ISSN 2278-3083 International Journal of Science and Applied Information Technology (IJSAIT), Vol.5 , No.1, Pages : 05-09 (2016) Special Issue of ICECT 2016 - Held on February 27, 2016 in Hyderabad Marriot Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad Transient Voltage stability Enhancement of a grid connected wind energy system using SVC and STATCOM - A Comparison K.SREE LATHA Dr.M.VIJAYA KUMAR Assoc.Prof., Dept of EEE GNITC, HYDERABAD, INDIA Professor, Dept of EEE JNTU,ANANTAPUR, INDIA Abstract : Wind energy is one of the fastest growing renewable energy resources due to global warming. The high electrical power can be generated from an aggregation of multiple wind turbines as a wind farm or wind park. To interconnect it to the utility grid, control system must ensure high power quality and stability. Hence a better analysis of the wind farm is required as it contains induction generators which exhibit a different behaviors. This paper mainly deals with the study of transient stability of a grid connected DFIG wind farm when it has been integrated to a weak grid. A comparative analysis when it is supported with FACTS devices like SVC and STATCOM with fuzzy controller is studied. A single case of three phase fault is simulated and the results thus prove that the system can regain after disturbance with less recovery time when FACTS are implemented Keywords: Wind farms, Grid, SVC, STATCOM, recovery time, Fuzzy. ratings multiplied by the total hours in a year since the wind speed is variable. The capacity factor of a wind farm is the ratio of the actual productivity in a year to the theoretical maximum[5]. Thus the capacity factor of the wind farm is affected by several parameters such as the variability of the wind at the site and the generator size. Electricity generated from wind power can be highly variable, instantaneous electrical generation and consumption must remain in balance to maintain grid stability otherwise this variability can present substantial challenges while incorporating large amount of power generated from wind farms to grid. This work investigates the possible methods to enhance the stability of the system when connected to grid using FACTS devices[3]. Unlike classical sources of energy, wind farm supply real power variations into the upstream grid and these variations cause problems with voltage stability and transient stability. There are many different types of generators used for wind power applications today. This paper mainly focuses on DFIG due to advantages such as high energy efficiency and controllability. This is basically a wound rotor induction generator with a voltage source converter connected to the slip rings of the rotor. The stator winding is coupled directly to the grid and the rotor winding is connected to power converter. INTRODUCTION Complex power system networks have evolved due to continuously increase in demand and economic growth. With increase in industrialization growth and population in the world, more energy is required to satisfy the required needs of the consumers and improve the standards of the human welfare. In order to make availability of the energy economical and environment free, the need for the renewable energy sources has increased. Based on the Global Wind Energy Council Report (GWEC), India was the fifth largest globally in 2014 by adding 2,315MW of new wind energy to reach a total of 22.5GW[4]. Among renewables, wind power accounted for almost 2/3rd of the installed capacity. The Indian government presently having 6.9 % share expects it to grow to at least 15% in the next five years. Wind energy shares in the total power of the country was 3% for the calendar year 2014. The recent announcements by the Indian Ministry of new Renewable Energy (MNRE) indicate that the India plans to achieve 60,000MW in total wind power installations by 2022 with emerging states include Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The annual energy production of a wind farm is not equal to the sum of the generator name plate DFIG MODEL & FAULT RIDE THROUGH SOLUTIONS a) Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) The major aspects that determine the grid behavior of wind turbines are that majority of these are consisting of Induction Generators. Unlike the conventional generators these require capacitor banks for VAR support otherwise from the grid reactive power will be drawn which affects the voltage profile at PCC. However, if we use wind turbines of variable type which use wound rotor or permanent magnet synchronous generator, reactive compensation will not be a issue but issues like harmonics generated , maintenance of voltage 5 ISSN 2278-3083 International Journal of Science and Applied Information Technology (IJSAIT), Vol.5 , No.1, Pages : 05-09 (2016) Special Issue of ICECT 2016 - Held on February 27, 2016 in Hyderabad Marriot Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad profile during disturbance/faults need to be considered. In this paper Doubly-fed Induction Generator (DFIG) system is used in which the stator is directly connected to the grid where as the rotor connected to the three- phase converter. Variable speed wind turbines are connected to the grid using power electronic technology and maximize effective turbine speed control. The discrete simulink model constructed presented here is based on the phasor model available in the MATLAB/ Sim power systems library[6] but with a frequency of 50 HZ. Fig 1 shows the doubly - fed induction generator and wind turbine model. Generally the absolute value of slip is much lesser than 1 and consequently Pr is only a fraction of Ps. Since Tm is positive for power generation and since ωs is positive and constant for a constant frequency grid voltage, the sign of Pr is a function of the slip sign. Pr is positive for negative slip and is negative for positive slip. For super - synchronous speed operation Pr is transmitted to DC bus capacitor and tends to rise the DC voltage. For sub synchronous operations , Pr is taken out of DC bus capacitor and tends to decrease the DC voltage. Cgrid is used to generate or absorb the power Pgc in order to keep the DC voltage constant. In steady- state for a lossless AC/DC/AC converter pgc is equal to Pr and the speed of the wind turbine is determined by the power Pr absorbed or generated by Crotor. The phase sequence of teh AC voltage generated by Crotor is positive for sub-synchronous speed and negative for super - synchronous speed. The frequency of this voltage is equal to the product of the grid frequency and the absolute value of the slip. Crotor and Cgrid have the capability of generating or absorbing reactive power and could be used to control the reactive power or the voltage at the grid terminals. Fig.1 DFIG & Wind turbine model The AC/DC/AC converter is divided in to two components grid- side converter Cgrid and rotor-side converter Crotor. Both the converters are Voltagesourced converters that use the IGBTs to convert AC voltage from DC. The coupling inductor L is used to connect C grid to the grid where as a capacitor is connected on to the DC side to act as DC voltage source. The 3Φ rotor winding is connected to the Crotor by sliprings and brushes but the stator is directly connected to the grid. The power taken from the wind turbine is fed to the grid by the stator and the rotor windings by converting it into electrical power by the induction generator. The control system that is present generates the command signals of voltage to the rotor and the grid in order to control the power of the wind turbine ,DC bus voltage and the voltage at the grid terminals[6]. The mechanical power and the stator electric power are compared as follows Pm = ωr Tm ...........(1) Ps = ωs Tem ...........(2) For a loss less generator the mechanical equation is J = Tm - Tem . In steady - state at fixed speed for a loss less generator Tm = Tem and Pm = Ps +Pr . It follows that : Pr = Pm - Ps = Tmωr - Temωs = -Tm ωs = -sTmωs= -sPs. Where s is defined as the slip of the generator. Fig.2 Power Flow Study b) Fault ride through solutions: Generally wind farm research and development studies illustrate that wind farms are suffering more due to grid faults which are symmetric and non symmetric in nature. Grid code requirement only determines symmetrical faults where as non symmetrical faults are also more severe due to the presence of DFIG[2]. During the occurrence of Voltage dip the stator flux will not be able to follow the sudden variations in its voltage[1] and becomes nearly stationary. During this time rotor keeps spinning and develops high slip causing over voltages and over currents in the rotor circuit, which destructs the power converters and the rotor circuit. Thus in order to protect the system a proper protection scheme is required which can be achieved by using Arrangement of crow bar in the rotor circuit Using Active crow bar protection Series Anti-parallel thyristors Implementation of FACTS 6 ISSN 2278-3083 International Journal of Science and Applied Information Technology (IJSAIT), Vol.5 , No.1, Pages : 05-09 (2016) Special Issue of ICECT 2016 - Held on February 27, 2016 in Hyderabad Marriot Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad General solution for the voltage dips is to connect a crow bar to the rotor of the circuit which is to limit the high currents by providing bypass resistors [5]. This may be antiparallel thyristor converter or diode bridge crowbar. In both the cases the crow bar is activated when the rotor current exceeds a particular value and will remain in the circuit till stator is disconnected. But the new grid code requires the wind farm to be remained during the voltage dip. The next advancement is to remove the crowbar from the circuit as early as possible which can be done by using Active crow bar control method that implements fully controllable switches called IGBT’s[7]. In this method the stator of the machine is not disconnected from the grid and the crowbar is removed as soon as possible to retrieve the machine. Sometimes during the switching operations there is a possibility of production of surge current transients for which its operation must be retrieved. New method [8] is been proposed which is going for the implementation of IGBTs in the converter connected to the rotors that are designed for higher ratings, and antiparallel thyristors are placed. In this method during normal operations the thyristors are kept on and because of which conduction losses will be very high . This could be avoided by bypassing the thyristors with commutators or going for the implementation of high rating thyristors with control methods. All the above advantages can be reduced by going for the implementation of FACTS devices like SSSC, SVC, STATCOM etc., can be implemented. This papers deals with the implementation of SVC and STATCOM. Implementation of SVC will help in reducing the reacting power generated during the voltage dip thus enhancement in voltage can be achieved. The other crucial solution is going for the implementation of a SSSC also called as Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) which can isolate the wind turbine during the voltage dip [9].The drawback of this method is because of the incorporated power converters. The next possibility is going for the implementation of voltage source inverter as STATCOM [10]. More control techniques can be incorporated to enhance the operation of the controllers without bypassing the wind farm from the grid. turbines each of 1.5MW. The generator used is a wound rotor type induction generator (WTDFIG) with AC-DC-AC converter which is divided into two components CRotor rotor-side converter and CGrid Grid side converter. These are voltage sourced converters (VSCs) that use forced- commutated IGBTs to synthesize an AC voltage from DC voltage source. The wind farm transmits a power of 120KV grid via a transmission line of 30KM line. Fig.3 System under study SIMULATED MODEL & RESULTS Data of various components used in Matlab/Simulink are given in appendix Fig 4. Here the doubly fed induction machine acts as a induction generator which is fluctuating in nature due to series of excursions in the system and due to variation in wind speeds. In order to study the transient behavior of the system a symmetric 3Φ fault is applied at time t= 5 sec and variation is studied until t= 5.2 secs. This causes variation in the voltage dip which is increased after clearance of the fault using FACTS devices . For improvement in voltage FACTS controllers like SVC and STATCOM are added and the results are compared. The simulation model runs under discrete mode. Simulation results obtained with the two models are shown in figure. Case (a) At first the system is incorporated with SVC(TSC-TCR) at time t=5 sec the variation of voltage v/s time and P & Q at bus B4 are shown in fig4(a) and 4(b) shows the results incorporated with fuzzy controller. Fig 4 (C ) shows the voltages at all the four buses .The results thus obtained prove that by going for the implementation of the fuzzy controller to SVC the transient stability of the system can be improved better when compared with SVC. SYSTEM UNDER SIMULATION The wind farm equipped with SVC and STATCOM is simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK tool box. Fig.3 shows the system considered for study. It comprises of a windfarm of 3MW , which consists of 2 wind 7 ISSN 2278-3083 International Journal of Science and Applied Information Technology (IJSAIT), Vol.5 , No.1, Pages : 05-09 (2016) Special Issue of ICECT 2016 - Held on February 27, 2016 in Hyderabad Marriot Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad shown in fig 5 (a) and 5(b) using STATCOM with FUZZY controller. fig.4(a) Voltage and P, Q at bus 4 using SVC without fuzzy Fig 5(a) Voltage and P, Q at bus 4 using STATCOM with out fuzzy. fig.4(b) Voltage and P, Q at bus 4 using SVC with fuzzy. Fig 5(b) Voltage and P, Q at bus 4 using STATCOM with fuzzy. 4(c )Three Phase Voltages at all the four buses with Fuzzy SVC Case (b) The study system is now incorporated with STATCOM to improve the transient stability of the system at time t=5 sec with the same 3MVAR rating as that of SVC and the results are 5(C) Voltages at all the buses with Fuzzy based Statcom 8 ISSN 2278-3083 International Journal of Science and Applied Information Technology (IJSAIT), Vol.5 , No.1, Pages : 05-09 (2016) Special Issue of ICECT 2016 - Held on February 27, 2016 in Hyderabad Marriot Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad [6] The Math Works "Sim Power Systems For Use with Simulink ",User's Guide . [7]J.Matevosyan, T.ackermann , S.Bolik , L.soder “Comparision of International Regulations for connection of Wind Turbines to the network” Nordic wind power Conference , 1-2 March 2004. Table 2 shows results used with different FACTS controllers S.No Name of controller 1. SVC 2. SVC with Fuzzy Controller STATCOM 0.015 STATCOM with Fuzzy Controller 0.03 3. 4. the Recover y time period( Sec) 0.025 0.05 Power system stability [8]T.Thiringer , A.Peterson , T.petru ,”Grid disturbance response of wind turbines equipped with induction generator and doubly-fed induction generator”, Power engineering society annual meeting, Toronto, Canada july 2003. Less Effective Better Control Good Control More Effective [9]ELTRA, “specifications for connecting wind farms to the transmission network”, 2000. [10]K.Sree latha, Dr.M.Vijaya Kumar, ”Enhancement of voltage stability using STATCOM in a grid connected wind generation system”,PESTSE 2014. CONCLUSIONS This paper mainly emphasizes on the voltage stability enhancement of a grid connected wind energy systems with DFIG by using various FACTS devices with better controllers. The voltage stability of the system is compared with different devices. The performance of the STATCOM with Fuzzy controller proves to provide better voltage stability during the fault when compared to other controllers. The essential features of FACTS controllers and their potential to improve system stability is the prime concern for effectiveness in restoring the system stability after grid disturbance. REFERENCES [1] Ahmed G. Abo-Khalil " Impacts of Wind Farms on Power System Stability " in " Wind Farm" book, ISBN 980-953-307-562-9. [2]Ahmed G. Abo-Khalil " Synchronization of DFIG Output Voltage to Utility Grid in Wind Power System"" Elsevier Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol. 44, Sept. 2012, PP. 193-198 [3] N.G. Hingorani, L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems, New York, Wiley-IEEE Press, 1999 [4].Global Wind Energy council GWEC,"Global Wind Report Annual Market Update 2014". [5]J.Niiranen”Voltage Dip ride through of a doubly fed system” Worldwide Energy Conference, 2004. 9