KIT FOR REFRIGERATION, FREEZER AND CA DOORS Kit for refrigeration door, freezer door or CA door. Totally made-to-measure, EXCLUDING door leaf, suitable for sizes using 100mm (refrigeration/CA) or 140mm (freezer) sandwich panels. Finished all round with anodized aluminium profiles, thermal bridge-free. Equipped with an aluminium drop/lift rail system. Specially for export. Easy to transport and favourably priced. All components made-to-measure and pre-assembled. Easy to assemble and fix. Detailed instructions included. Both horizontally and vertically available. Manually or electrically operated. Also in very large sizes. Refrigeration door available in doubledoor version. If electrically operated, very high opening speeds are achieveable. Deliverable with a polyester door leaf in two parts. Freezer door deliverable with flexible threshold. A long term solution which keeps the interior and exterior floors at the same level and realises controlled shrinkage (option). Electrical operation DC-1500 Detail point of suspension and outside opener Detail bottom corner and bottom guider Standard 100 en 140mm sandwich panel applicable. Electrical operation type DC-1500 (horizontal) According to CE-standard. Soft start/soft stop. Easily programmable. Compact (17,5 x 17,5 x 10,5 cm (w x h x d)). Standard equipped with automatic closure. Opening speed max. 0,9 meter/sec. (single-door), max. 1,8 meter/sec. (double-door). Various potential-free contacts. Also available with pull-switches, remote control, radar and more. CA version 100% gas-tight due to unique inflatable profile system. Even in case of any wall and floor distortions and irregularities. Optional CA window in door. 30 years worldwide experience. Control box DC-150 Section inflatable profile valve gas profile rubber seal Rail system type SRA (horizontal) Anodized aluminium drop/lift rail system with dust cap. For door leafs up to 250 kg. Manually or electrically operated (option). Quick and easy installation. Rail system type SR (horizontal) Electrolytic galvanized steel drop/lift rail system. Deliverable with dust cap (option). For door leafs up to 800 kg. Manually or electrically operated (option). Detail rail system type SRA Detail rail system type SR KIT KH-1010(V)/VH-0714(V)/KHG-0810(V) Technical specifications refrigeration door type KH-1010(V), horizontal and vertical, in kit form Construction Framing Sealing Door frame Rail system Operation Openers Locks : EXCLUDES DOOR LEAF. Adapt 100mm panels for door leaf. : anodized aluminium profiles, thermal bridge-free. : all round by means of rubber profiles. : anodized aluminium profiles with a complete thermal bridge-free fit to the wall. : anodized aluminium drop/lift rail system type SRA with dust cap up to 250 kg (horizontal), electrolytic galvanized drop/lift rail system type SR up to 800 kg (horizontal), galvanized guiding system (vertical). : manually operated (horizontal), chain operated (vertical). Electrical operation at additional price. : inside and outside opener included (horizontal). : not included. Available at additonal price. Section KH-1010(V) Section VH-0714(V) Additional options : polyester door leaf in two parts, double-door version, bumper, threshold, finish of the clear opening, rain cap and more. Technical specifications freezer door type VH-0714(V) Construction and options are the same as the above-mentioned refrigeration door type KH-1010(V), with the following exceptions: Construction Threshold Frame heating Options : adapt 140mm panels for door leaf. : included. Flexible threshold (a so called sliding dowel construction) at additional price. : included in door frame and threshold. : Door not available in double-door version. Technical specifications CA door type KHG-0810(V) Section KHG-0810(V) Construction and options are the same as the above-mentioned refrigeration door type KH-1010(V), with the following exceptions: Sealing Options : 100% gas-tight by means of inflatable profiles. : CA window and more. Door not available in double-door version. Korenmarkt 4 NL-1681 PB Zwaagdijk-Oost T F (31) (0)228 564 200 (31) (0)228 564 232 E I It is our policy to continuously keep improving our products. This can result in products differing from those in the pictures featured in this brochure. A1131 / 01-2013