ARAŞTIRMA (Research) Hacettepe Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi Cilt: 30, Sayı: 4, Sayfa: 25-32, 2006 Interarch Tooth-Size Relationships of Normal Occlusion and Class II Division 1 Malocclusion Patients in a Turkish Population Türk Populasyonunda Sınıf II Divizyon 1 Maloklüzyon ve Normal Okluzyonlu Bireylerde İnterark Diş Boyutu İlişkileri *Semra CİĞER DDS, PhD, *Müge AKSU DDS, PhD, *Banu SAĞLAM-AYDINATAY DDS, PhD *Hacettepe University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics ABSTRACT ÖZET Introduction: Several studies were published describing the importance of a correct tooth size proportion between the arches. Objective: The aims of this study were to compare the tooth size ratios of a Turkish population to the Bolton ratios, determine sex differences in tooth-size ratios, identify the teeth that most affect the interarch relationship and determine whether there is a difference in intermaxillary tooth-size discrepancies for malocclusion subjects. Subjects and Methods: This study consisted of 125 subjects with normal occlusion and 71 patients with Class II, division 1 malocclusion. For statistical evaluation, 2-way ANOVA, independent samples t-test and stepwise multiple linear regression analyses were performed. Results: Significant differences were found only in overall ratio among the normal occlusion and Class II, division 1 malocclusion groups (p <.05). The tooth most closely related with the overall ratio in Class II, division 1 malocclusion group was the mandibular second premolar. Conclusion: The results of this study show that the overall and anterior Bolton ratios can be applied to a Turkish population. There is a tendency of maxillary tooth size excess in the Class II, division 1 malocclusion patients of the same population. Giriş: Maksiller ve mandibuler dişler arasındaki diş boyut oranlarının önemi hakkında araştırmalar mevcuttur. Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Türk populasyonundaki diş boyut oranlarını Bolton oranlarıyla kıyaslamak, diş boyut oranlarındaki cinsiyet farklılıklarını belirlemek, interark diş ilişkilerini en çok etkileyen dişleri tanımlamak ve maloklüzyonlu bireylerde intermaksiller diş boyut uyumsuzluklarındaki farkları belirlemektir. Bireyler ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda 125 normal okluzyonlu ve 71 Sınıf II, bölüm 1 maloklüzyonlu birey incelenmiştir. İstatistiksel değerlendirme 2yönlü ANOVA, bağımsız gruplarda t-testi ve çoklu regresyon analizi kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Sadece normal oklüzyonlu ve Sınıf II, bölüm 1 maloklüzyonlu bireylerin tüm dişler oranlarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmuştur (p <.05). Sınıf II, bölüm 1 maloklüzyon grubunda tüm dişler oranını en çok etkileyen dişin mandibuler ikinci premolar olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Bu çalışmanın sonuçları Bolton’un anterior ve tüm dişler oranlarının Türk populasyonunda uygulanabileceğini göstermiştir. Aynı populasyondaki Sınıf II, divizyon 1 maloklüzyonlu bireylerde maksiller diş boyutlarında bir fazlalık mevcuttur. KEYWORDS Tooth size ratio; Class II, division 1 malocclusion; Bolton ratio; Interarch relationship ANAHTAR KELİMELER Diş boyut oranı; Sınıf II, divizyon 1 malokluzyon; Bolton oranı; İnterark diş ilişkileri 26 INTRODUCTION A proper relationship of the total mesiodistal width of the maxillary dentition to the mesiodistal width of the mandibular dentition is necessary in order to obtain an optimal occlusion, overbite and overjet in the finishing stage of comprehensive orthodontic treatment. A significant variation in this relationship should be detected and considered during initial diagnosis and treatment planning. If a tooth size discrepancy exists, the treatment plan should include compensating procedures such as stripping, extraction, esthetic bonding or prosthetic reconstruction. Otherwise the final result of orthodontic treatment and its stability may be compromised. Several studies were published describing the importance of a correct tooth size proportion between the upper and lower arches. However, some methods such as Howes’ ratio1 and Neff’s anterior coefficient2,3 are not widely used. In 1958, Bolton4 published his now classical work on interpreting mesiodistal tooth-size dimensions and their effect on occlusion.He selected 55 cases with ‘’excellent” occlusion and compared the sums of the mesiodistal widths of the maxillary and mandibular teeth. Using the mesiodistal width of 12 teeth, he obtained an overall ratio of 91.3% + 1.9%; using the 6 anterior teeth, he obtained an anterior ratio of 77.2% + 1.65%. Stifer5 repeated Bolton’s study in Class I dentitions and arrived at similar results. More recently the accuracy and dependability of Bolton analysis have been challenged.6,7 It has been reported in the literature that tooth size differs among genders as well as various ethnic groups6,8-15. Since differences in tooth sizes are not systematic16, different interarch relationships might be expected between genders and different populations. Several authors have obtained the normal values of Bolton analysis of different races.1721 These studies suggest that race and ethnicity should be taken into consideration where Bolton analysis is concerned. There are only a few studies establishing Bolton values in Turkish population. Uysal and Sari20 analyzed dental casts of 150 Turkish subjects with normal occlusion. They obtained an overall ratio of 89.88% + 2.29% and an anterior ratio of 78.26% + 2.61%. A significant sex difference in the overall ratio was reported in their study. Nur et al.21, however, reported significant sex differences in the anterior ratio whereas no difference was found between genders in the overall ratio. Furthermore, the values for anterior and overall ratios, which they obtained from the normal occlusion group of 120 subjects, were higher for both of the genders than the values reported by Uysal and Sari20 and Bolton4. Since Lavelle11 stated that tooth size and proportion have an important role in malocclusion, the relationship between tooth-size discrepancy and Angle classification have been studied as well. Nur et al21 analyzed dental casts of 600 Turkish subjects divided into 5 groups including all malocclusions and reported significant differences in overall ratios between normal occlusion and Class II, division 1 and 2 malocclusions. However differences in the anterior ratio between Class III and Class II, division 1 malocclusions were reported only in girls. Crosby and Alexander22 and Laino et al.23 studied orthodontic patients with varying malocclusions and found no evidence of any predisposition for a tooth-size discrepancy in any of the malocclusion groups. However Nie and Lin24 compared normal occlusion subjects with malocclusion subjects and found significant differences for all the ratios between malocclusion groups. They also reported that there were no significant differences between subcategories of malocclusion. Araujo and Souki25 investigated the prevalance of anterior tooth size discrepancies among the malocclusion groups in the Brazilian population and reported that subjects with Angle Class I and III malocclusions show significantly greater prevalance of tooth size discrepancies than do individuals with Class II malocclusions. Uysal et al.26 studied 560 subjects divided into 4 different malocclusion groups and 150 normal 27 occlusion subjects and they found that all malocclusion groups had higher overall ratios than the normal occlusion group. However no significant differences among malocclusion groups were reported. Although many studies have compared the Bolton ratio among malocclusion groups, there is only one study in literature that investigated the individual teeth which affect interarch relationships6. In order to predict the final occlusion after comprehensive orthodontic treatment, it is necessary to know which teeth are responsible from the intermaxillary tooth-size discrepancy. The aims of this study were: 1) to determine if there is a difference between the tooth size ratios of a Turkish population and the ratios available from the Bolton analysis, 2) to compare the tooth size ratios of males and females, 3) to identify the individual teeth that most affect the interarch relationship, 4) to determine whether there is a difference for intermaxillary tooth-size discrepancies represented by anterior and overall ratios of Bolton for Class II, division 1 malocclusion subjects. SUBJECTS AND METHODS The data for this study were obtained from records taken at Hacettepe University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics; where a Bolton tooth-size analysis is performed routinely on all patients accepted into treatment. Since tooth size is not related to age, the sample selection was based on dental age and the presence of a fully erupted permanent dentition. The final sample included 125 subjects with normal occlusion and 71 patients with Class II, division 1 malocclusion. In the normal occlusion group, dental casts of 125 Turkish subjects (55 males, 70 females) with ideal occlusion were analyzed. The following selection criteria were used: 1) Turkish with Turkish parents 2) A fully erupted permanent dentition from first molar to first molar. 3) Ideal overjet and overbite 4) Angle Class I molar occlusion 5) Well-aligned upper and lower dental arches 6) Good quality study models. The malocclusion group consisted of 71 patients (31 males, 40 females). The skeletal pattern was assessed by the Steiner cephalometric analysis and the following selection criteria were used: 1) Good quality pretreatment study casts 2) A fully erupted permanent dentition from first molar to first molar. 3) Increased overjet 4) Angle Class II molar occlusion 5) Skeletal Class II, division 1 malocclusion (ANB >5°) Rejection criteria included 1) Prosthetic, amalgam or composite restorations that affect the tooth’s mesiodistal diameter. 2) Obvious mesiodistal and occlusal tooth abrasion 3) Congenital defects or deformed teeth (eg, conic-form lateral incisor teeth) The same investigator performed all measurements. A digital caliper accurate to 0.01 mm was used. Largest mesiodistal diameter of each tooth except the second and third molars was measured from its mesial contact point to its distal contact point at the greatest interproximal distance. The individual tooth diameters were added to determine the length of anterior and overall arch segments. These values were used to define the anterior ratio (Σ width of six lower anterior incisors/ Σ width of six upper anterior incisors X 100) and the overall ratio (Σ width of lower 12 teeth/ Σ width of upper 12 teeth X 100) according to Bolton4. 28 2-way ANOVA was used to evaluate gender differences. Independent samples t-test was used to compare the prevalance of anterior and overall tooth-size discrepancies among the normal occlusion and malocclusion groups. Statistical differences were determined at the 95% confidence level (p <.05). Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was used to identify the individual teeth that were most closely associated with the overall interarch ratio. The software of above statistical analyses was SPSS (version 10.0). Measurements were repeated in 55 randomly selected patients twice within a 4 week interval. Method error was calculated using the following Formula of Dahlberg27: Method Error = √ (Σ /2n) 2 RESULTS Replicate analysis of 55 patients (30 normal occlusion, 25 Class II, division 1 malocclusion) showed that method errors of the mesiodistal diameter for the individual teeth ranged between 0.08 mm and 0.56 mm. The results are summarized in Tables I to VI. Table I shows the mean, range and standard deviation of the width of the maxillary and mandibular teeth in the male and female subgroups of normal occlusion and Class II, division 1 malocclusion groups. Table II shows the descriptive statistics of the tooth-size ratios observed in the normal occlusion and Class II, division 1 malocclusion groups. The mean values for the anterior and overall ratios for male and female subjects did not differ significantly (p >.05, Table III and IV). Since no significant sexual dimorphism was observed between groups, the sexes were combined for each group. Thus, the norm values for the Turkish population would be 77.95 + 2.35 for the anterior ratio and 91.95 + 2.20 for the overall ratio (Table V). Independent samples t-test demonstrated that there was no statistically significant difference among the malocclusion groups for anterior ratios. Significant differences were found only in overall ratio (p <.05) (Table V). Finally, multiple regression analysis was used to identify the individual teeth that most affect the interarch relationship in the Class II, division 1 malocclusion group. Table VI shows the teeth most closely associated with individual differences in the overall ratio. According to the regression analysis, the tooth most closely related with the overall ratio was the lower second premolar. Upper first molar were the second most important teeth explaining variation in the overall arch ratio, followed by the lower first molars and upper second premolars respectively. Lower central incisors and canines were least likely to explain individual differences in the overall ratio. DISCUSSION The importance of tooth-size discrepancy is widely debated in orthodontic literature. Many investigators claimed that mesiodistal tooth-size discrepancy is a very important element in diagnosis, which should be measured in each orthodontic patient before the start of orthodontic treatment8,20-22,25,26. On the other hand Heusdens et al.7 suggested that the effect of generalized tooth-size discrepancy on occlusion is limited. Since conflicting results are present in the literature, the present study was planned to determine if there is a difference for intermaxillary tooth-size discrepancies represented by anterior and overall ratios of Bolton for Class II, division 1 malocclusion subjects. The results from the present study showed no statistically significant differences in the incidence of tooth-size discrepancies among the genders. The tooth size data reported by Moorrees et al.16, and Uysal and Sari20 imply gender differences in the overall ratio. Other studies suggest that gender differences in the overall ratio may be population specific12,20,26. On the other hand, Nur et al.21 reported that there were no differences in tooth dimension ratios between genders in malocclusion cases whereas significant statistical differences were found in the anterior ratio as a function of gender in the normal occlusion group. Our findings are in agreement with those reported by other investigators and 29 TABLE I Mean, Range and Standard Deviation of Permanent Tooth Widths for the Turkish Samplea Normal occlusion Male Tooth Class II, divison 1 malocclusion Female Male Female Mean (mm) SD Range Mean (mm) SD Range Mean (mm) SD Range Mean (mm) SD Range I1 8.73 0.50 7.6-9.7 8.38 0.54 7.3-9.6 8.72 0.53 7.7-9.5 8.75 0.47 7.6-9.9 I2 6.66 0.45 6.0-8.1 6.45 0.45 5.4-7.5 6.95 0.52 5.9-8.3 6.84 0.57 5.4-8.0 C 7.91 0.43 7.0-8.8 7.43 0.40 6.4-8.4 7.92 0.41 7.0-8.5 7.83 0.42 6.9-8.5 P1 6.90 0.39 5.9-7.7 6.66 0.35 5.7-7.7 7.12 0.46 6.4-8.4 7.15 0.42 6.1-8.0 P2 6.66 0.39 5.7-7.5 6.44 0.33 5.5-7.5 6.88 0.49 6.0-7.8 6.93 0.49 5.8-8.0 M1 10.53 0.60 9.3-11.6 10.19 0.43 9.0-11.0 10.47 0.68 9.3-12.24 10.32 0.62 9.0-11.8 I1 5.40 0.32 4.6-6.0 5.21 0.34 4.5-6.0 5.51 0.45 4.4-6.20 5.51 0.32 5.0-6.2 I2 5.94 0.38 4.9-6.8 5.73 0.33 5.1-6.5 6.02 0.38 5.3-7.2 6.03 0.36 5.5-7.1 C 6.96 0.37 5.9-7.7 6.48 0.32 5.7-7.2 6.88 0.44 6.0-7.8 6.75 0.40 6.1-7.8 P1 6.95 0.46 6.2-8.0 6.75 0.38 5.9-7.5 7.18 0.36 6.2-8.0 7.02 0.45 6.4-8.2 P2 7.20 0.51 6.1-8.3 6.95 0.39 5.9-7.8 7.21 0.37 6.5-7.9 7.37 0.46 6.4-8.5 M1 11.14 0.71 9.5-12.7 10.75 0.50 9.0-11.7 11.19 0.56 9.6-12.1 11.03 0.58 9.7-12.2 Maxillary Mandibular I1 indicates central incisor; I2, lateral incisor; C, canine; P1, first premolar; P2, second premolar; and M1, first molar. a TABLE II Tooth-Size Ratios of Male and Female subjects in Normal Occlusion and Class II, Division 1 Malocclusion Groupsa Male Female X SD SE Range X SD SE Range AR 78.62 2.24 0.57 72.89-82.91 78.43 2.41 0.29 71.15-83.54 OR 91.97 1.65 0.33 88.74-95.44 91.82 1.99 0.74 86.65-96.30 AR 77.94 2.46 0.25 70.97-83.15 78.11 2.65 0.32 70.42-84.42 OR 90.54 3.40 0.27 80.67-94.87 91.05 4.24 0.50 76.77-98.56 Normal Occlusion Class II, division 1 malocclusion AR indicates anterior ratio; OR, overall ratio; X, mean; SD, Standard deviation; SE, Standard error. a 30 TABLE III Results of Analysis of Variance for Bolton’s Anterior Ratio Among Malocclusion Groups and Gender F P Gender 0.09 .762 Nonsignificant Classes 0.01 .922 Nonsignificant Gender x Classes 0.482 .943 Nonsignificant TABLE IV Results of Analysis of Variance for Bolton’s Overall Ratio Among Malocclusion Groups and Gender F P Gender 0.08 .315 Nonsignificant Classes 2.65 .031 Significant Gender x Classes 0.06 .490 Nonsignificant TABLE V Comparisons of Anterior and Overall Tooth-Size Ratios Among Normal Occlusion and Class II, Division 1 Malocclusion Groups.a Tooth-Size Normal occlusion X SD SE Range 77.95 2.35 1.22 71.15-83.54 AR NS Class II, division 1 malocclusion 77.83 2.58 1.36 70.42-84.42 Normal occlusion 91.95 2.20 2.08 86.65-96.30 Class II, division 1 malocclusion 89.94 3.80 2.42 76.77-98.56 OR a P * AR indicates anterior ratio; OR, overall ratio; X, mean; SD, Standard deviation; SE, Standard error; NS, not significant. * P <.05. did not substantiate the need for sex-specific standards15,18,19,24,25. It has been suggested that the generalized use of the Bolton analysis might not be valid for other populations6,8-15. On the other hand, studies suggesting that Bolton’s analysis is applicable to other populations are present as well19. In our normal occlusion group, the anterior ratio was found to be 77.95 + 2.35, and the overall ratio was found to be 91.95 + 2.20. Other investigators who studied the same population reported different findings and concluded that it is appropriate to use Turkish norms in orthodontic prac- tice for Turkish patients20,21. However, our values fell within the 1 standard deviation confidence interval of Bolton. Since the data from this Turkish sample are similar to Bolton’s original data, the generalized application of the Bolton analysis to a Turkish population seems possible. A number of studies examined the tooth-size ratios in patients with malocclusions requiring orthodontic treatment and reported different findings. Some studies found no evidence of any predisposition for a tooth-size discrepancy in any of the malocclusion groups22,23. Ta et al.18 reported statistically significant differences in 31 TABLE VI Stepwise Multiple Regression Showing Teeth Most Closely Associated with Individual Differences in the Overall Ratio in Class II,Division 1 Malocclusion Groupa Regression step Tooth t Significance SE 1 L5 3.37 0.001 1.26 2 U6 3.35 0.001 0.71 3 L6 2.46 0.017 0.80 4 U5 1.99 0.051 1.17 5 U4 1.03 0.305 1.28 6 U2 0.78 0.438 0.85 7 U3 0.64 0.523 1.34 8 L2 0.45 0.648 1.51 9 U1 0.32 0.747 1.09 10 L4 0.30 0.762 0.49 11 L1 0.29 0.770 1.39 12 L3 0.22 0.825 1.51 L6 indicates mandibular first molar; L5, mandibular second premolar L4, mandibular first premolar; L3, mandibular canine; L2, mandibular lateral incisor; L1, mandibular central incisor; U6, maxillary first molar; U5, maxillary second premolar U4, maxillary first premolar; U3, maxillary canine; U2, maxillary lateral incisor; U1, maxillary central incisor. a the overall ratio between the Bolton Standard and the Class II occlusion group. Uysal et al.26 reported higher overall ratios in all malocclusion groups when compared with the normal occlusion group. However no significant differences among malocclusion groups were reported. In the present study, only the overall ratio showed a statistically significant difference between the Class II, division 1 malocclusion and the normal occlusion groups whereas the anterior ratio showed a similar pattern of distribution in both groups. The overall ratio was 89.94 + 3.8 in the Class II, division 1 malocclusion group and this value was significantly lower than the overall ratio in the normal occlusion group. Nie and Lin24 also found that maxillary dentition showed a tendency for maxillary tooth size excess in Class II malocclusion. Our results suggest that maxillary teeth are larger than the mandibular teeth in Class II, division 1 malocclusion patients. In order to establish an ideal occlusion in Class II, division 1 malocclusion patients where there is a clinically significant tooth-size discrepancy, stripping or extraction in the maxillary arch may be necessary. Our results also showed that specific teeth can explain differences in the overall interarch ratio. The mandibular second premolars explained most of the observed difference in the interarch discrepancy, followed by the maxillary first molars, mandibular first molars and maxillary second premolars. Doris et al.10 showed that the maxillary lateral incisors, maxillary second premolars, mandibular second premolars, and mandibular canines were the most variable and displayed the most pronounced group differences. On the other hand, Santoro et al.15 showed that the maxillary first molars, followed by maxillary central incisors and maxillary lateral incisors were the most variable teeth. Crosby and Alexander22 suggested that the greatest variability in mesiodistal tooth width occurs in the anterior region. Our findings suggest that posterior teeth are mostly responsible for incongruity in the overall ratio in the Class II, division 1 malocclusion 32 group and, should be examined clinically at the beginning of treatment to detect any major size and shape variation. It is not uncommon for a clinician to correct the skeletal Class II malocclusion succesfully but still see a Class II canine occlusion and increased overjet. In such cases, if stripping is the treatment of choice, it should be carried out in the posterior section of the maxillary arch according to the results of the present study. CONCLUSION Our results showed that the overall and anterior Bolton ratios can be applied to a Turkish population and that there is a tendency of maxillary tooth size excess in the Class II, division 1 malocclusion patients. 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