Responses ( PDF 254 KB)

Increased sensor lighting
Less bells
More glass recycling facilities, supportive of co-mingle
Parameter of how we are doing against our target areas possibly on the member’s homepage.
There are too many abandoned bikes on the estate.
Allow staff to make a contribution to charity and purchase an abandoned bike or items from unusable one.
Problem with draughty windows in the press gallery – ill- fitting windows.
Ancient windows leak heat.
Only half fill the kettle when making coffee.
More automatic lights go on when you go in and off when you go out.
Solar panel also for heating.
Sensor plates on door for lights to come on.
Windows that ??? A room or office. ???
I am going to be putting friendly posters up on my floor re: recycling, switching things off, use the stairs, switch the heating
Movement sensing lighting.
Annunciator's off after long periods.
PC shutdown after 4 hours inactivity
Timeshare desks.
Padded jackets - turn down the heating.
In the winter we can't turn our heating off in Norman Shaw North so have to open the windows wasting loads of energy!
Renewables - install solar panels and biomass heating set a target for the percentage to use.
Improved signage for lighting controls in Tothill Street.
Lights are the big thing that waste energy on the estate.
Put up reminder notices.
Automatic lighting.
Turn lights off when not in the office - also TV and computers.
Lights in PCH always on.
Computer should be switched Off standby.
Turning off computers when leaving.
Switch off the lights.
Lights always left on in areas where there are no people (e.g. toilets).
Timers on lights.
Turn the lights off during daylight.
Focus on building capacity of empathy in earliest relationship i.e. parent infant relationship which naturally promotes
See Yale Child Development work.
Turn off lights when not used.
Better regulation of heating systems because it's either too hot or too cold.
Environment champions to make sure lights and computers are turned off.
The energy and heating system in PCH is not sensitive to individual preferences so is not energy efficient.
Fielden House gets very hot.
Better air conditioning.
Permission to open windows.
Turn off computer monitors at the end of the day.
Encourage staff to use the stairs rather than the lifts.
More sensors to switch off lights in rooms and corridors when room is empty.
More efficient lighting in older parts of the palace.
Move to a modern building ideally in Manchester
Compulsory to turn off all lights in offices in particular.
Energy saving light bulbs where possible.
Use less packaging.
Make sure all packaging can be recycled in cafeterias.
Automatic turn off for lights in offices and toilets where nobody is working.
Turn the heating down or off when people are not in the building.
Sensor lights in corridors that are not used much to save lighting up an area that's not in regular use.
You should make parliament/UK 'geothermal' dependant only (free energy for 2500 years)
Water conservation: water storage from rainfall on parliamentary roofs for toilets etc.
Is there any instruction in place for people to always switch computers off at the end of day?
Have a 'no lift day' and walk up and down the stairs.
Auto switch-off for the computers at night.
Stop floodlighting at the east front.
Turn lights off at 53 Parliament Street. They've been on for weeks since before Christmas.
Make staff sit on electricity bikes as they work every Tuesday.
Only turn on lights when you really need them.
Close evenings, put all evening people in one place eg. PCIT, main with facilities open, save lots on closed places as it won't
Too cold on 5th floor - inefficient heating
Fit photo cells on all external lighting
Ensure doors aren't left open at the bottom of the escalator
No air con in summer and we use electric heaters in the winter. There is no system!
Switch off the machine if you are not using it
Turn your computer off at night
Proper insulation of windows and doors
Double glazing windows
Loft insulation with good material
Switching off computers and other equipment by specific times.
Ensuring that heating is off in rooms (of whatever nature) which are not to be used
Compulsory standby function on all devices - turn off after 30min of no usage
Lights left on at night and heating
Why are the lights on in 53 Parliament Street over Christmas?
We should adjust the times on the motion detecting lights in the corridors - they stay on far longer than needed
Turn off computers and laptops on/ open as security can't turn it off
Why do we not use sensor lights in certain locations?
Install sensor taps in toilets
Sensor lights around estate so lighting isn't on 24/7!
Turn lights off and heating off when leave your office - security always have to turn staff lamps off.
Ensure everyone has their monitors off
Turn the Thermostat down and wear a vest - every committee I go to people ask if they can remove their jackets
Upgrade the place to be within best practice (temp/lighting etc) In line with R&R should we be moving Parliament
Encourage the "bike to work" scheme to reduce the office carbon footprint
In the pullows PICT fix the glass I'm freezing
Lights only when needed not to show that an area is open
Not increasing the working hours in Parliament for staff by an extra 2 hours per week
Turn laptops and computers off
Use LEDs
Better and more recycling facilities
Also changing lighting to LEDs
Move to more suitable premises, maybe Manchester!
Install double glazing
Training "eco-awareness" day for members
Some of the rooms around Parliament including the visitor assistant changing rooms are so hot - it’s like being in a sauna.
Turn off lights in conference room 5th floor
How will increasing working hours save energy? If the estate is open longer?
If the heating was efficient, why do we need hot air heaters in the office?
Don't have the heating and air con on at the same time
Have all lights on sensors so they're not left on over night
Stop sending out paper copy payslips sent emails instead
Please can we do something about the annunciators left on needlessly during recess!
Close the estate over the holiday period, why do we need to open PCH and offices over Christmas?
Modern lights that work and use less energy
Save energy by insulating uninsulated pipe, valves, flanges etc. in basement and room areas and increase insulation
Heating in PCTI - no central
Does every office need a TV/ annunciator?
Are all TV’s switched off over night, not left on or on standby?
Turn heating down in Norman Shaw North
Email everyone to switch off heating overnight
Better advice about what appliances should be turned off over night (printers, lights, charges etc)
When MP's offices leave lights, computers on etc. they should be fined with that money coming out of either the MP's
Recycling bins in dining areas for glass, drink cans, food containers, plastic cutlery etc. As far as I can see it just goes in the
More insulation to save heating
Air conditioning in 7MB does not work properly.
Turn the lights off
Turn off computers and printers at night
Motivate employees to turn off lights, computers and TV's when not using them, enticing them with ice cream rewards
Shut down PCs overnight rather than just lock them
Fix the heating system in 1 Parliament street so it’s not either steaming hot and freezing cold
Lifts for goods only in PCH stop people getting in lifts, they can walk down the stairs
More option to work from home
Fit good working door closures to all external doors - good fitting door brushes and draft excluders
On the West front there are heaters which we turn on manually but sometimes they are on all night and the place is like an
The building such as Portcullis should be designed with a concept of "the best design is less design as possible" the building
Savings can indicate how little things were done or things were wrongly done in first place. Savings mean taking
responsibilities of design to avoid mistakes in future. Savings can also be harmful to people if overused (switching off the
Switching off lights in unused areas of the palace. More time switched, unbelievable waste of energy
Educate all staff how to turn their own lighting on and off
Vacating offices and annunciators if possible
Timers on plugs so they switch off after a certain time. Good for chargers etc.
Turn the lights off automatically at set time. Those who need it can turn it back on but many people leave the light on at
Carbon sequestration via organogenic dolomite formation in lakes bioreactors
Switch off lighting when not in use
No lights in Portcullis house cafeteria area in the day there is enough natural light!
Too many lights on! So maybe label the essential lights that need to be kept on
Better controls of heating in the Palace - constant heating is excessive
This is a splendid initiative, if we can do the same at home as we do at work we can make double contributions
Galvanise the staff by leadership from Robert Rogers and John Borley - invigorate all staff to implement a carbon reduction
Fix air conditioning in the post room in the portcullis house and stop using fans wasting electricity!
Stop palace people using so many individual kettles, toasters etc - more shared tea points
Rooms are often uncomfortably hot. Advice should be to set the thermostat control valves set at 2-3 for comfort
Switching lights off when we finish or when not in use
Switch off electricals when not used
Solar panels on roof
Less TVs
Reduce heating by 1 degree across the estate
Energy saving light bulbs
TVs on limited access (say 10-3pm) on non sitting days everywhere!
Heating maintained at 21 degrees no higher
Cost effective air conditioning in summer (not fans)
West front too hot - radiators too high windows too tacky!
Could more be done to reduce food waste? The site of full trays of food in the restaurant is depressing
Encourage use of electric modes of transport
Using tidal power to power the Parliament estate
Green roof - insects and vegetation will keep the house warm
Food counter - draft glass covering keep food warm
Double glaze the windows on the 1st floor west front & improve the heating
The last person to leave please switch off the light
Encourage all tea and coffee drinkers to fill kettles with less water
Make sure all machines are turned off at night, not left on standby
Lights with movement sensors
Is there a way to automatically shut down all PCs that aren't logged on at night?
Put a block on all electronics
Mandate someone in the office to switch off all electronics - printers/monitors
Don’t turn it on
Automatic lighting, switching on/off when people are present
Make sure people turn their PCs off at night
Get people to turn the lights off!
To switch off lights at night time - some places have no need to keep on lights
Ensure everyone turns everything off when they leave the office
Automatic switch off of lights
Using energy saving bulbs
Convert animal waste into energy - gas
Use jugs of water in committee rooms, not bottled!
Ensure that computers can't be left on overnight when not in use
Switch off annunciators at weekend and in recess
Fewer annunciators left on at all times
Lighting sensors so that the lights turn off when nobody's there!
Turning off computers at night
Move to encourage double-sided printing
Thermal underwear
Increase thermal values by increasing the thickness of lagging. Lots of wasted energy due to unlagged fittings and valves
Asking everyone to work an extra 2 hours a week has a huge energy implication!
Turn the heating down and wear a jumper and no air con in the summer!
Use cleaning services that overlap with regular work hours to cut costs on extra hours of lighting
Hot water is too hot in ladies loos in NSN
Dim hall lights after work hours
Remember to turn off lights when leaving the office for meetings and/or lunch
Reduce usage of lifts i.e. if only going one floor
Turn off unused lights
Encourage people to wear jumpers
Turning off the computers at the end of each day
Keep outside doors closed
Energy saving light bulbs in the kitchen
Why are there so many automatic doors in places not needed?
During refurbishment works incorporate new technology in building materials, solar panels, double glazing etc.
Turn off computers, lights and TVs at the weekend
Turn heating off in committee room when meetings are on - they get so hot in there, there is no need
Make sure all lights in PCH are switched off overnight/weekend. Passing on the night bus PCH looks like a Christmas tree!
TRVs in NSS & NSN - ask to turn down before recess. People are allowed and able.
Rationalise the photocopying & printers to strategically place multifunctional devices & encourage reduction of printing
Switch off the lighting and heating when not around, many times the lighting is left on overnight
Mandatory turn off PCs/put them on standby if away from desk for more than 15 mins
Turn off the communicator screens at weekends
Staff need reminding to turn off lights, heaters, printers, photocopiers etc. at the end of the day We should be able to turn lights/computers off in offices when not in use
Turn off the lights in the loo
Insulated windows in 7MB or insulation of the building should come under review. There's no point in having radiators on
full blast and cold air coming from single glazed windows - it's not energy efficient!
Get everyone to switch off lights & computers etc.
Do something about all the TVs left on throughout recess - staff away!
Fix the heating so it isn't constantly high or off (1 Parliament St)
I hope this is recycled paper?
Computers forcibly turned off at night
Provide laptops to mobile staff or staff with multiple desks/offices to encourage hot desking
Ensure all doors to outside close automatically to avoid heat escaping (PCH to NSS in particular)
Regular maintenance
Solar/wind energy in parliament estate
Please fix the windows so they close to keep the heat in
Turn the lights out
Encourage people to walk up stairs rather than use the lifts
Derby gate building in the kitchen people keep switching off the lights - is more energy being used to switch on and off over
Proper heating instead of under desk heaters
Put notices up in kitchen areas that plastic milk cartons should be recycled and not thrown in general rubbish. Place a
Turning the boiling water taps off at night to save energy
Set up a stationery supplier shop in HoC - bulk buying would save money, esp. printer cartridges and reduce delivery costs
Get staff to turn off lights during the day!
Fewer TVs
Everyone wearing a coat to lunch in winter should get a free coffee
Switch off white lights above Big Ben when houses rise
Shut down computers at night/sleep mode during lunch
Send a reminder email to people at end of the day for people to switch off computer - most don’t!
The heating seems to be switched on centrally until midway through the summer last year and we were all sweltering in
our offices. Then when it was switched off the air conditioning came on and it was so freezing! I think both could be used
Most significant impact is from behaviour - create 3 step programme to turn stuff off: 1) lights 2) computer 3) annunciator
Gents toilet near Cholmondeley Room gets very hot - window is opened and then is very cold
Stop today's announcement that all staff will work 2 hours longer each week - 41 hours of energy costs is horrific
Turn off your radiators in the summer or when you are away
Improve energy efficiency measures through loft insulation, cavity wall
Turn the heating down! Office staff should wear thicker clothes (not sleeveless dresses) so that manual workers don't have
to suffer often searing heat - totally unnecessary to have radiators always on maximum heat
PCH offices - heating maintenance needed and broken windows in atrium fixed
Tidal power - use turbine in the Thames to generate electricity
Switch off appliances when not in use
Light sensors
Food in canteens could be given to the poor instead of being thrown away
Would fewer desktop PCs make a difference? More flexible working space - too many extra desks that we probably don't
All PCs & monitors to be switched off and if not authority attendants to do this
Sensors on lights
Turn off lights - take responsibility
To walk downstairs rather than use lift
Printing less
Perhaps encourage people to shut down their computers at the end of the day?
Install low energy light bulbs
Fix catering men's toilets and changing rooms - they leak non stop
Lighting in corridors - floor 3 PCH (near 327)
More energy saving lights
Better windows in the Palace
Individual heating controls so we can regulate the heat in 1 Parliament street. We have to have the window open
Turn off the lights at the weekend
Doors on chiller cabinets
Turn lights off across the estate
Switch off when not using
Heating is on even when warm!
The connection between PCH and 1 Parliament St I would say is not energy efficient
Shutting down computers and printers
Turn lights off
To have escalators which only work when occupied
The hot water heaters in the kitchens are left on permanently - all night and over the recess. Surely arrangements could be
Put a door closer on the door leading to the terrace from strangers bar - often left open letting heat out
Stop lifts going ground to first floor
Still huge potential for lagging pipes properly - always getting ripped off - engineers control could give more info
Stop charging mobile phones all day!
Somewhere to recycle plastic bags
Block the cold draft from PCH post office
Turn the heating off in members' offices when it's warm outside!
Better/more efficient balance between heat in winter and air conditioning in summer
Working in offices next to windows overlooking the river is freezing - draughts coming straight in (so heat going straight
Light switches and better zoning of lights. No control
Booster boiler - Magnatech 01327831515 is saving the army 11% on their gas bills
Better sealed widows in the rear stain corridor of the building. Radiators were on but hallway freezing!
People taking responsibility for turning off their work stations
Notify people if they leave their computer on overnight that they shouldn't
Make sure you turn off your PC when you go home every day
Annunciators turn off during recess
Switch off all light overnight and weekend
Turn the water boiler off during recess & put kettles out
Switch off lighting when not in rooms
Switch energy saving globes for standard
Don't leave electricals on standby if not in use
Switch off lights in evening - cleaners please do not leave them on
Use lighting that automatically turns off when nobody is in (sensor based)
Save water, bath with a friend!
Please turn off air con during winter months - the office is freezing. Thank you, 4th floor 7MB
Get people to switch off their computers at night
Switch off the heating and the air-conditioning in my office
Put monitor on sleep at often intervals
Turn PC monitors off every evening
Try not to print as much
Make sure heating is on but at good times, so it does not need to be on the entire day
7MB toilets v. cold - but heating is on full blast. Better insulation needed?
Turn heating down generally - most offices, committee rooms, meeting rooms are over-heated. Keep individual radiator
controls etc. where possible (open Man offices don't help). Let us open windows - get rid of air conditioning except where
When buying IT equipment, think about energy efficiency. For example buy ESX Servors that use less power
Lift usage - only have one lift available - people will use the stairs
I work in the Palace of Westminster and not all the windows shut properly!
Turn lights off in certain areas - reception areas that are not manned
I would say turn off the light as many as possible to save money when the building is nobody there during the night
Automatic lights on times
Tothill Street heating too cold and too hot, proper regulation is required
Are the extra costs of heating and lighting the building at night factored in when deciding when committees sit?
Switch off unnecessary heaters in lift lobbies
More halogen and LED lights
Light sensors for lights
Ensuring lights are switched off when leaving room
Too much printing!
Tidal energy from the Thames
Switch off all the lights
Turn off all computers
Turn off the heater in reception
Consider whether the building needs to remain open after hours
Ask MPs to subsidize all electrical bills in the building
Use electric generating floors in common areas "pave gen" for example
People need to turn their TVs off when going home
Allow lights to be switched off when an area is unoccupied (i.e. tell the cleaner not to object)
Explain on a card how to keep the office warm (radiator or overhead heater?) and also how to do so energy efficiently
Turn off radiators after 9pm
Having the switch on A/C and radiators at the same time, because you can't regulate the office temperature in each room
properly. It would have been cheaper to open a window but they are nailed shut
Make people turn their lights and monitors off when they go home. Almost everyone leaves them on!
Motion controlled light sensor!
People should try to remember to turn off their monitors before they go home
There are too few recycling points in 7MB. I often see recyclable rubbish in normal bins! And why no composting?
Turn off radiators in areas not being used
Do something about the door that keeps sticking open on the main door to the 7 Millbank. It's always open! That just
Invest in technology that can turn off appliances that have no reason to be on after working hours, so called 'dirty power'
Switching computer screens off
Turn TVs off - especially outside lifts. I know someone who keeps their TV on because it tells the time!
Sort out the terrible windows. Third floor DE's office
The uplighters in our offices are old-fashioned and use a lot of power. They should be removed (7 Millbank 5th floor).
Fielden House people need to switch lights off when leaving the room. Toilets have sensors?
Consider "Christmas shutdown" for a period of time. Won't need to heat offices etc. Currently we do this for a handful of
Motion sensor lights
Closing buildings and turning off heating and lights over Xmas and New Year
Kitchens - more recycling
Lighting - sensor lights
Maintenance - lifts
Seems light an efficient building but people doing their best - switching off lights etc.
Sensors to turn off lights when nobody is in the room
Label the light switches so it is easy to turn on/off the right ones ( night/weekends)
TVs that switch off automatic when unused
Keep windows shut - let A/C units do their job successfully and ensure systems on BMS
Staff use cups and not disposable/ paper cups. Do away with plastic cutlery.
Stair case lighting to be reduced
Don't have annunciators come up unless wanted. Everyone's TV is blaring in my office when I come in. It's not needed to be
Switch off lights and computers
Very cold around the estate
7 Millbank is half empty! Move to Tothill street already!
Double glazing
Save energy for future by switching off unnecessary units
3 machines for espresso, filter and hot chocolate, could 1 machine do all 3?
Piezothermic tiles in high "traffic" areas
Heat recovery systems
Solar panels
Reduce everyone's use to a single LCD screen
Turn off unused lights!
Lights could have dimmer or sensor controls
LED light bulbs
Shutdown PCs overnight rather than just locking them
Solar panels everywhere
Speed bumps that go up and down connected to a dynamo in turn connected to storage batteries
Turn off lifts and escalators except for disabled people and pregnant women
Encourage 1st and 2nd floor users to take the stairs
Work from home more!
Differing temperatures depending on where you sit (3rd floor 7MB)
Turn off lights other than Health and safety requirements at night/ late evening
Are our heating systems in the office as efficient as they can be?
Flush heating systems to improve efficiency
Switch off the docking stations when laptops are put away
Cheap timers on all Annunciators to turn them off at night
Sensor lights in corridors that are not used much to save lighting up an area that's not in regular use
All lights left on in building overnight when PPL aren't working
Solar panels on the palace roof
Ban heaters (especially in air con areas)
Stop the use of lifts unless 100% necessary
Turn the heating down/off when people aren't in the building
Make sure all lights are turned off at the end of the day.
LED lighting will be a lot more efficient
Motion sensor lighting in hallways
Get wind turbine and solar panels and become carbon-neutral
Ensure televisions are off when not needed
Switch the air con off in winter
Turn off annunciators off in recess
Solar charged desk lights esp. individual offices also makes people think green and sensor light
Are we recycling?
Wind turbines in the park
Bike parking at Millbank site (undercover/secure is best)
Turn off TVs and computers when not in use. Still see these on unnecessarily
Switch off all TVs and annunciator screens each night and during recess (many are left on)
Motion sensor lighting throughout building
Movement sensor lights in kitchens and bathrooms
we are currently insulating the plant room
Timed light switches in meeting rooms - nobody ever turns off meeting room lights!
make the air conditioning more efficient and healthy
Do we monitor how much printing people do? If there were reports on how much people print they may think twice about
wasting power (and paper) and just read a computer screen instead
Also do we use energy saving light bulb?
Also do initiatives with other Co's like the Energy saving Trust?
Can we look to install LED lighting as this is the future and pay back options are realistic
Better insulation especially the windows
Lighting sensors in all kitchens etc
Turn A/C less. Lots currently get left on overnight
Automatic lights in tea points switch themselves off
New lift installations existing old one obsolete
Turn stuff off
Windows not A/C
Wear a jumper
Bike not cars
Make printers and photocopiers more accessible
Turn lights off when leave room
Turn off computers
Make sure people switch off computers and lights before leaving and better insulations on windows and no cold air con in
Better insulation/ glazing on windows to reduce draughts
Replace water coolers with water filters
Thermostats in rooms to regulate temperature
Ensure PCs turn off and stay off
Too many annunciators and many left on - in corridors open plan office and awkward to turn off. Turn off computers after
Woolly hats, fingerless gloves, fleeces, less heating
Ensure monitors and electric heaters are switched off
Staff should remember to turn off their electrical equipment when finished for the day.
The house should use energy saving light bulbs
Pipe member's hot air around the buildings to warm them up
Turn heating and lights off overnight in areas which are not being used
Open plan offices don't work, heating on at one end of room and A/c on at the other end. A group of staff can't all want the
Close fire doors and loading bay doors (air corridor)
Turn off annunciators overnight, they are often on 24 hrs
Centrally controlled meeting in 7MB - I often come into the office and the radiators are blazing on full heat. Or encourage
Maybe make a poster with stuff people could recycle and stick them near bins. People are not aware (I think) that they can
recycle cans and milk bottles. Not sure what to do about people who are lazy and throw their stuff in their bins under their
We should introduce a sensor system in all corridors, so if no movement the lights are off and if someone walks in the
Why are houses in Iceland so much warmer that houses in the UK?
Stricter policy on closing doors to keep out cold, keep in heat
Corridor light switching to movement - lights out when corridor not used
Heating on weekends people working weekends cold
Turn off hot tap in 5th floor gents
A building with more natural light
Better bomb-proof protection/ curtains
Better facilities for cyclists
Heating and air con problems! (POW and 7MB)
Switching off lights and equipment
Ensuring lights are switched off in offices over night
Make sure computers are not left on standby in the evening
Encourage recycling and less printing of papers
Automate more lights, systems etc.
Energy saving light bulbs are not the solution - they need more energy in production than they save and they are toxic
Turn lights and computers off in Tothill St.
Switch off monitors
Can users log off and shutdown their computers if they aren't being used
Turn off lights
Turn off lights
Defrost and maintain fridge in offices always iced up
Turn heater down after Mondays
Cafeteria lights/ machinery seems to be on overnight. Can anything be switched off? Can we use sensors?
Switch off PC at night automatically
Switch off hot water dispensers in kitchens
Recycle paper and batteries
Stop using paper cups
Plug sockets to be turned off after use
Turn off the heating. It's always too hot in here!
Turn off computers and screens at the end of the day
People need to turn their TVs off when going home
Are the extra costs of heating and lighting the building at night factored in when deciding when committees sit?
I would say turn off the lights as many as possible to save money when the building is nobody there during the night
I work in the palace of Westminster and not all the windows shut properly!
Turn heating down - offices are often too warm
Stop people having windows open and heating. It's either really hot or freezing
Everyone switches off computers and monitors at night
Please turn off air con during winter months - the office is freezing. Thank you, 4th floor 7MB
Can we look at getting more daylight into buildings ? Eg. Is there an alternative to bomb curtains which cut out the light?
Turn off printers at night
Give us some instructions on how to work heating/ cooling etc.!
Keeping the temperature consistent throughout the building, whereby it is warm but not hot
Have a monitor per team. Turn computers off every night . Good luck, great initiative!
Air conditioning in small rooms switched on all year round 3rd floor rooms 324&310
Get rid of cold pod doors 7mb
Auto turn of PCs lights,
Light monitors to automatically switch off/on
level this building and start again!
Don’t have the heating and air con on at the same time. Have all lights on sensors
Whatever you do don't turn the heating down - a false economy affects morale badly
Do something about the door that keeps staying open on the main door to 7 Millbank. It’s always open! This makes it look
like we're happily investing taxpayers' money on energy inefficiently!
Sensor light switches. Advertise cost of lights/ monitors being left on standby. Show how much money is being wasted
Turn off the lights at the weekend
Energy saving light bulbs are not the solution since they can't be recycled
lights working locally - can switch on and off as needed rather than lighting up large spaces
sensors in all buildings for lights
Are the hot water boilers for tea turned off overnight?
7MB lift doors - don't stay open long and don't open when you press the button
Solar panels, wind turbine on roof
More plastic, cans & glass recycling around the bins. It can be difficult to find one when you need it
Ensure that the outer door at Millbank entrance is closed. A large amount of heat is lost when the doors are left open.
Ensure teams are sufficiently manned to enable onsite support/ resources and then actively encourage remote working
Lights need to be turned off
Replace door to North entrance in PCH - maybe with a revolving door. Keep the heat in the building & hopefully make the
Set temperature to room temp to be adjustable for all seasons - winter/ summer. Unless special circumstances.
Brighter energy efficient lights
Take away individual fans/ heaters
Switch off laptops and desktops (from the plug) overnight
Sensor lights in corridor working area as already in individual offices.
Adjustable heating in corridor working areas-often too HOT here
Let’s all get better at switching off. And R&R, whatever form it takes, is surely an opportunity for a big step change
More efficient recycling bins with tins and cardboard
Dedicated recycling and 'other waste' bins in offices
The light sensors don’t work in 1 Millbank house. Resulting lights being left on all the time and weekend, especially in the
Light sensors so that the light goes off when people are not around
Timer switches for TUS, motion sensors for lighting
Turning heating off when not needed. Who controls it? Hot fan system!
Turn down lights, turn down heating, solar panels, draft proof, condensing boilers
Turn off IT equipment when not in use
why are the lights in the E-library so bright?
I work here on the weekend but I think there is too much light and too much heating. We need a better use of space, a lot
of this building is empty a lot of the time. We need to engage all the Lords to make a change. *More ideas to come
Possibility of enclosing the gallery levels of the main staircase with perspex/toughened glass sheeting as the lobby one is
Is it possible to tell all the office staff to turn off their lights at the end of the day? Then also go back to wall switches
Switch off all the lights overnight and at weekends
Ask cleaners to turn lights off at night. Notify people if they leave their computer on overnight, they shouldn't
Annunciators turned off during recess
Better sealed windows in rear stair corridor of the building. Radiators are on but hallway is freezing
Turn the water boilers off during recess and put kettles out
More halogen and LED lighting. Time sensors for light
People taking responsibility for turning off their workstations
Use electrical generating floors in common areas "pavegen" for example
Explain on a card how to keep an office warm (radiator or overhead heating) and also how to do so energy efficiently. Turn
Consider whether the building needs to stay open after hours
Have turbine sitting below flagstaff (Victoria tower)-make most of building-similar to 1St Georges Tower-happening at the
Why not double glaze all the windows
Make people turn their lights and monitors off when they go home. Almost everyone leaves them on
Less printers, less paper. Lighting and heating on at times rather than all the time
Design new education centre (end of Victoria Gardens) "Light neutral"-clever design with daylight. Cross ventilation (in
Human resource remains the most vital source of energy besides the sun. By investing in human resource we stand a better
Persuade all concerned to turn heating down 1 degree
Our windows in the palace are so drafty and cold, and even cracked. We have asked for repairs but nothing has happened.
Turn off lights out of hours (focus in offices uncontrollable fan control buttons still working when you don't want them to
Expand 'presence detector' light controls to ensure lights aren't accidently left on
Turn off the annunciators at night
Greater control over heating
Personal responsibility to switch off lights at end of every shift
Double sided printing!
Remind people to switch off PC monitors & printer & double sided printing.
Have control over heating
Ensure doors are closed (especially around Cholmondeley Room!)
Monitor external temps & decide how to control internal temps. Times on the internal heating to go off every 4h.In
recesses p+E51ower down non-essential equip (kettles/ printers/ computers/ hot water taps) especially during Easter/
Christmas. Energy efficient appliances/ low frequency screen 100 MHz adequate. Adequate ventilation may negate the
Turn lights off & turn down heating at the weekend
Cutting back on heating, lighting. Fining peers who engage in wasteful use of energy
Ban all single sided printers. Only duplex to be used. Turn heating down in Moses room & Chamber. It is so hot it makes
Rainwater collection - water re-use
Turn the heating down - these old radiators of 2 Millbank are either boiling hot or freezing - no middle way
Be able to turn off the lights manually
The North Door at Westminster Hall needs to be shielded to avoid constant draft through St Stephen's Hall/ Central to
Renewable energies - recycle the water.
The lounge in Millbank House has motion activated lights. Can this technology be rolled out further? Can we encourage a
culture of turning off monitors at night? Leave the wall up longer next time please!
Motion sensored corridor & office lights outside of OFFICE HOURS
Having LED lights in all buildings to save
Solar energy
Close buildings or areas during recess
The ceiling lights in corridors/ common areas seem to remain on, even when there is nobody here, even through the night?
Standby machines after 6PM. No lift use after hours. Reduced building heating
Compulsory turn computers & monitors off when going home. Monitor sensor lights. Thermostat/ wifi controls on
radiators to turn on when someone's in the room. Replace revolving door with push, not automatic. If it's brown flush it
More recycle bins needed in the 3rd floor kitchenette, food bins?
Room 1-29 Millbank - windows don't close fully
"please switch me off" signs at every light switch panel
Remove all portable heaters from rooms. Fine tune the existing heating system to work more effectively, install the delay
switches on all lights, switch all equipment on standby such as TVs, annunciators
Reminding to turn off PCs & printing at the end of work shift. Does it take more energy to turn off lights, PCs & re-boot &
How much energy be saved by switching off computers in the evening?
Switch off lights
Lords library - library corridor, 1st floor POW. Lighting is insufficient (too low) for retrieving books safely. Better lighting and
All areas to have light sensors, so they only come on when a person is passing
Better heating control. More movement sensitive light switches.
I think too many lights are left on unnecessarily
Turn heating down. Motion sensitive lights.
Westminster gym - waste of towels. Turning lights off at night. Print less - is it needed?
Reduce heating in unused rooms. Use energy efficient lighting. Make hot water less hot. (toilets in M.H have very hot water
for hand wash. Ask people to switch off computer equipment at evenings.
If you fixed the flickering lights in room 1-15 Millbank House then they wouldn't need to be kept on 24h a day & staff would
stop getting headaches (this has been going on since before Christmas)
Solar power, wind energy
Reduce the number of printers in one office - one office, one printer?
Turn off the lights overnight & on the weekend (6th floor)
Millbank e-library and Reading room, ground floor, Millbank house - lights are left on once staff leave, as open access Replace glass with bomb proof glazing and have on lights bomb blast nets
It is far too hot generally, when we turn off the radiators they are often turned on again in our absence. Each radiator
Remove hot water boilers and use kettles instead. Shut doors and windows
Effective thermostatic control of heat in rooms of old 3 Millbank area
Turn off the TV screens/ annunciators at the end of the day - but with the ability to turn them on if work late - throughout
Give departments energy budgets & let them share any savings with their staff
Members should pedal exercise bikes while in session to power the building. Green roof!
If every individual paid more attention to saving energy in their workplace, parliament would make a huge energy saving
Light automatic cut-off at a certain time
Use double sided printing or don't print at all!
Turn TVs off - only use for gov business
Lights! People leave them on all the time - that's not viable
Overhaul the heating system in Millbank House (No.2) then I wouldn’t have to use an electric heater
See more policies regarding switching lights off. Lamps particularly - efficient light bulbs!
HR Head of learning and development have lights on all the time. Can we have a desk lamp instead?
Turn the heating down a couple of degrees (Millbank House)
Turn lights off at weekends
The TVs are all left on standby - if these could be turned off.
New window
Commitment to buy eco when something breaks down even if it takes longer to install and is more expensive in the short
term. Need a procurement commitment via contractors and within the contracts.
Switch off all electrical appliances before leaving the office - main computer switch and screen
Air coming out from tube station is warm - could it be used to warm the cool incoming air in Portcullis House to heat
Any time you leave the room turn off the light
During Christmas and other longer holidays, switch off the water boilers in the kitchens
Could the annunciators be switched off and on remotely at the end/ start of a working day?
Get the aircon and heating right - sometimes a lot of heating whilst aircon is wasted
Lights need to be turned off much sooner. Understanding need to be left on for cleaners but they could turn them on as
We need to be taught how the controls work. The air-conditioning is often overpowering and nobody knows how to turn it
Enable change through knowledge sharing and training
Roof garden
Use email rather than paper postcards to gather ideas
What insulation do we have?
Low power LCD/LED or laser display projectors that are less noisy
A movement sensor to be fitted into building floors/rooms. Once no movement is detected after an hour, lights should go
The hot water tap on 5th floor Tothill St (and presumably the other floors) is on continuously) It seems most people boil the
kettle for fresh water for their tea so why is the building water tap necessary?
Is the hot water tap turned off at night and at the weekend?
As many ways as possible to reduce amount of singe use glasses and cutlery so less produced and purchased, less waste
Waste food recycling including teabags
Complete the Northern Estate refurbishment programme
In Tothill st temperature not controlled by us and often air conditioned to cold temp not needed. If individual/ floor
controls too complex could there be point of contact to adjust esp. where less heat/cooling required so lower energy
Switch off computers at night or at least use hibernate
Switch off monitors at night
Introduce hot desking for the MPs and reduce the number of empty desks around the estate
What happens to vending machines at weekends and out of hours, are they switched off?
Display electrical fires refurb and fit LED lights. Purchase 1KW electric fires instead of 3kw fires.
Purchase low energy kettles
More use of heat recovery units in toilets and showers
Use more LED lighting in offices and corridors
Trial solar panels heat and electrics
Encourage use of blind to keep offices warm at night
Keep fan cold units free to allow proper maintenance and repairs to take place
Sensors or behaviour change on zones that leave lights on when not in the office
We could turn the office lights out at the end of the day. And the TVs.
Skip the lift and make more use of the stairs
Please no heaters in Tothill St - it ruins everything with the climate control
Floor lighting for most of the building are on after 9:30pm. A formal light out or automated shut down may help
Instead of using manual electric heaters we could improve current air conditioning systems so that the temperature is the
Turn off the lights in Tothill St at the weekend
Reduce 3Kw heaters and replace with 1kw heater
More "fresh" air in Tothill St - need windows that open - germs spread too fast!
In the canteen there are 30 lights, 24 out of 30 work okay. Do we really need 24 lights?
Is the heating in Tothill St switched off at the weekend? Would it be better to switch a little heating on the weekend to stop
Have standby mode set on all PCs so any left on overnight automatically go to sleep
Incorporate different BMS systems to talk to each other
More light switches to turn off lights in large areas
Heating not fighting cooling
Millbank House recycling great idea but often should have at least one general waste bin
Reduce heating, greater monitoring heating and cooling space.
Too many lights in Tothill St. Use more sensors
Reduce lux levels during day (but not quality of light)
Power down equipment when not in use
Reduce temperature to 15 degrees
Switch off fridges and appliances that are not used - TV’s that are on standby should be switched off also.
Switch off the lights in the office at night. This is often not done, not all lights anyway.
Use automatic lights with sensors
Carry out surveys of windows to determine heat loss, then target ones with high v-value rates and implement measures to
Everyone should switch off monitors while they leave from office
Movement triggers light switches to turn off lights if a room is vacant
TVs on standby, fridges always on in un-used bit of the kitchen (behind café 14) can be switched off
Electric heating and DHWS is still high in NSN and Westminster gym, 53 PS(refurb) Lots of areas overheat with rads on full
Turning lights and vent off is a huge issue. Walking around 6pm and see it all still on
6-7 OPY. Turn heating off when not in use
Temperature control too high/cold
Double glazing
Combine the Commons and Lords facilities departments and reduce the duplication of effort, equipment and manpower.
Shut building out of hours introduce hot desking
Switch off lights in the whole building when no one is there!
Turn off monitors
PCH excess cooling to be used for near building
Turn off monitors at night
Energy efficient PCs
One light switch to all lights in area or floor
The energy and env Team need to lead more and be seen more - more initiatives monthly/ quarterly. Head of Env Team to
lead energy strategy and carbon reduction measures within projects from business case to delivery on site.
Improve controls estate wide buildings do not need to be heated and cooling simultaneously
Mondays are really cold, only way to change is via the temperature champion 1st floor
Automatically switch off lighting (if no one is there) in the office in 7 Millbank
Sometimes the AC is too strong/ not needed in Tothill St
Switch off monitors when leaving the desk
Individuals should be encouraged to switch off lights when they leave for the day
Confiscate all portable heaters
Introduce energy centres within the estate
Lighting - all lighting timed to be extinguished at certain times. Emergency lighting linked to emergency signal
Turning computers off overnight
Switch computers off and turn lights off
Hibernate computers instead of lock. Turn off monitors both at the end of the day.
Why are the lights in Tothill St not turned off automatically at night?
Why do we use paper towels in the toilets?
Allow windows to be opened save on aircon electricity vs multiple suicide attempts - ventilation problem
Encourage use of mugs instead of coffee cups (paper)
Automatically shut off all lights and appliances (where they are not business critical) out of ordinary working hours - so
Better cycling facilities throughout estate (lockers, hairdryers etc.)
Provide paper recycling
Automatically turn off lights please
Make sure lighting in certain areas of the 5th floor can be switched off without the all lights on or off scenario
Fit solar panels or/and wind farm on the roof of the Tothill St
Get everyone to turn computers/monitors off every night
Tothill St is not very good for heating and cooling and environment
Geothermal energy from the ground, create off-grid energy supply
6th Floor 1 MB someone can come and make sure the lights are switched off at 5pm
Only procure energy efficient electrical equipment. What is the electrical procurement policy?
What temperature should the offices be set at?
How many lights are there across the Parliamentary estate?
Why do the computers switch themselves back on a few seconds after you shut them down? PICT should be asked to work
Heating too warm 1PS, Room B - not able to open windows.
Why not double glaze all the bronze windows
Turning off the annunciators at night.
In my office, I switch the screen off at the socket when I am the last to leave, then switch it back on in the morning. Is there
any reason not to have something similar as Estate-wide policy or guidance?
Talk to Defra, who already do many of the things suggested below.
The lights in Millbank appear to stay on all night/weekend. This needs either a big change of culture amongst staff so that
the last one out turns out the lights or more effectively movement sensing lights.
Printers, computer monitors, TVs – likewise often on all night. Change in culture needed.
Better separation of waste: remove office bins and place three recycling bins in kitchen areas. One for food waste, one for
recyclable waste and one for general waste. Food waste is currently collected in the same bin as general waste.
Use bio-based plastic for plastic cups.
Rearrange the annunciators at a lower height so that it is easier to turn them on and off.
Remove some of the annunciators—there are far more than needed.
Regularly remind everyone by email that they should be turning their computers and office lights off when they leave work.
Remove the automatic water boilers from office kitchens and replace them with kettles.
I should have thought that one of the most obvious would be to switch off more lights
Replace the taps in the Committee corridor toilets (opposite Cttee Room 14) that switch off by being moved sideways.
Many areas are unnecessarily overheated. Some are swelteringly hot!
A lot of the radiators in remote parts of the estate (such as corridors, where possibly only a couple of people per day pass
On driving
at about
I noticed
there seemed
beofa lot
seem to
be on at the
I amon
down, but
having a to
of lights still on across the estate – most noticeably Bellamy’s restaurant and the crèche in 1 Parliament Street. It
strikes me that a lot of energy could be saved in this respect – perhaps this could be looked into?
Turn down the heating in NSN! It is too hot in our office everyday so that we need to keep the window open – in February.
I have a suggestion for saving energy – I am currently sitting in my office in front of the radiator which is belching out heat,
with all the windows open. I have put in a request for the heating to be turned off, but this usually takes several days.
Have campaign to encourage users to switch off their screen at night and, more importantly, their printer. Could advertise
Default every printer to print double-sided.
Advertise printing options – to have multiple pages on 1 side of printout.