Information Pack

EAL Teacher (Response Team - Secondary)
EAL Service
31 Moss-side Road
Glasgow G41 3TR
Phone 0141 582 0217
Fax 0141 582 0583
EAL Service: Service Profile
The EAL Service provides support to children and young people with English as an Additional
Language (EAL) who attend educational establishments in Glasgow City Council. There are 122 FTE
teachers who work in early years, primary, secondary and additional learning needs establishments.
We are the biggest EAL Service in Scotland.
The EAL Response Team is a peripatetic team supporting children with EAL in establishments which
have no EAL staff or have significant recent enrolments of newly arrived children. The EAL Response
Team teachers are based in the EAL Service Base and work in establishments across the city. This
involves working in 2 to 3 different establishments per week. Allocations are reviewed on a termly
The team is supported by a Principal Teacher and managed by the Depute Head of the EAL Service.
There are lots of opportunities for continuous professional development and networking.
We work in partnerships with educational establishments, other inclusion support services and a wide
range of outside agencies who work with EAL children and families.
Our Service Aims
The EAL Service aims to:
1. Support children and young people with English as an additional language to develop
English language for life, learning and work.
2. Provide learning experiences which enable children and young people with English as
an additional language to fully access the curriculum.
3. Develop children and young people’s pride and confidence in all the language skills
they possess.
4. Encourage partnership working with schools, parents and other professionals in the
support of children and young people with EAL.
5. Help build the capacity of schools to meet the needs of children and young people with
6. Provide staff development opportunities for EAL Service teachers which will encourage
professional and personal development, ensure that they feel valued in their roles and
lead to improvements in learners’ experiences
Person Specification: EAL Teacher (Response Team)
Reports to
Depute Head of the EAL Service
Reference Number
Type here
Full Time
EAL Response Team
Closing Date
Type here
Interview Date
Type here
Duties and Responsibilities of EAL Teachers
EAL Teacher (Response Team)
Key Area
General responsibilities and duties
Teaching and learning
Responsibility to plan, deliver and assess high quality
learning experiences to children with EAL to raise attainment
and achievement.
Responsibility to assess, record and report on the progress
of children with EAL.
Responsibility to actively contribute to the development and
delivery of a curricular, learning support or pastoral care
programme suitable to meet the needs of children with EAL,
as dictated by the School Improvement Plan or EAL Service
Improvement Plan or Authority direction.
Quality Assurance and School
Contribute to the development, promotion and
implementation of the school/service’s arrangements for self
evaluation and overall school improvement.
Responsible for implementation of policies within area of
Contribution to Positive School
Contribute to and promote the development of a positive
school/service ethos.
Contribute to the development, promotion and
implementation of school/service policy and procedures.
Implementation of Pupil Support
Contribute to the development, promotion of, and
implementation of school/service policy and procedures in
relation to arrangements for supporting pupils with EAL.
Partnership Working
Promote partnership working with professional and support
staff, parents, and appropriate agencies.
Any other duties as directed by the headteacher/Head of EAL Service
In addition, class teachers have the duties and responsibilities to carry out other such tasks and
responsibilities as designated by the headteacher within the terms of reference of Annex B of A
Teaching Profession for the 21st Century.
Person Specification: EAL Teacher (Response Team)
GTC Standard for Full Registration
Additional qualifications in EAL or professional
Leading Learning in Glasgow
Knowledge of and experience in applying
curriculum for excellence principles and
Has experience of moderation and sharing the
Ability to plan effectively across the
curriculum using experiences and outcomes
from curriculum for excellence.
Experience of leading innovative practices in their
classroom and/or the whole school.
Ability to provide a broad, rich and relevant
curriculum including interdisciplinary learning.
Experience of leading innovative practice with
EAL children.
Ability to motivate and engage children
through stimulating and active learning
Experience of motivating and engaging children
with EAL.
Demonstrates sound organisational skills and
effective classroom management to support
Understanding of assessment principles for EAL
Demonstrates an understanding of
assessment principles and how these have
been implemented in their classroom.
Ability to employ information and
communication technology to support and
enhance learning and teaching.
Raising Attainment and Achievement in
Demonstrates commitment to raising
expectations for children in their attainment
and achievement particularly literacy and
Demonstrates commitment to training and
Has current knowledge of national curriculum
developments and can demonstrate
successful application in their classroom
Has significantly influenced whole school
developments that resulted in improved outcomes
for EAL learners.
Knowledge of and commitment to major policies of
Education Services in Glasgow City Council and
Glasgow’s priorities.
Demonstrates critical reflection and evaluation
of their own practice.
Supporting Glasgow’s Learners
Demonstrates a knowledge and commitment
to effective practices to include children and
keep them safe.
Knowledge of and experience in applying a
variety of effective strategies to promote
positive behaviour.
Ability to plan appropriately to meet the needs
of all learners.
Demonstrates experience of supporting
children/young people with EAL
Has experience of working with a variety of
partners to support EAL learners.
Contributes to support planning for children and
young people with additional support plans.
Has good working knowledge of Staged
Intervention procedures.
Understands the role and responsibility of the
teacher in additional support legislation.
Working Together in Glasgow
Ability to communicate effectively with
children and colleagues and contribute to a
positive school ethos.
Has experience of collegiate working in a school
Demonstrates qualities to promote positive
partnership working with children,
parent/carers and staff in a school community.
Has participated or led parents/carers events.
Ability to communicate effectively with parents
and carers and outside agencies.
Experience of working in a peripatetic setting
Glasgow City Council
Education Services
City Chambers East
40 John Street
Glasgow G1 1JL
0141 287 2000