New Zealand Certificate in Driver Education (Level 6)

Qualification details
New Zealand Certificate in Driver Education (Level 6)
(AKA Subject)
Education » Other Education » Education not elsewhere
DAS classification
Service Sector » Driving
Qualification developer
NZ Motor Industry Training Organisation (Inc)
Next review
Within five years after listing
Approval date
Strategic purpose statement
This qualification provides graduates with the skills and
knowledge to be competent driver educators for people driving
light and heavy vehicles and machinery. Graduates will hold the
relevant licence and/or endorsement for the specific vehicle they
are training drivers in.
Graduates of this qualification will be able to instruct drivers to
become safe road users and comply with regulatory
requirements providing they meet the requirements of the NZ
Transport Agency (NZTA).
These instructors have an important role in educating school
students as well as operators with the automotive and transport
industry. They also have an integral role in communicating road
safety strategies to their students.
Graduate profile
Graduates of this qualification will:
Outcome Statement
Provide direction, mentoring and coaching to students learning to
drive; this includes implementing self-evaluation and reflection
Demonstrate advanced knowledge of, and comply with, the
regulatory environment and the Graduated Driver Licensing
System (GDLS).
Demonstrate advanced driving (including defensive driving) skills
and expertise, and expertly perform driving manoeuvres and
tasks (including fuel efficient driving)
Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of the driving task
and driving terminology used for safe driving (such as Defensive
Driving Techniques, risk reduction and collision avoidance).
Apply best practice teaching, learning and assessment
Maintain personal and student safety; and have an applied
understanding of the relevant legislation and regulations as they
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© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2012
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apply to the use of motor vehicles on New Zealand roads.
Demonstrate technical knowledge of vehicle dynamics and motor
vehicle systems
Design and construct training programmes (courses) for
individuals and groups of drivers.
Education pathway
This Certificate can lead to other advanced teaching certificates
in adult education or business management qualifications
Employment pathway
Holders of this qualification will have the required skills and
knowledge to operate as a competent and professional driver
Qualification specifications
(complete as much of this section at Approval to Develop as is relevant to application)
(complete all of this section at Approval to List)
Qualification award
This qualification will be awarded by an organisation which
has an approved programme, or industry training
programme leading to the qualification.
The certificate will display the logos of the NZQF and NZ
Motor Industry Training Organisation (Inc); and may display
the name and/or logo of the awarding body.
Arrangements for managing
On an annual basis the qualification developer will seek
evidence from all Tertiary Education Organisations (TEOs)
arranging training or delivering programmes that lead to the
award of the qualification to confirm that graduates meet the
strategic purpose statement and to confirm consistency of
qualification outcome achievement by the TEO’s graduates
Credit transfer and recognition of
prior learning arrangements
TEOs delivering programmes that lead to award of this
qualification may transfer credit and recognise prior learning
in accordance with their own credit recognition policies and
Credit transfer will be automatic where assessment
standards are used for assessment within programmes of
study or training leading to this qualification.
Minimum standard of achievement
and standards for grade
Entry requirements (including
prerequisites to meet regulatory body
or legislative requirements)
People wishing to enter this qualification must complete the
NZ Transport Agency’s Fit and Proper Person assessment,
meet the relevant criteria for obtaining an I Endorsement and
hold at least the Class 1 Full Driver’s License for a minimum
of two years.
Qualification conditions (complete all of this section at Approval to List)
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Overarching conditions relating to the qualification
Conditions for programme
Conditions for programme
Other conditions
Specific conditions relating to the Graduate profile – this will be completed in Stage 2
Qualification outcomes (include indicative
Indicative Conditions
credit values for each outcome. Note when including
indicative credits don’t round up for each outcome if
using standards – round the final credit total)
or Optional
Transition information (optional section - delete if not required)
Replacement information
This qualification replaces the following:
- National Certificate in Driving (Education and Assessment) [Ref: 793]
People currently working towards any of the replaced qualifications must complete its requirements, or
transfer to a programme of study or training leading to this qualification, by 31 December 2018.
Qualification Reference 3336
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2012
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