Low-Power and Compact Sequential Circuits With Independent

Low-Power and Compact Sequential Circuits
With Independent-Gate FinFETs
Sherif A. Tawfik and Volkan Kursun, Member, IEEE
Abstract—Scaling of the standard single-gate bulk MOSFETs
faces great challenges in the nanometer regime due to the severe
short-channel effects that cause an exponential increase in the
leakage current and enhanced sensitivity to process variations.
Multi-gate MOSFET technologies mitigate these limitations by
providing a stronger control over a thin silicon body with multiple electrically coupled gates. Double-gate FinFET is the most
attractive choice among the multi-gate transistor architectures
because of the self-alignment of the two gates and the similarity of
the fabrication steps to the existing standard CMOS technology.
New latches and flip-flops based on independent-gate FinFETs are
proposed in this paper to simultaneously reduce the power consumption and the circuit area. With the proposed independently
biased double-gate FinFET sequential circuits, the active power
consumption, the clock power, the leakage power, and the circuit
area are reduced by up to 47%, 32%, 42%, and 20%, respectively,
while maintaining similar speed and data stability as compared to
the standard sequential circuits with tied-gate FinFETs in a 32-nm
FinFET technology.
Index Terms—Brute force, contention current, double-gate
MOSFET, FinFET flip-flop, FinFET latch, Monte Carlo, multigate MOSFET.
CALING is the primary thrust behind the advancement of
CMOS technology [1]. The channel length of a MOSFET
has been scaled from 10 µm to 45 nm over the past 40 years.
The increased subthreshold and gate-dielectric leakage currents and the enhanced device sensitivity to process parameter
fluctuations have become the primary barriers against further
CMOS technology scaling into the sub-45-nm regime. As the
channel length of a conventional single-gate bulk-silicon FET
is reduced, the drain potential begins to strongly influence
the channel potential, thereby causing significant subthreshold
leakage current (inability to turn the device off). Furthermore,
as the gate dielectric thickness is reduced to assert stronger
control over the channel area, the gate tunneling leakage current
increases significantly [1]. Further scaling of the gate insulator
thickness causes an unreasonable increase in the power consumption due to the gate leakage. The traditional scaling trends
of the single-gate bulk MOSFETs are shown in Fig. 1.
The multi-gate MOSFETs offer distinct advantages for simultaneously suppressing the subthreshold and gate dielectric leakage currents in the sub-45-nm CMOS technologies.
Manuscript received April 23, 2007. The review of this paper was arranged
by Editor J. Welser.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin—Madison, Madison, WI 53706-1691 USA
(e-mail: tawfik@wisc.edu).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2007.911039
Fig. 1.
Scaling trends of the CMOS technology.
The two electrically coupled gates and the thin silicon body
suppress the short-channel effects in a double-gate MOSFET,
thereby lowering the subthreshold leakage current [2], [10].
The suppressed short-channel effects and the enhanced gate
control over the channel (lower subthreshold swing) permit
the use of a thicker gate oxide in a double-gate MOSFET as
compared to a conventional single-gate transistor. The gateoxide leakage current of a double-gate transistor is thereby
significantly reduced. The thin body of a double-gate device
is typically undoped or lightly doped. Therefore, the carrier
mobility is enhanced and the device variations due to the doping
fluctuations are reduced in a double-gate MOSFET as compared to a single-gate bulk transistor [10]. The threshold voltage
is typically tuned by adjusting the channel doping concentration
in the conventional single-gate bulk MOSFET. Alternatively,
in a double-gate MOSFET technology, the threshold voltage
is typically tuned by adjusting the work function of the gate
material [6].
The FinFET is the most attractive choice among the doublegate device architectures due to the self-alignment of the two
gates and the fabrication compatibility of the FinFETs with the
existing standard CMOS fabrication process. Both tied-gate and
independent-gate FinFETs have been successfully fabricated.
A fabrication process is described in [5] for implementing the
tied-gate and independent-gate FinFETs on the same die. In [3]
and [4], the independent-gate FinFETs are utilized to reduce the
number of transistors required for implementing specific logic
functions as compared to the standard circuits with tied-gate
FinFETs. In addition to the area savings, significant speed enhancement is reported due to the reduced parasitic capacitance
and the lower transistor stack heights with the independentgate FinFET circuits as compared to the circuits with tied-gate
0018-9383/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE
FinFETs. The power consumption is also reduced due to the
lower parasitic capacitance of the simplified circuit topologies
with the independent-gate FinFETs.
Static latches and flip-flops are extensively used in synchronous integrated circuits (ICs). The main module of static latches
and flip-flops is the bistable circuit formed by a cross-coupled
inverter pair. Data are written to a latch either by brute force
using a stronger input circuitry as compared to the feedback
inverter or by temporarily breaking the feedback loop using
a switch (a transmission gate or a tristate inverter) that is
controlled by the clock signal. The approach based on data
forcing reduces the clock load, the power consumption, and the
circuit area by lowering the number of clocked transistors.
Power consumed by the clock subsystem is a significant
portion (e.g., reported as 40% in [8]) of the total IC power.
Brute-force latches and flip-flops with reduced clock load and
simpler circuitry are therefore widely used in the state-of-theart ICs [9], [11]. In this paper, new FinFET latches and flipflops that operate based on data forcing are presented. The
independent-gate FinFETs are employed in the bistable element
feedback path of the proposed circuits to simultaneously reduce
the power consumption (both the data transfer power and the
clock power) and the area as compared to the standard tied-gate
FinFET sequential circuits operating with the same principle of
data forcing.
This paper is organized as follows. The operation of FinFETs
is presented in Section II. A quantitative comparison between
the FinFET and the standard single-gate MOSFET technologies
is provided. A new static latch based on the independentgate FinFETs is described in Section III. The new latch is
compared to a standard latch with tied-gate FinFETs at different
process corners under parameter fluctuations. A new bruteforce master–slave flip-flop based on the proposed independentgate FinFET latch is described and characterized in Section IV.
Finally, conclusions are provided in Section V.
In this section, the device architectures for the tied-gate and
independent-gate FinFETs are presented. The n-type and p-type
FinFET devices with a 32-nm channel length are designed
and characterized using MEDICI, a physics-based device simulator [7]. An n-type FinFET is compared with a conventional single-gate bulk NMOS transistor for the short-channel
effects and the drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL). The
effect of different gate-bias conditions on the I–V characteristics of the independent-gate FinFETs is provided. The
3-D architectures of the tied- and independent-gate FinFETs
are shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b), respectively. A top view of a
FinFET indicating the critical physical dimensions is shown in
Fig. 2(c).
The technology parameters of the FinFETs considered in
this paper are summarized in Table I. The channel length is
32 nm. Two metals with the work functions of 4.5 eV and
4.9 eV are used as the gate materials for the n-FinFET and the
p-FinFET, respectively. For these work functions, the threshold
voltages are 0.23 V and −0.28 V for the tied-gate n-FinFET and
the tied-gate p-FinFET, respectively, at the room temperature.
Fig. 2. FinFET architectures. (a) Tied-gate FinFET. (b) Independent-gate
FinFET. (c) Cross-sectional top view of a 32-nm FinFET.
The threshold voltage is the gate-to-source voltage at which
the drain current per fin height is 10−4 A/µm for |VDS | =
VDD (VDD = 0.8 V).
The variations of the threshold voltage and the DIBL with the
channel length are shown in Fig. 3 for a double-gate FinFET
and a single-gate bulk MOSFET. The DIBL is measured as the
degradation in |Vth | when the drain voltage is increased from
0.05 to 0.8 V (VDD ). The short-channel effect (Vth rolloff) is
significantly suppressed with the double-gate FinFET technology, as shown in Fig. 3(a). The dependence of the threshold
voltage on the channel length is much weaker for the doublegate FinFET as compared to the single-gate bulk MOSFET.
Furthermore, the DIBL observed for the double-gate FinFET is
significantly smaller as compared to the single-gate MOSFET,
as shown in Fig. 3(b).
An independent-gate FinFET operates in the dual-gate mode
(DGM) when both gates are biased to induce channel inversion.
Alternatively, an independent-gate n-FinFET (p-FinFET) operates in the single-gate mode when one of the gates is deactivated
by a connection to ground (VDD ). Disabling one of the gates
in the single-gate mode (SGM) increases the absolute value of
the threshold voltage as compared to the DGM. It is therefore
possible to modulate the threshold voltage of a FinFET by
independently biasing the two gates. The currents produced by
Fig. 3. Comparison of the short-channel effect and the DIBL in the FinFET
and the standard single-gate bulk MOSFET technologies. (a) Variation of the
threshold voltage with the channel length. (b) DIBL comparison. DIBL is
measured as the degradation in |Vth | when the drain voltage is increased from
0.05 to 0.8 V (VDD ).
the n- and p-type FinFETs at 110 ◦ C are 2.55× and 2.77×
higher in the DGM as compared to the SGM, as shown in
Fig. 4(a) and (b), respectively. Modulation of the threshold
voltage by independently biasing the two gates of a FinFET
is attractive for developing low-power circuit techniques with
dual threshold-voltage (dual-|Vth |) transistors. The MEDICIpredicted dc characteristics of the independent-gate n-type and
p-type FinFETs are listed in Tables II and III, respectively.
In this paper, new latches and flip-flops based on the
independent-gate FinFET technology are proposed. The latches
considered in this paper operate with brute force in the transparent mode. In order for this type of latches to function correctly,
the input driver must be designed to have a significantly higher
strength as compared to the feedback path. By utilizing the
independent-gate FinFETs operating in the SGM, the contention between the input circuitry and the feedback path of a
latch is significantly reduced with the proposed technique. New
data can therefore be transferred to a transparent latch without
the need for oversizing the input drivers, unlike the standard
latches based on the tied-gate FinFETs. With the proposed
technique, the smaller sizes of the transistors in the input
circuitry lead to a reduction in the switched capacitance and the
clock load, thereby reducing the total power consumption, the
clock power, and the leakage power as compared to the circuits
with tied-gate FinFETs. Furthermore, the area is also reduced
with the proposed technique due to the smaller transistors.
The FinFET sequential circuits are characterized in this paper
considering the effect of the process parameter fluctuations.
Monte Carlo simulations, however, are not feasible for the
entire circuitry of the latches and the flip-flops due to the
long simulation time of a transient analysis with MEDICI,
the significant number of the device parameters subject to the
Fig. 4. Drain-current characteristics of FinFETs. (a) n-FinFET. (b) p-FinFET.
|VDS | = VDD = 0.8 V. T = 110 ◦ C.
Fig. 6. Latch based on data forcing (brute force).
Fig. 5. Monte Carlo simulation results for the n- and p-type FinFETs
with 10 000 samples. SD: Standard deviation. VDD = 0.8 V. |VGS | =
|VDS | = VDD .
fluctuations considered in this paper, and the large number of
the simulation samples. Therefore, an alternative process corner
analysis is provided in this paper to characterize the sequential
circuits under the parameter fluctuations. The FinFET device
parameters that produce the 3σ points on the current distribution curves are used to characterize the strong and weak
devices. These devices are used for a variation corner analysis
to assess the impact of the process fluctuations on the FinFET
sequential circuits.
The effect of process variations on the FinFET on current is
evaluated using the Monte Carlo analysis with Taurus-MEDICI
and a PERL script. Independent 3σ variations of 10% are
assumed for the channel length, the fin height, the fin thickness,
and the gate-oxide thickness of a FinFET. The distributions
of the on current are shown in Fig. 5 for the n-type and
p-type FinFETs operating in the DGM (the two gates are tied)
and the SGM (one of the gates is disabled). The mean and the
standard deviation (SD) of the on current are reduced in the
SGM for both the n-type and the p-type FinFETs, as shown
in Fig. 5.
Static FinFET latches that operate with brute force in the
transparent mode are presented in this section. The standard implementation of a latch with the tied-gate FinFETs is described
in Section III-A. The proposed latch with the independent-gate
FinFETs is described in Section III-B. The latches are characterized for power consumption, setup time, data stability, and
propagation delay at different process corners under parameter
variations in Section III-C.
The latch considered in this section consists of a crosscoupled inverter pair, a driver inverter, and a transmission
gate controlled by the clock signal, as shown in Fig. 6. The
advantages of this latch are the reduced clock load and the
lower transistor count as compared to a latch that can disable
the feedback path whenever the latch is transparent. The data
transfer to the latch shown in Fig. 6 occurs with brute force
when the clock is high. To be able to transfer new data into this
latch, the driver inverter (I1 ) and the transmission gate (T1 )
must be stronger as compared to the feedback inverter (I2 ).
Fig. 7. Standard LATCH-TG in a 32-nm FinFET technology. (a) Circuit
schematic. (b) Layout. The size of each transistor is given as (number of fins ×
Hfin )/L. Hfin : Fin height. L: Channel length. Layout area = 0.63 µm2 .
A. Standard Tied-Gate FinFET Latch (LATCH-TG)
The standard implementation of a latch in a FinFET technology with the tied-gate transistors (LATCH-TG) is shown in
Fig. 7. The feedback inverter (M7 and M8 ) must be weaker
than the input stage composed of the driver inverter (M1 and
M2 ) and the transmission gate (M3 and M4 ) in order to be able
to change the stored bit when the latch is transparent (clock
signal is high). This requirement is achieved by sizing M1 , M2 ,
M3 , and M4 , as shown in Fig. 7. M7 and M8 both have been
sized minimum (single fin) to minimize the contention with
Fig. 9.
Waveforms of LATCH-IG.
stage. With such configuration, I1 (M1 and M2 ) and T1 (M3
and M4 ) can be sized minimum while still being able to overpower the feedback inverter I2 (M7 and M8 ) when the latch is
Since all the gates are sized minimum, the capacitive loads at
the clock, the input, and the output nodes are reduced, thereby
significantly lowering the total power consumption as compared to the LATCH-TG circuit. Furthermore, the area of the
LATCH-IG with smaller transistors is significantly reduced as
compared to the LATCH-TG which requires larger transistors
for functionality. The LATCH-IG area is 0.506 µm2 .
Fig. 8. New LATCH-IG in a 32-nm FinFET technology. (a) Circuit schematic.
(b) Layout. The size of each transistor is given as (number of fins × Hfin )/L.
Hfin : Fin height. L: Channel length. Layout area = 0.506 µm2 .
the input stage whenever the latch is transparent. Note that the
width of a FinFET is quantized by the number of fins due to
the constant fin height determined by the technology. The area
of the LATCH-TG is 0.63 µm2 . As shown in Fig. 7, with the
tied-gate FinFETs, the functionality is achieved by increasing
the size of the input stage, resulting in an increased clock load,
larger circuit area, and higher power consumption.
B. Proposed Independent-Gate FinFET Latch (LATCH-IG)
A new FinFET latch (LATCH-IG) based on the independentgate transistors is presented in this section. The LATCH-IG
is shown in Fig. 8. The latch operates as follows. When the
clock signal is low, the transmission gate (composed of M3 and
M4 ) is turned off and the latch is opaque. The cross-coupled
inverters maintain the state of the latch. When the clock signal
transitions high, the transmission gate is turned on and the
latch becomes transparent. The new data are transferred to the
latch with brute force. The transistors in the feedback path are
intentionally weakened by operation in the SGM (the back gates
of M8 and M7 are connected to VDD and GND, respectively)
in order to reduce the power consumption while maintaining
the speed with the new latch. With the proposed technique, the
driver inverter (M1 and M2 ) and the transmission gate (M3
and M4 ) produce more current as compared to the feedback
inverter (M7 and M8 ) without the need for oversizing the input
C. Comparison
Quantitative comparison of the two FinFET latches is provided in this section. A capacitive load of 0.2 fF is assumed
at the output node. The temperature is 110 ◦ C. The clock
frequency is 4 GHz. The waveforms of LATCH-IG are shown
in Fig. 9. The total power consumption includes the power
consumed in the latch due to the switching input and output
nodes as well as the power consumed by the clock driver. The
clock power is measured when the clock is the only switching
signal with the input and output nodes fixed at 0 V. The static
power is measured when neither the clock nor the input signals
are switching. The setup time for the latch is the time duration
(Tdc ) between the latest input transition and the negative edge
of the clock signal (the latches evaluated in this paper are
positive) for which the propagation delay (TDQ ) is increased by
1% as compared to the minimum data-to-Q delay (TDQ- min ).
The static noise margin (SNM) is the metric used to characterize the noise immunity of the latches. The SNM of the latches
is determined graphically from the butterfly curves, as shown in
Fig. 10. Weakening the feedback inverter by independent gate
bias tends to reduce the hold data stability at Node1 , provided
that there is noise coupling directly onto Node1 . Alternatively,
provided that there is noise induced directly at the latch output,
a weaker feedback inverter also tends to enhance the stability of
the data on Node1 by effectively attenuating the noise transfer
backward from Q to Node1 . For a worst case noise scenario
with equal and opposite amounts of noise coupling to Node1
and Q, the new LATCH-IG and the standard LATCH-TG have
similar SNMs, as shown in Fig. 10.
Fig. 11. Total active-mode power consumption of the FinFET latches.
Fig. 10. Butterfly curves of the cross-coupled inverters in the LATCH-IG and
the LATCH-TG at the nominal process corner. VDD = 0.8 V.
Fig. 12. Clock power of the FinFET latches.
Four process corners that represent the worst and the best
cases of delay are identified for each latch, as listed in Table IV.
A fifth process corner (D5) is used to characterize the worst
case SNM. The latches are characterized at each process corner
(including the nominal process corner), as shown in Figs. 11–16
and as listed in Table V. The total power consumption, the
clock power, and the leakage power are reduced by up to
47%, 22%, and 42%, respectively, with the static independentgate-biased FinFET latch while maintaining similar speed and
data stability as compared to the LATCH-TG across different
process corners. Furthermore, the area of the LATCH-IG is
20% smaller as compared to the LATCH-TG.
For the delay and power measurements in this paper, the
input signal is assumed to switch every clock cycle, as shown in
Fig. 9. The clock power shown in Fig. 12 is therefore much less
than the total power consumption. In a more realistic circuit
environment, the input activity factor would be significantly
less than unity. The power consumed by the clock drivers would
therefore be a higher portion of the total power. The clockpower savings with the proposed latch would have a more
Fig. 13. Leakage power (averaged for all four possible input–output combinations in the standby mode) of the FinFET latches. Clock is gated low.
T = 110 ◦ C.
significant impact on the total power consumption in a real chip
In this section, brute-force master–slave flip-flops in FinFET
technologies are presented. A standard master–slave flip-flop
with the tied-gate FinFETs is described in Section IV-A.
The proposed master–slave flip-flop with the independent-gate
FinFETs is described in Section IV-B. The FinFET flip-flops
Fig. 14. Average propagation delay of the FinFET latches.
A. Standard Tied-Gate FinFET Flip-Flop (FF-TG)
The standard master–slave FF-TG is shown in Fig. 18. To be
able to transfer new data into the master stage when the clock
is high, I1 (M1 and M2 ) and T1 (M3 and M4 ) are sized to
be stronger as compared to I2 (M7 and M8 ) with this tiedgate FinFET implementation, as shown in Fig. 18. Similarly,
I3 (M5 and M6 ) and T2 (M9 and M10 ) are sized to produce
more current as compared to I5 (M13 and M14 ) to be able to
transfer the last sampled data from the master stage to the slave
stage when the clock transitions low. These strict requirements
on sizing result in larger area, higher clock load, and increased
power consumption with the standard FF-TG. The potential
advantages of the brute-force topology, therefore, cannot be
fully exploited with the tied-gate FinFET technology.
Fig. 15. Setup time of the FinFET latches.
B. Proposed Independent-Gate FinFET Flip-Flop (FF-IG)
Fig. 16. SNM of the FinFET latches.
are characterized for power consumption, clock-to-Q delay,
and setup time for different process corners under parameter
variations in Section IV-C.
The circuits considered in this section are the master–slave
flip-flops based on the brute-force latch architecture described
in Section III. The gate level schematic of the brute-force flipflop is shown in Fig. 17. To be able to transfer new data to the
master stage when the clock signal is high, I1 and T1 must be
significantly stronger than I2 . Similarly, to be able to change the
state of the slave stage when the clock is low, I3 and T2 must
be significantly stronger than I5 .
The new FF-IG is presented in this section. The proposed
flip-flop is shown in Fig. 19 with the sizes of the transistors
indicated. The flip-flop operates as follows. When the clock
is high, the master and the slave stages are in the transparent and opaque modes, respectively. The data transfer from
the input (D) to Node2 occurs with brute force. Despite the
minimum sizing of all the gates, the driver inverter (M1 and
M2 ) and the transmission gate (M3 and M4 ) manage to produce more current as compared to the feedback inverter (M7
and M8 ) with the proposed technique. The data in the slave
stage are maintained by the cross-coupled inverters (M11 −M12
and M13 −M14 ).
When the clock transitions low, the master stage is disconnected from the input by the cutoff transmission gate (M3
and M4 ). The last sampled data are maintained in the master
stage by the cross-coupled inverters (M5 −M6 and M7 −M8 ).
The slave stage becomes transparent. The data transfer from
the Node2 to the flip-flop output (Q) occurs with brute force.
Similar to the master stage, the driver inverter (M5 and M6 )
and the transmission gate (M9 and M10 ) of the slave stage
produce more current as compared to the feedback inverter
(M13 and M14 ) despite the minimum sizing of all the gates.
New data are transferred from the master stage into the slave
stage with the negative edges of the clock signal. Hence, with
the proposed FF-IG, the input circuitry of both the master and
slave stages manages to overpower the corresponding feedback
paths without the need for oversizing the transistors.
Fig. 17. Master–slave flip-flop based on data forcing (brute force).
Fig. 18. Standard FF-TG in a 32-nm FinFET technology. (a) Circuit schematic. (b) Layout. The size of each transistor is given as (number of fins × Hfin )/L.
Hfin : Fin height. L: Channel length. Layout area = 1.1 µm2 .
All the gates of the proposed flip-flop are sized minimum.
The feedback inverters I2 (M7 and M8 ) and I5 (M13 and M14 )
are weakened by disabling the back gates of the p-FinFETs (M8
and M14 ) and the n-FinFETs (M7 and M13 ) by a connection to
VDD and GND, respectively. With the proposed independentgate FinFET circuit, the input-versus-feedback contention observed at Node1 and Node3 is thereby significantly suppressed.
Furthermore, the capacitances of Node2 and Node4 are also
reduced due to the permanently disabled (nonswitching) back
gates of M7 , M8 , M13 , and M14 . Hence, the total power
consumption, the clock power, and the circuit area of the
proposed flip-flops are simultaneously reduced as compared to
the standard FF-TG.
C. Comparison
The proposed and the standard FinFET flip-flops are characterized in this section for the setup time, the clock-to-output
delay, the active power consumption (both the data transfer
power and the clock power), and the static power consumption.
A capacitive load of 0.4 fF is assumed at the output of the
flip-flops. The temperature is 110 ◦ C. The clock frequency is
4 GHz. The waveforms of the FF-IG are shown in Fig. 20. The
total power consumption includes the power consumed in the
flip-flop due to the switching input and output nodes as well
as the power consumed by the clock driver. The clock power
is measured with the input and output nodes maintained idle
(the clock is the only switching signal). The leakage power
Fig. 19. New FF-IG in a 32-nm FinFET technology. (a) Circuit schematic. (b) Layout. The size of each transistor is given as (number of fins × Hfin )/L. Hfin :
Fin height. L: Channel length. Layout area = 0.881 µm2 .
Fig. 20. Waveforms of FF-IG.
is measured with the input and the clock signals maintained
idle. The setup time of the flip-flop is the time duration (Tdc )
between the input transition and the active clock edge (the flipflops evaluated in this paper are negative-edge-triggered) for
which the data-to-output delay (TDQ ) is minimized.
The flip-flops are characterized for the first four process
corners listed in Table IV as well as the nominal process corner,
as shown in Figs. 21–25 and as listed in Table VI. FF-IG offers
up to 46%, 32%, 33%, and 22% reduction in the total activemode power consumption, the clock power, the average leakage
power, and the setup time, respectively, as compared to the
FF-TG across different process corners under the parameter
fluctuations. Furthermore, the circuit area is reduced by 20%
with the FF-IG as compared to the standard FF-TG.
Fig. 21.
Total active-mode power consumption of the FinFET flip-flops.
In this paper, new latches and flip-flops based on the
independent-gate FinFET technology are proposed. The latches
considered in this paper operate with brute force in the transparent mode. In order for this type of latches to be functional,
the input drivers must be designed to have a significantly
higher strength as compared to the feedback path. By utilizing independent-gate FinFETs operating in the SGM, the
contention between the input circuitry and the feedback path
of a latch is significantly reduced. New data can therefore be
transferred to a transparent latch without the need for oversizing
the input drivers unlike the standard latches based on the
Fig. 22. Clock power of the FinFET flip-flops.
Fig. 25. Average propagation delay of the FinFET flip-flops.
Fig. 23. Leakage power (averaged for four different input–output combinations in the standby mode) of the FinFET flip-flops. Clock is gated low.
in this paper. With the proposed latch and flip-flop, the total
active-mode power consumption, the clock power, the leakage
power, and the circuit area are reduced by up to 47%, 32%,
42%, and 20%, respectively, while maintaining similar speed
and data stability as compared to the circuits with tied-gate
FinFETs across different process corners.
Fig. 24. Setup time of the FinFET flip-flops.
tied-gate FinFETs. With the proposed technique, the smaller
sizes of the transistors in the input circuitry lead to a reduction
in the switched capacitance and the clock load, thereby reducing the power consumption as compared to the circuits with
tied-gate FinFETs. Furthermore, the area is also reduced with
the proposed technique due to the smaller transistors.
The new sequential circuits are characterized under the
process parameter variations in a 32-nm FinFET technology
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IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 1448–1460, Nov. 2002.
Sherif A. Tawfik received the B.S. and M.S.
degrees in electronics and communications engineering from Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, in 2003
and 2005, respectively. He is currently working
toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Wisconsin—Madison, Madison, under the supervision of Prof. Volkan Kursun.
His research interests are in the areas of low-power
and variation-tolerant integrated-circuit design and
emerging integrated-circuit technologies.
Volkan Kursun (S’01–M’04) received the B.S.
degree in electrical and electronics engineering
from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara,
Turkey, in 1999, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
electrical and computer engineering from the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, in 2001 and 2004,
He performed research on mixed-signal thermal
inkjet integrated circuits (ICs) with the Xerox Corporation, Webster, NY, in 2000. During the summers of
2001 and 2002, he was with the Intel Microprocessor Research Laboratories, Hillsboro, OR, where he was responsible for the
modeling and design of high-frequency monolithic power supplies. He has
been an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Wisconsin—Madison, Madison, since 2004. He
has more than 60 publications and four issued and three pending patents in
the areas of high-performance integrated-circuits and emerging semiconductor
technologies. He is the Author of the book Multi-Voltage CMOS Circuit Design
(Wiley, 2006). His current research interests include low-voltage, low-power,
and high-performance integrated-circuit design, modeling of semiconductor
devices, and emerging integrated-circuit technologies.
Dr. Kursun is a member of the technical program and organizing committees of a number of IEEE and Association for Computing Machinery
conferences. He serves on the editorial boards of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS
SYSTEMS II, and the Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers.