© 2016 IJSRSET | Volume 2 | Issue 2 | Print ISSN : 2395-1990 | Online ISSN : 2394-4099 Themed Section: Engineering and Technology Morphological Detection of Abnormal Cells in Blood Sample of Humans Mythili. A, Sreeja. G, Thamzhamuthan. N SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India ABSTRACT Image processing techniques are widely used in the domain of medical sciences for detecting various diseases, infections, tumours, cell abnormalities and various cancers. Detecting and curing a disease on time is very important in the field of medicine for protecting and saving human life. Mostly in case of high severity diseases where the mortality rates are more, the waiting time of patients for their reports such as blood test, MRI is more. The time taken for generation of any of the test is from 1-3 days. The current system used by the pathologists for identification of blood parameters is costly and the time involved in generation of the reports is also more sometimes leading to loss of patient’s life. Also the pathological tests are expensive, which are sometimes not affordable by the patient. This paper deals with an image processing technique used for detecting the abnormalities of blood cells in less time. The proposed technique also helps in identifying the dead cells in the blood samples using morphological techniques through cell opening and closing which gives upto 89% computational accuracy. Keywords: Blood Cells, Morphology, Fluorescent Dye. I. INTRODUCTION The blood consists of a suspension of special cells in liquid called plasma. Blood consists of 55 % plasma, and 45 % by cells called formed elements. The blood performs a lot of important functions. By means of the haemoglobin contained in the erythrocytes, it carries oxygen to the tissues and collects the carbon dioxide (CO2). The reports will get generated after chemical treatments on blood samples which requires more time which imposes a Fluorescent dye. The dead cancer cells absorb the dye and appear blue colour on the microscopic slide. It is also costly as the instruments used for identification of the blood parameters are costly [1][2]. The patients suffer due to both these reasons physically as well as mentally. The proposed system gives accuracy than the watershed method. The first step of diagnosis will be counting of cancer cells from the blood samples and next step will be bone marrow aspiration which is taken from the pelvic bones or from other bones. II. METHODS AND MATERIAL 2. Types of Blood Cells There are two types of blood cells: (A) Normal blood cells & (B) Abnormal blood cells. 2.1 Normal Blood Cells The various normal blood cells are: Erythrocytes, Leucocytes, and Thrombocytes. 2.1.1 Erythrocytes The erythrocytes are the most numerous blood cells i.e. about 4-6 millions/mm3. They are also called red cells. In man and in all mammals, erythrocytes are devoid of a nucleus and have the shape of a biconcave lens. In the mother vertebrates (e.g. fishes, amphibians, reptilians IJSRSET162221 | Received : 30 March 2016 | Accepted : 30 March 2016 | March-April 2016 [(2)2: 413-419] 413 and birds), they have a nucleus [2]. The red cells are rich in haemoglobin, a protein able to bind in a faint manner to oxygen. Hence, these cells are responsible for providing oxygen to tissues and partly for recovering carbon dioxide produced as waste. However, most CO2 is carried by plasma, in the form of soluble carbonates. exposure to hyper osmotic solutions. Pathological forms are associated with uremia [5]. Echinocytes contain adequate hemoglobin and the spiny knobs are regularly dispersed over the cell surface, unlike those of acanthocytes. 2.2.3 Dacrocyte (Tear Drop Cells) 2.1.2 Leucocytes Leukocytes, or white cells, are responsible for the defence of the organism. In the blood, they are much less numerous than red cells. The density of the leukocytes in the blood is 5000-7000/mm Leukocytes divide in two categories: granulocytes and lymphoid cells or agranulocytes. The term granulocyte is due to the presence of granules in the cytoplasm of these cells. In the different types of granulocytes, the granules are different and help us to distinguish them. In fact, these granules have a different affinity towards neutral, acid or basic stains and give the cytoplasm different colors [3][6]. Teardrop shaped red blood cells are found in myelofibrosis and other myeloproliferative disorders, pernicious anemia, thalassemia, myeloid metaplasia, and some hemolytic anemias. 2.2.4 Sickle Cells Sickle cells are red blood cells that have become crescent shaped. When a person with sickle cell anaemia is exposed to dehydration, infection, or low oxygen supply, their fragile red blood cells form liquid crystals and assume a crescent shape causing red cell destruction and thickening of the blood. Since the life span of the red blood cell is shortened. 2.1.3 Thrombocytes 2.3 Basic Overview of Paper The main function of platelets, or thrombocytes, is to stop the loss of blood from wounds (hematostasis). To this purpose, they aggregate and release factors which promote the blood coagulation [4]. Among them, there are the serotonins which reduce the diameter of lessoned vessels and slow down the hematic flux, the fibrin which trap cells and forms the clotting. Even if platelets appear roundish in shape, they are not real cells. In the smears stained by Giemsa, they have an intense purple color. 2.2 Abnormal Blood Cells The various abnormal blood cells are: elliptocyte, echinocyte, dacrocyte, and sickle cells. 2.2.1 Elliptocyte Elliptocytes are red blood cells that are oval or cigar shaped. They may be found in various anemias, but are found in large amounts in hereditary elliptocytosis. 2.2.2 Echinocyte (Crenated Red Blood Cells) The aim of this paper is to detect the abnormal blood cells by image processing technique. First we perform the pre-processing technique by converting gray level image into binary image. This research work will propose a system which will help in reducing the cost as well as waiting time of the patients for availing the pathological reports. The system will be working as follows:- Once the patient’s blood sample is collected, it will be processed immediately and using an high end camera’s in microscope, the images can be captured and using the image processing techniques, the different values of the desired parameters can be calculated immediately[6][7]. Use of parameter dependent image processing technique will definitely reduce the cost involved and also will save the time of generating the reports. This will definitely help to reduce the mortality rate in high risk diseases. Section III, IV and V gives a basic block diagram, morphological operation to detect abnormal blood cells using image processing technique respectively. Section VI discusses the results obtained. Concluding remarks are given in section VII. Echinocytes are red blood cells with many blunt spicules, resulting from faulty drying of the blood smear or from International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com) 414 3. Basic Block Diagram 3.2 Image Enhancement The dead cancer cells absorb the dye and appear blue colour on the microscopic slide. Fig. 1.3 shows the basic block diagram for detecting the abnormal blood cells. The first step of diagnosis will be counting of cancer cells from the blood samples. For better segmentation of the blood cells, the imported image has to be enhanced. This improves the quality of the image in terms of details. Acquired image is been pre-processed by converting the RGB image to greyscale image and resized to 256*256. By enhancing it improves the image contrast intensification and brightness characteristics, reduce its noise cleaning or smoothing, content or sharpen and edge sharpening or crispening its details [10]. The proposed system would be an initiative to generate the blood test reports in minimum time and will be cost effective. Fig 1 and Fig 2 shows the normal and abnormal cells in the blood. Figure 1. Normal Blood Cells Figure 2. Abnormal Blood Cells Figure 3. Block diagram of the detection of abnormal cells 3.3 Threshold of grey levels 3.1 Image Acquisition The digital microscope is interfaced to a computer and the microscopic images are obtained as digital images. The resolution of the digital image depends on the type of digital microscope used. The greyscale image in again converted to binary image by setting out the grey threshold value. A result of thresholding gives a binary image. This involves selecting only the area of interest in the image. Here only the blood cells are selected, because they are the areas of interest. Segmentation can be used for object recognition, occlusion boundary estimation within International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com) 415 motion or stereo systems, image compression, image editing or image database look up [15]. 3.4 Morphological operations A morphological operation helps to detect exact shape of object. The data should be represented as a boundary or as a complete region. It refers to certain operations where an object is hit with a structuring element and thereby reduced to more revealing shape. To create a structuring element specified by a shapes structures like disk, disk shaped approximation are suitable for computing cells. Disk shaped structuring element is approximated by specified radius from the origin of cells. Morphological operation includes erosion, dilation, opening and closing. In this proposed work morphological erosion and dilation had been applied to this image to eliminate small unwanted pixel and image smoothing [11][12][13][9]. The erosion operation uniformly reduces the size of objects in reaction to their background and dilation expands the size of the objects. Likewise opening and closing also can be used which is like erosion followed by dilation (opening) and dilation followed by erosion (closing) applied on the image. Opening used to smooth the contours of cells and parasites and closing used to fill the holes and gaps. 3.4.2 Morphological opening The basic effect of an opening is somewhat like erosion in that it tends to remove some of the foreground pixels from the edges of regions of foreground pixels [5][7]. However it is less destructive than erosion in general. As with other morphological operators, the exact operation is determined by a structuring element. Fig 2.2 shows the example of morphological opening. The effect of the operator is to preserve foreground regions that have a similar shape to this structuring element or that can completely contain the structuring element, while eliminating all other regions of foreground pixels. After morphological closing the image is been complemented, so that the back ground image turns black and foreground image turns white giving a clear vision on the cells. 3.4.1 Morphological closing Figure 5. Example of Morphological Opening Closing is the dual of opening, i.e. closing the foreground pixels with a particular structuring element, is equivalent to closing the background with the same element. Fig 4 shows an example of morphological closing [8]. The effect of the operator is to preserve background regions that have a similar shape to this structuring element, while eliminating all other regions of back ground pixels. 3.4.3 Region properties and area calculation Region properties help to extract many of the relevant shape features without too much trouble. Since our region taken for reference is disk shape, a disk shaped structuring element is taken. It is used to count the number dead cells in the blood sample through counting the number of the white spots in the image. Averaged area is also calculated to know the mean of the dead cells in the blood sample. Elapsed run time gives the estimation of the computational processing time to show the result. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 4. Example of Morphological closing The proposed algorithm is tested on the blood cell images as shown in Fig 1. The total number of blood cells present in the image is counted using proposed algorithm (implemented using MATLAB). International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com) 416 The elapsed run time is 6.714272 seconds. The mean area of the dead cells in the blood samples is 812.4000. 4.1 Results of Image Acquisition The acquired image is a RGB microscopic image taken from biological slides by higher end cameras. It is been resized to 256*256. Resized image is taken for the pre-processing. Fig 6 is the acquired image of abnormal blood cells. A fluorescent dye is injected to the slide and left for 3-4 hours. The abnormal cells absorb the dye and appear blue. Figure 7. Pre-Processed image of abnormal cells Figure 8. Binary image of abnormal cells 4.3 Morphological opening and closing Figure 6. Acquisition of abnormal image 4.2 Results of Pre processing The next step after the image been acquired is preprocessing. The RGB image is converted into greyscale image and threshold is determined. Fig 7 is the pre-processed image and Fig 8 is the threshold image. Depending upon the threshold the image is again converted to binary image for further processing. Rather than using watershed algorithms, morphological operations have major advantage. By applying morphological closing and opening the results are in Fig 9 and 10 Figure 9. Morphological Opening International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com) 417 Figure 10. Morphological closing Figure 12. Boundary output image 4.4 Result of Morphology Figure 13. Final output image Figure 11. Resultant of Morphological operation The resultant is been complemented in order to view the cells clearly. Number of dead cancer cells = 30 Mean Area = 812.4000 Elapsed time is 2.186050 seconds Run Time = 2.1861 4.5 Boundary Image Output IV. CONCLUSION For the cells that is been complemented, boundaries are detected to super impose the complemented boundary detected image on to grey scale image. This will give the number of dead cells present in the experimental slide. Fig 12 shows the boundary of the abnormal cells in the blood sample. The paper proposes an image processing technique for detecting and counting the abnormal blood cells. The proposed method detects the abnormalities in blood cell in very less time and efficiently. Based on the morphological operations, the abnormalities of the blood cell can be segregated. Accuracy is up to 87% and elapsed time is less than the existing system i.e., Run time= 6.7143. The watershed International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com) 418 characterization” Indian J Med Res 134, October method has the disadvantage that even small living 2011, pp 538-546538. cells is segmented and counted as dead cells involving miscalculation and risk to the lab [9] Abdul Nasir, A. S., Mustafa, N., and Mohd Nasir, N. F., “Application of Thresholding Technique in assistant and the patient. 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