Human truth inspires innovation While it’s true that customers can’t tell you what they want, Innovation to us means “creative problem-solving.” For if you leverage the right approach, they can tell you how innovation to be compelling to customers and relevant to the they want to feel and who they want to be. It’s the brands business, it must sit at the intersection of a clearly defined that help customers become who they want to be that build customer problem and a clearly defined business problem. true evangelists and market advantage. Our expertise in understanding how people think enables us Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you said, to understand both. people will forget what you did, but people will never forget For 15 years, our team of social scientists, strategists, how you made them feel.” Customer loyalty and advocacy— storytellers and design-thinkers have been bringing a diverse the goals of great customer experience—are born from trust range of perspectives to any challenge. Our clients look to us and faith, essential human emotions. for inspiration and support across the end-to-end innovation When it comes to elevating the customer’s brand experience, process. we believe that it is the little things you do, not the big things you say, that have the greatest impact in building customer loyalty and advocacy. A customer’s experience is filled with dozens, even hundreds of touch points, but only a few have significant influence in forming the emotional bonds with your brand. Our approach to enriching customer experience is unique because together we help you move beyond the voice and into the mind of the customer to understand their unarticulated needs and create more emotionally resonant experiences that inspire market advantage. WE’RE THE CHAMPIONS OF HUMAN TRUTH. We have always been champions of human truth. Having worked with Allstate, BP, Merck, Kimberly-Clark, General Mills, Walmart, and many other Fortune 100 and 500 companies, we have seen how being different, adding value and standing out can be accomplished by finding the truth behind how people think about your brand experience. Traditional market research reveals the “voice of the customer” and elicits rational answers that only account for 5% of what’s really happening within our minds. (CON’T TO BACK) “Anchoring in WHY enables us to inspire innovation that shifts perceptions and behaviors to position brands for sustainable growth.” —Sam Evans, Director, Client Innovation Brandtrust WWW.BRANDTRUST.COM HUMAN TRUTH INSPIRES INNOVATION Human truth inspires innovation Our emotive, social science research examines the other MAKE. 95%, the non-conscious part of our minds that actually our Design Collective to iterate, make and test new things drives our decisions and is the key to shifting behaviors. such as: WHAT WE DO TOGETHER. We will hunt for and find the truths or “insights” that are the cornerstone of excellent creative problem-solving, lead to Then, we leverage our questions—collaborating with Products & packaging Experiences Unique brands Positioning & messaging Programs & services user empathy, and enable us to together create purposeful brand experiences. MAP. First, we level-set the landscape by downloading DESIGN INSPIRES & CHANGES BEHAVIOR. and sharing what we all know collectively to establish the New design gives us pathways to behavior change for both purpose and objective of the challenge before us. Mapping external audiences and internal stakeholders—providing allows us to find the right problem by understanding the full clarity, focus and integrity of the brand and its experiences. ecosystem that is in place. This is change management at its best. LEARN. Then, we use our research know-how to dig in— collaborating with social scientists and psychoanalysts to ask WHAT WE DO TOGETHER. “why?” and uncover mental models using some or all of the We work together to create alignment and buy-in within following methods: every part of the organization by developing some or all of Emotional Inquiry® Ethnographic Inquiry Psychometrics Contextual Inquiry Appreciative Inquiry the following: Accountability & internal employee communication Employee customer speed empathy sessions Internal brand storytelling and promise launch Employee CX ideation and action planning Business modeling to test feasibility, desirability, viability Innovation and creative problem-solving training sessions HUMAN TRUTH INSPIRES DESIGN. We seek powerful insights in order to shape the next big idea. This leads to stronger, more emotionally resonant WHO WE ARE. brands and experiences as we begin to ask “Why does this We are trusted advisors and collaborators for some of the brand exist?” and “Does this have purpose?” world’s biggest brands, helping them drive their business performance by identifying the often elusive and unspoken WHAT WE DO TOGETHER. needs of their customers. Then we help make sense of the insights we uncover and optimize the right team to take We explore opportunities for problem-solving and build new action. With backgrounds including journalism, architecture, strategies for growth and alignment. anthropology, psychology, business strategy, design, neuro EXPLORE. As we analyze and synthesize the data together in work sessions, we formulate: Peak-End Experience Maps: what are the emotional micro-moments that matter most? Empathy Journey Maps: what do they think, feel, say and do in each touchpoint? Challenge Charts: we discover the rules of the game… and how to break them by asking “How might we…?” WWW.BRANDTRUST.COM linguistic programming and product development, our people bring a diverse range of expertise to Brandtrust. But we all exhibit one single, overriding trait: curiosity. We are the ones who always want to know “why.” PLEASE CONTACT US: 312-440-1833 HUMAN TRUTH INSPIRES INNOVATION