personalized care

personalized care
for all
Developing concrete innovative solutions
to make medicine more personalized, more efficient
and more accessible.
Protect, enhance and save lives
IBA. Making cancer treatment more efficient
at a lower cost for society.
Personalized care for all.
IBA. Deeply ingrained values...
IBA. Integrated activities...
IBA: Cutting
a long story short
and table of contents.
Founding of IBA (Ion Beam Applications):
IBA develops its presence in the
development of cyclotrons for the production of
radiopharmaceutical sector:
isotopes for Medical Imaging
Acquisition of Eastern Isotopes
First patient treated in an IBA clinical Proton
IBA expands its activities into Sterilization and
Therapy center at MGH
Employees’ Buy Out
IBA enters the Brussels Stock Market
For its 20th birthday IBA focuses its strategy
on fighting Cancer and grants itself a new
brand identity
Developing presence in Asia
IBA enters the field of Dosimetry through the
acquisition of Scanditronix and Wellhöfer
IBA develops its presence in Europe
for the production and distribution of
radiopharmaceuticals: acquisition of the
IBA consolidates its strength in irradiation
Schering radiopharmaceutical business and CIS
technologies by the acquisition of Radiation
bio International
Dynamics, Inc
years of Innovation
Shaping medicine with innovative assays
Improving human healthcare by providing
high quality biological solutions.
Molecular Imaging
giving ideas a future
IBA. Making personalized diagnostic a reality.
IBA. Developing the next generation
IBA. Delivering service and quality, every day.
IBA. A global integrated solution for radioisotopes
today, more than ever...
IBA. Making particle therapy available to more patients,
everywhere, everyday.
IBA. Where vision becomes reality.
IBA. Where experience really matters.
IBA. Proton therapy made accessible at lower costs
and smaller size.
Fastest, most accurate, most reliable
IBA. Enabling safer radiation in medical diagnostics and
Industry Solutions
Act responsibly
IBA. Leadership in E-Beam accelerators to improve
your industrial processes.
The cleanest and most environment-friendly solutions
on the market.
Contact us
Making cancer
treatment more
efficient at a lower
cost for society.
The rise of healthcare costs and the
growing number of cancer patients
worldwide represent one of the biggest
challenges our society will have to face in
the coming decades.
protect, enhance and
ave lives
At IBA, we are committed to developing
leading-edge technologies and concrete
innovative solutions to make medicine
more personalized, more efficient and more
accessible for the patient while in the long
run, more cost-effective for society.
Every day, by making personalized
treatments a reality for all, we support
physicians worldwide to Protect, Enhance
and Save Lives.
Pierre Mottet, CEO.
1 // iba ABOUT IBA
iba ABOUT IBA // 2
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
care for all.
Every effort we make, every action we take is a
new step towards a more PERSONALIZED approach
to patient treatment.
Triumphing over illness and recovering
patient care and, in the long run, to
tice for the diagnosis of their patients
full health is the wish of every patient,
more cost-effective healthcare for the
as well as for treatment response
the goal of each physician and the
benefit of patients and society.
motivation for all researchers.
Our Commitment at IBA, …
In oncology for example, the use of
Yet, today, with an aging popula-
Thus, at IBA, we are committed to de-
specific PET imaging can, in one case
tion and the funding of healthcare
veloping leading-edge technologies
out of three, enable the physician to
evermore challenging, the “one size
and concrete innovative solutions to
adapt the treatment procedure just a
fits all” approach must unavoidably
make medicine more specific, more
few days after it has started.
be questioned. It is a fact that in add­
efficient and more accessible for
 Making specific treatment that
ition to technological limits, the lack
the patient while more cost-effective
avoids side effects more accessible
of precision in diagnostics and treat-
for society.
In combination with this unique im-
ment procedures leads to high levels
aging technique, IBA is committed
of treatment inefficiency. Inevitably, the
Every day, we support physicians
to making precise treatment access­
healthcare budget and cost to society
worldwide to make personalized care
ible to more patients worldwide. IBA
By providing patients with a more effi-
are negatively impacted.
a reality for all. We do so by taking
develops innovative proton therapy
cient treatment with fewer side effects
2 main integrated paths:
technologies associated with high
and lower risk of relapse, this unique
Towards a solution
 Improving the precision of diagno-
end dosimetry solutions. These allow
approach directly benefits patients
At IBA, we believe that a more precise
sis and treatment response evaluation
the physician to deliver with certainty
worldwide while lowering the long-
diagnosis using functional images (i.e.
thanks to Molecular Imaging
high radiation doses to very precise
term cost of healthcare to society.
PET and SPECT ) will enable a more
IBA provides its partners with a unique
locations in the body. By confining the
specific treatment, such as proton
combination of know-how and innova-
dose to the tumor, IBA proton therapy
At IBA, we work relentlessly with our
therapy, and a faster assessment of
tion capabilities in PET Radiopharma-
proposes a treatment method that
customers to explore new horizons in
treatment response.
ceutical development combined with a
reduces side effects drastically while
medical fields and the industrial world
to Protect, Enhance and Save Lives.
global distribution network. It enables
diminishing the probability of second-
This more individualized approach to
physicians to use specific functional
ary cancers.
patient treatment will lead to improved
imaging as part of their daily prac-
3 // iba ABOUT IBA
(1) Positron Emission Tomography
(2) Single Photon Emission Tomography
Today’s treatment efficacy
“Through the early identification and
initiation of optimal treatments, personalized medicine has the potential
to lower the overall cost of healthcare
Harvard Business Review, October 2007
Estimation based on:
Brian B Spear, “Clinical Application of
Pharmacogenetics”, Trends in Molecular
Medicine, May 2001
iba ABOUT IBA // 4
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
Deeply ingrained values,
a compelling mission.
At IBA, people are inspired
by a common mission:
to Protect, Enhance and Save Lives.
IBA was created by people who are
Through challenges and an attitude
committed to developing technology
of fairness, we stimulate excellence
Making Business success
to fight cancer. As the company grew,
amongst all IBA employees and make
To achieve sustainable business
this passion evolved naturally into
our business an exciting experience.
deeply ingrained beliefs that govern
The outcome is the creation of tang­
the areas of health, safety and
our business behavior.
ible value for patients, our customers
the environment, IBA is engaged
and shareholders.
Why do we fight?
Everyone is concerned by cancer and
“I know of no other company that
1. IBA is engaged in a voluntary
other major diseases. IBA employees
would have the courage to open it-
agreement with the European
share a feeling of urgency in this mat-
self up to its customers the way IBA
Commission to reduce and op-
ter and are inspired by the mission to
does at its user meetings. This in turn
timize energy consumption and
Protect, Enhance and Save Lives.
engenders a high degree of loyalty
implement EcoDesign methods
from users such as myself who prize
to reduce energy consumption
What do we think?
information access above everything.
throughout our equipment’s life
We achieve our business goals be-
This is one of the reasons why I rec-
cause we dare to create innovative
ommend IBA’s products.”
and superior science to detect and
treat cancer. We share knowledge,
experience and expertise with our
Prof. Roger Price, Head, Medical Technology,
Physics & Radiopharmaceutical Production &
Development, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital,
Perth, Australia. (Cyclone® 18/9 since 2003)
2. IBA is committed to ensuring
safety at work for all employees
by raising and aligning standards
of safety throughout the Group.
customers and partners, listening
carefully to their needs, understanding
their requirements.
More information on
This dialogue enables us to provide
them with operational solutions and
concrete results that improve patient
lives, which is what we care about.
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iba ABOUT IBA // 6
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
IBA. Integrated activities
to realize accessible
personalized care for all.
What do we do?
R&D and partnerships and by com-
and safety in diagnostics and therapy
Our complementary solutions in
bining its capacity to develop new
through accurate dosimetry.
pharmaceuticals and medical equip-
radio­pharmaceuticals within a wide
Extending its expertise in particle
ment improve disease diagnosis
distribution network with the largest
acceleration related technologies to
and therapy today, and promise even
product portfolio in the market, and
industrial sectors, IBA develops and
more effective treatment tomorrow.
its expertise in radiochemistry and
supplies industry with surprising and
particle acceleration.
environment-friendly sterilization and
IBA applies its unique know-how and
Bioassays // molecular imaging //
particle therapy // dosimetry //
industrial applications
ionization processes for everyday life.
innovation capabilities to healthcare.
Through countless efforts in R&D, in-
Every day, the IBA team works to make
telligent partnerships and the com-
personalized care real and accessible
mitment of all those involved, IBA
to more patients.
is continuously developing particle
therapy solutions for patient care.
By offering superior specificity and
These solutions will help control and
sensitivity to diagnostics, IBA mo-
cure cancer worldwide in the most
lecular imaging is opening up new
flexible, effective and empathetic way
opportunities in the early detection,
possible. Having pioneered the field
characterization and evaluation of
of particle therapy and become the
treatment response. This field gives
worldwide leader in this market, IBA
healthcare new solutions on the path
is committed to following this path and
towards a more personalized and ef-
offering its customers ever more flex-
fective medicine.
ible and accessible state-of-the-art
particle therapy solutions.
To give those ideas a future, IBA has
adopted a unique position and is com-
In addition to these core activities,
mitted to become a major player in
IBA has the firm intention to develop
this new era of radiopharmaceuticals.
all its fields of expertise. This includes,
The company will achieve this through
for example, enhancing the precision
7 // iba ABOUT IBA
iba ABOUT IBA // 8
Cisbio Bioassays
Shaping medicine
with innovative
Cisbio Bioassays strives to enhance
patient care through assays that enable
uncompromised patient diagnosis and
deliver solutions for the investigation
and discovery of tomorrow’s new drugs.
9 // iba BIOASSAYS
iba BIOASSAYS // 10
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
Improving human
healthcare by providing
high quality biological
a catalogue of more than 80 products,
HTRF for advanced Drug
Dedicated to customer
Key player in the GPCR
for the quantification of tumor markers
Cisbio clearly focuses on oncology with
Cisbio has always been at the forefront
Cisbio is renowned across the world
Through its product offering, Cisbio
large set of methods and tools used
and other biomarkers in clinical biol-
more than 50% of its references being
of innovation, applying novel technolo-
for its dedication to meeting customer
addresses most of the therapeutic
to analyse and quantify biological
ogy, providing the medical community
tumor markers. As such, Cisbio plays a
gies and assays to the drug discovery
needs and for its custom services pro-
targets explored in modern drug
molecules in samples, particularly in
with reliable and sensitive diagnos-
central role in the diagnosis and prog-
process. Its proprietary technology,
gram. Beyond selling state-of-the-art
discovery, such as oncology-relat-
an in vitro context. When developed
tic tools.
nosis of patients suffering from cancer.
HTRF , based on research by a Nobel
products, Cisbio endeavors to provide
ed kinase enzymes, or inflammation
as immunoassays for in vitro diag-
Cisbio Bioassays enables pharma-
Prize winner, uses advanced fluores-
hands-on technical support, recog-
and metabolic disease biomarkers.
nostics, these processes must allow
ceutical and biotechnology compa-
nized by key industry players as sec-
Among these targets, G-protein
nies, contract research organizations
In Vitro Diagnostics Markers
- A standard in the industry
cence chemistry to identify interactions
a highly reliable measurement of
between complex biological entities.
coupled receptors (GPCRs), which
biomarkers in human blood and tis-
(CROs) and academic institutes to
Cisbio’s in vitro diagnostics products
This robust and integrated technology
From assisting a customer in imple-
are present in every organ system,
sues to help patient disease diagno-
shape the drugs of tomorrow.
are renowned worldwide for their qual-
platform provides critical benefits to
menting an HTRF assay, to developing
have been validated as therapeutic
What are Bioassays?
To do so, Cisbio develops, manufac-
as immunoassay design. While offering
Bioassays are a paramount element
tures and markets diagnostic assays
of life sciences. They consist of a
ity and robustness, so much so that
drug discovery customers, contributing
a custom assay to meet very specific
targets in areas including central
Cisbio products are used as refer-
to streamline their research processes
needs, Cisbio’s team of scientific con-
nervous system disorders, car-
can be optimized to investigate the
Pioneering new markers,
focusing on oncology
ences throughout the industry. A team
and screening, and helping them to
sultants is highly involved in all aspects
diac dysfunction, pain, inflamma-
biology and pharmacology of thera-
Improving the precision of diagnostics
of scientists is dedicated to ensur-
find tomorrow’s therapies.
of customer service and support, and
tion, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.
peutic targets among which the in-
will enable physicians to provide spe-
ing strict quality assurance and that
is truly committed to helping its custom-
Drugs targeting GPCRs account
dustry and the academic field are
cific and adapted treatment. Hence,
Cisbio’s very high standards are met,
ers reach their research goals.
for the majority of the best selling
seeking new drug candidates.
this individualized approach of treat-
consistently. Cisbio has ISO 9001 and
ment allows a better patient care at
ISO 13485 certification for all its in vitro
Biomedical technologies for
biomarker assessment and
drug screening
lower societal costs.
diagnostics products.
Cisbio’s R&D teams have an outstand-
ther explore GPCRs’ function and
Cisbio Bioassays explores biology and
ing track record in the development of
mechanism of action, through novel
immunoassay design to provide physi-
novel immunoassays, based on more
approaches to the study of these
cians, biologists, clinical chemists and
than two decades of experience in the
targets under a cellular, close-to-
scientists with enhanced solutions for
production and optimization of mono-
improving patient care.
clonal and polyclonal antibodies as well
sis and follow-up. In drug discovery,
very similar experimental settings
11 // iba BIOASSAYS
The development of an immunoassay for Chromogranin A, marked a milestone in clinical biology for
the follow up of neuroendocrine tumors
drugs and about 40% of all preMore information
on in vitro diagnostics
or Drug Discovery
Cisbio Bioassays employs the most advanced
technologies and equipment to meet pharmaceutical industry demands
scription pharmaceuticals in the
marketplace. Cisbio is committed
to developing new tools to fur-
physiology environment.
iba BIOASSAYS // 12
IBA Molecular Imaging
Giving Ideas a
Molecular Imaging allows to easily
diagnose,treat and stage disease.
Thanks to it’s unique capabilities in Molecular
Imaging, IBA will enable personalized medicine,
therefore bringing major benefits to both
patients and healthcare systems.
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
IBA. Making personalized
diagnostic a reality.
What is Molecular
IBA’s know-how, network of research and
clinical partners, versatile solutions and
unique innovation capabilities allow partnering
customers to redefine the standards of
molecular imaging.
IBA Molecular is part of this progress.
We have unique expertise in the design
aging is an in vivo imaging tech-
development, production and
Towards personalized
nique that enables the non-invasive
IBA believes that the use of molecular
healthcare centers around the world.
visualization of cellular function and
medicine in everyday healthcare prac-
tracking of the molecular process
tice is still in its infancy. We share the
By providing superior science and ser-
in living organisms. Biomarkers
enormous enthusiasm of the world-
vice in both production and distribution,
or tracers are used to help image
wide medical community for the de-
we are helping to ensure the uninter-
Sentinel nodes
The key to early detection and
adaptive treatment. Molecular im-
of cyclotrons and the development,
production and distribution of pharmaceutical tracers used in thousands of
particular targets or pathways. The
velopment of more personalized and
rupted supply of radiopharmaceuticals
ability to image small molecular
effective medicine through accurate
that is vital for the highest standards of
changes opens up a number of
molecular diagnosis. Building for this
patient care.
possibilities for medical applica-
future, IBA Molecular has established
tions, including earlier detection,
strategic partnerships with research
more accurate diagnosis and im-
institutions and biotechnology com-
Comprehensive range of
nuclear medicine solutions
proved treatment monitoring. Mo-
Fulfilling our role as the leader in radio-
lecular imaging will also play a more
radiopharmaceuticals that will take dis-
pharmaceuticals, we are committed to
important role in the development
ease screening and treatment to the
providing complete solutions for all our
of drugs by providing high quality
next level.
customers’ needs. With major product
Lymphatic system
Joints (various sizes)
applications in oncology, cardiology
data on the efficacy of the pharma-
and neurology, in PET and SPECT, in di-
ter diagnosis, patients worldwide
Growing use of
can benefit from safer, more effec-
The healthcare industry is using molec-
nuclear medicine solutions is one of the
tive and cheaper treatments.
ular imaging to detect diseases earlier
most complete in the industry.
ceutical under trial. Thanks to a bet-
Cardio-vascular system
and treat them better. Each and every
agnostics and therapy, the IBA range of
day, considerable improvements are
being made in diagnosis and therapy.
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
IBA. Developing
the next generation
Making PET radiopharmaceuticals available worldwide
technology and an expanding global distribution network, we are helping healthcare professionals provide better patient
Developing tracers that
target major unmet
medical needs
Molecular Imaging,
a solution to build a costeffective medicine
care – safe in the knowledge that their supply of radiopharmaceuticals is predictable and reliable.
In addition to our current portfolio, IBA
Today, society needs to put in place
mercially available radiopharmaceu-
is also managing a pipeline of candi-
a more cost-effective medicine. It is
tical product. IBA stood out as the
date tracers. IBA Molecular is the only
a priority to:
ideal partner for this critical task. Our
industry player that targets large scale
 avoid the usage of drugs that are
collaboration with IBA will facilitate
in-licensing of innovative products in
not effective on a given patient;
the development and optimization of
medical areas that are not currently
 avoid waste by administering the
the radiochemistry and processes for
addressed, as part of its long-term
exact doses required in a given
GMP grade radiolabeling and distri-
strategy. IBA plans to launch 7 generic
patient situation;
bution of ML-10, to the standards of
IBA is the n°1 provider of PET radiopharmaceuticals worldwide. With constant innovation in our underlying production
or proprietary tracers between 2010
and 2015. Among those are tracers
 avoid costly surgical procedures
where not necessary.
that are expected to answer major
unmet medical needs such as ML10,
Thanks to its specificities, Molecular
an apoptosis (cellular death) trac-
imaging has the capability to facili-
tate the selection of individualized
Scintimun® (inflammation/infection) or
therapeutic plans, enable finer as-
Redectane (kidney cancer).
sessment of the response to treat-
“We looked for a partner to make
APOSENSE® 18F-ML-10, our agent
for PET imaging of apoptosis, a com-
the most demanding end-user.”
Yoram Ashery, CEO, Aposense Ltd.
More information
on molecular imaging
ment as well as provide excellent
risk assessment techniques.
Molecular imaging will enable personalized diagnosis that minimizes
Northern America
14 FDG Sites Albany (NY), Cleveland (OH), Dallas (TX), gilroy (CA), haverhill (MA), kansas city (KA), los angeles (CA),
Montreal (CA), Morgantown (WV), richmond (VI), romeoville (IL), somerset (OH), sterling (VA), totowa (NJ)
26 cGMP FDG Sites Amsterdam, bad oeynhausen, Barcelona, bern, Bordeaux, brussels, Casablanca, Coimbra, dinnington, fleurus,
ghent, guilford, Lyon, madrid, Malaga, Milan, nancy, Nimes, orsay, paris AP-HP, rennes, Rome, Santander, sarcelles, Sevilla, Udine
the timing and burden of treatment
to a more fragile aging population
and minimizes the medical and legal risks of therapeutic plans.
13 cGMP FDG Sites Adana, ankara, daejun, daegu, delhi, istanbul, izmir, kuala lumpur, pusan, pyeongchon, seoul(2), suncheon
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
IBA. Delivering service and
quality, every day.
IBA controls and handles all aspects of the production process, from the cyclotron itself to the distribution of
18F-FDG through its own network
IBA activities
The preparation of unit-dose 18F-FDG Injection USP, starts with bombardment of the stable target material
18O-Water, with an IBA cyclotron. Through a proton neutron nuclear reaction the stable 18O-Water is changed
to the 18F radioisotope, a positron emitter.
IBA technology:
Cyclotron Solutions and
Radiopharmacy design
multi-purpose capacity, the new Synthera® has been redesigned and im-
IBA is a world leader in designing and
proved so as to provide many additional benefits.
new Synthera®
While keeping its main unique advantages of compactness, multi-runs and
manufacturing SPECT and PET cyclotrons and chemistry systems used to
manufacture radiopharmaceuticals for
The 18F solution then enters chemical synthesis where a sugar molecule is attached to the 18F,
nuclear medicine diagnostic proce-
resulting in an 18F-FDG preparation, suitable for patient injection.
dures (molecular imaging). IBA also offers the broadest range of technologies
for radioisotopes production.
After extensive quality control on each and every batch, the 18F-FDG is drawn into individual unit-dose syringes,
assayed in the pharmacy and packaged according to official regulations.
Up until now, IBA has provided adapted technology solutions to produce radioisotopes to hundreds of hospitals,
nuclear medicine departments, PET
production and distribution laboratories
The doses are then delivered in a timely manner to the nuclear medecine imaging department
of the hospital.
as well as R&D centers and biotechs
“By working with IBA you will become
Hospital activities
With the advancements in PET technology, the time necessary to acquire a PET scan has dramatically decreased,
an active member of the network of
while the quality of the images has significantly increased. This has resulted in both higher patient comfort during
independent partners and experts
the scanning procedure as well as improved detail in the images, both leading to better study results.
that will shape the future of nuclear
medicine. IBA innovation capabilities
FDG PET scans are often acquired in conjunction with a CT scan. The images are then fused together so the physician
can easily see both the anatomical and the metabolic abnormalities in one image.
will be with you along the way to produce and distribute the molecules of
the future.”
Renaud Dehareng, President IBA Molecular
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
A global integrated
solution for radioisotopes
Your GMP Radiopharmacy, Risk free
IBA supports hospitals and radio-
experience in setting up radiopharma-
“IBA surpassed our expectations in
pharmaceutical distribution centers
ceuticals production centers. In addi-
terms of quality of equipment and
IntegraLab® – Radioisotopes production equipment and support, from project to reality.
for their in-house radioisotopes produc-
tion to high-quality technology, IBA is
price. The construction and instal-
Based on 25 years of expertise, IBA offers a global solution for your radioisotopes production.
tion by providing them with a global
able to offer the support required for
lation are rigorously on time and on
From the definition of your radiopharmaceutical production needs to the operation of your PET center, the IntegraLab®
solution, from project design to the
installation and maintenance, as well
budget. For sure, we will have the
team provides full support for a cost-effective solution.
operation of their facility. IBA’s custom-
as an evolutive and innovative product
most complete and modern radio-
ers can therefore concentrate on their
range with new targets for developing
pharmaceuticals production facility in
core business.
new molecules.
our country.”
IBA will, above all, support you from
IBA supports a large number of R&D
project to reality with a team of ex-
centers and biotechs worldwide by
Sérgio Chaves Cabral
Project Manager, Centro Regional de Ciências
Nucleares, Brazil
perts defining your needs, complying
answering their ever-growing needs
with GMP regulations, designing your
for support and original solutions for
radiopharmacy, building it on time and
research and innovative applications.
on budget, and give you the best sup-
The versatility of our product range
port during the operation.
and depth of innovations in the pipeline can provide all the tools required
When developing a radiopharmacy,
to transform an idea into a concrete
acquiring a cyclotron is only the first
saleable product.
step in a complex project. Several processes and specific equipment must
be integrated into a cost effective and
performing solution. For many years,
More information
on cyclotron solutions
IBA’s large team of experts has provided optimum support in order to achieve
fully-compliant GMP/cGMP centers.
Through its worldwide distribution
network, IBA has developed in-depth
more than ever...
Cancer patients seek the most advanced and
least invasive treatment possible. As a leader in
particle therapy, IBA continues to innovate and
provide the most effective and cost efficient
solutions available. Making proton therapy
accessible today.
23 // iba particle therapy
iba particle therapy // 24
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
IBA. Making particle
therapy available to more
patients everywhere,
What is Particle Therapy?
attacks. Particle therapy offers the
The new frontier in cancer therapy.
healthy tissue in preventing side ef-
ing the best possible cancer treatment,
fects should not be underappreciated.
Making Particle therapy
accessible to more patients,
Particle therapy is a form of external
properties possible with external
beam radiotherapy using beams of
beam techniques. It also increases
The superior dose limiting properties
Particle therapy is an emerging cancer-
IBA is dedicated to making particle
energetic protons, neutrons, or posi-
the effectiveness of other forms of
of protons versus x-rays are depicted
fighting technology that is becoming
therapy available to more patients and
tive ions for cancer treatment. The
cancer therapy and, in clinical trials,
in the comparative distributions for
more widely accepted. Because there
more affordable for healthcare. IBA
chief advantage of particle therapy
has proven easier to combine with
pediatric medulloblastoma.”
are relatively few particle therapy facili-
continues to provide clinical, scientific,
is the ability to more precisely localize
chemotherapy and surgery.
ties, existing sites are treating not only
engineering and business develop-
patients from their region, but also from
ment expertise to our customers mak-
around the world. It is clear: when seek-
ing particle therapy more accessible.
the beam dosage compared to other
types of external beam radiotherapy.
As a noninvasive treatment, particle
Particle therapy works by aiming en-
therapy may even be an alternative
ergetic ionizing particles at the tar-
to surgery for certain patients. Fewer,
get tumor. These particles damage
less severe treatment side effects
the DNA of tissue cells, ultimately
translate into a better quality of life
causing their death. Cancerous cells
for patients and, ultimately, health
are particularly vulnerable to such
care cost savings.
“The importance of dose sparing to
“Treating Patients with the NPTCC Accelerator Based Proton Treatment Facility” J. Flanz,
M.D. from MGH wrote in 2003 together
with T. Delaney, M.D., H. Kooy, M.D., and
S. Rosenthal, M.D.
patients are not deterred by distance.
Radiation therapy requires the release of many photons to damage
the cancerous cells. However, the energy deposited between the
skin and the tumor site and beyond limits the dose physicians can
Dose Deposition
Proton beams deliver a precise dose of energy directly to the tumor
site with what is called the Bragg peak, thereby reducing adverse
effects to adjacent normal tissues inevitable with conventional
radiation treatment.
Protons: Vital healthy organs are spared with particle therapy
25 // iba particle therapy
iba particle therapy // 26
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
IBA. Where
vision becomes reality.
Flexible Approach
the precise energy required to treat
Having designed and equipped the
tumors located up to 32 cm beneath
majority of the clinically operational
the skin.
particle therapy centers in the world,
The protons are directed into a fixed
IBA has unmatched experience deal-
beam treatment room  or a gantry
ing with the financial and logistical is-
treatment room  via the beam trans-
sues involved in developing a particle
port system . A rotating isocentric
therapy facility.
gantry is used to direct the beam into
IBA’s flexible approach can get a facility
the patient with sub-millimeter accu-
up and running while planning for
racy. Robotic positioning technology of-
fers 6 degrees of freedom allowing the
room facility designs provide efficient
patient to be ideally oriented.
workflow and optimized throughput,
This system is currently the only com-
mercially available technology officially
treatment and realize returns while
cleared for patient treatment in the
preparing for growth.
USA, Europe, Korea and the People’s
IBA works with leading medical equip-
Republic of China.
ment manufacturers to ensure complete
Our experience, expertise and satisfied
integration and compatibility between
users make IBA the world’s leading de-
the particle therapy system and other
veloper of Particle Therapy systems.
oncology systems and processes.
PROTEUS 235, a flexible
Inside the IBA Proteus 235 Proton Therapy system, a proton beam is generated in a 230-MeV (million electron volts)
cyclotron . Protons are accelerated to
27 // iba particle therapy
Proteus 235 is the only Proton
Therapy system having
clearance on the 3 continents
assuring quality and safety.
iba particle therapy // 28
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
Where experience
really matters.
Financing Solutions
IBA. Your trusted partner
As the leader in particle therapy facil-
Any large-scale project has multiple
necessary to manage a flexible con-
ity development, IBA understands that
layers of detail, each requiring preci-
figuration design and fully integrated
financing is a critical component. And,
sion and knowledge.
facility. And we know what it takes to
with global experience, IBA also under-
That’s where experience really mat-
generate a solid business plan that
stands the various financial and busi-
ters. While others are still in the
works for a particular and unique
Clinical particle therapy centers installed by IBA around the world.
2 Midwest Proton
Radiotherapy Institute
Bloomington, IN, USA
4 CDH Proton Therapy Center,
A ProCure Center
Chicago, IL, USA
ness models used around the world.
design stage, IBA particle therapy fa-
For a capital-intensive project of this
cilities are at work around the world.
With leading-edge technology and
scale, gaining the leverage needed to
IBA has provided equipment, as well
unmatched experience, IBA Particle
gather the right financing program is
as clinical, scientific and engineering
Therapy can help a facility become a
paramount to success. IBA works with
expertise, to the majority of clinically
sought-after destination for the most
financial institutions such as ONDD
dedicated particle therapy centers in
advanced cancer treatment.
and the Belgian Export Credit Agency,
the world.
that understand the scope and intrica-
In addition to making particle therapy
“At the University of Pennsylvania we
cies involved in particle therapy facility
available to more patients, IBA’s goal
took a long time going through the
development. IBA can help develop di-
is to ensure peak performance of
process and analyzing the landscape
verse, flexible programs for almost any
equipment to keep your facility on
for vendors in proton therapy. And we
financial need.
time and on budget—and ensuring
were very excited by our partnership
No matter where you’re considering
that patients get the timely and ad-
with IBA. We do believe IBA brings the
developing a particle therapy facility,
vanced treatment they need.
best technology to the table. We be-
IBA can help facilitate the all-impor-
We are helping our customers by
lieve they have the most experience in
tant financial aspects to help make
sharing our expertise and knowledge
the world with proton therapy. Based
your vision a reality. IBA will help en-
so they can make particle therapy a
on their experience, we think that they
sure particle therapy is accessible for
reality for more people. At IBA, we
are the most likely group, vendor, to
more medical professionals and their
work closely with you every step of
come through with bringing in the fa-
the way to develop the best solu-
cility on time and on budget.”
tion for your goals. We understand
the commitment and experience
29 // iba particle therapy
Dr. James Metz, M.D., Radiation Oncology,
University of Pennsylvania
Two gantry rooms.
2 Massachusetts
General Hospital
Burr Proton Therapy Center
One gantry room, two inclined-beam
Boston, MA, USA
rooms, one fixed-beam room. Opening in early 2011.
Cyclotron, Energy Selection System (ESS), two gantry rooms.
Centre de Protonthérapie
de I’Institut Curie
Paris (Orsay), France
New cyclotron connected to two existing fixed-beam rooms.
Extension of the existing facility by one gantry room.
ProCure Proton
Therapy Center
Seattle, WA, USA
2 Bronowice Cyclotron Center
Kraków, Poland
Cyclotron, ESS, one research room,
one fixed-beam room.
Opening in 2012.
Protonentherapiezentrum Essen (WPE)
Essen, Germany
Cyclotron, ESS, three gantry rooms, one fixed-beam room.
First Proton Therapy center based on a public-private partnership
(PPP) model.
In development. Expect to
have four treatment rooms.
National Cancer Center
Ilsan, Korea
Cyclotron, ESS, two gantry
rooms, one fixed-beam room.
Expandable by one gantry
ProCure Proton
Center in Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
2 National Cancer
First USA Proton Therapy
facility in a private practice setting, one gantry
room, two inclined-beam
rooms, one fixed-beam room.
Kashiwa, Japan
Cyclotron, ESS, two
gantry rooms.
Developed in
association with
Sumitomo Heavy
Industry, LTD.
5 Hampton University
Proton Therapy Institute
Hampton, VA, USA
Cyclotron, ESS, four gantry
rooms, one fixed-beam room.
Fastest build to date for IBA and
4 University of Florida
Proton Therapy Institute
Jacksonville, FL, USA
Wanjie Proton Therapy
Zibo, China
Cyclotron, ESS, one gantry room, one fixed-beam room.
Expandable by two additional
gantry rooms.
From project start to first patient
treated in only three years.
Cyclotron, ESS, three gantry rooms,
one fixed-beam room.
Treating 100 patients per day within two years of opening.
4 ProCure Proton Therapy
Princeton, NJ, USA
In development. Expect to
have four treatment rooms.
University of Pennsylvania
Health System
Roberts Proton Therapy Center
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Cyclotron, ESS, four gantry rooms, one fixed-beam room, one research room.
The largest Proton Therapy center project
to date.
Agenzia Provinciale Per la
Protonterapia (ATreP)
Trento, Italy
Cyclotron, ESS, two gantry rooms
and one fixed-beam room. First gantry-equipped Proton
Therapy center in Italy.
Opening in 2013.
4 Proton Therapy Center
Czech s.r.o.
Prague, Czech Republic
Cyclotron, ESS, three gantry rooms, one
fixed-beam room. The first of its kind in
eastern Europe.
Opening in 2012.
iba particle therapy // 30
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
IBA. Proton therapy made
accessible at lower costs and
smaller size.
Proteus ONE™, a smaller*,
more cost-effective proton
therapy system
the typical gantry treatment room con-
“The Proteus ONE™ is truly a ground-
figuration. The new design also allows
breaking system that will continue to
one-room facilities to be expanded to
revolutionize proton therapy treatment
Two of the most significant barriers to
multi-room facilities without disruption.
around the world with its reduced size
developing new proton therapy centers
Currently, gantry treatment rooms must
and cost, and greater efficiency,”
— size and cost — will soon be broken
be closed while equipment in newly
down. IBA engineers and designers
built rooms is tested, which delays
have spent more than a year devis-
treatment scheduling. The new Proteus
ing Proteus ONE™, a smaller, more
ONE™ system helps centers avoid this
cost-effective proton therapy system.
obstacle as they expand, improving
The new design also produces fewer
overall patient care. The Proteus ONE™
construction-related treatment disrup-
also offers 3-D imaging. As a patient
tions, requires less land and leaves a
lies in the new, compact gantry, a 3-D
smaller footprint. The new single-room
cone beam CT rotates around him or
system is about one-third the size of
her to capture images of the tumor
a current gantry configuration. The
prior to treatment to ensure the most
size reduction is made possible by
precise beam placement. This tumor
a much smaller cyclotron; a shorter
imaging is highly targeted, so clinicians
proton-beam route from the cyclotron
can develop a unique treatment plan for
to the treatment room; and a smaller,
each patient. While the current gantry
compact gantry. The decreased size
system has proven successful since it
directly corresponds to a significant
was introduced 11 years ago, anticipa-
cost differential. Although pricing has
tion is building for the Proteus ONE™.
not been determined at this time, the
Proteus ONE™ is expected to be a
much lower capital investment than
Yves Jongen, IBA Founder
* Subject to review by Competent Authorities
(FDA,European Notified Bodies, et al.) before
being commercially available.
Proteus ONE™, a smaller, more cost-effective proton therapy system
(Subject to review by Competent Authorities (FDA,European Notified Bodies, et al.) before being commercially available)
31 // iba particle therapy
iba particle therapy // 32
Most Accurate,
Most reliable
At IBA Dosimetry we provide
innovative high-end QA solutions
and imaging markers for radiation
diagnostics and therapy. We help
healthcare professionals to
improve cancer care by delivering
maximum efficiency and minimized
errors for better outcome.
33 // iba dosimetry
iba dosimetry // 34
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
Enabling safer radiation
in medical diagnostics
and treatment.
What is Dosimetry?
Ensure patient safety and better treatment
outcomes by eliminating the unknown. COMPASS
provides you critical details needed for confident
plan verification and approval.
improving the quality of cancer treat-
diagnostics (X-ray and CT imaging)
Delivering safer Radiation
in Medical Diagnostics and
and in radiation therapy. Dosimetry
In medical fields, radiation is used in
COMPASS Patient Dose Analysis
Tumor Targeting
COMPASS is revolutionizing Radia-
decisions to be made based on clini-
gether with our renowned scientific
tion Therapy Plan Verification by intro-
cal relevance and detailed informa-
IBA Dosimetry offers a full range of
and industrial partners, we combine
ducing patient anatomy into the QA
tion, for fast corrective measures and
provides the methods and solutions
innovative solutions comprising in-
expertise and knowledge in order to
process. Tools such as dose-volume-
earlier patient treatment.
that ensure the quality and effic­
struments and software that enables
develop comprehensive solutions and
histograms and dose distribution on
iency of the applied ionizing radia-
medical physicists and radiologists to
new technologies.
the patient CT make COMPASS an
“COMPASS’ output display on pa-
tion doses, helping to improve care
perform the necessary quality assur-
Innovative solutions, high quality
outstanding tool, allowing physicists
tient CT will be very beneficial for
and patient safety.
ance and calibration procedures.
technologies and reliable relation-
and radiation oncologists to combine
our physicians. […] COMPASS will
More precisely, dosimetry, a sub-
When working with radiation, precision
ships with scientists and indus-
their expertise in a common under-
take a significant place for our IMRT
specialty of medical physics, is the
is fundamental to ensure accurate diag-
trial partners make IBA a partner of
Organ movement and related tu-
standable platform, enabling better
and Rotational treatment plan verifi-
calculation of the absorbed dose in
nosis and efficient treatment outcome
mor motion during radiation therapy
plan verification and safer treatments.
matter and tissue resulting from the
while ensuring patients’ safety. In radia-
treatment is a common challenge
Plan evaluation is no longer a purely
ionizing radiation exposure.
tion therapy, health providers strive to
for doctors aiming to provide more
physics-based exercise but is brought
The radiation dose, defined by the
be 100% sure that they deliver exactly
to a true clinical level, allowing sound
intensity and energy, the exposure
the prescribed dose to a precisely de-
The MagicMax is a new solution de-
time, the area exposed and the
fined area in the patient’s body.
signed to make Quality Assurance
IBA’s flexible, linear tissue marker
depth of energy deposition, influ-
IBA Dosimetry is the world’s N° 1 do-
in medical imaging much more effi-
Visicoil™ overcomes this prob-
ences the biological effectiveness
simetry solution provider in installed
cient for all types of X-ray diagnos-
lem. This helical fine gold wire de-
of that dose and needs to be Qual-
systems and in bringing innovations
tic devices and procedures. Unlike
vice can be clearly seen using most
ity Assured.
ment and diagnostic procedures. To-
One-Shot full QA solution
for Medical Imaging
into hospitals. Whether in radio­therapy,
other solutions, only one single
routine types of imaging procedure.
or in radiodiagnostics, we strive to be
X-ray shot is needed to validate the
Easily implanted in the patient’s
the leading total dosimetry partner for
quality of both the X-ray dose and
body by needle insertion, and de-
the community.
the X-ray image.
signed to stay stable in the tissue,
Charles W. Coffey, Ph.D. and Jostin Brian
Crass, M.S. Radiation Oncology Department,
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, USA
Visicoil™ makes it possible to corBy combining efficient dosimetry solutions with premium customer support, our mission is to contribute to
35 // iba dosimetry
More information on
rect for organ displacement and deformity, hence maximizing treatment
efficiency, and minimizing errors.
iba dosimetry // 36
IBA Industry Solutions
IBA Industry Solutions are made possible by
efficient electron-beam and X-ray solutions
meeting industry’s high performance
requirements in a safe and environment
friendly way.
37 // iba Industry Solutions
iba Industry Solutions // 38
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
IBA. Leadership in
E-Beam accelerators to
improve your industrial
What is “IBA Industry
organisms, such as bacteria, resulting
impeded, making the polymer stable
in microbial death and sterilization.
against heat. This locking together of
High-current electron beam accelera-
E-beam processing is used for the
molecules is the origin of all of the ben-
tors are used in various industries to re-
sterilization of medical products and
efits of crosslinking, including the im-
duce undesirable contaminants, such
aseptic packaging materials for foods
provement of the following properties:
as pathogens in medical devices, and
as well as disinfestation, such as the
thermal (resistance to temperature, ag-
to enhance the physical and chemical
elimination of live insects from grain.
ing, etc.), mechanical (abrasion resis-
properties of materials.
tance, pressure rating, etc.), chemical
Electron beam processing has the abil-
through the use of an electron beam,
ity to break the chains of DNA in living
the molecular movement is severely
decision ever. IBA keeps on upgrad-
Undisputed leadership in
the supply of high-power
electron beam accelerators
ing it whenever new developments
World-class expertise in the produc-
are available.”
tion of high power electron beam ac-
“Purchasing the first Rhodotron® was
a real challenge. It has been my best
Leoni Studer Hard AG (
(stress crack resistance, etc.)...
facility turnkey project. The main appli-
Crosslinking improves polymers for a
better heat resistance of wire insulation.
E-beam “cold” sterilization reduces
degradation of medical devices.
cations for E-beam and X-ray accelerators can be summarized as follows:
celerators enables IBA to produce a
Sterilization of Medical
wide range of process improvement
E-beam sterilization of medical devices
solutions for industrial customers. With
is a well-known technology adopted by
more than 250 electron beam accelera-
leading medical device manufacturers.
tors installed worldwide, IBA is the glo-
Its main advantage is its high process-
bal leader in the industry. In the last 10
ing speed, making it a very competi-
years, more than 50% of the power of
tive alternative to other sterilization
installed industrial accelerators world-
wide has been supplied by IBA.
X-ray sterilization is tomorrow’s sterili-
IBA’s involvement in customer projects
zation technology which is expected to
can vary from providing the electron
progressively replace traditional Gam-
beam accelerator up to a complete
ma facilities.
Electron beam and X-rays are used for insect and parasite control reducing food spoilage.
39 // iba Industry Solutions
iba Industry Solutions // 40
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
The cleanest and most
solutions on the market.
Polymer enhancement through elec-
E-beam & X-ray Technologies: the Cleanest and most
Environment-friendly Solutions on the Market
tron beam crosslinking is one of the
Electron beam accelerators are du-
long-life Gamma-ray emitting isotopes,
When turned off, workers can safely ac-
first practical applications of radiation
rable electrically-sourced equipment
such as cobalt-60.
cess the equipment.
processing. As an example, crosslink-
producing ionizing radiation without
E-beam and X-ray equipment also offer
IBA has developed two main electron
ing wire and cable plastic insulation
relying upon radioactive isotopes.
a major advantage in terms of worker
beam accelerators:
gives the material more strength and
Therefore E-beam units do not face
safety, since the equipment can be
• the Rhodotron® for customer
resistance against heat and abrasion.
the security, transportation and dis-
turned off at any time.
Materials Improvement
posal issues that confront the use of
Food Sanitization and Other
Industrial Applications
applications requiring high energy
• the Dynamitron® for medium energy
IBA technology allows many other applications such as E-beam and X-ray
food processing to kill harmful bacteria,
cargo safety screening, mail sanitization, crystal cutting, improving the color
of glass and gemstones, disinfection of
drinking water and many environmental
More information on
41 // iba Industry Solutions
Rhodotron®, for customer applications requiring high energy.
IBA’s Rhodotron® is the most powerful electron beam accelerator available on the market
Easy-e-Beam™, Dynamitron® based solution for improving wire & cable insulation properties
iba Industry Solutions // 42
about IBA // BIOASSAYS // molecular imaging // particle therapy // dosimetry // Industry Solutions //
Contact us.
IBA Molecular
IBA Particle Therapy
Production & Distribution
of Radiotracers
USA: +1 (877) 334 3673
Other than USA: +32 10 47 58 58
Outside USA: +32 10 47 58 11
USA: +1 (904) 491 6080
USA Toll free: 877-IBA 4 PBT
Worldwide presence
Cisbio Bioassays
IBA Cyclotron Solutions
Headquarters: +32 10 201 275
China: +86 64 34 46 40
Europe: +33 (0)4 66 79 67 05
USA: +1 888 963 4567
China: +86 10 8080 9288
IBA Dosimetry Solutions
IBA Industry Solutions
USA: +1 901 386 2242
Europe: +49 9128 607 0
Asia-Pacific: +86 10 8080 9288
Europe: +32 10 47 58 92
USA: +1 631 254 6800
Asia: +86 10 8080 9288
IBA Group IBA Investor and Press Relations
Worldwide: +32 10 47 58 90
43 // iba locations & contacts.
Radiopharmaceuticals production
Main offices
and distribution sites
northern america
IBA Asia-Pacific
IBA Industrial
IBA Industrial
Edgewood, NY
IBA Molecular
IBA Molecular
Sterling, VA
IBA Dosimetry
IBA Dosimetry
Bartlett, TN
IBA Particle Therapy
IBA Particle Therapy
Jacksonville, FL
CISBIO Bioassays
pet sites
cGMP pet sites
cGMP pet sites
iba locations & contacts. // 44
IBA Corporate brochure v1 - November 2010
IBA delivers solutions of unprecedented
precision in the fields of cancer diagnosis and
therapy. The company also offers sterilization
and ionization solutions to improve the hygiene
and safety of everyday life.
IBA Locations & Contacts:
see previous pages.