!"#$%&'()*+#,*&#-$*."#/0&$-*1"#2*345* !"#$%"&'()"%*($+& Many low cost products can not afford shielded enclosures, so many times, the answer is to divert the ESD current around the circuitry. !"#$%&'()*+#,*&#-$*."#/0&$-*1"#2*345* ,-"%&'()"%*($+& Adding a diversion plane helps divert the ESD current around the circuitry. Moving the earth connection to the connector would help even more! !"#$%&'()*6)67(-$*345*$"6(-7%($-* 89.7&6+*."#$%&'#(*1#"*:4;<=*0-7()*>3*&#2.#(%($-=*#"*%?07@A* !"#$%&'(%)(*+&,-./01(23"45(6$-/4"%,#/0(7845(69#.%,:1(;+&-(<=<( !"#$%&'()*6)67(-$*345*$"6(-7%($-* 89.7&6+*."#$%&'#(*1#"*:4;B=*0-7()*-7+7&#(*$"6(-7%($*-0.."%--#"-* !"#$%&'()*6)67(-$*345*$"6(-7%($-* 4C#,7()*$"7))%"*@%"-0-*&+62.7()*@#+$6)%-* !"#$%&'(%)(*+&,-./01(23"45(6$-/4"%,#/0(7845(69#.%,:1(;+&-(<=>( D(%E.%(-7@%*345*-720+6$#"-* The Coleman lighter is unique that the butane has a separate control switch with no need to empty the reservoir. Cut the metal shroud back with a Dremel tool to expose the tip and connect a length of grounding wire. It produces about 4-6 kV. F(#$C%"*345*)%(%"6$#"* KLL*2MN/7@* O*PQR*;>* SBL*.-*T8J* 8C7-*345*)%(%"6$#"*&#(-7-$-*#1*6*1%,*4GF*6/6.$%"-*-+7/*7(-7/%*6* +#()*.+6-'&*$0H%A*;9*-C6I7()*$C%2*H6&I*6(/*1#"$C=*9#0*&6(*&"%6$%* 6*-%"7%-*#1*345*%@%($-*,7$C*.7&#-%&#(/*%/)%-J* 472.+%*345*-#0"&%*U*Q%"-C%9*V7--%-*7(* .+6-'&*/7-C*W-720+6$%-*.#&I%$*&C6()%X* 50 to 100 ps edges speeds! Once you’ve finished testing your product, you can have a treat! MiniZap-15 ESD Simulator Demonstrate regulatory compliance and prevent damage to sensitive electronic products with the Thermo Scientific™ MiniZap-15 ESD Simulator. Electrostatic discharge, or ESD, is one of the major causes of device failures in the electronics industry. The MiniZap-15 ESD Simulator enables electronics OEMs to meet international regulatory requirements such as CE Marking while improving product quality and reliability. This handheld, self-contained tester features a constant voltage ESD simulator design that feeds back and monitors right from the tip to protect against multiple ESD events. Product Description Overview The MiniZap-15 ESD Simulator is lightweight, handheld, easy-to-use, and able to withstand long-term operation in rugged environments. The MiniZap-15 Simulator supports testing to the international standard IEC/EN 61000-4-2. And by simply interchanging plug-in tips, you can test to additional ESD standards, as well as do “reality checks” that indicate product performance in sensitive environments. The MiniZap tester does not use a voltage multiplier, and won’t introduce testing errors and uncertainties due to streams of artificial, high-level ESD multiples generated by a human discharge or by other ESD simulators. Handheld, portable and self-contained ESD simulator Meets requirements of IEC 61000-4-2 and ANSI C63.16 Contact mode (8kV) and air discharge ESD testing (15kV) Generates real-world, repeatable ESD pulses E and H Field diagnostics Vertical and horizontal coupling planes for indirect ESD testing Built-in safety features Field-configurable Rechargeable battery or AC powered Read More... Catalog # Description CUS:PID0000018 MiniZap-15 ESD Simulator Description MiniZap-15 ESD Simulator Size (English) 10 in x 2.5 in x 3.2 in Size (Metric) 25.4 cm x 8.9 cm x 8.1 cm Weight (English) 29 oz nominal, plus case and accessories Weight (Metric) 822 gm nominal, plus case and accessories Test Voltage Range ±0.5 to 8 kV, Contact Mode; ±0.5 to 15 kV, Air Discharge Voltage Operates from 120-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz or 4 NiCd batteries with LED charge 345*%@%($* /%$%&$#" * Grundig “Mini 400” (AM/FM/SW) An inexpensive portable AM radio tuned off of stations can detect ESD events from a long distance away. This is useful for troubleshooting potential ESD issues. 5DY*345*/%$%&$#"* Q#2%26/%*345*/%$%&$#"*,7$C*Z[5*%@%($*&#0($%"A* 5DY*345*/%$%&$#"* Q#2%26/%*345*/%$%&$#"*,7$C*Z[5*%@%($*&#0($%"A* ( ?-)@(5A;@BBCCCD4-/5$#ED/%FB-$-/4"%,#/0B$#&54,#,&D54F$(7"-;"#,4-9(C#45(;-"F#00#%,: ESD Design aspects for Handheld products ! !"#$%"&'()*"+,' ' ! -!.'/012%&'()*"+,' ' ' ' ! !30**"*45,6%*&#"07'()*"+,8' ! 92:;0#)4<"#=;0#)'!2,*"6)#0>2,*' Circuit Design: ESD protection !"#$%&'%()$*%%(%$'+$! ! !"#$%&'()!*++('',-.(!,#/()0*+('!! !!!!!!!1!2345!67895!6(*$'(/5!37!+*)$5!398!+*)$!! ! 3,:#*.'!;)<#(!/<!"37!$&(!/<!8"!$(',:#!<;(#,#:'!! !!!!!!1!4&=<#'5!3;(*>()!<;(#,#:'5!?@A!3,:#*.'!,0!?@A!!! !!!!!!!!!,'!+.<'(!/<!*#B!<;(#,#:'!! ! ! Circuit Design: TVS diode selection 453!/-0'17$#!*+#,$)-!&+0-0!0+8!9$'#7/-!/'0:!;,</+7)<!"/+00,$#:=!$(1!(--10!%'6)$6+(!$,! "'/"7',>#$?+7,!#-*-#@!! !"#$%&'(&)*'&'+,--&)#'%'"-&-%+! ! !"#$%&'()!*+#,$)-! ! .-*-/0-!0,$(1+2!*+#,$)-! ! 3'+1-!"$&$"',$("-! ! 453!&/+,-"6+(!*+#,$)-!#-*-#! ESD Diode/Filter Placement !"#$%&'()*'+%,'-%./0%12'1"%2#%)$%./0%"+$-3%4'2+$%% Routing guidelines for ESD prone signals !"#"$"%&'()*)+",-'"#./-0)#-&'"#'*1/,#2'' ' 34"&5.67"(&'839'(*1#&'+"2#)5+'01'):1".'839'+1;' <)"5/*&+'./&'01'-*1++0)5='' System Design: system grounding Typical system grounding for a smart phone or tablet stack up !"#$%&'()*+,-.'$*/0123453/**610*#**%713'*%01428.* +,-.'$*9'-5/3*813-54'0#:13-(* * ! !"#$%&'()&'*+#,-./'0&1&-''."*'234'+#' 5%6-/''78"(.79":'()&';.:"&#+$6'<%.6&' =#/#(&6':%8$"*>' ' ! 38"*$79?&':.#@&('0&(A&&"'*+#,-./' 6&(.-'0&1&-'."*'6.:"&#+$6'<%.6&'.(' 6$-9,-&'-87.98"#'+#',%&<&%%&*'8?&%'()&' *+%&7('78"(.7(B' ' ' +,-.'$*/0123453/**$'87#35-$*53*#*;713'*%01428.* System Design: ingredient grounding /-&7@&)!A&?:!D./0! -)$(&'=$%E!! ! "#$%%&'($)!*&+%,!-)$%&!($!./0!&%()12!%&&3! 4$5!+6-&37%'&!890!-7(:!! ";33!'$%3<'=>&!,7?@&(?!($!A;8BA&(74!C)76&! 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Tweet Like 2 Product designers need to pay attention to ESD (electrostatic discharge). After all, one wrong zap can permanently damage an improperly designed and protected device. To brush up on your ESD knowledge, ask questions, or even tell us an ESD story, please come to the DesignCon panel I'm moderating: ESD: Design, test, debug, and shipping a reliable product, on Thursday January 21st. at 3:45 PM. You'll hear practitioners discuss ESD problems and how You'll hear practitioners discuss ESD problems and how they debugged and fixed them. Also on the panel will be well known consultants Doug Smith and Ken Wyatt, so expect to learn some valuable techniques and maybe even witness a few hair-raising demos. This panel will be of interest to PCB, enclosure, and system designers – really, to anyone who must ensure that a product will survive, and behave gracefully, under ESD assault. If you can't attend DesignCon, feel free to ask some ESD-related questions below, and I'll try to get them answered during the panel. Also see: Ken Wyatt's EDN articles Embedded scanning: The next step in ESD detection Bandwidth can limit ESD measurements Tracking down ESD ESD guidelines for touch-sensing applications Circuit protection: Understanding differences in the Human Body Model and IEC 61000-42 standards Understanding and comparing the differences in ESD testing Evaluating ESD-protection components: Clamping voltage and dynamic resistance are crucial Minimize ESD-induced downtime ESD, where it comes from and how to protect against it Want to learn more? Attend DesignCon 2016, the premier conference for chip, board, and systems design engineers. Taking place January 19-21, 2016, at the Santa Clara Convention Center, DesignCon will feature technical paper sessions, tutorials, industry panels, product demos, and