PRICE LIST WSH-XEE 82 - 302 82 102 122 162 182 222 262 302 Cooling capacity kW (1) 38.8 45.6 55.5 63.6 75.5 89.4 98.2 127 Heating capacity kW (2) 34.8 40.8 49.5 57.6 68.0 81.9 93.5 112 BASE PRICE OF THE UNITS 9.758 10.203 11.119 11.644 13.350 14.154 15.170 17.568 VERSIONS OPTIONS GEO Version for Geothermal application 1.217 1.195 883 1.010 202 630 1.063 432 D Partial energy recovery 1.161 1.161 1.161 1.303 1.303 1.524 1.575 1.604 R Total energy recovery 2.448 2.420 2.621 2.814 2.816 3.352 3.418 4.420 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 733 CONFIGURATIONS MOBMAG Larger units STATUS: Definitive Water cooled water chiller for indoor installation Refrigerants: R410A HYGR2V Recovery side hydronic unit with 2 inverter pumps (available only with options: MOBMAG) 2.228 2.228 2.228 2.228 2.600 2.600 2.859 2.859 HYGR1V Recovery side hydronic unit with 1 inverter pump (available only with options: MOBMAG) 1.271 1.271 1.271 1.271 1.532 1.532 1.936 1.936 HYGC1 Cooling side hydronic unit with an on-off pump (available only with options: MOBMAG) 661 661 661 661 801 801 905 905 HYGC2 Cooling side hydronic unit with two on-off pumps (available only with options: MOBMAG) 1.551 1.551 1.551 1.551 1.803 1.803 1.978 1.978 HYGC1V Cooling side hydronic unit with an inverter pump (available only with options: MOBMAG) 1.271 1.271 1.271 1.271 1.532 1.532 1.936 1.936 HYGC2V Cooling side hydronic unit with two inverter pumps (available only with options: MOBMAG) 2.228 2.228 2.228 2.228 2.600 2.600 2.859 2.859 VS3MCX Cooling side three-way modulating valve 583 583 583 646 646 646 935 935 VS2MC Cooling side two-way modulating valve (available only with options: MOBMAG) 588 588 588 651 651 651 673 673 VS3MC Cooling side three-way modulating valve (available only with options: MOBMAG) 583 583 583 646 646 646 935 935 VS2CX Cooling side two-way on-off valve 588 588 588 651 651 651 673 673 VS2MCX Cooling side two-way modulating valve 588 588 588 651 651 651 673 673 VS2C Cooling side two-way on-off valve (available only with options: MOBMAG) 588 588 588 651 651 651 673 673 VACSH Heating side DHW switching valve (available only with options: MOBMAG) 460 460 460 541 541 541 808 808 VACSHX Heating side DHW switching valve 460 460 460 541 541 541 808 808 HYGH2 Heating side hydronic unit with two on-off pumps (available only with options: MOBMAG) 1.551 1.551 1.551 1.551 1.803 1.803 1.978 1.978 VS3MHX Heating side three-way modulating valve 583 583 583 646 646 646 935 935 VS2MHX Heating side two-way modulating valve 588 588 588 651 651 651 673 673 VS2HX Heating side two-way on-off valve 588 588 588 651 651 651 673 673 VS3MH Heating side three-way modulating valve (available only with options: MOBMAG) 583 583 583 646 646 646 935 935 VS2MH Heating side two-way modulating valve (available only with options: MOBMAG) 588 588 588 651 651 651 673 673 VS2H Heating side two-way on-off valve (available only with options: MOBMAG) 588 588 588 651 651 651 673 673 HYGH2V Heating side hydronic unit with two inverter pumps (available only with options: MOBMAG) 2.228 2.228 2.228 2.228 2.600 2.600 2.859 2.859 HYGH1V Heating side hydronic unit with an inverter pump (available only with options: MOBMAG) 1.271 1.271 1.271 1.271 1.532 1.532 1.936 1.936 HYGH1 Heating side hydronic unit with an on-off pump (available only with options: MOBMAG) 661 661 661 661 801 801 905 905 IFWX Water steel mesh strainer 214 214 214 230 230 246 246 246 Separately supplied accessories (1) Data referred to the following conditions : External exchanger water outlet 35°C - Internal exchanger water outlet 7°C - Water thermal head 5°C (2) External exchanger water outlet 45°C - Internal exchanger water outlet 5°C - Water thermal head 5°C LC12G002GB-00 Reference bulletins: BT12E008GB-00 WSH-XEE 82 302 R-410A Valid from Jul 25, 2012 HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT pg 1 CLIVET S.p.A. - Z.I. 32030 Villapaiera - Feltre(BL) Italy - Tel. +39 04393131 Fax +39 0439313300 - The shown numbers refer to index numbers and not to currency.The data in this price list are not binding and can be modified by the manufacturer without notice. PRICE LIST WSH-XEE 82 - 302 Cooling capacity kW (1) Heating capacity kW (2) BASE PRICE OF THE UNITS 82 102 122 162 182 222 262 302 38.8 45.6 55.5 63.6 75.5 89.4 98.2 127 34.8 40.8 49.5 57.6 68.0 81.9 93.5 112 9.758 10.203 11.119 11.644 13.350 14.154 15.170 17.568 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS CMSC8 Serial communication module to BACnet supervisor 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 CMSC10 Serial communication module to LonWorks supervisor 779 779 779 779 779 779 779 779 ELECTRIC CIRCUIT MF2 Multi-function phase monitor SFSTR Disposal for inrush current reduction PFCP SPCX 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 227 1.198 1.198 1.198 1.198 1.198 1.451 1.451 1.703 Power factor correction capacitors (cosfi > 0.9) 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 369 Set point compensation with outside temperature probe 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 Reference bulletins: BT12E008GB-00 WSH-XEE 82 302 R-410A STATUS: Definitive Water cooled water chiller for indoor installation Refrigerants: R410A Separately supplied accessories (2) External exchanger water outlet 45°C - Internal exchanger water outlet 5°C - Water thermal head 5°C LC12G002GB-00 Valid from Jul 25, 2012 (1) Data referred to the following conditions : External exchanger water outlet 35°C - Internal exchanger water outlet 7°C - Water thermal head 5°C pg 2 CLIVET S.p.A. - Z.I. 32030 Villapaiera - Feltre(BL) Italy - Tel. +39 04393131 Fax +39 0439313300 - The shown numbers refer to index numbers and not to currency.The data in this price list are not binding and can be modified by the manufacturer without notice.