Practicing With Professionalism Presenled by lbe Colorado Bar Association & Colorado Supreme Court Attorney Regulation Counsel ---.. ... "~, _-_ ....-.........._-...... .._....... ... ..... ... . Attorney Regulation Counsel "_.~ -----",~ i ; ~.- ,,~ _-,,,,-~. ,-..' Central Intake I, ,~[.uy I, 200? - December 31, 200? II Requesls fo~ l~vestigation .............--'" j I -I Ii Re.solved alllJlake II 'Vismisse.d, . .' , 1'1 ' ~ssrgriedto.TnalDi~i~ion I 1 Diversion Agreement 1i '. -.-'" ,-' - -. ". ' . , : :'- ~, ' i P:ondin~CaSrsallntake, pnp!30/O!; IAver~ge'Timeto Res,?lution iii' I .. i Intake Divi$ion: . ' 1 . 9 weeks I ~ Irrdudc.s pcn~i!1g.:!OO.6 ('.15~sJes-oh/cd ·in ,2Q07.: . . 1 (I_muuo \tlPHli"'COI~1 ATTOftHli'f ftf.GVLAllOH COUH$£l n-MIR4l.lNIAJ(l' MalU"" (If. IknUlR... .wlU.lR'I' l, 7001. nI!Cf.... ~R JI,}V<t: "':,:~':::::l/==:::,"""':::,:=,:=::,,=,;,:~=. ","""'"~=='M"h> u,... ~.~.~= f:'::::'; =~0~:' I"'"~_ l+w,sa r. ..... 'hE;" &iiJ Hi "1\.1 _""'_."I.... I:J-5':~-+'''''',"!Zfll I""" ""WE'" ,m"" .... ""~Mtit:.,nd..1 . . U1 II'll ." """lIIt",,_ .. ' , ' 1):\ tl"', I (..rdd~"t.,..1 i~1 Illn_""'""FVo 1I...otn"III'1i1l1'V'Whal1 ltiI3I tt"', HoP'-_~' I.,:" P'I !5.ISPb:SlTIONS 'I • DIVERSION: NOT DISCIPLINE • PRIVATE AOMONITION • PUBLIC CENSURE • SUSPENSION: 30 DAYS TO 1 YEAR • SUSPENSION: 1 YEAR & 1 DAY TO 3 YEARS • DISBARMENT: EIGHT YEARS + READMISSION 2 ·WHE1\LDOESREPRESENTAT'ION BEGIN?· I. . Perception of relationship ./ Client's mind ./ Reasonable belief ./ Subjective test • Seeking advice t P!l.lJ.!~~t}!l.tJ!f-irl~ t 5i\JJ.l..flJ,gJ1!..!..i!..\J1"eel1U!lIt is not necessarily the deternlining factor. is not necessarily the determining factor. COl11Jlllinkationwith pet:son represeilted b)r coullsel: Rule 4:2 < No Way! No How! • Check & Verify with" opposing counsel" • "Copying" opposing coullselwith letter to opposing party - NO PROTECTION • District Attorneys & i\·lullicipal Prosecutors BE CAREFUL 3 HYPOTHETICAL You are a prosecutor ... defendant is represented by public defender ...defendant calls you and says that he has" fired his lawyer" and wants to talk to you. What do you do? Can you send an investigator to talk to him? I-iolv:TbAvoi~Confi.i5ionAIJQut Prqvide ,SerVke~jYoti HaveAgre~d To • Engagement letters ~ • Fee agreements . ...f, , "Declining representation" letters . • Why bother? ';~_' • Prevention ~ Beware of: , Telephone inquiries • Unrepresented opposing parties in divorce cases • Former clients when no specific termination See e.g. People v. Bennett HYPOTHETICAL Potential client calls lawyer's office and talks with lawyer's assistant. Potential client provides facts to assistant regarding automobile accident and P.I. claim the potential client may have. Assistant tells potential client to send in the "reports." Potential client does so ... hears nothing more from lawyer and statute of limitations runs. Attorney-Client Relationship? 4 Eval{~C;lting ~he PotentiaiCliept' <v '"; . .~, ~.~: Avoid Undesirable Clients: , " • • Personal vendetta Excessively needy/unstable client Multiple previous attorneys Big plans; tiny budget Hands-on manager "Hired gun" mentality Phone and E-Mail contact only Factors to Consider When ,. Acs~pting"A tliepfMkl~ter ,. . 'I • Understand the objectives of the client. ;,,,' ~ n.'iU ::"'X. It) 'Means professionally & legally allowed? • Create only justified expectations. • Avoid adverse interests. Factors. to Consider When A~s.epting·f\Cn~;n~M~ffeJ;' • Competency • Skill "Experience • Financial hardship (money to prepare case) 5 ------------------ [ .._ •. Ac~eptingA .Ma~fe.r Factors tb Consider When Cli¢nt Any foreseeable communication problems? What abou t you? What is going on in YOUR life that would create problems for the client? >-Ghost Writing is when an attorney prepares pleadings for a party appearing pro se. ~ LV 6 Ghost Writing is prohibited in the Federal District Court for the District of Colorado. Preparing court documents but not entering an appearance is permitted in the Colorado State Courts. SeeC.R.C.P.ll;:\1I; 121 §1-1; and Colo. RPC 1.2. ,""UNBUNDLED' , ,,' - - -'-~---'-'---I '0. ,- 0 l';EGAL SERYICE~ TI1<' "full bundk" 4/ ('! r<~J.'n.",,,nl,lli"lll1"1 hli",.il.i"11 includes: 1) gathering facts, 2) advising the client. 3) discovering facts of opposing party. 4) researching the law, 5) drafting correspondence & documents, 6) negotiating, and 7) representing the client in court. l,i -_._-, ;DISTRICT ATTORNEYS ·g6;~~~;&~~E:~ERS . i I I I 1. Same Rules Apply: Neglect - Conflicts 2. Higher Standard of Conduct 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Discovery Issues Use of Subpoenas Talking with Represented Defendant Supervisor of Investigators Victims - Witnesses Engaging in private practice (CRS. 20-1-201.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Communication with Clients Neglect - Caseload Management Witness Issues Maintaining Professionalism BOlmdary Issues r:<·9.Qi~~N~~N~L,A~~RS.] 1. Conflicts - Multiple Representation 2. Agency vs. Individuals 3. Neglect - Communication 4. Switching Sides 8 [.:RAI\ELY)~EGA~ ISSt{ES :J • ONE LAWYER - MANY CLIENTS • COMMUNICATION TRUMPS COMPETENCE • CLIENT CONTROL: [S ANY CLIENT WORTH YOUR LICENSE? • PERSONALITY: MOST GREAT LAWYERS HAVE A GREAT PERSONALITY i,){AR~~YL~GAt:~SSYES .1 • LETTERS AND E-MAIL: WAIT A DAY • PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIP: LAWYERS, JUDGES, CLERKS, SERVICE PROVIDERS As much (IS you 1V0ultllike to ... DON'T: \\~)) £I. <:::::::./' j,;·"·'I1',',,,':""'io/i,:,. '.',',' ·',,/i... 'r/I·.;,,-I';.:/",. 9 , DURING THE REPRESENTATION' The following duties are required during the representation: I I,.DQTIESTO COURTS ], • Officer of the Court • Cannot make misrepresentation to the Court. • Cannot assist client in fraudulent or criminal conduct. (Colo. RPC 1.2) 10 Rule 3,3 Candor to the Tribunal - Lawyer statements "Wily don't tile lawyers also have to swear to tell the truth?" - DUTIES,wO~9UR;rS' 'I rPeople V, Casey 948 P.2d 1014 (Colo. 1997) An re Cardwell 50 P.3d 897 (Colo. 2002) I~:. D~,~~lJi~;.~'OU~TS :1 Remedial measures must be taken if: false material evidence has been offered or a person intends to engage in criminal or fraudulent conduct related to an adjudicative proceeding, Disclosure to h'ibunal must be included if necessary 11 ! :SON~;LICr,SSC~.EEN:I~G·1 100% loyalty to client before and during representation Rule 1.7(a) A lawyer cannot represent a client if the representation involves a concurrent conflict, except as provided by (b). CdNFtICTSSCREENING (gontiI\g~d) ..: Rule l.7(b): ·1 No direct adversity Can't materially limit responsibility i\'{ust give each client informed consent confirmed in writing I· .CON~L(~:.i~~~~~~·I~ Rule 1.8(a): Transactions with clients: 'Two writings required. • Disclosures must be adequate. • If attorney profits olltside of legal fees, disclosures are essential. People v. Silver, 924 P.2d 159 (Colo. 1996) 12 HYPOTHETICAL Lawyer represents father and son on burglary charges. DA believes father is more culpable and wants to offer son a better deal in exchange for testifying. DA tells lawyer he has a cont1ict, but lawyer refuses to get off the case. Motion to Disqualify is denied. iI [, .'DURINGTHE .. .. . REPRESENTATION' Rule 1.6: Confidentia I ity a. Exceptions 1. Permissive; 2. 7 Exceptions; 3. Address Fraud & Financial lnjut'y; 4. Disclosure bv other law, ct. order . b. Work Product c. Attornev-Client Privile e r--.--------.- . [- !' --'~-- . ----.- , .' . ,-c- 1 . COMPETENCE . . ~ Colo. RPC 1.1 13 l t- ~. I NEGLEC.1 II . Neglect of a legal matter 1. Colo. RPC 1.3 2. Act promptly, avoid delay HYPOTHETICAL Three (3) year lawyer has high volume practice. He takes fees and uses them before the work is performed. Over-schedules court dates and does not appear. Fails to get work done. Too Much-Too Quickly Fee Upfront Office Management Issues with Judges 14 I I COMMUN1CATION ',.... .. -. . " .' . ; ... ~ . . ; I 1. Colo. RPC 1.4 2. Keep clients informed of status 3. Explain alternatives and legal ramifications 4. Communicate when nature of case changes I~ i ?J..(PER,YISE ST AFF Don't Let Your Staff Run Your Office People 11. Stewart, 892 P.2d 875 (Colo. 1995) People 11. Reyllolds, 933 P.2d 1295 (Colo. 1997) People 1'. Milller, 35 P.3d 670 (Colo. G.P.D.). 2001) (Colo. RPC 1.4 - Conununication Colo. RPC 1.3 - Neglect) Colo. RPC 1.16 (a) MANDATORY WITHDRAWAL 1) Representation will result in violation of professional rules or other law. 1) The lawyer's physical or mental health impairs ability to practice law. 1) Lawyer is discharged. 1) Lawyer is suspended. (People 71• 1011llSOIl) 15 TERl\trrN ATION/WITHDRAWAL' ,: :. ' "(Continu~d)' : " "., '-' ,':-_-'.' _-' ':',_"':_-' h) -' .. '-"-~ _. PERMISSIVE Wrll,IDRAWAL Ii \Vithdrc1wal call be ch:complished without material adverse effect on the interests of the client. 1) The client persists in tl course of (lelian involving the lawver's se-rvinls tlMl the I,lwver rt:'tlSOlltlblv believes is rrinlindl or fraudulent. ~ . The client IM5 U5l't.! till' .1) Id\\'~'l'r'5 services to perpelr,lle 11 crime or fraud. The client insists upon lclJ.dng dclion that the la\vyer considers repugndot or wHh which the Itlwyer has ,1 fu ndamental d iSt1gn:>ement. l) TERlviiNATIONMlTHPRAWAL' : : ; ' . . (CoJitinueq) :, 5) The client fails substantially to fulfill an obligation to the Idwyer regarding the lawyer's services and has been given reasonable warning that the lawyer will withdraw unless the obligation is fulfilled, 6) 'Ole representdtion will result in an unreasonable financial burden on the lawyer or has been rendered unreasonably difficult by the client. 7) Other good cause for withdrawal exists, I-TERMIN.·.ATI.O.. .Ntwr.,TH.:D. RA\i\rA.Y II,,; " :,:', (ContmU~(i), ;)", ' C.R.C,P. 121-1-1 WITHDRAWAL FROM LITIGATION lvlA'fTERS tl) Motion for Withdrawal b) Notice of Withdrawal UNTIL ORDER ON Will lDRt\Wi\l, r.::ONTINUE TO REPRESENT THE CLIENT Colo, RPC 1.16(c) 16 [I,: .. LAW.oEJ;lI.~.,.C.·. E·l\IIl,\.NAGEMENT o BUSINESS PLAN: Bank Accounts Human Resource Contracts Work Flow Plan t:l COMPREHENSIVE FILING & STORAGE SYSTEM: Active Files Closed Files €) CALENDAR & DOCKET CONTROL SYSTEM: • More than one system • More than one person • Daily routine !. "LAW ()fFiC;E.M~NAG~.lY.1Elk[ o ·1 CLIENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: Client index Conflicts index • Log of actions in each client matter Tickler system for events and deadli nes Time records 17 Communication device • Not summary fashion Clltml Ql:;l: ldlllSmith Smith lI.h'l(h~ hWtlln'- I.U111'11\' '. ~IH:! Ft'o,; (lli/t15jUI Hl/1O/1I1 Ul/10/Ul UJ/:!O/lll 111/21{01 11/~/01 R.':>t,.mh V.ulllUS td'T!uorw "mrs l,~ r"~',m:h Pn'P"'"c l'rl.·! Curr JC'o,;lImcnl~ 1Q~:anh 11/00/01 Tdl'phllm'l:Unl. 11/09/01 l1/1:!JllI 11/13/01 11/28·12/(iJ/01 12/14/U1 TlJIcrhUlIt'umf Olike H'nl fk'Sl.'drdl Prep. for Court Cllurl arf'<'drilnll: Tutul Fl'\~ thi~ P.:noJ: E-<!'O.!ooo;t.'S Ihi~ 1 Itl lh '.'!(J ...!,n Sil.·L'C'>J~1 PI'rlll'l1 ICupit:s. phone .hatll\~. JX'SI;JI~c....... ~rclilrl.ll. I'lrkU1l:1 ,),;IIlHl P~viotl) a.l1.lnw: Sl!.3f,5.f1(1 Total Due- Rule 1.5 (among others) 18 fee. Agreeni~nts Fee agreement should be in writing, especially with a new client • Contingent fee MUST be in writing No benefit to not having a written fee agreement Limit scope of representation [ComIll~nicatjon'():(Fe~··'~asi~1 • With a new client you must give a written description of fee and expenses - l.5(b) • This must be done within a reasonable time after commencing the representation • Any modification of fee with an old client mu"st be written - comment, also subject to RPC 1.8(a) • Flat fees must be placed in trust and billed against as earned. • To be earned, lawyer must convey some benefit to client. • Hourly or task-based basis for earning fee. • Attorney fees are never "non-refundable." 19 r Must be in writing - Chapter 23.3 of the civil rules of procedure and Colo. RPC 1.5(c) ,..Signed by BOTH ATrORNEY AND CLIENT r IN DUPLICATE so that each has a copy Charging lien - C R.5. 12-5-119. Lien filed in court where the action is filed. Retaining lien - CRS. 12-5-120. Lien on property lawyer possesses that belongs to client. Both are trumped by Rules of Professional Conduct r Double-billing for costs and time ,.. Adding a flat percentage to all bills ,.. Taking a note secured by a deed of trust on a house or other property. Colo. RPC 1.8(a) r Taking an interest in the property which is the subject matter of the suit. Colo. RPC 1.8(i) ,.. Client cannot agree to an unreasonable fee 20 Time keeping and/or billing systemsget one r - Lawyer cannot withhold services to coerce payment Ixrtpofta:t1.t rtovisiOns to Consider :::~ :,~df;,Fe~.Agr~~r,ll~nt ... .. - Are you going to handle appeals? Limit the scope of employment. - Identify the client carefully (Corp.?) r Arbitration provisions are favored in Colorado. - Are other attorneys going to be working on the case? - If you want interest on unpaid balance your agreement must say so or else no interest. 1ppr6p~r.£loY}~ions}I,1~gl:~eJl1el1t~ ,I· •. 1. No notice of termination by client can be required No limitation prospectively on lawyer's liability No statement that fee is nonrefundable No statement that client gives up right to the file No penalty on client for discharging lawyer 2. 3. 4. 5. '" .' . , .. 1 " , ,\ ,! 21 How to use, how not to use, and trust account bookkeeping. [~W1~a.t.~s ~J!~S{~~~?li~h.. ,'I • Account at an approved institution in Colorado • Does not have to be a "COLTAF" account • Lawyer can have more than one trust account • Must be labeled as "trust" or "COLTAF" E~~~ate~~t", A lawyer in private practice who receives advance payments of fees, expenses or funds (like settlement proceeds) entrusted to lawyer's care. Colo. RPC 1.15(d)(1). 22 • Commingling is mixing your own funds with those of a client • Commingling is prohibited because it puts your client's (or third party's) funds at risk. • Who poses a risk to commingled funds? Your creditors Your heirs - Bankruptcy trustee for you IB~anK£~.~g~~for~USf'~~~~iliill • Most banks are not charging for trust accounts • Lawyer may keep very small amount of money of his/her own ($5-10) in trust account for service charge, but no more • No cushions I;:.~;· .t~$£f?f~~~taC~·OUl{t. • Lawyer can NEVER use trust account as lawyer's personal account. • What if no client funds in trust account? - Lawyer still should not use trust account as a personal account. - Hiding funds there from the IRS or others can be criminal and can result in serious discipline. 23 • Client advances retainer .. Lawyer must take out earned fees periodically • Rule of thumb - every 30 days I";~ ".. 'Djs bur~ing~l,lnd$''', ' "J .. Lawyer holds settlement funds in trust • When the lawyer knows the funds are"collected" or the check has cleared," then the lawyer dish'ibutes to client and to herself. U I~i~p{[~~$ ove.rJ~~4~ i4:~u§(1 • Lawyer must take steps to resolve the dispute or [worst case] interplead the funds • Lawyer may be a fiduciary both to client and to third person if holding funds for both • Lawyer cannot breach duty to either 24 Boold(eeping~tJle 1.1[] • You must have adequate receipt and disbu rsement records ~. - Date, source and description of each item deposited. Date, payee and purpose of each disbursement. You must have the following: • A record keeping system that identifies each trust client. • Records showing the source of all funds for deposits for that client. • Records showing the amount and description of all withdrawals. • Records showing the names of those to whom money was disbursed. • You must do a trial balance no less than QUARTERLY of each client ledger. You must keep retainer agreements or contingent fee agreements, statements to clients, bills to clients, payments to experts, reporters, etc., bank statements, and pre-numbered cancelled checks and copies of client's files to understand the financial transactions 7 years after termination. 'iP 7· J ars . ~H 25 Ttu~t Accounts Dutie!, • {JUT/E:; MAY BE DELEGATED • lUSl'cJ!',JSIBlun· FOR ACCOUNT MAY NOT BE DELEGATED •Appropriate training and supervision of employees G-sJ .Accquni·~_ointer.s Do not pre-sign checks Receive account statements unopened Review all cancelled checks and statements Do not have one person responsible for the entire trust account. Separate duties. • The one who writes checks does not balance the trust account. I:.; : ~dvaf¢·Con4uctSl r Colo. RPC 8.4 & C.R.C.P. 251.5 r Conduct outside practice of law subject to attorney discipline ~ Criminal conduct, including domestic violence • People v. Vall BllsTdrk • People v. Holt • People v. Littlefield 26 ,--.----.-.----_.-~-----~- ~. Cori,dud'(~ontillued) Failure to report conviction - ten days lCKCI'. 251.20(b)1 People P. Hllrl/llm/l,;e False statements, intentional or with reckless disregard for the tru th: Peor/e v. Ko//ljorl/,;el/, 917 P.2d 277 (Colo. [996) • People u. Hrowl/, 726 P.2d 638 (Colo. 1986) • People u. Kiely, 968 P.2d 110 (Colo. [998) • People P. Ri,;lwl, 50 P.3d 938 (Colo.a.p.D.). 2002) NOT SO HYPOTHETICAL(s) CRIMINAL CONDUCT • A. DUTY TO REPORT - 10 DAYS FOLLOWING CONVICTION/PLEA • B. DUI-DWAI ,,,;:::, ...... ~;.~'~'~ .',' • C. SERIOUS CRIME ·II ,::;. Rule 251.8 & 251.20 Private COn.dud (continued.) •t ; " ' ) ' T,'· .: ,. Sexual misconduct: • People ~/. Lowery ,. Failure to pay child support: • People v. Greel/ • People v. Hal/ks r Petitions for immediate suspension: • Rule 251.8.5 (amended 2/17/00). ,. 8.4(H) - Don't be mean 27 • Professionalism principles generally require attorneys to conduct themselves toward clients, other attorneys, and society as a whole with integrity, honesty, candor and fairness, respect, dignity, and courtesy. • Many issues arise in the course of law practice which require vigilance on the part of the practitioner and adherence to principles set forth in the Rules of Professional Conduct. AnCillary'Issues ·,.;(~onfj~1.h¢,g)::,.~ . I I • An attorney must adhere to truthfulness in dealings with persons other than clients. {Colo. RPC 4.1} An attorney shall treat the rights of third persons with respect and shall avoid conduct meant •.... to embarrass, delay, or burden a third person ..." {Colo. RPC 4.4} 28 NOT SO HYPOTHETICAL MISREPRESENTATIONS - District Attorney goes to homicide crime scene. TIle suspect, a fugitive, calls and speaks with the police. Suspect wants an attorney to represent him during the surrender. Attorney whom suspect requesl,> to speak to no longer practices law. Suspect then asks for a public defender. The district attorney decides to pretend to be the public defender to expedite the surrender. He speaks twice by telephone with the suspect who believes he is talking with a public defender. Ancillary Issues '0 (cOl1Jin~~a)' ., An allomey shall not Lhreaten, present, or participate in presenting criminal, .tdminislrdtive, or disdplinary charges to obtain an ad\'antage in a civil malter. ICulo. RPe 4.5} An attorney must .1Void sexual relationships with clients and other forms of sexual misconduct, including harassment.lenlo. RPC 8.4(b), (<II, (g), (hl) An anomey should disclose the details of representalion when contacting a person who is not represented by counsel. {Colo. RPC 4.3} /lltonll!.'! i1 received prh·.lte discipline.. d private censure, for conduct which included failing tn inform a physician in a telephone call Umt the aUomt.·y repni'sl'nlcd ,I p.lrly o1d\'crse to Ule physician's patient (1997). • (1) Rules governing admission to the Bar • (2) Colorado Rules of Procedure regarding: Attorney Discipline & Disability Proceedings, Colorado Attorneys' Fund for Client Protection & mandatory Continuing Legal Education & Judicial Education 29 [E L -_.---.-.. • .,. ~ C.'," .-:S._.~:" .._.. . .-:.~__ A.--lJci11~ry IS~l1es(~onfh~ued). •.. ' ':"":-. . ' >_. ..:=_.; An attorney may not participate in the unauthorized practice oflaw. (Colo. RPC 5.4(a), 5.5j -_.__._-_._-_...•.._----------,._---, Practicing With Professionalism \ !- presented by the Colorado Bar Association & Colorado Supreme Court Attorney Regulation Counsel 30