Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Manufacturing Table of Contents General Manufacturing Tolerances................................................................................................................................. 2 INSPECTION AFTER FINISH COATINGS: Unless otherwise noted, all dimensional tolerance to machined surfaces will apply after finish coatings are applied. This includes paint......................................................................................2 Straightness Standard for all Heat Treated Parts: The following are maximum permissible straightness tolerances for these groups of parts unless otherwise specified. .....................................................................................................2 Manufacturing Standards for Blend ................................................................................................................................ 3 Angles ± 5................................................................................................................................................................. 3 External Chamfer on Threads......................................................................................................................................... 4 “A” (see table) X 45 ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 Chamfer on Squares, Hexagons & Octagons.................................................................................................................5 Countersink on a curved surface .................................................................................................................................... 5 Countersinks on Internal Straight Threads .....................................................................................................................6 Recommended External Thread Relief...........................................................................................................................6 A & B Drill Tolerance Table............................................................................................................................................ 7 Center Drills .................................................................................................................................................................... 7 A & B Tolerances for Fraction and Letter drilled holes ..................................................................................................8 A & B Tolerances for Metric drilled holes......................................................................................................................10 A & B Tolerances for Numbered drilled holes..............................................................................................................12 Sandvik T-MAX U Drill bottom profile ...........................................................................................................................14 Fraction conversions..................................................................................................................................................... 15 Conversion Table.......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Millimeters to Inches ..................................................................................................................................................... 16 Hardness Conversion Tables for steel and hard alloys ................................................................................................17 Gauge and Wire Conversion - Decimals of an inch ......................................................................................................18 Decimal Equivalents Conversions ................................................................................................................................ 19 SI - The Metrics International System of Units..............................................................................................................21 Conversion Factors....................................................................................................................................................... 21 Length Conversion Factors........................................................................................................................................... 22 Area Conversion Factors .............................................................................................................................................. 22 Volume Conversion Factors.......................................................................................................................................... 22 Force Conversion Factors............................................................................................................................................. 22 Pressure or Stress Conversion Factors ........................................................................................................................22 Mass (weight) Conversion Factors ............................................................................................................................... 22 Temperature Conversion Factors ................................................................................................................................. 23 Power Conversion Factors............................................................................................................................................ 23 Sheet Metal Conversion Factors................................................................................................................................... 23 More Useful Conversion Factors .................................................................................................................................. 24 Knurling......................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Manufacturing Allowance for Holes .............................................................................................................................. 26 Acceptance Standard for Thermally Cut Product .........................................................................................................26 Purpose......................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Scope............................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Definitions and Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................. 27 Documents, Forms and Equipment .............................................................................................................................. 27 General Requirements.................................................................................................................................................. 27 General Specifications .................................................................................................................................................. 29 Instructions for setting a Bite Type ferrule. Ref Drawing 516398. ...............................................................................34 Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 1 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS General Manufacturing Tolerances The following standards may be used only when applicable feature or tolerance is not specified on the drawing. Geometric Features: Note: Parts must remain within size and tolerance envelopes Parallelism: Machining or Grinding Rough Cutting . 01 mm per 5 linear mm (.002 per linear inch) . 1 mm per 10 linear mm (.010 per linear inch) Perpendicularly, Angularity & Chamfers: Machined (with specified RMS on the chamfer or angle) Machined (w/o specified RMS on the chamfer or angle) Rough (hand belting, c/r, on the chamfer or angle) Welding Rough cutting (saw, flamecut, Laser etc.) ± 2 ± 5 ± 10 ± 2 ± 2 Roundness: For hollow (cylindrical) parts only due to the variety of size vs. tolerance vs. Wall thickness vs. application no general guideline will be established. Problem parts must be brought to Design Engineering for review and possible drawing change and/or deviation. Runout: Unspecified runout is .25mm (.010) total maximum (applies to outside diameters that are cold finished and to all machined diameters.) Concentricity: (use runout) Centerline: Unspecified centerline tolerance is ± .38mm (.015). (Note: runout takes precedence over this standard) Fractional Dimension: 1. Saw 2. Punch 3. All Other 4. Weldment Untoleranced fractional dimensions will be inspected per the following: +/- .75mm (.032) +/- .38mm (.015) (Also See Sheared Edge Specification) +/- .38mm (.015) +/- 1.50mm (.062) Corner Breaks: Unless otherwise noted, all outside corner breaks to be .05mm / .50mm (.002 /. 020.) Flame Cut: Unless otherwise noted flame cut tolerances to be ± 1.5mm (.060). INTERNAL RADII: Unless otherwise noted, all internal radii at surface intersection to be .00mm / 1.00mm (.000 /.040) R. except for HEAT TREATED parts. (Including case hardened parts) INTERNAL RADII ON ALL HEAT TREATED PARTS: Unless otherwise noted, all internal radii to be .38mm / 1.00mm (.015 /.040) R. INSPECTION AFTER FINISH COATINGS: Unless otherwise noted, all dimensional tolerance to machined surfaces will apply after finish coatings are applied. This includes paint. Straightness Standard for all Heat Treated Parts: The following are maximum permissible straightness tolerances for these groups of parts unless otherwise specified. 1. Forcing screws and ram adjusting screws --- .50mm / 300mm (.020”/ 12”.) 2. Push puller legs --- .75mm / 300mm (.030”/ 12”). 3. Puller cross block (slotted type) --- 1.50mm / 300mm (.060”/ 12”). 4. Pry bars --- 1.50mm / 300mm (.060”/ 12”). 5. Distributor wrenches --- 2.25mm / 300mm (.090”/ 12”). 6. Puller Jaws --- .12mm / 300” (.045”/ 12”). Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 2 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Manufacturing Standards for Blend Unless otherwise noted, the "BLEND" designation on a corner requires the intersection of the surfaces to be rounded slightly (up to 2mm (.080) radius max.) to remove any detectable sharpness. The rounding can be done either by generating a machined fillet or by polishing. INSPECTION The method of inspection shall be to feel for a detectable edge or burr, in the BLEND area with a fingernail or sharp probe. A detectable edge or burr is sufficient for rejection Blend Borroughs Manufacturing Standards (for Borroughs Title Block Drawings Only) (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) Tolerances: Fractions One Place Decimal Two Place Decimal Three Place Decimal Angles Corner Breaks Surface Finish ± .75mm (± .030) ± 1.50mm (± .060) ± .75mm (± .030) ± .25mm (± .010) ± 5 .05mm / .50mm (.002 /.020) 250 Standard Hole Tolerances and Surface Finish Standards Apply Unless Otherwise Specified. Case Harden To specify for Wear Resistance note as: CASE HARDEN .12mm (.005) MIN. EFFECTIVE DEPTH. To specify for Medium Wear Resistance and Light Load note as: CASE HARDEN .25mm (.010) MIN. EFFECTIVE DEPTH. To specify for High Wear Resistance and High Load note as: CASE HARDEN .75mm (.030) MIN. EFFECTIVE DEPTH. Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 3 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS External Chamfer on Threads 25 - 35 “A” (see table) X 45 Notes: 1) Lead chamfer on rolled threads is 25-35 2) Shafts must be chamfered before threading unless shown otherwise on the drawing. SAE Threads Per Inch 4 4½ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A = mm +.5mm - .000 4.2 3.7 3.4 2.9 2.5 2.3 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.5 A = inches +.020 -.000 .165 .145 .135 .115 .100 .090 .080 .070 .065 .060 Threads Per Inch 13 14 16 18 20 24 28 32 36 40 A = mm +.5mm - .000 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 .90 .75 .75 .65 .60 A = inches +.020 -.000 .060 .055 .050 .045 .040 .035 .030 .030 .027 .025 A = mm +.5mm - .000 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9 A = inches +.020 -.000 .050 .060 .070 .080 .095 .105 .120 .130 .140 .155 Metric Metric Thread Pitch .35 .4 .45 .5 .6 .7 .75 .8 1 1.25 1.5 A = mm +.5mm - .000 .4 .4 .5 .5 .5 .6 .6 .6 .8 1.0 1.1 Print Date: August 31, 2016 A = inches +.020 -.000 .015 .015 .020 .020 .020 .025 .025 .025 .030 .040 .043 Metric Thread Pitch 1.75 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 4 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Chamfer on Squares, Hexagons & Octagons All chamfers shown on squares, hexagons & octagons must be made to the dimensions shown below unless otherwise specified. 30 +/- 10 DIST. ACROSS FLATS LESS THAN 13mm (.500”) 13mm – 25mm (.500”-1.000”) OVER 25mm (1.000”) A .75mm (.030) 1.50mm (.060) 2.25mm (.090) Countersink on a curved surface NOTE: Chamfer must meet minor diameter on short side and can go over on long. Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 5 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Countersinks on Internal Straight Threads On internal straight threads all holes must be countersunk before threading (tapping) unless otherwise shown on the drawing. Note: For cast or forged surfaces, tolerance 'A' is for ref. Only NOMINAL THREAD DIA. 0 – <6mm (0 - .249) 6mm - <13mm (.250 - .499) 13mm - <22mm (.500 - .874) 22mm - <32mm (.875 - 1.250) Larger than 32mm (1.250) “A” + to + .25mm to .75mm (.010 to .030) .50mm to 1.00mm (.020 to .040) .75mm to 1.25mm (.030 to .070) .75mm to 2.00mm (.030 to .080) .75mm to 2.25mm (.030 to .090) Recommended External Thread Relief -.12mm to -.38mm Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 6 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS A & B Drill Tolerance Table (Refer to A & B tolerance charts on the following pages) DRILL DIA. A Thru. 1.50mm (.062) Over Thru. Over Thru. Over Thru. Over Thru. 1.50mm (.062) 6.3mm (.250) 6.3mm (.250) 12.7mm (.500) 12.7mm (.500) 19.0mm (.750) 19.0mm (.750) 25.4mm (1.000) Over 25.4mm (1.000) B +.08mm -.02mm (+.003 -.001) +.12mm - .02mm (+.005 -.001) +.15mm - .02mm (+.006 -.001) +.20mm - .05mm (+.008 -.002) +.25mm - .05mm (+.010 -.002) +.25mm - .075mm (+.010 -.003) +.08mm - .02mm (+.003 -.001) +.25mm - .10mm (+.010 -.004) +.30mm - .10mm (+.012 -.004) +.38mm - .15mm (+.015 -.006) +.50mm - .15mm (+.020 -.006) +.50mm - .25mm (+.020 -.010) NOTE: 1. Tolerance 'A' must apply to all tap drills unless otherwise noted. 2. Tolerance 'B' applies to all other drilled holes unless otherwise noted. 3. The general finish note for machined surfaces does not apply to drilled or tapped holes unless otherwise specified. 4. Unless otherwise specified, all holes identified as drill to be 118 Included angle. 5. All older Kent-Moore drawings prior to Feb-88 use class “A” drill if not specified. Center Drills American Standard Combined Drills and Countersinks, Plain, and Bell Types Body Diam. Drill Diam. Drill Length Overall Length A D C L 1/8 3.17mm 3/16 4.75mm 3/64 1.19mm 5/64 1.98mm 3/64 1.19mm 5/64 1.98mm 1 1/4 31.75mm 1 7/8 47.62mm Body Diam. Drill Diam. Drill Length Overall Length 1/4 6.35mm 5/16 7.92mm 7/16 11.10mm 1/2 12.7mm 7/64 2.78mm 1/8 3.17mm 3/16 4.75mm 7/32 5.55mm 7/64 2.78mm 1/8 3.17mm 3/16 4.75mm 7/32 5.55mm 2 50.8mm 2 1/8 53.97mm 2 3/4 69.85mm 3 76.20mm Size Body Diam. Drill Diam. Drill Length Overall Length Bell Diam. A D C L E 1/8 3.17mm 3/16 4.75mm 3/64 1.19mm 5/64 1.98mm 3/64 1.19mm 5/64 1.98mm 1 1/4 31.75mm 1 7/8 47.62mm 0.100 2.54mm 0.150 3.81mm Body Diam. Drill Diam. Drill Length Overall Length Bell Diam. 1/4 6.35mm 5/16 7.92mm 7/16 11.10mm 1/2 12.7mm 7/64 2.78mm 1/8 3.17mm 3/16 4.75mm 7/32 5.55mm 7/64 2.78mm 1/8 3.17mm 3/16 4.75mm 7/32 5.55mm 2 50.8mm 2 1/8 53.97mm 2 3/4 69.85mm 3 76.20mm 0.200 5.08mm 0.250 6.35mm 0.350 8.89mm 0.400 10.16mm Size 1 2 11 12 Size Size 3 4 5 6 Print Date: August 31, 2016 13 14 15 16 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 7 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS 7 8 5/8 15.87mm 3/4 19.05mm 1/4 6.35mm 5/16 7.92mm 1/4 6.35mm 5/16 7.92mm 3 1/4 82.55mm 3 1/2 88.90mm 17 18 5/8 15.87mm 3/4 19.05mm 1/4 6.35mm 5/16 7.92mm 1/4 6.35mm 5/16 7.92mm 3 1/4 82.55mm 3 1/2 88.90mm 0.500 12.70mm 0.600 15.24mm All Dimensions except size designation are in inches. Tolerances: Plus 0 minus 0.002 on A; plus .003 minus 0 on D, plus 1/32 minus 1/16on L; plus 0.008 minus 0.008 on C for sizes 1, 2, 11, and 12; plus 1/64 minus 1/64 on C for sizes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 A & B Tolerances for Fraction and Letter drilled holes Rounded off to 3 Decimal Places per ANSI Standard Z25.1 HOLE SIZE 1/64 1/32 3/64 1/16 5/64 3/32 7/64 1/8 9/64 5/32 11/64 3/16 13/64 7/32 15/64 1/4 17/64 9/32 19/64 5/16 21/64 11/32 23/64 3/8 25/64 Print Date: August 31, 2016 Decimal 0.016 0.031 0.047 0.062 0.078 0.094 0.109 0.125 0.141 0.156 0.172 0.188 0.203 0.219 0.234 0.250 0.266 0.281 0.297 0.312 0.328 0.344 0.359 0.375 0.391 A .015/.019 .030/.034 .046/.050 .061/.065 .077/.083 .093/.099 .108/.114 .124.130 .140/.146 .155/.161 .171/.177 .187/.193 .202/.208 .218/.224 .233/.239 .249/.255 .265/.272 .280/.287 .296/.303 .311/.318 .327/.334 .343/.350 .358/.365 .374/.381 .390/.397 B .015/.019 .030/.034 .046/.050 .061/.065 .074/.088 .090/.104 .105/.119 .121/.136 .137/.151 .152/.166 .168/.182 .184/.198 .199/.213 .215/.229 .230/.244 .246/.260 .262/.278 .277/.293 .293/.309 .308/.324 .324/.340 .340/.356 .355/.371 .371/.387 .387/.403 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy A (mm) 0.38/0.48 0.76/0.86 1.17/1.27 1.55/1.65 1.96/2.11 2.36/2.51 2.74/2.90 3.15/3.30 3.56/3.71 3.94/4.09 4.34/4.50 4.75/4.90 5.13/5.28 5.54/5.69 5.92/6.07 6.32/6.48 6.73/6.91 7.11/7.29 7.52/7.70 7.90/8.08 8.31/8.48 8.71/8.89 9.09/9.27 9.50/9.68 9.91/10.08 B (mm) 0.38/0.48 0.76/0.86 1.17/1.27 1.55/1.65 1.88/2.24 2.29/2.64 2.67/3.02 3.07/3.45 3.48/3.84 3.86/4.22 4.27/4.62 4.67/5.03 5.05/5.41 5.46/5.82 5.84/6.20 6.25/6.60 6.65/7.06 7.04/7.44 7.44/7.85 7.82/8.23 8.23/8.64 8.64/9.04 9.02/9.42 9.42/9.83 9.83/10.24 Page 8 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS A & B Tolerances for Fraction and Letter drilled holes (continued) HOLE SIZE 13/32 27/64 7/16 29/64 15/32 31/64 1/2 33/64 17/32 35/64 9/16 37/64 19/32 39/64 5/8 41/64 21/32 43/64 11/16 45/64 23/32 47/64 3/4 49/64 25/32 51/64 13/16 53/64 27/32 55/64 7/8 57/64 29/32 59/64 15/16 61/64 31/32 63/64 1” B C D F G H I J Print Date: August 31, 2016 Decimal 0.406 0.422 0.438 0.453 0.469 0.484 0.500 0.516 0.531 0.547 0.562 0.578 0.594 0.609 0.625 0.641 0.656 0.672 0.688 0.703 0.719 0.734 0.750 0.766 0.781 0.797 0.812 0.828 0.844 0.859 0.875 0.891 0.906 0.922 0.938 0.953 0.969 0.984 1.000 A .405/.412 .421/.428 .437/.444 .452/.459 .468/.475 .483/.490 .499/.506 .514/.524 .529/.539 .545/.555 .560/.570 .576/.586 .592/.602 .607/.617 .623/.633 .639/.649 .654/.664 .670/.680 .686/.696 .701/.711 .717/.727 .732/.742 .748/.758 .764/.776 .779/.791 .795/.807 .810/.822 .826/.838 .842/.854 .857/.869 .873/.885 .889/.901 .904/.916 .920/.932 .936/.948 .951/.963 .967/.979 .982/.994 .998/1.010 B .402/.418 .418/.434 .434/.450 .449/.465 .465/.481 .480/.496 .496/.512 .510/.531 .525/.546 .541/.562 .556/.577 .572/.593 .588/.609 .603/.624 .619/.640 .635/.656 .650/.671 .666/.687 .682/.703 .697/.718 .713/.734 .728/.749 .744/.765 .760/.786 .775/.801 .791/.817 .806/.832 .822/.848 .838/.864 .853/.879 .869/.895 .885/.911 .900/.926 .916/.942 .932/.958 .947/.973 .963/.989 .978/1.004 .994/1.020 A (mm) 10.29/10.46 10.69/10.87 11.10/11.28 11.48/11.66 11.89/12.07 12.27/12.45 12.67/12.85 3.06/13.31 13.44/13.69 13.84/14.10 14.22/14.48 14.63/14.88 15.04/15.29 15.42/15.67 15.82/16.08 16.23/16.48 16.61/16.87 17.02/17.27 17.42/17.68 17.81/18.06 18.21/18.47 18.59/18.85 19.00/19.25 19.41/19.71 19.79/20.09 20.19/20.50 20.57/20.88 20.98/21.29 21.39/21.69 21.77/22.07 22.17/22.48 22.58/22.89 22.96/23.27 23.37/23.67 23.77/24.08 24.16/24.46 24.56/24.87 24.94/25.25 25.35/25.65 B (mm) 10.21/10.62 10.62/11.02 11.02/11.43 11.40/11.81 11.81/12.22 12.19/12.60 12.60/13.00 12.95/13.49 13.34/13.87 13.74/14.27 14.12/14.66 14.53/15.06 14.94/15.47 15.32/15.85 15.72/16.26 16.13/16.66 16.51/17.04 16.92/17.45 17.32/17.86 17.70/18.24 18.11/18.64 18.49/19.02 18.90/19.43 19.30/19.96 19.69/20.35 20.09/20.75 20.47/21.13 20.88/21.54 21.29/21.95 21.67/22.33 22.07/22.73 22.48/23.14 22.86/23.52 23.27/23.93 23.67/24.33 24.05/24.71 24.46/25.12 24.84/25.50 25.25/25.91 0.238 0.242 0.246 0.257 0.261 0.266 0.272 0.277 .237/.243 .241/.247 .245/.251 .256/.263 .260/.267 .265/.272 .271/.278 .276/.283 .234/.248 .238/.252 .242/.256 .253/.269 .257/.273 .262/.278 .268/.284 .273/.289 6.02/6.17 6.12/6.27 6.22/6.38 6.50/6.68 6.60/6.78 6.73/6.91 6.88/7.06 7.01/7.19 5.94/6.30 6.05/6.40 6.15/6.50 6.43/6.83 6.53/6.93 6.65/7.06 6.81/7.21 6.93/7.34 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 9 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS A & B Tolerances for Fraction and Letter drilled holes (continued) HOLE SIZE L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Decimal 0.290 0.295 0.302 0.316 0.323 0.332 0.339 0.348 0.358 0.368 0.377 0.386 0.397 0.404 0.413 A .289/.296 .294/.301 .301/.308 .315/.322 .322/.329 .331/.338 .338/.345 .347/.354 .357/.364 .367/.374 .376/.383 .385/.392 .396/.403 .403/.410 .412/.419 B .286/.302 .291/.307 .298/.314 .312/.328 .319/.335 .328/.344 .335/.351 .344/.360 .354/.370 .364/.380 .373/.389 .382/.389 .393/.409 .400/.416 .409/.425 A (mm) 7.34/7.52 7.47/7.65 7.65/7.82 8.00/8.18 8.18/8.36 8.41/8.59 8.59/8.76 8.81/8.99 9.07/9.25 9.32/9.50 9.55/9.73 9.78/9.96 10.06/10.24 10.24/10.41 10.46/10.64 B (mm) 7.26/7.67 7.39/7.80 7.57/7.98 7.92/8.33 8.10/8.51 8.33/8.74 8.51/8.92 8.74/9.14 8.99/9.40 9.25/9.65 9.47/9.88 9.70/9.88 9.98/10.39 10.16/10.57 10.39/10.80 A & B Tolerances for Metric drilled holes Rounded off to 3 Decimal Places per ANSI Standard Z25.1 Note: For sizes not listed, use the A & B drill chart for tolerance. mm 1.65 2.5 3.0 3.1 3.4 3.6 4.9 5.75 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.8 7.25 7.3 7.75 8.4 8.5 9.0 9.6 9.7 9.75 10 10.5 1.1 11.2 11.8 12 12.5 12.8 13 Print Date: August 31, 2016 Inch) A mm A inch B mm B inch .065 .098 .118 .122 .134 .142 .193 .226 .248 .252 .256 .268 .285 .287 .305 .331 .335 .354 .378 .382 .384 .394 .413 .433 .441 .465 .472 .492 .504 .512 1.62/1.78 2.46/2.61 2.97/3.12 3.07/3.22 3.38/3.53 3.58/3.73 4.87/5.03 5.71/5.87 6.27/6.42 6.37/6.55 6.47/6.65 6.78/6.96 7.21/7.39 7.26/7.44 7.72/7.90 8.38/8.56 8.48/8.66 8.96/9.14 9.57/9.75 9.67/9.85 9.72/9.90 9.98/10.16 10.46/10.64 10.97/11.15 11.17/11.35 11.78/11.96 11.96/12.14 12.47/12.65 12.75/13.00 12.95/13.20 .064/.070 .097/.103 .117/.123 .121/.127 .133/.139 .141/.147 .192/.198 .225/.231 .247/.253 .251/.258 .255/.262 .267/.274 .284/.291 .286/.293 .304/.311 .330/.337 .334/.341 .353/.360 377/.384 .381/.388 .383/.390 .393/.400 .412/.419 .432/.439 .440/.447 .464/.471 .471/.478 .491/.498 .502/.512 .510/.520 1.52/1.88 2.38/2.74 2.89/3.25 2.99/3.35 3.30/3.65 3.50/3.86 4.80/5.15 5.63/5.99 6.20/6.55 6.30/6.70 6.40/6.81 6.70/7.11 7.14/7.54 7.19/7.59 7.64/8.05 8.30/8.71 8.40/8.81 8.89/9.30 9.50/9.90 9.60/10.00 9.65/10.05 9.90/10.31 1.39/10.79 10.90/11.30 11.10/11.50 11.71/12.11 11.88/12.29 12.39/12.80 12.65/13.18 12.85/13.38 .060/.074 .094/.108 .114/.128 .118/.132 .130/.144 .138/.152 .189/.203 .222/.236 .244/.258 .248/.264 .252/.268 .264/.280 .281/.297 .283/.299 .301/.317 .327/.343 .331/.347 .350/.366 .374/.390 .378/.394 .380/.396 .390/.406 .409/.425 .429/.445 .437/.453 .461/.477 .468/.484 .488/.504 .498/.519 .506/.527 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 10 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS A & B Tolerances for Metric drilled holes (Con’t) mm 13.5 13.6 14 14.35 14.4 14.5 14.75 16 16.5 17 17.35 17.5 17.75 18 18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 21 21.5 22 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5 25 Print Date: August 31, 2016 Inch) A mm A inch B mm B inch .532 .535 .551 .565 .567 .571 .581 .630 .650 .669 .683 .689 .699 .709 .728 .748 .768 .787 .807 .827 .846 .866 .884 .906 .925 .945 .965 .984 13.46/13.71 13.53/13.79 .13.94/14.20 14.30/14.55 14.35/14.60 14.45/14.70 14.70/14.96 15.95/16.20 16.46/16.71 16.94/17.19 17.29/17.55 17.45/17.70 17.70/17.96 17.96/18.21 18.44/18.69 18.95/19.20 19.45/19.76 19.94/20.24 20.44/20.75 20.95/21.26 21.43/21.74 21.94/22.25 22.45/22.76 22.96/23.26 23.44/23.75 23.95/24.25 24.46/24.76 24.94/25.24 .530/.540 .533/.543 .549/.559 .563/.573 .565/.575 .569/.579 .579/.589 .628/.638 .648/.658 .667/.677 .681/.691 .687/.697 .697/.707 .707/.717 .726/.736 .746/.756 .766/.778 .785/.797 .805/.817 .825/.837 .844/.856 .864/.876 .884/.896 .904/.916 .923/.935 .943/.955 .963/.975 .982/.994 13.36/13.89 13.43/13.97 13.84/14.37 14.20/14.73 14.25/14.78 14.35/14.88 14.60/15.14 15.85/16.38 16.35/16.89 16.84/17.37 17.19/17.73 17.35/17.88 17.60/.1714 17.85/18.39 18.34/18.87 18.84/19.38 19.35/20.01 19.84/20.50 20.34/21.00 20.85/21.51 21.33/22.00 21.84/22.50 22.35/23.01 22.86/23.52 23.34/24.00 23.85/24.51 24.35/25.02 24.84/25.50 .526/.547 .529/.550 .545/.566 .559/.580 .561/.582 .565/.586 .575/.596 .624/.645 .644/.665 .663/.684 .677/.698 .683/.704 .693/.714 .703/.724 .722/.743 .742/.763 .762/.788 .781/.807 .801/.827 .821/.847 .840/.866 .860/.886 .880/.906 .900/.926 .919/.945 .939/.965 .959/.985 .978/1.004 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 11 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS A & B Tolerances for Numbered drilled holes Rounded off to 3 Decimal Places per ANSI Standard Z25.1 Hole Size 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 Print Date: August 31, 2016 IN. .013 .014 .016 .018 .020 .021 .022 .024 .025 .026 .028 .029 .031 .032 033 .035 .036 .037 .038 .039 .040 .041 .042 .043 .046 .052 .055 .060 .064 .067 .070 .073 .076 .078 .081 .082 .086 .089 .094 .096 .096 .100 .102 .104 A .012/.016 .013/.017 .015/.019 .017/.021 .019/.023 .020/.024 .021/.025 .023/.027 .024/.028 .025/.029 .027/.031 .028/.032 .030/.034 .031/.035 .032/.036 .034/.038 .035/.039 .036/.040 .037/.041 .038/.042 .039/.043 .040/.044 .041/.045 .042/.046 .045/.049 .051/.055 .054/.058 .059/.063 .063/.069 .066/.072 .069/.075 .072/.078 .075/.081 .077/.083 .080/.086 .081/.087 .085/.091 .088/.094 .093/.099 .095/.101 .097/.103 .099/.105 .100/.107 .103/.109 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy B .012/.016 .013/.017 .015/.019 .017/.021 .019/.023 .020/.024 .021/.025 .023/.027 .024/.028 .025/.029 .027/.031 .028/.032 .030/.034 .031/.035 .032/.036 .034/.038 .035/.039 .036/.040 .037/.041 .038/.042 .039/.043 .040/.044 .041/.045 .042/.046 .045/.049 051/.055 .054/.058 .059/.063 .060/.074 .063/.077 .066/.080 .069/.083 .072/.086 .074/.088 .077/.091 .078/.092 .082/.096 .085/.099 .090/.104 .092/.106 .094/.108 .096/.110 .098/.112 .100/.114 Page 12 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS A & B Tolerances for Number Drilled Holes Cont. Rounded off to 3 Decimal Places per ANSI Standard Z25.1 Hole Size 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Print Date: August 31, 2016 IN. .106 .110 .111 .113 .116 .120 .128 .136 .140 .144 .147 .150 .152 .154 .157 .159 .161 .166 .170 .173 .177 .180 .182 .185 .189 .191 .194 .196 .199 .201 .204 .206 .209 .213 .221 .228 A .105/.111 .109/.115 .110/.116 .112/.118 .115/.121 .119/.125 .127/.133 .135/.141 .139/.145 .143/.149 .146/.152 .149/.155 .151/.157 .153/.159 .156/.162 .158/.164 .160/.166 .165/.171 .169/.175 .172/.178 .176/.182 .179/.185 .181/.187 .184/.190 .188/.194 .190/.196 .193/.199 .195/.201 .198/.204 .200/.206 .203/.209 .205/.211 .208/.214 .212/.218 .220/.226 .227/.233 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy B .102/.116 .106/.120 .107/.121 .109/.123 .112/.126 .116/.130 .124/.138 .132/.146 .136/.150 .140/.154 .143/.157 .146/.160 .148/.162 .150/.164 .153/.167 .155/.169 .157/.171 .162/.176 .166/.180 .169/.183 .173/.187 .176/.190 .178/.192 .181/.195 .185/.199 .187/.201 .190/.204 .192/.206 .195/.209 .197/.211 .200/.214 .202/.216 .205/.219 .209/.223 .217/.231 .224/.238 Page 13 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Sandvik T-MAX U Drill bottom profile T-MAX U Drill Diameter A B C R Metric 18.50 to 20.99 3.50 3.00 0.60 0.80 21.00 to 25.99 4.00 3.50 0.70 0.80 26.00 to 30.99 5.10 4.60 0.90 0.80 31.00 to 41.99 6.10 5.60 1.10 0.80 42.00 to 56.00 8.10 7.40 1.40 1.20 0.728 to 0.826 0.138 0.118 0.024 0.032 0.827 to 1.023 0.158 0.138 0.028 0.032 1.024 to 1.220 0.2 0.181 0.035 0.032 1.220 to 1.653 0.24 0.22 0.043 0.032 1.654 to 2.205 0.319 0.291 0.055 0.047 Inch Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 14 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Fraction conversions Fractional Inch to Decimal Inch and Millimeters Fractional Inch 1/64 Decimal Inch .0156 Millimeters 0.397 Fractional Inch 33/64 Decimal Inch .5156 Millimeters 13.097 1/32 .0312 0.794 17/32 .5313 13.494 3/64 .0469 1.191 35/64 .5469 13.891 1/16 .0625 1.588 9/16 .5625 14.288 5/64 .0781 1.984 37/64 .5781 14.684 3/32 .0937 2.381 19/32 .5937 15.081 7/64 .1094 2.778 39/64 .6094 15.478 1/8 .125 3.175 5/8 .625 15.875 9/64 .1406 3.572 41/64 .6406 16.272 5/32 .1562 3.969 21/32 .6562 16.669 11/64 .1719 4.357 43/64 .6719 17.066 3/16 .1875 4.762 11/16 .6875 17.462 13/64 .2031 5.159 45/64 .7031 17.859 7/32 .2187 5.556 23/32 .7187 18.256 15/64 .2344 5.953 47/64 .7344 18.653 1/4 .25 6.350 3/4 .75 19.050 17/64 .2656 6.747 47/64 .7656 19.447 9/32 .2812 7.144 25/32 .7812 19.844 19/64 .2969 7.541 51/64 .7969 20.241 5/16 .3125 7.937 13/16 .8125 20.638 21/64 .3281 8.334 53/64 .8281 21.034 11/32 .3437 8.731 27/32 .8438 21.431 23/64 .3594 9.128 55/64 .8594 21.828 3/8 .375 9.525 7/8 .875 22.225 25/64 .3906 9.922 51/64 .8906 22.622 13/32 .4062 10.319 29/32 .9062 23.019 27/64 .4219 10.716 59/64 .9219 23.416 7/16 .4375 11.112 15/16 .9375 23.813 29/64 .4531 11.509 61/64 .9531 24.209 15/32 .4688 11.906 31/32 .9688 24.606 31/64 .4844 12.303 63/64 .9844 25.003 1/2 .50 12.700 1 1.0000 25.400 Note: Metric dimension divided by 25.4 = Standard dimension Standard dimension multiplied by 25.4 = Metric dimension Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 15 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Conversion Table Millimeters to Inches MM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Inches 0.03937 0.07874 0.11811 0.15748 0.19685 0.23622 0.27559 0.31496 0.35433 0.39370 0.43307 0.47244 0.51181 0.55118 0.59055 0.62992 0.66929 0.70866 0.74803 0.78740 0.82677 0.86614 0.90551 0.94480 0.98425 1.02362 1.06299 1.10236 1.14173 1.18110 1.22047 1.25984 1.29921 MM 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Inches 1.33858 1.37795 1.41732 1.45669 1.49606 1.53543 1.57480 1.61417 1.65354 1.69291 1.73228 1.77165 1.81102 1.85039 1.88976 1.92913 1.96850 2.00787 2.04724 2.08661 2.12598 2.16535 2.20472 2.24409 2.28346 2.32283 2.36220 2.40157 2.44094 2.48031 2.51968 2.55905 2.59842 2.63779 MM 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Inches 2.67716 2.71653 2.75590 2.79527 2.83464 2.87401 2.91338 2.95275 2.99212 3.03149 3.07086 3.11023 3.14960 3.18897 3.22834 3.26771 3.30708 3.34645 3.38582 3.42519 3.46456 3.50393 3.54330 3.58267 3.62204 3.66141 3.70078 3.74015 3.77952 3.81889 3.85826 3.89763 3.93700 Pressure Conversions P.S.I. to Metric P.S.I. x 27.71 = .in H2O P.S.I. x 2.036 = Hg P.S.I. x 703.1 = mm/H2O P.S.I. x 51.75 = mm/Hg P.S.I. x .0703 = kg/cm2 Torque Conversions Kg / m x 7.233 = ft/lbs N/m x 8.9 = in/lbs N/m x .74 = ft/lbs 1 Ft/lb = 12 in/lbs Print Date: August 31, 2016 P.S.I. x .0689 = bar P.S.I. x 68.95 = mbar P.S.I. x 6.895 = kPa P.S.I. x 6895 = Pa Approx. Wt. Conversion Cast Iron = Steel x .91 Aluminum = Steel x .35 Delrin = Steel x .18 Brass = Steel x 1.08 Steel in lbs. = Area in cubic inch X .2836 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 16 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Hardness Conversion Tables for steel and hard alloys C Rockwell Scale 15N 30N 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 96.5 96.0 95.5 95.0 94.5 94.0 93.5 93.0 92.5 92.0 91.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 89.5 89.0 88.5 88.0 87.5 87.0 86.5 86.0 85.5 85.0 84.5 84.0 83.5 83.0 82.5 82.0 81.5 81.0 80.5 80.0 79.5 79.0 78.5 78.0 77.0 76.5 76.0 75.5 75.0 74.5 74.0 73.5 72.5 72.0 71.5 71.0 70.5 Print Date: August 31, 2016 92.0 91.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 89.0 88.5 88.0 87.0 86.5 86.0 85.0 84.5 83.5 83.0 82.0 81.0 80.0 79.0 78.5 77.5 76.5 75.5 75.0 74.0 73.0 72.0 71.0 70.5 69.5 68.5 67.5 66.5 66.0 65.0 64.0 63.0 62.0 61.5 60.5 59.5 58.5 57.5 56.5 56.0 55.0 54.0 53.0 52.0 51.5 50.5 49.5 48.5 47.5 47.0 46.0 45.0 44.0 43.0 45N Khn 500g & over Bhn 3000 kg 87.0 86.5 85.5 84.5 83.5 82.5 81.5 80.5 79.5 78.5 77.5 76.5 75.5 74.5 73.0 72.0 71.0 70.0 69.0 67.5 66.5 65.5 64.0 63.0 62.0 61.0 59.5 58.5 57.5 56.0 55.0 54.0 52.5 51.5 50.0 49.0 48.0 46.5 45.5 44.5 43.0 42.0 41.0 39.5 38.5 37.0 36.0 35.0 33.5 32.5 31.5 30.0 29.0 28.0 26.5 25.5 24.0 23.0 22.0 972 946 920 895 870 846 822 799 776 754 732 710 690 670 650 630 612 594 576 558 542 526 510 495 480 466 452 438 426 414 402 391 380 370 360 351 342 334 326 318 311 304 297 290 284 278 272 266 261 614 600 587 573 560 547 534 522 509 496 484 472 460 448 437 426 415 404 393 382 372 362 352 342 332 322 313 305 297 290 283 276 270 265 260 255 250 245 240 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Tensile Strength 1,000 psi (approx.) 301 291 282 273 264 255 246 237 229 221 214 207 200 194 188 182 177 171 166 162 157 153 148 144 140 136 132 129 126 123 120 117 115 112 Page 17 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS C Rockwell Scale 15N 30N 21 20 70.0 69.5 42.5 41.5 45N Khn 500g & over Bhn 3000 kg 20.5 19.5 256 251 235 230 Tensile Strength 1,000 psi (approx.) 110 108 Rules for Hardness Testing for best results: 1. Remove all Decarburization. 2. Surface finish better 32 R.A. 3. Surface being tested must be perpendicular to the indentor. Gauge and Wire Conversion - Decimals of an inch Gauge NO. 2-0’s 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 (For accuracy always specify by decimal) Galvanized Sheet Steel Wire MFRS.STD.* Music Wire Gage Ga.** .2391 .2243 .2092 .1943 .1793 .1644 .1495 .1345 .1196 .1046 .0897 .0747 .0673 .0598 .0538 .0478 .0418 .0359 .0329 .0299 .0269 .0239 .0209 .0179 .0164 .0149 .0135 .0120 .0105 .0097 .0090 .0082 .1681 .1532 .1382 .1233 .1084 .0934 .0785 .0710 .0635 .0575 .0516 .0456 .0396 .0366 .0336 .0306 .0276 .0247 .0217 .0202 .0187 .0172 .0157 .0142 .0134 - .3310 .3065 .2830 .2625 .2437 .2253 .2070 .1920 .1770 .1620 .1483 .1350 .1205 .1055 .0915 .0800 .0720 .0625 .0540 .0475 .0410 .0348 .0317 .0286 .0258 .0230 .0204 .0181 .0173 .0162 .0150 .0140 .0132 .0128 .0118 .0104 .008 .009 .010 .011 .012 .013 .014 .016 .018 .020 .022 .024 .026 .029 .031 .033 .035 .037 .039 .041 .043 .045 .047 .049 .051 .055 .059 .063 .067 .071 .075 .080 .085 .090 .095 .100 Replaces U.S. Standard (Revised) Gauge Replaces Washburn and Moen Gauge. Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 18 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Decimal Equivalents Conversions For fractions, wire gauge, letter and metric sizes Sizes 97 96 95 94 93 92 .2mm 91 90 .22mm 89 88 .25mm 87 86 85 .28mm 84 .3mm 83 82 .32mm 81 80 .35mm 79 1/64 .4mm 78 .45mm 77 .5mm 76 75 .55mm 74 .6mm 73 72 .65mm 71 .7mm 70 Decimal 0.0059 0.0063 0.0067 0.0071 0.0075 0.0079 0.0079 0.0083 0.0087 0.0087 0.0091 0.0095 0.0098 0.01 0.0105 0.011 0.011 0.0115 0.0118 0.012 0.0125 0.0126 0.013 0.0135 0.0138 0.0145 0.0156 0.0157 0.016 0.0177 0.018 0.0197 0.02 0.021 0.0217 0.0225 0.0236 0.024 0.025 0.0256 0.026 0.0276 0.028 Print Date: August 31, 2016 Sizes 68 1/32 .8mm 67 66 .85mm 65 .9mm 64 63 .95mm 62 61 1mm 0.6 59 1.05mm 58 57 1.1mm 1.15mm 56 3/64 1.2mm 1.25mm 1.3mm 55 1.35mm 54 1.4mm 1.45mm 1.5mm 53 1.55mm 1/16 1.6mm 52 1.65mm 1.7mm 51 1.75mm 50 1.8mm Decimal 0.031 0.0312 0.0315 0.032 0.033 0.0335 0.035 0.0354 0.036 0.037 0.0374 0.038 0.039 0.0394 0.04 0.041 0.0413 0.042 0.043 0.0433 0.0453 0.0465 0.0469 0.0472 0.0492 0.0512 0.052 0.0531 0.055 0.0551 0.0571 0.0591 0.0595 0.061 0.0625 0.063 0.0635 0.065 0.0669 0.067 0.0689 0.07 0.0709 Sizes 1.9mm 48 1.95mm 5/64 47 2mm 2.05mm 46 45 2.1mm 2.15mm 44 2.2mm 2.25mm 43 2.3mm 2.35mm 42 3/32 2.4mm 41 2.45mm 40 2.5mm 39 38 2.6mm 37 2.7mm 36 2.75mm 7/64 35 2.8mm 34 33 2.9mm 32 3mm 31 3.1mm 1/8 3.2mm Decimal 0.0748 0.076 0.0768 0.0781 0.0785 0.0787 0.0807 0.081 0.082 0.0827 0.0846 0.086 0.0866 0.0886 0.089 0.0906 0.0925 0.0935 0.0938 0.0945 0.096 0.0965 0.098 0.0984 0.0995 0.1015 0.1024 0.104 0.1063 0.1065 0.1083 0.1094 0.11 0.1102 0.111 0.113 0.1142 0.116 0.1181 0.12 0.122 0.125 0.126 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Sizes 3.3mm 3.4mm 29 3.5mm 28 9/64 3.6mm 27 3.7mm 26 3.75mm 25 3.8mm 24 3.9mm 23 5/32 22 4mm 21 20 4.1mm 4.2mm 19 4.25mm 4.3mm 18 11/64 17 4.4mm 16 4.5mm 15 4.6mm 14 13 4.7mm 4.75mm 3/16 4.8mm 12 11 4.9mm Decimal 0.1299 0.1339 0.136 0.1378 0.1405 0.1406 0.1417 0.144 0.1457 0.147 0.1476 0.1495 0.1496 0.152 0.1535 0.154 0.1562 0.157 0.1575 0.159 0.161 0.1614 0.1654 0.166 0.1673 0.1693 0.1695 0.1719 0.173 0.1732 0.177 0.1772 0.18 0.1811 0.182 0.185 0.185 0.187 0.1875 0.189 0.189 0.191 0.1929 Page 19 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Decimal Equivalents Conversions (Con’t) Sizes 69 .75mm 5mm 8 5.1mm 7 13/64 6 5.2mm 5 5.25mm 5.3mm 4 5.4mm 3 5.5mm 7/32 5.6mm 2 5.7mm 5.75mm 1 5.8mm 5.9mm A 15/64 6mm B 6.1mm C 6.2mm D 6.25mm 6.3mm E 1/4 6.4mm 6.5mm F 6.6mm G 6.7mm 17/64 6.75mm Decimal 0.0292 0.0295 0.1969 0.199 0.2008 0.201 0.2031 0.204 0.2047 0.2055 0.2067 0.2087 0.209 0.2126 0.213 0.2165 0.2188 0.2205 0.221 0.2244 0.2264 0.228 0.2283 0.2323 0.234 0.2344 0.2362 0.238 0.2402 0.242 0.2441 0.246 0.2461 0.248 0.25 0.25 0.252 0.2559 0.257 0.2598 0.261 0.2638 0.2656 0.2657 Print Date: August 31, 2016 Sizes 1.85mm 49 7mm J 7.1mm K 9/32 7.2mm 7.25mm 7.3mm L 7.4mm M 7.5mm 19/64 7.6mm N 7.7mm 7.75mm 7.8mm 7.9mm 5/16 8mm O 8.1mm 8.2mm P 8.25mm 8.3mm 21/64 8.4mm Q 8.5mm 8.6mm R 8.7mm 11/32 8.75mm 8.8mm S 8.9mm 9mm T 9.1mm Decimal 0.0728 0.073 0.2756 0.277 0.2795 0.281 0.2812 0.2835 0.2854 0.2874 0.29 0.2913 0.295 0.2953 0.2969 0.2992 0.302 0.3031 0.3051 0.3071 0.311 0.3125 0.315 0.316 0.3189 0.3228 0.323 0.3248 0.3268 0.3281 0.3307 0.332 0.3346 0.3386 0.339 0.3425 0.3438 0.3445 0.3465 0.348 0.3504 0.3543 0.358 0.3583 Sizes 3.25mm 30 U 9.4mm 9.5mm 3/8 V 9.6mm 9.7mm 9.75mm 9.8mm W 9.9mm 25/64 10mm X Y 13/32 Z 10.5mm 27/64 11mm 7/16 11.5mm 29/64 15/32 12mm 31/64 12.5mm 1/2 13mm 33/64 17/32 13.5mm 35/64 14mm 9/16 14.5mm 37/64 15mm 19/32 39/64 15.5mm 5/8 Decimal 0.128 0.1285 0.368 0.3701 0.374 0.375 0.377 0.378 0.3819 0.3839 0.3858 0.386 0.3898 0.3906 0.3937 0.397 0.404 0.4062 0.413 0.4134 0.4219 0.4331 0.4375 0.4528 0.4531 0.4688 0.4724 0.4844 0.4921 0.5 0.5118 0.5156 0.5312 0.5315 0.5469 0.5512 0.5625 0.5709 0.5781 0.5906 0.5938 0.6094 0.6102 0.625 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Sizes 10 9 17mm 43/64 11/16 17.5mm 45/64 18mm 23/32 18.5mm 47/64 19mm 3/4 49/64 19.5mm 25/32 20mm 51/64 20.5mm 13/16 21mm 53/64 27/32 21.5mm 5564 22mm 7/8 22.5mm 57/64 23mm 29/32 59/64 23.5mm 15/16 24mm 61/64 24.5mm 31/32 25mm 63/64 1 Decimal 0.1935 0.196 0.6693 0.6719 0.6875 0.689 0.7031 0.7087 0.7188 0.7283 0.7344 0.748 0.75 0.7656 0.7677 0.7812 0.7874 0.7969 0.8071 0.8125 0.8268 0.8281 0.8438 0.8465 0.8594 0.8661 0.875 0.8858 0.8906 0.9055 0.9062 0.9219 0.9252 0.9375 0.9449 0.9531 0.9646 0.9688 0.9843 0.9844 1 Page 20 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Decimal Equivalents Conversions (Con’t) Sizes H 6.8mm 6.9mm I Decimal 0.266 0.2677 0.2717 0.272 Sizes 23/64 9.2mm 9.25mm 9.3mm Decimal 0.3594 0.3622 0.3642 0.3661 Sizes 16mm 41/64 16.5mm 21/32 Decimal 0.6299 0.6409 0.6496 0.6562 Sizes Decimal SI - The Metrics International System of Units The International System of Units (SI) is a modernized version of the metric system established by international agreement. The metric system of measurement was developed during the French Revolution and was first promoted in the U.S. by Thomas Jefferson. Its use was legalized in the U.S. in 1866. In 1902, proposed congressional legislation requiring the U.S. Government to use the metric system exclusively was defeated by a single vote. SI provides a logical and interconnected framework for all measurements in science, industry, and commerce. The metric system is much simpler to use than the existing English system since all its units of measurement are divisible by 10. Conversion Factors The following list provides the conversion relationship between U.S. customary units and SI (International System units. The proper conversion procedure is to multiply the specified value on the left (primarily U.S. customary values) by the conversion factor exactly as given below and then round to the appropriate number of significant digits desired. For example, to convert 11.4 ft to meters: 11.4 X 0.3048 = 3.47472, which rounds to 3.47 meters. Do not round either value before performing the multiplication, as accuracy would be reduced. A complete guide to the SI system and its use can be found in ASTM E 380, Metric Practice. UNITS OF MEASURE As suggested by Federal Standard 376B January 27, 1993 STANDARD ITEM TABLE METRIC EQUIVALENT ACRE hectare (ha) CUBIC FOOT cubic meter (m3) CUBIC YARD cubic meter (m3) FAHRENHEIT kelvin (K) or degree Celsius (C) FOOT/LBS newton-meter (N-m) FT. LBS./SEC. watt (W) GALLON/MGALLON liter (L), cubic meter (m3) HUNDRED WEIGHT kilogram (kg) INCH millimeter (mm) KIPS;KSI kilopascal (kPa) or megapascal (MPa) LBS/ACRE kilograms/hectare LBS/CU. FT. kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m3) LBS/SQ YD kilopascal (kPa) LBS/SQ. FT kilopascal (kPa) LBS/SQ. IN kilopascal (kPa), megapascal (MPa if very large number) LINEAR FOOT meter (m) MBOARD FEET cubic meter (m3) MIL micrometer (um) MILE kilometer (km) POUND kilogram (kg) for mass, newton (N) for force SQUARE FOOT square meter (m2) SQUARE YARD square meter (m2) TON tonne (t) Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 21 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Length Conversion Factors To convert from mile (US Statute) inch (in) inch (in) inch (in) foot (ft) yard (yd) to kilometer (km) millimeter (mm) centimeter (cm) meter (m) meter (m) meter (m) To convert from square foot (sq ft) square inch (sq in) square yard (sq yd) acre (ac) to square meter (sq m) square meter (sq m) square meter (sq m) hectare (ha) To convert from cubic inch (cu in) cubic foot (cu ft) cubic yard (cu yd) gallon (gal) Canada liquid gallon (gal) Canada liquid gallon (gal) U.S. liquid** gallon (gal) U.S. liquid,fluid ounce (fl oz) U.S. liquid fluid ounce (fl oz) to cubic meter (cu m) cubic meter (cu m) cubic meter (cu m) liter cubic meter (cu m) liter cubic meter (cu m) milliliters (ml) cubic meter (cu m) multiply by 1.609347 25.4 * 2.54 * 0.0254 * 0.3048 * 0.9144 * Area Conversion Factors multiply by 0.09290304 E 0.00064516 E 0.83612736 E 0.4047 Volume Conversion Factors multiply by 0.00001639 0.02831685 0.7645549 4.546 0.004546 3.7854118 0.00378541 29.57353 0.00002957 **One U.S. gallon equals 0.8327 Canadian gallon. Note: One U.S. gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds (U.S.) at 60 degrees F. One cubic foot of water weighs 62.4 pounds (U.S.). One milliliter of water has a mass of 1 gram and has a volume of one cubic centimeter. Force Conversion Factors To convert from kip (1000 lb) kip (1000 lb) pound (lb) avoirdupois pound (lb) to kilogram (kg) newton (N) kilogram (kg) newton (N) multiply by 453.6 4,448.222 0.4535924 4.448222 Pressure or Stress Conversion Factors To convert from kip per square inch (ksi) pound per square foot (psf) pound per square foot (psf) pound per square inch (psi) pound per square inch (psi) to megapascal (MPa) kilogram per square meter (kg/sq m) pascal (Pa) pascal (Pa) megapascal (MPa) multiply by 6.894757 4.8824 47.88 6,894.757 0.00689476 Mass (weight) Conversion Factors To convert from pound (lb) avoirdupois ton, 2000 lb Print Date: August 31, 2016 to kilogram (kg) kilogram (kg) multiply by 0.4535924 907.1848 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 22 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Mass (weight) per length kip per linear foot (klf) pound per linear foot (plf) kilogram per meter (kg/m) kilogram per meter (kg/m) Mass per volume (density) pound per cubic foot (pcf) pound per cubic yard (lb/cu yd) 0.001488 1.488 kilogram per cubic meter (kg/cu m) kilogram per cubic meter (kg/cu m) 16.01846 0.5933 Temperature Conversion Factors To convert from Temperature degree Fahrenheit (F) degree Fahrenheit (F) kelvin (K) Energy and heat British thermal unit(Btu) calorie (cal) Btu/degree kilowatt-hour (kwh) British thermal unit per pound (Btu/lb) British thermal unit per hour (Btu/hr) to multiply by degree Celsius (C) kelvin (K) degree Celsius (C) tc=(tF-32)/1.8 tk = (tF+459.7)/1.8 tc=tk-273.15 joule (J) joule (J) F x hr x ft2 W/m2 - degree K joule (J) calories per gram (cal/g) watt (W) 1055.056 4.1868E 5.678263 3,600,000E 0.55556 0.2930711 Power Conversion Factors Power horsepower (hp) watt (W) 745.6999 E Velocity mile per hour (mph) mile per hour (mph) kilometer per hour(km/hr) meter per second (m/s) 1.60934 0.44704 Sheet Metal Conversion Factors SHEET METAL Most specification references use gage number followed by the decimal inch thickness. Example: 22 gage (0.034 inch) Metric specifications use the absolute mm thickness. It is not the intent of this guidance to change the thickness of currently used sheeting. The following chart may be used to specify sheet metal. The thickness under "Specify" is thinner than the actual gage thickness, since specifications give minimum thickness. Gage Inch Exact (mm) Specify (mm) 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 0.0134 0.0157 0.0187 0.0217 0.0276 0.0336 0.0396 0.0516 0.0635 0.0785 0.1084 0.1382 0.1681 0.3404 0.3988 0.4750 0.5512 0.7010 0.8534 1.0058 1.3106 1.6129 1.9939 2.7534 3.5103 4.2697 0.34 0.39 0.47 0.55 0.70 0.85 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.7 3.5 4.2 Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 23 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS More Useful Conversion Factors Quantity From English Units To Metric Units Multiply by* Length Mile Yard Foot Inch km m m mm 1.609347 0.9144** 0.3048** 25.40** square mile Acre Acre square yard square foot square inch km 2 m2 hectare m2 m2 mm 2 2.590 4047 0.4047 0.8361 0.09290 645.2 acre foot cubic yard cubic foot cubic foot 100 board feet Gallon m3 m3 m3 L (1000 cm 3) m3 L (1000 cm 3) 1 233 0.7646 0.02832 28.32 0.2360 3.785 lb kip (1000 lb) kg 0.4536 metric ton (1000kg) 0.4536 plf kg/m 1.488 psf kg/m 2 4.882 pcf kg/m 3 16.02 N kN 4.448 4.448 N/m kN/m 14.59 14.59 Pa kPa kPa MPa 47.88 47.88 6.895 6.895 N.m kN . m 1.356 1.356 Area Volume Mass Mass/unit length Mass/unit area Mass density Force lb Kip Force/unit length plf Klf Pressure, stress, modules of elasticity psf ksf psi ksi Bending moment, torque, moment of force ft-lb ft-kip * 4 significant digits ** denotes exact conversion Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 24 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Knurling The term "Knurl" (Fine, Medium or Coarse) shall be interpreted as “Diamond Knurl" unless otherwise specified on the drawing. Note: When Diamond Knurl is called out, a Medium Knurl is preferred if size is not specified. Design Engineering should specify either a straight knurl or a diamond knurl (include class or size if important) on the drawing. If a straight knurl is shown on the drawing and called out as "Knurl", Design Engineering must be called to verify which type of knurl is to be used and to update the drawing as required. All Diameters are checked “before knurling” unless specified on the drawing. Class, in TPI, should be specified by size, i.e. Coarse, Medium, Fine, or Extra Fine. The following table represents a conversion of class to size: Class Coarse Medium Fine Extra Fine Teeth Per Inch (Range) 16 25 35 50 12 20 30 40 Diametrical Pitch = Total number of teeth divided by the nominal tool diameter. EXAMPLE: A knurling tool with a 64 D.P. and nominal diameter of .750. 64 X .750 = 48 Total number of teeth. Total number of teeth divided by the circumference of tool (TTD) = Teeth Per Inch. 48 divided by (3.1416 X .750) = 20.37 T.P.I. which would be classified as Medium. Optional Band Knurl Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 25 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Manufacturing Allowance for Holes Reamed/Honed Hole Depth Unless otherwise noted, all holes that are reamed or honed to final size must be controlled to the specified size for a depth within 2.50mm (.100) max. of actual hole depth specified. I.e. Hole depth is 12.70mm (.500), Reamed depth must be to 10.2mm (.400) min. Press Fit Holes Manufacturing of holes less than .05mm (.002) tolerance that are designed for a press application do not require 100% clean-up. The following guidelines apply. 1. It must be determined that the application is a press fit and documented on the back of the routing on where it is used. 2. The clean up is to be in tolerance and visually inspected to be no less than 50%. 3. The clean-up area must be cylindrical. No one side of the hole (entire Length), or max. hole depth of 25% on one end. (bell-mouth) 4. Inspection is to be completed with bore gauge and final acceptance is to be plug gages. 5. Holes should not have a specified finish other than title block. Unfinished area should not exceed .02% of the hole diameter, beyond maximum hole tolerance. i.e. a 12.70/ 12.75mm (.500/.502) hole must not exceed 12.75mm (.502) + .02% or .25mm (.001) = 12.75mm (.503) in the non cleaned up area. Acceptance Standard for Thermally Cut Product All products / blanks being thermally cut, i.e. laser, plasma, or flame cut need to meet the following conditions and should be costed accordingly: 1) All slag to be removed from parts. 2) Cut surface not to exceed the profile tolerance or contain gouges exceeding 1/8 inch in depth, which ever is better. This finish is not controlled by the title block surface finish but should be considered to be a 1000A finish or better. 3) The starting / stopping point shall meet or be blended to meet the part‘s profile requirements specified on the part’s drawing. Other part specific requirements not covered by the part’s print are to be listed in the Item Data Purchasing text. Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 26 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Purpose This document describes the practices, guidelines, specifications and procedures necessary to assure quality forgings. Scope This document applies to all ferrous forgings performed at the Owatonna Eisenhower Drive facility using drop hammers and upsetter. Definitions and Acronyms F.I.R. – Full Indicator Reading T.I.R. – Total Indicator Reading Documents, Forms and Equipment The standard(s) listed below shall be considered a part of this specification where applicable. In the event of conflict, this document shall take precedence unless otherwise indicated and specified. PD0193 – Manufacturing Standard Reference Guide General Requirements This shall apply to all Bosch end-use forgings, both Bosch worked and purchased. Steel forging suppliers shall meet these requirements and shall have adequate means of material/process control, material testing, approvals, and reporting to assure metallurgical quality of forging material and forged products. In addition, forgings shall comply with supplementary and additional customer requirements not covered in this document. Specifications and requirements shall be provided on drawings and/or purchase orders. Forging Repairs Salvage operations, such as repair welding, shall not be permitted unless approved by the manufacturing engineer/metallurgist and/or specified on the drawing or work order. Repaired forgings shall be examined for acceptance by the manufacturing engineer or metallurgist. All repairs by welding shall conform to a Weld Procedure Sheet written by the supplier; this shall include: electrode, welding parameters, method of removing defects, preheat/post-heat (if needed), finishing requirements, etc. The current Weld Procedure Sheet shall be made available upon request for audit by Bosch. Grain Size and Microstructure Forging processes shall be controlled and monitored to ensure consistent microstructure, grain size, and surface decarburization throughout the production history of the component. The forging process shall be validated whenever a process change occurs. Parts with more than 0.25% carbon that require machining or subsequent heat treatment (quench & temper) shall be annealed or normalized after forging to soften the material, create homogeneity and relieve stresses from forging. Verification of Flow Lines New forgings shall be verified by macro etch examination that the flow line pattern is satisfactory to produce sound forgings that are free of injurious defects such as interrupted flow lines, folds, laps, burrs, etc. Existing forgings shall be re-verified by macro etch examination that the flow line pattern in any existing forging, which undergoes a major change in part configuration, forging stock, die design, or forging process. Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 27 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Temperature Control Unless otherwise specified, forging temperatures of various materials shall conform to commonly accepted industry standards and should not exceed the recommended maximum hot working temperatures for the individual materials. Also see Table 1 for general guideline. Carbon Content, % 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.90 1.00 Max. Safe Forging Temp. Carbon Steels Alloy Steels °C °F °C °F 1290 2350 1260 2300 1275 2325 1245 2275 1260 2300 1230 2250 1245 2275 1230 2250 1230 2250 1230 2250 1205 2200 1205 2200 1190 2175 1175 2150 1150 2100 1110 2025 - Table 1 – Maximum Safe Forging Temperature For stock measuring up to 3.000” in diameter, the heating time per inch of section thickness should be no more than 5 min for low-carbon and medium-carbon steels or no more than 6 min for low-allow steel. For stock 3.000” to 9.000” in diameter, the heating time should be no more than 15 min per inch of thickness. For high-carbon steels (0.50% C and higher) and for highly alloyed steel, slower heating rates are required to prevent cracking. Parts should also be cooled according to manufacturer’s recommendations or as specified in order to avoid distortion, injury and ensure complete transformation of austenite to pearlite and ferrite. Finishing temperature should be well above the recrystallization temperature to prevent cracking. Recrystallization temperature for steels is typically between 750°F and 1300°F. Cleaning Cleaning of forgings implies complete removal of hot rolling and forging scale that may interfere with subsequent operations such as heat treating, machining, welding, painting, etc. Cleaning of forgings does not imply “rust free”, if the forging is required to be rust free, this requirement shall be specified. Cleaning of the forging by the forger will aid critical inspection and give assurance of a sound forging, free from injurious laps, seams, cracks, checks, and other surface defects. Methods for cleaning forgings may use any (but not limited to) the following processes: wheelabrating, sand blasting, shot blasting, hydro-blasting, etc. Complete scale removal shall be obtained by the process used. Inspection Production forgings should be inspected once temperature reaches room temperature and should also be cleaned using appropriate methods mentioned in Section 5.5 prior to inspection. Inspection of forgings shall meet all requirements and specifications of Section 6. Forging lap and fold shall not be permitted under any circumstances. Forging cracks and bar seams shall not be permitted under any circumstances. Underfills are not permissible beyond the allowances as defined in Section 6. Gouges, dings, nicks, and other surface imperfections (except dress-outs) resulting from forging shall be reworked/blended while remaining within specifications; otherwise, part is rejectable. Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 28 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS General Specifications This interprets drawing dimensions and tolerance requirements in addition to PD0193 for forging drawings and additional requirements that shall be met unless otherwise specified on drawings or routing. This shall apply to all Bosch end-use forgings, both Bosch worked and purchased. Steel forging suppliers shall meet these requirements to assure quality of forged products. General overall tolerance notes that may be specified in the title block of drawings do not apply to forging dimensions. Length/Width/, Thickness, Radii and Die Wear Allowance Unless specified, tolerance applies for all dimensions of length/width including diameter, radii and thickness as specified in Table 2. This tolerance also includes allowance for die sinking, die polishing, die wear and shrinkage variations for all dimensions. Net Weight in lbs. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 inch 0.008 0.009 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.015 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.022 0.026 0.030 0.034 + mm 0.20 0.22 0.25 0.28 0.30 0.38 0.43 0.45 0.48 0.55 0.66 0.75 0.86 inch 0.024 0.027 0.030 0.030 0.036 0.045 0.051 0.054 0.057 0.066 0.078 0.090 0.102 mm 0.60 0.68 0.75 0.75 0.91 1.14 1.29 1.37 1.44 1.67 1.98 2.28 2.59 Table 2 – Commercial Forging Tolerances Mismatch Allowance This allowance relates to the displacement of a point in one die-half of the forging from a corresponding point in the opposite die-half of the forging, in a direction parallel with the parting plane. Match allowance are applied separately and independently to all other tolerances. Unless otherwise specified on the drawing or work instruction, match tolerances shall apply on “as-forged” surfaces based on the following conditions: a) Where machining is required, mismatch shall not exceed 50% of the machining allowance as indicated by the difference between the forging dimensions and the machining dimensions. b) Where machining is not required, mismatch shall not exceed the values specified in Figure 1. Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 29 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Mismatch Allowance Weight in lbs Over Incl. Tolerance, in 0.0 1.0 0.015 1.0 2.0 0.020 2.0 4.0 0.025 4.0 8.0 0.030 8.0 12.0 0.035 12.0 25.0 0.040 25.0 50.0 0.050 50.0 100.0 0.060 F.I.R or T.I.R or (A2 – A1)/2 = M Figure 1 – Mismatch Allowance Based On Forging Weight After Trimming Allowances on Unforged Portion of Bars Tolerances broader than commercial mill tolerances for bars are required for the unforged portion of the original bar within the gripper area of upset forgings which retain the original bar as a portion of the forging. The gripper length varies from forger to forger and the diameter tolerances listed in Figure 2 are required in the entire gripper length area of the bar on the “as-forged” part. These tolerances are broad enough to cover the original mill tolerances on the bar. Tolerances in Figure 2 apply to the entire unforged bar as well as the gripper area. Nominal Bar Size, in 0.000 to 2.000 2.000 to 4.500 4.500 to 5.500 5.500 to 6.500 Diameter Tolerances, in +0.060, -0.020 +0.090, -0.030 +0.120, -0.030 +0.150, -0.030 Figure 2 – Tolerance For Gripper Diameter And Original Bar Diameter Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 30 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Surface Condition Allowance Surface tolerances relate to depth of dress-outs, scale pits, and other imperfections on the surface of forgings. On surfaces to be machined, the material under a dress-out or scale pit shall meet the minimum machining allowance specified on the machining drawing; it shall provide a minimum of 0.060 inches stock removal or 50% of the machining allowance whichever is smaller. On surfaces that are not to be machined, grinding out surface defects is permitted, provided the depression is minimal and blended, and it does not cause that surface to fall outside of the limits specified on the forging drawing. Machining to eliminate surface defects is allowed providing the defects are completely removed, and the machined surface is within specifications. If the defect is not totally removed by these processes, or the surface falls outside of specifications, the part is rejectable. See Figure 3 for surface allowance. Area at the Trim Line Flash not included, in^2 Over Incl. 0 10 10 30 30 50 50 100 100 500 Tolerance, in 0.030 0.050 0.070 0.080 0.100 Figure 3 – Surface Tolerances For Forgings Intended For Use in “As-Forged” Condition On forged surfaces that will not be machined, the surface finish should have a roughness equivalent to a surface finish of 500 RMS or finer. Flash Allowance Flash extension allowances for normal trim are additional to forging dimension tolerance. Tolerances on other than normal trim (close trim, straight trim or pierce, or loose trim) are the same as the tolerances specified on the forging dimensions. Normal trim applies to the bulk of forgings produced and is indicated on the forging dimensions portion of the part drawing as illustrated in Figure 4. A trim dimension is not specified on the part drawing for normal trim. Due to piece part shift during the trimming operation, flash extension may be a maximum on one side and completely removed on the opposite side, resulting in a flat area. The size of the flat area is dependent upon the amount the forging shifts in the trim die, the draft angle, and the thickness of the flash extension. Trimmer shift shall not exceed the maximum flash extension allowance as shown in Figure 4, unless specified. Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 31 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Forging Weight, lbs. (kg) Over Incl. 0 1/2 1 5 25 (0) (0.2) (0.5) (2.3) (11) 1/2 1 5 25 (0.2) (0.5) (2.3) (11) Maximum Flash Extension, in. (mm) 0.02 (0.5) 0.025 (0.6) 0.03 (0.8) 0.06 (1.5) 0.09 (2.3) Figure 4 – Flash Extension Allowance For Normal Trim Draft Angle Allowance Draft angle tolerances apply to all draft angles, specified on drawings that are not affected by subsequent operations. See Figure 5 for general guidelines. Unless otherwise specified on the part drawing, the angular deviation allowable on the “as-forged” part from the draft angle specified on the part drawing shall be +2°, -1°. Type Outside Internal Nominal 7 7 or 10 Commercial 0 to 7 0 to 13 Figure 5 – General Draft Angle Tolerances Straightness Allowance Unless otherwise specified, straightness tolerance shall relate to deviations of surfaces and centerlines from the specified contour and are applied independently of, and in addition to, all other tolerances. Straightness allowance is divided into four general classes of shapes and shall be used accordingly to determine the appropriate straightness tolerances: Class A – An Elongated – Length dimension greater than width or height (ex: pry bars, jaws, wrenches, jimmy bars, puller bars, etc.) Class B – Flat and thin (ex: discs, plates, etc.) Class C – Flat and thin with protrusion at right angles to the parting line Class D – Block-type forgings with neither length, width nor thickness being predominant (ex: splitter blocks, c-frames, eye bolts, heads, etc.) For Class A shapes, allowance shall be 0.003 inches per inch of the greatest dimension rounded up to the nearest 0.010 inches. For Class B shapes, see Figure 6. Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 32 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Area at the Trim Line Flash not included, in^2 Over Incl. 0 10 10 30 30 50 50 100 500 1000 Tolerance, in 0.030 0.060 0.090 0.120 0.150 Figure 6 – Class B Tolerances For Class C, flat portion shall be determined using Figure 7. Protruding portion shall be 0.003 inches per inch perpendicular from the parting line. For Class D shapes, where tolerances are desired, they shall be specified in the routings and/or work instructions. Deviations and Waivers Any deviations or waivers with regards to the use of this standard shall be forwarded to Quality or Engineering for review and approval. Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 33 of 34 Document No. PD0193 REV 3 Automotive Service Solutions QMS Instructions for setting a Bite Type ferrule. Ref Drawing 516398. Print Date: August 31, 2016 Automotive Service Solutions QMS electronic document is the controlled copy Page 34 of 34