4th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART) College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad [2015] VIRTUAL BRAIN Bringing Blue Brain Advance Technology To Life Dr. Ambuj Kumar Agarwal1, Shruti Shukla2 1 Associate Professor, College of Computing Science and Information Technology, Teerthanker Mahaveer University Moradabad, India 2 Department of Biomedical Engineering-B.Tech Graduate (BME), Babu Banarsi Das-Northern India Engineering College, BBD City, Faizabad Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226028 1 ambuj4u@gmail.com shrutishukla.281290@gmail.com 2 Abstract— Famously known as the world’s first virtual brain, “BLUE BRAIN” is a very appropriate application of an artificial intelligence human brain. That means a machine can function as human brain. It’s a known fact that human does not live for a decade but the information contained in his mind could certainly be stored for a decade with this technology. So with advancement in technology, even after a person is dead, the virtual brain will serve as the man. Therefore, the main idea behind this is uploading human brain into machine. Hence this research paper consists of the concepts of Blue Brain, its requirements, Blue Brain project, strategies undertaken to build a Blue Brain, advantages and disadvantages and many more. Keywords— Artificial Brain, Simulation, Nanobots,Neuron I. INTRODUCTION II. WHAT IS BLUE BRAIN? Although it’s very clear by the general introduction of what Blue brain is. So, to define Blue brain, it can be said that it is like uploading a mind in a computer. That is, it is a concept or technology or system which allows transferring all the contents of a human brain into a virtual brain that resides inside a Super computer, known as Blue Gene. Now, How is it possible? This could be explained if a series of steps is followed carefully. An interesting paper on this topic describing both invasive and noninvasive techniques has been provided by Raymond Kurzweil, suggesting the use of nanobots (very small robots). These robots being small enough will travel throughout our circulatory system proceeding towards the spine and brain, and will monitor the activity and structure of our CNS. They could scan the structure of how our brain is made, making it easier and viewable for us about all the connections between each neuron while recording the current state of the brain. This information can be entered immediately into a computer which results into functioning of the machine as a human brain. But for such operation computer having really large storage space and processing power will be required. An artificial brain means the one that is able to think, process, memorise, store and respond. The technology helpful in this activity is Blue Brain, and scientists today are in this direction to create one. The pioneer of Blue Brain Project is Henry Markram at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. He founded the project in May, 2005. The aim of this project is to study architectural and functional principles of a brain as well as its construction in a super computer. Under a microscope and using patch clamp electrodes, living tissues of brains are critically examined. All the data with this study is collected about different neuron types which is then used to build III. NATURAL BRAIN V/S SIMULATED BRAIN biologically authentic models of neurons. The simulations are carried out on a supercomputer Before even getting started with Blue Brain known as ‘Blue Gene’ built by IBM, and from building, it is extremely important to know how natural brain works in contrast to simulated brain. where comes the name "Blue Brain". And to better understand this, below is provided a tabular difference between the operational function 1 4th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART) College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad [2015] of the two, taking into account all their points, i.e. input given, how it is interpreted, stored in memory producing output and the processing. TABLE: COMPARISON BETWEEN NATURAL BRAIN AND SIMULATED BRAIN Natural Brain Simulated Brain INPUT Natural neurons responsible for conveying message in nervous system using electric impulses. INPUT Artificial neurons created using silicon chips are used and messages are transferred using sensory cells. INTERPRETATION Received electric impulses are interpreted in the brain. INTERPRETATION Using registers, the received impulses are interpreted by artificial/virtual brain. OUTPUT The response after the interpretation is sent by the brain in the form of electric pulses to sensory cells. OUTPUT States of register means different states of brain , and based on them, output signals are provided to artificial neurons in the body. MEMORY Some neurons permanently store information or data and this way whenever required, it can be easily fetched. MEMORY Secondary memory makes it possible to serve the same purpose storing data permanently which can later be obtained whenever needed. PROCESSING Implementing decision making through past experience, any logics applied that are already stored can be used along with states of neurons to alter & produce the output. PROCESSING Implementing decision making becomes easier for the machine and computer can easily take decisions and perform any logics & computation using stored past experience giving the output. Fig 1: Neuron Anatomical Model Fig 2: Simple Artificial Neural Network IV. Steps To Building A Blue Brain There are three main steps:A. Data collection B. Data simulation C. Visualization A. Data collection: It involves microscopic study of the shape and electrical behavior of each neuron by using slices of living brain. These neurons lie within the cerebral cortex, and their population density. A 12 patch 2 4th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART) College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad clamp instrument is used for the study of electrophysiological behavior of neuron, and this very instrument forms the foundation of the research and was developed as the tool for only this project. It is implemented by concurrently patching twelve living neurons and recording their electrical activity. The observations obtained with this are converted into accurate algorithms defining the whole process, alignment of neurons and operations generating biologically-original appearing virtual neurons prepared for the next step, i.e. simulation. Fig 3: The 12 patch clamp(close up view) Data simulation: In the 1990s, a software package known as NEURON was developed by Michael Hines. This is used for neural simulations. It is written in languages like C, C++, and FORTRAN. The current version at which software is working is 7.2 and it is still under development. Data Simulation has two major aspects: Simulation speed Simulation workflow 1) Simulation speed- Simulations of one cortical column (more than 10,100 neurons) run about two hundred times slower than real time. It takes about five minutes to complete one second of stimulated time. And display unevenly line scaling. It might be possible to trim components in order to improve performance, if the biological validity is understood. The simulation timestep varies as it is 0.025 ms for numerical integrations and 0.1 ms for writing the output to the disk. [2015] millions of proteins and each protein is simulated. First a body or structure of network is built using all the different kinds of synthesized neurons. After this, cells are connected with experimentally defined rules. And, finally the neurons become functional and the simulation is achieved. The blueprints showing the changing behavior of neurons are seen via visualization software. Every two weeks a column model is run; column here is cortical column that is the basic unit of cerebral cortex and each of them can be mapped into one function. The results that are seen in living neurons are simulations causing to reproduce serving our ultimate aim. Fig 4: NEURON cell builder window 3) BBP-SDK- Abbreviated as Blue Brain Project Software Development Kit, it is a set of software classes that allows researchers to examine models and simulations and use them. The software kit is a C++ library enfolded in Java and Python. B. Visualization: 1) RT Neuron: RT Neuron is the main application that Blue Brain Project uses for visualization of neural simulations. It is a software specifically written for neural simulations not generalizable to other kinds of simulation. The output is obtained from Hodgkin-Huxley simulations as input in NEURON and is produced in 3D, making it visible to researchers and programmers as potentials activated propagate through or within the neurons. The researchers can then interact with the model since the animations can be paused, stopped, started and zoomed .A 32-processor Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) system with 300 Gb of shared memory is used for visualization of results. 2) Simulation overflow- Main work of this step is to make virtual cells use the algorithms, written to define the real neurons. According to the characteristics of the stage species like their age, type and disease that it has, of the animal is being simulated. In a single cell, there are hundreds of 3 4th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART) College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad Fig 6: Outer view of processing system of Blue fig 5: Visualization of neuron(RT Neuron) V. [2015] Gene/P F HARDWARE/COMPUTER USED The hardware used is a BlueGene supercomputer. It is built by IBM and is installed on the EPFL campus in Lausanne, Switzerland managed by CADMOS(Center for Advanced Modeling Science). 1. Blue Gene/L(till 2009) 2. Blue Gene/P(upgraded from Blue Gene/L and was in use till 2011) 3. JuQUEEN(Blue Gene/Q, upgraded from Blue Gene/P in 2012 with more racks and currently performs at more than 1.7 Petaflops) Fig 7: JuQUEEN(Blue Gene/Q) installed at Julich Research Center in Germany A. Technical Specifications: 4096 quad-core nodes Each core is a PowerPC 450, 850 MHz Total- 56 teraflops, 16 terabytes of memory 1 PB disk space, GPFS parallel file system Operating system: Linux SuSE SLES 10 4 racks, 1 row, wired as 16*16*16 3D torus Fig 8: Blue Brain Storage Hierarchy 4 VI. 4th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART) College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad ADVANTAGES, DISADVANTAGES and APPLICATIONS Advantages 1. A person can remember and recollect anything without any effort. 2. Decision can be made by the computer by itself without any external help. 3. The activity of different animals could be understood easily. 4. Helpful for a deaf person & for many psychological disorders, as they can easily get any information through this. Disadvantages 1. Increased risk of dependency of a person on Blue Brain technology, all the time. 2. Susceptible to higher forms of risks and critical threats, like hacking issues & computer viruses etc. That means, when a machine becomes so intelligent, it could use his brain against him and it may cause war between machine and the man. [2015] In 2009, a more advanced version of Blue Gene was used. With it, 100 interconnected columns were stimulated by 2012 . And in April, same year, FET flagships one year pilot phase was completed. By 2014, entire rat brain neocortical cellular level simulation was achieved. So, until now, all simulations have been performed at the neuron level. A simulation at the actual molecular level is on the way now. And by 2020, it is hoped that Exascale simulations would be started on DEEP Cluster-Booster prototype at Julich. Following this kind of structure, by 2023, entire human brain’s simulation will finally be possible (that is, the one containing about 1 million cortical columns) , offcourse if needed funding is provided. VIII. CONCLUSION To conclude this journal research paper, it can be said that focusing on preserving the original vision of reconstruction and simulation of the brain, this project promises to have a profound impact on neuroscience, neuroinformatics, neurorobotics & By including molecular-level simulation, blue brain high performance computing. Although, it’s project could be used for determining the effects of potential goes far beyond the limitations of new pharmaceutical compounds on virtual brain of neurobiology and above mentioned fields as any specie of any age, & stage of diseases. It also transforming whole human brain into a hopes to build a better and bigger platform for computational machine that processes on multi experimenting by neuroscientists. Besides these, scales is way beyond exceptional. Understanding there are various other applications, viz. the natural brain’s biological functioning through a 1. Hundreds of year’s data can be gathered and virtual brain will not only make it easier for people tested. with psychological disorders and other brain 2. Neural Code could be cracked. diseases but will also benefit the other areas of 3. Foundational model for whole brain simulations. science. And one of the important things to 4. Detection and curing of brain disorders. remember is to make use of connectivity available 5. Becoming accessible to all. to other scientists(with the use of BBP-SDK, 6. Focusing to create physiological simulations for already mentioned in the paper) and also provide biomedical simulations. the infrastructure to enable several applications mentioned. VII. RELATED WORK IX. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Founded in 2005, the Blue Brain project was I would like to thank Associate Professor, Dr. Ambuj Agrawal for providing with the relevant information and support. initiated by integrating all the relevant data into a REFERENCES single-neuron model. In 2007-2008, the project [1] International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology reached a significant milestone with the Research ISSN 2348-120X (online)Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp: (202-207), Month: April-June 2014, Available at: www.researchpublish.com announcement of an entirely new data-driven [2] International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & process for creating, validating, and researching the Management (IJAIEM)Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: neocortical column while concluding its first phase. 5 4th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART) College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [2015] editor@ijaiem.org, editorijaiem@gmail.comVolume 2, Issue 3, March 2013 ISSN 2319 – 4847 https://www.scribd.com/doc/100927975/Blue-Brain- Full-Paper# Danish Ather Ambuj Kumar Agarwal, Deepak Sharma, Ashendra Kumar Saxena “An Analysis and study of Various Web Development Platform in viewpoint of Web Developer”International Journal of Trends in Computer Science; Vol2;11,Academic Journal Online, Publication date 2013; http://www.nature.com/news/computer-modelling-brain-in-a-box1.10066 http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~volkov/cs267.sp09/hw0/results/Kevin.Klues / http://www.ethrat.ch/sites/default/files/BBP_HBP_Evaluation2011.pdf bluebrain.epfl.ch › Bluebrain › Research www.artificialbrains.com/blue-brain-project. 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