TEA Curriculum Update - Texas Counseling Association

TEA Curriculum Update
2012 Texas School Counselor Association
School Counselor Conference
Monica G. Martinez, Managing Director
Curriculum Division
© 2012 by the Texas Education Agency
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New Curriculum Responsibilities
School Counseling
Health and Safety
Early College High Schools
Dual Credit
Texas Virtual School Network
Migrant Education
Title III
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New Curriculum Responsibilities
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©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Chapter 74 Subchapter A
Required Secondary Curriculum
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Requirements for School Districts
A school district that offers Grades 9-12 must offer the
following courses and maintain evidence that students have
the opportunity to take these courses:
• English language arts - English I, II, III, and IV;
• mathematics - Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Precalculus,
and Mathematical Models with Applications;
• science - IPC, Biology, Chemistry, Physics , and at least two
additional science courses
• social studies - U.S. History Studies Since 1877 , World
History Studies, U.S. Government, World Geography
Studies, and Economics
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Requirements for School Districts
• physical education - at least two courses selected from
Foundations of Personal Fitness, Adventure/Outdoor
Education, Aerobic Activities, or Team or Individual Sports
• health education - Health 1
• fine arts - courses selected from at least two of the four
fine arts areas
• career and technical education - coherent sequences of
courses selected from at least three of the sixteen career
• languages other than English - Levels I, II, and III or higher
of the same language
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Requirements for School Districts
• physical education - at least two courses selected from
Foundations of Personal Fitness, Adventure/Outdoor
Education, Aerobic Activities, or Team or Individual Sports
• health education - Health 1
• fine arts - courses selected from at least two of the four
fine arts areas
• career and technical education - coherent sequences of
courses selected from at least three of the sixteen career
• languages other than English - Levels I, II, and III or higher
of the same language
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Requirements for School Districts
• technology applications - at least four courses selected
from Computer Science I, Computer Science II, Computer
Science III, Digital Art and Animation, Digital
Communications in the 21st Century, Digital Design and
Media Production, Digital Forensics, Digital Video and
Audio Design, Discrete Mathematics, Fundamentals of
Computer Science, Game Programming and Design,
Independent Study in Evolving/Emerging Technologies,
Independent Study in Technology Applications, Mobile
Application Development, Robotics Programming and
Design, 3-D Modeling and Animation, Web
Communications, Web Design, and Web Game
• speech - Communication Applications
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Requirements for School Districts
A school district must teach a course that is specifically
required for high school graduation at least once in any two
consecutive school years. For a subject that has an end-ofcourse assessment, the district must either teach the course
every year or employ options described in Subchapter C of
this chapter (relating to Other Provisions) to enable students
to earn credit for the course and must maintain evidence that
it is employing those options.
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Requirements for School Districts
Replaces: The school district must teach a course in which ten
or more students indicate they will participate or that is
required for a student to graduate. For a course in which
fewer than ten students indicate they will participate, the
district must either teach the course every year or employ
options described in Subchapter C of this chapter to provide
the course and must maintain evidence that it is employing
those options.
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
New Chapter 74 Subchapter G
Graduation Requirements beginning
with 2012-2013
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Minimum High School Program
A student on the MHSP will be permitted to take
Principles of Technology to satisfy the physics
requirement if he or she takes chemistry and physics
instead of IPC.
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Recommended High School Program
The only mathematics course sequence
requirements will be:
• Mathematical Models with Applications must be
successfully completed prior to Algebra II
• CTE courses that may satisfy the fourth mathematics
requirement may be taken after the successful completion
of Algebra I and Geometry and either after the successful
completion of or concurrently with Algebra II
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Recommended High School Program
The only science course sequence requirements
will be:
• Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) must be
successfully completed prior to chemistry and physics
• CTE courses that may satisfy the fourth science
requirement may be taken after the successful completion
of biology and chemistry and either after the successful
completion of or concurrently with physics
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Distinguished Achievement Program
• The fourth mathematics credit must be taken after
successful completion of Algebra I, Algebra II, and
• CTE courses that may satisfy the fourth mathematics
requirement may be taken after the successful
completion of Algebra I and Geometry and either after
the successful completion of or concurrently with
Algebra II.
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Distinguished Achievement Program
There will be no science course sequence
requirements except:
• CTE courses that may satisfy the fourth science
requirement may be taken after the successful completion
of biology and chemistry and either after the successful
completion of or concurrently with physics
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
All Three Graduation Programs
A student who is unable to participate in physical
activity due to disability or illness may substitute an
academic elective credit (English language arts,
mathematics, science, or social studies) for the
physical education credit requirement.
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All Three Graduation Programs
The determination regarding a student's ability to participate
in physical activity will be made by:
• the student‘s ARD committee if the student receives
special education services
• the Section 504 committee, if the student does not receive
special education services, but is covered by the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
• a committee established by the school district of persons
with appropriate knowledge regarding the student if
neither of the first two committees is applicable. This
committee shall follow the same procedures required of
an ARD or a Section 504 committee.
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All Three Graduation Programs
On January 21, 2011 the State Board of Education adopted
Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 111, Texas Essential
Knowledge and Skills for Mathematics, Subchapter C, High
School, §111.37, Advanced Quantitative Reasoning (One
This course is an additional option for students to satisfy the
third mathematics credit requirement on the MHSP or the
fourth mathematics credit requirement on the RHSP or DAP
beginning with the 2011-2012 school year.
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Combining Credits
The TAC allows a local school district to award credit
proportionately to students to who are able to successfully
complete only one semester of a two-semester course. Unless the
TAC specifically prohibits combining two half credits to satisfy a
graduation requirement, in accordance with local district policy, a
student may satisfy a graduation requirement for which there are
multiple options with one-half credit of one allowable option and
one-half credit of a second allowable option.
Citation: §74.26. Award of Credit
(d) In accordance with local district policy, students who are able to
successfully complete only one semester of a two-semester course
can be awarded credit proportionately.
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Combining Credits
• MHSP - A student may not combine a half credit of Algebra II
with a half credit from another mathematics course to satisfy
the final mathematics credit requirement.
• MHSP - A student may not combine a half credit of either
World History Studies or World Geography Studies with a half
credit from another academic elective course to satisfy the
academic elective credit requirement.
• All Programs - A student may not combine a half credit of a
course for which there is an end-of-course assessment with
another elective to satisfy an elective credit requirement.
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
82nd Texas Legislature
Curriculum Related Legislation
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Personal Financial Literacy
HB 34
requires personal financial literacy instruction to include
• in methods of paying for college and other
postsecondary education and training
• on completing the FAFSA
SBOE adopted additional student expectations in January
2012 for implementation beginning with the 2012-2013
school year
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
SB 866
requires TEA to develop a plan for integrating technology
into the classroom to help accommodate students with
dyslexia and provide the plan and information about the
availability and benefits of the identified technologies to
school districts
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Timeline for Implementation of SB 866
Classroom Technology Plan for Students with Dyslexia
Fall 2011
January 2012
March 2012
June 2012
August 2012
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
TEA and the Office of State Dyslexia Services
(ESC region 10) conduct planning meetings to
establish project parameters
Classroom Technology Plan for Students with
Dyslexia committee members are appointed
First committee meeting
Second committee meeting
Final committee meeting
TEA and the Office of State Dyslexia Services
finalize the plan and information about the
availability and benefits of the identified
Information is disseminated to school districts
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Texas Virtual School Network
SB 1 First-Called Session, 2011
Eligibility extended to students who are under 26 years of
age and entitled to FSP funding.
Requires local district to establish policy that provides
students with an opportunity to enroll in TxVSN courses.
Requires an ARD committee determine if TxVSN course
meets the needs of a student with a disability.
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Texas Virtual School Network
SB 1 First-Called Session, 2011
Entitles receiving district to receive FSP funding for
successful completion of TxVSN courses.
Requires TxVSN to post user comments regarding courses.
• TxVSN will begin conducting surveys of all students
(and parents) enrolled in network courses this spring.
• Survey results will be available on the TxVSN website
at www.txvsn.org.
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Physical Education
HB 692
requires the SBOE to adopt rules allowing a student who is
unable to participate in physical activity due to disability or
illness to substitute one credit in ELA, math, science, or
social studies for the P.E. credit requirement
determination regarding a student’s ability to participate in
physical activity will be made by
• the ARD committee if a student receives special education
• the committee established for students under Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 if the student is covered by
Section 504
• a committee established by the school district and that
includes persons with appropriate knowledge regarding a
student if the student does not receive special education
services and is not covered under Section 504
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Higher Education Awareness
HB 2909
changes references in statute from “Education: Go Get it”
Week to Generation Texas Week
during the designated Generation Texas Week districts are
required to provide students with information regarding
the college readiness standards and expectations in
addition to current statutory requirements
increases the number of additional members the co-chairs
of the P-16 Council may appoint
requires the THECB to coordinate with TEA, the P-16
Council, and other appropriate entities including regional
P-16 councils and businesses to implement the Public
Awareness Campaign Promoting Higher Education
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Dual Credit
SB 149
removes the requirement that districts report the amount of college credit
earned by a student who participated in the College Credit Program and
the cumulative number of courses in which participating students have
requires districts to report the number of students who have participated
in the program and the college courses for which those students earned
high school credit
requires the Commissioner of Education and the THECB to share data as
necessary to enable school districts to comply with program requirements
requires the THECB to collect student course credit data from public IHEs
as necessary to fulfill program requirements
SB 419
prohibits physical education dual credit course contact hours from
inclusion in the calculation that determines funding appropriations for
public junior colleges
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Diplomas for Certain Veterans
SB 966
adds the following to the diplomas for certain veterans
diploma program:
Persian Gulf War
the Iraq War
the war in Afghanistan
any war formally declared by the United States
any military engagement authorized by the United States
Congress or a United Nations Security Council resolution
• a conflict authorized by the president of the United States
under the War Powers Resolution of 1973
extends eligibility for diplomas for certain veterans to an
individual who completed at least sixth grade
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TEKS Review and Revision
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Copyright © Texas Education
Agency 2009. All rights
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Technology Applications
• April 2011 - SBOE approved for final adoption technology
applications TEKS for Kindergarten through Grade 8, 13 high
school courses, and new Subchapter D (AP/IB courses)
• July 2011 - SBOE scheduled to consider remaining six proposed
high school courses for second reading and final adoption
Spring and Summer 2012 - Professional development for TEKS
• Fall 2012 - Implementation of Technology Applications TEKS
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• May 2011 - Experts review Commissioner’s Draft of the Texas
Mathematics Standards and provide recommendations
• May 2011 – First K-12 TEKS review committee meeting in
• July 2011 - K-12 TEKS review committees meet in Austin
• September 2011 - Draft TEKS posted for informal feedback
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• September 2011 - Expert review of draft TEKS complete
• September 2011 - SBOE invited testimony by expert reviewers
and TEKS review committee representatives
• October 2011 - K-12 TEKS review committees meet in Austin
• November 2011 - Recommendations for revisions to
mathematics TEKS posted on TEA website
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
• November 2011 - SBOE discussion of mathematics TEKS
• January 2012 - Public hearing, first reading and filing
• February 2012 - Proposed revised TEKS posted for official
public comment
• April 2012 - Public hearing, second reading and final adoption
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
• No later than August 31, 2013, the Commissioner must
determine whether instructional materials that cover the
revised mathematics TEKS have been made available.
• If the commissioner makes the determination that
instructional materials have been made available, the revised
mathematics TEKS will be implemented beginning with the
2014-2015 school year.
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Cycle for Adoption of Instructional Materials
Proclamation 2014
Science, K-12
Math, K-8
Technology Applications
Proclamation 2015
Social Studies, K-12
Math, 9-12
Fine Arts
Proclamation 2016
Languages Other Than English
Proclamation 2017
Career and Technical Education
Proclamation 2018
English Language Arts and Reading, K-5
Prekindergarten Systems
Proclamation 2019
English Language Arts and Reading, 6-12
Health Education
Physical Education
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Copyright © Texas Education
Agency 2009. All rights
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Fine Arts Proposed Review Schedule
• Late Spring 2012 – First K-12 TEKS review committee meeting
in Austin
• September 2012 - Draft TEKS posted for informal feedback
• November 2011 - SBOE discussion of proposed revisions to
fine arts TEKS
• January 2012 - Public hearing, first reading and filing
• February 2012 - Proposed revised TEKS posted for official
public comment
• April 2012 - Public hearing, second reading and final adoption
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Other Curriculum Updates
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Presidential Awards (PAEMST)
The National Science Foundation, under the direction of the
White House, approves the Texas candidates as finalists for
the national Presidential Awards for Excellence in Math and
Science Teaching (PAEMST) award. If chosen as a national
winner, the state finalists will receive $10,000 and an allexpense-paid trip for two to Washington D.C. for ceremonies
that include recognition from the President of the United
States at the Capital.
• Nominations (K-6) opened Fall 2011
• Applications (K-6) due May 1, 2012
• More information at www.PAEMST.org
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AP/IB Incentive Program
Teacher Training Reimbursements—scheduled to begin
payments in February 2011
SB 1 (2011) changed student eligibility criteria
• take a college AP or IB course at a public school or
who is recommended by the student’s principal or
teacher to take the test; and
• demonstrate financial need
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
AP/IB Incentive Program
Test Fee Subsidies
• State: $30 (only for students with demonstrated
financial need)
• Federal: TBD (a cap of three subsidies per student)
For more information, join the AP/IB Incentives listserv at
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Texas Virtual School Network
• Virtual Learning Scholarships provide opportunities for
students to enroll in course(s) offered through the TxVSN
course catalog in the event that other funding is not available.
– Pay the provider the catalog course cost.
– Pay $100 per successful completion to student’s district.
– 25 seats maximum per district.
– Summer scholarship applications available March 1 to April
2, 2012.
©Texas Education Agency 2012. All rights reserved.
Name the Space Orbiter
at Space Center Houston Contest
February 27-April 1, 2012
In addition to being able to have an historical artifact bear the name chosen by the contest
winner, the winner’s school will receive a $5,000 donation, and the winning student will receive
a Space Center Houston membership for a family of four, hotel accommodations for one night’s
stay at a nearby hotel, and four free passes to have lunch with an astronaut.
Additional Details to Come !
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