December 2003 - SAE International

VOL. 20, NO. 12
SAE elects 20 new Fellows
Based on outstanding achievements, 20
SAE members were recently elected to the
Fellow grade of membership. These 2003
Fellows will be honored during the SAE
2004 World Congress. They will receive
recognition by their peers at the Fellow
Dinner, to be held Monday evening, March
8, at the Detroit Marriott Renaissance
Center. These newly elected Fellows will
again be distinguished at the SAE Honors
Convocation on Tuesday, March 9, at Cobo
Center. Following are the electees:
• Todd D. Fansler, General Motors
Research & Development
• Stanley H. Backaitis, National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration
• Seong Kwan Rhee, Honeywell
Friction Materials
• Arthur E. Bishop, Bishop Technology
Group Limited
• John K. Schueller, University of
• Norman D. Brinkman, General
Motors Research & Development
• Ahmet Selamet, Ohio State University
• Nicholas Collings, Cambridge
• George C. Davis, Ford Motor Co.
• Alan P. Druschitz, Intermet
• Frederick L. Dryer, Princeton University
• Sherif Hussein El Tahry, General
Motors Research & Development
Time to
start planning for
SAE 2004 World Congress!
Check the column next
to the Meetings & symposia
schedule monthly to learn
the latest news or visit
SAE Honors Convocation Luncheon
scheduled .......................................... 4
Winner of Max Bentele Award for
Engine Technology Innovation
announced ........................................ 5
SAE President visits Southwestern
Ontario Section ................................ 8
Moving STS forward to become an
SAE program office .......................... 9
SAE 2004 World Congress
Seminar Catalog .... Special insert
Message from the President ............ 2
Washington report ........................... 3
Meetings & symposia schedule ....... 6
Members on the move ...................... 7
Career opportunities ..................... 12
December Update 11/6
AVL to sponsor Technology Theater
at SAE 2004 World Congress
• Pawan K. Goenka, Mahindra &
Mahindra Ltd.
• Ronald M. Heck, RMH Consulting
• Ralph K. Hillquist, P.E., RKH
Consults, Inc.
• John W. Miller, Retired, Honeywell,
• Panos Y. Papalambros, University of
• Surendra N. Singhal, NASA
Marshall Space Flight Center
• Dinu Taraza, Wayne State University
• Ronald L. Williams, General Motors
Research & Development
To become a Fellow grade member, a
member must be nominated by an SAE
member. Election is then awarded based on
personal contributions to the advancement
of mobility technology. This professional
distinction is bestowed on only 20 or less
candidates each year. Since the inception of
this prestigious award in 1975, only 490
members have been elected as a Fellow.
For information on how to nominate a
member to this prestigious grade, visit or contact
Janiece Lang, SAE Membership and
Section Programs, at 1.724.772.7137 or
AVL North America, a powertrain
engineering, instrumentation, and
simulation software supplier based in
Plymouth, MI, will sponsor the popular
Technology Theater at the SAE 2004
World Congress at Detroit’s Cobo Center
March 8–11.
The Technology Theater hosts high-level
executives and panels that discuss
pressing issues affecting engineering,
technology, and design in the global
automotive industry. The Technology
Theater concept was launched at last
year’s Congress.
Hybrid vehicles TOPTEC Symposium
scheduled for January
The Hybrid Vehicles TOPTEC
Symposium will be held in San Diego on
January 28 and 29. The symposium will
provide an exchange of the latest
information about hybrid design efforts,
field experience, fuel economy, and
customer acceptance of hybrids. It will also
include presentations on hybrid vehicle
emissions, as well as environmental-policy
issues most affected by hybrid technologies.
Participants will explore primary
power sources (including SI engines,
diesel engines, gas turbines, and fuel
cells), energy-storage devices, hybrid
configurations, control strategy, energy
management, energy efficiency, safety,
costs, and buyer incentives related to
hybrids. This symposium will also help
identify areas where additional progress
is needed to further speed hybrid
acceptance by industry and consumers.
Presenters for this event have been
selected from a group of leading experts
in the field representing industry,
government, universities, and the developers
of these breakthrough technologies.
Organizers of the event are Lee Slezak,
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office
of FreedomCar and Vehicle Technologies;
Tony Phillips, Ford Motor Co.; and Vernon
Roan, University of Florida. Confirmed
presenters include representatives from
Honda, Toyota, Ford, U.S. DOE, CARB,
Argonne National Laboratory, ZFSachs,
and others.
More information on this symposium (ID
2004TT02) is available at
contedu/tt_hybrid.htm. Information is also
available from SAE Customer Service at
If you have an idea for a TOPTEC
symposium, or are interested in becoming
a symposium organizer, please contact
Nancy Eiben, Program Developer, at or 1.724.772.8525.
11/6/03, 12:36 PM
“We are delighted to have a leading
technology company with global reach like
AVL on board with us as sponsor of the
Technology Theater,” said SAE Director of
Automotive Business Dave Amati. “We
were honored to have Helmut List (AVL
Global Chairman and CEO) speak at the
Theater in 2003, and we anticipate
another lineup of world-class speakers at
this year’s event.”
AVL North America Chairman and CEO
Don Manvel said, “AVL has always been
about leading-edge technology. The types
See AVL page 9
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Title of Publication: SAE UPdate
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Frequency of Issue: Monthly
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The SAE Vice Presidents
Two years ago, the SAE Board of Directors led by Neil Schilke and
S.M. Shahed developed a plan to appoint Vice Presidents for the three
mobility sectors currently covered by SAE—Aerospace, Automotive,
and Off-Highway/Heavy-Duty Vehicles. These Vice Presidents have
many duties, and while not full-time or paid positions, will require
substantial effort and activity on behalf of SAE.
Criteria used in selection of candidates:
a. Substantial executive experience in the industry
b. Demonstrated executive leadership
c. SAE experience
d. Ability to devote time to SAE during tenure
What does the position entail?
Names and Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor: Publisher
– Lawrence C. Schneider, Editor – Jennifer Newton, Managing Editor – None
Full Name: The Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 400 Commonwealth
Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096-0001
b. Travel to four Board of Directors meetings, approximately seven days/year
For completion date nonprofit organizations authorized to mail at special
rates: The purpose, function, and nonprofit status for federal income tax
purposes have not changed during preceding 12 months.
d. Ability to attend relevant SAE events (i.e., SAE World Congress, special
executive events)
Issue Date for Circulation Data: December 2003
Extent and Nature of Circulation:
Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months
Actual No. Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date
a. Position is an Officer of the Board of Directors—three-year term
c. Ability to conduct corporate visits, approximately six per year
Roles/Responsibilities of Position:
a. Support and advise the President on Aerospace, Automotive, or Off-highway/
Heavy-Duty sectors of SAE.
b. Strengthen support of SAE in the appropriate sector
c. Serve as key resource for the sector to the Board of Directors
d. Provide continuity of focus for the sector
Total Number of Copies 49,717 / 52,500
Paid and/or Requested Circulation
e. Provide counsel on matters within the sector relative to SAE policies, principles,
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f. Serve as Chair (or designate) for Program Office, if needed
(2) Paid or Requested Mail Subscriptions 49,467 / 52,300
Total Paid and/or Requested Circulation 49,467 / 52,300
g. Serve as SAE spokesperson at the request of the President or in place of the
President when that individual is from another industry sector.
Free Distribution by Mail
h. Direct interface with senior industry executives
Total Distribution 49,467 / 52,300
Copies not Distributed 250 / 200
(1) Office Use, Leftovers, Spoiled
(2) Returns from News Agents
Total 49,717 / 52,500
The Vice President positions will be filled by a nomination from the President, with
Board concurrence and then elected by the members for a period of three years. The
selections will be spread over three years starting in 2003, so that only one turnover
will occur each year.
Last year (effective in March 2003), we were fortunate to obtain the services of Bob
Spitzer, a Boeing Vice President, to serve as SAE’s first Aerospace Vice President. This
year, a Board Task Force headed by Karl Goering, the SAE Treasurer, reviewed
candidates and nominated Richard Schaum, Vice President-Automotive, WaveCrest
Laboratories, and the recently retired DaimlerChrysler Executive Vice President of
Product Development, as the first SAE Automotive Vice President. I agreed with the
committee, obtained Board approval at our September meeting in Montreal, and his
selection was endorsed by the members in a special ballot. Next year, Duane Tiede, the
incoming SAE President, will have the responsibility of following this same process to
select the first Off-Highway/Heavy-Duty Vice President.
As always, please send your comments to
DECEMBER 2003 Vol. 20, No. 12
Published by the Society of Automotive Engineers to enhance communications
with and among members on nontechnical issues. Members living outside North
America have access to the issue via the SAE website.
Jack E. Thompson, President
Raymond A. Morris, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Antenor R. Willems, Executive Director
Jennifer L. Newton, Editor
SAE UPdate (ISSN 0742-972X) is edited and published monthly under the
auspices of the SAE Publication Committee at the offices of the Society of
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Copyright © 2003 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
Printed on
Recycled Paper
December Update 11/6
Engineering students can apply for Washington
SAE is once again participating in the Washington Internships for Students of
Engineering (WISE) program.
This program offers a unique opportunity for 3rd- and 4th-year engineering
students, or recent graduates beginning study in an engineering policy-related
master’s program, to spend the summer of 2004 in Washington, DC.
During the internships, students are under the guidance of a nationally prominent
engineering professor. The interns learn how government officials make decisions
on complex technological issues and how engineers contribute to legislative and
regulatory public-policy decisions. Throughout the 10 weeks, students interact with
leaders in Congress and the Administration, prominent nongovernmental
organizations, and industry. In addition, each student will research and complete a
paper on a current and topical engineering-related public-policy issue that is
important to one of the seven sponsoring societies.
For more information and an application, students should visit the SAE website
at, or call Allian Pratt at 1.202.785.3756. The
application deadline is December 12, 2003.
11/6/03, 12:36 PM
SAE co-hosts caucus on China; standards developer organization planned for Beijing
By Doug Read, Managing Director, SAE Washington, D.C. Office
On October 3, SAE
sponsored the monthly
Caucus of the American
National Standards
Institute (ANSI) at the
University Club in
downtown Washington.
The keynote speaker was
Doug Read
Tim Wineland, Director
of the China Desk at the
Department of Commerce (DOC)
International Trade Administration. The
primary topic presented by Wineland
concerned the Department of Commerce’s
initiatives in China with regard to
providing support for a joint Standards
Developer Organization (SDO) office in
Beijing. He mentioned that DOC Secretary
Don Evans would be traveling to China in
late October to deliver a message to the
China Trade Minister that the U.S. SDO
community plans to establish a presence
in China.
Commercial Trade representatives from
around the world together with various
U.S. standards developers to provide a
forum for dialogue on critical issues
affecting the U.S. standards community.
The meeting, held on September 29, was
the kickoff for ANSI World Standards
Week activities.
This meeting was intended to provide
open dialogue between the commercial
foreign service representatives and the U.S.
standards community to ensure a common
understanding of the issues facing U.S.
standards developers regarding acceptance
of U.S. standards internationally. The
meeting was well attended by major
U.S. SDO representatives and DOC
representatives from China, Russia, Brazil,
and Southeast Asia.
SAE is participating in this effort by
exploring ways to leverage its resources
in the best possible way to ensure
dissemination of the Society’s products
and services in the Chinese market, while
at the same time encouraging the use of
SAE standards in that region. Other
organizations attending the luncheon, and
also involved in the exploration of a
Beijing SDO office, were the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),
the American Society of Testing and
Materials (ASTM), the Air Conditioning
and Refrigeration Institute (ARI), and the
American Petroleum Institute (API).
AAM announces study focusing on
economic impact of auto industry
Manufacturers (AAM) recently announced
the completion of a study focusing on the
categorization of jobs in the auto sector and
the overall impact of this sector on the U.S.
economy. Sponsored by AAM, the Center
for Automotive Research study shows that
while the automobile industry continues to
be America’s largest manufacturing
industry, the majority of those jobs are in
supplier and related industries, with total
auto industry and related employment
numbering 13.3 million. About 6.6 million
jobs are connected to automotive
manufacturing and new vehicle sales,
generating more than $240 billion in
annual private-sector compensation.
ANSI hosts roundtable on
international trade
ANSI recently hosted a roundtable
focusing on international trade. The
purpose was to bring key DOC
“When you look under the hood of today’s
automobile, you’ll see goods from America’s
greatest industries across the country,” said
Alliance President and CEO Josephine S.
Cooper. “These include textiles from the
Southeast, computer chips from California,
aluminum manufactured in Iowa, and
airbags produced in Arizona.
• 2.2 million U.S. workers are employed
indirectly by auto industry suppliers and
other industry-related companies.
“No other single industry is more linked
to U.S. manufacturing or generates more
retail business and employment,” she
added. “New vehicle production, sales and
other jobs related to the use of automobiles
are responsible for one out of every ten
jobs in the U.S. economy.”
• Expenditures of auto industry
employees create an additional 3.5 million
jobs nationwide.
The following are a few key findings
of the study, called “Contribution Of
The Automotive Industry To The U.S.
• The auto industry is responsible
for more than 100,000 jobs in each of
several industries, including dealerships,
fabricated metals, auto parts, auto repair
and maintenance, road construction,
tire dealerships, fueling stations, and
car washes.
• The auto industry is responsible for
more than 50,000 jobs in each of several
other related industries, including
plastics and rubber, trucking, computers
and electronics, petroleum and
machinery and equipment.
• The auto industry is responsible for more
than 25,000 jobs in each of several more
related industries, including advertising,
textiles, aluminum, and recycling.
• Thousands of additional jobs are
provided in rail, steel, painting and
coating, glass, copper, brass, and iron.
• The value-add figure for auto jobs is
$292,000 per worker—143% higher than
the figure for overall U.S. manufacturing
jobs ($120,000).
• The automobile industry invests more
in research and development than any
other industry—$18.4 billion in 2000.
• The automobile industry directly employs
1.3 million Americans in all 50 states.
For more information, including stateby-state economic contribution and
employment figures, log on to
DOC selects new standards liaison
Commerce Undersecretary Grant
Aldonas recently announced that Heidi
Hijikata has been appointed as Standards
Liaison for the International Trade
Administration (ITA). DOC Secretary
Evans announced creation of the position
earlier this year as one of the elements of
the Department’s Standards Initiative. The
ITA Standards Liaison will serve as the
focal point for standards within ITA and
ensure that industry’s priorities on
standards are promoted through the
Commerce Department’s international
policies and programs. Hijikata will work
closely with the Office of the United States
Trade Representative and other U.S.
government agencies to address these
priorities in U.S. trade agreements. She
will also work with NIST’s Standards
Services Division to strengthen
coordination on technical and policy issues
affecting industry and its international
Hijikata previously worked for EDS
Corp., serving as Vice President Marketing, Communications, and
Government Affairs for Asia-Pacific based
in Hong Kong and as Director, Asia-Pacific
Policy and Government Affairs, in
Washington, DC. She also spent 12 years
with the DOC and was Director of ITA’s
Software Division.
A letter from the Washington Fellow
By Jim Kadtke
Hello once again from Capitol Hill to
my SAE colleagues. Since my last
article, the legislative mill of Congress
has ground slowly away at the various
authorization and appropriations bills
that fund our Government, however, so
far only a few of the major bills have
been signed into law. On the Senate
side, although the huge $400 billion
DoD appropriations bill has been
signed, the DoD authorization bill is
still bogged down in contentious debate
over “Buy America” provisions, and
other large pieces of legislation such as
the Energy bill are still being
hammered out. As I write this, the $87
billion DoD supplemental appropriations
bill to fund military operations in Iraq
is being hotly debated on the Senate
floor, amid a flurry of controversy. The
spectre of this Congress lasting until
December looms.
One of the principal areas still
consuming enormous Congressional
December Update 11/6
energy is homeland security. Despite the
creation of the Department of Homeland
Security and an oversight committee in
the House, much is still confusion due to
the tremendous complexity of the tasks.
A particularly serious issue that is still
receiving great attention is the
availability of funding for emergency
response resources throughout the
nation. This is also an area in which I
have been involved deeply over the last
several months, both from a national
perspective, as well as from our state
perspective. This is because parts of the
state of Virginia, as well as Maryland and
the District of Columbia, all make up the
National Capitol Region (NCR),
mandated in law to provide a regional
authority for security in the capitol area.
Security and response in this area
obviously have enormous importance
because it is the seat of the Federal
government, and it is also a model for
regional cooperation in other major
metropolitan areas. However, much of the
responsibility for response resources is
left up to the states themselves, which
can be a significant burden to them. This
also raises the difficulty of prioritization
of needs and requirements for response
resources, which involves an incredibly
complex set of threat and capability
issues. Importantly, standards are now
being recognized as playing a key role,
since they are central to providing such
interoperability and uniformity of
equipment for firefighters. Clear
standards can also serve as an
investment guideline, even to
Congressional offices working on national
funding issues.
Legislatively, several bills have dealt
with homeland security first-response
standards in the last two years. Two
major bills are now being considered on
the House side: H.R.3158, the
PREPARE Act, and H.R.3227, the
11/6/03, 12:36 PM
Preparedness Standards Act. Although
similar, one of the main differences is
whether the standards development
process is directed mainly by the states
(former) or the Department of
Homeland Security (latter). Regardless,
the scope of technology areas affected
by such standards regulations will be
huge, and in particular transportation
security and airline/aircraft standards
will be important for SAE. The
standards community itself has a voice
through the homeland security
standards panel hosted by ANSI, whose
website can be found at
hssp. I would encourage everyone to
review this interesting and pertinent
SAE Honors Convocation Luncheon scheduled
The SAE Honors Convocation Luncheon has been scheduled in conjunction with the
SAE 2004 World Congress, on Tuesday, March 9, 2004, from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. 2003
SAE President Jack E. Thompson will preside.
Join SAE in paying tribute to your colleagues who have significantly contributed their
time and efforts to SAE’s success and the advancement of mobility technology. For the
convenience of Congress attendees, the event will be held at Cobo Center in Detroit.
Tickets are $27 each or $270 for a table of 10. To order tickets, please visit
Presentations will be made to the 2004 Fellow Grade inductees (see SAE elects 20
new Fellows on page 1) and the distinguished group of individuals receiving the following
• SAE Medal of Honor
• Vincent Bendix Automotive Electronics Engineering Award
• Max Bentele Award for Engine Technology Innovation
• Edward N. Cole Award for Automotive Engineering Innovation
• Edward N. Cole Distinguished Younger Member Award
• Arch T. Colwell Cooperative Engineering Medal
• Arch T. Colwell Merit Award
• SAE Delco Electronics Intelligent Transportation Systems Award
• Excellence in Engineering Education Award
• Henry Ford II Distinguished Award for Excellence in Automotive Engineering
• International Leadership Citation
J. Martin Rowell to receive the 2003 SAE Delco
Electronics Intelligent Transportation Systems Award
J. Martin Rowell, Vice President, Industry and Government
Relations, Europe for Navigation Technologies since 1995, has been
selected to receive the 2003 SAE Delco Electronics Intelligent
Transportation Systems Award. The award recognizes the profound
impact that Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) will have on
mobility in the 21st century. Rowell will be presented with the
award at the Honors Convocation during the SAE 2004 World
Congress in Detroit, MI, on March 9, 2004.
This award, established in 1996, is funded from an endowment
J. Martin Rowell
contributed by Delco Electronics. It distinguishes an individual or
team whose outstanding technical accomplishment is judged to have
significantly advanced state-of-the-art ITS. It may also recognize the author or authors
of the best paper relating to the invention, design, construction, or operation of vehiclerelated equipment or systems operating within an ITS context.
Rowell has more than 30 years of international experience introducing new products
and services in the automotive and intelligent transportation industry sectors. He
has served two terms on the Board of ERTICO, a public-private non-profit partnership
for ITS practitioners in Europe, and held leadership positions in the past nine ITS
World Congresses, including chairing the November 2003 Madrid ITS Congress
Program Committee.
Rowell has been an SAE member for 29 years. In 1992, he was a founding member of
SAE’s ITS Program Office (now the ITS Division) and in 1993 became Chair of the ISO
TC204, developing ITS Standards, a post that he still holds today.
• SAE/InterRegs Standards & Regulations Award for Young Engineers
• Ralph H. Isbrandt Automotive Safety Engineering Award
• SAE/AISI Sydney H. Melbourne Award for Excellence in the Advancement of
Automotive Steel
• Myers Award for Outstanding Student Paper
• Nobel R. Patterson Distinguished Section Member Award
• Rumbaugh Outstanding Student Leader Award
• Arnold W. Siegel International Transportation Safety Award
• Russell S. Springer Award
• Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award
• SAE WEC/BREED Award for Women’s Leadership
For questions about the Honors Convocation Luncheon, please contact Lori Pail, SAE
Awards & Scholarships Program Office, at 1.724.772.8534 or
Kettering grad wins 2003 SAE Rumbaugh Outstanding
Student Leader Award
Jeremy Taylor, a Kettering University mechanical engineering
graduate, has been named this year’s recipient of the Society of
Automotive Engineers Rumbaugh Outstanding Student Leader
Award. Taylor will accept the award in March at the SAE World
Congress in Detroit. As part of the award, Taylor will receive a free
SAE lifetime membership and a monetary stipend.
Established by Max E. Rumbaugh, Jr., SAE Executive Vice
President Emeritus, the award annually recognizes an outstanding
Jeremy Taylor
SAE student leader, encouraging continued participation in SAE
throughout his or her professional career. The award is based on
leadership skills demonstrated during the student’s senior year of undergraduate
studies, and the recipient must be employed in a mobility-related industry at the time
of selection.
Taylor was nominated by his mechanical engineering professor at Kettering University
based on his exceptional participation and support of SAE activities while a student.
As an SAE student member, Taylor served as both vice president and president of the
Kettering University SAE Student Chapter, co-captain of the Mini Baja Design
Competition team, and team leader of the Clean Snowmobile Challenge team for two
successive years.
Taylor led his Clean Snowmobile Challenge teammates to a second-place finish in
2001 and a tie for first place in 2002.
“The lessons learned in the student competition teams prove invaluable in everything
I do,” said Taylor. “[Participation in] the teams taught me everything from design and
fabrication to responsibility and managerial skills. These skills are immediately recalled
during inter-departmental projects at my job.”
Taylor graduated Cum Laude from Kettering in 2003 and is currently a testing
engineer at LuK Inc. in Wooster, OH.
Vincent Bendix Automotive Electronics Engineering
Award goes to Thomas A. Stuart
Thomas A. Stuart has been selected to receive the 2002 SAE
Vincent Bendix Automotive Electronics Engineering Award. In
March 2004, he will be presented with the award at the Honors
Convocation of the annual SAE World Congress in Detroit.
Established in 1976, this award recognizes the authors of the best
technical paper relating to automotive electronics engineering presented
at an SAE meeting. The award pays tribute to the many engineering
innovations fostered by Mr. Vincent Bendix, 1931 SAE President, during
his long, productive career in the automotive industry.
Thomas A. Stuart
Stuart was selected as the 2002 recipient along with co-authors
Fang Fang, Xiaopeng Wang, Cyrus Ashtiani, and Ahmad Pesaran for their outstanding
SAE technical paper, “A Modular Battery Management System for HEVs” (2002-011918).
Stuart is currently a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the
University of Toledo, where his research involves automotive applications for power
electronics and embedded microcontrollers. Previously, Stuart served as a faculty
member at Clarkson College of Technology and as a design engineer at Rockwell Corp.
He earned his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois
and his master’s and doctoral degrees from Iowa State University.
Arch T. Colwell Cooperative Engineering Medal winner
Frank E. Zalar, retired Quality Engineering and Regulatory
Manager at GE Automotive Lighting, has been named recipient of
the 2003 SAE Arch T. Colwell Cooperative Engineering Medal. Zalar
will be presented with the award in March at the Honors
Convocation during the SAE 2004 World Congress in Detroit.
Established in 1976, the award recognizes an individual for unique
and outstanding contributions over a period of time to the work of the
technical committees under the SAE Technical Standards Board in
developing standards, specifications, technical reports, and data
Frank E. Zalar
through cooperative research. The award acknowledges and
commemorates the distinctive contributions of the late Arch T. Colwell,
who served as SAE President in 1941 and symbolized the dedication and devotion of SAE
members who work to further the objectives of the SAE Technical Standards Program.
Zalar is being recognized for his contributions to the work of the SAE Lighting
Committee. He gained more than 30 years of experience in the automotive lighting
field and has close to 20 years of experience with SAE’s lighting committees. His
leadership on a variety of standard-development efforts resulted in several standards
governing the use of new vehicle lighting technologies, such as SAE J1496 - Replaceable
bulbs, SAE J1765 - Miniature Bulb Vibration, SAE J2009 - Discharge Forward Lighting,
and SAE J2282 - Distributed Lighting. Zalar’s exceptional efforts were first recognized
by his election by the Lighting Committee to Chair the Road Illumination Device (RID)
Committee and, four years later, his election to Vice Chair of the Lighting Committee
itself. Currently, he serves as the group’s Chairman.
Zalar holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Ohio University.
December Update 11/6
11/6/03, 12:36 PM
Winner of Max Bentele Award for Engine Technology
Innovation announced
Landing Gear Committee prepares
AIR5541 Report for release
Rahman Md. Montajir, a post-doctoral research fellow with the
Japanese Government Ministry of Transportation, has been selected
to receive the 2003 Max Bentele Award for Engine Technology
Innovation. Montajir will receive his award in March during the
Honors Convocation at the SAE 2004 World Congress in Detroit.
During the recent outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Europe, the A-5 Landing
Gear Systems Committee responded rapidly to a threat that came not from the disease
but from the preventive measures. The local airport authorities were diligent in making
sure that every airplane arriving and departing had the landing gear and wheel well
drenched with disinfectant.
The award, established in 2001, recognizes an engineer under the
age of 36 who is an SAE member and whose work has furthered
innovation in the manufacture, design, and improvement of engine
technology for ground, air, or space vehicles. It honors Max Bentele
for his contributions in the field of mobility engines and his
encouragement for others to be innovative and to promote advances
in engine technology.
Disinfectants, however, can be highly corrosive and can also affect the performance of
the airplane brakes. There is also a similar concern with the emergence of
environmentally friendly de-icing fluids that are, unfortunately, very unfriendly to
landing gear and brakes. The four main categories of concern regarding landing gear
system contamination are: corrosion and embrittlement of metal components; catalytic
oxidation of carbon-carbon composites; brake performance; and polymer degradation.
Rahman Md.
Since November 2001, Montajir has been working in the transportation ministry’s
National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory. The main objective of his research
is the improvement of diesel engine emission quality through in-cylinder mixture
formation and combustion enhancements. As part of his work, he has proposed a new
combustion chamber concept for low emissions from small DI diesel engines and a fuel
concept for achieving DI-PCCI combustion for low-soot emission.
When the outbreak began, the A-5 Committee provided guidance to airplane operators
on how to mitigate the corrosion problems associated with the use of de-icers and
disinfectants on airplane landing gear and components. This effort has been followed
up by the preparation of AIR5541, “Recommended Actions When Disinfectants, Deicers, and Cleaners Come in Contact with L.G. Structure.” Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base led the A-5B panel that accomplished this rapid response. The report has been
approved and is due to be released shortly.
Montajir received his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Rajshahi
University of Engineering and Technology in Bangladesh, and holds master’s and
doctoral degrees from the Kitami Institute of Technology in Japan.
AIR5490 Carbon Brake Contamination, a similar document specifically related to
carbon-carbon brakes, was published in December 2002 by an A-5A panel under the
chairmanship of Henry Steele of Honeywell Aircraft Landing Systems.
As reported in the September issue of SAE UPdate, there is great interest on the part
of A-5 in collaborating with committees who influence the environment in which the
landing gear and its components operate. Steele was in contact with the G-12 Committee
during the formulation of AIR5490. SAE provided a vehicle for industry collaboration
between the wheel and brake industry and de-icer manufacturers. This collaboration
has resulted in standard tests and the development of improved products. AIR5541,
the latest draft document on landing gear effects, will also be provided to the G-12
Committee for its input.
Who: Aerospace Engineering Leaders
Award: SAE Aerospace Engineering Leadership Award
Nomination deadline: February 1, 2004
Description: This award honors individuals for outstanding contributions to the field
of aerospace engineering and enhances the image of SAE in the aerospace community.
The award recognizes individuals who have applied their leadership skills in aerospace
engineering to make contributions having had great positive impact on the aerospace
This award, established in 1992, is administered by the Aerospace Engineering
Leadership Award Board. The award consists of an original design of aluminum and
marble plus an honorarium presented each year at a major SAE aerospace meeting.
Submission: Visit for a nomination form. For
additional information on other SAE Aerospace Awards (deadlines Feb. 1, 2004), please
The SAE A-5 Landing Gear Systems Committee, chaired by Tom Nemcheck, Aircraft
Braking Systems Corp., addresses all facets of aerospace landing gear including design,
maintenance, and in-service experience. The group comprises three subcommittees
dedicated to creating, preparing, and maintaining all relevant specifications, standards,
and requirements for landing gear systems. These subcommittees include: A-5A, Wheels,
Brakes & Antiskid; A-5B, Gears, Struts & Couplings; and A-5C, Aircraft Tires.
G-3 Committee works with DoD, FAA, and ISO
to develop standards
SAE Committee G-3 Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose and Tube Assemblies and
its four subcommittees have been very active in developing standards in coordination
with DoD (DSCC), FAA, and the ISO communities.
The group is working to develop standards for 5080-psi (35,026-kPa) system pressures
for the Boeing 7E7 and Airbus A380 aircraft. The values may appear odd (rounded PSI
values), but they ensure that qualifications are accepted by both U.S. and foreign users.
The committee is also working to eliminate the minor differences in temperature and
pressure when converting from English to metric units (e.g., 5080 Psi = 35,026 kPa, as
noted above.) The committee is also again incorporating SI units into SAE Standards.
Scholarship Money
G-3 is working with the FAA to identify a new representative to replace the current
representative who is retiring. This is critical, as the new TSO (Technical Standard Order)
C140 will require an update to accommodate the referenced SAE AS150. The committee
anticipates developing a method of “adoption” similar to that used by DoD. The G3 PRI
QPL (Performance Review Institute, Qualified Products Lists) efforts are moving forward.
Most G3-prepared documents now include the requirements for PRI QPL and QML
(Qualified Manufacture List) for qualification and accreditation. These documents will
afford a “common” QML/QPL for many of the users. DoD is also using these documents.
Does your high school senior need
scholarship money for college?
Help wanted
A task force of the Committee on Automotive Rubber Specifications (CARS) invites
your participation to update the SAE J200 HK tables.
Check out the SAE Web site for
on-line information and applications:
The 2004-2006 evaporative emission regulations will result in expanded usage of
fluoroelastomers (FKM). Therefore, one of the purposes of this task force is to ensure
the table is updated based on the latest commercial FKM products and material
characterizations. This is also an excellent opportunity to reduce the Z call-outs (which
are extra information that needs to be added to a specification because the suffixes
[properties] in the table do not adequately define the material). As SAE J200 is the
parent for ASTM D2000, the result of the task force’s efforts will also update both tables.
(College students can apply at
The committee is specifically in need of representatives from OEMs and part suppliers
who are knowledgeable about the use of fluoroelastomers and the SAE J200/ASTM
D2000 tables to participate on the task force. Interests outside of automotive are also
welcome. As a member, you will be asked to participate in a quarterly meeting at the
SAE Automotive Headquarters in Troy, MI.
December Update 11/6
If you are interested in joining, please contact Task Force Chairman Joe Bommarito
at 1.734.779.5160 or or Arlene Catrett, SAE staff, at or
11/6/03, 12:36 PM
Meetings and symposia schedule
For more information about the meetings and symposia, call SAE Customer Service
toll-free at 1.877.606.7323 (1.724.776.4970 outside the U.S. and Canada). Additional
meeting details can be found on SAE’s website at;
symposia at
SAE Ground Vehicle Design & Manufacturing Events
12th SAE Brasil Congress and Exposition
November 18-20
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Hybrid Vehicles Symposium
January 28-29
San Diego, CA
Fuel Cell Vehicles - the Next Step Toward
Commercialization TOPTEC Symposium
February 18
Sacramento, CA
Facets of Implementing a Hydrogen discoun
February 19
Sacramento, CA
*SAE 2004 World Congress
March 8-11
Detroit, MI
Frontiers of Automotive Telematic Systems
April 20-21
Troy, MI
Automotive Dynamics, Stability & Controls
Conference and Exhibition
May 4-6
Detroit, MI
Government/Industry Meeting
Loews L’Enfant Plaza Hotel
May 10-12
Washington, D.C.
Fuels & Lubricants Meeting & Exhibition
June 8-10
Toulouse, France
Digital Human Modeling for Design
and Engineering (DHM)
June 15-17
Rochester, MI
Automotive Alternate Refrigerant Systems
June 29-July 1
Scottsdale, AZ
Economy TOPTEC Symposium
Every year
a new event
Watch this column
for the latest developments
as industry creates
SAE 2004.
• Plan to visit the AVL Technology Theater at SAE 2004, which
will feature a slate of timely topics and a line-up of top executives
that will connect industry's technology agenda to its business
agenda, OEMs to suppliers, and buyers to sellers. See the
complete schedule online at
• New this year: The SAE Engineering Innovation Forum!
Select, high-interest sessions of the Congress' world-renowned
technical program will be featured.
• A concentrated line-up of performance engineering sessions,
"High-Performance Cars - A Passion for Performance", will
provide a mini-conference on the Show floor!
Aerospace Design & Manufacturing Events
General Aviation Technology Conference &
Exhibition (GATC)
April 2004
Wichita, KS
Digital Human Modeling for Design and
Engineering (DHM)
June 15-17
Rochester, MI
34th International Conference on Environmental
Systems (ICES)
July 19-22
Colorado Springs, CO
*Meetings at which SAE seminars will be conducted.
• New in 2003, Technology Pavilions will again enhance
the exhibition experience, giving engineers and executives
a convenient shop-by-technology opportunity.
Pavilions will include:
- Electronics/Telematics
- Powertrain/Emission/Environment
- Emerging Technology - New for '04!
- Interiors/Materials
- Safety
- NVH - New for '04!
- Performance Engineering - New for '04!
- Manufacturing - New for '04!
Friday the 13th...of February
…brings with it the SAE 2004 WORLD CONGRESS PREREGISTRATION DEADLINE, changes to the registration
process, and luck!
• This year's technical program is better than ever!
- 1,200 technical papers
- 42 countries
- 474 OEMs
- 248 Suppliers - including 25 of the top 30!
See the technical session schedule posted online at
Join SAE by this date—attend for FREE
Sign-up now for the event —SAVE up to $250
Pre-register, avoid onsite registration—make the most of every
technology-filled minute!
Host company:
NEW Registration Process: ALL attendees must register (including
members, participants, committees, boards); EVERYONE is
encouraged to pre-register.
For details and to register go to
No Internet access? Call 1-877/SAE-CONG; 1- 724/772-4027
(outside US/Canada)
December Update 11/6
World Congress
March 8-11, 2004
Cobo Center • Detroit, MI USA
Where technology meets the business
of automotive engineering
1-877-SAE-CONG (outside the US/Canada 1-724-772-4027) •
11/6/03, 12:36 PM
Upcoming fuel-cell vehicles and the hydrogen economy
TOPTEC symposia co-sponsored by CARB
Two state-of-the-art TOPTEC symposia will be held at the California Air Resources
Board facility in Sacramento on February 18 and 19, 2004.
The first, Fuel Cell Vehicles - The Next Step Toward Commercialization, is a one-day
(February 18) TOPTEC symposium that will feature technical presentations addressing
the latest industry, government, and customer perspectives on the challenges that must
be overcome and the research and development necessary to get fuel-cell-powered
vehicles on the road. The various presenters are technical leaders in their fields who
are working toward the goal of making fuel-cell vehicles available to the consumer. The
program will begin with state (California), federal, and global environmental impacts
and policies and then move on to the latest technical information available (presented
by several OEMs and suppliers).
Organizers of this TOPTEC symposium are Shannon Baxter of CARB and Matt Fronk
of General Motors.
The Facets of Implementing a Hydrogen Economy TOPTEC Symposium will take
place at the same location on February 19. It will explore, through a series of technical
presentations, the challenges that face the conversion to a hydrogen-based economy for
the transportation sector. These challenges are technical, economic, and institutional
in nature. Leading experts from industry, government, and nongovernmental
organizations throughout the world will provide the audience with insights as to the
magnitude, feasibility, and timing of any conversion for transportation and its
relationship to a general overall conversion.
Organizers of this TOPTEC symposium are Baxter and Rex Luzader of Millenium Cell.
Attendees may register for one or both TOPTEC symposia. For information on the
technical program, see
A special discount package rate is available for those attending both TOPTEC symposia.
For more information, or to register, please contact SAE Customer Service toll-free at
1.877.606.7323 or 1.724.776.4970 (outside the U.S. or Canada), 1.724.776.0790 (fax), or
Members on the move
Robert F. Fair (Mbr’96) has been named General Manager, Driveline U.S. Operations
for American Axle & Manufacturing.
Walter Groff (Mbr’78) has been promoted to Senior Vice President for Southwest
Research Institute (SwRI) and will head the new Office of Automotive Engineering.
SwRI’s divisions of Engine and Vehicle Research, and Automotive Products and
Emissions Research will report to this office. Groff will also serve as acting President of
the Automotive Products and Emissions Research Division.
Michael Keeler (Mbr’82), General Manager of Auxiliary Axle
Systems for Hendrickson, has assumed the additional responsibility
of managing Hendrickson Europe.
Bob Keister (Mbr’83) has been named Director of Engineering
for Dana Corp.’s Commercial Vehicle Systems Division. In his new
role, Keister will be responsible for the execution of strategic and
customer-focused engineering activities globally. Among his
responsibilities will be the engineering groups within the division
and managing the engineering support centers in North America,
Europe, and South America.
Michael Keeler
John Nyquist (Mbr’94) has been appointed Director, Market
Research and Strategic Planning for American Axle &
Daniel Pace (Aff ’87) has been promoted to Vice President, Sales
and Marketing for Amerigon Inc. In his new position, Pace will be
responsible for managing all sales and marketing functions
Bob Keister
Ronald Schoenbach (Mbr’02) has been appointed Executive Director, Product
Development for American Axle & Manufacturing.
New tool discount available to SAE members
Previously a benefit for the Service Technicians Society members, Distributor Tool XChange (DTX) will now offer tool discounts to all SAE members. SAE members will
receive a 15% discount on regular priced merchandise, as well as specials and inventory
clearance prices. DTX carries top name brands such as SK, KD, Lisle, OTC, Shark,
Sun, Blackhawk, Channelock, Wright Tools, Hanson, HeliCoil, and many more. Whether
you’re a weekend warrior or just do regular maintenance on your car, DTX can save you
money on the tools you need.
For more information, go to or call 1.800.422.2301 and
mention your SAE membership to receive the discount. Hurry, the DTX annual
year-end inventory clearance sale is going on now.
Alan Shaffer (Mbr’03) has been named Vice President, Strategic Planning & Business
Development for American Axle & Manufacturing.
Special acknowledgments
Joseph Borruso (Mbr’74), President and CEO for Hella North America, has been
elected to the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA) Board of
Thomas Prucha (Mbr’81), Vice President of Technical Services for Intermet Corp.,
has received the Nyselius Award from the North American Die Casting Association.
This award is presented in recognition of exceptional technical contributions to the diecasting industry.
WANTED: SAE members to recruit young engineers
Focus on power generation
technology that may revolutionize
transportation forever…
Introduce young engineers into SAE Membership and help…
Join us for two exciting SAE learning symposia to be
held at the Air Resources Board in Sacramento,
California — right at the heart of the
community leading the change. Delve into
the very latest advances in fuel cell research &
development from government and the OEMs. Then,
explore the technical, economic, and institutional
challenges for transportation facing the conversion
to a hydrogen-based economy.
Young engineers need an advantage today…you can help.
As an SAE member, you understand and appreciate the value of your membership and how SAE helps
you stay current and connected in today’s rapidly changing industry. Introducing a young engineer
into membership and helping them take advantage of SAE’s benefits will strengthen their personal
and professional skills, expand their circle of contacts, and ready them for future opportunities.
Share the SAE experience with a young engineer (age 35 and under) today!
Fuel Cell Vehicles: the Next Step Toward
Commercialization TOPTEC Symposium
February 18, 2004
Facets of Implementing a Hydrogen Economy
TOPTEC Symposium
February 19, 2004
Featured speakers include:
Shannon Baxter, Alternative Energy Specialist,
Office of the Chairman, California Air Resources Board
Matt Fronk Chief Fuel Cell Engineer,
General Motor Corporation
Rex Luzader, Vice President Business Devlopment,
Millennium Cell, Inc.
Dr. Edward Nam, Engineer, Office of Transportation
& Air Quality, U.S. EPA
Dr. John J. Petrovic, Technical Advisor Laboratory
Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Rodney Semotiuk, Transportation Energy Advisor,
Transportation Energy Technologies, Natural Resources
Brian Walsh, Director of Member Services,
U.S. Fuel Cell Council
December Update 11/6
What will it mean to you?
Each time you sponsor a young engineer into membership between now and December 30
you will be automatically entered into a drawing to win exciting prizes like ★ a Laptop Computer
★ Digital Cameras ★ DVD Players ★ MP3 Players ★GPS Units and CD carriers.
The more young engineers you sponsor, the more chances you
have to win! This campaign will end December 30, 2003. For applications and more information,
log onto Be sure that your colleague uses the application
coded YOUNGNA and puts your name and member number in the “Recommending Member” area
of the application.
Sign up for both programs at a DISCOUNTED registration rate! •
E-mail •
1-877-606-7323 (outside US/Canada 1-724-776-4970)
Increase their technical knowledge
Open new doors for their career
Add value to your company
Secure the future of SAE
11/6/03, 12:36 PM
Milwaukee Section meeting focuses on engaging students
SAE President visits Southwestern Ontario Section
In October, SAE 2003 President Jack Thompson visited the Southwestern Ontario
Section. The day included a tour of AUTO21, in Windsor, Ontario. At St. Clair College,
Windsor, throughout a CAE presentation, Thompson fielded numerous questions, many
of which touched on unrelated broad-theme engineering topics. A visit was also made to
The Ford Centre for Manufacturing Excellence. At the end of the day’s tours, students
at the Engineering Faculty of the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario,
presented the history, future initiatives, and current team member activities of the
Aero Design, Mini-Baja, and Formula SAE projects.
SAE Student Chapters from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee and Milwaukee School
of Engineering presented information about their Chapter activities, including the SAE
Collegiate Design competitions in which they have participated during the SAE Milwaukee
Section’s October meeting. Representatives from the University of Wisconsin–Madison presented
information about FutureCar and FutureTruck projects. Section members also toured Car
Sport America. The event drew 34 students and 50 members.
GET INVOLVED with your
local section!
• Network
• Enhance your career
• Meet people
• Share ideas
When you need training designed
by engineers for engineers,
turn to SAE’s...
Corporate Learning Solutions
Some of the advantages you receive…
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from the industry
Long-time Southwestern Ontario Section member and honoree Lorne C. Elder (left), Ruth
Cooper, Southwestern Ontario Section Chair (center), and SAE 2003 President Jack Thompson
(right) during Thompson’s recent visit to the Southwestern Ontario Section.
Later, there was a tribute to long-standing member, Lorne C. Elder. Elder, was honored
by a bevy of SAE Southwestern Ontario Section past chairs and was presented with a
commemorative plaque and mantel clock by Thompson. Elder took the opportunity to,
once again, speak on behalf and in support of SAE—its fundamentals and achievements.
Two individuals should be recognized for initiating and following up on Lorne’s tribute:
Doug Hutchinson and Andy Vanderzanden. Hutchinson tracked down all the past chairs,
coordinated the tokens of appreciation, and acted as Lorne’s chauffeur. Vanderzanden
was instrumental in suggesting the Lorne C. Elder bursary and setting the wheels in
motion for the tribute event. Although David Semple’s (first past chair of the Section’s
precursor, the London-Sarnia Division of the Ontario Section), presence was missed,
Semple sent a message of congratulations that was read at the event. The second past
chair, Barry Page, then amplified Semple’s words of appreciation for Elder’s leadership
and encouragement, particularly for the benefit of the students in attendance.
The evening concluded with students, past chairs, members, guests, and the president
exchanging anecdotes, conversation, and technical information in an adjacent workshop
filled with SAE Formula cars, Mini-Baja vehicles, and model cargo planes.
Western Michigan Section announces
upcoming events
Tuesday, February 3, 2004
Ford F150 New Model Introduction
Ford executives Julie Kurcz with Robert Mull
Student night joint meeting with ASME
Scholarships, Student Chapters Presentations - Ferris State University, Great Valley
State University, and Western Michigan University
Great Valley State University-Grand Rapids, MI—6:00 Social, 6:30 Meal, 7:30
Presentations. Cost: $8.00 Students, $20.00 Members and Guests
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Choose from a course list of over 150 industry topics or
identify a topic specific to your needs. Call today for
more information or a quote 724-772-8529 or visit
Siemens Dematic Tour, Joint with SME
Tentative tour location: 507 Plymouth Ave., GR
Duba’s, Grand Rapids, MI—6:00 Social, 6:30 Meal, 7:45 Tour. Cost: $10.00 Students,
$25.00 Members, Spouses, $30.00 Guests
For more information, please visit
December Update 11/6
11/6/03, 12:36 PM
SAE seminars approved by the Accreditation Commission
for Traffic Accident Reconstruction
Moving STS forward to become an SAE program office
The Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR) has
approved 10 SAE seminars for ACTAR Continuing Education Units (CEUs), which can
be used to retain ACTAR certification.
All ACTAR-accredited reconstructionists are required to attain a total of 80 CEUs
within a five-year period from passing the certification examination and then every
five years thereafter. Having courses ACTAR approved enables accredited
reconstructionists to pay only $5 per course for the CEUs. Otherwise, they must pay $3
per CEU (one ACTAR CEU is equivalent to one contact hour).
ACTAR is an internationally recognized commission with approximately 700 ACTAR
accredited reconstructionists practicing throughout the United States, Canada,
Australia, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates. These Accredited
Reconstructionists are engineers, physicists, police officers, consultants, former police
officers, and those of other backgrounds working in the profession.
The following SAE seminars have been approved by the Accreditation Commission
for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR) for Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
Upon completion of any of these seminars, accredited reconstructionists should contact
ACTAR, at 1.800.809.3818, to request CEUs. As an ACTAR-approved course, the fee for
the CEUs for each course is $5.00.
Seminar Title
Brakes-Design and Safety
Motor Vehicle Accident Reconstruction
Commercial Vehicle Braking Systems
Tires and Wheel Safety Issues
The Tire as a Vehicle Component
Injuries, Anatomy, Biomechanics & Federal Regulation
The Role of the Seat in Rear Crash Safety
Vehicle Dynamics for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks
Automotive Lighting
Current Issues in Using Crash Injury Data
Over the past two months, STS has begun the transformation from SAE affiliate to a
program office. STS members will be asked to join SAE and become an integral part of
continued efforts to improve vehicle serviceability. The Service Technology Program
Office (STPO) of SAE International will provide focus and coordination for activities,
policy recommendations, and products in ground vehicle service, maintenance, and
repair technologies.
The STPO will be a valued source of leading-edge technical resources for OEMs and
the vehicle service/maintenance industry. Products will be focused on the needs of those
people involved in serviceability and maintainability of vehicles, and the development
of a broad network of professionals involved in this field, including engineering and
service delivery functions.
The goals of the STPO are to be recognized by industry as a leader and valued resource
for service technology; to be an effective resource to produce positive changes in vehicle
service technology; to provide SAE with a central focus for service technology issues,
products, and initiatives; and to provide a two-way link for communicating between
vehicle engineering and service functions.
Objectives of the STPO include the following:
• Influence and impact vehicle service technology by using SAE resources
• Build a base of loyal customers and members
• Identify and integrate all areas within the staff and volunteer structures of SAE
that fit into service technology functions
• Provide current and future customers with a clearly defined entrance into SAE
activities that involves service technology issues
• Provide strategic external input to the Board of Directors of SAE on trends and
issues in service technology
• Foster communications and collaboration between engineering and service
• Provide focus for SAE activities and products related to vehicle service.
Product and service benefits will include networking opportunities and the ability to
work with leading engineering professionals, SAE UPdate newsletter, Automotive
Engineering International magazine, reduced registration fees for some SAE meetings,
publications discount, tool discount with DTX, insurance discounts, opportunities to
develop leadership skills by participating in committees and task forces, and
opportunities to participate in SAE Standards development.
SAE 2004 World Congress
Some 30+ seminars in core technology areas will be offered in
conjunction with the SAE World Congress. Record numbers attended
last year’s seminars. Ensure your spot. Register by February 27.
Seminars will again be held on-site at Cobo Center—allowing you
to experience more of the technology of SAE 2004.
2003 SAE
AVL continued from page 1
This new edition features:
of topics, technologies, and executives featured in the Technology Theater at the SAE
World Congress are near and dear to the heart of what we do.”
• over 1,600 full-text
SAE Ground
Vehicle Standards
AVL will join DENSO North America, Nissan, Motorola, Microsoft, Yazaki, DuPont,
AISIN, and Robert Bosch on the growing list of companies sponsoring key activities
and/or exhibiting at the SAE 2004 World Congress. Several OEMs have committed to
display advanced technologies on the exhibit floor again this year, including
DaimlerChrysler, Ford, and General Motors.
AVL is the world’s largest privately owned and independent company for the
development of powertrain systems with internal-combustion engines as well as
simulation and test systems.
Since 1947, the SAE World Congress has been the world’s largest meeting and
exposition devoted to automotive engineering and product technology. Each year the
world of automotive engineering, design, and technology descends on Cobo Center for
the SAE World Congress. It remains the primary forum for the best and brightest
technical talent to meet and exchange ideas with their peers.
For the latest information about the SAE 2004 World Congress, visit http:// The SAE media contact is Steve Yaeger, who can be reached at
1.724.772.4068 or
December Update 11/6
• 137 new or revised
documents since the
2002 edition
Call to order!
(724) 772-7144
Print Product Code:
2003 HBST
CD-ROM Product Code:
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11/6/03, 12:36 PM
Courses from
Detailed course descriptions are available online at To
register, complete the online registration form, email, or call SAE
Customer Service toll free at 1.877.606.7323 or 1.724.776.4970 (outside the U.S. or
Jan 19-20
Automotive Plastics: Principles of Materials & Process Selection
Jan 26-27
Finite Element Analysis for Design Engineers - Hands-on FEA
Jan 26-28
Cost, Finance, and Economics for Automotive Engineers
* One of SAE’s 40 most popular seminars.
February 2004
December 2003
Troy, MI, USA - SAE Automotive Headquarters
Troy, MI, USA - SAE Automotive Headquarters
Feb 2-3
Hydraulic & Pneumatic Fluid Power Seals
Dec 1-3
Fundamentals of Modern Vehicle Transmissions
TOP 40*
Dec 3
Design Reviews for Effective Product Development
TOP 40*
Dec 4
The Tire as a Vehicle Component
Dec 4-5
Introduction to Variable Valve Actuation: System Benefits, Design
and Integration
Dec 4-5
Engineering Project Management TOP 40*
Dec 4-5
The Basics of Internal Combustion Engines
TOP 40*
Dec 5
A Familiarization of Drivetrain Components
TOP 40*
Dec 5
Tire and Wheel Safety Issues
Dec 8-10
Design of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Dec 8-10
Advanced Electric Motor/Generator/Actuator Design and Analysis for
Automotive Applications
TOP 40*
In Conjunction with the SAE 2004 World Congress & Exhibition
Dec 10-12
Commercial Vehicle Braking Systems
Mar 8
Dec 10-12
Vehicle Dynamics for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks
TOP 40*
Feb 2-4
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing - Level I
TOP 40*
Feb 4-6
Automotive Coatings: Materials & Applications
TOP 40*
Feb 5-6
Simplified Taguchi/DOE Methods
Feb 9
Statistical Tolerance Design
TOP 40*
Feb 9-10
Automotive Glazing Materials
Feb 12-13
Benchmarking: A Tool to Achieve Competitive Leadership
TOP 40*
March 2004
Detroit, MI, USA - Cobo Center
TOP 40*
TOP 40*
A Familiarization of Drivetrain Components
TOP 40*
Mar 8-10
Design of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Dec 11
Exhaust Flow Performance and Pressure Drop of Exhaust Components
and Systems
TOP 40*
Mar 8-10
Commercial Vehicle Braking Systems
Mar 8-10
Fundamentals of Modern Vehicle Transmissions
Dec 15
Basic Noise Control
Mar 8-10
Combustion and Emissions for Engineers
Dec 15-16
Ignition Issues and Their Impact on Engine Performance, Efficiency
and Emission
TOP 40*
TOP 40*
TOP 40*
Mar 8-10
Motor Vehicle Accident Reconstruction
TOP 40*
Mar 8-10
Weibull-Log Normal Analysis Workshop
TOP 40*
TOP 40*
Dec 15-16
Introduction to Failure Modes and Effects Analysis for Product Design
& Manufacturing Process Design (Product & Process FMEA) TOP 40*
Mar 8-10
Chassis & Suspension Component Design for Passenger Cars & Light
Trucks TOP 40*
Dec 15-16
Catalytic Converters: Design and Durability
Mar 8-10
Injuries, Anatomy, Biomechanics & Federal Regulation
Dec 15-17
Chassis & Suspension Component Design for Passenger Cars & Light
Trucks TOP 40*
Mar 8-9
Diesel Engine Technology TOP 40*
Mar 8-9
Compact Heat Exchangers for Automotive Applications
Mar 8-9
Introduction to Failure Modes and Effects Analysis for Product
Design & Manufacturing Process Design (Product & Process FMEA)
Mar 8-9
Introduction to Variable Valve Actuation: System Benefits, Design,
and Integration
TOP 40*
Dec 16
Noise and Vibration Measurement: Instruments and Facilities
Dec 16-17
Diesel Emissions and Aftertreatment Devices: Design &
TOP 40*
TOP 40*
TOP 40*
Rochester Hills, MI, USA - Oakland University’s School of Business Administration
Dec 9-11
Managing Integrated Product Development
This course describes a holistic system for integrated product
development, including key sub-processes, organizational dynamics,
and the importance of time in creating discipline and accountability
for successful results. It emphasizes the theme that knowledgeable
and consistent management is the key to improving product
development and that companies that continually improve their
product creation processes will be more successful in delivering
customer satisfaction, market share, and profitability.
January 2004
Troy, MI, USA - SAE Automotive Headquarters
Jan 12
Engine Cooling Design: A System Engineering Approach
Jan 12
How to Give Technical Presentations that Advance Your Engineering
Jan 12-13
Fundamentals of Gear Design and Application
TOP 40*
The intent of this seminar is to give the attendee a solid and
fundamental understanding of gear geometry, types and
arrangements, and design principles. Starting with the basic
definitions of gears, conjugate motion, and the “Laws of Gearing,” the
attendee will be given the tools needed to understand the inter-relation
and coordinated motion operating within gear pairs and multi-gear
trains. The attendee will be exposed to the basic gear system design
process and gear measurement and inspection techniques. They will
develop a fundamental understanding of the step-wise process of
working through the iterative design process required to generate a
gear pair.
Jan 12-13
Electronics Packaging: Thermal & Mechanical Design and Analysis
Jan 15-16
Automotive Advanced Driveline Systems: Theory and Design
December Update 11/6
SAE Professional Development is seeking experienced engineering professionals
with industry/academic backgrounds to propose, develop, and instruct seminars
covering all technical areas, including:
✓ Homogeneous Charge
Compression Ignition
✓ Advanced Engine Technologies
✓ Electronic Engine Controls
✓ Vehicle Stability/Rollover
Prevention Technologies
✓ Antilock Braking /Traction
Control Systems
✓ Valve Train Design & Analysis
✓ Steering Systems
✓ Diesel Engines
✓ By-wire Technologies
✓ Other technical areas will also be considered.
The potential seminar instructor must have experience in either the engineering field,
academia, or both. All submitted seminar proposals will be evaluated by a Technical
Review Committee to ensure high quality and value to the engineering community.
Interested individuals should contact:
Bev Hoerner, Program Manager, Seminars
SAE Professional Development
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA 15096-0001
Phone: 724-772-8553
Or visit on-line at
TOP 40*
11/6/03, 12:36 PM
Mar 8-9
Distributed Automotive Embedded Systems
This seminar provides background on the most important issues of
automotive embedded systems operating in a network environment.
While the widely used CAN protocol is primarily used in examples
and applications, emerging protocols such as TTP/C and Flexray will
be also discussed. The seminar begins with the fundamental
requirements for communication systems followed by event-based and
time-triggered computing and communications. Then, typical
automotive applications of in-vehicle networks are discussed, followed
by the CAN protocol and a summary of the main characteristics of
TTP/C and Flexray. Finally, the design, analysis, and implementation
of distributed automotive embedded systems using CAN are covered.
Mar 8-9
Automotive Electronics - An Applications Primer
TOP 40*
Mar 9-10
Catalytic Converters: Design and Durability
TOP 40*
Mar 10
Sensor & Actuator Technology: Module 1 - Powertrain (Engine,
Transmission, and Onboard Diagnostics) TOP 40*
Mar 10-11
Diesel Emissions and Aftertreatment Devices: Design &
TOP 40*
Mar 10-12
Advanced Electric Motor/Generator/Actuator Design and Analysis for
Automotive Applications TOP 40*
Mar 10-12
Automotive Fuel Cell Systems
Mar 10-12
Vehicle Dynamics for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks
Mar 11
The Tire as a Vehicle Component
Mar 11
Sensor & Actuator Technology: Module 2 - Chassis (Steering, Suspension,
Braking, Stability, Vehicle Dynamics)
TOP 40*
TOP 40*
TOP 40*
Mar 11-12
The Basics of Internal Combustion Engines
Mar 11-12
Threaded Fasteners and the Bolted Joint TOP 40*
Mar 11-12
Role of the Seat in Rear Crash Safety
Mar 11-12
Automotive Lighting
Mar 11-12
TOP 40*
TOP 40*
Selection, Evaluation and Measurements of Acoustical Materials for
Vehicle Interior Noise Study
TOP 40*
Mar 12
Sensor & Actuator Technology: Module 3 - Body (Occupant Safety,
Intelligent Vehicles, Navigation, Comfort, Convenience, Security) TOP 40*
Mar 12
Design Reviews for Effective Product Development
Apr 1-2
Controller Area Network (CAN) for Vehicle Applications
Apr 5
Current Issues in Using Crash Injury Data
Apr 5
Basic Noise Control
Apr 5-7
Motor Fuel: Technology, Performance, Testing, and Specifications
TOP 40*
TOP 40*
TOP 40*
Apr 6
Noise and Vibration Measurement: Instruments and Facilities
Apr 14-15
New! Powertrain Selection for Fuel Economy and Acceleration
The course begins with a discussion of the road load forces that act
on the automobile (aerodynamic, rolling resistance, and gravitational)
followed by a review of pertinent engine characteristics. This
background information is then used to show how appropriate gear
ratios for a vehicle transmission are selected and to develop models
for predicting acceleration performance and fuel economy. The models
form the basis for the computer software used to predict vehicle
performance. Participants will also use an in-vehicle accelerometer,
GPS fifth-wheel, and an OBDII scanner to measure vehicle
Apr 14-16
Fundamentals of Metal Fatigue Analysis
TOP 40*
Apr 19-20
Fundamentals of Engine Oils
Apr 19-20
Engineering Safety Specifications: Designing for Safety
Apr 19-21
Liquid Atomization, Sprays, and Fuel Injection
Apr 19-21
Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing – Level II
TOP 40*
TOP 40*
Apr 22-23
Adhesive Bonding Technology
Apr 22-23
Design for Manufacturing & Assembly (DFM/DFA)
Apr 23
Engine Cooling Design: A System Engineering Approach
Apr 26
Fundamentals of Sensor Design for Automotive Air Bag Systems
Apr 26-27
Static and Dynamic Sealing
Brakes – Design & Safety
Mar 11-12
Engineering Project Management TOP 40*
Apr 26-27
Mar 12
Exhaust Flow Performance and Pressure Drop of Exhaust Components
and Systems
TOP 40*
Apr 28-30
Concurrent Engineering Practices Applied to the Design of Chassis
TOP 40*
Mar 12
Tire and Wheel Safety Issues
Apr 30
Patents – A Global Perspective
Relevant information • Reviewed and evaluated • Ready for you
Powertrain TechKnowledge Center
April 20-22, 2004
Century II Convention Center
Wichita, Kansas, USA
A new knowledge solution that filters,
interprets and analyzes information for
you so you don’t waste time. This
subscription based Web site provides
users with expert-selected information
and editorial that has been pre-screened
for relevancy. Each TechKnowledge
Center supplies just-in-time content on a
focused topic.
Visit for
developing information on
this program and exhibition!
SAE is introducing the newest edition to
the TechKnowledge Center line…
Powertrain TechKnowledge Center.
Some of the features include:
• The center contains three specific
content collections Spark Ignition,
Compression Ignition and Emissions
• Provides all the critical content in one
place – content that has already been
reviewed for relevancy and can be
searched and sorted based on your
• Search technology that offers precision
and relevancy and includes multiple
cross-referenced links to guide users to
related information.
Your advantage: Enables you to
transfer information to knowledge
quickly and easily.
For more information on this new
technology product call the SAE sales
representatives at:
IHS 800.716.3447 (U.S. and Canada)
+1.303.397.2396 (worldwide)
December Update 11/6
TOP 40*
11/6/03, 12:37 PM
It’s easy to place an advertisement in SAE UPdate.
Simply call with your space reservation and fax-or e-mail and save the typesetting fee!--your ad copy to
Rebecca Wiley: phone 724/772-7116,
fax 724/776-2690, e-mail
You will be contacted promptly to discuss your ad
and to receive details about pricing and deadlines.
SAE assumes no responsibility for the statements set forth
in any listing or the availability or existence of such listed
positions. SAE does not review or warrant the qualifications
or statements of those responding to a listing.
Individuals seeking
employment may also
list their services
confidentially in the SAE
Resume Database.
For details, call
Tracy Fedkoe,
ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. Maintain preventative maintenance system
for all machinery & equip. in plant. Troubleshoot elec. systems & repair equip.
breakages. Conduct research, develop, & test elec. components, as well as
equip. & systems. Direct activities to ensure that manufacturing, construction,
installation, & operational testing conform to functional specifications &
customer requirements. Work location will be Indianapolis, IN. Requires B.S.
or Associate Degree in Elec. Engineering & min. 5 yrs. experience in Elec.
Engineering. Must have proof of legal authority to work in U.S. Send resume
to: Nistem Corp., D. Hunt, 809 Principal Court, Chesapeake, VA 23320.
Senior Project Engineer (multiple openings); 40 hrs./wk.; 8:00 am-4:30 pm;
$94,100/yr. Job requires: Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering & 3 yrs.
experience in Job Offered or as a Mechanical Engineer. Job also reqs.: 1)
Experience conducting static & dynamic structural analyses of automotive
components; & 2) Exp. performing structural optimization, nonlinear, & fatigue
analysis of automotive components. Exp. reqs. may be met concurrently during
the same 3-yr. period. Job duties: Provide technical leadership in conducting
structural analysis on vehicle components & subsystems including static, dynamic, nonlinear, fatigue, & optimization (both shape & topology). Coordinate
team(s) of engineers involved in analysis projects. Develop projects, procedures,
methods, & processes. Interface with platform engineers to synthesize & drive
design changes based on results of analyses. Track & document component &
subsystem performance against strength, durability, & noise & vibration requirements. Work with program development engineers & test engineers to perform
correlation studies to improve analysis techniques. Qualified applicants should
send resume & verification of reqs. to: MDCD Cadillac Place, P.O. Box 11170,
Detroit, MI 48202, Ref. #211753. Employer Paid Ad.
Manufacturing Systems Engineer wanted to review and evaluate customers’
manufacturing systems. Collect dimensional data and process information during
launch/production. Process data to compare, evaluate and improve processes.
Investigate/evaluate manufacturing systems and assess performance. Work with
production plant personnel assessing: die tryout decisions and general process
validation activities. Perform statistical analysis of production data (analysis of
variance, statistical regressions) and investigation of manufacturing systems.
Conceptualize and develop research plans. Assist in presenting proposed
research plans to prospective sponsors. Job requires travel. Utilize knowledge of
quality standards/systems, product validation techniques, stamping/sheet metal
and closures systems design/manufacture to perform job duties. Also utilize data
analysis software, including Excel (to create statistical models, others) and SPSS
(to perform Analysis of Variation ANOVA). Requires Master’s Degree in
Manufacturing Engineering plus 2 yrs. experience in job offered or 2 yrs. of
experience as Research Investigator. Full time position (40 hrs/wk). Please send
resume to Ms. Lisa Hart, Director, Office Operations, Center for Automotive
Research, P. O. Box 134004, Ann Arbor, MI 48113-4004.
The Power of Dreams
At Honda R&D Americas, Inc., you’ll be involved in projects that not only
excite you, but also turn the heads of an entire industry. Our engineers are
designing, testing and using their talents to create the motorcycles/ATVs,
automobiles and power equipment concepts of the future. And in the process
they rediscover why they chose this profession — the power to turn today’s
dreams into tomorrow’s products. It’s a high-performance, highly rewarding
opportunity and we invite you to come along for the ride of your life.
Our success is built with a hands-on approach beginning with concept
generation and continuing through the finished vehicle. All this is
made easier by our proximity and accessibility to Honda’s manufacturing facility.
Be part of the excitement. If you are interested in a career at Honda,
send your resume to: Human Resources, Honda R&D Americas, Inc.,
21001 State Route 739, Raymond, OH 43067-9705. Fax: 937-6456337. Email: An equal opportunity employer.
Honda R&D Americas, Inc.
Update page 12
Control Systems Engineer for design,
verification, validation, integration,
testing and documentation of hybrid
electric vehicle, gasoline vehicle and
transmission embedded control strategy algorithms and application software using model-based design methods, rapid prototyping tools and hardware in the loop (HIL) utilizing
dSpace, MATRIXx and C programming language. Must have Bachelor’s
in appropriate engineering field and 1
year of experience. Mail resume to:
IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.,
4110 Varsity Drive, Ann Arbor, MI
48108. EOE
Product Engineer. Work Sched 3:00 PM-11:00 PM 40 hrs/wk. $83,387.20 P/Yr.
Research, engineer, develop, & test vehicle electrical/electronic systems (engine
controller, airbags, front controller, SKIM, ABS, security systems, & J1850 bus
systems) including performance of full vehicle EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) research & EMC test methodology studies of current & future passenger
vehicles. Develop EMC test plan to change the airbag’s squib circuit in order to
avoid the deployment. Research, engineer & test new modules or whole vehicles
to pass corporate specifications & meet the RF emission & immunity requirements, such as the EMC Automotive & European Standards before ramp up to
production or solving EMC problems after launch by analysis of the test result.
Perform EMC research to assure future vehicle platforms & vehicle occupant
safety compliance within strict industry standards for elimination of theoretical
abnormal airbag deployment, abnormal anti-lock brake systems operation, &
engine (gasoline engine) & front (diesel engine) controller derived engine stalls.
Master, Any Engrg or Engrg Sci. Discipline. One yr of exp. in job offered.
Employer Paid Ad. Send resume to MDCD/ESA, P.O. Box 11170, Detroit, MI
48202-1170, Ref. #211731
Fax 925/254-1650
We seek a mature vehicle engineer with automotive, truck, bus, or heavy
equipment design and/or shop repair experience. Excellent analytical and
communication skills required. Interesting assignments determining the causes
of vehicle crashes in support of litigation. Full-time: Morristown NJ, Mineola NY,
and Pittsburgh PA. Part-time: Richmond VA and Michigan. Robson Lapina
provides opportunity for professional and financial growth in an environment that
rewards excellence, integrity, and success. More information on and respond via
Public and on-site
classes available!
Call for course outline
Geometric Learning Systems
North American Distributor for unique high speed airport runway snow removal
and airfield equipment seeks a hands on leader to manage and execute all
aftermarket support activities. Company is dedicated to the highest level of
customer service. Requirements: Ten + years experience in automotive / heavy
equipment, emphasis on field service and troubleshooting, engineering degree
preferred, and excellent communication and presentation skills. Competitive
compensation and comprehensive benefits. Fax Resume to 516-576-3221 or
email to
Peter R.Thom & Assoc.
Over 1 billion customers every year
depend on MTA New York City Transit,
the nation’s largest transit system, and
we in turn, depend on a dedicated
team of professional to help us meet
the needs of our organization. We
currently have an opportunity for an:
As an Assistance Chief Maintenance
Officer, you will be responsible for
directing and managing the Maintenance and Support section of the
Department of Buses. You will also
ensure that the technical and maintenance policies necessary to meet the
operating goals of Buses are formulated, implemented and maintained.
To qualify, you must have a college
degree with a preferred emphasis on
the physical sciences, engineering,
mathematics or transportation. You
need at least 15 years of progressive
maintenance or technical management experience, with seven of those
years dealing in a managerial capacity.
Experience with the maintenance,
repair, design, testing and evaluating
of vehicles and their subsystems
is required. You must have knowledge of accepted test procedures,
application sciences and engineering,
and the understanding necessary to
present written and oral technical
papers, bulletins and memoranda.
NYC Transit offers a comprehensive
benefits package.To apply, please refer
to job vacancy #002037 and send two
copies of your resume and cover letter
to: MTA New York City Transit, Job
Code: ACMO/ SAE, Ms. Marie Erla
Jabon, Personnel Coordinator, HR,
Departmental Operations, 180
Livingston Street, Room 639C,
Brooklyn, NY 11201; Fax:(347) 6438489; E-mail:
Oshkosh Truck Corporation is a leading designer, manufacturer and
marketer of a broad range of commercial, fire and emergency, and military
trucks and truck bodies. Oshkosh is a diversified industrial company whose
brands – Oshkosh, McNeilus, Pierce and Medtec – hold strong market positions.
As a result of continued growth, we have an immediate opening for the following
Electrical Project Engineer
The qualified candidate will work within the advanced products group on the
development of electrical systems and components for heavy hybrid electric
vehicles. The position requires strong skills in power electronics, electrical
machines and electrical systems analysis. Master of science in electrical
engineering with 2 years experience or a bachelor of science in electrical
engineering with 5 years experience. Strong theoretical background in power
electronics, electrical machines, and their controls is required. Experience in
modeling and simulation software such as: Matlab, Simulink, PSpice, or Saber
is required. Previous experience in heavy truck systems or hybrid electric
vehicles is a plus. Must have hands-on working knowledge with electrical
systems up to 600V.
Project Engineer
The qualified candidate will coordinate and supervise engineers and technicians
involved in various projects and monitor progress of projects to determine
corrective actions needed to maintain schedule and cost targets. Bachelor of
science degree in engineering required plus 5-7 years of design related
For more information about these positions and others with Oshkosh Truck
Corporation, please visit our website at or
call our Jobline at (920) 236-6866. Please send resume and cover letter to:
Oshkosh Truck Corporation
Human Resources Department
P.O. Box 2566
Oshkosh, WI 54903-2566
Fax: 920-233-9268
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged
to apply. We are a certified Development Zone employer committed to hiring
targeted group members.
New York City Transit
Going your way
Equal Opportunity Employer
11/5/03, 12:27 PM