EE 223 AC Circuit Power Analysis Instantaneous and average power RMS value Apparent power and power factor Complex power Instantaneous Power Product of time-domain voltage and time-domain current p(t) = v(t) i(t) Determine maximum value Transients Steady-state As the transient dies out, the circuit returns to steady-state operation. Since the only source remaining in the circuit is dc, the inductor eventually acts as a short circuit absorbing zero power. steady-state Power due to Sinusoidal Excitation v(t) = Vm cos(ωt+θ) and i(t) = Im cos(ωt +ϕ) p(t) = Vm Im cos(ωt+θ) cos(ωt +ϕ) = = ½ Vm Im cos(θ - ϕ) + ½ Vm Im cos(2ωt + θ + ϕ) p(t) = ½ Vm Im cos(θ - ϕ) + trigonometric identity ½ Vm Im cos(2ωt + θ + ϕ) instantaneous constant periodic two parts independent of t period is ½T average the "average" average is zero periodic wanted "unwanted" active or real Power due to Sinusoidal Excitation p(t) = ½ Vm Im cos(θ - ϕ) + ½ Vm Im cos(2ωt + θ + ϕ) • voltage V = 4∠0° V, impedance Z = 2∠60° Ω, ω = π/ 6 rad/s • I = 2∠-60° A • p(t) = 2 + 4 cos(π / 3 - 60°) W Power due to Sinusoidal Excitation p(t) = ½ Vm Im cos(θ - ϕ) ½ Vm Im cos(2ωt + θ + ϕ) + Example 1: Average power delivered to resistor T 2 PR = ½ Vm Im cos(θ - ϕ) p(t) = ½ Vm Im cos(0) 1.5 = ½ Vm Im = ½ Vm2 / R =1W 0.5 v(t), i(t), p(t) = ½ R Im2 1 0 -0.5 i(t) -1 V = 2∠-45° V R = 2Ω v(t) -1.5 -2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 time (s ) 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Power due to Sinusoidal Excitation p(t) = ½ Vm Im cos(θ - ϕ) ½ Vm Im cos(2ωt + θ + ϕ) + Example 2: Average power delivered to purely reactive elements T 2 PX = ½ Vm Im cos(θ - ϕ) = ½ Vm Im cos(±90°) = 0 1.5 p(t) i(t) 1 v(t), i(t), p(t) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 V = 2∠-45° V X = j2Ω -1.5 -2 v(t) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 time (s ) 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Power due to Sinusoidal Excitation p(t) = ½ Vm Im cos(θ - ϕ) Example 3: + ½ Vm Im cos(2ωt + θ + ϕ) Voltage across impedance (V = 100∠25o V and Z = 50∠55o Ω) Determine active power absorbed. I =V/Z = 2 ∠25-55° V = 2 ∠-30° = 1.7 - j A 25o -30o Z = 28.7 + j41.9 Ω P = ½ 22 28.7 = ½ (1.72+12) 28.7 = 57.4 W I Power due to Sinusoidal Excitation p(t) = ½ Vm Im cos(θ - ϕ) Example 4: + ½ Vm Im cos(2ωt + θ + ϕ) (Chapter 11, Problem 8.) In the circuit shown in Fig. 11.27, find the average power being (a) dissipated in the 3-Ω resistor; (b) generated by the source. ZR = 3 + 1 = 3 + 1 + j3 = 4 + j3 Ω 0.1 − j 0.3 Ignore 30° on Vs , I R = 5 (a) 2 + j5 5 29 , IR = 6 + j8 10 2 P3 Ω 1 5 29 = × 3 = 10.875 W 2 10 (b) (2 + j5)(4 + j3) = 13.463∠51.94° V 6 + j8 1 = ×13.463× 5cos 51.94° = 20.75 W 2 Vs = 5∠0° ∴Ps,gen note: ZEQ = 1.66 + j2.12, and Ps,gen = 1/2 Im2 REG Maximum Power Transfer A simple loop circuit used to illustrate the derivation of the maximum power transfer theorem as it applies to circuits operating in the sinusoidal steady state. Zth = Rth + j Xth ZL = RL + j XL ZL = Zth* RL = Rth and XL = - Xth Maximum Power Transfer Example: (Chapter 11, Problem 12.) For the circuit of Fig. 11.30; (a) what value of ZL will absorb a maximum average power? (b) What is the value of this maximum power? −10 j = 107.33∠ − 116.57° V 10 + j 5 − j10 (10 + j15) Zth = = 8 − j14 Ω 10 + j 5 Vth = 120 (a) ZL = 8 + j14 Ω (b) IL = 107.33∠ − 116.57° ∴ 16 PL ,max 1 = 2 2 107.33 × 8 = 180 W 16 Effective Values • Measure for sinusoidal voltages and currents • Power outlets: 60 Hz, "voltage of 115V" • Not the mean of T (T/2) • Not the Amplitude ( 2 115V) • Measure of effectiveness of a source in delivering power to a resistive load • Effective value of periodic current • is equal to the DC value that • delivers the same average power to resistor • i(t) 2 R → p(t) → PR and compare to IDC 2 R Effective Values Mathematical expression T T R 2 1 2 2 P = ∫ i Rdt = ∫ i dt =I DC R = I eff2 R T 0 T 0 T I eff = 1 2 i dt ∫ T 0 • (Square) root of the mean of the square current • rms value • Defined for all periodic signals Effective Values - Sinusoids i(t) = Im cos(ωt +ϕ) with a period of T = 2π/ω I eff T ω 1 2 2 = I m cos (ωt + ϕ )dt = I m ∫ 2π T 0 I eff 2π / ω ∫ 0 1 1 2 + 2 cos(2ωt + 2ϕ ) dt Im = 2 • real quantity • independent of phase angle • equal to 0.707 the amplitude • example: 2∠-30o A delivers the same as IDC = 1A RMS value to compute average power In general P = ½ Vm Im cos(θ - ϕ) = Veff Ieff cos(θ - ϕ) For resistors P = Veff Ieff = Veff2 / R = Ieff2 R Note: We can use amplitude or rms value Use V and Vrms to designate voltages RMS value to compute average power Example: (Chapter 11, Problem 30.) The series combination of a 1-kΩ resistor and a 2-H inductor must not dissipate more than 250 mW of power at any instant. Assuming a sinusoidal current with ω =500 rad/s, what is the largest rms current that can be tolerated? The peak instantaneous power is 250 mW. The combination of elements yields Z = 1000 + j1000 Ω = 1414 ∠45o Ω. Vm ∠0 Vm ∠ − 45o A and Vm = 1414 Im. Arbitrarily designate V = Vm ∠0 , so that I = = 1414 Z We may write p(t) = ½ Vm Im cos φ + ½ Vm Im cos (2ωt + φ) where φ = the angle of the current (-45o). This function has a maximum value of ½ VmIm cos φ + ½ VmIm. Thus, 0.250 = ½ VmIm (1 + cos φ) = ½ (1414) Im2 (1.707) and Im = 14.39 mA. In terms of rms current, the largest rms current permitted is 14.39m / 2 = 10.18 mA rms. Apparent Power We had P = ½ Vm Im cos(θ - ϕ) = Veff Ieff cos(θ - ϕ) In case of direct current we would use voltage times current: S = Veff Ieff • This is not the average power • Is the "apparent" power (S or AP) • Measured in volt-ampere or VA • (rather than W to avoid confusion) • Magnitude of S is always greater or equal to magnitude of P: |S| ≥ |P| Power Factor Defined as the ratio of average (real) power to apparent power PF = P / S = P / (Veff Ieff) In the sinusoidal case the power factor is PF = cos(θ - ϕ) • θ - ϕ is the angle the voltage leads the current: PF angle • note: • Purely resistive load has PF = 1 • Purely reactive load has PF = 0 • PF = 0.5 means a phase angle of ±60° • Resolve ambiguity • PF leading or lagging for capacitive or inductive load (- or +) Apparent Power and Power Factor Example: (Chapter 11, Problem 32.) (a) Find the power factor at which the source in the circuit of Fig. 11.42 is operating. (b) Find the average power being supplied by the source. (c) What size capacitor should be placed in parallel with the source to cause its power factor to be unity? (d) Verify your answers with PSpice. 120 = 9.214∠ − 26.25° A rms j192 4+ 12 + j16 ∴ PFs = cos 26.25 = 0.8969 lag (a) I s = (b) Ps = 120 × 9.214 × 0.8969 = 991.7W j 48 1 (192 + j144) = 4+ 3 + j4 25 11.68 − j 5.76 ∴ Z L = 11.68 + j 5.76 Ω, YL = 11.682 + 5.762 j 5.76 , C = 90.09 µ F ∴ j120π C = 11.682 + 5.762 ZL = 4 + (c) Apparent Power and Power Factor Example: (see also chapter 10) (Chapter 11, Problem 30.) (d) Examine simulation output file (AC sweep at 60Hz). FREQ VM($N_0003,0) VP($N_0003,0) 6.000E+01 1.200E+02 0.000E+00 FREQ IM(V_PRINT1) IP(V_PRINT1) 6.000E+01 9.215E+00 -2.625E+01 (a) and (b) are correct Next, add a 90.09-µF capacitor in parallel with the source: FREQ IM(V_PRINT1) IP(V_PRINT1) 6.000E+01 8.264E+00 -9.774E-05 (c) is correct (-9.8×10-5 degrees is essentially zero, for unity PF). Complex Power • Simplifies power calculations • We had p(t) = Veff Ieff cos(θ - ϕ) + ½ Vm Im cos(2ωt + θ + ϕ) • Where the average (real) power P = Veff Ieff cos(θ - ϕ) • Using complex nomenclature P = Veff Ieff Re{ej(θ - ϕ)} = Veff Re{ej(θ)} Ieff Re{e-jϕ)} phasor voltage • Hence P = Re{Veff I*eff} • Define S = Veff I*eff complex conjugate of phasor current Complex Power • S = Veff I*eff can be written as S = Veff Ieff ej(θ - ϕ) = P + jQ magnitude equals apparent power |S| = S PF angle • Reactive power Q average (real) power reactive power • Imaginary part of complex power • Dimensions are those of P, S, AP=S (|S|) • Avoiding confusion by using volt-ampere-reactive or VAr • Q = Veff Ieff sin(θ - ϕ) • Physical interpretation: • Time rate of energy flow back&forth between source and reactive loads • Reactive components charge and discharge at 2ω (→ current flows) Complex Power (Example) p(t) = Veff Ieff cos(θ - ϕ) + Veff Ieff cos(2ωt + θ + ϕ) |S| P • voltage V = 4∠0o V, impedance Z = 2∠60o Ω, I = 2∠-60o A, ω = π/ 6 rad/s • p(t) = 2 + 4 cos(π / 3 - 60°) W • voltage V = 2.83∠0o Vrms, I = 2∠-60o Arms • S = P + jQ = V I* = 2W + j 3.46VAr = 4 ∠60o VA Q Power Triangle • Commonly used graphical representation of S = P + jQ = V I* = V (V/Z)* = V V* / Z* = |V|2 / Z* = |I|2 Z • Useful relationships: P = |S| cos(Θ), Q = |S| sin(Θ), Θ = power angle = tan-1(Q/P) Q = P tan(Θ) • Quadrant means • 1st - power factor is lagging, inductive load • 4th - power factor is leading, capacitive load Im |S| • Need only two quantities to find third S Q Re P (4 ∠60o VA = 2W + j 3.46VAr) Power and Phasors • Another interpretation of active and reactive power components • Current components • In phase with voltage - Ieff cos(θ - ϕ) • 90° out of phase (quadrature component) - Ieff sin(θ - ϕ) • Multiplied by |V| results in P and Q Veff Im Ieff cos(θ - ϕ) Ieff sin|θ - ϕ| θ-ϕ Ieff Re Power and Phasors Example: (Chapter 11, Problem 42.) Both sources are operating at the same frequency. Find the complex power generated by each source and the complex power absorbed by each passive circuit element. Vx − 100 V V − j100 + x + x =0 6 + j4 − j10 5 1 100 ∴ Vx + j 0.1 + 0.2 = + j 20 6 + j 4 6 + j 4 ∴ Vx = 53.35− ∠42.66° V 100 − 53.35− ∠42.66° ∴ I1 = = 9.806∠ − 64.44° A 6 + j4 1 ∴ S1. gen = × 100 × 9.806∠64.44° = 211.5 + j 4423VA . 2 Power and Phasors Example: (Chapter 11, Problem 42.) Both sources are operating at the same frequency. Find the complex power generated by each source and the complex power absorbed by each passive circuit element. S 6, abs = 1 × 6 × 9.806 2 = 288.5 + j 0 VA 2 1 ( j 4) 9.806 2 = 0 + j192.3 VA 2 j100 − 53.35 − ∠ 42.66 ° = 14.99 ∠121.6 °, I2 = 5 1 S 5 abs = × 5 × 14.99 2 = 561.5 + j 0 VA 2 1 S 2, gen = ( j100)14.99 ∠ − 121.57 ° = 638.4 − j 392.3 VA 2 2 1 53.35 -90 0 VA S − j10, abs = ( − j10) = 0 − j142.3 VA = 142.3 ∠ 2 10 S j 4, abs = Power Measurement • Wattmeter(hours) measures active load • Varmeter(hours) measures reactive load • Average PF is used to adjust consumer's bill (industry has to pay for unwanted losses) • Complex power delivered to individual loads • equals their sum • no matter how loads are connected • S = V I* = V (I1 + I2)* = V (I*1 + I*2) = VI*1 + VI*2 Power Factor Correction • Large industrial consumers pay penalty when PF < 0.85 • Caused by inductive loads (motors) • Why: Causes increased • Device ratings • Transmission and distribution losses • Example: • $0.22/kVAr above 62% of average (real) power demand • S = P + jQ = P + j0.62P = P (1+j0.62) = P (1.77∠31.8°) • Targets cos(31.8°) = 0.85 (pay penalty when PF < 0.85) • Use compensation capacitors in parallel with load Power Factor Correction • Value of capacitance P(tan θ old − tan θ new ) C= 2 ωVrms corrects the PF angle from old to new at the specified frequency and voltage • Derived from ∆Q = V2rms / Xc = V2rms ωC (Qold - Qnew) / V2rms = ωC P(tan θold - tan θnew) / V2rms = ωC Complex Power Example: Source of 115 Vrms supplies two loads. Loads are connected in parallel: 7kW / 3 kVAr and 4kVA at 0.85 pf lagging. Find the pf of the equivalent load as seen from the input terminal. S1 = 7000 + j 3000 S2 = 4k [cos(θ) + j sin(θ)] = 4k [0.85 + j sin(cos-1(0.85))] = 3400 + j 2107 S = S1 + S2 = 10400 + j 5107 = 11586 ∠26.15° θ = tan-1(Q / P) = tan-1(5107 / 10400) = 26.15° cos(θ) = cos 26.15 ° = 0.8976 Z = |V|2 / |S| = 1152 / 11586 = 1.142Ω Z = 1.142Ω ∠26.15° = 1.02 + j 0.5 Ω (remember: S = |V|2 / Z*) Relevant Terms Instantaneous power p(t) W p(t) = v(t) i(t) Average power Active power P W sinusoidal steady-state, P=1/2 Vm Im cos(ϕV- ϕI), reactances do not contribute to P Effective or r m s value Vrms or Irms V or A Ieff = Im / √2 (sinusoidal) I eff = 1 T T ∫ i 2 dt 0 Apparent power |S| VA |S| = Veff Ieff Power factor PF or cos ϕ None ratio: P / S, unity for purely resistive loads, and zero for purely reactive load Reactive power Q VAR Means of measuring energy flow rate to and from reactive loads Complex power S VA Contains both: average power P and reactive power Q S = V I* = P + j Q