VIP - Week 5 Week 5 Objectives

EE105 - Parallel Resistive Circuits
VIP - Week 5
Week 5 Objectives: This week we will be examining parallel circuits! We will learn more terms and
understand the different uses for parallel circuits. Of course we will discuss some
troubleshooting just like we did for series circuits last week.
Upon successful completion of this Lesson, the student will be able to:
Calculate voltage, current and resistance values in a parallel circuit
Apply Kirchoff’s Current Law to parallel circuits
Calculate the equivalent resistance of a parallel circuit
Calculate the total conductance of a parallel circuit
Determine the total power dissipated in a parallel circuit
Describe the effect of an open in a parallel circuit
Describe the effect of a short in a parallel circuit
Confirm all calculations of voltage, current, resistance and power with a MultiSIM
Make sure to utilize the "My Notes" section to organize your thoughts with regard to
what is the most important information within the lecture that is being imparted. Focus
on factual information relevant to each discussion topic such as definitions and
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Reading Assignment and/or Lecture Key Points: Read Chapter 5: Parallel Circuits (Grob’s Basic Electronics Text)
Parallel circuits – a circuit where there are two or more paths for the energy to flow
Grantham University 2013
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EE105 - Parallel Resistive Circuits
VIP - Week 5
Parallel circuits
Simple parallel circuits Dissipation of energy means to lose energy over time.
Conductance is the ability of an object to transmit the energy without losing any
W5 Discussion “Parallel Resistive Circuits”
Discuss the differences between series and parallel circuits. What are some advantages and
disadvantages of each type?
Discuss why the total power equals the sum of the individual values of power, whether a series
circuit or a parallel circuit is used.
How can you use this fact to determine the power dissipated by a voltage source?
Alternate Discussions: As assigned by instructor
VIP Suggestions: Be sure to break the question into the component parts!
A great way to discuss the differences (or similarities) of two things is to make a chart or
a picture – if you have not tried it a Venn Diagram is a good way to do this.
Check out this link of how to make a Venn diagram in Word:
Grantham University 2013
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EE105 - Parallel Resistive Circuits
VIP - Week 5
Example of how to get started: List the differences and then make your Venn diagram – or just list your differences and
type your response!
W5 Assignment "Parallel Resistive Circuits" Using the information in the Lectures & Presentation, answer the following: Complete HW4 -- Series
Complete HW5 -- Parallel Resistive Circuits – (Grob's Basic Electronics text)
Work Problems 5-2 – 5-32, (Even problems only), pg. 162 -163
Work Problems 5-46 – 5-52, (Even problems only), pg. 164
Scan your work for the Problems for upload with the title “HW5_StudentID” with your student
id substituted into the file name.
Upload file “HW5_StudentID”
Consider the following:
Make sure to reference the Key Points from the lectures above.
For this course Assignments are pretty straight forward – simply do the
assignments as listed in each unit. Pay attention to the instructions because you
may be doing only the even or odd questions!
Be sure to scan your work and upload the file with the correct naming convention.
Example “HW5_G00123456.pdf”
Resource Sites on Studying Strategies: Grantham University 2013
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EE105 - Parallel Resistive Circuits
VIP - Week 5
Hurricane Ike Aftermath ‐ High Voltage Power Line Sparks (20 sec)
Science ‐ Electricity ‐ Heating effects ‐ Overloading and Short Circuit ‐ English (animated, 9 min)
Anatomy & Physiology Online ‐ Cardiac conduction system and its relationship with ECG
Example of a Parallel Circuit
Grantham University 2013
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