ADDENDUM NO.2 December 15, 2015 INDIANAPOLIS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Garage Atrium Canopy Replacement IAA Project No. I-15-010 CONTENTS ADDENDUM NO. 1 TEXT ATTACHMENT LIST PAGES 1 - 10 PAGE 10 Page 1 of 10 Date: December 15, 2015 ADDENDUM NO. 2 INDIANAPOLIS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Garage Atrium Canopy Replacement IAA Project No. I-15-010 TO: All Plan Holders of Record The following addendum items modify, change, delete from or add to, the requirements of the contract documents for this project. The articles contained in the addendum take precedence over the requirements of the previously published contract documents. Where any article of the contract specifications or any detail of the contract drawings is modified or any paragraph, subparagraph or clause thereof is modified or deleted by the articles contained in this addendum, the unaltered provisions of that article, paragraph, subparagraph or clause shall remain in effect. All Contractors shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided in the Bid Proposal Packet. Item No. 1 – Specifications A. Invitation to Bid: Delete first paragraph and replace with revised paragraph: “Sealed bids will be received by the Indianapolis Airport Authority, Indianapolis, Indiana, for the GARAGE ATRIUM CANOPY REPLACEMENT at the Indianapolis International Airport; Project No. I-15-010; at 7800 Col. H. Weir Cook Memorial Drive, Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 on January 4, 2016 at 11:00 am local time in the Main Terminal Board Room – Level 4. Bids are to be delivered to the Guest Services counter in the Civic Plaza area on Level 3 of the Main terminal. All bids will be opened at a public meeting and read aloud. Any bids received after the designated time will be returned unopened. Bids are desired as set forth in the Instructions to Bidders, which is part of the specifications.” B. Technical Provisions: 1. Section 051200 Structural Steel: Delete provision 1.5.D.9 and replace with revised provision 1.5.D.9: "Erection drawings may be done simultaneously with structural steel shop drawings." Page 2 of 10 2. C. Section 130150 Tensioned Fabric Roof: Delete provision 1.14.B.1 and replace with revised provision 1.14.B.1: " Warranty Period: 10 years from the date of substantial completion of the building." Special Provisions Entire Special Provisions shall be removed and replaced with attached revised Special Provisions dated December 15, 2015. See items that follow for specific changes within the new Special Provisions. 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Delete Table of Contents and replace with revised Table of contents attached. 2. SP-1 SCOPE OF WORK: a. Add sentence to end of item 2.a.: “See sketches “SK#06”, “SK#07”, and “SK#08” for existing shop drawings showing location of existing “Breath Artwork” anchorage locations. Sketches are for reference only.” b. 3. Delete Item 6 and replace with revised Item 6: “Contractor shall remove and reinstall existing Lightning Prevention System, located at all existing trusses, as required to perform Contractors Work. Lightning Prevention System shall be stored and protected by Contractor and reinstalled after new canopy fabric is installed. Discard existing dissipation wire and replace with new dissipation wire (Ref: Bill of Materials on SK#11 - Item 7: LEC Part No. 0001537, WIRE, .100, DISS, 316L). See attached sketches “SK#09”, “SK#10”, “SK#11, “SK#12”, and “SK13” for existing Lightning Prevention System drawings. Contractor shall coordinate with system supplier for recalibration/testing of the system after reinstallation. System supplier contact information is provided in SP-21.” SP-11 CONTRACTOR TEMPORARY SIGNAGE REQUIREMENT At end of paragraph add new paragraph: “The General Trades Contractor shall provide 50 temporary signage frames, Windmaster Classic -24x48 with a clear protective overlay to be used for public informational signage described above. These signs shall also include printed/screened signs with wording and graphics to be approved by the IAA. The General Trades Contractor shall also include furnishing and temporarily installing 100 metal signs for traffic control (for example, “NO Parking” or “One Way”) on the Page 3 of 10 temporary barriers. Location to be as directed by the Airport Parking Manager.” 4. SP-13 CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY SAFETY BARRIERS: Delete SP-13 and replace with revised SP-13: “These Special Provisions are intended to supplement and not replace the provisions of GP 70-08. The installation of the canopy replacement steel and fabric and the addition of a glass enclosure wall will require the use of safety/visual screening barriers around the work areas at the 5th level and at the potential shoring locations on other floors of the garage to keep pedestrians and vehicles from entering into areas that might present unsafe conditions. Additionally, barriers will be erected at the first through fourth floors to keep the public from entering the atrium area to provide safety relief from the construction activities above. A vehicle movement tunnel, indicated by a designation of a GT-2 type barrier, will also be provided by the General Trades Contractor as indicated on the documents. The vehicle tunnel shall have a minimum height clearance of eight feet six inches (8’6”) and a minimum horizontal clearance of fifteen feet (15’) for the length of the vehicular tunnel. Scaffolding and overhead protection shall be constructed to meet applicable safety regulations and standards. The sides of the vehicle tunnel shall a safety barrier to keep pedestrian traffic for accessing the atrium area. The General Trades Contractor will be responsible to erect, move and dismantle these safety/visual screening barriers within the garage structure as indicated on the bidding plans. All construction activities must be coordinated with the General Trades contractor to provide timely notification and coordination of the schedule needs regarding the safety/visual screening barrier erection, relocation and removal. The safety/visual barriers, indicated as a GT-1 type Barrier on the documents, shall be a minimum of six feet in height, provide a continuous safety barrier to pedestrian access, shall include indicated access points for egress to existing elevators and stairwells and shall be installed to withstand normal wind conditions that can be expected to occur in the construction areas. The barriers may not be attached directly to the concrete slabs/decks. Temporary weighting methods are to be used to keep the barriers in place and upright. The barriers may be constructed using either a chain link fence structure with approved mesh screening and appropriate access points or a solid material barrier, e.g. Plywood sheets. If a solid barrier is constructed, it will be required to be painted and have screening material with Airport Page 4 of 10 graphics mounted on exterior or have the Airport graphics be added through the use of paint and stencils. This Contractor will also provide weather protection over the existing escalators and moving sidewalks in the garage as part of this Special Provision. Protection to consist of plastic sheets installed over a temporary wooden frame to minimize the effects of rain and dust to the equipment. The framing is to be installed such that the escalators and moving sidewalks are not accessible to pedestrian traffic, but can be run on an intermittent basis to allow operating parts to be oiled and maintained All other safety/visual screening barriers that are required exclusively for the Work of the General Trades Contractor are to be provided by the General Trades Contractor. Safety/screening perimeters around material staging and fabrication areas shall be comprised of 6 foot high chain link fencing with mesh screening attached as indicated upon the plans. Mesh screening is to be provided similar to a Series 111 printed screening material as shown on See attached sketch “SK#05” for photo of typical level of custom graphics that may be required on the mesh screening. Also see attached sketch “SK#04” regarding mesh screening required on temporary construction safety fencing to be installed during canopy fabric replacement. See Sketches “SK#16” through “SK#24” for locations of safety/visual barriers, information is provided for reference only. The General Trades Contractor shall include in their bid the cost to provide 500 orange movable pylons, Looper-Tube Delineator Post with Reflector Bands, and 4,000 feet of plastic chain material to connect the orange pylons together to form traffic control barriers and directional delineation for temporary traffic patterns in the garage during construction. The General Trades Contractor is also to include an allowance of 200 labor hours to install the pylon and chain barriers in the garage and to relocate when directed. Location of the temporary traffic lanes shall be determined by the Airport Parking Garage manager.” 5. SP-17 CRANING REQUIREMENTS: a. Delete Item 3 and replace with revised Item 3: “Any lifting of materials, other than the steel trusses as defined in item SP16_Craning_Requirements, over the speed ramp, Ground Transportation Center and top parking deck of the garage, shall be coordinated a minimum of 72 hours in advance with the Owner’s Construction Manager, allowing for advance notice of the closure of the Parking Garage speed ramp and Page 5 of 10 other affected areas of the garage during the lifting operation.” b. 6. Add sentence to end of item 4.: “See attached sketches “SK#14” and “SK#15” for existing site utilities.” SP-21 CRANING REQUIREMENTS: After Special Provision 20, add Special Provision 21: “SP-21 – EXISTING LIGHTNING DISSIPATION SYSTEM TESTING After the existing Lightning Dissipation components are reattached to the canopy structure at the completion of the new canopy installation, the Contractor shall have the original lightning dissipation system designer, Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc., re-certify the reinstallation prior to acceptance by the Indianapolis Airport Authority. Additional information and pricing can be obtained by contacting Luke Pettross at telephone number 303-951-3132.” 7. SKETCHES: After Special Provision 21, add new paragraph: “Sketches SK#01 through SK#24 attached.” Item No. 2 – Questions 1. Question – Is this project subject to any Prevailing Wage/ Davis-Bacon requirements? Note: The General Conditions reference a Wage determination sheet but this document has not been provided. Response – The project is not subject to a prevailing or common wage scale or to Davis- Bacon requirements. 2. Question – Is there any requirement to protect the people movers on level 3 to the elements during the time period between when the old PTFE membrane has been removed and the replacement membrane is installed? Response – Yes, however the protection will be provided by Others in a separate bid package. See revised SP-13 included in this Addendum No.2. 3. Question – Please clarify requirements for obtaining building permits for this Contract scope of Work. Response – Contractors shall be required to obtain an Airport Work Permit as described in the bidding documents prior to starting work in the field. Also, the Contractor shall be required to obtain the appropriate Page 6 of 10 Building Permit from the City of Indianapolis. Cost of the City permit to be borne by the Contractor. 4. Question – Please confirm the final finish coat on the new canopy steel elements can be shop or field applied at the discretion of the Canopy Replacement trade contractor. Response – Final finish coat on new canopy steel elements shall be shop applied per Specification Section 099600.3.3.C. 5. Question – Please confirm if the Canopy Replacement trade contractor is responsible to have the system re-certified by the original installer the after re-installation. If so please provide contact information of the original Lightning prevention System installer. Response – Special Provision 21 (SP-21) has been included in this Addendum No.2 to address re-certification and contact information, see attached SP-21. 6. Question – Please confirm the Canopy Replacement trade contractor is responsible for snow/ice removal “inside” the contractor’s safety barriers and work zone and the 5th level of parking ramp and access roads to ramp will be by normal daily IAA operations. Response – IAA will be responsible for snow/ice removal as necessary outside of the construction limits. 7. Question – Please provide drawings or as-builts of existing underground utilities that are in the crane path and pad areas as designated on Site Logistics Plans SK#02 and SK#03. Response – Sketches have been included in this Addendum No.2 to show existing underground utilities, see attached Sketches SK#14 and SK#15. 8. Question – Please advise if a steel erector who is NOT AISC certified can be utilized to allow for increased participation in the XBE program under the scenario the contractor erects the structure in accordance with AISC specifications and/or contract inspects the erection with a certified erection consultant. Response – Item will be reviewed post-bid as substitution request. Page 7 of 10 9. Question – Please confirm this phasing plan and limits on working hours (ref: SP-12, SP-16) is only applicable for the hoisting and erection of the new steel trusses, planer trusses and other large steel elements, and this trade contractor may work on 100% of structure during normal day shift operation as it relates to lay-out, install of new welded connection plates, painting and membrane removal and installation provided the day-to-day ramp operations are not impacted and the requirement of a minimum of 4 stair towers and 2 elevators are available for public use is maintained. Response – Yes, see SP-16 and SP-17 for additional information. 10. Question – Can the cost and responsibility for providing the crane pads, temporary access roads and the landscape allowance by transferred to the General Trades scope of work? Response – Since the extent of the crane pads and temporary access roads may vary by contractor, it would not be feasible to have the General Trades Contractor include this scope within their bid. However, the successful Canopy Erection contractor should be able to negotiate the providing of this work with the successful General Trades Contractor or some other contractor prior to the work being required on site. 11. Question – If the FAA does not approve the use of the Contractor’s proposed crane for erection as part of the FAA 7460 permit application process, will the Contractor be entitled to a cost and schedule adjustment to their Contract? Response – A crawler crane of a similar size was used for construction of the terminal building and approved by the FAA. It is expected the 7460 permit will contain certain restrictions on the crane such as not using in adverse weather conditions, putting a light and flag at end of boom and advance notification of scheduled lifts, but not a limitation on the height of the boom itself. 12. Question – Please advise if a 3d CAD model is available for the canopy structure. Response – No CAD is available. 13. Question – Please confirm if the referenced membrane clamp plate welded to the top chord of the existing T2 trusses between the lightning prevention support brackets currently is in place or needs to be installed by the Canopy Replacement Trade Contractor under this replace scope of work. Also please confirm if this plate is to be a continuous plate. Page 8 of 10 Response – See Detail 3/S-502 for plate requirements at existing T2 trusses. 14. Question – Is a contractor’s license or any other license required to bid directly to the IAA for the Canopy Replacement Project? We only are aware of the requirement in the contract documents that a certificate from the Secretary of State confirming bidder is authorized and registered to do business in Indiana is required Response – You are only required to meet the requirement of the documents as pertains to licensing. 15. Question – In the “Instructions to Bidders” Item 25 it appears that the project is tax exempt and that any sales or use taxes should not be included in the bid either in the base bid or as an allowance. Please confirm. Response – The Airport does have tax exempt status as the documents indicate. A certificate will be provided to the successful bidder. 16. Question – In specification section 099600 there is no requirement for millage DFT for the three coats of paint. Should manufacturer’s minimums be the guideline? Response – The specifications require the Contractor to meet the manufacturer’s recommendation for the specific system proposed for the steel painting as there are multiple paint systems specified. 17. Question – In special provisions section SP-19 Alternates, Alternate 1 asks for a new coat of paint to be applied over all exposed surfaces of the steel framing supporting the fabric. Does that include the new steel components, the old components that exist now; or both? Response – This item was addressed in Addendum No.1 (Note was changed to cover re-painting of the EXISTING steel as part of the Addenda). 18. Question – Will value engineering options be entertained? Response – The section of the General Provisions as pertains to the evaluations of any cost reduction suggestions will be used for the project. Page 9 of 10 19. Question – In specification section 130150 1.14B-1 the manufacturer’s product warranty for the specified fabric is to be 20 years from the date of substantial completion. It is our understanding that the four manufacturers identified in section 2.2A of the same spec only offer maximum 10 year warranties and some of them are pro-rated. There are coated fabrics with much greater strength that provide 20 year warranties. Would the airport entertain such alternate options? Response – Warranty has been modified from 20 years to 10 years. See item No.1.A.2 in this Addendum No.2. 20. Question – Can a time extension be issued to allow more time to study shoring plan and to contact potential XBE bidders” Response – Per Indiana public bidding regulations, bids are to be received within six weeks of bid request. Therefore, the bid date can only be extended to January 4th, 2016 at 11:00 am. That extension will be noted in the addenda. 21. Question – With the indicated anticipated contract award date of January 15, 2016, the contract period of 220 days does not appear sufficient to complete the Work. Can it be increased? Response – There seems to be some confusion of the project start up dates and when the NTP is anticipated to be issued on this Contract. See anticipated schedule of activities that will be in effect for this contract (actual dates may vary slightly to reflect actual job conditions): Board Approval of ContractJanuary 15, 2016 Issue Release to Begin Engineering Activities January 20, 2016 Issue NTP for work to begin on site March 14, 2016 Substantial Completion Date October 20, 2016 Completion of punch list work November 19, 2016 Item No. 3 – Attachments A. Specifications 1. Invitation to Bid. 2. Special Provisions - SP-1 through Sketches (including Table of Contents). 3. Sketches SK#06 through SK#24. Page 10 of 10