Power Factor Correction with PWM Rectifier F F POWER FACTOR CORRECTION WITH PWM RECTIFIER V.M. Mishra1, A.N. Tiwari2, N.K. Sharma3 and S.P. Srivastava4 1 G.B. Pant Engineering College, Pauri-Garhwal (Uttrakhand) 2,3 M.M.M. Engineering College, Gorakhpur (U.P) 4 I.I.T, Roorkee (Uttrakhand) Abstract: The occurrence of power supply anomalies (e.g. voltage sags, surges and swells, sustained under and over voltages, etc.) originating on the secondary side of customers and high utilization level can often damage and/or disrupt customers computerized process, electric equipment and interrupt loads, a costly issue for customers and utility society. For last two decades researchers developed new algorithms and model for unity power factor incorporating PWM rectifiers, so that cheap and good quality of power can be made available to the customers without violating system disturbances. Still research is in progress to meet the present day congestion management problem with the help of PWM rectifiers, efficiently. Therefore, the authors presented a technique high power factor incorporating PWM rectifiers up to date. Index Terms: Near unity power factor, PWM rectifiers 1. INTRODUCTION The modern drive specifications are required to meet the new IEEE519 standard, as to avoid current and voltage harmonics distortions of the utility. The possibility of the operating the power system at minimal cost while satisfying specific transmission constraints and securing drives capacity by the use of PWM rectifiers. For medium to large size drives, twelve and eighteen pulse converters are readily available. The twenty four and thirty pulse converters are under development. The choice of pulse number is a matter of economic verses harmonic control. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Systems Research, 1(1-2) January-December 2011 91 V.M. Mishra, A.N. Tiwari, N.K. Sharma and S.P. Srivastava F F The objective of power factor correction and PWM rectifiers is to obtain smooth ramp- up and ramp down acceleration transients, optimized mechanical load characteristics, equipment reliability, reduced mechanical related maintenance, increased product quality, reduced audible noise level and reduced physical space requirements. The motor drives optimize speed and torque of the motor, thus saving on energy costs. Hence there is an urgent need of near unity power factor and sophisticated power flow control while incorporating PWM rectifiers. A PWM rectifier is capable to drawing nearly sinusoidal input current with the phase angle between 0-360°. It also provides regulated dc link voltage and regenerative capability hence, most suitable for four quadrant operation. Conversion of ac line voltages from utilities has been done by combination of rectification and a large capacitor. Such a conversion approach leads to pulsed current being drawn from the ac distribution networks. These current pulse cause following problems: • Poor use of the ac source and distribution wiring volt ampere capacity because of the high harmonic contents of the line currents; • Distortion of line voltage waveform caused by harmonic currents and the non-zero source impedance of the distribution network(constructive combination of harmonic current in neutral return lines can, in particular, lead to such distortion); • Injection of noise in to equipment which operates from the line voltage. 2. CONCEPT OF PWM CONVERTERS The active rectifier front end of a pulse width modulated (PWM) inverter drive has been attracting increased attention due to incessantly growing power quality concern [1], [2]. The boost type PWM rectifier has been increasingly employed in recent years since it offers the possibility of a low distortion line current with unity power factor for any load condition [3],[4],[5]. Another advantage over traditional phase controlled thyristor rectifiers is its capability 92 International Journal of Electrical Engineering Systems Research, 1(1-2) January-December 2011 Power Factor Correction with PWM Rectifier F F for nearly instantaneous reversal of flow. [6] It has been shown that unbalanced input voltages or impedance causes an abnormal second harmonics at the dc bus, which reflected back to the input causing a(non-zero sequence) third order harmonic current to flow. Next, the third harmonic current causes a fourth order harmonic voltage on the dc bus, and so on. This result in the appearance of even harmonics at the dc output and odd harmonics in the input currents. These additional components cause added losses in the dc link filter capacitor [7]. The single-phase representation of the PWM rectifier circuit presented in Fig. 1.1 a is shown in Fig. 2.1 b. L and R represent the line inductance and resistance respectively, eL is the line voltage and eS is the bridge converter voltage controllable from the DC-side. Magnitude of eS depends on the modulation index and DC voltage level. Fig. 1: Simplified Representation of Three-Phase PWM Rectifier. (a) Main Circuit (b) Single-phase Representation International Journal of Electrical Engineering Systems Research, 1(1-2) January-December 2011 93 F V.M. Mishra, A.N. Tiwari, N.K. Sharma and S.P. Srivastava F Fig. 2: Phasor Diagram for the PWM Rectifier (a) General Phasor Diagram (b) Rectification at Unity Power Factor (c) Inversion at Unity Power Factor Figure 2 presents general phasor diagram and both rectification and regenerating phasor diagrams when unity power factor is required [19]. The figure shows that the voltage vector eS is higher during regeneration (up to 3%) then rectifier mode. It means that these two modes are not symmetrical. Main circuit of bridge converter (Fig. 1a) consists of three legs with IGBT transistor or, in case of high power, GTO thyristor. The bridge converter voltage can be represented with eight possible switching states (Fig. 3, six-active and two-zero) described by equation: Fig. 3: Switching States of the PWM Bridge Converter 94 International Journal of Electrical Engineering Systems Research, 1(1-2) January-December 2011 Power Factor Correction with PWM Rectifier F F ek + 1 = 2 udc e jkπ /3 3 (1) for k = 0....5 =0 for k = 6, 7 3. PF CORRECTION WITH PWM CONVERTERS The half wave and full wave (H-bridges) converters are used for low performance and high performance applications, respectively. The half wave topology can deliver power only for motoring in both the directions without regenerative capability. In the full bridge converters with two controlled switches having anti-parallel diode per phase, bi-directional power flow is achieved. This topology is very common for three phase ac drives [8], [9]. Hamid A. Toliyat et al [10], developed a low cost thyristor based load commutated inverter(LCI) for brushless paramagnet motor drive system. The developed drives is low cost, with high reliability, adequate performance for high volume production and application to commercial application. Present assumption is that voltage distortion is the responsibility of the user[11]. In, [12] a general methodology for computing voltage and current distortion in accordance with IEEE-519-1992 is presented. The choice of pulse number is a matter of economic verses harmonic control. Large ac drives (100 hp and above), typically use thyristor converters for bus voltage and line current control for speed regulation. The bus voltage is controlled by switching of thyristors in the converters. At low speed, the 5th harmonic current distortion is observed as high as 50% at thyristor converter fed ac drive installation [13, 14] B.T. Ooi et al, [15] described, an integrated ac drive system using a controlled current PWM converter link is reported. Two identical three phase, bipolar transistor, controlled current, PWM power International Journal of Electrical Engineering Systems Research, 1(1-2) January-December 2011 95 F V.M. Mishra, A.N. Tiwari, N.K. Sharma and S.P. Srivastava F modular are integral so that one function as a rectifier and other as inverter in an ac drive system. The input currents maintain near sinusoidal at utility frequency with unity power factor and also it can work with leading power factor [16]. N.R. Zargari and Geza Joos, [17] presented, performance investigation of a current controlled voltage -regulated PWM rectifier in rotating and stationery frames. The current controlled PWM rectifier provides near sinusoidal input currents with unity power factor and low output voltage ripple. It provides a well defined input current spectrum; exhibit fast transient response to load variations and it is also capable of regenerative operation. 4. SCOPE FOR FURTHER USE The boost type PWM rectifier has been increasingly employed in recent years since it offers the possibility of a low distortion line current with unity power factor for any load condition [5], [18]. Another advantage over traditional phase controlled thyristors is its capability for nearly instantaneous reversal of power flow. Fro the PWM view point, further prospects are mostly dependable on a number of practical applications of the PWM controllers. Expecting increased number of their installations, raised concern appears within their coordination in overall planning and operational procedure. System with several PWM rectifiers is to be analyzed. Possible overlapping or interaction between controls systems are to be investigated. Value added increased of drives capacity by using PWM devices is compared with other solutions. 5. CONCLUSION This paper has presented the technique used with PWM rectifiers to achieve high power factor with regenerative capability. However it is concluded that PWM rectifiers can essentially improve power factor, hence improve the performance of modern power system and drives. 96 International Journal of Electrical Engineering Systems Research, 1(1-2) January-December 2011 Power Factor Correction with PWM Rectifier F F REFERENCES [1] Jun Kikuchi, Thomas A. Lipo, “Three Phase PWM Boost -Buck Rectifiers with Power-Regenerating Capability”. IEEE Trans. On Ind.Appl., June 2002. [2] R.P. Stratford, “Harmonic Pollution on Power System- A Change in Philosophy”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol.IA-16, pp. 617-623 Sept/Oct 1980. [3] Ana Vladan Stankovic, Thomas A. 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