CIEH eLearning Learning Management System (LMS) Contents

CIEH eLearning
Learning Management System (LMS)
Guide for administrators
Create new user 2
Editing users 2
Password reminders 2
Bulk upload of users 2
Reusing licences 2
Adding an organisation 2
Editing an organisation 3
Enrolling on a course 3
Printing or sending certificates
Adding external training records 3
Running organisation reports 4
Running learning reports 5
Printing training records 5
CIEH eLearning
Not sure which LMS package you have licensed?
Check with your account manager or
Standard LMS
Create new user
Password reminders
1. Click Manage menu on left-hand side.
For security reasons, the system does not allow any user
or administrator to view passwords. If a user forgets
their password, they should click the Forgot password link
underneath the login box, and enter their email address
or username. Administrators can also manually reset the
password at any time, and email the new password to the user.
Contact if you require help.
2. Click User Manager in the main frame.
3. Now click on User Editor and a new window will open.
4. Click the Create user button at the top.
Bulk upload of users
Contact to request the bulk
upload of users through a CSV template.
5. Enter a User ID into the box. This is the username with
which users will login to This ID must
be unique and typically in the style of company.surname.
6. Enter a Password into the box. This should be a minimum
of 8 characters long and you will need to type it into both
boxes to confirm. Typically this is ciehlearning.
Reusing licences
Where a user has not enrolled on a CIEH course (e.g. Level 2
Food Safety in Catering) and therefore has not commenced
training, the licence can be re-used. See the report section to
find out how many licences are locked.
Contact for details.
7. Select a profile from the drop-down box. (A profile may
have been created specifically for your organisation).
Leave it set as Default profile if no other exists.
Adding an organisation
8. Click the ‘Create User Account’ button to confirm.
2. Click Organisation Maintenance.
1. Click Manage on the top menu.
Editing users
1. Follow steps 1-3 above. Click on the organisation name
to see a list of users (or click the cross icon to expand the
hierarchy to show any further organisations / brands /
departments / regions and do the same). Alternatively
you can search for a user using the search button:
3. Click your company folder and then click the cog icon
on the left hand side of the page and choose the Add
Organisation as Child option.
2. Click on the user you would like to edit. Now enter
information into the fields, and once finished, click the
‘Save’ button at the top.
CIEH eLearning
4. Fill in the Organisation Code(no spaces) and
Organisation Name fields. Scroll to the bottom of the
page and save. The new folder will them appear below
your company folder.
5. Enter a keyword to identify the course you would like to
assign. (For example, type food to find the Level 2 Food
Safety in Catering course). Click the Search button to see
a list of courses.
6. Select the course you wish to assign to the learner and a
new window appears.
7. Now click the Enrol Users button and then Confirm
Enrolment when asked to confirm.
Printing or sending certificates
1. Click on to Manage.
2. Click User Editor.
Editing an organisation
1. Go to Manage, and click Organisation Maintenance.
2. Select the folder you want to edit then hover over the cog
on the top left hand side and choose Edit.
3. Edit the organisation and then scroll to the bottom of the
page and save.
3. Navigate to the learner and click on them to edit details.
5. Click the My Record tab and a new window will open.
6. Click the Certificates tab and you will then have the option
to view, print, and email the certificate.
Enrolling on a course
1. Hover over the Reports tab and click Organisation Review.
2. Click on Organisation and choose the folder (this can be
all or any other folder) and click OK.
Adding external training records
1. Click on the Manage on the top menu.
2. Click on User Editor and a new window will open.
3. Navigate to the learner and click on them to edit details.
5. Click the My Record tab and a new window will open.
6. Click the Add External Record button at the bottom.
3. Fill in the First name or Last name (leave blank if you are
searching for more than one user) then click Filter.
4. When the user has been found hover over the cog icon
and choose Assign Learning Module.
7. Enter a title for the Training Record. (A Training record
can be for online learning completed in any system, or
offline training completed. You could import old training
records from an obsolete HR or Training database and track
everything through the LMS).
8. Enter a course type from the drop-down (e.g. Classroom,
online, etc).
9. Enter the start and end dates for the course, if relevant.
10. Enter the venue if relevant.
11. Enter the duration if known.
CIEH eLearning
12. Enter cost information, grade, score and vendor
information if relevant.
13. Enter comments about the training (For example, the
reason for doing the training, whether the training should
be refreshed, etc).
14. Set the status. (This is useful for adding an Approval step,
for example where a learner enters their own training
record, but a manager must confirm the training was
7. Tip: You will find the following reports useful:
i. R104 - Shows courses, name, last accessed, number of
attempts, status, and total time spent, and a total of
ii. R107 - Shows courses, name, start and finish date,
status, score, and organisation by learner.
iii. R109 - Shows ALL data relating to users within
the system, for example, username, full name, job
title, email, organisation, licence status (active,
deactivated), city, country etc.
iv. R102 - Shows name, courses, start and finish date and
organisation, grouped by learner.
v. R101 - Shows name, courses, start date, organisation,
number of credits (licences) used and payment plan
(if relevant).
15. Select Complete from the drop-down.
16. Click the Create button at the bottom to save the
Training Record.
Running organisation reports
1. Go to Manage on the top menu and choose from the list
of reports under the Reports Section.
2. For more detailed reports, go to the ‘Report Manager’ tab
at the top.
3. Click Organisation reports.
4. All reports require you to enter an Organisation
name and/or Learning Module. Click the linked word
Organisations. Now browse the hierarchy and tick the
box next to any organisation(s) you want to include, then
click OK. For a Learning object, enter a search term such
as food and click Search to see a list of courses, select a
course, and use the arrows to paste into the bottom box,
then finally confirm by clicking OK.
5. Scroll to the bottom and click Run now in browser to view
the report online.
6. To create the report in a different format, or download it
to your PC/Mac, change the output options at the top.
CSV is recommended, since this format can be understood
by all versions of Microsoft Excel, also imported into other
programs, e.g. Microsoft Access DB. Now go back to the
bottom, and click ‘Run now in batch reports’.
CIEH eLearning
Running learning reports
Printing training records
1. Go to the Reports menu on the left-hand side, following
step 2 above for quick summary reports. For more detailed
reports, go to the Report Manager tab at the top.
The learner can go to the Training Records tab at any time to
print their own training record. Click the Print Training Records
button at the bottom.
2. Click Learning Reports.
Administrators can print any Training Report, by clicking Print
at the bottom of the page. To print the training record for a
particular learner, go to their Training Record (Manage menu,
User Manager, User Editor, and select the learner from the
list, and click Training Record tab at the top) and then click
‘Print Training Records’ button at the bottom of the page.
3. Click the notepad icon next to any description to run that
particular report.
4. All reports require you to enter an Organisation
name and/or Learning Module. Click the linked word
Organisations. Now browse the hierarchy and tick the
box next to any organisation(s) you want to include then
click OK. For a Learning object, enter a search term such
as ‘food’ and click Search to see a list of courses, select a
course, and use the arrows to paste into the bottom box,
then finally confirm by clicking OK.
5. Scroll to the bottom and click Run now in browser to view the
report online. To create the report in a different format,
or download it to your PC/Mac, change the output options
at the top. CSV is recommended, since this format can be
understood by all versions of Microsoft Excel, also imported
into other programs, e.g. Microsoft Access DB. Now go back
to the bottom, and click Run now in batch reports.
6. Tip: You will find the following reports useful:
i. R207 - Shows total number of enrolments and total
number users accessed/started the course.
ii. R202 - Shows course, name, job title, organisation,
country, course status by learner.
iii. R220 - Shows the number of active licences (course
enrolments, course started – by token) by learner.
iv. R223 - Shows name, course, first and last access date
per learner, grouped by status (e.g. not started, in
progress, complete).
v. R235 - Shows learners not enrolled in a particular course.
CIEH eLearning