
Chairman and CEO
Eng. Imam El-Said
Assistant Chairman &
Supervisor of Procurement and
Supporting Services Divisions
Eng. Hussein Abd El-Meguid
Assistant General Manager
Media & Translation Dept.
Jihan El-Said
Media & Translation
Department Manager
Noha Farouk
Translation Section Head
Rehab Kaddah
Major Events:
The 7th Mediterranean Offshore
Conference & Exhibition «MOC»
Conferences & Exhibitions:
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum
Conference & Exhibition «ADIPEC»
Major Events:
Honoring the Petroleum Martyrs in
the 39th Petroleum National Day
Personal Profile:
Mr. Moustafa El-Amir
Mr. Ashraf El-Hadidy
Major Events:
A mutual Cooperation
Agreement between Enppi &
Achieving Higher Levels of IT
Operational Efficiency Embarking
on Expanded Virtualization &
Consolidated Hardware Platform
Projects & Achievements:
«SOPC» New Asphalt Production
Unit Project
Control & Analysis of Multiphase
Interleaved DC/DC Boost Converter
for Photovoltaic Systems
Projects & Achievements:
The Supplementary Works &
Operating Facilities of YASREF
Review of Construction Materials
Dedicated for the Reverse Osmosis
Water Treatment Packages
Projects & Achievements:
Electrical Power Generation
Via Photovoltaic Cells to Feed
the Petroleum Ministry & Enppi
Human Resources:
Risk and Decision Analysis Training
Course Using @ Risk Software
Conferences & Exhibitions:
Egypt International Economic
Safety & Occupational Health:
Breathing Apparatus for Evacuation
in Cases of Fire Emergencies
Translation Section
Rehab El-Sawy
Hanady Matar
Mona Harb
Baher Khalil
Media Section Head
Enas El Shazly
Media Section Team
Mona Rihan
Reda Wahib
Amany Abo El-Azm
1 (A) Ahmed El Zomor St.
8th District - Nasr City
Main Tel. Board
(50 lines)
22762100 - 22762150
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ISSN 1687 - 1111
Printed in Enppi
In his speech marking the inauguration of the 7th Mediterranean Offshore Conference & Exhibition (MOC) 2014,
H.E. Eng. Sherif Ismail- Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, stated that the path is paved for investments
in the new Suez Canal, and a promising future is yet to
come in the near future. Eng. Sherif Ismail referred to the
plan of expansion in fertilizers and ammonia plants in the
Suez Canal Axis as well as establishing refineries, ship supplying stations & petrochemical manufacturing areas. The
Minister emphasized that SUMED storage facility in the
zone will enhance receiving the crude oil, in addition to the
ambitious business plan to provide energy supplies for the
Suez Canal projects.
The conference titled “Unlocking the Potentials of
Mediterranean Oil & Gas” was held in Alexandria, and attended by General Tarek El Mahdy- Alexandria Governor,
Eng. Tarek El-Molla- EGPC Chief Executive Officer, and
Mr. Tayton Enosenza- Chairman of Mediterranean Offshore Conference “MOC” in Ravenna, Italy in 2015, as
well as, the international petroleum companies’ chairmen
working in Egypt, and an elite of the Egyptian Petroleum
Sector’s officials.
The Minister declared that, the Egyptian Petroleum Sector aims at settling its financial liabilities to the foreign com-
panies by the coming June 30th, asserting that, abiding by this timeframe is a
real challenge, which can be overcome
by hardworking and cooperation.
The Minister stated that, the new
agreements will witness gas prices’ adjustments, while previous agreements
signed with foreign partners, will be
excluded. The Minister mentioned
that, the Petroleum Ministry managed
to settle new price agreements with
numerous petroleum companies, and
soon new exploration agreements will
be signed. The Minister declared that,
technical meetings and discussions
are currently carried on to import gas
from Cyprus, affirming that importing
gas from Cyprus will be positively reflected on the local market as supplying and infrastructure networks will be
used to export gas to external markets.
In his speech, the Minister highlighted that MOC is the 7th conference
to be held in Alexandria, and the 14th
to be alternatively held between the
two cities: Alexandria and Ravenna
since April 2000. He added that, this
conference became one of the milestones among international conferences, and an important event which oil
and gas experts are inclined to attend.
The fact that this conference is held
once again in Egypt after long absence
is an important message that Egypt is
now working hard to acquire the aims
and ambitions of its citizens to have
better lives, stated the Minister, in addition to the fact that Egypt possesses
all factors of success, and is capable of
receiving and organizing such international events.
From his part, Eng. Tarek ElMolla- EGPC CEO and Head of the
Conference stated that Egypt aims at
attaining its needs from oil and gas
from hard zones, and challenging environments. EGPC CEO referred to
the initiatives adopted by the Petroleum Sector including encouraging the
exploration efforts in the Mediterranean boundary zones in deep and very
deep waters, and in new zones; i.e. the
Red Sea and the Western Desert areas,
which need huge investments and upto-date technologies. The second initiative includes production, and reserve
increase, and producing storage facilities using refined crude oil production
projects, which need huge investments and modifications in the agreement provisions. The third initiative
is associated with the unconventional
resources; on top of which comes the
shale gas & oil. Eng. Tarek referred to
the efforts exerted by the Petroleum
Sector to cut down the delayed liabilities to the foreign partners, which witnessed a breakthrough lately, aiming at
continually develop the fields, increase
the crude oil and gas production.
Enppi performed the organization
and decoration for the main gates of
Alexandria Library in which the conference was held, in addition to the
advertising banners inside the halls
and the background of the Great Theatre, in which the inauguration took
place. The Minister accompanied by
the Petroleum Sector leaders visited
Enppi booth in the exhibition, where
they were received by Eng. Imam ElSaid- Enppi Chairman & CEO, Eng.
All Enppi Employees convey
their sincere and cordial
congratulations to
Eng. Imam El-Said,
on the occasion of his
assignment as
«Enppi Chairman & CEO»,
wishing him supplementary
success and accomplishments;
and may God fulfill his efforts
for the prosperity of our beloved
Olfat Ezzat- Enppi Vice Chairman for
Human Resources, Eng. Mohamed
Hazem- Assistant Chairman & Supervisor of Offshore and Civil Engineering Divisions, Eng. Amira El-MazniAssistant Chairman for Business
Development, Eng. Al-Zahraa Abu
El-Hagag- Assistant Chairman for
Information Technology & Technical
Services, in addition to a number of
Enppi staff.
H.E. Eng. Sherif Ismail- Minister of Petroleum and
Mineral Resources, asserted that honoring the petroleum
martyrs and their families during the Annual Petroleum
National Day; the day that marks Egypt’s Restoration of
the Sinai’s petroleum fields in Nov., 1975, is a conventional tradition for the Petroleum Sector. This event is
a sing of gratitude to martyrs, who sacrificed their precious lives for their beloved country, while performing
their duties in various petroleum fields. During the ceremony, the Minister declared that, the Petroleum Sector
is always keen to provide the martyrs’ families with all
possible means of care as a reimbursement for their valuable sacrifices.
H.E. Eng. Sherif affirmed that the Petroleum Sector’s
staff is the cornerstone of the petroleum works and the
prime factor for the sector’s success to overcome all challenges and carry on its role; which is serving the National
Economy to comply with energy’s local demands. The
Petroleum Minister shed the light on the role played by
the workers during this critical time, in executing the Petroleum Sector projects and ambitious plans serving the
economic development. Eng. Sherif also expressed his
certitude that the Petroleum Sector employees will contribute positively in building Egypt’s future, as well as
achieving the Petroleum Sector prospective.
The ceremony was attended by Eng. Tarek El-MollaEGPC CEO, Eng. Mohamed Safaan- ECHEM Co. Chairman, Geologist/ Abu Bakr Ibrahim- GANOPE Co. Chairman, Geologist/ Omar Teimma- EMRA Co. Chairman,
Mr. Mohamed Safaan- Head of the Petroleum Workers’
Syndicate, Eng. Alaa Khashab- Enppi Vice Chairman for
Engineering Divisions & Eng. Mohamed Hazem- Enppi
Chairman Assistant & Supervisor of Offshore and Civil
Eng. Divisions. The Minister honored the following martyrs: Eng. Magdy Fahmy- Gemsa Petroleum Co. (GEMPETCO) Chairman, Reda Ali Abdel Hameed from Cairo
Oil Refining Co. (CORC), Ahmed Mesbah Abu Khozayem from PETROGAS Co., Saad Mohamed Alam, and
Ahmed Abd El-Gaber from PETROMAINT Co., Ramadan Baioumy, Salah Abdel Aal, Ismail Mostafa, Ahmed
Hussain Fathy, and Magdy Shabaan from PETROJET
Co. , Eid Mohamed Shebeb from Egyptian Maintenance
Co. (EMC), Hassan Mabrouk, Mohamed El-Sayed, Mohamed Salem, Mohamed Fouad A. El-Moneim, Ahmed
Helmy Nassem & Ahmed El Sayed Hamoda from Sino
Tharwa Drilling Co., Mahmoud Mostafa, and Haytham
Saber from the Egyptian Petroleum Services Co. (EPSCO) working in Khalda Petroleum site.
H.E. Eng. Sherif Ismail- Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, and Dr. Sherif Hamad- Minister of Scientific Research witnessed
the signing of a mutual cooperation
agreement between Enppi and the
Central Metallurgical Research &
Development Institute in the field of
research, development, training, and
offering the technical & technological
support in the field of petroleum and
mineral resources.
The agreement was signed by
Eng. Abdel Nasser Salah- Enppi former Chairman & CEO, and Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed; Head of the CMRDI at
the Ministry of Petroleum Premises,
in the presence of Eng. Imam ElSaid- Enppi Chairman & CEO. The
Petroleum Minister asserted that, the
Petroleum Sector acts to stimulate the
mutual cooperation with all the research and scientific corporations to
attain the maximum benefit and face
challenges in the petroleum and min-
eral industry.
This agreement is considered a
pronouncement for Enppi preparedness to take part in developing the
mineral resources, chemical industries, energy and environment activities. Such objective can be accomplished through exchanging expertise
with scientific entities, and benefit
from their proposed scientific and
technological updates.
By this agreement, both parties
are going to cooperate in preparing
and executing training programs in
the field of specialized technologies
in the petroleum, petrochemicals,
and metals industries. The agreement
also comprises the exchange of the
technical and technological services
for materials selection, in addition
to conducting tests on the metal raw
materials and technical inspection in
projects. Both parties are going to
collaborate in preparing the technical
feasibility studies for the new coming
Eng. Imam El-Said
and all Enppi staff dedicate
their deepest thanks and
gratitude for
Eng. Abdel Nasser Salah
for his sincere efforts and
achievements during his
premiership of Enppi, wishing him ultimate success and
projects relying on the researches
and studies prepared by the CMRDI,
besides conducting the technical
consultancy for the mega projects.
In the framework of the Ministry of Petroleum ambitious plan to develop refineries, and setting up new
productivity units, Enppi and Suez Oil Processing Co.
(SOPC) signed a contract for the construction of the New
Asphalt Production Unit Project with a design capacity
of 1200 Asphalt ton/day. Mazut is used in operating this
plant, which transfers it to high economic value products.
H.E. Eng. Sherif Ismail- Minister of Petroleum and
Mineral Resources, Eng. Mohammed Taher- EGPC
Vice Chairman for Projects & Planning, Eng. Imam ElSaid- Enppi Chairman & CEO, and Eng. Mohammed EIShimmy- Petrojet Chairman attended the contract signing. Eng. Mohammed Orabi- SOPC Chairman and Eng.
Abdel Nasser Salah- Enppi Former Chairman signed the
The Minister confirmed that, the New Asphalt Production Project is one of the vital projects with special economic value in refining and providing asphalt to meet the
increasing demands of the domestic market, as Egypt is
recently witnessing the establishment of various development projects and plans to achieve an integral urban progress.
Enppi scope includes basic and detailed engineering
designs, procurement services, construction supervision,
commissioning, pre-commissioning and Start-up. The
Project is expected to be accomplished within 30 months.
Qarun Petroleum Co. (QPC) has awarded Enppi the
detailed engineering designs required for hooking up
the new three Turns 60 portable solar turbines. Enppi
scope of work includes the addition of three movable
solar turbines, in addition to the linkage of the new
turbines utilities to the existing power station utilities to
accommodate the new turbines’ requirements.
On the other hand, the turbines status signals,
utilities, loose equipment, and remote SID signals will be
connected to the PLC «Programmable Logic Control»,
and ESD «Emergency Shutdown» system at the existing
power station.
Enppi is in the process to finalize
the detailed engineering drawings
for UGDC administrative building at
UGDC Gas Plant in Port Said.
The building consists of one
ground floor with an approximate
area of 1850 m2; its construction
permits the addition of an extra
upper floor. As the building is going
to be constructed in a gas plant,
it should be constructed to cope
with the surrounding environment,
and the special conditions of the
location. Enppi used finishes and
Burullus Gas Co. awarded Enppi to execute the
engineering services needed to purchase a wax inhibitor
skid, which will be installed on Burullus platform CP-1,
where “SAMA” Well is located in the deep water of the
Mediterranean to remove the wax from the produced gas.
Enppi scope of work will include the following:
• Piping modifications to comply with the new
materials that are fire and blast
proof, in compliance with the
policies of Enppi, which asserts
that all designs and materials must
be environmentally treated and
in accordance with customer's
inhibitor skid.
Request for quotation (RFQ) from bidders.
Issuance of the Technical Evaluation Report (TER).
Executing any required modifications and the tieends in the CP-1 platform.
Structural analysis of the platform after the
installation of the inhibitor skid.
The Housing Fund of the Petroleum Sector awarded Enppi the Project
of Rehabilitating the Medical Center of the Petroleum Sector employees
at Nasr City. Enppi scope encompasses all engineering designs and
procurement services, as well as, supervising the works implementation in
order to rehabilitate the building, which is composed of a basement, eight
typical floors, a ground floor and a car parking.
Enppi has fulfilled the designs and procurement services, along with
semi-completion of the construction supervision. It is worth mentioning
that, all floors have been handed over to the medical center administration
to be furnished. Recently, some remaining works are being finalized, and the
required procedures to furnish and operate the building in its full capacity are
taking place to provide the complete medical services as soon as possible.
YASREF, the consortium of Saudi Aramco and Sinopec, one
of the major Chinese petroleum companies, awarded Enppi the
finishing and supplementary works of YASREF facilities Project, on
the basis of lump sum engineering, and cost plus for procurement
services and construction works. Enppi scope comprises developing
the detailed engineering, procurement services and constructing all
internal roads, the external security roads (35 km) including: subbase, base and 120mm of asphalt layers, along with the related road
markings and traffic signals.
Enppi is assigned to construct the rain water ditches with
diameters up to 36” (200.000 m2). Huge quantities of grading,
leveling and hardscape (700.000 m2), concrete paving (35.000 m2)
and slope protection (40.000 m2) were also conducted under Enppi
scope. Enppi executed the external security fences (13.000m) and
crash barriers (3000m length and 2m depth) in accordance with
the High Commission for Industrial Security (HCIS) requirements.
Enppi also designed and constructed the ground water monitoring
wells (20 wells, 15m depth) in accordance with the specifications
of the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu, to monitor the
groundwater contamination and assure that they are chemicals-free
to avoid negative impacts on environment and the natural water
reserves near the refinery.
This project is of a major significance to Yasref, since finishing
the project facilities is an essential requirement to obtain the
official approval from Royal Commission to commence the
refinery’s operation. This reflects Yasref trust in Enppi capabilities
and commitment, since Enppi managed to complete the project in
challenging time duration, considering the fact that the scope that is
spread over an area of 5 million m2 was executed in parallel with the
commissioning for all units of the refinery. This required intensive
coordination and interface management with 18 main contractors
and 54 subcontractors to arrange activities, and to avoid conflict with
U/G facilities of all types. The work is currently in process according
to the approved schedule.
KIMA CO. awarded Enppi the management of
Ammonia/Urea New Plant Project at Aswan with
a production capacity of 1200 TD as 300 tons are
allocated for industrial activities, and 900 tons for urea
Enppi scope comprises the integral project
management, and representing the owner in the
several phases of the project, i.e. review of engineering
tendering out process designs, procurement services,
and construction supervision, in addition to precommissioning activities in collaboration with the
project team to safeguard the contractor's fulfilment of
his contractual obligations. The project is expected to
be accomplished by the last quarter of 2017.
In the framework of Egyptian Government efforts
to protect the lives of our students and according to H.E.
Prime Minister instructions concerning the essentiality
of raising efficiency and applying HSE standards
in schools nationwide, Ministry of Petroleum and
Mineral Resources was assigned to evaluate the school
buildings status in 6 governorates; (Beni Sweif, ElMenya, Qena, Damietta, El Gharbia and El-Beheira).
EGPC was assigned to execute the assessment of Beni
Sweif Governorate schools (1252 Schools) and El
Gharbia Governorate schools (1106 Schools), EGAS
was assigned to execute the assessment of El-Beheira
Governorate Schools (1948 Schools), Ganoub ElWadi Petroleum Holding Co. was assigned to execute
the assessment for El- Menya Governorate Schools
(1628 Schools), and Qena Governorate Schools (1054
Schools), and ECHEM was assigned to execute the
assessment of Damietta Governorate Schools (470
Schools). A team consisted of 131 groups for six
governorates was formed for this purpose.
Enppi is assigned the general management of the
project including the project's control and creation of
a central database to receive the issued reports of the
schools status in the six governorates, in addition to
the regular follow-up of the scheduled works within 10
weeks starting from Dec. 1st, 2014. In the framework
of this major project preparation, the means of
transportation and‎accommodation were availed in the
Suez Oil Processing Co. (SOPC) awarded Enppi the
New Recovery Unit Project. Enppi contractual scope of
work includes the project’s overall management, basic
& detailed engineering designs, equipment & materials
supply (i.e. tender package preparation, tendering out
process, technical & commercial evaluation, fabrication
expediting, follow-up, technical inspection till release for
shipment, and fright services), field technical assistance
during construction phase, commissioning and start-up.
The project aims to construct the New Vapors Recovery
Unit to enhance SOPC production efficiency via recovering
the lost gases out of the following production units:
• Coker Hydrocarbon Gases.
• Coker Unifying Gases.
• Crude Distillation Unit (DCU-2) Hydrocarbon Gases.
• Un-Stabilized Naphtha from Coker Fractionator.
• The annual New Vapors Recovery Unit's capacity is 200
governorates under the supervision of the Petroleum
Mutual meetings were held with the concerned
Governors, and Education Directorates in the
Governorates, and the General Authorized officials
of the Educational Buildings to solve any occurring
problems and obstacles. A training course titled
“Primitive Structural Assessment and Recognizing
Cracks Types and Assessment” was held at Enppi
Premises in Nasr City with the participation of 130
engineers who are responsible for the team work of the
project. The data of the schools structural status was
handled and classified by the project's team to facilitate
the issuance of the reports. The training course was
organized by Human Resources Div. of Enppi in
collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo
ton of the following high market value gases (Treated
LPG, Untreated Fuel Gas, & Stabilized Naphtha).
The project's main equipment includes: Wet Gas
Compression Unit, Absorber Stripper Tower, Debutanizer
Tower, Sponge Oil Absorber and Amine LPG Treatment
Simplified figure for the project's processes
Enppi E&I Installation Division has successfully
accomplished the construction works for the electrical,
instrument, control, loss prevention & cathodic
protection activities in both Yanbu Export Refinery, and
Crude Oil Supply to Yanbu Export Refinery Project.
The work included laying of different types of
cables; electrical, instrumentations, control and fiber
optic cables. In addition to installation of cable trays
instruments, fire alarm & detection systems, electrical,
control panels at two substations, five motor control
centers, and lighting different types poles.
Enppi scope has also comprised the quality control,
and assurance, calibration and pre-commissioning
activities. The construction works have been efficiently
completed on time with a high quality level. The
Mechanical Completion Certificate (MCC) was signed
on Sept., 2014, while commissioning and start up
assistance are in progress.
Due to Enppi outstanding performance in E&I
works, YASREF requested Enppi to support the
refinery, and complete the remaining E&I work instead
of other main contractors.
According to the Egyptian Prime Minister recommendations to all governmental authorities regarding utilization of different sources of energy especially renewable
power sources, Enppi took the lead to initiate a project to
construct photovoltaic cells system to generate electrical
power to feed the Petroleum Ministry & Enppi buildings.
Enppi executed the project over eight months, starting with design and tender package issuance, then bids
technical evaluation, materials fabrication expediting &
follow-up till inspection and finally construction management and supervision until a successful commissioning
and start up.
Enppi cooperated with GAS COOL Co. to execute the
project in complience with EGPC recommendation. GAS
COOL Co. scope was tendering, commercial evaluation
and participation with the subcontractor during construction.
The constructed electricity generating photovoltaic
project capacity is 60 KW for the peak operating conditions, while the total annual generated electrical power is
105 Mega KW/hr, which reduces the load on the national
grid & leads to environmental protection, by decreasing
the carbon dioxides emissions with an annual amount of
approx. 73 tons.
It is worth mentioning that Enppi played a key role to
generate electricity via photovoltaic cells for several oil &
gas companies such as ECHEM & MIDTAB, since Enppi
is the turn-key contractor for Ganope and EGPC projects.
H.E. Sherif Ismail- Minister of Petroleum and
Mineral Resources, inaugurated Egypt’s International
Economic Forum on Nov. 9th, 2014. In his speech, he
confirmed that, Egypt can turn its ambitious vision into
reality by the efforts of current government through an
integrated strategy. Such a strategy aims at boosting
economic growth, enhancing living standards and
implementing a number of national and development
projects that contribute to attract enormous investments,
which support the national economy and industry.
During the forum Eng. Sherif illustrated that the
Petroleum Sector has its strategy to cope with the
domestic energy demand, maximize the added value
to the Egyptian Natural Resources and optimize their
exploitation. The Minister referred to the challenges
facing the petroleum sector such as supply-demand gap
in the energy market, aging of the infrastructure, energy
subsidy and undiversified energy mix.
The Minister also confirmed that, the new strategies
aim to fill the gap between the supply and demand
within 5 years. Actions such as gas import, settlement
of foreign partners’ dues, signing new agreements for
oil and gas exploration, which is considered the main
pillars of the petroleum activities. 36 agreements to drill
153 new wells were signed since Nov., 2013 and 20
new agreements are in progress with total investment
of 12.9 billion dollars for ongoing projects and 10.9
billion dollars for new planned projects.
He added that a new plan for upgrading refineries
is being implemented through ongoing and planned
projects. In addition, new petrochemical projects are
Enppi participated in the 8th Annual Corrosion
Management Summit from Sept. 15th - 16th, 2014 in
Abu Dhabi, UAE.
The Summit highlighted the following topics:
• Comparison of key corrosion solutions, treatment
and strategies to aid in upkeep and fight corrosion in
oil and gas field.
• Focusing on corrosion inhibitors, cathodic
protection, material selection, coatings, and
corrosion monitoring techniques.
implemented to maximize the added value to the natural
resources and create job opportunities with investments
of 6.2 billion dollars. He explained that the new mineral
resources law is deemed to be a step in increasing
the contribution of the mineral resources in the local
production by 5% annually, attracting investments,
enhancing mining activities, and providing new job
Eng. Imam El Said- Enppi Chairman & CEO,
Eng. Alaa Khashab- Vice Chairman for Engineering
Divisions and Eng. Amira El Mazni- Chairman
Assistant for Business Development, attended the
• Discussion and analysis of the latest advancements
to mitigate corrosion in oil and gas industry.
• Exposure to practical case studies, experiences and
solutions to face corrosion.
• Identification of qualitative and quantitative
strategies in advanced corrosion risk management
Enppi was represented by Eng. Mahmoud Osama
Taha and Eng. Ali Hassab El Nabi from Mechanical
Engineering Division.
Enppi participated in Abu Dhabi
International Petroleum Conference and
Exhibition “ADIPEC” under the slogan “The
Challenges and Opportunities in the Coming
30 Years” from Nov. 10th – 13th, 2014 at Abu
Dhabi, UAE under the patronage of H.E.
Sheikh/ Khalifa Ben Zayed Al-Nahyan- the
President of UAE. The Conference was
inaugurated by H.E. Sheikh/ Hozaa Ben
Zayed Al-Nahyan- the National Security
Councilor and the Deputy of Abu Dhabi
Executive Council.
The inauguration was witnessed by
a number of Petroleum Ministers from
arab and foreign countries, in addition to
a group of experts and decision makers
in the International Energy Sector. ADIPEC is ranked
amongst top oil and gas events in the world, and
situated at the crossroads where East meets West.
This event encompasses the gathering of the major
leading companies in the field of Petroleum & energy.
Enppi seized this opportunity to benefit from this
distinctive elite. Over 1600 exhibiting companies and
37 international pavilions participated in the exhibition.
Enppi participated in “The Role of Regulatory
Authority in Eliminating Corruption, and Waste of
Public Money” conference held on Sept. 30th, 2014
at Ramses Hilton Hotel in Cairo. The conference
discussed some basic pillars; such as:
1- Realizing the precautionary, and preventive
censorship through the following:
• Developing and revitalizing the information
resources of authorities to lead to early detection of
abuses, irregularities especially in the field of bids,
and tenders.
• Setting an inventory for the jobs which are most
liable for corruption, bribes, and conducting
periodical investigations on their incumbents to trace
any deviation.
Enppi was represented in the Conference by Eng.
Mohamed Hazem- Chairman Assistant, and Supervisor
of Civil and Offshore Engineering Division, Eng. Labib
Maged- Offshore Engineering GM, Eng. Alaa KamalBusiness Development Division GM, Eng. Mohamed
Abdel Aziz- Enppi Projects GM, Eng. Mohamed
Ibrahim- Process, and Studies Dept. Manager- Process
Technology Division, and Eng. Zeinab Gamal- Technical
Services and Exhibitions Dept. Manager.
2- Applying the proactive policy towards corruption,
and its perpetrators through the following:• Adjusting the cases of public money abuse and
employee’ deviation.
• Tracking manipulation in public jobs and tracing
• Tracing tax and customs’ clearance to regain the
State’s reclaim.
• Paying attention to citizens’ complaints as being
one of the crucial factors to trace deviation and
helping them to regain their legal rights.
Enppi was represented in the conference by Mr.
Ayman Fouad- Internal Auditing Dept. Manager for
Procurement Division and Mr. Mohamed Adel Azab
from Finance Division.
Enppi participated in “Basra Oil,
Gas & Infrastructure Conference” held
from 27th – 28th Oct., 2014 in Istanbul,
Turkey. Basra Oil, Gas & Infrastructure
Conference is the first strategic forum
focused on the huge potentials of Basra
Province and oil & gas industry as well.
The conference was attended by
Dr. Dhurgham Arif Al Ajwadi- Deputy
Governor of Basra, Mr. Jabbar Alibiformer Director General of the South
Oil Company, Mr. Frank Baker OBEUK Ambassador to Iraq, Eng. Asri
Mousa- Former Advisor of Iraq Oil
Ministry, Eng. Walid Khithan- Head
of Basra Council & Head of Energy
Committee and representatives from
Russian Lukoil Overseas Co. & Kuwait
Energy Co. The Conference discussed
the following topics:
• Developing opportunities, winning
contracts, forming partnerships in Oil,
Enppi participated in the 8th conference on the “Sustainable Development in the 21st Century”, arranged by
the New Planet Association in cooperation with the EuroArab Cooperation Center; Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities (OICC), National Committee for Education, Science, and Culture in Egypt,
The conference was held from Nov.
22nd - 24th, 2014 in Sheraton Montazah Hotel, Alexandria.
The Conference discussed several issues as follows:
• Utilization of technology in the
mineral industries.
• Oil, gas and future development
• Oil Exploration.
• Utilization of technology in industrial development.
• Food industry and nutrition safety technology.
• Information and communication technology.
Under the patronage of H.E. Eng.
Sherif Ismail- Minister of Petroleum
and Mineral Resources, the Faculty of
Petroleum and Mining Engineering,
Suez University organized the 12th International conference on “Mining,
Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering” during the period from Oct. 20th –
22nd , 2014.
The Conference discussed several
topics; such as:• The most up-to-date researches in the
field of petroleum production, refining,
petrochemicals, metallurgy and mining
Gas, Petrochemicals and Energy Infrastructure.
• Highlighting major opportunities not
only in oil and gas industry, but also
across all sectors in Basra.
• Identifying the next steps in positioning Basra on the global energy map as
a major oil and gas producing province.
Enppi was represented in the Conference by Eng. Sherif El Bakry- Syria and
Iraq Area Manager.
• Technology and tourism
• Utilization of modern technology in airports
• Improvement of the modern technological education system in the Arab World.
• Technological cooperation among Nile basin countries.
• Technology and urban development
• Technology of Power-linkage between Egypt and Arab Countries.
• Technology and transportation
networks development in the Egyptian Governorates.
Eng. Fakhry Amer- Enppi Vice
Chairman, and Dr. Eng. Abdel Aziz
Alkafrawy from the Civil Engineering Div., Eng. Mohamed Azab from Process Technology
Div., and Eng. Mohamed Salah; from E & I Div., attended
the conference. Dr. Alkafrawy presented a paper titled
“Employing Technology in Elevating Urban Development
in Egypt” on which he obtained a certificate of honor.
• Geological engineering and all matters related to geological, geophysical
exploration, mineral deposits, geomechanics, geology, rock mechanics,
mining technology, surface and underground mines, ventilation and air conditioning in mining, preparation of raw
uranium enrichment, mines scanning,
surface water hydrology and water
• Mineral and metallurgical engineering, issues related to the exploration
of mines, metallurgy, mineral powers,
new materials, mineral formation, corrosion protection, thermal treatment,
and welding technology.
• Preserving energy and environmental
engineering discussing environmental
pollution; “i.e. air, water & soil”, industrial deposits; “i.e. recycling & control”,
“treatment of water drainage, water desalination and renewable energy”; i.e.,
solar, wind and wave energies”, in addition to land reclamation technology.
Enppi was represented in the conference by Eng. Ahmed Amr Salah from
Mechanical Engineering Division.
Eng. Mohamed Adel El-Habbal has been awarded the Doctorate Degree in Business
Administration (DBA) from the Arab Academy for Sciences, Technology and Maritime
Transport (AASTMT) in Strategic Management with Excellence Grade.
Eng. M. El-Habbal introduced in his thesis a new decision tool that enables decision makers
in organizations to evaluate their organizations’ performance before applying re-engineering
projects, in order to decrease the collapse risks due to the radical nature of these projects.
The proposed decision tool is distinguished with allowing decision makers to determine their
organizations fitness for radical change and gives them alternatives in case of lack of fitness.
The research was under the supervision and approval of Prof. Dr. Ismail Taha- AASTMT Vice
President and Dean of the Graduate School of Business, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Shawky- Faculty of Commerce former Dean,
Zagazig University, Prof. Dr. Adel Zayed- Vice President of Cairo University and the former Governor of Kalyobia.
Eng. Ahmed Sultan, from Offshore Structure Engineering Division, has obtained the PhD Degree
in Structural Engineering, from Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. The dissertation entitled
“Life Extension for Fixed Off-shore Platforms” which introduces a new framework for life extension
study for the structure of a fixed offshore platform with the latest international standards and safety
regulations. It also addresses a new structural assessment method; “The Probability-Based Assessment”
to assess the structural integrity based on calculating the structure’s annual probability of failure,
defined by intersecting the maximum lateral load curve with the hazard curve at different return periods. For method
validation, it was applied on five fixed offshore platforms in the Arabian Gulf, which have been predefined regional
acceptance criteria for the ultimate strength assessment method that is based on the accepted probabilities of failure.
Eng. Youssef Talaat from Safety and
Loss Prevention Engineering Dept., Process
Technology Division obtained the «Dual MSc.
Degree in Systems' Automation and Engineering
Management» from Helwan University, and
South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences,
Soest, Germany. Eng. Youssef Talaat got the
acceptance to perform the experimental work
regarding his master thesis titled «Interleaved DC/DC Converter
for Photovoltaic Systems» in the Electrical Department (ETEC)
at Vrije Universiteit, Brussel. Moreover, Eng. Youssef obtained
an international certificate titled «Functional Safety Engineer»
accredited from TUV, Germany, in the field of studying and
measuring «Safety Integrity Level» for I & CS Systems.
Eng. Sherif Abou El Gheit, from
Procurement Division, has obtained
the Professional Certified Trainer
Certificate with Excellence from the
American University in Cairo. This
certificate enables Eng. Sherif to provide training programs
for Enppi Engineers and Employees in the field of Business
Administration, developing personal skills and Marketing
Eng. Asmaa Mahmoud Abu El-Makarem
obtained the MBA degree in International
Business Administration from the Arab Academy
for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
in Aug. 2014 with Excellence Grade; Eng. Asmaa
works in the Expediting Dept., Procurement Div.
& Business Development. It is worth mentioning that
such fields are of crucial importance to Enppi to enhance
its employees’ skills. Moreover, Eng. Sherif obtained the
above mentioned certificate while working on his PhD in
Business Administration from Ain Shams University.
This enables Enppi to relay on its experienced staff to
provide training courses to enhance the employees’ skills
whether those working in Enppi or the petroleum sector.
Enppi is always keen to highlight the role played by its distinguished employees to accelerate progress and improve the
overall performance. The light is shed here on the biography of some of these unique employees to motivate them to a
greater success and to encourage other colleagues and establish the principle of
appreciation to all employees who are distinguished at work.
Acc. Moustafa El-Amir joined
Enppi in 1987 as an accountant in the
General Accounting Dept., in 1992
he worked in the Wages and Social
Insurance Dept., and he was promoted
until he occupied the position of Wages
Section Head in 2000. During this
period, Mr. Moustafa was responsible
for developing the Wages Dept. and
he replaced the manual work system
with an innovative computerized one
to transfer salaries through banks.
In 2011, he was promoted to
the position of Assistant GM, and
Supervisor of Wages & social
insurance, in addition to the saving
insurance. Afterwards, he moved
to the General Accounting Dept. to
supervise the taxes, insurance, and
General Accounting Depts. Mr.
Moustafa occupied the position
of a board member in Enppi
Housing and Social Services
Fund since 1992 till present
In 1987, he joined Enppi Club
football team, and was promoted
until he obtained the first rank
then he participated in Companies
and Petroleum Sector Leagues.
Afterwards, he was assigned as a
Board Member of Enppi Club Board
of Directors in 2005, 2011, 2012 &
2013, and a member in the committee
of retirement benefits for employees.
Mr. Moustafa was also appointed as
a member in the committee of setting
the hourly rate for contracts and
technical services employees.
It is worth mentioning that, Mr.
Moustafa El-Amir obtained several
training courses in the field of wages,
insurance, financial corruption at
companies and financial analysis. Mr.
Moustafa El-Amir obtained his B.Sc.
from Faculty of Commerce - Cairo
University 1985 and he obtained a
post graduate Diploma in Accounting
from Ain Shams University in 2001.
Mr. Ashraf El-Hadidy joined Enppi
in 1991 as Personnel Administrator
and promoted in supervisory positions.
He worked as Appraisal, Promotions
and Time Control Section Head in
2000, then he occupied the position
of the «Personnel Dept. Manager» in
2005, afterwards, he was promoted
to the position of «Assistant General
Manager & Supervisor of Personnel
Dept.» in 2014. Mr. Ashraf ElHadidy supervised several personnel
upgrading systems in the department
to suit the company’s work capacity
accompanied by the increased number
of employees in the late years, and
the rapid changes in the Labor Laws,
computer applications diversity, and
management field revolutions.
Mr. A. El-Hadidy participated also
in the development and innovation
of the Personnel Dept. database.
The new database for the
annual appraisals, promotions,
employment and time control
have been initiated to contribute
in speeding up the release of the
required reports, and providing
the potentialities, and application of
the electronic Finger Print System.
Due to the fruitful cooperation
between the Information Technology
Division, and Personnel Dept. the
employees have recently accessed
their various reports such as;
Annual Vacations, In/Out, and
Medical reports on Enppi Intranet.
In addition, Personnel database has
been connected with several company
databases. The Personnel Dept. has
fulfilled a lot of Quality Management
Systems (QMS) requirements, as Mr.
A. El-Hadidy contributed in updating
Personnel regulations in 2004 in
compliance with the Labor Law No.
12 for year 2003, which resulted in
the modifications of promotions,
sanctions, laws and vacations rules,
in addition to the application of
maternity regulations starting from
the 6th month of pregnancy.
It is worth mentioning that, Mr.
Ashraf holds a Bachelor of Law; from
Cairo University in 1989. He also obtained a lot of training courses in management, administrative regulations
and labor law.
The increasing demand on Information Technology,
and the necessity to use evolving software in Enppi,
have been adding a lot to the IT spending sum, on both
the OPEX, and CAPEX sides. The number of hardware
items, computing and networking devices, in the data
center used to keep multiplying year after year in order to
accommodate the increasing demand. Accordingly, not
only the operational cost of running the data center of
such size was quite daunting, but also the risk of having
higher rates of services disruptions became greater due to
the complexity of the underlying hardware.
The virtualization technology introduces key
solutions to these concerns. The main idea is to untie
the conventional link between the machine hardware
and operating system through introducing what is called
the «Virtualization Layer» or the «Hypervisor». The
Hypervisor is then responsible for breaking up the total
capacities of computing, networking and storage of
the underlying hardware server into smaller units and
providing isolated packages of these units to several
instances of operating systems running on top of it.
Recently, and due to the rapid advancement in
Semiconductor Technology, the performance of
processors, memory chips, interfaces and hard disks that
exist in most midrange hardware servers available on the
market today exceed by far the hardware requirements
of most applications that run in Enppi, if any of these
applications runs alone on the hardware server. Without
using the virtualization, the real value that the company
gets out of the modern hardware could be much less
than the incurred investments with the focus of reducing
operational costs.
Fig.1 A Suite of Utilities of the Virtualization System Allowing for
Several Monitoring Views and Root Course Analysis Tools
Hardware vendors have
been developing their products
not only to make them more
compatible with virtualization
technology, but to allow for
Mr. Ramy Mohamed
more consolidation on other
IT Division
dimensions as well. Blade
servers are one realization of such development. The
blade servers are stripped down servers with modular
design optimized to minimize the physical space, and
energy while maintaining the similar quality levels as the
equivalent traditional servers.
Enppi expanded the use of virtualization technology
to cover more than 50% of the IT Provision and embarked
on a starting number of blade servers that further reduced
the footprint and operational cost in a significant way.
On the benefits side, with such technologies in place,
fulfilling varying and urgent business requests have
never been more responsive. From one day to another, IT
Division tasks, including backups, restores, monitoring,
troubleshooting, maintenance and power calculations
are now performed with much less impact on normal
operation and with significantly greater effectiveness and
Enppi is planning to expand the virtualization
platform and get more of blade servers by time, with the
goal of reaching the optimum cost benefit balance of IT.
One more potential future benefit of this direction is to
become ready for future paradigm of IT services, where
the concept of cloud computing may be dominant and
IT services are provided independently on the physical
location of the hardware.
Fig.2 Main Characteristics of Virtualization Platform
Society is currently facing an increasing demand for
energy, while conventional energy resources are diminishing,
with growing concerns on fossil fuel scarcity and their
implications on the environment.
Global policy makers have begun exerting roadmaps
towards increasing energy efficiency and sustainable greenenergy generation. Among the renewable resources, the
energy through the photovoltaic (PV) effect can be considered
an essential, prerequisite and sustainable resource because of
the solar radiant energy abundance.
Multiphase structure with interleaved control is essential
for the high-power boost converters to reduce the ripple
current, and the size of passive components. Therefore, the
main target of the research is to analyze and implement a
three-phase Interleaved Boost Converter (IBC) with a high
performance and high efficiency. In this topology, interleaved
technique is used to double the switching frequency by
means of phase shifting with the aim to overcome power
semiconductor limitations. The considered IBC is reported in
Fig.1 & Fig.2.
Furthermore, Max Power Point Tracking (MPPT)
technique is used to provide a fast dynamic response, based
on the inherent advantages and detailed theoretical analysis
for PV applications. Incremental conductance algorithm is
implemented to set the duty cycle. It searches for the MPP
through comparing the output power of the PV array before
and after adjusting the duty cycle of the converter.
Two PV systems' applications have been analyzed, shown
in Fig.1 and Fig.2, in order to investigate the feasibility of
using the proposed converter. A 34-kw PV arrays based
on “SuntechSTP270S” modules are used. For stand-alone
system; Fig.3 presents the dynamic performance of the PV
system and its converter, while the performance of the inverter
with/without using filter is demonstrated in Fig.4.
As for Grid-Connected system; Fig.5 presents the
Fig. 1 Multiphase Interleaved DC/DC Boost Converter for
Stand-alone System
Fig. 2 Multiphase Interleaved DC/DC Boost Converter for
Grid Connected System
dynamic performance of the
PV array and its converter,
while the performance of the
inverter is demonstrated in Fig.6.
The research demonstrating
the concept was presented by
Eng. Yousef Talaat
Eng. Youssef Talaat from the
& Loss Preventation
Process Technology Division ,
in the “2014 Ninth International
Vehicles and Renewable Energies
in Monaco” (EVER’14 Conference). The conference covered
topics related to Ecological Vehicles (EV) and Renewable
Energies (RE), including the concerned Solar Energy Systems
field and the research trends related to the “Photovoltaic Panels
and Associated Converter”. Besides, the research has been
published on the website of the world’s largest professional
association for the advancement of technology (IEEE).
Fig. 3 PV System Performance for Stand-Alone Application
Fig. 4 The Performance of DC/DC Inverter and
System Filter for Stand-alone Application
Fig. 5 PV System Performance for Grid-Connected Application
Fig. 6 The Performance of DC/DC Inverter and System Filter for
Grid-Connected Application
Dr. Fady El-Sabagh
Acting as Material
& Corrosion Dept.
Eng. Mohamed Hussien
Senior Eng.
Material & Corrosion
The “30th Annual Water Treatment Technology”
conference was organized by Abu Qir Fertilizers Co.
during the period from June 3rd–5th, 2014 in Alexandria.
Enppi has participated with a paper titled “Review of
Construction Materials Dedicated for the RO Water
Treatment Packages” presenting its experience in the
materials selection gained from several project execution.
The paper comprised a detailed explanation for its title,
as follows:Water Treatment by Reverse Osmosis (RO) process
encounters expanding use in the Chemical Process
Industries (CPI). Selection of Materials of Construction
(MOC) including metallic, non-metallic, and composites
requires full understanding of properties, limitations,
forms of corrosion affecting RO Units.
1. Highlights on Chemical and Physical Characteristics
of Water :RO packages are used to treat various sources of water
(fresh, brackish, sea water, formation water, industrial
waste water, etc.) that differs in salinity, electrical
conductivity, pH, Chlorides (Cl-) content, dissolved gases
(e.g.O2, CO2, or H2S), temperature, suspended solids,
microorganisms (e.g. algae and bacteria), and others,
i.e., Calcium Carbonate, Sulfates, Metal Oxides, Silica,
Sulfur, and Colloids) that affect water corrosion.
2. Material Selection for the «RO»:The commonly used metallic materials are carbon
steels, and corrosion resistant alloys CRAs such as; the
austenitic and duplex stainless steels). Nevertheless, nonmetallic materials (such as PVC, CPVC, PE, PP, PVDF,
RO Unit Under Construction
Eng. Ahmed Eissa
Material Corrosion
GRP, GRE and the dual laminate) are widely used in
these packages. Short highlights of these materials are
introduced below.
• Metallic Materials: (Carbon Steel)
Carbon steel corrodes when exposed to water, unless
they are treated against scale and corrosion, or otherwise
to be de-aerated. The major constituents in water that
affect corrosion characteristics (and scaling, which
affects corrosion indirectly) are dissolved oxygen (DO),Cl- content, pH, and total hardness.
• Stainless Steel:
The stainless steels have five groups, where the most
commonly used in RO are the austenitic (300 series),
duplex and super duplex stainless steel. In processing
chloride-laden waters, the common corrosion mechanisms
are pitting, crevice and stress corrosion cracking.
• Non-Metallic Materials:
There are various types of Non-metallic materials.
Selection of the type depends on the intended service. Nonmetallic materials have lightweight, easy in installation,
have expectancy long-life, and lower lifecycle cost in
addition to its corrosion and chemical resistance. These
advantages led to wide acceptance of plastics materials
in the RO plants. Plastics can be classified according
to their performance on heating to thermoplastic, and
- Thermoplastics:
The most common thermoplastic materials are made
of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Chlorinated Polyvinyl
Chloride (CPVC), Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene
(PE) and Poly Vinylidene Fluoride
(PVDF). The main challenges for
the thermoplastics are the sensitivity
to temperature; the temperature
sensitivity of plastics leads to a
decrease of pressure rating with
temperature rises.
PVC have a maximum service
temperature of 60°C, CPVC has
a maximum of 105°C, PP has a
maximum of 82°C, and PVDF
A Figure Shows RO Unit Used for Sea Water Treatment
materials can maintain pressure up to 135°C. However,
the fluid composition/concentrations of chemicals have
great influence in the maximum acceptable temperature
for each non-metallic material.
PP exhibits better heat and corrosion resistance and
is stiffer than PE and has half the strength of PVC and
CPVC, also it has the most versatile chemical resistance.
PP is available as a pigmented or un-pigmented (natural)
material. Types that contain more than 2.5% carbon black
pigmentation are adequately UV stabilized.
PVDF piping systems are used in a variety of RO
applications because of its strength, working temperature
and chemical resistance to salts, strong acids and dilute
bases. PVDF is not degraded by sunlight.
- Thermosetting materials:
There are numbers of thermosetting resin materials
available; vinyl esters have slightly improved chlorine
water resistance.
- Elastomers or Rubber:
A third group of plastics are elastomers or rubber,
which is similar to thermosets with respond to heat.
Several types of this category have excellent corrosion
and abrasion resistance.
• Composites:
Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP), also known as
Reinforced Thermosetting Polymer (RTP) and Glass
Reinforced Polymer (GRP). When the used resin is
epoxy, then it is known as Glass
Reinforced Epoxy (GRE). It has
superior strength and lesser thermal
expansion compared with plastic
materials. Temperature limitation
(70- 130° C) depending on the
intended service.
- Dual Laminates:
For more corrosion protection,
and long term reliability, FRP
equipment or tanks can be lined with
plastic sheets lining such as (PVC,
PP, PVDF, etc.), which is called Dual Laminate material.
3. Post Selection Engineering Considerations:The following examples highlight some considerations
after specifying the materials:
• Whenever austenitic and duplex stainless steels are
specified, they must be purchased in the solution annealed
condition; otherwise, deleterious phases may precipitate
in the material structure leading to a severe drop in the
corrosion resistance.
• For the FRP materials, inspection shall ensure that
the tank has no swelling, blistering, discoloring, and
softening; as poor mixing and winding can lead to visible
fibers, spots, delamination and cracks.
• After specifying FRP, special care is demanded during
the installation, commissioning and operation phases.
The tanks should be isolated from connecting piping by
expansion joints, do not use tank nozzles for supporting
connected piping, and ensure the concrete under the tank
is smooth and covered with rubber material not sand
filling the inevitable gaps. Even during the storage of the
FRP materials, it should not rest on bare ground for long
It is worth mentioning that, Enppi paper has been
prepared by Eng. Ahmed Eissa, Eng. Mohamed Hussein
Osman, and Dr. Fady El-Sabbagh (Note: the full paper
can be downloaded from the website of the conference's
Another RO Unit Under Construction
In accordance with Enppi vision
to acquaint cost engineers with the
up-to-date technology for software,
HR Division contacted PALISADE;
the world’s leading risk and decision
analysis software provider to execute “Risk and Decision Analysis
Software Using @ Risk”. This software is an integrated set of programs
for risk analysis, and decision making under uncertainty
Division tackling different technical concepts such as;
The course took place from Sept. 21 –24 , 2014 with
Simulation using @Risk, identifying factors that under-
that runs in Microsoft Excel.
the participation of 11 engineers from Cost Engineering
In order to provide the latest know-how to Enppi staff
in different disciplines with reputable training providers
and well experienced instructors, HR Division contacted Bentley Nevada to execute “Machinery Diagnostic”
course from Sept. 20th – 25th, 2014 for 15 engineers from
In an attempt to acquaint Piping Engineers with the latest up-to-date technology, HR Division contacted Becht
Engineering; an American provider for engineering consulting and project management services for the energy
ways of considering risk and opportunity, Monte Carlo
lie risks in our output.
Mechanical Engineering Division.
The course introduced vibration and position measurement, instrumentation for machinery diagnostics, types of
vibration, identification of misalignment and rubs, multiplane balancing and major malfunctions in the field.
sector including upsteam & downstream oil & gas to conduct the “ASME31.3: Process Piping Design Construction
and Mechanical Integrity” course. This program is crucial
for the rehabilitation, and revamping projects executed by
the Piping Division.
The course took place from Sept.
24 – 29th, 2014 with the participation
of 17 engineers from Piping Division,
tackling different technical concepts
such as; code organization and intent,
pressure design, pressure of sustained
loads including support design, flexibility analysis, and equipment loads.
In conformity with Enppi current challenges of applying Value Engineering concept as a vital factor to
conform with Project’s commitments and customers’
requests, in this regard, Human Resources Division approached TUV Nord; an internationally acknowledged
consultancy provider with a solid experience in executing Value Engineering Studies to conduct a comprehensive program for the awareness, habilitation and
implementation of the Value Engineering concept.
The first phase of the program took place from October 12th - 20th, 2014 with the participation of 31 engineers from all engineering disciplines, tackling both
Value Engineering Module “I” workshop, as well as,
Guidance/AVS exam, which resulted in certifying 28
engineers as “AVS”; Associate Value Specialist from
Save International, which is considered the premier international American society devoted to advancing and
promoting the value methodology.
In compliance with Enppi role to develop the competencies of Enppi staff through direct contact with major
industrial professionals to get acquainted with significant
technical technologies, HR Division contacted Pall Corporation; one of the market leaders in the field of filters &
separators design and filtration worldwide to execute the
“Filtration and Separation Technology” program from
Oct. 13th- 14th, 2014 for 12 engineers from Mechanical
Engineering and Process Technology Divisions.
The course focused on introducing separations' systems, mechanisms of filtration, filter types and behavior,
economics of filtration, selection, sizing and specification of filters, as well as introduction to liquid/gas coalescence.
In the frame work of Enppi perpetual commitment
towards its employees’ safety, on Nov. 4th 2014 the
HSE Division hosted the German Domin; which introduced its latest product in the field of safety, and
occupational health as a breakthrough in facing emergencies, toxic gas leakage, and black emissions resulting from fire.
The protective product is a multi-layered active
carbon sponge pad manufactured to absorb hydrogen
cyanide (hydrocyanic acid) and sulfur dioxide. The
pad’s external layer is made of an electrically charged
fine tissue to absorb black toxic particles emitted with
fumes. Furthermore, the pad acts as a filter to absorb
toxic gases, and particles when one is exposed to emissions and obliged to escape waiting for the ambulance
or fire rescue crew.
It is noteworthy
that, this pad does
not protect from
lack of oxygen, and
it cannot reduce
as well. This tissue
packet size filter is
a tested and certified
one, which is both
handy and weighs
about 20 grams. The maximum usage duration for this
pad is 15 minutes only, and it expires after 3 years of
its production date. In case of danger, block the nose,
firmly press the pad against your mouth, and breathe
from your mouth.
Eng. Hisham El Damer
General Manager
Procurement Division.
Procurement Support Office
Log in
Procurement Managers Module
Purchases Platform
The last two decades were characterized by a
quick and sharp depth of the global variables that
impact the organizational operation, despite its
different qualities, which no longer fit with the
systems or the mechanisms of traditional work.
These mechanisms are no longer able to cope with the
future challenges or the global variables successively.
The strategic planning process for the development
of the organization is required, because it involves
choosing the best response to the circumstances that
constitute a changing environment.
This development is a continuous process in
which experiences are accumulated and developed.
From this standpoint, the strategic planning of the
Procurement Division concluded the inevitability of
the working methodology upgrade and raising the
efficiency of the business cycle in various Depts./
Divs. in addition to the integration and exploitation
of all its cadres.
The Procurement Division operates via seven
specialized technical departments, which are
required to be integrated into the division and with
other corporate divisions. Thus, it became necessary
to rely on an «Integrated Information System», and
on the formation of an organization that oversees
and develops the system.
Among its other administrative and technical
objectives that will state hereinafter, the action plan
to bridge the gap was as follows:
1. It was decided to create that system in-house
and perform the programing in the “Information
Technology Division”, to exploit the available
resources and potentialities through upgrading
the application modules existent in the company
database and complete the required sub-systems that
will be integrated with the already upgraded systems
related to the vendors’ registration, material control
department, and the suppliers accounts payable in
the Finance Division. Maximum attention is being
paid to avoid interrupting the departments’
current workflow in the Procurement
Division as a result of this integration.
2. The required system will be used by
Procurement Division staff with unlimited
user licenses.
3. Technical support and training will be
done through the Information Technology
Division not via an external third party.
4. The plan will be executed on phases and
the system will not hinder or interrupt the
work performed in the company projects.
5. Several modules were created and
completed for purchasing, expediting,
inspection and logistics to be integrated
with each other and linked with the vendors’
registration and material management.
Therefore, the database covered all
procurement procedural steps and enables
issuing all reports used in the processes
of purchasing, follow up, expediting,
inspection and logistics. All transactions
will be operated web-based via the internet.
6. Managers and leaders module have been
activated to deal directly with the system
without entering the specialization modules.
7. EPS was integrated into the Engineering
Divisions issuance of the Material
Requisitions (MRQ) via the e-MRQ system
and was integrated as well with accounts
payable system in the Finance Division.
8. Currently, the system is being integrated
via interactive unit “Supplier Scope
Workflow” System related to the suppliers'
workflow, through which suppliers can
login the system via the internet, to check
their own purchase orders on the EPS, and
perform work scope packages detailing.
9. EPS is being managed and supervised via
Procurement Support Office (PSO), which
is an ad-hoc program management office
within the Procurement Division, managed
by a selected expertise from the division
staff who are reassigned to run the office,
in order to reach the targeted procurement
effectiveness and to align the process with
the corporate strategies in a reforming
manner, as well as to support and develop
the “EPS”.
10. All Procurement Division staff have
been trained to utilize the EPS system.
Suppliers Scope
Logistics Module
Expediting & Tracking
PSO Hierarcy
Instrumentation & Control Engineering Division aims at
improving the work permanently and continuously, through
applying global engineering software programs to save time
and boost productivity. SmartPlant instrumentation software
is one of the most important software programs recently
applied in many various international oil & gas companies.
This is due to its accurate and fast facilities and properties,
which contribute to the implementation of projects' design and
engineering in I&C Field.
This software works on Oracle Database, to facilitate
monitoring and follow-up project instrumentation and control
from design to startup phase. This program issues several
reports for Instrumentation and Control Systems Division
such as:
• Instrument index
• Specification sheets
• Hook-ups, wiring and loop drawings
• Control room system cabinets design
could be connected with other
databases used in different
SmartPlant P&ID Software for
Process Technology Division
and SmartPlant Electrical for
Electrical Engineering Division.
This process achieves the
Eng. Emad El-Shokary
integrated and homogenous I&C Engineering Division
workflow for I&CS information
to be reliable on different project phases therefore; it reduces
occupied time in transferring data from various Depts. /Divs.
and increases accuracy for competing in the coming projects.
Eng. Emad El-Shokary from I&C Engineering Division
in cooperation with Process Technology Division prepared a
precise study for the software database, activated some features
and added oracle codes to enable the process integration.
Enppi exerts continuous efforts to reduce energy
consumption through executing some specific plans in
Enppi headquarters and applying the energy committee
recommendations. Enppi managed to record 18% reduction in
the electrical energy consumption during the first half of 2014
in comparison with the same period of last year. Meanwhile,
Enppi aims at reducing energy consumption by 30% as per the
instructions of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation
(EGPC). Therefore, the maintenance Dept. has carried out
some procedures to achieve this target such as:
• Replacing the spot light by energy- saving light bulbs.
• Decreasing the operation hours of air-conditioning system.
• Suspending half of the elevators on Saturdays.
• Suspending electrical water heaters in summer.
• Installing light switches in different locations to switch
light off when not needed.
• Applying Green IT Technology by putting computers on
idle, or sleep auto mode when not in use; which saves 5000
kw/h monthly and lower carbon dioxide emissions by 3.5
• Increasing the employees' awareness of the importance of
energy consumption conservation.
Energy Management Systems Dept. regularly monitors
the above mentioned procedures during the monthly
energy committee meetings, the results are reviewed and
the new recommendations concerning energy consumption
conservation are discussed.
The following graph shows energy consumption
rationalization during the 1st half of 2014 in comparison
with the same period of previous year.
• Total Consumption in the 1st half of 2013 was 2745667 KW/h
• Total Consumption in the 1st half of 2014 was 2241306 KW/h
• Consumption Saving is 504361 KW/h with a reduction of 18%
Vehicles exhausts are the main danger that threatens the
environment nowadays. It has a direct negative impact on
the air pollution level. With multiple models, designs and
types, the number of vehicles was doubled along the past
two decades, doubling their negative impact on environment.
Vehicles exhausts are comprised of many types of gas
including carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. They are
major pollutants that affect the respiratory system causing
inflammation to the trachea, coughing, asthma, irritation
of eyes and skin especially in humid atmosphere. The
high concentrated amounts of carbon monoxide may cause
death, as it replaces oxygen in the red blood cells, therefore,
oxygen cannot be restored during the breathing process.
Hydrocarbon gases are produced from the incomplete
combustion processes of fuel.
Vehicles & Restoration of the Environment
Many countries adopted strict procedures to decrease air
pollution caused by vehicles. The agencies responsible for
the application of regulations specify quantity standards for
the pollution levels of the vehicles exhausts. In Finland, the
«Finish Technological Research Center» initiated a system
through which cars causing pollution can be detected while
being driven, in an attempt to control the amount of exhausted
gases that affect the health of humans and environment as
well. The new system uses the infrared radiation to register
the data of the polluting vehicle using digital cameras to
identify such a vehicle.
The idea depends on placing two rectangular boxes on
the sides of the road, between which the infrared radiation
passes, once the vehicle breaks the radiation, the amount
of exhausted gases can be easily calculated. Vehicles
manufacturers achieved a progress in reducing the exhaust of
the major pollutants through strict environmental standards.
For instance, the amount of carbohydrate gases and carbon
monoxide were reduced by 95% and oxides of nitrogen
were reduced by 90%. Due to the installation of the
mobile catalyst in the exhaustion systems of
the vehicles, it became possible to transfer
carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons
into carbon dioxide and vapor. Vehicles
should be technically tested including
the exhaustion systems, according to the
terms and regulations imposed by the
laws of traffic and environment.
Laboratory Vehicles for Air Surveillance
The Ministry of Environment is playing an essential
role in the surveillance of the quality of air, and observing
all types of pollutants. In this respect, the Ministry should
be keen to possess laboratory vehicles to enhance its ability
to apply air quality surveillance plans. These vehicles can
observe and register the levels of gas pollutants, dust and the
molecules diameters of aero-planktons. Many factors can
help to reduce the pollution resulting from vehicles exhaust,
i.e. the right selection of fuel and regular maintenance.
Fuel adulteration by some fuel stations or addition of
combustible materials increases the environmental
risks. The authorities responsible for monitoring these
stations should present the necessary solutions
to limit the emission of air pollutants in order
to avoid dangerous effects on humans, and