2016 Summer Food Service Program Administrative Training Agenda 8:30 – 9:00 Registration 9:00 –12:00 Program Basics Eligibility Requirements Site Responsibilities Financial Management Meal Pattern & Meal Service Requirements Production Records 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch (on your own) 1:00 – 4:20 Program Details Monitoring Responsibilities and Requirements Site Supervisor Responsibilities and Requirements Meal Service Serving Capacity Self-Prep vs Vended Meals Food Safety Meal Delivery Meal Pattern Requirements 2nd Meals The Share Table Adult Meals Leftovers Meal Delivery Service Styles - Serve Only - Offer vs. Serve Point of Service Meal Counts Field Trips Additional Foods Donated Foods Dietary Accommodations USDA Foods Civil Rights Program Outreach SFSP Website – where to look for information and materials first Application Process 4:20 – 4:30 Wrap-up/Evaluation (subject to change) Summer Food Service Program Budget Calculating Worksheet Calculating a budget will help in both program planning and monitoring of program expenses. To be financially viable program expenses should not exceed program reimbursement. It is important that sponsors closely monitor program costs to ensure that all program expenses are adequately covered by the reimbursement received. Projected Reimbursement Projected Expenses Expected revenue based on estimated of # of children served Operating Costs + Administrative Costs Projected Reimbursement Calculate the number and types of meals you anticipate you will serve at each site. Use historical data for programs that have operated in the past. New programs should talk with others to estimate the number of children that typically attend activities. WINS (Washington Integrated Nutrition System) will calculate your projected reimbursement based on the ADP and Operating Days you enter. Self-Preparation/Rural Sponsors X X Breakfast: (ADP) Lunch/Supper: (Operating Days) X (ADP) Snack: X (Operating Days) X (ADP) = (Rate) = (Rate) X (Operating Days) = (Rate) Total: Vended/Urban Sponsors X X Breakfast: (ADP) Lunch/Supper: (Operating Days) X (ADP) Snack: X (Operating Days) X (ADP) = (Rate) = (Rate) X (Operating Days) = (Rate) Total: OSPI CNS March 2015 Projected Expenses General Operating Costs Operating costs are allowable costs for preparing and serving meals to eligible children and program adults. All costs must be fully document and must represent actual program costs. Food Costs: # of meals served each day = Direct labor costs: Direct labor costs include compensations by sponsors for labor that is required to prepare and serve meals, to supervise children during the meal service and to clean up after the meal service. These costs may include wages, salaries, employee benefits and the share of taxes paid by the sponsor. = Facilities/utilities costs: Rental costs for buildings, and utility costs. = Transportation of food costs: Transportation costs to pick up food supplies or to transport food to the sites. = Transportation of children costs: Transportation costs to transport children to the serving site. = Nonfood supplies: Nonfood costs include items such as napkins, disposable dishware, straws, paper bags, plastic bags, dish soap, hand soap, etc. = Equipment rental: Rental of Food Service Equipment = Other costs: (specify) = Average Meal Cost X # of days for program operation X Food Costs Administrative Costs Administrative costs are for activities related to planning, organizing and administering the program. Records must be kept to support administrative costs. Administrator: = Monitor: = Secretary: = Bookkeeper, accountant: = Printing, mail costs, phone: = Office supplies: = Travel to/from sites: = Indirect costs: = Utilities: = Other:(specify) = OSPI CNS March 2015 Summer Food Programs Production Record Training Record Training is a responsibility of the sponsor. Training must be held for all staff involved in Summer Feeding Program. The following are the subject areas to be covered for the different program areas. Check off each area trained and then ask the training participants to sign the back of this form and retain for your records. Required subject areas: Administration Purpose of the program Site Eligibility Monitoring Site assignments Monitoring schedules (form use) Conducting site visits and reviews Meal Requirements Follow-up Procedures How meals are provided Reporting racial / ethnic data Delivery Schedule (if applicable) Delivery Schedules (if applicable) Civil Rights requirements Reporting and recordkeeping procedures Local sanitation and health laws All topics covered under operation meal #s Storage of meals Sponsor contact person Record keeping requirements Operation Purpose of the program Site Eligibility Record keeping requirements (Meal count record, delivery receipts, time sheets, production records) Site Operations – labor schedule and cleanup Meal service requirements – meal pattern, second meals, and meal times Civil Rights requirements How to monitor and adjust planned Alternate meal provisions for inclement weather Field trips OSPI CN April 2014 Sponsor Name: Date: Location: Trainer(s): Signature of each training participant OSPI CN April 2014 Summer Meal Pattern Food Component Milk Vegetables and/or Fruits Grains and Breads Bread Roll, muffins, etc. Cold, dry cereal Cooked pasta Cooked Cereal Meat/Meat Alternate Meat/Poultry/Fish Cheese Eggs Alternate Protein Cooked dry beans or peas Peanut / Nut Butters Nuts/Seeds Yogurt Breakfast Lunch or Supper Snack (Select foods from all three required components) (Select foods from all 4 of the required components) (Select 2 of the 4 components) 1 cup (8 fl oz) 1 cup (8 fl oz) 1 cup (8 fl oz) ½ cup 1 slice 1 serving ¾ cup or 1 oz ½ cup ½ cup ¾ cup (must offer two items) 1 slice 1 serving ¾ cup or 1 oz ½ cup ½ cup 1 slice 1 serving ¾ cup or 1 oz ½ cup ½ cup (Not required) 1 oz 1 oz ½ large egg 1 oz ¼ cup 2 Tbsp 1 oz ½ cup 2 oz 2 oz 1 large egg 2 oz ½ cup 4 Tbsp 1 oz (50% of serving) 1 cup 1 oz 1 oz ½ large egg 1 oz ¼ cup 2 Tbsp 1 oz ½ cup ¾ cup OSPI CNS 2014 Sample Breakfast Menus Breakfast ‐ Cold Monday Cold Cereal Apple Slices Milk Tuesday Bagel w/cream cheese Grape Juice Milk Wednesday Fruited Muffin Peach Slices Milk Thursday English Muffin w/jelly Orange Slices Milk Friday Biscuit w/jelly Mixed Berries Milk Tuesday Oatmeal Blueberries Milk Wednesday Breakfast Pizza Orange Juice Milk Thursday Cream of Wheat Raisins Milk Friday French Toast w/syrup Strawberries Milk Breakfast ‐ Hot Monday Pancake w/syrup Orange Juice Milk Additional menus are in the USDA Nutrition Guidance for Sponsors Handbook (2015 version – pages 23‐24) Sample Lunch Menus Lunch/Supper ‐ Cold Monday Beef & Cheese Sandwich on Bread Tomato Slices/Lettuce Fresh Fruit Cup Milk Tuesday Nut Butter Cup/String Cheese Crackers Pepper & Jicama Sticks Cantaloupe Wedges Milk Wednesday Ham & Cheese Sub on Hoagie Bun Celery Sticks Plum Milk Thursday Turkey Wrap on a Tortilla Cucumber Slices Orange Smiles Milk Friday Yogurt Pretzels Carrots Strawberries Milk Easy Lunch – Hot Monday Hot Dog on a Bun Carrot Sticks Watermelon Milk Tuesday Hamburger on a Bun Cherry Tomatoes Apple Slices Milk Wednesday Chicken Wrap on a Tortilla Celery Sticks Strawberries Milk Tuesday French Toast Sausage Carrot Sticks Banana Milk Wednesday Spaghetti Noodles with Meat Sauce Tossed Green Salad Apple Slices Milk Thursday Chicken Nuggets Dinner Roll Snap Sugar Peas Orange Smiles Milk Friday Cheese Pizza (Pizza Crust) Fresh Broccoli Honeydew Melon Milk Harder Lunch – Hot Monday Hot Dog Macaroni & Cheese Fresh Broccoli Watermelon Milk Thursday Soft Ground Beef Taco Mexican Rice (& Taco Shell) Peaches Cauliflower Milk Additional menus are in the USDA Nutrition Guidance for Sponsors Handbook (2015 version – pages 23‐24) Friday Chicken Strips Dinner Roll Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy Mixed Fresh Fruit Cup Milk Summer Food Service Program Production Record Production Record Site Name: Date: Meal: Breakfast Lunch/Dinner Snack Planned # children to be served: Actual # children served: Planned # adults to be served: Actual # adults served: Offer vs Serve Yes No Menu: Component / Item Planned # Servings Planned Total Actual # Portion Quantity Servings Size Prepared Leftovers Milk Meat/Meat Alternate Grain Vegetable Fruit Other * Use the USDA Food Buying Guide (http://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/food‐buying‐guide‐school‐meal‐programs) or the Food Buying Calculator (http://fbg.nfsmi.org/) for planning assistance. OSPI CN January 2016 Summer Food Service Program Pre-Operational Site Visit MUST be completed before site can be approved to operate Sponsor: Site Name: Site Supervisor Name: Start Date: Site Address (include city): Meal Types offered: Monitor’s Arrival Time: Monitor’s Departure Time: Site is a: park school recreational center homeless center other (specify): residential camp Estimated number of children site can serve: Yes Are facilities adequate for an organized meal service? Meals will be: prepared on site prepared at another location No vended by: school Food Service Management (must be registered with OSPI) Site has: Adequate refrigeration or alternate provision? Health inspection Cooking/heating facilities Place to store prepared or delivered food Shelter for inclement weather Hand washing facilities Trash removal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No List types of organized activities planned for this site: Concerns that need to be addressed prior to site operations: I certify the above site has been visited and has the capability to serve meals for the number of children anticipated for this site (or will have the capacity after concerns noted above are addressed). Signed: Date: Name and Title: OSPI CNS March 2014 Summer Food Service Program First Week Site Visit This form must be completed for each site during the first week of operation. If waiving the first week visit, refer to the First Week Visit Waiver Reference Sheet for instructions. Sponsor: Site Name: Site Supervisor Name: Start Date: Site Address (include city): Meal Types offered: Monitor’s Arrival Time: Monitor’s Departure Time: Areas of Discussion () If Discussed Notes Has the supervisor attended SFSP training (and is it documented)? Is there a “Justice for All” poster on display in a prominent place? Are there any problems with meal delivery? (time/amounts/temp/etc.) Is there proper sanitation/adequate storage to ensure food safety? Are required records being completed daily or at point of service (delivery records, meal count forms, temperature logs, site staff training, etc.)? Is the supervisor aware that changes with the average daily participation (ADP) need to be communicated to the sponsor? Does the supervisor know the approved meal service start/end times? Do the meals served meet meal pattern requirements? Is offer vs serve implemented correctly, if used? Are only reimbursable meals being counted? Are second meals excessive (> 10% of the meals delivered/prepared)? Are all meals served and consumed onsite? Is the sit supervisor aware of the plan on how to monitor children taking one fruit, veg, or grain off-site for later consumption? Does the site have a share table? If so, are proper temperatures being maintained? Camps & Closed Sites only: Is there documentation of children’s income eligibility, if applicable? List any issues / concerns noted during the visit and any corrective actions initiated to eliminate them: Site Supervisor Signature: Date: Sponsor Monitor Signature: Date: OPSI CNS March 2014 OSPI CNS Summer Food Service Program Reference Sheets First Week Site Visit Waiver SFSP sponsors are required to conduct a site visit during the first week of operation. A waiver of the first week site visit is available for those sites that operated successfully in the previous year. A “fourth-week” site review is still required to be completed within the first four weeks of operation. A SFSP sponsor may waive the first week site visit of any returning site that meet the following conditions: Has the same site supervisor, and; Did not have any serious findings in the previous summer’s 4th week review or OSPI site review. Serious findings include, but are not limited to: Serving meals outside approved meal service times. Serving meals that did not meet meal pattern. Serving meals that did not meet portion size requirements. Serving more than one meal per child simultaneously. Allowing children to take meals off-site. Not taking point of service meal counts. Claiming meals not served to children. Steps: 1. Determine which returning sites have the same site supervisor from the previous summer, then: 2. Determine which of those returning sites did not have serious findings during their 4th week review or OSPI site review, then; 3. Make a copy of the previous summer’s 4th week review form and write on top of form “1st Week Visit Waived for 20XX.” 4. Place the copy in the current year’s 1st week visit file. Resources: SFSP Memorandum 12-2011 – Waiver of Site Monitoring Requirements in the Summer Food Service Program Acronym Reference -CNS -OSPI -SFSP -USDA OSPI CNS Child Nutrition Services Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Summer Food Service Program United States Department of Agriculture 9/2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION CHILD NUTRITION SERVICES SIMPLIFIED SUMMER FOOD PROGRAM SITE REVIEW FORM SPONSOR AGREEMENT NO. SITE NAME SITE NO. DATE OF VISIT TYPE OF SITE: Open 1st ADDRESS MEAL TYPE SITE SUPERVISOR MEAL DELIVERY TIME Breakfast Lunch 2nd VENDED ADP Other Snack Supper MEAL SERVING TIME Approved SPONSOR MONITOR Enrolled VISIT NO. Actual STATE REVIEWER CAP Arrived Left 1. Total meals delivered/prepared 14. Has this site supervisor been trained? Yes No 2. Firsts served to eligible children 3. Seconds served to eligible children 15. Does site supervisor know how to adjust daily number of meals ordered/prepared? Yes No 4. Program adult meals served 16. Is there a plan in place to handle leftover meals? Yes No 5. Other adult meals served 17. Self Prep: Are menu production records up-to-date? Yes No 6. Leftovers Number of meals missing components/ food items and disallowed Number of meals taken off-site and disallowed Any children not served? Yes Number Are meal counts taken at point of service? If no, number of meals Yes disallowed __________ Are meals served within approved meal times? If no, number of meals Yes disallowed ______ Field trip meals approved by OSPI? If no, number of meals Yes No disallowed ________ 18. Vended: Meal pattern requirements met? Yes No No N/A 20. Is the nondiscrimination poster displayed in a prominent place? Yes No 21. Are meals served to all attending children regardless of the child’s race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability? Yes No 22. Do all children have equal access to services and facilities at the site regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability? Yes No Yes No 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 19. Delivery receipt for vended or satellite site? Yes No No No 23. Corrective action required? If yes, see sponsor corrective action summary form for direction. N/A 13. Prep/Deliv over CAP (vended) Ethnic Identity: (Numerical, not percentage) Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Racial Identity: (Numerical, not percentage) White Black or African American Asian American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (OSPI only) If applicable, new CAP of ________(B) (L) (D) (AM) (PM) snacks is placed on this site effective as of *Daily Meal Reports for Week of: (complete week) M T Delivered Meals on-hand Firsts Seconds Program Adults Other Adults Leftovers W T F *This section must be completed during a review. Today’s Menu Comments (To include meal acceptability and food temperatures) Meat/Meat Alternate Fruit/Vegetable Fruit/Vegetable Grain/Bread Milk I certify that the above information is true. Monitor: I acknowledge receipt of a copy of this form. Site Supv: Date: Date: Date: State Reviewer FORM SPI 1146C-2 (Rev. 9/12) All NO answers must be addressed in a CAP. Summer Food Programs Satellite and Vended Meal Delivery Receipt Sponsor / Vendor Name: Site Name: Kitchen Supervisor / Staff Site Supervisor / Staff Number of Meals Produced/Shipped Number of Meals Received Carefully check and count meals Carefully check and count meals # Temperature # Breakfast meals: Lunch meals: Supper meals: Snacks: Signature : Temperature Breakfast meals Lunch meals Supper meals Snacks Date: Signature: Date: Summer Food Programs Satellite and Vended Meal Delivery Receipt Sponsor / Vendor Name: Site Name: Kitchen Supervisor / Staff Site Supervisor / Staff Number of Meals Produced/Shipped Number of Meals Received Carefully check and count meals Carefully check and count meals # Temperature # Breakfast meals: Lunch meals: Supper meals: Snacks: Signature : OSPI Child Nutrition Temperature Breakfast meals Lunch meals Supper meals Snacks Date: Signature: Date: January 2014 Summer Food Service Program Menu Planner Breakfast (Select foods from all three required components) Component Milk Vegetables and/or Fruits Grains and Breads Bread Roll, muffins, etc. Cold, dry cereal Cooked pasta Cooked Cereal Meat/Meat Alternate Meat/Poultry/Fish Cheese Eggs Alternate Protein Cooked dry beans or peas Peanut / Nut Butters Nuts/Seeds Yogurt Required Amount Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 cup (8 fl oz) ½ cup 1 slice 1 serving ¾ cup or 1 oz ½ cup ½ cup (Not Required) 1 oz 1 oz ½ large egg 1 oz ¼ cup 2 Tbsp 1 oz ½ cup OSPI CNS 2015 Summer Food Service Program Menu Planner Lunch (Select foods from all 4 of the required components) Required Amount Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 cup (8 fl oz) ¾ cup 1 slice 1 serving ¾ cup or 1 oz ½ cup ½ cup Component Milk Vegetables and/or Fruits Grains and Breads Bread Roll, muffins, etc. Cold, dry cereal Cooked pasta Cooked Cereal Meat/Meat Alternate Meat/Poultry/Fish 2 oz Cheese 2 oz Eggs 1 large egg Alternate Protein 2 oz Cooked dry beans or peas ½ cup Peanut / Nut Butters 4 Tbsp Nuts/Seeds 1 oz (50% of serving) Yogurt 1 cup OSPI CNS 2015 Summer Food Service Program Menu Planner Snack (Choose 2 of the 4 components) Component Milk Vegetables and/or Fruits Grains and Breads Bread Roll, muffins, etc. Cold, dry cereal Cooked pasta Cooked Cereal Meat/Meat Alternate Meat/Poultry/Fish Cheese Eggs Alternate Protein Cooked dry beans or peas Peanut / Nut Butters Nuts/Seeds Yogurt Required Amount Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 cup (8 fl oz) ¾ cup 1 slice 1 serving ¾ cup or 1 oz ½ cup ½ cup (Not Required) 1 oz 1 oz ½ large egg 1 oz ¼ cup 2 Tbsp 1 oz ½ cup OSPI CNS 2015 Summer Food Service Program Daily Meal Count Site Name Date Time Meals were Delivered Day of Week (circle) S M T W T F S Milk Received Milk on hand from yesterday Total Milk on Hand = + = Meal Type (circle) Br AM Lu PM Su Meals received/prepared = Leftover meals from yesterday + Total Meals Available = CHILDREN’S MEALS FIRST MEALS served to children (cross number as each child is served) 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 111 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 102 112 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 103 113 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 104 114 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 106 116 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 107 117 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 108 118 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 109 119 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 Total first meals = Disallowed meals = TOTAL MEALS TO CLAIM = SECOND MEALS served to children 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total second meals = Number of children requesting a meal but not receiving one (site ran out of meals) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ADULT MEALS Meals served to Program Adults 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meals served to Non-Program Adults 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Income received = $ 10 Total program adult meals = 10 Total non-program adult meals = Total leftover meals = (Meals available – total meals served to children – total meals served to adults – disallowed meals) By signing below, I certify that the above information is true and accurate. Name: Signature: OSPI CNS Date : March 2016 Summer Food Service Program Field Trip Notification All meals served and claimed as part of the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) must be at approved sites. When meals are taken to feed children during a field trip, the sponsor must submit a field trip notification form to OSPI in order to claim those meals. The following criteria must be met for field trip meals to be reimbursable: The Field Trip Notification form must be submitted to OSPI at least one day in advance of a field trip. If the site is open to the community, the site must also remain open for the scheduled meal service, even if all the regularly attending children are going on the field trip. All requirements of the meal pattern must be met for the field trip meal type. A separate meal count form must be maintained for the field trip. The person taking the field trip meal counts must be trained and training must be documented. If the planned meal taken on the field trip (i.e., sack lunch) differs from the meal served at the open site, a separate menu must be kept. Site Name Field Trip Date Field Trip Location Meal Service Type Meal Service Time By signing this form, I am certifying that meals will be available at the open site(s) as scheduled. I am also certifying that the meals will be served only to the children taken on the field trip from the site, at the location and time noted, by a trained staff person. Sponsor Name Date Contact Name & Title Contact Signature Send to: Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) fax: 360-664-9397 OSPI Child Nutrition email: larissa.burke@k12.wa.us March 2016 Dietary Accommodations – Summer Food Service Program PART 1 – CHILD INFORMATION Child’s Name: PART 2 – DIET INSTRUCTIONS Food / Beverage to be Omitted Food / Beverage to be Substituted PART 3 – TO BE COMPLETED BY A RECOGNIZED MEDICAL AUTHORITY* Please check one: The child identified above has a disability that restricts the child’s ability to consume specific food(s) or beverage(s). An individual with a disability is described under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (1973) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities/bodily functions. Refer to the end of this document for definitions of “disability” and “major life activities/bodily functions”. The child identified above has a medical condition (but not a disability) that requires a dietary accommodation. Example: Non-disabling allergies or food intolerances. Name of Recognized Medical Authority*(please print): Signature: Clinic Name: Date: Phone: *Recognized medical authority: licensed health care professional authorized to write medical prescription under Washington State Law PART 4 – DEFINITIONS “A Person with a Disability” is defined as any person who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such impairment. “Physical or Mental Impairment” means (a) any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems: neurological; musculoskeletal; special sense organs; respiratory, including speech organs; cardiovascular; reproductive, digestive, genito-urinary; hemic and lymphatic; skin; and endocrine; or (b) any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities. “Major Life Activities ” are functions such as caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating and working. “Major Life Activities” now include “Major Bodily Functions” such as functions of the immune system, normal cell growth, digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular, endocrine, and reproductive functions. “Has a Record of Such an Impairment” is defined as having a history of, or has been classified as having a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Citations from Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. OSPI Child Nutrition Services March 2016