2012 – 13 - Art Gallery of Ballarat

Art Gallery of Ballarat
Annual Report
Annual Report 2012–13
Chair’s Report .................................................................................................4
Director’s Report ...........................................................................................6
Foundation Report .......................................................................................8
Association Report .......................................................................................9
Gallery Guides Report .............................................................................10
Adopt an Artwork ......................................................................................12
Donations, Gifts, and Bequests .........................................................13
Acquisitions ...................................................................................................14
The Jenny Zimmer Collection ...............................................28
ISSN 0726-5530
Art Gallery of Ballarat
ACN: 145 246 224
ABN: 28 145 246 224
40 Lydiard Street North
Ballarat Victoria 3350
T 03 5320 5858
F 03 5320 5791
Capturing Flora: 300 years of Australian botanical art....40
Touring exhibitions ..................................................................................42
Capturing Flora: Passion for the Exotick............................44
Outward Loans..............................................................................................46
Publications ...................................................................................................50
Public Programs .........................................................................................52
Capturing Flora Public Programs ........................................57
Education Report .......................................................................................58
Capturing Flora Education Programs .................................61
Staff and Volunteers ...............................................................................65
Cover image: original architectual
drawing of Gallery facade
Image right: view of Capturing Flora:
300 years of Australian botanical
art, Ian Potter Foundation Gallery,
September 2013.
Image next page: William Ford
Yarra Flats (detail) 1874 oil on
canvas. Purchased with funds from
the Colin Hicks Caldwell Bequest,
Visitation ..........................................................................................................65
Board Members ..........................................................................................66
Budget Summaries ...................................................................................68
“absolutely beautifully displayed and researched
– informative and entertaining”
The Art Gallery of Ballarat will be recognised for
inspiring, stimulating, enriching and challenging
the lives and experiences of those who come
within through its rich and diverse presentation
of visual arts.
To foster and enrich the cultural life of our city, our
region and the nation by acquiring, conserving
and presenting a great collection of art.
Chair’s Report
When developing the Strategic Plan for the incoming Art
Gallery of Ballarat Board of Directors, considerable time was
devoted to identifying both the Vision and the Mission to
guide our work. It is worth noting what both these state:
The Art Gallery of Ballarat will be recognised for
inspiring, stimulating, enriching and challenging
the lives and experiences of those who come within
through its rich and diverse presentation of visual
To foster and enrich the cultural life of our City, our
region and the Nation by acquiring, conserving and
presenting a great collection of art.
With the completion of the inaugural Strategic Plan the
Board of Directors, through the work of the Director and the
Gallery team, have remained committed to the Vision and
Mission. A review of the exhibition schedule, the extensive
conservation program and acquisition program during this
report period are testimony to this commitment.
Whilst it can be said that much of the work of the Art
Gallery of Ballarat Board lacks the glamour of the exhibition
openings, it has been a very satisfying period in terms of
achievement. As the inaugural Board has commenced
implementing the Strategic Plan, considerable work has
needed to be undertaken around policy, finance planning
and budget delivery, and strategic partnerships. Internally
it has been important to align the Board’s directions with
those of the Art Gallery of Ballarat Foundation and the
Ballarat Fine Art Gallery Association and to utilise the
tremendous resources within these bodies to advance key
areas of the Strategic Plan. The Board greatly appreciates the
support of these organisations.
Two very significant agreements were signed off on behalf
of the Art Gallery of Ballarat Board during this period
of reporting. These were the Service Level Agreement
between the Board and the City of Ballarat and the Terms
of Loan for the Flag of the Southern Cross (Eureka Flag). The
latter agreement enabled the loan of the flag to the newly
established Museum for Australian Democracy at Eureka
(M.A.D.E). Contained in this agreement is the formation of
the sub-committee, with members drawn from the Boards
of both institutions, to monitor the loan of the flag.
The Art Gallery of Ballarat Board of Directors has taken a
proactive approach to developing strategic relationships
both within Ballarat and beyond. A regular meeting
schedule has been established with Ballarat Regional
Tourism and a Western Victoria Regional Galleries
forum has been initiated, along with joint professional
development programs for Directors operating in Not For
Profit organisations. A framework for philanthropic support
has been developed with the support of the Art Gallery
of Ballarat Foundation. During his address at the Adopt
an Artwork program dinner in late 2012 (see image right),
Rupert Myer AC commented on the importance of galleries
being ‘philanthropic prepared’ for the future.
The Board of Directors has been similarly proactive in
developing strategic alliances with other galleries of similar
stature. To this end, through the support of the Ferry
Foundation, the Gallery Director undertook an extensive
international trip visiting galleries and meeting with
Directors and key international art consultants to identify
opportunities that will enhance the exhibition schedule.
There will be some exciting developments ahead for the
Gallery as a result of the Director’s comprehensive travel
program. Consistent with the Gallery’s Vision and Mission,
there is a conscious effort to find an alternative model from
the ‘blockbuster’ pre-packaged imports with their potential
for high risk and compromise.
Capturing Flora epitomised the Gallery’s Mission and the
Gallery’s direction. This extraordinary exhibition was a truly
remarkable event, with every element developed and
delivered ‘in house’—a credit to the Director and his small
team. It attracted tremendous national interest and critical
acclaim and outstanding attendances. The magnificent and
comprehensive catalogue has become a major reference
in botanical circles. The exhibition was complemented by
an attractive gift shop offering and a wonderful education
program. Components of this extensive exhibition have
travelled interstate and with more tours confirmed in the
coming year.
I conclude this report by taking the opportunity of thanking
the very committed and skilled Gallery staff for their
dedicated work, along with the various volunteer groups
who so ably support and champion the Gallery. These
include the Gallery Guides and the Women’s Association.
The 129 year old Ballarat Fine Art Gallery Association, with
its membership close to 2000, continues its strong tradition
of support, as does the Art Gallery of Ballarat Foundation.
Likewise the work of the Gallery Education Officers once
again registers record numbers of students attending a
regional gallery in Australia.
Finally I thank my fellow Art Gallery of Ballarat Board of
Directors for their dedicated work in implementing the
Strategic Plan and governance compliance.
Garry Taylor, Chair
Director’s Report
This past year was dominated by Capturing Flora: 300 years
of Australian botanical art — our largest and most ambitious
exhibition ever, given the number of works included, the
size of its catalogue, and its visitation and wider impact.
The exhibition explored a genre that had never been
examined or celebrated before by an Australian art gallery
and the Gallery was widely acclaimed for undertaking it.
The catalogue has received rave reviews in Australia and
overseas as well as a shortlisting for a prestigious award in
the United States and has gone into a second edition in
partnership with a commercial publisher.
In recent years this Gallery has been faced with a challenge
of how to present itself to its own community and to the
wider Australian public. Do we go down the path of the
German Kunsthalle and simply present pre-packaged
touring exhibitions bought in from outside or do we
mount our own exhibitions? If the latter, do we source the
component works from within the collection or from other
lenders? An even more fundamental question is whether we
are primarily about serving our community or are meant to
be a vehicle that generates tourist activity and revenue?
Capturing Flora, and indeed exhibitions like the cartoon
exhibition In your face!, represent an important part of the
Gallery’s response to these questions. We haven’t shied away
from presenting exhibitions which have popular appeal,
but we have applied the highest principles of scholarship
and design to our projects. Most importantly, we have
developed most of our exhibitions ‘in-house’ rather than
buying them in from outside. Wherever possible, these
exhibitions have been grounded within this collection.
Eighty-five per cent of the works in Capturing Flora came
from the Gallery’s Collection. That means that the research
and conservation undertaken to present these shows
directly benefits the Collection.
We haven’t abandoned our community either. As the
listing of exhibitions will show, no fewer that eight shows
happened under the aegis of Supporting Local Artists.
I would like to single out another exhibition from this same
period which is also worthy of note. Got the message? 50
years of political posters, curated by local art historian Geoff
Wallis, was another landmark program which I believe
added significantly to scholarship about the art of the
poster. The show brought out on display an inspiring and
challenging body of work from Australia, France, United
States, China, Poland, and South Africa.
These are exhibitions that matter, and this Gallery is now
widely recognised for developing a dynamic program that is
studded with offerings of this calibre.
Last November we launched the second phase of the Adopt
an Artwork program. The primary aims of this relaunch were
to conserve the paintings on the wall overlooking the grand
staircase and to start providing our extensive collection of
paintings by members of the Lindsay family with frames that
are appropriate to the period in which they were created.
The results have been spectacular and I am pleased to
say that before the end of 2013 every painting currently
hanging on the staircase will have been treated and the
extensive holding of works by members of the Lindsay
family will also have been conserved and reframed, ready to
be hung in a much more impressive display.
Towards the end of the financial year we also launched a
Bequests Campaign. One only has to look at the credit lines
on the paintings throughout the Gallery to see how funds
left as legacies have transformed the Collection. However,
bequests do not have to be confined to the purchase of
works of art. A bequest can be a very personal way of linking
one’s name with some aspect of the mission of the Gallery.
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and
thank my staff. Some of the projects that we brought off this
year were frankly almost more than such a small staff could
manage. Capturing Flora involved everyone both ‘front and
back of house’. During its set up most of us turned into Flora
Zombies. It was fun but it was very taxing.
I would also like to thank the Board of Directors and in
particular Chair Garry Taylor for their constant support, not
just of me, but of all Gallery staff. Similarly thanks are due
to Jeff Pulford, Director of Destinations and Economy at
the City of Ballarat. The Ballarat Fine Art Gallery Association
and particularly its president Gordon Monro continue to
provide excellent support to the Gallery in many of its
endeavours, especially through its participation in the
Board’s Acquisitions Sub-committee and through its hosting
of so many of the social events that are an integral part of
the life of an art gallery.
Gordon Morrison, Director
Image: Ann Newmarch Women hold up half the sky (detail) 1978 screen
print on paper. Purchased with funds from public donation, 2013
Foundation Report
This year has been a time of considerable change for
the Foundation. It has seen the winding up of the Ferry
Foundation and its incorporation into the Art Gallery of
Ballarat Foundation and as a result we have welcomed
Robyn Ferry on to the Foundation as a Trustee. We have
also welcomed another two new Trustees in Mark Guirguis
and Vicki Coltman. Their interest and enthusiasm gives the
Foundation a great team for the future.
In November 2012 the Foundation hosted a dinner to relaunch the highly successful Adopt an Artwork initiative.
This program, which was established in 2008, has proven to
be a very successful fundraiser towards the conservation of
artworks—one only needs to walk into the Oddie Gallery
and marvel at the splendour in that room to appreciate
how important it is to have money to maintain our valuable
collection. The re-launch was intended to reinvigorate
this program and it has certainly done that. Our Director,
Gordon Morrison, has a very long list of works that need
conservation, so it is wonderful to be able to assist in this
important work.
In May this year, the Foundation launched its Bequest
program with a brochure produced and distributed to
solicitors, accountants and financial planners in Ballarat and
beyond. This has generated some interest, but of course
it can be some time before we receive any direct benefits
from such a program. Only time will tell.
Association Report
The Trustees of the Foundation were also invited by the Art
Gallery Board of Directors to the inaugural Western Victorian
Regional Galleries Forum. This event proved to be a very
informative evening and we hope it will be the first of many.
We congratulate the Board on this initiative.
The Foundation has been able to help the Gallery financially
in a variety of ways over the last twelve months including
contributing to the production of a catalogue for the
exhibition For the Love of Art: 25 years of guiding at the
Gallery, the Bequest Brochure production, the production
of a promotional folder to be used in helping to gain
sponsorship and also provided funding for the Director to
travel overseas on a research trip investigating prospects for
future major exhibitions.
I would also like to acknowledge the contribution to the
work of the Foundation of Bruce Thomas, who passed away
earlier this year. Bruce audited the Foundation books since
it was established in 1998. He generously provided this
essential service in a voluntary capacity and we are very
grateful for his long-term commitment to our work.
I look forward to working with all the Trustees in growing
the Foundation to help support the Art Gallery of Ballarat
into the future.
Jane Cowles, Chair
During the year the Association has been settling into its
new relationship with the Gallery, as the new Gallery Board
puts its policies and processes into place. As the incoming
President of the Association, I have also been learning about
the wide range of activities connected with the Gallery and
the intricate organisational structures that help to make
these activities possible.
On behalf of the Association, I wish to congratulate the
Gallery Director and all the staff for the extensive and
varied exhibitions and events they have put on during the
year, including the wonderful Capturing Flora exhibition, a
landmark of Australian botanical art and botanical art about
Australia. I didn’t know that Napoleon’s Empress Josephine
had a significant collection of Australian plants, as well as
kangaroos and black swans.
The Association organised an Indoor Garden Party in honour
of the Capturing Flora exhibition. It also ran regular bus
trips to Melbourne for tours of some major exhibitions at
the National Gallery of Victoria, and it arranged Behind the
Scenes tours of the Gallery for new Members — I wish to
thank Gallery staff, and in particular Anne Rowland and
Gordon Morrison, for making their time available for these
During the year, the Association provided funds for the
purchase of three significant works in memory of Dr Greg
Binns, art lecturer, teacher and mentor to many, lover of the
Australian bush, past President of the Association, Gallery
Guide and a great friend of the Gallery. The works, chosen
on the Association’s behalf by Gallery Director Gordon
Morrison, recall some of Greg’s many interests.
Another exhibition drawing heavily on the Gallery’s own
collection was the exhibition of political posters, Got the
Message?. Apart from being a substantial achievement for
the Gallery and its staff, this exhibition drew on the private
collection and the specialised knowledge of Geoff Wallis,
Lecturer and subsequently Research Fellow at the University
of Ballarat.
This year marks the twenty-fifth year of service of the Gallery
Guides, who are independent of the Association but work
closely with it. I wish to pay tribute to their hard work and
professionalism, especially evident with the demanding
schedule of exhibition tours they put on for Capturing Flora.
I also wish to thank the members of the Association Council
and the various committees for their work during the year,
and for their advice and guidance for a new President.
A significant event for our members was the moving of the
Flag of the Southern Cross (Eureka Flag) to the new Museum
of Australian Democracy at Eureka (M.A.D.E). Under the
loan agreement made with the Gallery, all Members of the
Association may view the Flag at M.A.D.E free of charge.
Gordon Monro, President
Gallery Guides Report
It has been an exciting, rewarding and special year for the
Gallery Guides as we celebrate a remarkable twenty-five
years of guiding.
We currently have a very committed and vibrant group
of forty-four Guides, after fifteen new trainees graduated
with flying colours from their year-long training program
in December 2012. Trainees are carefully matched with a
senior Guide and then embark on a program of intense
research, observation, and oral presentations. Our newest
members continue to delight us with their great knowledge,
enthusiasm and camaraderie.
As well as providing visitors with our regular afternoon
tours of the permanent collection all year round, the Guides
provide tours for booked groups and for special exhibitions.
To look at a single month as an example, in October
2012, we provided extra tours for a Liberal Party cocktail
function, the Iraqi Ministry of Finance, GroupLink tours,
Ballarat Southern Cross Probus and Friends of the Hamilton
Art Gallery. From 26 September to 2 December 2012, we
conducted daily morning tours and special group tours of
the Capturing Flora exhibition. These tours were very well
attended and we enjoyed every single minute with our
knowledgeable visitors. We also provided special Stories of
Entertainment tours during Heritage Weekend in May 2013.
Our education program is paramount to the success of the
guiding group. We approach this through our own planned
education days, visits to other galleries, the Art Insights
lunchtime talk program and sharing of our research into
the collection. In August 2012 the guides participated in a
wonderful Eureka education session, led by Bob Allan (see
image right). We have had many marvellous education
sessions with arts professionals such as Anne E Stewart on
storytelling, and Julianne Eveleigh on voice and posture.
Our trips are educational in their focus—we have visited
many galleries throughout the year, including a trip to Heide
Museum of Modern Art in 2012 to see the Danila Vassilieff
exhibition, with a wonderful talk by Felicity St John Moore.
We also visited the Monet exhibition at the National Gallery
of Victoria, which was preceded by a very informative
introductory talk.
The Gallery Guides are proud to be forging strong
relationships with our regional colleagues. In March we
visited Ararat Regional Art Gallery, where Director Anthony
Camm and his team made us feel very welcome while
showing us through the Lorraine Connelly-Northey
travelling exhibition. We visited the Bendigo Art Gallery in
April 2013 and were shown the highlights of the permanent
collection and took part in group discussions around gallery
guiding. In May we hosted the Bendigo Art Gallery Guides
who were particularly interested in seeing our Modern and
Contemporary collections and in touring the Guirguis New
Art Prize.
The monthly Art Insights program of lunchtime talks is a
highlight on our yearly calendar and gives us an opportunity
to collaborate with the University of Ballarat Arts Academy,
who run the talks during May and August. This wellattended program is carefully planned by the Gallery Guides
committee, Gallery staff and the University of Ballarat.
The list of speakers is varied and includes our own Gallery
Guides, as well as visiting guests and artists.
In May 2013 twelve Guides attended A capital collection: art
for the nation. This was the nineteenth National Conference
of Art Gallery Guides, held at the National Gallery of Australia
as part of the celebrations for the Centenary of Canberra.
At the conference we were treated to a comprehensive
series of presentations on our national cultural institutions
— Ron Radford from the National Gallery of Australia,
Andrew Sayers from the National Museum of Australia,
Sarah Engledow from the National Portrait Gallery, Margy
Burn from the National Library of Australia and Sasha Grishin
from the Australian National University. Our thanks go to
the Gallery Association for contributing to the cost of our
travelling to this marvellous event.
This year it is twenty-five years since our first Convenor,
Margaret Martin, and her team began guiding duties at the
Art Gallery, and during this time the Guides have continued
a strong tradition of camaraderie, inspired and sustained
by our love of art. This milestone will be celebrated with an
exhibition, highlighting works that we see as central to the
collection and our guiding story, with accompanying trail
and catalogue. This is a great tribute to the hard work of our
many past and present volunteers.
My sincere thanks go to my wonderful and very hardworking committee who design and maintain all aspects of
our yearly program, and each and every Gallery Guide who
dedicates so much time, knowledge and passion for the
love of art and the Art Gallery of Ballarat.
Pauline O’Shannessy-Dowling, Convenor
Donations, Gifts and Bequests
Giving to an art gallery is not just
an act of generosity, it is a powerful
expression of your own personality,
recognisable for generations to come.
The generosity of individual donors
has the power to transform art
institutions, bringing a lasting benefit
to their communities and creating a
lasting memorial to the giver.
Adopt an Artwork
This program gives individuals or
groups the opportunity to contribute
towards the conservation treatment
and maintenance of artworks in the
Art Gallery of Ballarat Collection.
Contributions during 2012–13:
Silver donations
$5,000 up to $25,000
The Courier, Fairfax Media Group
The Davies family
Mrs Ridsdale in memory of her
husband, Leonard Darrell Ridsdale
Michael Stubbs
Bronze dontations
$1,000 up to $5,000
Art Gallery of Ballarat Women’s
Australian Catholic University
Barrie Coltman
Val Newman
Ruth Rentschler
John & Voi Williams
Dr Jeff Woodger
Over the years, the Art Gallery of
Ballarat has benefitted from the
generosity of members of the
community and many of the Gallery’s
most famous artworks have been
acquired as the result of donations,
gifts and bequests. Hans Heysen’s The
three gums, Tom Roberts’ A summer
morning tiff and E Phillips Fox’s A love
story were acquired in this way in the
past, while more recent examples are
Rick Amor’s Study for the dry season,
Brett Whiteley’s Portrait of Richard
Neville and Jeffrey Smart’s The listeners.
Donations, gifts or bequests
do not have to go towards the
acquisition of works of art, but can
include conservation work, support
of publications or establishing
community programs. The variety of
ways in which your contribution can
have a lasting impact is almost endless.
Gifts to the Gallery can be made
through the Art Gallery of Ballarat
Foundation, a Charitable Fund whose
role is to assist the Gallery with specific
projects or acquisitions.
The Art Gallery of Ballarat is a Not for
Profit Company Limited by guarantee
which has Charitable Institution status
and is endorsed by the Australian
Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift
Recipient (DGR).
For more information, or to arrange an
appointment with the Gallery Director,
contact the Art Gallery of Ballarat
Business Support Officer on
5320 5858 or artgal@ballarat.vic.gov.au
The Gallery would like to thank the
following sponsors for their support
during 2012–13
The Courier
The Ferry Foundation
The Hugh Williamson Foundation
McCain Australasia Pty Ltd
Image left: before and after conservation of
Aurelio Tiratelli Crossing the Campagna
not dated oil on canvas. Gift of E Smythe Esq.
Frame conserved with funds donated in memory
of Leonard Darrell Ridsdale by his wife,
Adopt an Artwork, 2012
Drawings Australian
Christian Waller
Study of a horse
pencil on paper
Gift of the estate of Klytie Pate in 2010,
Group of two works
The uppity house 2011
Hitler in Hell 2011
ink & watercolour on paper
Donated through the Australain
Government’s Cultural Gifts Program
by John Spooner, 2013
Peter Wegner
Five days with a poet 2013
pencil and beeswax on paper, 5 sheets
Purchased with funds from the Colin
Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2013
Edwin Tanner
Untitled (nude study), circa 1952
pencil on paper
Purchased with funds from the Colin
Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2013
Ambrose Dyson
ink & wash on paper
Purchased with funds from the Rick
Amor Drawing Prize, 2012
George Finey
Another! 1930s
ink & coloured pencil on paper
Purchased with funds from the MS &
LJ Wilson, JA Smith Trust, 2012
Daryl Lindsay
[Western Front] 1917
conte, chalk and watercolour on paper
Gift of Isobel and Austin Dowling, 2013
Barry Gillard
Love laughs at locksmiths
ink on paper
Gift of the artist, 2013
Image: FP Nodder after Sydney Parkinson;
G Sibelius, engraver; Joseph Banks, patron;
Alecto Historical Editions, publisher
Claoxylon tenerifolium (detail) original plate
produced 1775 after drawing from 1770,
plate 305 from Banks’ Florilegium 1983 colour
engraving on paper. Purchased with funds
from the Hilton White Bequest, 2012 © Alecto
Historical Editions and the Natural History
Museum, London
Livingston Hopkins
Group of two works
Protection—in one sense, circa 1890
ink on card
Milking time—A Pastoral 1919
ink & wash on paper on board
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2012
Mandy Martin
Group of four works
Drawing for ‘Time and Tide’ 1985
Untitled [Red Ochre Cove series], circa1985
Second valley 1985
Drawing for Landscape Prosthesis 3 1985
mixed media works on paper
Donated through the Australian
Government’s Cultural Gifts Program
by Mandy Martin, 2013
Mali Moir
Group of two works
Lysiopetalum involucratum 2011
Philotheca myoporoides 2012
watercolour on vellum
Purchased with funds from the Rick
Amor Drawing Prize, 2012
Peter Nicholson
Group of twenty works
[the cattle trade] 2011
[go back...] 2011
[didn’t get the memo] 2009
[Captain Emad’s Travel Agency] 2012
[marketing Tony Abbott] 2009
New boat sighted 2012
[golden goose] 2012
A concise history of immigration 2010
Hotel Turismo, not dated
Closing ceremony 2008
[Geoffrey Tozer] 1997
The Pied Piper of Canberra 2009
Reconciliation 2004
[NRMA?] 2009
Moving forward 2011
pencil on paper
Gift of the artist, 2012
Fred Williams
Group of seven drawings
[figure studies] 1952–53
ink, conte on paper
Gift of Professor AGL Shaw in memory
of Peggy Shaw, 2013
Noela Stratford
Cataract 2012
charcoal on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2012
Paintings Australian
[free trade] 2011
Field positions 2001
[school reunion] 2009
[No! No!] 2012
[Julia and the Wiggles] 2012
digital drawings on paper
Gift of the artist, 2012
Purchased with funds from the Colin
Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2013
Don Namundja
Palm trees
ochre on paper
Purchased with funds from the Colin
Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2013
Gavin Namarnyilk
Man hunting namardakka and
ochre & acrylic on paper
Purchased with funds from the Colin
Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2013
Ron Quick
Apsara #14, 2012
pencil on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2012
Kalarriya ‘Jimmy’ Namarnyilk
Ubarr ceremony
acrylic, ochre & charcoal on paper
Andrew Seward
Ecklonia radiata, Marine algae study
James R Jackson
Early morning after rain at the Spit, [Reile]
Bay, not dated
oil on canvas on board
Donated through the Australian
Government’s Cultural Gifts Program
by Australian Securities Exchange (ASX
Limited), 2012
Marion Borgelt
Liquid Light: 73 degrees 2012
acrylic on canvas, pins
Purchased from the artist with funds
from the Lois Valerie Sheldon Bequest,
Stan Ostoja-Kotkowski
Dodecahedron 2 1983
enamel on galvanised iron
Purchased with funds from the Colin
Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2013
Deanne Gilson
Bunjil, not dated
oil on canvas
Purchased from the artist with funds
from the Elinor Morcom Bequest, 2012
Marlene Gilson
Mt Warrenheip, Bunjil and his creations
acrylic on canvas
Purchased from the artist with funds
from the Elinor Morcom Bequest, 2012
George Gittoes
War on Terra 2002
oil on canvas
Donated through the Australian
Government’s Cultural Gifts Program
by Michael Betar, 2012
Charles Basing
group of four paintings
[cows in landscape] circa 1915
see image left
[houses in trees] circa 1915
[trees] circa 1915
[river in snow-covered landscape] circa1915
oil on artist’s board
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2013
David Davies
Bruges circa 1910
oil on canvas
Purchased with funds from the Colin
Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2012
Unknown artist
Portrait of Andrew Forbes, circa 1860
oil on canvas
Gift of the descendants of Andrew
Forbes, 2013
David Davies
Friendly Societies Gardens 1888
oil on canvas
Purchased with funds from the Colin
Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2012
William Ford
Yarra Flats 1874
oil on canvas
Purchased with funds from the Colin
Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2012
Prints Australian
Wendy Black
Declare Antarctica a World Park 1984
screen print on paper
Purchased with funds from the Lois
Valerie Sheldon Bequest, 2013
John Power
L’homme calculateur 1938
linocut on paper
Gift of Robert Cunningham in memory
of Greg Binns, 2013
AW Howitt, R Shepherd
Group of seven works
Junction of the Wongungarra and
Wonnangatta Rivers, not dated
Cliff - Snowy Bluff, not dated
Cliff at the Wongungarra River, c.1875
Valley of the Wentworth River seen from
Mt.Birregun circa 1875
Valley of the Upper Dargo River seen from
near Mt.Birregun, circa 1875
Snowy Bluff seen from the North, circa1875
View of fault Murendel Creek, circa 1875
lithographs on paper
Gift of Tom Darragh, 2013
AW Howitt
Group of four works
Sources of the Dargo River from the High
Plains, circa 1875
Sources of the Cobungra River from near
White’s claim, circa 1875
Bogong High Plains and Sources of the
Bundarrah River, circa 1875
View across the Mitchell River Valley from
near Grant, circa 1875
lithographs on paper
Gift of Tom Darragh, 2013
CS Wilkinson, R Shepherd
Cliffs and Islets west of Princetown, Cape
Otway District, circa 1875
lithograph on paper
Gift of Tom Darragh, 2013
Livingston Hopkins
Self portrait 1894
etching on paper, red ink
Gift of Day Fine Art, 2013
Pam Debenham, Tin Sheds/Lucifoil
No nukes in the Pacific 1984
screen print on paper
Purchased with funds from the Lois
Valerie Shedlon Bequest, 2013
Unknown artist
Certificate, circa 1860
lithograph on card
Purchased, 2013
Leslie van der Sluys
A Lily of New South Wales: The Gymea
colour linocut on paper
Donated through the Australian
Government’s Cultural Gift Program by
Michael Elliott, 2013
Michael Callaghan, Earthworks Poster
Group of two works
Give Fraser the Razor 1977
If the unemployed are dole bludgers,
what the fuck are the idle rich? 1979
screen prints on paper
Purchased with funds from the Art
Gallery of Ballarat Foundation, 2013
Michael Callaghan, Alison Alder,
Redback Graphix
Beat the Grog 1986
screen print on paper
Purchased with funds from the Art
Gallery of Ballarat Foundation, 2013
Michael Callaghan, Marie Mcmahon,
Paul Cockram, Redback Graphix
Condoman says: Don’t be shame, be
game, use condoms! 1988
screen print on paper
Purchased with funds from the Art
Gallery of Ballarat Foundation, 2013
Michael Callaghan, Peter Curtis,
Redback Graphix
Stop the Killing Times 1988
screen print on paper
Purchased with funds from the Art
Gallery of Ballarat Foundation, 2013
Percy Lindsay
Programme of Sports, Brighton Ladies’
Swimming Club 1909
printed brochure
Gift of Nancee and Ted Millett, 2012
Lionel Lindsay
Group of two works
France’s Day, not dated
1917 France’s Day Kamaraderie 1917
printed postcards
Gift of Peter Lindsay, 2012
Norman Lindsay
An Argus Advertisement, not dated
printed postcard
Gift of Peter Lindsay, 2012
David Low, NSW Bookstall Company
The Billy Book, Hughes Abroad 1918
printed publication
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Unknown maker
Waratah 1930s
printed postcard, pencil
Gift of Peter Freund, 2013
Helena Forde, Victor Prout,
Government Printer NSW, Gerard
Group of two works
The Common Opossum (Phalangista
Vulpina) 1869–1871
Australian water-rats 1869–1871
lithographs on paper
Purchased with funds from the Lois
Valerie Sheldon Bequest, 2013
Harriet Scott, Government Printer
NSW, Gerard Krefft
The sea leopard 1869–1871
lithograph on paper
Purchased with funds from the Lois
Valerie Sheldon Bequest, 2013
Harriet Scott, Government Printer
NSW, Gerard Krefft, Victor Prout
Group of four works
The Australian Hedgehog 1869–1871
The Native Bear 1869–1871
The Kangaroo 1869–1871
The Ring-Tailed Opossum 1869–1871
lithographs on paper
Purchased with funds from the Lois
Valerie Sheldon Bequest, 2013
Paul Garbett, Naughtyfish Design
Group of three works
Slick 2010
Global warning 2009
digital prints on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Paul Garbett, Naughtyfish Design
Aids is fucking Africa 2009
screen print on paper
Gift of the artist, 2013
Peter Georgakis
Group of three works
Lateral thinking for Enemies, circa 2012
Safe Word, circa 2012
Shedding 35,000 Teeth in a Lifetime
digital prints on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Group of four works
Unsettled 2007
It’s not a crisis it’s a creed
Boundless plains to share 2010
Call a spade a spade 2009
digital prints on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Government’s Cultural Gifts Program
by Mandy Martin, 2013
Edward Minchen
Group of five works
Eucalyptus capitellata 1882
Backhousia myrtifolia 1882
Tristania conferta 1893–97
Eucalyptus piperita 1882
Ceratopetalum gummiferum; Christmas
bush 1882
chromolithographs on paper
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Mandy Martin
Group of three works
Stop Omega 1975
The drive of the US is to replace
traditional status values of the village
such as writing great poetry ... with new
ones like owning a TV set 1975
Iron Ore Baron 1977
screen prints on paper
Donated through the Australian
Government’s Cultural Gifts Program
by Mandy Martin, 2013
Deborah Kelly, Tina Fiveash
Hey, Hetero! 2001
laminated poster
Purchased with funds from the Lois
Valerie Sheldon Bequest, 2013
Chips MacKinolty
Group of two works
Our Land Our Law 1997
Road signs we should have 1998
screen prints on paper
Gift of the artist, 2013
Julie Shiels, Colin Russell, Another
Planet Posters
...and the American Warship sailed into
the sunset & never returned 1986
screenprint on paper, twelve sheets
Gift of Peter Mares, 2013
Chips Mackinolty, Toni Robertson,
Earthworks Poster Collective
Daddy, what did YOU do in the Nuclear
War? 1977
screenprint on paper
Donated through the Australian
Nicholas Mau
Group of two works
Dominator 2010
China Plate Mate 2008
serigraph prints on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
David McDiarmid
Rainbow Aphorisms 1994–2012
inkjet prints on rag paper
Purchased with funds from the
Robert Salzer Foundation and public
donation, 2013
screen print on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Carol Porter, Red Planet
Group of three works
Beautifully slim 1992
Some men will do anything to avoid
washing the dishes 1992
Our Lady of Perpetual Cash Flow 1992
screen prints on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Nicholas Chevalier, Frederick Grosse,
William Blandowski
Nineteen different fish living in the
Murray and Billabong (4 plates) 1857
engraving on paper
Purchased, 2013
Samuel Calvert, Melbourne Punch
Our engraver as he appears through the
week, Our engraver as he appears on
Thursday evening 1856
engraving on paper
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2012
Ann Newmarch
Group of three works
Women hold up half the sky 1978
Colour me Bold, Queen of Hearts 1977
Colour me Out, The Death Card 1979
screen prints on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Tom Carrington, Melbourne Punch
Group of four works
Bird’s eye view of Albert Park 1885
‘Education’ of the Berry 1876
All things to all men 1870s
A Thing of Beauty 1877
wood engravings on paper
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Mary Lou Pavlovic
Liar! 2004
Julie Shiels, Jenny Anwaya
Revealing the face of change 1988
screen print on paper
Purchased with funds from the Lois
Valerie Sheldon Bequest, 2013
Julie Shiels, Another Planet Posters
Your racism affects us 1988
screenprint on paper
Purchased with funds from the Lois
Valerie Sheldon Bequest, 2013
James Cant, Clive Turnbull
Folio with six signed artist’s prints—The
Fish, The Reptile, The Bird, The Struggle
for Life, The Lust for Power, Adam Eve and
Cain 1948
cliche-verre prints on paper
Gift of Ernest Smith, 2012
Arlene TextaQueen
We don’t need another hero: series of 8
posters 2011
offset lithograph on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Dianna Wells, Another Planet Posters
We all have a right to .... feel safe 1988
screenprint on paper
Purchased with funds from the Lois
Valerie Sheldon Bequest, 2013
Prints Other
T Boys, George Cooke, Conrad
Loddiges & Son
Chorizema nana not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
George Cooke, Conrad Loddiges & Son
Group of three works
Oxylobium cordifolium not dated
Pultenaea mucronata not dated
Gompholobium pedunculare not dated
engravings on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Edouard Riou, Alphonse Francois
Title page—Souvenirs d’un Squatter
Francais en Australie (Colonie de Victoria)
engraving & text on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Rouyer, Charles Maurand
Group of two works
Banksia latifolia not dated
Metrosideros speciosa not dated
engravings on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Rouyer, Manini
Fleurs et fruits du Metrosideros speciosa
not dated
engraving on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Edouard Riou, P Maurand
Indigenes australiens (province de
Victoria) 1861
engraving on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Thomas Rowlandson, R Ackermann
Group of two works
The Banns Forbidden 1820
Dr Syntax and the foundling 1821
engravings on paper, hand coloured
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
Edouard Riou
Danse des indigenes australiens 1861
engraving on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Thomas Rowlandson
Dr Syntax at the funeral of his wife not
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
Edouard Riou, J Gauchard
Camp d’un indigenes australiens 1861
engraving on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Unknown artist
Australie - Vue generale du Palais de
l’Exposition universelle de Melbourne not
engraving on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
Rouyer, Manini
Feuillage et cone du Banksia latifolia not
engraving on paper
James Sowerby
Group of three works
Mimosa myrtifolia 1795
Styphelia tubiflora 1795
Mimosa hispidula 1795
engravings on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
Charles Lesueur, Jacques-Gerard
Milbert, Frères Lambert, François
Casoar de la Nouvelle Hollande not
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
Peter Mazell, John Stockdale
group of two works
[shells] 1792
[shells] 1792
engravings on paper
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
L´Abbé Prévost, Jean Coutant
Group of two works
Kangourou oualabat, Kangurus
ualabatus 1826
Sericule Prince-Regent 1826
engravings on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
J-C Werner, Borromee, Eugene Giraud
Koala brun, Male not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
with gum arabic
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
J-C Werner, Louis Le Breton,
Borromee, B Baron
Phalanger grisonnant, Fem et son petit,
Nob not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
with gum arabic
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
J-C Werner, Louis Le Breton, A
Phoque carcinophage, Phoca
carcinophaga 1842
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Mills, Benjamin Maund
Anthocercis viscosa not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Mrs Withers, Nevitt, Benjamin Maund
Scottia dentata not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
John Gould, Henry Richter
Casuarius australis 1840s
lithograph on paper, hand coloured,
with gum arabic
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
William Dickes, WH Lizars
group of three engravings on paper,
hand coloured
Dasyurus maugei, Native of Van Diemens
Land 1845
Petaurus pygmaeus 1845
Echidna hystrix, native of New South
Wales 1845
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Pancrase Bessa, Jean Joseph
Mougeot, Arthur Bertrand
La Busseuillie de Botany-Bay 1837
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2012
William Dickes, WH Lizars, William
Macropus penicillatus 1845
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
JN Fitch, L Reeve & Co, Vincent Brooks
Moraea robinsoniana 1867–98
lihtograph on paper
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Edward Lear, WH Lizars
Group of four works
Palaeornis barrabandi, Barraband Ring
Parrakeet 1845
Plyctolophus leadbeateri, Tricolourcrested Cockatoo 1845
Microglossus aterrimus, Goliath Aratoo 1845
Pezoporus formosus, Ground Parrot 1845
engravings on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Miss Maund, Nevitt, Benjamin Maund
Candella cunninghamii not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Henry Moon, Guillaume Severeyns,
William Robinson
Clianthus dampieri marginatus (Glory
Pea) 1890
chromolithograph on paper
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2012
engraving on paper
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
Unknown artist, Guillaume
Severeyns, William Robinson
group of three chromolithographs on
Hibiscus hugeli not dated
Beaufortia splendens not dated
Callistemon rigidus not dated
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2012
Victor Danvin, St. Cholet
Vue du Torrent de Glen brook creek not
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
Unknown artist, Harrison & Co
Great Black Cockatoo, Greater Cockatoo,
White Red-vented Cockatoo, White
Yellow-crested Cockatoo 1785
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Unknown artist, WH Lizars
group of seven works
Macropus parryi 1845
Macropus bennettii 1845
Macropus ualabatus 1845
Macropus derbianus 1845
Phalangista vulpina 1845
Petaurus taguanoides 1845
Halmaturus rutilans 1845
engravings on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Edward William Cooke
[convict hulk ‘York’] not dated
Victor Danvin, Marc Monnin
Entrevue avec les Sauvages not dated
engraving on paper
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
Victor Danvin, Lf Lejeune
Vue de Sidney not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
Gld de Rienni, Marc Monnin
Famille de Sauvages not dated
engraving on paper
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
Louis Auguste de Sainson, Dunaime
La chaloupe de l’Astrolabe pechant une
des ancres de laperouse not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
Illustrated London News
group of two works
Depot at Birkenhead, for the reception of
Government Emigrants to Australia: with
a vessel alongside the wharf preparing
for the voyage 1852
The Female Emigrant’s Home, at Hatton
Garden —The Chief Room; Cabin of the
‘Madagascar’ and Female Emigrants 1853
engravings on paper
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
T Prattent, John Stockdale
A Stone Ax, A Basket of the Bark of a Tree,
A Wooden Sword 1789
engraving on paper
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
Prior, AW Warren
A Man of Cape Dieman in New Holland
not dated
engraving on paper
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
John Skinner Prout, E Brandard,
Edwin Carton Booth, Virtue & Co
group of two works
Port Arthur, Tasmania 1870s
Maria Island, Tasmania 1870s
steel engravings on paper
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
Rennoldson, Alexander Hogg
A Remarkable Animal found on one of
the Hope Islands in Captain Cook’s first
Voyage; The Vari, or Macauco, a native of
Madagascar not dated
engraving on paper
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
A man of Van Diemen’s Land, A Woman
and Child of Van Diemen’s Land not
engraving on paper
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
Taylor, Alexander Hogg
A young Sea Otter found off the North
West Coast of America; An Opossum,
a quadruped of Van Diemen’s Land; A
White Bear found in the Pacific Ocean
near Icy Cape not dated
engraving on paper
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
Unknown artist
Campement de defricheurs Australiens
not dated
photogravure on paper, hand coloured
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
Lt Watts, T Medland
Views of Curtis’s Islands 1789
engraving on paper
Gift of Peter Freund, 2012
Jules-Sebastien-César Dumont
group of eighty-two natural history
prints from Voyage de l’Astrolabe
not dated
engravings on paper
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2013
see image detail right
Antoine-Germain Bevalet, Victor,
François Péron
Maquereau loo not dated
engraving on paper
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
CE Blanchard, Borromée
[insects] not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
with gum arabic
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
Borromée, Victor
Lithode antarctique not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
with gum arabic
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
Nicolas Huet, H Legrand, Remond
Babiroussa male, Celebes 1834
engraving on paper, hand coloured,
laid on paper
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2013
Nicolas Huet, E Talbaux
Babiroussa femelle adulte, Babiroussa,
jeune male, Celebes 1834
engraving on paper
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2013
Hullmandel & Walton, T & W Boone
group of four works
Avicula lata, Spatangus elongatus 1845
Petasida ephippigera, Chrysopa
maculipennis, Eurybrachys laeta,
Tettigarcta tomentosa, It’s pupa case
Thridopteryx nigrescens, Ch. fuscinula,
Callimorpha selenaea, Acontia pulchra,
Chelonia pallida 1845
Astacus franklinii, As. bicarinatus, As.
quinquecannatus 1845
lithographs on paper
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2013
Paul Louis Oudart, Borromée, Coupe
Centropriste tasmanien, Therapon de
dubouzet not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
with gum arabic
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
Paul Louis Oudart, Borromée,
[birds] not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
with gum arabic
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
Jean Gabriel Pretre, Jean Massard
Kanguroo d’aroe not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
J-C Werner, Borromée, A Dumenil
Rousette insulaire (Nob.) femelle not
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
J-C Werner, Louis Le Breton,
Borromée, B Baron
Stenorhynque aux petits ongles not
engraving on paper, hand coloured
with gum arabic
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
J-C Werner, Borromée, A Dumenil
Phalanger de Cook? (G.Cuv.) male not
engraving on paper, hand coloured
with gum arabic
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
J-C Werner, Borromée, Mme Egasse
Koala brun not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
J-C Werner, Borromée, Oudet
Douyong des Indes (mouth of dugong)
not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
J-C Werner, Louis Le Breton,
Borromée, Mme Egasse Plée
Dauphin a museau court, Dauphin a
ventre rose not dated
engraving on paper, hand coloured
with gum arabic
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
James Gillray, H Humphrey
The great South Sea Caterpillar,
transform’d into a Bath Butterfly 1795
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2012
F deTollenaere, P Vervoort, Charles
Disemma coccinea 1865
chromolithograph on paper
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2012
Unknown artist, Charles Morren
Stenocarpus cunninghami 1851–85
chromolithograph on paper
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2012
Johann Stephan Capieux
group of three works
Die gelbe gummi pflanze 1790
Fliegendes eichhorn.v.d.insel Nordfolck
(flying ‘squirrel’, Norfolk Island) 1790
Schwarzes fliegendes opossum 1790
engravings on paper
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
NM Petit, B Roger, Jacques-Gerard
Milbert, François Péron
group of three works
Oui-Re-Kine 1803–24
Gnoung-A-Gnoung-A, Mour-Re-MourGa 1803–24
Bara-Ourou 1803-24
engravings on paper
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
Jane Loudon
group of four works
Oxylobium retusum, Brachysema
latifolium, Euchilus obcordatus,
Dillwynia parvifolia, Eutaxia pungens,
Hovea pungens 1840s
Chorozema dicksonii, C. ovatum, C.
henchmanni, C. varium, C. spartioides
Callistemon macrostachyum,
Angophora cordifolia, Metrosideros
speciosa 1840s
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2012
Lalage ornata, Scortia dentata,
Templetonia retusa, Crotalaria purpurea,
Aspalathus chenopoda 1840s
lithographs on paper, hand coloured
Gift of Panteek Antique Prints, 2012
Anton Hartinger
group of four works
Burtonia sessilifolia 1844–60
Lechenaultia biloba 1844–60
Telopea speciosissima 1844–60
Tremandra verticillata 1844–60
chromolithographs on paper, hand
coloured, with gum arabic
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
Bryan Poole
Banksia serrata not dated
etching on paper, a la poupee, hand
Purchased from the artist with funds
from the Joe White Bequest, 2013
W Berthoud, W Panormo
The Emeus, in the Royal Menagery Tower
of London 1829
engraving on paper
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Friedrich Guimpel, Friedrich Gottlob
Eucalyptus resinifera circa 1820
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2012
after William Strutt, Illustrated
London News
The Golden Point, Ballarat 1852
wood engraving on paper
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2012
Harrison & Co
Banksia shrub 1801
engraving on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2012
Unknown artist
group of two works
Dasyurus and Honey Possums 1861
Lyre bird 1861
engravings on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Harrison Cluse & Co
Group of four works
Yellow fragile flower 1799
Rock-flower of New South Wales 1800
Banksia serrata 1799
Fern Pine of New South Wales 1799
engravings on paper, hand coloured
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Unknown artist, Mangioni
Ta-ta-bahi-bah, circa 1839
lithograph on paper
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Peter Mazell, Lt Watts
New Holland Cassowary 1789
engraving on paper
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Unknown artist, Charles d’Orbigny
Leschenaultia formosa 1849
lithograph on paper, hand coloured,
gum arabic
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2012
Major Thomas Mitchell, A Picken, Day
& Haghe, T & W Boone
Breccia Cave, at Wellington Valley 1839
lithograph on paper
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2013
George Baxter
News from Australia 1853
wood engraving & etching on paper,
Baxter print
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
W Panormo, AA Park, Thomas Kelly
The Kangaroos. In the Collection of Earl
Darnley, Cotham Park 1829
engraving on paper
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
George Baxter
News from Home 1853
wood engraving & etching on paper,
Baxter print, on paper backing
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2013
Various artists
Collection of 152 prints covering
emigration and shipping to Australia,
exploration in Australia and the Pacific,
indigenous contact, goldfields, fauna,
caricatures and cartoons.
Gift of Ted & Gina Gregg, 2012
WatercoloUrs Australian
Purchased with funds from the Lois
Valerie Sheldon Bequest, 2013
William Ricketts
[head] circa 1950
terracotta with ochre highlights
Gift of the Morrison family in memory
of Jim and Christine Morrison, 2013
Lauren Black
Hypopterygium didictyon - Umbrella
moss 2012
watercolour on paper
Commissioned by the Ballarat Fine Art
Gallery Association in memory of Greg
Binns, 2013
Peter Nicholson
Maquette: Bob Hawke not dated
plaster, applied colour
John Button not dated
bronze, stone
Gift of the artist, 2012
David Davies
Feeding the chickens circa 1910
watercolour on paper
Purchased with funds from the Colin
Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2012
Peter Nicholson, Meridian Sculpture
Neville Wran not dated
Gift of the artist, 2012
Fred Williams
group of two works
[figures] not dated
Leatherhead 1953
gouache on paper
Gift of Professor AGL Shaw in memory
of Peggy Shaw, 2013
Bronwyn Razem
Eel traps 2013
phormium tenax
Purchased from the artist with funds
from the Lois Valerie Sheldon Bequest,
May Grigg
[landscape] 1929
watercolour on paper
Gift of Helen Davies, 2013
Ceramics Australian
Maria Antoinetta Taenzl von Tratzberg
Dracophyllum secundum circa 1850
watercolour on paper
Group of fourteen ceramic objects by
various artists
Kevin Boyd
Vase 2005 etched raku stoneware
Alexandra Copeland
Platter 1994 earthenware with tin glaze
Greg Daly
Platter not dated glazed with gold leaf
John Dermer
Bowl not dated glazed ceramic
Andrew Halford
Large bowl not dated glazed ceramic
Brian Keyte
Bowl not dated glazed porcelain
Susie McMeekin
Bowl not dated wood fired, tin glaze
Chris Myers
Lidded jar not dated enamelled ceramic
Lidded jar not dated enamelled ceramic
Christopher Sanders
Large lidded jar 1989 glazed
porcelainous earthenware
Lidded jar not dated porcelain
Lidded jar not dated porcelain
Barry Singleton
Bowl 2005 glazed porcelain
Kirk Winter
Lidded pot not dated wood fired glazed
Vase not dated wood fired glazed
Donated through the Australian
Government’s Cultural Gifts Program
by Michael Elliott, 2013
Chester Nealie
Bottle 2011
artist blend stoneware, wood fired,
feldspathic glaze, ash deposits
Purchased with funds from the Eileen
Lowther Bequest and an anonymous
donation, 2012
Owen Rye
Feldspar pot circa 1996
stoneware, potash feldspar glaze,
wood fired
Purchased with funds from the Ballarat
Fine Art Gallery Association in memory
of Greg Binns, 2012
Robert Lindsay
Fire screen not dated
oil on canvas, wooden frame
Gift of Julien Sutton, 2013
Tom Durkin, JC McDonald, Ingram
Co, Weekly Times
Ingram’s Cartoons from the Weekly Times
bound publication, lithographs &
photographic prints on paper
Transfer from the Ballarat Library, 2013
S Curtis, William Jackson Hooker,
Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, Vol 5 1831
printed publication, engraved plates,
hand coloured
Purchased, 2012
Norman Lindsay, Angus and
Robertson Ltd Sydney
The Flyaway Highway 1936
printed publication
Gift of Nicole Bodman, 2012
Norman Lindsay, ES Emerson, George
Robertson & Co Pty Ltd
An Australian Bird Calendar 1909
printed cover, photographically
printed pages
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2013
Ruby Lindsay, Charles Barrett, George
Robertson & Co Pty Ltd
From Range to Sea. A Bird Lover’s Ways
printed cover, photographically
printed pages
Purchased with funds from the Joe
White Bequest, 2013
JE Brown, JW Love, E Spiller
A Practical Treatise on Tree Culture in
South Australia 1881
bound publication with lithographed
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2013
after Sydney Parkinson, John
Cleveley, JF Miller, FP Nodder, Joseph
Banks, Wilfrid Blunt, William T Stearn,
Lion & Unicorn Press
Captain Cook’s Florilegium 1775-1973
printed publication, engraved plates
with tissue inserts
Purchased with funds from the Sir
Wilfred Brookes Bequest, 2012
Joseph Paxton, John Lindley, Walter
Paxton’s Flower Garden 1882
lithographed plates & text,
handcoloured, tooled decorative
Gift of Ian and Wendy Sharp, 2013
Norman Lindsay
A Curate in Bohemia circa 1913
bound publication, cloth cover
Gift of St Andrews Uniting Church,
Bacchus Marsh, 2013
Russell Grimwade, Angus and
Robertson Ltd Sydney
An Anthography of the Eucalypts 1930
printed publication with photographic
Purchased, 2012
WH Nicholls, Georgian House
Orchids of Australia 1951–58
printed publication with photographic
Purchased with funds from the Hilton
White Bequest, 2012
Jules-Sebastien-César, Dumont
d’Urville, Furne et Cie
Voyage Autour Du Monde 1848
printed publications, engraved plates
with tissue inserts
Purchased with funds from public
donation, 2012
RD Fitzgerald, Landsdowne Press
Australian Orchids - facsimile edition
printed publication, leather bound
Gift of Terry Searle, 2012
The Jenny Zimmer Collection
Retired book publisher Jenny Zimmer
has given the Gallery her personal
collection of artists’ books and limited
editions. These are books which she
has designed, edited, written and
produced, either through her own
press or in collaboration with artists
and through Macmillan Publishers.
Any book she did not commission
personally were gifts to her because of
her involvement with book-making.
The collection has many connections
to the Gallery’s existing holdings:
twenty artists already in the Collection
are presented in a new way, either as
formal publications about them or via
their hands-on involvement in making
the book. Eighteen artists are new to
the Collection, along with many new
names involved with publishing and
the book bindings.
This outstanding donation is as much
about connoisseurship — in this case
of a very important figure in Australian
art publishing — as it is about
the individual component books.
Connoisseurship is central to the
collecting of any major art museum
and this is an excellent example.
The Art School Press
Jenny Zimmer
The Pera Palas Hotel Istanbul, 1994, ed.
paper covered slip case, folded paper
cover folded paper sheets with text
and images, 16.6 x 12.7 x 1.8 cm, 14
binding: Norbert Herold
The Art School Press, The Johnson
Society of Australia
David Fleeman Memorial Lecture, 1994
The Death of the Author and the Lives of
the Poet, Ian Donaldson, AP 5/5
sewn binding, folded card cover
binding: Norbert Herold
David Fleeman Memorial Lecture, 1995
Samuel Johnson in Paris in 1775, Wallace
sewn binding, folded card cover, 21.2
x 15.4 cm
binding: Norbert Herold
The Art School Press
Kevin Hart
Losing the Power to say ‘I’, 1996, ed.
cloth bound book, 21.1 x 15.4 x 0.8 cm,
38 pages
binding: Norbert Herold
Lyre Bird Press, Townsville, Zimmer
Editions, Melbourne
Sydney Ball, 1997, 5/20
paper covered boards and cloth spine,
15.3 x 14.3 x 1.9 cm, 100 pages
editioned from the artist’s series of 40
monoprints combining printmaking
and painting techniques
binding: Norbert Herold
Bashir Baraki
Rococo Recollections, 1995, ed: AP 2
cardboard & cloth binding, ribbon, 30.2
x 21.7 x 1.4 cm
loose sheets in folded paper envelope,
24 original colour prints
Centre for the Development of
Artists’ Books and Limited Editions
Monash University at the Australian
Print Workshop
Gottfried Benn, Graeme Peebles
Monologues, 1992, ed. 18/20
cloth bound slip case with ribbons,
25.4 x 24.1 x 1.9 cm, 32 pages
folded paper cover with separate
folded sheets, includes 8 sequential
mezzotints by Graeme Peebles
Centre for the Development of
Artists’ Books and Limited Editions
Monash University at the Australian
Print Workshop
Travesare 1, 1992, ed. 4/25
dedicated to Neil Leveson
cardboard pizza/presentation box,
outer book cover string & handmade
paper, inner cover printed, 25.5 x 26.0 x
3.6 cm, 82 pages
artworks: Jennifer Hawkins, Allan
Mitelman, Gary Poulton, Xiang Yi, Petr
Centre for the Development of
Artists’ Books and Limited Editions
Monash University at the Australian
Print Workshop
Henry Chopin
The Rich Hours for the Abecedarian,
1993, ed. 3/20
paper bound slip case and book, 39.0 x
22.3 x 2.3 cm
folded paper cover with separate
folded sheets, includes 6 original
etchings by Henry Chopin
Centre for the Development of
Artists’ Books and Limited Editions
Monash University at the Australian
Print Workshop
Travesare 2, 1993, ed. 17/20
cardboard pizza/presentation box,
inner cover printed, 25.5 x 26.0 x 3.6
cm, 68 pages
poems: Miroslav Holub, aquatints:
Geoffrey Ricardo
colour laser prints: Jiri Kolar, Peter Ellis,
Louise Weaver, Bashir Baraki
original photographs: John Reid,
Warren Breninger, Regis Lansac
Centre for the Development of
Artists’ Books and Limited Editions
Monash University at the Australian
Print Workshop
On the Soul (Aristotle, De Anima), 1993,
ed. 2/15
Perspex slip cover, folded paper cover,
folded paper sections of text, 19.4 x
19.0 x 5.0 cm
includes 4 original prints by Frances
Centre for the Development of
Artists’ Books and Limited Editions
Monash University
Bruno Leti, Chris Wallace-Crabbe
Drawing, 1994, ed. 9/45
paper covered presentation box,
folded paper cover, separate folded
sheets with text & images, 23.0 x 17.8
x 2.0 cm
etchings, aquatints and chine-colle by
Bruno Leti
Centre for the Development of
Artists’ Books and Limited Editions
Monash University
George & Louis Johnson, Painter & poet,
1995, ed. 11/40
paper & cloth covered presentation
box and cover, 26.4 x 22.3 x 2.0 cm, 75
poems: Louis Johnson, paintings by
George Johnson reproduced as laser
prints editioned by Bashir Baraki
cloth and paper bound slip case and
book, 27.5 x 20.6 x 2.3 cm, 40 pages
separate folded sheets, text
screenprinted by Larry Rawling
suite of 6 poems by Chris WallaceCrabbe, 9 monoprints by Bruno Leti
Centre for the Development of
Artists’ Books and Limited Editions
Monash University
Jacqueline Riva
Place…Trace…, 1995, ed. 12/20
paper and cloth covered presentation
box, folded paper cover on sewn
booklet, 25.4 x 24.6 x 1.8 cm, 16 pages
contains 6 original photographs
editioned under Riva’s supervision,
binding: Norbert Herold
paper and cloth bound slip case, cloth
bound book, 15.6 x 14.7 x 2.3 cm
Lyrebird Press, Melbourne, Tate
Diary of a vintage, 1981, ed: 160/375
publication with cloth bound case and
cover, 21.6 x 21.1 x 1.8 cm, 60 pages
26 wood engravings, printed directly
from artist’s blocks
Lyrebird Press, Melbourne, Tate
Port of Pearls, 1989, ed: 65/275
publication with cloth bound slip case
and cover, 25.2 x 24.7 x 2.0 cm, 65
40 wood engravings and text by Tate
binding: Nick Doslov
Centre for the Development of
Artists’ Books and Limited Editions
Monash University
George & Louis Johnson, Spirit of Place
Painter & poet, 1996, second edition, ed.
cloth covered presentation box and
book, 28.9 x 22.3 x 3.1 cm, 75 pages
includes bound original gouache
painting by George Johnson in
glassine envelope
poems: Louis Johnson
paintings by George Johnson
reproduced as laser prints editioned by
Bashir Baraki
The Dolmen Press, Dublin
Tate Adams
The Soul Cages, An Irish legend retold
in 20 wood engraving and some words,
1958, ed. 162/450, very rare
hard cover book with paper dust
jacket, 18.8 x 11.5 x 0.6 cm
Bruno Leti
Studio emblems, Twenty lithographs,
1994, ed. 47/95
cloth and paper bound slip case,
folded paper cover to book, 17.5 x 12.0
x 1.5 cm
20 original lithorgraphs and 1 linocut
Lyre Bird Press, Townsville
Ron McBurnie
The boy who tried to kiss himself, 1994,
ed. 8/25
paper covered book, 29.2 x 21.8 x 1.0
cm, 20 pages
all text and images are hand printed
etchings by Ron McBurnie
Centre for the Development of
Artists’ Books and Limited Editions
Monash University
Bruno Leti, Chris Wallace-Crabbe
Apprehensions, 1994, ed. 2/15
Bruno Leti
The Neilson Lines, Poetry by Shaw
Neilson, Drawings by Bruno Leti, 1997,
ed. 16/50
dedicated to Chris Wallace-Crabbe
Lyre Bird Press, James Cook
University, Townsville
The Lyrebird speaks, 1994, H.C., edition
250 plus 5 hors commerce copies
sewn publication in paper folder, 21.7 x
Lyre Bird Press, Townsville
Off the Wall: catalogue of Lyre Bird Press,
circa 1994, no.43
sewn publication with folded paper
cover, 19.9 x 30.0 x 0.5 cm
21.3 x 0.5 cm, 27 pages
includes 9 wood engravings by
Tate Adams & 1 drawing by George
Baldessin as offset lithographs
Lyre Bird Press, Townsville
Fred Williams, Music hall etchings, 195465, 1998, ed. H.C.2
paper covered presentation box and
book, 27.6 x 26.9 x 3.0 cm
includes 5 bound prints from original
Lyre Bird Press, Townsville, Zimmer
Editions, Melbourne
Choi Kyu-il, Sydney Ball, Robert
Traces, A Book of Paintings, Prints and
Calligraphies by Choi Kyu-il and Sydney
Ball, with seal-stone carved by Choi Kyu-il
and set in stainless steel by Robert Baines,
2001, ed. 20/20
cloth covered presentation box, steel
plate and carving on top of 3 folders,
32.7 x 29.5 x 5.0 cm, 32 pages
folders include 2 prints by Choi Kyu-il,
2 paintings and calligraphic mark by
Sydney Ball and studio photographs of
three artists
binding: Norbert Herold
Lyre Bird Press, Zimmer Editions,
Tate Adams
Gesture, 2005, ed. 7/15
cloth bound book, paper dust jacket,
52.4 x 42.4 x 2.5 cm
original gouache works on folded
pages of graduating dimensions
binding: Norbert Herold
see image pages 28–29
Lyre Bird Press, Townsville, Zimmer
Editions, Melbourne
Jan Senbergs
In the Studio, original lithographs by Jan
Senbergs, 1998, ed. 20/30
cloth covered book, paper dust jacket,
52.4 x 41.8 x 1.7 cm
includes 2 bound large foldout studio
drawings made directly onto the
lithographic plate, editioned: John
binding: Norbert Herold
Lyre Bird Press, Townsville, Zimmer
Editions, Melbourne
A Family of Forms, a book of original
serigraphs by Robert Jacks, 1999, ed.
cloth bound book with folded paper
cover, 52.6 x 42.0 x 1.7 cm, 18 pages
images created by Jacks, images and
text screenprinted by Larry Rawlings
binding: Norbert Herold
Lyre Bird Press, Townsville, Zimmer
Editions, Melbourne
Allan Mitelman
Ko-Ko, 2000, ed. 15/30, 24 pages
cloth covered book, paper dust jacket,
52.4 x 41.8 x 1.7 cm
includes 7 original prints by Allan
Mitelman plus frontispiece
binding: Norbert Herold
Lyre Bird Press, Townsville, Zimmer
Editions, Melbourne
Tate Adams
Gestures No.2, 2004, ed. 7/20
cloth covered presentation box, folded
paper sheets, 54.1 x 43.0 x 3.7 cm
includes 10 large gouaches hand
painted by Tate Adams
binding: Norbert Herold
Lyre Bird Press, Townsville, Zimmer
Editions, Melbourne
John Olsen: The Kiss, 2009, ed. 14/30
cloth and leather binding, 29.5 x 39.0
x 1.9 cm
publication, facsimile of sketchbook
by giclee process, plus artist
embellishments facing every picture
page, includes bound original etching
on paper by John Olsen
binding: Paul Schubert
Lyre Bird Press, Townsville
Kate Maconachie
The Pink Spotted Leopard who lost her
spots, 1996, ed. 1/17
fabric covered slip case, sewn
publication, 22.0 x 17.0 x 2.0 cm
Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne
Klaus Zimmer, Glass Artist, 2000, ed.
cloth bound slip case with ribbon and
book, 27.0 x 25.3 x 3.8 cm, 240 pages
includes an original collage and a
gouache by Klaus Zimmer
binding: Norbert Herold
Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne
Grahame King, Jim Allen
An Australian Bird Watcher’s Pocket Book,
2001, ed. 10/25
cloth bound slip case, publication with
dust jacket, 14.8 x 12.9 x 1.8 cm, 96
includes loose original lithograph by
Grahame King in separate envelope,
20.7 x 15.3 cm
Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne
Graeme Fransella: Figures and
Landscapes, paintings and prints – 19842002, 2002, ed. 34/50
cloth bound presentation box, 43.6 x
35.0 x 3.9 cm, 128 pages
publication with dust jacket, includes
folder with original etching on paper
by Graeme Fransella
binding: Norbert Herold
Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne
Leigh Astbury
Earth to Sky, The Art of Victor Majzner,
2002, ed. 45/50
cloth bound slip case with ribbon,
publication with dust jacket, 32.0 x 25.8
x 3.0 cm, 240 pages, includes loose
original etching by Victor Majzner
Macmillan Art Publishing,
Melbourne, Perc Tucker Regional
Gallery, Townsville
Robert Preston: Communion to the Trees,
2002/3, ed. 119/200, 24 pages
cloth bound slip case and book, 23.0 x
47.8 x 2.0 cm
binding: Norbert Herold
Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne
Tate Adams and the Crossley Gallery
1966-1980, 2003, ed. 43/50
cloth bound slip cover and book, 25.6
x 27.1 x 3.0 cm, 240 pages
publication, includes original print on
paper by Tate Adams, Palm landscape
binding: Norbert Herold
Macmillan Art Publishing, Marilyn
Marilyn Peck, The wasteland suite, 2004,
ed. 14/30
cloth bound presentation box,
publication with dust jacket, 25.2 x
24.0 x 3.8 cm
includes bound original matted
miniature painting on paper by Marilyn
binding: Norbert Herold
Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne,
Lyre Bird Press, Townsville
Robert Jacks – His Bloomsday Book,
2004, ed. 8/100
cloth bound presentation box, 37,1 x
27.3 x 2.9 cm, 48 pages
publication with dust jacket
includes bound original serigraph and
book plate printed by Larry Rawlings
binding: Norbert Herold
Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne
Rudi Krausmann, Gary Shead
News: Fast Flowers, Long Journeys, Cold
Funerals, 2006, ed. 26/50
paper and cloth bound book, 20.3 x
17.5 x 1.8 cm, 128 pages
publication, includes bound original
etching on paper by Gary Shead
binding: Norbert Herold
Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne
Rudi Krausmann, Gary Shead
News: Fast Flowers, Long Journeys, Cold
Funerals, 2006
cloth bound book, 20.3 x 17.5 x 1.8 cm,
128 pages
Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne
Ken McGregor
Jason Benjamin, What binds us, 2007,
ed. 4/75
cloth bound slip case and book, 31.0 x
29.0 x 3.2 cm
includes loose original print by Jason
Macmillan Art Publishing, Ken
Fred Cress: Whispers, Drawings 19582007, 2007, ed. 22/75
cloth bound slip case and cover, 35.5 x
25.5 x 3.5 cm, 256 pages
includes original colour etching by
Fred Cress
Macmillan Art Publishing, David
Cris Canning, The Pursuit of Beauty, 2007,
ed. 4/75
cloth bound slip case and cover, 32.6 x
25.5 x 2.7 cm
includes original etching by Criss
Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne,
Heide Museum of Modern Art
Les Kossatz, The Art of Existence, 2008,
ed. 12/35
cloth bound slip case and book, 32.8 x
25.4 x 3.2 cm
includes loose original etching by Les
Kossatz, with hand colouring
Macmillan Art Publishing, State
Library of Victoria, Melbourne
The Matrix, Remembering Giorgio
Morandi: equilibrium and strength, 2010,
ed. 18/20
cloth bound presentation box and
book spine, 27.3 x 31.8 x 3.0 cm, 148
publication, includes original drypoint
etching on paper by Bruno Leti
binding: Paul Schubert
Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne
Ken McGregor, Marie Geissler,
translator: Flore Gregorini
Yanima Pikarli Tommy Watson, Ngayuku
Ngura My Country, 2010, ed. 50/50
cloth bound slip case, publication with
dust jacket, 25.7 x 32.3 x 3.5 cm, 208
includes original painting by Tommy
binding: Paul Schubert
Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne
Ken McGregor, Jeffrey Makin, John
John Olsen: Teeming with Life. His
Complete Graphics 1955-2011, 2011
(second edition, first published 2005),
ed. 14/70
cloth bound slip cover and book, 25.7
x 35.5 x 4.0 cm, 304 pages
publication, includes bound original
etching on paper by John Olsen
Macmillan Art Publishing, Melbourne
Ken McGregor, Greg Weight
Artists of the Western Desert: Portraits
2006-11, 2011, ed. 23/50
cloth bound slip case and cover, 23.1 x
28.7 x 3.2 cm, 200 pages
includes original painting by Mrs
binding: David Pool
Macmillan Art Publishing, State
Library of Victoria, Melbourne,
Bodleian Library, Oxford
Love and Devotion: From Persia and
Beyond, 2012
cloth bound slip case and cover, 24.4 x
32.8 x 3.3 cm
binding: David Pool
Macmillan Publishing, Queensland
Art Gallery
Margo Neale
Emily Kame Kngwarreye, Alhalkere,
Paintings from Utopia, 1998
publication with dust jacket, 30.7 x
25.5 x 2.2 cm
binding: Norbert Herold
Macmillan, Don Watson, Col
Madigan, Jan Senbergs, Jenny
Armidale 42, Memory and Imagination,
A survivor’s account, 1999
cloth bound slip case and book, 24.6 x
24.9 x 2.1 cm, 96 pages
includes bound original pencil
drawing, The doomed raft, 1999
tipped-in black & white photographs
and colour prints of artworks by Jan
Macmillan, Melbourne, The Age,
The Midday Clock, Selected Poems and
Drawings, 1999, ed. 29/100
publication with dust jacket, 19.4 x
14.8 x 2.0 cm, 128 pages
includes bound original screenprint
Ross Moore
The prison was silent, 1995, ed. 3/50
painted lidded paper box, spiral bound
book, box: 12.0 x 8.8 x 4.2 cm
images: proofed by artist, editioned by
Bashir Baraki from original paintings
using Canon Laser Colour Copier
Pan Macmillan, Sydney
Anne Latreille
Garden of a lifetime, Dame Elizabeth at
Cruden Farm, 2007
cloth bound slip case, book bound in
Japanese papers and cloth (Thai silk)
publication, 24.8 x 30.6 x 3.2 cm, 192
binding: Paul Schubert
Ann Rado, Edwin Rado
Esther, 2001, ed. 4/10
cloth bound presentation box, folded
paper cover, folded sheets with text &
images, 38.4 x 44.6 x 2.0 cm, 24 pages,
7 original lithographs by Ann Rado, in
separate paper folders
binding: Norbert Herold
Jenny Zimmer, Monash University
From Membij to Bayburt, Travels in Syria
and Turkey 1981-1991, 1994, ed. 10/30
cloth bound presentation box, book
bound in handmade paper, 30.0 x 22.2
x 2.8 cm, 75 pages
images reproduced as laser prints,
editioned by Bashir Baraki from
photographs & watercolours by Jenny
Zimmer in Syria & Turkey
binding: Norbert Herold
Jenny Zimmer, Monash University
From Membij to Bayburt, Travels in Syria
and Turkey 1981-1991, 1994, ed. 15/30
cloth bound book, 28.5 x 20.9 x 1.5 cm,
75 pages
images reproduced as laser prints,
editioned by Bashir Baraki from
photographs & watercolours by Jenny
Zimmer in Syria & Turkey
binding: Norbert Herold
Jenny Zimmer, Melbourne
Recollections: Words and Images, 1995,
ed. 2/20
cloth bound folio with ribbon ties,
folded paper envelope with loose
sheets, text & images, 22.0 x 19.6 x 1.6
cm, 40 pages
Jenny Zimmer, Melbourne
John de Mansfield Absolon, A journey to
Western Australia, 1995, ed. 25/30
cloth and paper cover, 19.0 x 15.0 x 1.1
cm, 54 pages
binding: Norbert Herold
Jenny Zimmer, Melbourne
On the desk, 1996, ed. 1/2
cloth bound book, 12.5 x 15.3 x 1.1 cm
Jenny Zimmer, Melbourne
The Fox Art Academy, 1997, ed. 2/40
cloth bound book, Volumes 1 & 2, 26.0
x 21.4 x 2.1 cm
binding: Norbert Herold
Jenny Zimmer, Melbourne
Elton Fox, Cinematographer, The Fox Art
Academy, 1997, ed. 2/40
cloth bound book, Volume 2, 26.0 x
21.4 x 1.2 cm
binding: Norbert Herold
Jenny Zimmer, Melbourne
Taj Mahal: A wig-wam for a Goose’s
Bridle, 1997, ed. 2/20
cloth and paper cover, 2 cloth and
paper folios, 42.2 x 30.2 x 2.6 cm
binding: Norbert Herold
Klaus Zimmer, Jenny Zimmer
Colour, light, glass, a folio of prints from
works in glass, 1995, ed. 5/20
cloth bound presentation box,
separate sheets held between cloth
bound boards with ribbons, 30.2 x 22.6
x 3.1 cm, 90 pages
artist’s folio, edition of 20 folios and
20 books (see next entry), plus 10
reserved copies
80 images editioned from
photographic details in works in
stained glass by Klaus Zimmer 19751995
binding: Norbert Herold
unique, from set of 8
cloth covered box with lid, 11.5 x 25.5
x 25.5 cm
paper folder includes original
watercolours, 5 glass panels
binding: Norbert Herold
Zimmer Editions, The Johnson
Society of Australia
David Fleeman Memorial Lecture,
1997, published 1998
Pall Mall and the Wilderness of New
South Wales: Samuel Johnson, Watkin
Tench and ‘Six’ Degrees of Separation,
Clive Probyn, ed. 15/50
sewn binding, folded card cover, 21.2
x 15.4 cm
Klaus Zimmer, Jenny Zimmer
Colour, light, glass, a folio of prints from
works in glass, 1995, ed. 2/20
cloth bound presentation box and
book, 30.2 x 22.6 x 2.9 cm, 90 pages
different coloured binding to folio
80 images editioned from
photographic details in works in
stained glass by Klaus Zimmer 19751995
binding: Norbert Herold
Zimmer Editions, Melbourne, Various
Collage, 1999, ed. 50/50
cloth and paper covered presentation
box, folded paper cover, separate
folded sheets with one papiers colle
work by each artist, signed & dated
(pencil), 25.0 x 23.8 x 3.1 cm, 36 pages
artists: Sydney Ball, Andrew
Christofides, Robert Jacks, George
Johnson, Inge King, Allan Mitelman
binding: Norbert Herold
Klaus Zimmer
Essence, 1997, ed. 8
cloth bound presentation box, 16.0 x
11.3 x 5.4 cm
original glass panel, stained and
collaged: etched Klaus Zimmer 97
binding: Norbert Herold
Zimmer Editions, Melbourne
Inge King: What we talk about when
we talk about love - A book of Cut-outs,
2000, ed. 8/15
cloth bound presentation box and
book, 38.3 x 28.6 x 3.3 cm, 44 pages
10 folded paper cut-outs, from original
works by Inge King
binding: Norbert Herold
Klaus Zimmer
Glass Book VII – the Damaged One, 2001,
Zimmer Editions, Melbourne &
Andrew Christofides
Passage, a book of drawings by Andrew
Christofides, 2005, ed. 15/30
paper and cloth bound presentation
box, 34.3 x 27.3 x 3.7 cm
includes 8 drawings in watercolour, ink
and acrylic
binding: Norbert Herold
Zimmer Editions, Melbourne
Grahame King, Ann Rado, Jim Allen
Midnight Meditation, 2000, ed. 2/12
cloth covered presentation box,
printed sheets of text, 48.8 x 35.2 x 2.9
original 6-panel lithograph folded into
binding: Norbert Herold
Zimmer Editions, Melbourne
Tate Adams
Tropical Wood-Engravings, 1997, ed.
H.C. 7
printed paper covered presentation
box, sewn folded paper with text,
paper folder with images, 36.5 x 38.1 x
3.1 cm, 16 pages
includes 4 original engravings plus
Recent Acquisitions: Ceramics and Works on Paper
30 June 2012 - Sunday 29 July 2012
Ian Potter Foundation Gallery
An Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition
Ballarat Society of Artists: A Touch of Gold
30 June – 29 July 2012
Timken Gallery
Art Gallery of Ballarat: suppporting local artists
Bunjil’s Nest
1 July – 31 July 2012
Hugh DT Williamson Gallery
An Art Gallery of Ballarat project & exhibition
Justine Cooper: Havidol
5 July – 19 August 2012
Project Window
Marion East and Lars Stenberg: Aurora
7 July – 5 August 2012
Mars Gallery
An Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition
Ron Quick: Seeking Nirvana
7 July – 16 September 2012
Gordon Victor King Gallery
An Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition
“Third visit to the Flora exhibition.
Amazing each time!”
“Map” graffiti project
20 July 2012 – 17 August 2012
Education Window
Marlene and Deanne Gilson: Welcome to our Country
(Ngardang baap yarrang) — Mother and Daughter —
Wathaurung (Wadawurrung) Dreaming
4 August – 9 September 2012
Timken Gallery
Art Gallery of Ballarat: suppporting local artists
Gypsy Pennefeather: Joyful Harmony — yorokobi chouwa
11 August 2012 – 9 September 2012
Mars Gallery
Art Gallery of Ballarat: suppporting local artists
Ancestral Power and the Aesthetic: Arnhem Land paintings
and objects from the Donald Thomson Collection
A Museum Victoria touring exhibition
11 August – 16 September 2012
Ian Potter Foundation Gallery
Catherine E Bell: This Little Piggy...Fades to Pink
23 August – 7 October 2012
Project Window
Mali the elephant
3 September – 8 October 2012
Education Window
Capturing Flora: 300 years of Australian botanical art
25 September – 2 December 2012
Ian Potter Foundation, Mars and Timken galleries
An Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition
see image opposite
Spring Carnival: Hats and horses from the collection
6 October – 28 November 2012
Victor Gordon King Gallery
An Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition
Ash Keating: A New Lifelong Landscape
11 October – 18 November 2012
Project Window
Lily Mae Martin: Far from home
19 November 2012 – 7 January 2013
The Window
Dena Ashbolt: Green Car on the Freeway
22 November – 30 December 2012
Project Window
44th Ballarat National Photographic Exhibition
8 December 2012 – 20 January 2013
Timken Gallery
Art Gallery of Ballarat: suppporting local artists
Made to Last: the conservation of art
A NETS Victoria touring exhibition
12 December 2012 – 20 January 2013
Mars Gallery and Gordon Victor King Gallery
Eamon O’Toole: Big Boys Toys
15 December 2012 – 24 February 2013
Ian Potter Foundation Gallery
An Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition
see image above
Sally Rees: Ectoplasmic
3 January - 1 February 2013
Project Window
Next Gen 2013: VCE Art and Design
2 February – 24 March 2013
Mars, Timken, Gordon Victor King galleries, Project Window
Art Gallery of Ballarat: suppporting local artists
Got the message? 50 years of political posters
2 March – 14 April 2013
Ian Potter Foundation Gallery
An Art Gallery of Ballarat exhibition
Barry Gillard: Help! I Feel a Strong Weakness
Drawings in the Spirit of Dante Alighieri and Others
7 April – 26 May 2013
Timken Gallery
Art Gallery of Ballarat: suppporting local artists
Guirguis New Art Prize
In partnership with the University of Ballarat
13 April – 19 May 2013
Mars, Gordon Victor King Galleries and Project Window
Living Traditions: The Art of Belief
A National Gallery of Victorian touring exhibition
27 April – 30 June 2013
Ian Potter Foundation Gallery
Tiny Towns
9 May – 9 June 2013
Education Window
Tarry Gill & Pilar Mata Dupont: Ever Higher
23 May – 7 June 2013
Selkirk Family Gallery and Project Window
see image above
Goldfields Printmakers: Borders and Crossings
25 May – 7 July 2013
Gordon Victor King Gallery.
Art Gallery of Ballarat: suppporting local artists
The Art of Science: Scientific illustrations from Museum
A Museum Victoria touring exhibition
1 June -–21 July 2013
Mars and Timken galleries
Michael Shannon: A romantic realist
30 June – 12 August 2012
Newcastle Art Gallery
Capturing Flora: 300 years of Australian botanical art
15 February – 17 March 2013
SH Ervin Gallery, Sydney
For a report on the touring exhibitions see pages 42–45
crease line>
<crease line
Capturing flora: 300 years of Australian botanical art
Over 350 of these works came from the Art Gallery of
Ballarat’s own collection, with the remainder being sourced
directly from practising botanical artists and from leading
public collections, including State and National Galleries,
Libraries and Herbaria. In preparation for the exhibition,
the Art Gallery of Ballarat devoted a percentage of its
acquisitions budget to purchasing historical botanical art, in
the process building up one of the largest holdings of this
genre in the nation.
It would be fair to say that this was the most ambitious
and the most successful exhibition ever to be presented at
the Art Gallery of Ballarat. In terms of themed exhibitions it
has set a benchmark which will be difficult to outdo. Total
visitation to the exhibition was 18,888.
Day visitors
16,236 visitors @ $99 per person Overnight visitors
2,813 visitors @ $150 per person $1,607,364.00
The exhibition was the focus for public programs in addition
to the range of public lectures and concerts, the Art Gallery
Radio interviews
Jane Edmanson, 3AW 7 October
Hilary Harper, 774 ABC Melbourne, 13 October
Marg Burin, ABC online
Press stories
Voyeur (Virgin Australia newsletter) September
edition – listing and photo
The Weekly Times Country Living, 12 September –
article and photos
The Age Life & Style, 29 September – article and
photos. Widely syndicated and was reprinted in
numerous Fairfax regional publications
Herald Sun Weekend, 29 September – feature
listing and photo
Herald Sun Entertainment, 1 October – Article and
three photos
Art Monthly Australia, November edition – front
cover, article, poems and pics
The Weekend Australian, 10 November – Article
and photos
Editorial in a range of niche publications in the
gardening, botanical and naturalist sector
numerous listings and articles
coverage in several blogs.
The media collection service Media Monitors collected a
total of 141 media reports reaching a potential cumulative
audience of 11,137,667 and with an overall advertising
space rate (ASR) evaluation of $782,335.00.
A range of merchandise was developed using images from
the exhibition and included the catalogue, 2013 calendar,
perpetual diary, magnets, coasters, microfibre glass cleaning
cloths, pocket mirrors, boxed card sets, cards and postcards.
Art Gallery of Balla
crease line>
<crease line
“Beautifully done, bigger than I expected. Not too crowded,
staff very friendly/helpful. The exhibits were stunning.”
“Even better than we thought – as the exhibition was very
extensive. Well set out and easy to view”
“Loved the historical context of the exhibition. Truly
educational and beautiful”
“Varied fascinating display”
Comprising more than 480 examples of images of Australian
plants dating from 1703 to the present day, this exhibition
was by far the most extensive documentation and display
on this theme ever to have been attempted in this country.
presented a suite of education programs and artist’s
workshops as well as publishing a teacher’s resource and
children’s trails. For a full report see page 55.
ca Pa
rd c
Art Gallery of Ballarat
25 September – 2 December 2012
2013 Ca
Touring exhibitions
Newcastle Art Gallery
30 June – 12 August 2012
This exhibition of works by Michael
Shannon, including his compelling
cityscapes, surveys the process and
evolution of Shannon’s signature
aesthetic. An artist largely overlooked
by the mainstream since his death in
1993, this exhibition focuses on the
works of a vital artist documenting the
changing face of Australian suburbia.
Newcastle Art Gallery, Australia’s first
purpose built regional gallery, was
opened in1977. Today the Gallery
has 6100 works of art in its collection
and it is considered as one of the
most significant public collections
in Australia. Newcastle is the second
oldest and sixth largest city in Australia.
Exhibition Talk
Saturday 30 June
with Gordon Morrison, Director AGB
Guided tours, free
Saturdays and Sundays
Quick draw, free
Tuesday — Fridays
9-13 July
Workshops for those over 14 years
Adults 14,884; Children 1,112
Collection: Art Gallery of Ballarat
Urban panorama circa 1958 oil on
composition board
see image detail left
Moments out of time: studio interior
circa 1973 oil on canvas
Education Focus tours, free
Untitled [open bushland, Central Victoria]
1985 conte & pastel on paper
ABC 1233 Newcastle
2NURFM radio, ‘Spotlight on the Arts’
Newcastle Herald 30 June, 7 July, 21
July, 11 August 2012 exhibition listing
Institution and Private Collections:
Newcastle Art Gallery: two paintings
Other lenders: nineteen paintings, five
drawings and twelve sketchbooks
SH Ervin Gallery, Sydney
15 February – 17 March 2013
This major exhibition examines the
way in which Australia’s amazing
and diverse flora has been recorded,
interpreted and popularized by
botanical artists, in particular the
period associated with the promotion
of these new ‘exotick’ plants in Britain
and Europe. New printing techniques
allowed prints to be coloured
mechanically, resulted in a boom in
botanical art which lasted into the
20th century.
SH Ervin Gallery is one of Sydney’s
leading public art institutions housed
in the historic National Trust Centre
on Observatory Hill, The Rocks. The
Gallery’s program explores the richness
and diversity of Australian art.
Print: Art Almanac, Art Month Sydney,
Australian Art Guide, Fine Music FM
Radio: East Side FM Arts Thursday
presented by Maisy Stapleton
Websites & Blogs: Art Guide Australia,
ABC The Big Dairy, City of Sydney,
Live Guide, StreetCorner, The Rocks,
TimeOut Sydney, Creative Efforts
The Lady Amateurs
with Julie Collett, Art Gallery of Ballarat
Sunday 24 February
Customized versions of Capturing flora
will tour to New England Regional Art
Museum, Armidale NSW, in 2013 and
to Cairns Regional Art Gallery, Cairns
QLD, in 2014.
Botanical Illustration
with Lesley Elkan, Royal Botanic
Gardens, Sydney
Sunday 10 March
289 works on paper — engravings,
lithographs and watercolours
4 bound publications
Collection: Art Gallery of Ballarat
Image left: F deTollenaere, P Vervoort, Charles
Morren Disemma coccinea (detail) 1865
chromolithograph on paper. Purchased with
funds from the Hilton White Bequest, 2012
Outward Loans
Ararat Regional Art Gallery
Big Time: Monumental Textile Art
2 May - 16 June 2013
Ewa Pachucka
Body (Man) 1977 jute and hemp
Art Gallery of New South Wales
Australian Symbolism
11 May - 29 July 2012
Charles G D Roberts, Reginald Ward
The Feet of the Furtive 1916 hard bound
book, watercolour & ink illustrations
Ballarat Town Hall
Heritage Weekend
11 - 12 May 2013
Bancks’ Ginger Meggs not dated, ink
& correction fluid on paper, added
printed title
Vane Lindesay
[Star gazing] not dated, ink, white
highlights & spatter on paper
Ken Maynard
Group of two works
Ned and his Neddy... 1965 ink on paper
This is only the school pet’s day, son... not
dated, ink & correction fluid on paper
Syd Nicholls
Fatty Finn 1974
ink & pencil on card
Image left: Sydney Long Summer (detail) 1894
oil on canvas on board. Purchased, 1966
Cedric (Douglas Tainsh)
Group of thirteen works
Cripes! He’s just like one of the family, isn’t
Now tell me sir, when did you first start
imagining you were King Farouk?
Wake up Fred - here comes the soup!
No manufacturing! We’ve designated this
as residential area!
Careful, mate. I don’t think it has been
used since the last flood!
First thing we have to do here is swap the
old billy for a bucket!
Just trying to figure out whether I
should take my holidays before or after
Break it down! What’ll the neighbours
Hop in while the shower’s still nice and
How’m I going? Oh I can’t grumble - I’ve
got a sore throat!
Charlie always does things the hard way!
This is what comes from using tadpoles
for bait!
I told you water skiing was dangerous,
1952–97 ink & wash on card
So you want to buy a house 1961 ink on
Unk White
I’ll say it’s super boosted high octane
1960 ink on paper
Bayside Arts & Cultural Centre
Artist and mentor
14 July - 23 September 2012
John Brack
Hand balance 1973 oil on canvas
Castlemaine Art Gallery & Historical
Barry Singleton: A survey…
16 March - 26 May 2013
Barry Singleton
Group of three works
Large jar 2009 glazed stoneware
Large vessel 2009 stoneware, shino
glaze, window dip, iron brushwork
Vase date unknown, porcelain, talc
white glaze
Creswick Museum
Victor Litherland and Springmount
30 September - 9 December 2012
Victor Litherland
Group of two works
Ballarat Botanical Gardens 1948 oil on
Lake at Creswick 1954 oil on canvas
Creswick Museum
[The Lindsay Family]
26 January - 12 May 2013
Daryl Lindsay
The Colosseum 1922
watercolour on paper
Isabel Lindsay
Jane Elizabeth Lindsay
Seated girl playing violin
not dated, ink on paper
Norman Lindsay
Cats 1919 etching on paper
Leda 1929 etching on paper
The Pool not dated, charcoal &
watercolour on card
Percy Lindsay
Cleaning the race 1890s oil on board
Creswick landscape 1890s oil on canvas
Ruby Lindsay
Dancing figures and cypress tree not
dated, ink on paper
Seated woman not dated, watercolour
& crayon on paper
attributed to Robert Lindsay
Cigar box not dated, painted wood,
[Album of Lindsay Family photographs]
selection of photographs and other
papers from the Lindsay Family Archive
Creswick Woollen Mills
Creswick Lindsay Festival
3 - 17 May 2013
Jane Lindsay
Hair memento - plaited hair of Jane
Lindsay not dated, hair, paper & ink
Ruby Lindsay
Cut-out doll and costumes in box
not dated, paper, cardboard, pencil,
watercolour, pen & ink
Unknown artist
Perfume bottle not dated, glass, silver
Unknown artist
Folding lorgnette circa 1890 brass, glass,
tortoise shell, gold
Unknown artist
Pill box not dated, brass and silver with
porcelain insert and mirror
Unknown artist - United Kingdom
Perfume bottle not dated, silver, glass
Unknown artist - France
Pill box not dated, brass, enamel
Various photographers
McClelland Gallery and Sculpture
Clive Stephen
29 July - 28 October 2012
Clive Stephen
Maidens not dated, gouache on paper
Problem not dated, gouache on paper
Gippsland Art Gallery
The Shock of the Nude
6 April - 2 June 2013
Norman Lindsay
Benediction 1938 oil on canvas
McClelland Gallery & Sculpture Park
Clifford Last
Awakening Forms: Clifford Last and
Vincas Jomantas
29 June - 28 September 2012
Clifford Last
Lucis 1965 jarrah & slate
Mornington Peninsula Regional
Vision Splendid: Landscapes of Phillip
Island and Western Port Bay
13 December 2012 - 17 February 2013
Tom Roberts
At Phillip Island 1886 etching on paper
Museum of Australian Democracy at
Eureka (M.A.D.E)
incorporated into permanent display
April - October 2013
Unknown maker
Three fragments of the Flag of the
Southern Cross 1854 wool
Museum of Contemporary Art
Ken Whisson: As If
28 September - 25 November 2012
Ken Whisson
Urban daytime 1977 oil on composition
National Gallery of Australia
Sydney Long: the spirit of the land
17 August - 11 November 2012
Sydney Long
Summer 1894 oil on canvas on board
see image detail page 34
Spirit of the bushfire 1900 watercolour &
pencil on paper
The old wreck 1905 watercolour on
National Gallery of Victoria
Austraian Impressionism in France
15 June - 6 October 2013
Emanuel Phillips Fox
A love story 1903 oil on canvas
Tudor St George Tucker
Study for ‘The First Communicant’
circa 1892 oil on canvas
Post Office Gallery, University of
Wes Walters: Abstract Realist
19 December 2012 - 26 January 2013
Wes Walters
The children 1953 watercolour on paper
Landscape — for Nancy (1988) acrylic &
coloured pencils on canvas
Portrait of Joseph Brown AO OBE 1985
oil on canvas
State Library of Victoria
digitisation of manuscripts
4 June – 17 August 2012
The Life of Wilfred Vita Beati Wilfridi
Episcopi - Beda. Historia Ecclesiastica
‘the life of the blessed bishop Wilfrid - the
Ecclesiastical History of Bede’ circa 1100
vellum, initials illuminated in ink and
watercolour, leather binding, satin cord
Unknown artist
Pontifical 1350–1400 vellum,
illuminated in gold, ink & watercolour,
leather binding
Unknown artist
Book of Hours 1450–1500 vellum,
illuminated in gold, ink & watercolour,
leather binding
see image above
Unknown artist
Calendar fifteenth century, vellum,
illuminated in gold, ink & watercolour
Unknown artist
Prayer Book circa 1544 vellum,
illuminated in gold, ink & watercolour,
leather binding
State Library of Victoria
3 August 2012 - 28 April 2013
Thomas Flintoff
Henry F Stone and his Durham ox 1887
oil on canvas
Samstag Museum of Art
Master of Stillness: Jeffrey Smart
12 October - 14 December 2012
TarraWarra Museum of Art
21 December 2012 - 31 March 2013
Jeffrey Smart
The listeners 1965 oil on canvas
Exhibition catalogues:
Eamon O’Toole: Big Boys Toys 28-page,
205 x 205mm ISBN: 978-0-9872345-4-4
Next Gen 2013: VCE Art and Design
Got the message? 50 years of political
posters 152-page (46 A3 folded to A5)
strawboard cover, A5 ISBN: 978-09580239-5-5
Other publications:
Bunjil’s Nest information flyer A4
Education poster Term 3 & 4 doublesided A2
Traditions Found: New Writing 52-page
A4 ISBN: 978-09872345-6-8
Art Gallery of Ballarat Annual Report
2011–12 56-page 205 x 205mm
Art Gallery of Ballarat Annexe:
Post Completion Report II
Adopt an Artwork 6-page DL
Membership publications
association magazine of the ballarat
fine art gallery association: Spring,
Summer, Winter 20-page, Autumn 28page, 205 x 205mm
Ballarat Fine Art Public Gallery Association Annual Report of the 128th year
2011–2012, 36-page 205 x 205mm
ISSN: 0726-5530
Exhibition invitations:
Marion East and Lars Stenberg: Aurora
double-sided DL
Ron Quick: Seeking Nirvana doublesided DL
Marlene and Deanne Gilson: Welcome
to our Country (Ngardang baap
yarrang) — Mother and Daughter —
Wathaurung (Wadawurrung) Dreaming
double-sided DL
Gypsy Pennefeather: Joyful Harmony —
yorokobi chouwa double-sided DL
Capturing Flora: 300 years of Australian
botanical art Exclusive opening 6-page
A5 with added foldout
Capturing Flora: 300 years of Australian
botanical art Member Exclusive 4-page
Eamon O’Toole: Big Boys Toys doublesided DL
Next Gen 2013: VCE Art and Design
double-sided DL
Got the message? 50 years of political
posters double-sided A3 folded to DL
Barry Gillard: Help! I Feel a Strong
Weakness — Drawings in the Spirit of
Dante Alighieri and Others doublesided DL
Living Traditions: The Art of Belief
double-sided DL
Capturing Flora: 300 years of
Australian botanical art
Catalogue: 280-page hardcover, 310 x 250mm
Education Resource 40-page, A4
Two Chilldren’s Trail double-sided A4 folded to A7
Flora Captured: New Writing 44-page, A4 ISBN: 978-09872345-3-7
Capturing Flora Acquittal 12-page, A4
Exhibition flyer double-sided DL
With contributions from five different essayists, as
well as a foreword from the eminent botanist Alex
George, this publication broke new ground in terms
of its appraisal of the genre. It was received with
great critical acclaim and was nominated for a prize
for botanical excellence from the prestigious Hunt
Institute, Harvard University. The first print run sold out
and was reprinted in April 2013.
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Unknown artist
Louis van HOUTTE publisher
Belgium, b.1810, d.1876
Xanthorrhoea hastile 1854
plate 868 from Flore des Serres et des
Jardins de l’Europe, Vol. 9, 1853–54
colour lithograph
24.5 x 16.4 cm
Art Gallery of Ballarat, Purchased with funds
from public donation, 2011
| 81
Unknown artist
Louis van HOUTTE publisher
Belgium, b.1810, d.1876
Doryanthes palmeri 1874
plate 2097–98 from Flore des Serres et des
Jardins de l’Europe, Vol. 20, 1874
colour lithograph
31.5 x 24.5 cm
Art Gallery of Ballarat, Purchased with funds
from public donation, 2012
Hand-coloured lithographs
superseded copperplate engravings in Curtis’s Botanical
Magazine during 1845 while the
Belgian botanical publications
embraced chromolithography
in the pages of L’Illustration
Horticole and Flore des Serres et
des Jardins de l’Europe, seen here
to bold effect in Xanthorrhoea
hastile (now X. resinosa) and
Doryanthes palmeri.
Public Programs
Grigoryan Brothers: The Seasons
Thursday 12 and Friday 13 July
Portraits Series Concert:
Adam Simmons with Nick Tsiavos and
Deborah Kayser
Wednesday 25 July
Portraits Series Concert:
Adam Simmons with Steve Heather
Wednesday 6 March
Seraphim Trio: The Poet
Monday 18 March
Trio Anima Mundi: Mother Russia
Saturday 11 August
Australian String Quartet
Tuesday 16 April
Seraphim Trio: Midwinter Dream
Wednesday 5 September
Seraphim Trio: The Illusionist
Thursday 2 May
David Hobson at the Gallery
Tuesday 18 September
see image left
Sandi Thom
Sunday 5 May
Portraits Series Concert:
Adam Simmons with Tony Gould
Wednesday 17 October
Chris Duncan and Catherine Strutt
Friday 19 October
Sunday 28 October
Big Winter
Sunday 2 December
Damask and Singers of the Black Book:
Christmas concert
Saturday 8 December
La Compañia: The Spanish Collection
Wednesday 20 February
First Sunday in July Concert: VOX
Sunday 1 July
Piano for Pleasure
Sunday 15 July
Last Sunday in July Concert: Ballarat
and Ashbourne Quartet
Sunday 29 July
Royal South Street Society Chopin &
concerto concert
Saturday 4 August
Last Sunday in August Concert:
Musicians of Ballarat High School
Sunday 26 August
Piano for Pleasure: Shimana
Sunday 9 September
Last Sunday in September Concert:
Goldfields String Quartet
Sunday 30 September
Piano for Pleasure: Peter Toohey
Sunday 14 October
Last Sunday in October Concert:
Quintesse String quartet
Sunday 28 October
Last Sunday in November Concert
St Cecilia Singers: In time for Christmas
Sunday 24 November
Christmas concert: Kate Hill students
Sunday 16 December
Last Sunday of February Concert:
Sunday 24 February
Shaking the Tree
Sunday 3 March
The Con to Kabul
Sunday 14 April
Piano for Pleasure: Bron Sozanski
Sunday 21 April
Last Sunday of April Concert: Lana
Zylan-Ford, soprano
Sunday 28 April
Last Sunday in May Concert: UB Third
Year Music Theatre students
Sunday 26 May
Singers of the Black Book
Saturday 22 June
Piano for Pleasure: Bron Sozanski
Sun 23 Jun
Last Sunday in June Concert: students
from the Ballarat Suzuki Violin Studio
Sunday 30 June
Marion East and Lars Stenberg:
Landscape artists
Wednesday 11 July
Lindy Allen: Ancestral Power and the
Aesthetic and The Donald Thomson
Collection, Museum Victoria
Wednesday 25 July
Geoff Wallis: Got the message? 50 years
of political posters
Wednesday 1 August
Richard Stringer
Wednesday 8 August
Dianna Wells
Wednesday15 August
Prudence Flint, practicing artist
Wednesday 22 August
Steve and Melissa Proposch
Wednesday 29 August
Recent video works by UB students
Wednesday 5 September
Rose Hiscock, Executive Director Arts
Development, Austrialia Council
Wednesday 12 September
Gordon Morrison, AGB Director
Inaugural Greg Binns Memorial Lecture
Wednesday 27 February
Michael Nichols: Next Gen 2013
Wednesday 13 March
Geoff Wallis: Got the message? 50 years
of political posters
Wednesday 27 March
Sarah Gabriel, practicing artist
Wednesday10 April
Carol Cains, Curator of Asian Art; and
Dr Matthew Martin, Assistant Curator,
Decorative Arts, National Gallery of
Victoria: Living Traditions: the art of belief
Wednesday 24 April
Fergus Binns, conceptual painter
Wednesday 1 May
Darren Sylvester, multidisciplinary artist
Wednesday8 May
David Rosetzky, video and
photographic artist
Wednesday 15 May
Toni Covino-Beehre, multidisciplinary
Wednesday 22 May
Assoc Prof Jennifer McKnight, print and
screen designer
Wednesday 29 May
Jennier McKnight, print and screen
Wednesday 29 May
John Kean: The Art of Science
Wednesday 12 June
Peter Perry, Director Castlemaine Art
Gallery and Historical Museum
Wednesday 26 June
Let’s Talk Poetry with Barry Breen
Tuesday 10 July, 14 August, 11
September, 9 October, 13 November,
11 December, 12 March, 9 April, 14
May, 11 June
Association bus trip to Napoleon
exhibition at National Gallery of Victoria
Wednesday 25 July
Wheeler Centre – Anna Funder in
Thursday 26 July
see image above
Adopt a Frock
Wednesday 29 August
Adopt a Frock luncheon with Ballarat
Friday 19 October
Behind The Scenes Tour
Mondays 25 July, 22 October, 15 April
Children’s Day festival
Friday 26 October
Art Conservation Day
Monday13 January
Sponsors viewing of Eamon O’Toole:
Big Boys Toys
Thursday 21 February
Ballarat National Theatre 75th
Anniversary Season: 75 Years of BNT
Sunday 10 March
Barry Breen, the poet is in — poet in
Residence programme
each Wednesday, 20 March - 26 June
Bequests Campaign launch
Thursday 30 May
Ballarat National Theatre 75th
Anniversary Season: Party Pieces
Sunday 16 June
Ballarat National Theatre 75th
Anniversary Season: Radio Play
Saturday 11 & Sunday 12 May
Pictures and Stories — themed tours of
the Gallery with Barry Breen, Poet in
Saturday 11 & Sunday 12 May
VOX at the Movies
Saturday 11 May
The Gallery by Night Torchlight Tour
Saturday 11 May
Living Traditions poetry book launch
Sunday 12 May
Term 3 & 4, 2012
Thursday nights: Life Drawing
Saturday mornings: Drawing Portraits
Saturday afternoons: Life Drawing
Term 1, 2013
Wednesday mornings: Life Drawing
Term 2, 2013
Saturday mornings: Portrait Drawing
Saturday afternoons: Life Drawing
Saturday afternoons: Life Drawing,
Winter Wonderland with Carla Maxwell
Tuesday 3 and 10 July
Futuristic Figures with Yvonne
Tuesday 3 and 10 July
Drawing cartoons with Maggie Dannatt
Wednesday 4 and 11 July
Wet and dry felting with Megan
Wednesday 4 and 11 July
Pinch pot ceramics with Sophie Ward
Thursday 5 and Friday 6 July
Screen-printing techniques with Laura
Thursday 12 and Friday 13 July
Something for the Show with Maggie
Tuesday 25 September
Wearable art with Sylvia Nevistic
Wednesday 26 September
Learn to screen print with Laura Day
Thursday 27 - Friday 28 September
Junkyard Challenge with Carla Maxwell
Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 January
Motor sport art with Pauline
Wednesday 9 and Tuesday 22 January
Make a car or racing outfit with Yvonne
Thursday 10 January
Get to know your gallery with Pauline
Thursday 10 January
Hanging mobiles with Megan
Monday 17 January
Felting with Megan Fromholtz
Tuesday 18 January
Made to Last with Pauline O’ShannessyDowling
Wednesday 19 January
Make a car or racing outfit with Yvonne
Thursday 20 January
Punched tin with Carla Maxwell
Monday 21 January
Mythical creature sculptures with Sophie
Mondays 23 July - 17 September
Wearable art with Yvonne Jeganathan
Tuesdays 7 August - 18 September
Creative Collage with Laura Day
Wednesda 25 July - 19 September
Indigenous Identities with Carla Maxwell
Thursdays 26 July - 20 September
Stamping, printing and painting with
Laura Day
Wednesdays 17 October – 12
Wardian Cases with Carla Maxwell
Thursday 18 October – 13 December
Felted Collage Pictures with Megan
Mondays 11 February - 25 March
Get to Know your Gallery
with Pauline O’Shannessy-Dowling
Tuesdays 12 February - 26 March
Still Life Stories with Deanne Gilson
Wednesday 6 February - 27 March
Screenprinting with Laura Day
Thursdays 7 February - 28 March
Ballarat Tiny Town with Carla Maxwell
Thursdays 7 February - 28 March
Bohemian Sketch Club - Saturday Art
Cart, with Carla Maxwell
Saturdays 9 February - 23 March
Felted Collage Pictures with Megan
Mondays 22 April - 24 June
Art O’Clock with Chris Ellis
Tuesdays 23 April - 25 June
Still Life Stories with Deanne Gilson
Wednesdays 24 April - 26 June
The Technician with Mark Maxwell
Thursdays 25 April - 27 June
Catch that Snack with Carla Maxwell
Fridays 26 April - 28 June
Bohemian Sketch Club - Saturday Art
Cart with Carla Maxwell
Saturdays 27 April - 29 June
Louise Wilson, great-grandniece and
biographer of botanical artist Margaret
Wednesday 10 October
Clarity quartet and pianist Bronwyn
Blaiklock: Musica Botanica
Wednesday 3 October
John Pastoriza-Piñol, contemporary
realist botanical artist
Wednesday 24 October
VOX: Flower Songs
Saturday 10 November
Cecily Davis, local milliner
Wednesday 14 November
Westwind Ensemble: Reflections from
the Australian Bush
Sunday 4 November
Artists Inspire Artistry - poetry inspired
by works in Capturing Flora
Friday 9 November
Tom Darragh, former Head of Geology,
Museum of Victoria
Wednesday 26 September
Guides preview
Friday 21 September
Members only Preview Sunday 23 and
Thursday 27 September
Tourism operators preview
Monday 24 September
Association Garden Party
Saturday 3 November
see image above
Botanical Illustration with Carla Maxwell
Monday 24 September
Botanical books with Pauline
Tuesday 25 September
Hats and Headpieces with Pauline
Wednesday 26 September and
Wednesday 3 October
Botanical collages with Pauline
Tuesday 2 October
Wearable art with Sylvia Nevistic
Wednesday 3 October
Rattan Garden with Eliza Jane Gilchrist
Thursday 4 and Friday 5 October
Botanical Bookmaking
with Pauline O’Shannessy-Dowling
Tuesdays 16 October – 11 December
Education Report
The Art Gallery Education Programs
are designed as a support for the
school curriculum and offer a unique
learning experience. Schools from
the Ballarat region and beyond
are able to experience a range of
designed tours and workshops based
around the Permanent Collection
and temporary exhibitions as well as
individual partnership programs which
support student learning beyond the
This year almost 10,000 students and
teachers took part in Gallery Education
programs. The Gallery is lucky to be
able to enjoy a close relationship with
schools within the region and the
number of regular users from across
the State and beyond also continues
to grow.
The Gallery Education programs are
promoted through a range of different
media from the A2 posters to direct
email contact that regularly inform
teachers about ongoing and special
programs on offer.
Kindergarten students from Ballarat
Grammar being introduced to
Capturing Flora by Education Officer
Michael Nichols, October 2012.
The annual Next Gen exhibition
continues to showcase the work of
young emerging artists in the broader
Ballarat region. This exhibition provides
a valuable resource for students as well
as an endorsement of their hard work.
Current students benefit from the
opportunity to view work and support
folios by the previous year’s graduating
students, giving them insights to the
year ahead. This exhibition is always
impressive for the depth of skills and
artistic talents being developed by
young artists under the guidance of
the region’s devoted secondary art
This year saw the production of an
extensive Education Resource to
support the Capturing Flora exhibition,
supported by a generous donation
from the Bjarne K Dahl Trust. This
publication will continue to be
available in hard copy and digitally
as an ongoing resource for schools.
This major exhibition enabled the
Education Officers to develop
further links across the curriculum
by offering science-based tours and
workshops as supporting workshops.
Teachers also had the opportunity to
undertake workshops with two of the
exhibiting artists. Over 1,500 students
and teachers visited Capturing Flora,
with 500 taking part in The Scientific
Eye workshops which were run in
conjunction with the exhibition.
Most students were from schools in
the Ballarat region, however schools
from Melbourne also took part in the
During National Reconciliation Week,
between Monday 27 May and Sunday
3 June 2013, nearly 500 students
worked with two Indigenous artists,
two non-Indigenous artists and
Gallery Education Officers on the
project Bunjil’s World, which was a
development of the successful Bunjil’s
Nest project from last year. Students
were introduced to the story of Bunjil
the Eagle, the creator spirit of the Kulin
Nation, of which the local Wathaurung
people are a part. They then toured
the Living Traditions exhibition of
art based on spiritual beliefs and
discussed traditional Indigenous
belief systems and the importance of
connection to country before taking
part in an art workshop. All students
contributed towards the creation of
a large scale, three-dimensional art
installation based on an eagle’s eye
view of the country of the Wathaurung
people, using a range of art-forms to
create components of the landscape.
This program was supported by the
City of Ballarat through the Koorie
Engagement Action Group (KEAG) and
the City’s People and Communities
Division, by Highlands Local Learning
and Employment Network (LLEN), and
by GoldBus.
The Art Gallery has continued to
host the Eureka Education program
during the establishment of Musuem
of Australian Democracy at Eureka
(M.A.D.E) and this has proved to be
a successful partnership program.
The Gallery will continue to offer a
Eureka-focused experience, including
the popular Hall of Debate role-play
activity, as part of our Early Ballarat
Pauline Doran Catholic Education Officer Michael Nichols
DEECD Education Officer
Asian Studies
Drawing Lab Art Years 9-10, VCE Art,
Studio Arts and VCAL
Monday 9 July - Friday 14 September
Discovery Tour—highlights of the
Collection and history of the Gallery
Joyful Harmony workshop
Wednesday 15 & Friday 17 August
Energy Summit
Special Event for Book Week 2012
Tuesday 21 August
Eureka ST Gill watercolour workshops
Goldfields — Early Ballarat, Eureka
Indigenous art
Landscape and the environment
Capturing Flora: 300 years of Australian
botanical art
Bunjil’s World
Living Traditions: The art of Belief
Next Gen 2013: VCE Art and Design
The Art of Science: Scientific illustrations
from Museum Victoria
ZART Professional Development
Catholic Principals Conference
Next Gen 2013: VCE Art and Design
Opening and Awards event
Narratives in Art — from grand scale
history paintings to modern art
Portrait and genre painting — portraits
and scenes of everyday life
VCE Studio Arts — Behind the Scenes
VCE Studio Arts — Scientific Eye
VCAA Teachers Forum
Thursday 13 September
‘Raark’ painting on bark
Monday 13 August – Friday 14
Bunjil the eagle and Waa the crow
Art, English and Humanities Years 4–10
Monday 20 August - Friday 7
Cross curriculum perspectives
Thursday 30 August
Resin Making Workshop with jewellery
artist Sylvia Nevistic
Saturdays 13, 20, 27 October
Bookbinding with local artist
Maggie Dannatt
Thursday 22 & 29 November
Advanced Rendering workshop
with Mark Wilkin
Saturday 16 March
Looking at Art to Develop Deeper
Thinking Workshop
Friday 22 March
The making of Capturing Flora
Tuesday18 & Thursday 20 September
Capturing Flora Teachers’ Preview
Friday 21 September
Living Traditions: the art of belief
Teachers Preview
Friday 24 April
The Microscopic Realm
with Lauren Black
Friday 28 September
Bunjil’s World installation –
Reconciliation Week school activity
27 May to Friday 7 June
Drawing dissections Botanical
Workshop with Mali Moir
Sunday 28 October
The Art of Science Teachers Preview
Friday 31 May
Exhibition tours offered throughout
the exhibition:
· A Forest of Eucalypts
Prep to Year 11
· The Scientific Eye
Years 5 to 10, Visual Art, English,
History and Science
· The Scent of the Eucalypt
Years 3 to 10 Arts, Science,
Sustainability Perspectives in the
· Change in Botanical art styles
Year 11 Studio Arts, Unit 2 Area of
study 2 Ideas and styles in artworks
· Art and Australian Culture
Year 11 Art Unit 2 Area of study 1
Art and culture
Art Making Workshops
· The magic of the bush
Prep to 4, The Arts and English
· Gum leaf explorers
Years 4 to 8, The Arts, English and
· Eucalyptus Art Postcard
Prep to VCE Year 11
· Botanical sculptures with local artist
Eliza-Jane Gilchrist
Years 3 to 6 VELS Arts and Science
see image above
· Drypoint printing
Years 5 to 8 VELS Arts and Science
· Botanical drawing
Years 3 to 8 VELS Arts, Science and
· Leafy Encounters with local artist
Kim Anderson
Years 5 to 10 VELS Arts and Science
· Wearable botanicals
Years 10 & 11
· Botanical Drawing Lab
Years 5 to 10 VELS Arts and Science
· Arts and Teachers Masterclass with
jeweller Vicki Mason
The making of Capturing Flora
Loreto College Ballarat students
Government Schools 3,893 students, 422 teachers Catholic Schools 3,772 students, 426teachers
Independent Schools
457 students, 86 teachers
Total students 8,122, teachers 934
Ballarat Grammar Early Learning Centre
Clunes Kindergarten
Jubilee Kindergarten
St Alipius Kindergarten
York Street Kindergarten
Wendouree Pre School
Ballarat: Government
Black Hill Primary School
Ballarat North Primary School
Ballarat Specialist School
Canadian Lead Primary School
Dana Street Primary School
Little Bendigo Primary School
Mount Clear Primary School
Mount Pleasant Primary School
Sebastopol Primary School
Ballarat: Catholic
Emmaus Primary School
Lumen Christi Primary School
Our Lady Help of Christians PS
St Alipius Primary School
St Aloysius Primary School
St Columba’s Primary School
St Francis Xavier Primary School
St James Parish School
St Patrick’s PS Drummond Street
St Thomas More Primary School
Ballarat: Independent
Ballarat Steiner School
Home Education Group
Regional: Government
Clunes Primary School
Miner’s Rest Primary School
Minyip Primary School
Newlyn Primary School
Pomonal Primary School
Portland Primary School
Sale Primary School
Skipton Primary School
Toolern Vale Primary School
Waubra Primary School
Regional: Catholic
Emmanuel College, Warrnambool
Holy Cross PS, New Gisborne
St Augustine’s Primary School, Creswick
St Brendan’s Primary, Dunnstown
St Brigid’s Primary School, Ballan
St Patrick’s Primary School, Gordon
St Mary’s Primary School, Ararat
St Mary’s Primary School, Clark’s Hill
St Michael’s Primary School, Springbank
Regional: Independent
Castlemaine Steiner School
Girton Grammar School Bendigo
Metropolitan: Government
Collingwood College
Footscray West Primary School
Greenvale Primary School
Malvern Primary School
Ringwood Heights Primary School
Sandringham Primary School
Weeden Heights Primary School
Metropolitan: Catholic
Emmanuel College, Altona North
St Philip’s Primary School, Ringwood
Holy Trinity PS, Eltham North
Metropolitan: Independent
St Peters College
Alberton Primary School, Queenstown SA
Ascham School, Edgecliff NSW
Danebank Anglican School for Girls,
Hurstville NSW
Emanuel School, Ballina NSW
Green Hill Public School, Kempsey NSW
Holy Trinity, Wagga Wagga NSW
Methodist Ladies College, Sydney NSW
Pomona Primary School, Pomona QLD
Seymour College, Glen Osmond SA
St Johns Primary School, Cobar NSW
Tooleybuc Central School, Tooleybuc NSW
Tumbarumba Primary School,
Tumbarumba NSW
Ballarat: Government
Ballarat High School
Ballarat Secondary College
Mount Clear College
Phoenix P12 Community College
Yuille Park P8 Community College
Ballarat: Catholic
Damascus College
Loreto College
St Patrick’s College
Ballarat: Independent
Ballarat Clarendon College
Ballarat and Queen’s Anglican
Grammar School
Ballarat Christian College
Regional: Government
Beaufort Secondary College
Donald High School
Cobden Technical School
Gisborne Secondary College
Hopetoun Secondary College
Maryborough Education Centre
Stawell Secondary College
Terang College
Yea High School
Regional: Catholic
St Joseph’s College, Warrnambool
St Brigid’s College, Horsham
Regional: Independent
Highview College, Maryborough
Metropolitan and Interstate
Collingwood College, Collingwood
Heatherwood School, Donvale
Loxton High School, Loxton SA
University High School, Parkville
Wesley College, Melbourne
Australian Catholic University, Ballarat
BRACE Education & Training, Ballarat
Deakin University, Burwood
University of Ballarat, Arts Academy
Visual Arts
University of Ballarat, Human
Movement Students
Staff and Volunteers
Retail Manager
Sue Jackson
Anne Rowland
Visitor Services
Mark Moravec
Andi Simkin
Kiri Smart
Business Support Officer
Kelly Briggs
Exhibition Officers
Ben Cox
Brenda Wellman
Registration Assistant
Julie Collett
DEECD Education Officer
Michael Nichols
Catholic Education Officer
Pauline Doran
Eureka Education Officer
Robert Allan
Gallery visitation
Gordon Morrison Marketing and Public Programs Officer
Peter Freund
Touring visitation
Visitor Services
Emma Lorenzen
Sam Thomas
Exhibition Services
Dan Kelly
Lars Stenberg
Julia Young
Research: Alison Steel, Alan Giles
Library: Helen Dehn
And the many members of the Gallery
Foundation, Gallery Association,
Women’s Association, Gallery Guides
and the community who readily give
their time and energy to support the
Image left: Marion Borgelt Liquid Light:
73 degrees 2012 acrylic on canvas, pins.
Purchased from the artist with funds from
the Lois Valerie Sheldon Bequest, 2012
Board Members
As of 30 June 2013
Garry Taylor
Past President Ballarat Fine Art
Gallery Association, Past Chairman
- Art Gallery of Ballarat Foundation,
National President - Business Educators
Australasia, Member of Community
Board - The Courier Newspaper, former
Secondary College Principal
Dr Jennifer Jones-O’Neill
Deputy Chair
PhD and Grad Dip Business
Administration (LaTrobe University),
Post Grad Dip Art Curatorial Studies
and Grad Dip Library and Information
Studies (Melbourne University
Jennifer is Deputy Dean, Arts,
Humanities and Social Sciences at the
University of Ballarat. Jennifer is also on
the Art Association Council. Previously,
Jennifer has worked in management
and held a curatorial role at the
National Gallery of Victoria. She has
also been Deputy Head of Department
at Monash University. Peter Afford
Company Secretary
B Bus (Ballarat), CPA
Peter is a Tax and Accounting Partner
at the Ballarat based accounting
practice, PPT. He is involved in a
number of school and sporting
organisations and currently chairs
the finance sub-committee and is
a member of the Governance subcommittee.
Angela Carey
Angela is Head of Content (Features)
Fairfax Media’s regional division.
Angela’s background is in journalism
and she has been general manager
of The Courier newspaper in Ballarat,
and its editor for five years. She is
involved in a number of community
organisations, including membership
of the committee of management
of Leadership Ballarat and Western
Region, the Sovereign Hill Foundation
and the St Patrick’s College Board.
Cr Vicki Coltman
Vicki is a Councillor with the City
of Ballarat and a Trustee for the
Art Gallery Foundation. She has
many years’ experience working
in the business sector designing
and implementing IT systems and
processes for small to large private
and public organisations. Vicki is a past
Director of Central Highlands Water
and a past board member of BRACE
and Lead On Ballarat. She has a strong
commitment to her community and
has assisted many organisations with
business and governance support.
Assoc Prof Gerard Flemming
BA(Melb), BEd(LaTrobe), GradCertRE,
MEd, PhD(ACU), Campus Dean,
Australian Catholic University (Ballarat
Gerard (Joe) has a long standing
commitment to education and
has taught in both primary and
secondary schools from 1973-1995
afterwards branching into leadership
positions in education institutions,
including lecturing at Australian
Catholic University. Associate Professor
Fleming has been awarded two major
international scholarships. The first
scholarship was awarded in 2002 from
the Bat Kol Institute in Jerusalem.
Then in 2005 he was appointed the
Cardinal Basil Hume Visiting Scholar
at the Margaret Beaufort Institute at
Cambridge University. Joe previously
served on the Board of the Committee
for Ballarat.
Mayor, Cr Mark Harris
Resigned November 2012
MB BS (Melb), Dip RACOG
Mark works locally as a medical
practitioner in the emergency
departments of the city’s hospitals.
His community involvement includes
being a field emergency medical
officer with State Displan and an active
reserve medical officer.
Cr Amy Johnson
Appointed December 2012
Amy was elected to the Ballarat City
Council in October 2012 and brings
a passion for city activation, fiscal
responsibility, arts and events and
community health to the role. Amy is
a passionate supporter of community
sports, racing and tourism, working
closely with Ballarat Regional Tourism.
As the Council representative on
Commerce Ballarat, she enjoys
supporting and advocating for the
Ballarat business community and
continues to serve the community
through her involvement in the
Wendouree Rotary Club.. Tunde Meikle
BSc MA(Syd) GradDipEd(SydTeachColl)
Tunde is a principal of Pyschnational,
a psychological consulting practice
and also Chair of the Academic Board
at AMI Education. Tunde is on the
Human Research Ethics Committees
of Ballarat Health Services, St John of
God as well as MCD University. Tunde
is an associate researcher at CRIC at
the University of Ballarat, a member
of the Ballarat Society of Artists and a
practising artist.
Prof Ruth Rentschler OAM
BA(Hons) Melb, GradDip Vic College,
PhD Monash
Ruth is Chair, Academic Board and
Professor, Arts and Entertainment
Management, Deakin University. She is
a widely published arts management
academic and is an artist in her private
life. Ruth is the author of a number of
professional papers and the editor of
books and consultancy reports and
manuals. She is deputy chair of the
board of Multicultural Arts Victoria.
Colin Stephens
Colin is a Ballarat based antique and
art collector. He is a past President of
the Association and a retired public
servant and has served on many
community organisations.
Derek White
B Juris LLB (Monash), Barrister and
Solicitor, Supreme Court of Victoria
Derek is the General Counsel at
the University of Ballarat. He was
previously a Tax Director at Deloitte
and a Senior Executive Officer in the
State Public Service.
Budget Summary
Budget Summary
for the year ending 30 June 2012
for the year ending 30th June 2013
Collection Management
Public Programs
General Gallery Operating Costs
Gallery Shop
1025 General Gallery Operating Costs
1030 Gallery Shop
1015 Public Programs
Public Programs
Gallery Shop
Gallery Operating Costs
1010 Collection Management*
Collection Management Collection Management*
Public Programs
Gallery Operating Costs
Gallery Shop
*includes art acquisitions valued at $699,672
* includes art acquisitions valued at $423,717