Review Draft Work Programme and Structure of Performance

25 February 2013
Performance and Resources Board
To consider
Review Draft Work Programme and Structure of
Performance Report
The Board is asked to consider the draft 2013 work programme; the structure
and substance of the performance report and the process for agreeing and
approving its content.
The Performance and Resources Board is asked to:
Consider the 2013 draft work programme and the current structure of
the performance report.
25 February 2013
Performance and Resources Board
Performance and Resources Board: Draft Work Programme 2013
(updated following Shadow PRB and with some AD input; further input to be flagged at
PRB meeting 25 February)
Date and Time
Monday 25 February, 13:30-16:00
Agenda items:
P art 1 – P erform ance R eview
Business plan progress (note: limited info for Feb meeting)
Operational health, including financial performance (which will regularly
include an update on the capital programme) and Director updates
Corporate risk register
P art 2 – P eriodic R eview s / Advisory P apers
Approach to work programme and structure of performance report
Proposals for staff pay award
Changes to Financial Regulations
P riorities for Chief Operating Officer’s R eport
Agree input to COO report (next Council meeting 23 April)
Thursday 25 April, 09:00-11:30
Agenda items:
P art 1 – P erform ance R eview
External operating environment / operational outlook
Progress against long-term strategic objectives
Business plan progress
Operational health (including financial performance, Director updates)
Corporate risk register
Date and Time
P art 2 – P eriodic R eview s / Advisory P apers
Annual report and accounts (note: papers need to be reviewed on
circulation before this meeting due to ARC timing 30 April)
Pension scheme: prep for DC scheme start July 1, inc. governance)
E&D progress report and review against action plans
Update on quality assurance programme
Update on continuous improvement programme
Update on efficiency programme or work programme or IS (each twice a
P riorities for Chief Operating Officer’s R eport
Agree input to COO report to Council meeting 22 May
Tuesday 18 June, 14:00-16:30
Agenda items:
P art 1 – P erform ance R eview
External operating environment
Progress against long-term strategic objectives
Business plan progress
Operational health (including financial performance, Director updates)
Corporate risk register
P art 2 – P eriodic R eview s / Advisory P apers
Pension scheme: progress towards implementing DB scheme
Mid-year review of HR (including employee diversity)
Update on efficiency programme or work programme or IS (each twice a
P riorities for Chief Operating Officer’s R eport
(N/a as Sep 9 will input to next Council meeting 25 September)
Monday 9 September, 14:00-16.30
Agenda items:
P art 1 – P erform ance R eview
External operating environment
Progress against long-term strategic objectives
Business plan progress
Operational health (including financial performance, Director updates)
Corporate risk register
Date and Time
P art 2 – P eriodic R eview s / Advisory P apers
Outline business plan and budget
Staff / associates benefits review
Review of PSA Performance Review Report findings
Pension scheme: update on auto-enrolment
E&D progress report and review against action plans
Update on efficiency programme or work programme or IS (each twice a
P riorities for Chief Operating Officer’s R eport
Agree input to COO report to Council 25 September
Tuesday 8 October, 14:00-16:30
Agenda items:
P art 1 – P erform ance R eview
External operating environment
Progress against long-term strategic objectives
Business plan progress
Operational health (including financial performance, Director updates)
Corporate risk register
P art 2 – P eriodic R eview s / Advisory P apers
Draft business plan and budget (inc. ARF, investment policy) for
December Council approval
Update on efficiency programme or work programme or IS (each twice a
Update on legislative developments affecting operational activity
P riorities for Chief Operating Officer’s R eport
Agree input to COO report to Council (13 November tbc) / 10 December
Thursday 5 December, 09:00-11:30
Agenda items:
P art 1 – P erform ance R eview
External operating environment
Progress against long-term strategic objectives
Business plan progress
Operational health (including financial performance, Director updates)
Corporate risk register
Date and Time
P art 2 – P eriodic R eview s / Advisory P apers
Report of P&RB to Council (review of 2013 for first Council meeting in
PSA Performance Review
E&D progress report and review against action plans
End of year review of HR (including employee diversity)
Update on efficiency programme or work programme or IS (each twice a
P riorities for Chief Operating Officer’s R eport
Agree input to COO report to Council January / February 2014 tbc
Other potential topics flagged to date via ADs (timing, above/below line, priority
Lean Review update following Kaizen projects
Update on outcome of PSA audit
Moving to reporting against a 12 month service target
Fitness to Practice Directorate resources and accommodation
Update on Siebel contact and organisation cleansing exercise
Report on Fitness to Practice statistics
Information security
Home working
Disaster recovery
Information sharing protocols / MOUs