = rk, k, + k, = a + /3v,/k, and pe,r, p0,z are the roots of (x - k,)(x - k,) = rk. (ii) pl, j + pz, j = a with eigenvectors in the range of C and CT, respectively, and P0.2,jT PO,Zj-1 are the roots of (x - pl, j)( x - p2, j) = yj for j = 2 ,...,m. (iii) pl,i has an eigenvector in the kernel of C’, pl, j = P”,“,+~, for in the kernel of C, p2, j = pO,“, + j, j=m+l,..., vr; p2, j has an eigenvector fm j=m+l,...,v2. Proof. We have A,CCT=&CT+PrJ--CAaC’. The right-hand side is a symmetric matrix; hence A ,CC T = CC ‘;1 r. So A 1 and CC T commute, and therefore they have a common orthonormal bases of eigenvectors ur, . . . , uol (say), ordered so that A,uj = pl, juj for j = 1,. . . , vr, CCTuj = yjuj for j = l,..., m,CCTuj=Oforj=m+l,...,v,,andu,isthe a&one vector. Now the first two equations of (i) are obvious. Furthermore for A,CT~j=~CTuj+~Juj-CCA1uj=(~-P1,j)CTuj j=2,...,m, proving the first equation of (ii). Define 1 Yj"j wj=i (~-p,,~)ck~ for j = l,...,m. Then it is easily verified that A,wj = lcwj whenever (r - pr, j)(x - pa,j) = y,. Thus (i) and (ii) are proved. Next define wj = ui i 0 1 for j=m+l,...,v,. Then A,wj = pr, jwj, proving the first part of (iii). The second part of (iii) follows by interchanging A, and A,. n W. H. HAEMERS AND D. G. HIGMAN 382 We assume the reader to be familiar with the theory of designs and strongly regular graphs. Some references are Beth, Jungnickel, and Lenz [l], Cameron and Van Lint [9], and Seidel [16]. We recall some result about strongly regular designs (see Higman [14]). DEFINITION 1.3. A design D with ui points and us blocks and incidence matrix C is strongly regular whenever there exist graphs Ii and I, (not complete or void) with adjacency matrices A, and A, respectively, such that the following hold: (i) CC’= w,Z + yiJ+ .ziA, for integers wi, yi, and zi (z, z 0), (ii) C TC = w,Z + y,J + “aA, for integers wg, y2, and zs (zs # 0), (iii) CC’C = yC + SJ for integers y and 6. It is easily seen that C has constant row sum r = wi + yr and column sum k = wg + y,, and that 6 = k(kr - y)/ul. The graph l?i is the point graph of D, and I’, is the block graph of D. It is straightforward that Ii (i = 1,2) is strongly regular with eigenvalues ki = kr - yiui - wi Y - wi Pi = ‘i zi - w, 0., = 2, of multiplicity 1, m - 1, and ui - m, respectively, where m = rank C. The eigenspaces of the eigenvalues ui and ua are the kernels of C and C ‘, respectively. (The point and block graph are determined up to taking complements. To avoid this ambiguity one often requires that zi > 0. However, for our purposes it is not convenient to do so.) Bose, Bridges, and Shrikhande [2] proved that (iii) may be replaced by: (iii’) The singular values 6,. yI=rk, . . , qz Yz= of C satisfy . . . =y,,,=y. In case zr = 0, D is a quasisymmetric block design. A strongly regular design is the same as a quasisymmetric special partially balanced incomplete block design (see Shrikhande [Ml). We finish this section with some notation. For a graph r,, ui denotes the number of vertices, and the adjacency matrix is denoted by A,. If Ai has eigenvalues p 1, . . . , pn with respective multiplicities ‘pi,. . . , (p,, we write 383 STRONGLY REGULAR GRAPHS If Ii is regular, write the degree is denoted spec r, = { ki , rif’, sf’ by k,, and if I, is strongly regular, we } with ri>O>si. Throughout the paper r, denotes a graph decomposed into subgraphs Ii and r,, that is, the respective adjacency matrices A,, A,, and A, satisfy A,= where C is the incidence matrix of some structure D (say). For regular I, the decomposition is called regular if also Ii and I, are regular. For strongly regular I,, the decomposition is strongly regular if Ii and I, are strongly regular, a clique, or a coclique. 2. THEORY If I’, or the complement is the disjoint union of two or more cliques of equal size, then I, is a so-called imprimitive strongly regular graph. In this case the strongly regular decompositions are obvious. Therefore we restrict ourselves to a primitive r,. LEMMA 2.1. Zf I, is strongly regular with a regular decomposition, then Cl= (k, - k,)J, CTl=(ko-k&L A”1+ CC T = (r, + so)A, - ros,Z + (k, + q,sO)J, A2, + C ‘C = (r, + so)A, - rOsOZ-+ (k, + rOsO)J, A,C + CA, = (r,, + sa)C + (k, + q,q,)J. The first line reflects the fact that the decomposition is regular. If Proof. Ia is strongly regular, then A$ - (ra + sa)A, + r,s,Z = (k, + rOsO).Z.Thus the m block structure of A, gives the remaining formulas. 384 W. H. HAEMERS AND D. 6. HIGMAN THEOREM 2.2. Suppose I’, is strongly regular and r, is regular. sg < k,% - k,v, vo - v1 Then 6 r,. The decomposition is regular if and only if equality holds on the left- or right-hand side. Ifthe left-hand [right-hand ] inequality is met, then k, = k, - k, + s0 Proof. We apply Result l.l(ii). [k,=k,-k,+r,] The matrix of the average row sums, k1 h-k, (kc,-k,)u,/‘v, kc,-(kc,-k,)v,/u, has eigenvalues k, (row sum) and p (say). From k, + p = trace B it follows that p = (k,v, - k,v,)/( v0 - ul), which gives the desired inequalities. Equality on either side means that the interlacing is tight, and hence the decomposition must be regular. If the decomposition is regular, the eigenvalues of R are k, and p = k, + k, - k,. These are also eigenvalues of A,; hence p = sg n or p = rO. It is easily verified that if equality holds on one side, then the corresponding decomposition of the complement of r, satisfies equality on the other side. If rl is a coclique (i.e. k, = 0) the above result gives This is Hoffman’s THEOREM 2.3. coclique bound. Another bound is the following one. If rl is a coclique and r, is primitively strongly regular, then vl i min{ f,, g,}. Proof. Define A = A, - vi- ‘(k, - sO)J - s,Z. Then rank A = fO. Since A, = 0, A has a submatrix - v;‘(k, - s,)J - s,Z of size zjl X vl, which is nonsingular ( s0 # 0, since r, is primitive). Hence vuI< f,.Similarly we get n 271 ~&I. Theorems 2.2 and 2.3 are special cases of theorems Cvetcovib [lo], respectively. of Haemers [13] and STRONGLY REGULAR GRAPHS 38.5 Suppose F, and IF1 are strongly regular, let I?, be THEOREM 2.4. primitive, and suppose the decomposition is regular. Put E equal to 0 or 1, according to whether the lej& or the right-hand side is tight in Theorem 2.2 (e.g. k, = k, - k, + ET,,+(l - E)s~). Then one of the following holds: (i) sr > sa, f1 < ra, vr < min{ f0 + 1 - s, g, + .s}, (iii) sl>so, r,=ro, speck,= vlGfO+l-E, { k,,(r, + so - s~)~‘, rofo-Ol+l-E, ~$(-gl-l+~}. Proof. By Lemmas 1.2 and 2.1 it follows that k,, r, + so - rl, r. + so - sI, and so are the only possible eigenvahres of T,, and that r, + so - rr [r, + so - sr] has multiplicity f, [g,] whenever r,f r, [s,f so]. From trace A, = 0 one finds that the multiplicity of so [r,] equals g, - v1 + E [ f, - v1+ 1 - E],which must be a nonnegative number. The inequalities sr >, so and rl < r. follow from Cauchy interlacing [Result 1.1(i)]. What remains to be proved is that sr = so and rr = r. do not both occur. Suppose they do. Define a = (k, - ETA- (1- E)s~)/v~; then the matrix A, - cr./, which has eigenvahres r. and so only, has principal submatrix A, - aJ, having only eigenvahres r, and so too. So, by Result 1.1(i), C - aJ = 0 and hence F. is imprimitive: a contradiction. = r,, The regular graph I?, is strongly regular, a clique, or a coclique whenever it has at most two distinct eigenvalues, except for the degree k,. This leads to the following result. COROLLARY2.5. tion is strmgly (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) With the hypotheses of Theorem 2.4, the decomposiregular if and only if one of the following holds: Or= f,+l-E=go+E, so = s1 and fo = fi + E, so =sr andv,=g,+s, r,=r, andg,=g,+l-E, (v) ro=r, a&v,= fo+l-e. W. H. HAEMERS AND D. G. HIGMAN 386 A strongly regular decomposition is called improper if lr or I’, is a clique or a coclique. Without loss of generality we may assume then that r, is a coclique. If l?, is strongly regular and IL is a coclique, then also Theorem 2.4(i) holds with rl = 0 and g, = 0. Thus we find the following result of Haemers [ 131: THEOREM 2.6. Let r, be primitively strongly regular, and let rl be a coclique. Then v1 = g, = ,- voso/(k, - sO) (i.e., both HoffiTlan’s bound and Cvetcovid’s bound are tight) if and only if I?, is strongly regular. Proof. Hoffman’s bound is tight if and only if the decomposition is regular. Theorem 2.4(i) gives spec r, = { kz,(r,, + s~)“~-‘, rOf~O-“lll, sgg”-‘l), since s=Oif rl is a coclique. By Theorem 2.3 we have fo - vr f 1> 0; hence n r, is strongly regular if and only if g, = vi. We call a proper strongly regular decomposition exceptional if si # s,, and rl # rO, which is by Theorem 2.4(i) equivalent to ss # sa and rz z ra. THEOREM 2.7. If r, is primitively strongly regular and admits an exceptional strongly regular decomposition, then I’, is the graph of a regular symmetric conference matrix, that is, I’,, or its complement satisfies v,=4r~+4rO+2, Moreover, k,=2rt+r0, one of the following for integer rO. sO= -r,-1 holds: (i) Ii and r, are so-called conference graphs, that is, VI = v2 = rl = r2= and D is a symmetric 2rOz+ 2r, + 1, -1+J;T 2 ’ k, = k, = r,” + rO, s1=s2= -1-G 2 ’ 2-(v,, TO”, rO(rO- 1)/2) design, or the complement. 387 STRONGLY REGULAR GRAPHS (ii) We have k, = k, = ~0”+ r,, v,=v,=2r(+2ro+1, k,-r, rl f r1 < r2, and rl, r,, and (2kH + k,)/(k, sz= -rz-1, sl= 5=2r,+l’ ro, -r,-1, rz < rot +2rT +2r, + 1) are integers. Take without loss of generality E = 0. Then Corollary 2.5(i) gives and the remaining parameters of I’, follow straightforwardly (see &+I=& [9]). Also by 2.5(i) we have 2v, = v,, so vi = v2 and k, = k,. By Theorem 2.2 it follows that k, = k, = (k, + so)/2 = ro2+ ro. If Pr is a conference graph, then so is P2 (by Theorem 2.4) and by Lemma 2.1 we find Proof. CC'= ro(ro+ 1)z+ r,(ro- 1) 2 2 I, proving (i). If Pi and I, are not conference graphs, then rl z - 1 - s1 and the eigenvalues are integers. The remaining formulas of (ii) follow easily from n Theorem 2.4 and the well-known identities for strongly regular graphs. The Petersen graph partitioned into two pentagons is an example for (i). We give another example in the next section. For case (ii) it seems hopeless to find an example: The smallest feasible solution has rl = 554, r, = 731, v. = 2,140,370. The next theorem relates strongly regular decompositions to strongly regular designs. The result is due to W. G. Bridges and M. S. Shrikhande [3]. isprimitively strongly regular with a strongly regular THEOREM 2.8. I',, decomposition which is proper and not exceptional, if and only if D is a strongly regular design with point graph rl and block graph r,, whose parameters satisfy (i) k,+r=k,+k, (ii) k, - k E { u19p1 + ~2 - al}, (iii) p2 = ui + z,, pl = a2 + z2. W. H. HAEMERS AND D. G. HIGMAN 388 Proof. Let D be a strongly regular design. From Definition 1.3 it follows that A,C + CA, E (C, 1); hence Lemma 1.2 applies. Clearly r, is regular (of degree k, = k 1+ r ) whenever k, + r = k, + k. For the remaining eigenvalues of r, we get k, + k, - k, = k, - r [by Lemma l.Z(iii)], and the roots of 1.2(i)], ur and u2 [by Lemma (x - Pl)(X - P2)= Y (*I (by 1.2(ii)). These five eigenvalues take only two values if and only if ur, ua, and k 2 - r are roots of ( * ). By use of pi - ui = y, /z i we find that u, is a root of ( *) for i = 1,2 if and only if (iii) holds. Suppose ur is a root of ( *); then pr + pz - u1 is the other root; hence k, - r is a root of ( *) if and only if (ii) holds. The decomposition is clearly proper, and it is not exceptional, since ur and u2 are eigenvalues of I’,. Next assume r, has the required properties. Then r, = r, or sg = sr, since the decomposition is not exceptional. Take without loss of generality r, = rr. Then Lemma 1.2(ii) gives for Yj=(r~-sO)(sl-s~) So D satisfies (iii’) of Definition of r, and r, we have j=2,...,m. 1.3. By Lemma 2.1 and the strong regularity CC’ E (A,, 1, J), CTC E (A,, 1, J). Moreover, the coefficient of Ai equals r, + s0 - r, - si # 0 for i = 1,2. Hence also (i) and (ii) of Definition 1.3 are satisfied, so D is a strongly regular W design. From the above proof we have that a strongly regular I?, has eigenvalues o1 and p1 + ,02 - el; one of the two must be equal to ua. The following result can be regarded as a special case of the above theorem (therefore a proof is superfluous). THEOREM 2.9. I’, is primitively strongly regular with an improper strongly regular decomposition (where rl is a coclique) if and only if D is a quasisymmetric 2design, having r, as block graph, whose parameters satisfy r=k+k,, a,+- b2 --0, k = - y/z,. 389 STRONGLY REGULAR GRAPHS From k = - y/z, it follows that za < 0. This means that if (as usual) adjacency in the block graph corresponds to the larger intersection number, then I, is the complement of the block graph of D. M. S. Shrikhande [17] (see also 131) proved that the conditions for D in Theorem 2.9 are equivalent to the following: D is a quasisymmetric 2-(1-t z&k - l)/(k - zz), k, k( k z,“)/( z2 + 1)) design with intersection numbers k - ~2” and k - z,” - z2. 3. CONSTRUCTIONS In this section we give constructions and some nonexistence results for strongly regular graphs with strongly regular decompositions. With the help of the results of the previous section we have made a table of feasible parameters up to 300 vertices (Table 1). For all cases in the table we indicate existence or nonexistence if known (to us). EZXAMPLE 3.1. The vertices of the triangular graph T(m) are all pairs of a given set M of cardinality m (m > 3); two vertices are adjacent whenever the pairs are not disjoint. T(m) is strongly regular with specT(m) = {2(m - 2), (m - 4)“‘-r, ( - 2)‘ric”1+3)‘2}. For a fixed x E M, partition the vertices into the pairs containing x and pairs not containing x. It is easily seen that this gives an improper strongly regular decomposition of T(m) into a clique of size m - 1 and T(m - 1). The next result has often been observed before. THEOREM3.2. The block graph of a quasisymmetric 3design E admits a strongly regular decomposition. The decomposition is improper if and only if E is the extension of a symmetric 2design. Proof. Fix a point x of E. Partition the blocks of E to the blocks containing x and the blocks not containing x. This gives a partition of the block graph of E into the block graphs of the derived and the residual design of E (with respect to x) respectively. The derived or residual design of E is symmetric whenever E is the extension of a symmetric design; otherwise both designs are quasisymmetric. This proves the result. n The design whose blocks are just all pairs of points can be seen as a degenerate quasisymmetric 3-design. This leads to Example 3.1. M’e know of -7 -6 -3 21 16 14 76 77 85 3450 55 56 21 19 49 -3 27 70 20 -3 20 69 45 27 35 -5 30 63 23 27 35 30 63 -5 5 10 5 16 -3 5 3 0 2 12 7 13 13 0 1 28 35 15 21 56 35 50 2 19 57 7 4 21 49 24 45 9 5 27 36 8 8 2 15 6 9 GRAPHS 3 VERTICESa REGULAR TABLE 1 300 STRONGLY 9 SETS FOR PRIMITIVE 6 ALL FEASIBLE P ARAMETER 1 1 3 4 4 7 0 10 0 14 6 18 5 12 10 15 4 2 2 2 6 4 5 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 0 1 STRONGLY 15 18 WITH 20 15 -5 -3 -1 -3 -4 -5 -1 -3 6 28 35 38 2 18 3 20 20 14 -5 -3 -1 -3 3 3 4 4 28 21 20 18 18 30 20 24 6 20 7 20 4 4 1 4 DECOMPOSITION -1 -1 -3 -2 FiEGULAFi 5 6 0 3 1 6 4 3 5 7 0 6 10 9 6 9 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 UP TO 2 56 162 176 217 220 15 16 17 18 19 + + _ - ? 208 12 60 126 14 _ 84 66 75 70 14 4 10 2 2 30 112 13 + 2 22 100 12 2 40 + 2 95 40 11 95 _ - -4 - 11 - 5 - 18 - 16 -3 -10 -8 - 10 - 10 44 154 64 154 140 21 90 77 75 75 175 62 143 21 21 104 21 22 19 19 38 15 30 18 10 33 2 0 12 12 28 22 25 34 24 24 10 6 20 20 45 175 63 154 64 144 56 120 81 81 21 105 56 56 50 50 19 76 20 75 14 66 22 48 30 55 10 42 20 20 20 52 10 10 7 7 0 30 10 32 14 11 1 4 10 7 2 2 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 55 98 2 42 - 11 -8 -1 -4 8 55 35 99 -4 - 12 -2 -5 60 60 20 35 35 28 28 57 18 56 -7 -7 -3 -4 -4 -3 -3 -8 -8 - 10 42 132 7 55 55 88 20 20 20 20 84 20 20 21 21 18 1 18 0 13 29 1 12 18 22 0 8 1 1 29 0 0 0 0 8 10 0 22 11 16 10 20 2 18 6 6 22 2 2 1 1 14 10 16 22 ? 26 + 28 29 30 31 ? ? ? 3 27 25 + - 24 + 23 21 ? _ 20 + 287 287 266 265 261 255 255 253 246 245 236 221 126 126 45 96 84 126 126 112 85 52 55 64 3 3 3 6 21 7 7 2 3 3 11 12 - 21 - 21 - 12 - 10 -3 - 9 - 9 - 26 - 17 - 13 -4 -4 245 245 209 159 29 135 135 230 204 195 59 51 41 41 56 105 231 119 119 22 41 49 176 169 45 45 0 32 39 61 61 36 20 3 18 24 63 63 9 36 21 63 63 60 34 13 11 16 41 246 42 245 56 210 105 160 29 232 119 136 120 135 77 176 41 205 49 196 60 176 52 169 0 105 21 108 0 33 32 54 28 77 54 63 63 70 16 70 0 68 0 39 11 40 12 48 3 0 3 3 2 6 19 3 7 3 7 2 2 3 3 11 8 12 9 ~ 18 21 - 18 -9 ~ 10 - 6 -3 - 9 -5 -9 -5 - 6 - 18 - 14 - 10 -1 -4 -1 -4 205 40 204 154 84 75 28 84 51 84 50 55 154 164 147 4 55 3 48 40 1 40 55 20 84 203 34 84 35 84 21 21 40 48 55 120 48 120 36 0 39 0 4 18 36 21 30 30 37 0 18 15 2 10 12 11 17 0 51 21 54 6 12 18 20 27 28 36 35 4 34 26 9 0 8 12 “The triangular graphs (Example 3.1) and the exceptional decompositions (Theorem 2.7) are omitted. For each case it is indicated whether the decomposition exists (+ ), does not exist ( - ), or is not settled (?). - TABLE 1 (Continued) 393 STRONGLY REGULAR GRAPHS just three other quasisymmetric 3designs (up to taking complements and except for the Hadamard 3-designs, which have imprimitive block graphs): the famous 4-(23, 7, 1) design (see [9]), its derived design, and its residual design. These three 3-designs are cases 8, 16, and 24 in the table. The first one provides an improper decomposition (D is the extension of the projective plane of order 4). In fact, this decomposition and the ones of Example 3.1 are the only improper decompositions we know. Let rl and D be as in Theorem 2.7(i). Suppose their THEOREM 3.3. matrices A, and C commute, and let I’, be the complement of lYl. Then r, is strongly regular with an exceptional strongly regular decomposition. Proof. We have At = - Ai + $,,( r, + l).J + $a( r, + l)Z for i=1,2, CC’ =CTC=&(rO--l)J+&(rO+l)Z, ArC+CA,= Arc-CA,+CJ-C=$_Z-C. This yields A: = - A, + rt_Z+ rO(r, + l)Z, which proves the result. n If r, = 1, then Ii is the pentagon, D is the degenerate 2-(5, 1, 0) design, and I?, is the Petersen graph. For rO= 2, the desired graph and design are known: A,=cycle(l 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 O), C=cycle(l 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0). Since A, and C are both cyclic, they commute. Thus by the above theorem we find a strongly regular I,, with (u,, k,, r,, sO) = (26,10,2, - 3), decomposed into the strongly regular Ii and I, with (or, k,, ri, sr) = (os, k,, r,, sz) = (13,6, ( - 1 + m)/2, ( - 1 - m)/2). These are all the exceptional strongly regular decompositions we know. More graphs and designs with suitable parameters are known, but it is not known whether there exists a pair with commuting matrices. W. H. HAEMERS AND D. G. HIGMAN 394 Zf q is the order of a projective plane, and if there exist THEOREM 3.4. q - 1 mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order q2 + q + 1, then there exists a strongly regular decomposition with (vo~kO~r,~so~=((q2+q+l)(q2+2q+2),(q+1)3,q2+q, -q-l), (“1~kl~~,~sl)=((q2+q+l)(q+1)~q(q+l),q(q+1), -l), (~2, k,>r,> Proof. transversal ~2) = ((q2 + q + I)‘> q(q + 1)2, q2, - q - 11. A set of q - 1 mutually orthogonal Latin squares is the same as a design with q + 1 groups of size q2 + q + 1. Let B,=(NC N,T N;+L)l ... be the incidence matrix of the transversal design, where the Ni’s correspond to the groups. Let M be the incidence matrix of a projective plane of order q, and define Z?, = I@ M (B denotes the tensor product), and B = (B, B,). Then B is the incidence matrix of a 2-(( q2 + q + l)( q + l), q + 1,l) design (which is obviously quasisymmetric) with block graph r,. Clearly the block graph rr of B, is imprimitively strongly regular. Also the block graph of a transversal design is strongly regular. So the decomposition is strongly regular n and the eigenvahres readily follow. For many values of q instance, if q and q2 + q + also (see Brouwer [4]) if 1,2,3,4,7,8). Cases 1, 6, manner. We do not know following example, of Theorem 3.4 are fulfilled-for 1 are both prime powers (e.g. q = 1,2,3,5,8), but q and q + 1 are both prime powers (e.g. q = and 20 in the table can be constructed in this if the theorem provides an infinite family. The however, the conditions does give infinitely many proper strongly regu- lar decompositions. EXAMPLE 3.5. For every integer m > 1, the symplectic ( vo, k,, r,, so) = (22m - 1,22”-‘- 2,2”-l- graph r. with 1, - 2”-’ - 1) STRONGLY REGULAR GRAPHS 395 admits two strongly regular decompositions: (u2, k2,r2, s2) = (22-l _ 2”‘-1,22”-2 = (22nlFl +y-1,22”‘~~2 one with _ 1,2”‘-” _ 1, _ y-1 _ I), and one with (02. k 2,r2, s2> - 1,277’ -I_ 1, _ 2”’ 2 _ 1). In both cases l1 is the orthogonal graph, defined on the points of an orthogonal quadric in PG(2m - 1,2). The symplectic and orthogonal graphs are described in Seidel [15]. For m = 2 the decompositions coincide with Theorem 3.4 (9 = 1) and Example 3.1 (m = 6) respectively. For larger m, the decompositions are proper and P, and l?, are both primitive. Cases 1, 3, 4, 25, and 26 in the table are of this type. Next we shall give some sporadic examples (making use of the table). EXAMPLE 3.6. strongly Case 2 in the table exists, that is, the Clebsch regular decomposition with A,=A,=(; EXAMPLE 3.7. admits a strongly ;j, C=iJTI graph has a llr). Case 12 in the table exists, that is, the Higman-Sims graph regular decomposition into two Hoffman-Singleton graphs (see Sims [19]). EXAMPLE 3.8. A hemisystem (see Cameron, Delsarte, and Goethals [8]) is a strongly regular decomposition of the point graph of a generalized quadrangle of order (92, 9). The only known hemisystem has 9 = 3, where the point graph is decomposed into two Gewirtz graphs. This produces case 13 of the table. EXAMPLE 3.9. Goethals and Seidel [ll] give a construction 15 from which the strongly regular decomposition is obvious. of r, of case W. H. HAEMERS AND D. G. HIGMAN 396 Finally some nonexistence results are considered. Case 7 in the table is impossible, since Wilbrink and Brouwer [22] showed that I, does not exist. For cases 17 and 18, rl does not exist because of the absolute bound. By Theorem 2.9 the existence of an improper strongly regular decomposition is equivalent to the existence of a quasisymmetric 2design with suitable parameters. For quasisymmetric designs many nonexistence results are known. These results lead to nonexistence of cases 11, 14, 23 (due to Calderbank [6, 7]), and 27 (due to Haemers [12]; see also Tonchev [20]) in the table. The remaining cases are more complicated. THEOREM3.10. position exist forthe No strongly regular graphs with strongly regular decomparameter sets numbered 5 and 9 in Table 1. Proof. In both cases I1 is imprimitive. Therefore D is a group divisible design. Take C in canonical form, that is, ... c=((y C$ where the Ci’s correspond to the groups. For case 5 we define I B,=cycle(J-Z wherein the follows that design with showed that I), Z blocks are 6 X 6 matrices. Then by straightforward verification it (C B,) is the incidence matrix of a quasi-symmetric 2-(24, 8, 7) intersection numbers 4 and 2. Brouwer and Calderbank [5] such a design does not exist. Similarly, for number 9 we define B,=cycle(J-Z Z Z 0 Z 0 O), wherein the blocks have size 5 X 5. Then (C B,) is the incidence matrix of a quasisymmetric 2-(35, 7, 3) design with intersection numbers 3 and 1. Calderbank [6] has proved the nonexistence of such a design. n THEOREM 3.11. Stnmgly regular decomposition 10 in Table 1 does not exist. Proof. We use Seidel switching (see [9] or [16]). Since k, = - 2r,s,, we obtain a strong graph by extending Ia with an isolated vertex. Next we STRONGLY 397 REGULAR GRAPHS isolate, by switching, a vertex of rl. The graph on the remaining vertices is strongly regular with the same parameters as the original r,. However, the remaining vertices of rl now induce a coclique of size 19. Therefore, by Theorem 2.6 we have constructed strongly regular decomposition 11, which is impossible. n The smallest unsettled case in the table is 19. Tonchev constructed a strongly regular graph with the parameters of r,, (see [21]), but it has no cliques of size 15, so it does not admit a strongly regular decomposition. (In fact, Tonchev’s graph has maximal clique and coclique size equal to 10.) REFERENCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 T. Beth, D. Jungnickel, and H. Lenz, Design Theory, B. I. Wissenschaftsverlag, Mannheim, 1985; Cambridge U.P., Cambridge, 1986. R. C. Bose, W. G. Bridges, and M. S. 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