(Netherlands) Semester 2 - Environments and Design

ABPL90111 – TRAVELLING STUDIO (Netherlands)
Semester 2 – 2016 (25 points)
Applications Close: 8 July 2016
Subject Census Date: 31 Aug 2016
Pre-Trip teaching dates: Thursdays 4, 11, 18, 25 August, 1, 08, and 15 September 2016
Occupational, Health and Safety Information Session: 25 August 2016
Overseas Travel dates: 24 September – 9 October 2016
Post-Trip teaching dates: 13, 20 and 27 October 2016
First Submission/Presentation: 11 August 2016
Final Submission/Presentation: 3 November 2016
1. Group project [3 or 4 students]: Research into selected urban territory. Identify
historical, technical and contextual factors. Present: 11 and 18 August. Format: 10
minute presentation with 30 slides (5%)
2. Group project [3 or 4 students]: Research into selected cultural and technical domain
and report on key opportunities. Present: 31 August and 08 September. Format: 10
minute presentation with 30 slides (10%)
3. Group project [2 students]: Project brief and schematic design. Presentation to Council.
Present: 07 October. Format: 10 minute presentation with 30 slides (30%)
4. Individual project: Final presentation to academic review panel at MSD. Present 03
November. Format: 10 minute presentation with 30 slides (55%)
Studio Coordinators: Professor Christopher Ryan and Dr Michael Trudgeon
Student Numbers: 16
Credit points: 25 points
What if my travelling studio clashes with an exam?
For equity reasons, any ABP students who are unable to attend a standard scheduled
examination period must submit a request to the EDSC using the Alternative Exam request
form available on the following website: http://www.edsc.unimelb.edu.au/alternativeexamination-arrangements
Each request must be supported by documentary evidence. Once you have submitted your
completed form and documentation to the EDSC, your request will be assessed. If your
request is approved, the EDSC will arrange an alternate exam date, time and venue which
will be held during the supplementary exam period.
According to University policy, students are expected to be available for assessment during the
entire Semester which includes the supplementary examination period. These dates are
Please be aware that personal travel following a travelling studio is not an eligible reason for an
assessment to be rescheduled. Therefore, when booking your travel arrangements you will
need to ensure that you are available to sit your exam during the supplementary exam period.
Course Plan Details /Travelling Studio Eligibility
Travelling Studio (Netherlands) is only available to MSD students doing one of the following
- MC-ARCH Master of Architecture
- MC-ARCH2Y Master of Architecture (200 points)
- MC-ARCH3Y Master of Architecture (300 points)
- MC-LARCH Landscape Master of Architecture
- MC-LARCH2Y Landscape Master of Architecture (200 points)
- MC-LARCH3Y Landscape Master of Architecture (300 points)
- MC-URBDES Master of Urban Design
- MC-URPL Master of Urban Planning
This traveling studio can count as credit towards your course in one of the categories listed
- Master of Architecture: ABPL90142, ABPL90143, ABPL90115 or Multidisciplinary
- Master of Landscape Architecture: ABPL90172 (Studio 3), ABPL90170 (Studio 4),
ABPL90072 (Studio 5) or Multidisciplinary electives.
- Master of Urban Design: Urban Design electives.
- Master of Urban Planning: MUP electives.
Students will not be allowed to take a Travelling Studio in place of their graduating Thesis
subject (i.e. Design Thesis, Landscape Architecture Design Thesis or Urban Design Thesis).
Any exception to the above can only be granted by the Director, Melbourne School of Design.
Applicants will be assessed and selected based on academic merit, and “expression of
interest/personal statement”. Students must address the following question: Why do you wish
to undertake this studio and what can you contribute to it”
To apply:
Please follow the link below to access the application form:
Complete all mandatory fields, attach your personal statement and submit by Friday 8 July
Any further queries please email Dr Michael Trudgeon trudgeon@unimelb.edu.au or Victor
Andries andriesf@unimelb.edu.au.
You will be contacted on your University of Melbourne student email account of the outcome of
your application by Tuesday 12 July 2016.
Enrolment enquiries
Once selected to participate in the subject, a staff member in the Academic Support Office
will handle your enrolment.
Students will take part in an international studio in the Dutch city of Leeuwarden in
collaboration with students and academics from the Technical University of Delft and the Alto
Design Factory in Finland.
This studio will address the strategic objectives laid out in the successful bid by the City of
Leeuwarden for the EU Cultural capital 2018. Their thematic emphasis is on building from a
long history of innovation to: "demonstrate that culture can be at the heart of transformation in
the strengthening of the social fabric and human potential of Europeans - through an
interdisciplinary approach [that harnesses] energy and creativity necessary to address the
core themes from multiple perspectives." "In addressing our themes, we involve [local,
national and international] artists, scientists, citizens and institutions alike." Their themes
address ecological and economic sustainability in three domains: Nature and Culture; City
and Countryside; Community and Diversity.
The Leeuwarden Travelling Studio (TS) will focus on 2-3 urban sites. These sites have been
selected by the city as key sites for the European Cultural Capital program and now require
master planning and design development with the intention of realising projects on these sites
for 2018. The students will develop design interventions to transform the existing built
environment and systems of provision (energy, water, food, transport, information) for a
sustainable, low carbon, resilient future. - What steps must be taken today to get there? The
aim is to identify opportunities that can become sites of design intervention to shift the path of
innovation on a new trajectory: towards sustainable, resilient conditions.
To understand the strategic objectives of this TS it is important to emphasise the objectives
and strategies identified by the City of Leeuwarden. This set of objectives will be presented to
the students through lectures and publications. The collaborative objective of this TS
objective is to demonstrate the process and value of the VEIL Eco-Acupuncture approach to
achieving the Leeuwarden City objectives for the EU Cultural Capital exhibition and beyond.
The complexity of the challenges requires a multi-disciplinary perspective. The studio brings
together students and professionals of architecture, landscape architecture, building
technology, urban design and planning from Australia and Europe. It builds on VEIL’s well
established academic and professional network.
Through workshops, students will develop a general understanding of Leeuwarden’s current
situation and the challenges facing the city. They will then develop a design vision for a
sustainable Leeuwarden in 2018, focusing, in smaller groups, on specified sites as potential
locations for this round of Urban Eco Acupuncture interventions.
There will be an emphasis on physical model making in this studio and we will hold an
introductory session in the MSD Fabrication Lab.
The studio will travel to Copenhagen for a 2 day architectural and design study tour.
Technical University of Delft
Other contributors:
Alto Design Factory in Finland
Typical subject tuition fee
There are 3 possible fee categories:
- Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP),
- Local Australian fee paying, and
- International
More information about 2016 subject tuition fees can be found from the following link:
Hotel Accommodation:
Students are to be located in shared accommodation arranged by the ABP Academic Support
Office – Please note the Faculty Subsidy of $800 will be utilised towards accommodation
– $1,050 (approximate).
Living Expenses (meals and incidentals): AU$1,200
Airfare cost: Approximately AU$ 3,000
Copenhagen trip: $600 plus food and expenses
Faculty Funding
The Faculty will contribute financial assistance towards the cost of the subject. The amount will
be $800. This will be used for your accommodation and other expenses as determined by the
studio leaders.
Melbourne Global Mobility Funding
Students may be eligible to receive a one off payment of up to $1000. You can find the
eligibility terms and conditions from the link below:
It is expected that the outcome of your funding application will be provided to you by email from
Melbourne Global Mobility within six weeks of the closing date of the relevant round of offers.
It is important if considering a traveling studio that students ensure they have enough funds to
travel and cover expenses whilst overseas and do not rely on this funding exclusively.
If you are offered a place in this studio you must apply on-line. The ABP Academic Support
Office will provide you with information on when to apply:
Important: The Melbourne School of Design does not manage the distribution of these funds
and funds are not guaranteed and faculty quotas may apply. The final outcome of your
application is based on the decision by Melbourne Global Mobility and is outside the control of
Melbourne School of Design.
Financial Aid
Students may be eligible to receive Financial Assistance.
For more information, please go to: http://services.unimelb.edu.au/finaid
Visa requirements:
In general, Australian passport holders do not require a visa for the Netherlands if they are
staying less than 90 days.
Please check the following pages for more information:
It is the student’s responsibility to source and make arrangements for a visa if required. Upon
request, the ABP Academic Support Office will be able to provide a letter explaining the student’s
reasons for travel to The Netherlands.
Students are responsible for investigating if vaccinations are required and if so to ensure they
receive them in the correct timeframe
Students may make an appointment with the University Health Services on 8433 6904. Further
information can be found at the below link:
Travel Insurance
The University provides travel insurance at no cost to students. Taking out travel insurance is
mandatory if you wish to participate in this subject. Further information will be provided by the
ABP Academic Support Office once students are selected and enrolled into the subject.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you have applied for the insurance coverage, in the time
OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)
All successful students are required to attend a compulsory OHS (Occupational Health and
Safety) Presentation. The session will be held on Thursday 25th July 2016, venue TBC.
Failure to attend this session may result in you being withdrawn from the subject.
If for any reason you are unable to attend this session you must advise the studio leader
and make alternatives arrangements.
DFAT (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) Warnings
Students should read and familiarize themselves with the DFAT advice for the Netherlands:
The University of Melbourne’s policy for making decisions regarding travel by University
students and staff for University related travel, to overseas destinations is based on advice
issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. If there is a change in the assessment
of the level of safety that is deemed high risk to the particular country of travel prior to departure
or whilst overseas, students are too comply with any direction given by the Melbourne School of
Design or the Vice Chancellor.
Students Responsibility Whilst Overseas
All students must be aware that whilst overseas studying you are representing the University.
You should be aware of and respect the culture at all times and act accordingly during the
duration of the subject. Any behavior or incidents deemed irresponsible may result in you being
sent home.
Responsible Conduct of Students Procedure (MPF1061)
Student Travel and Transport Policy (MPF1209)