start 2014 • ISSUE 4 UL Launches “Street LiTE” Program By Shari Hunter / Business Development Manager After several months of development, pilot projects, and extensive engineering training, UL is ready to make available to its customers an evaluation approach that matches up to the innovative and dynamic technology shift of the LED revolution. Reaching deep into our science and expertise in product safety, our new tool kit for applying lighting standards to quick-to-evolve technology is ready for deployment, beginning with street and area lighting. UL embraces hazard-based safety engineering (HBSE) principles for evaluating LED Street Lights. This approach is called LiTE (Limited Test Evaluation), reflecting our ability to customize and focus LED luminaire investigations to those relevant product safety and installation conditions characteristic of Street and Area Lighting. The principles of HBSE were developed in the early 1990s. They emphasize effective safeguards to mitigate the effects of energy transfer (electrical, thermal, mechanical, etc.) that can lead to fires and injury. These safeguards need not be prescriptively specified where they otherwise can be found adequate for the intended use condition. UL’s expertise enables sound and defensible conclusions about the adequacy of the safeguards chosen. UL has been honing its skills in applying HBSE which were used to create the new international standard for consumer electronics and information technology equipment, IEC 62368-1. As stated in the preface to that standard, the purpose of using HBSE was not to change the underlying intent of the standards but rather to address the convergence of technologies and the pace of innovation, both of which can render prescriptive standards written under traditional approaches a challenge to apply. To expedite the market entry of the next generation of innovative Street and Area Lighting products, many of which boast design features that arguably provide for less hazardous energy levels (operating at lower voltages, with lower heat and more sophisticated protection circuitry), UL has developed an approach that blends HBSE’s enabling principles with our depth of expertise surrounding product safety standards and electrical installation codes. “We are able to work within the bounds and phrasing of the existing standards, to a great extent, because in most cases that text actually has some interpretive flexibility to it. Coupled with a standards writer’s knowledge of intent of requirements and our experience with the applicable installation code requirements, UL can apply an informed, science based interpretation that gives the product manufacturer maximum design freedom and minimum regulatory cost, time, and oversight. It’s quite a winwin opportunity,” said Michael Shulman, UL Principal Engineers and lead HBSE mentor and trainer. continued on page 6 [1] In This Issue LETTER FROM TODD Todd Straka CHINA CCC UPDATE Vergil Magsino INDIA BIS - COMPULSORY REGISTRATION SCHEME: EXPANSION OF SCOPE FOR PHASE TWO Souvik Dutta HAZLOC LIGHTING & GLOBAL MARKET ACCESS David Liu STANDARDS CORNER Diana Pappas Jordan INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF LIGHT SPONSOR Todd Straka IQ DATABASE Michael Ritto GENERAL COVERAGE FOR RECESSED & RETROFIT KIT Ed Joseph 3D PRINTING Matt Pasha SMART MARKS AND BADGES Erin Alianello LED SURFACE LUMINARIES UL & IEC Roberto Inclinati A Letter From Todd G L O B A L M A R K E T A C C E S S - C H I N A C C C U P D AT E CNCA changes validity period of the irregular-size CCC Mark Greetings, By Vergil Magsino / Project Engineer It is hard to believe that yet another year has passed and that the holidays are again upon us. Lighting technology continues its evolution not only in Commercial and Residential markets, but we are increasingly hearing about the positive effects of light on human health and well-being, as well as on agriculture. Lighting makes a tremendous impact on all of our lives, in ways that we may or may not think about on a regular basis. In an effort to build global awareness, the United Nations declared 2015 The International Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies. UL is very excited to be a Patron Sponsor of this global initiative, and we are looking forward to doing our part in the coming year to help highlight and bring attention to the positive effects of Lighting. From our UL family to yours, we wish you a wonderful holiday season and Happy New Year! To further enhance reforming and facilitate factories, the Certification and Accreditation Administration of China (CNCA) released Circular No. 36, 2014 which adjusts some requirements on the CCC mark. This new requirement becomes effective on January 1, 2015. These new requirements affect customer who currently print their own CCC Mark labels and maintain an Printing/Impressing Certificate from CNCA. Highlights of the main changes are as follows: • The validity period of the irregular-size CCC mark(Printing/Impressing) will change from one year to the same period as the corresponding CCC certification; the currently approved irregular-size CCC mark (Printing/Impressing) ahead of this new Circular are still valid; the certificate holder could apply for new approval for Printing/Impressing certificate for the CCC mark from the CCC Mark Center ahead of the expiration date of the current Printing/Impressing certificate. • For the regular CCC mark (CCC Mark labels purchased from CNCA), the factories could return the extra labels to the CCC Mark Center and claim the relevant refund. • The stamp and stamping example in the new approval for the irregular-size CCC mark(Printing/Impressing) is as shown below: How UL Can Help Business Development Director, Global Lighting Our Global Market Access team can help you achieve compliance by identifying applicable requirements for your specific product or technology feature to comply with current regulations in safety, EMC, wireless and energy efficiency. For more information, visit our Global Market Access website Global Market Access or contact our experts at These updates are for information purposes only and are not intended to convey legal or other professional advice. source: 2014 — ISSUE 4 PA G E 2 CNCA Notice UL SMART MARKS AND BADGES The Next Generation Mark is Now Available By Erin Alianello / Marketing Manager Advance your UL Certification Marks and Badges with the addition of a unique product Web page for audiences activated through a QR code. On September 29 UL launched the upgraded Marks Hub, featuring Smart UL Certification Marks and Badges for our customers. This exciting evolution enables innovative, in-market access to product compliance information like never before. Once scanned with a smart device, the Smart Mark or Badge launches a product page, a new feature that allows instant mobile access to publicly available UL Certification and compliance information. Marks The Enhanced UL Certification Mark has been created to deliver greater transparency and efficiency in the market today. • Promotes multiple-market acceptance and faster deployment • Allows for bundling of current and future Certifications Badges The UL Certification Badge communicates product compliance for buyer confidence at point-of-sale or in marketing materials. Learn more today at • Optimized for online, advertising and packaging materials • Provides flexibility in packaging placement and design options New Retrofit Public Workshops for 2015 UL’s Knowledge Solutions is ready to launch a new series of retrofit workshops aimed at the electric sign and luminaire markets. These halfday instructor led courses will address UL’s safety certification programs for retrofits, the importance of sourcing the right kit for the application, critical marking requirements, installation instruction review and much more. With the growing pressure to reduce energy consumption and the rapid proliferation of retrofit kits and kit 2014 — ISSUE 4 installers on the market, facility managers and AHJs need to understand certain details regarding luminaire retrofits, such as the implications of reusing existing lamp holders and identifying whether a retrofit kit is for general purpose or intended only for a specific luminaire make and model. Retrofit kit purchasers and installers need to know what to look for prior to selection of a kit to determine the effort and compatibility of the kits under consideration. These PA G E 3 hands-on courses combine dynamic learning with practical application and product demonstrations. CEU credits are available and a Certificate of Completion will be issued following an assessment to measure the training effectiveness and knowledge retention. For a schedule of the 2015 retrofit and other lighting courses, or to register, click here. STANDARDS CORNER By Diana Pappas Jordan / Standards Program Manager Standards information link Register for “What’s New” to receive e-mails twice a month indicating the new published UL Standards, Outlines, and Proposals. Sign up here. UL 1598 – Luminaires (Tri-national standard) - Next revision cycle has started, which will be a 2-year cycle. Proposals received by the SDOs were sent to CSA (Publication Coordinator). CSA sent proposals to the THC (Technical Harmonization Committee) Chair and the proposals were reviewed and discussed during February 2014 CANENA meeting. The Publication Coordinator is preparing the document which will be sent out for preliminary review in the future. UL 1598B – Supplemental Requirements for Luminaire Reflector Kits for Installation on Previously Installed Fluorescent Luminaires - Proposal went out for preliminary review on January 17, 2014. The proposal related to the clarification of the requirements for luminaire retrofit kits that provide replacement lampholders or instant start ballasts. These proposals went out for ballot on February 28, 2014. The revisions were published on September 25, 2014. UL 1993 - Self- ballasted Lamps and Lamp Adapters (Tri-national standard) - The next revision cycle has started. UL is the Publication Coordinator. Multiple proposals went out for preliminary review on May 2, 2014 with a due date of July 2, 2014. Link to summary of topics. The comments have been sent to the Technical Harmonization Committee (THC) for review and input. The Publication Coordinator is preparing the document which will be sent out for ballot in the future. 2014 — ISSUE 4 UL 8750 - Light Emitting Diode (LED) Equipment For Use In Lighting Products - Multiple proposals went out for preliminary review on October 14, 2013 with a due date of November 8, 2013. These proposals were discussed at the November 2013 STP meeting and some will be proceeding to ballot. Link to the summary of topics. These proposals will be sent out for ballot in the future. - Proposal went out for preliminary review on July 3, 2014. The proposal related to correlating bridging capacitor use in paragraph 7.9.2 with UL 60950-1 requirements. This proposal went out for ballot on September 5, 2014 with a due date of October 6, 2014. UL 8754 / ULC-S8754 – Holders, Bases, and Connectors for Solid-State (LED) Light Engines and Arrays (Joint UL/ULC Bi-National Standard) - Proposal went out for preliminary review on August 5, 2014 with a due date of August 26, 2014. The proposal is related to: (1) Revise Relative Thermal Index (RTI) requirements for polymeric materials used in Limited Application Devices (LAD), (2) Add exception to loading test for solid-state assembly holders, (3) Clarify requirements for lead pull tests for factory assembled solid-state assembly holders, and (4) Clarify product marking allowances for lampholders. This proposal went out for ballot on September 19, 2014 with a due date of November 3, 2014. UL 935, UL 1029, UL 542 – Ballasts (Tri-national Standard) - The draft of Part 1 of the proposed Standard, covering general construction and test requirements is being reviewed by the CANENA Harmonization Committee (THC34/ SC34C) and being prepared for preliminary review. PA G E 4 - The Part 2 documents which will include specific requirement for the various product types still need to be developed. UL 542 - Fluorescent Lamp Starters - Call for Proposals went out on June 9, 2014 with new proposals due June 30, 2014. No proposals were received. UL proceeded with the reaffirmation of the standard to maintain ANSI approval. Reaffirmation of the 9th edition of UL 542 went out for ballot on July 25, 2014 with a due date of September 8, 2014. The revisions were published on October 30, 2014 reflecting the reaffirmation as an ANSI Standard. UL 1786 – Direct Plug-In Nightlights (Bi-national Standard) - Next revision cycle started. Multiple proposals went out for preliminary review on October 17, 2013 with a due date of November 7, 2013. The proposals went out for ballot on August 22, 2014 with a due date of October 6, 2014. Link to the summary of topics. The revisions will be published in a new 4th edition in the future. UL 496 - Lampholders (Bi-national standard) - Next revision cycle has started. A Call for Proposals was sent out on May 9, 2014 with new proposals due on June 9, 2014. UL (the Publication Coordinator) sent the proposals received to the Technical Harmonization Committee for review. Multiple proposals went out for preliminary review on October 3, 2014 with a due date of November 3, 2014. The proposals related to: (1)Proposed Addition of Requirements for Lampholder Fittings with Integral USB Connectors, (2) Proposed Addition of Requirements for Minimum Lead Wire Gauge Size for GU24 Outlet-Box Lampholders, and (3) Proposed Addition of requirements to Clarify the Creepage Distances and Clearances Measurements. The comments received in response to the preliminary review were sent UL 496 - Lampholders (Bi-national standard) continued - to the Technical Harmonization Committee (THC) for review and input. The Publication Coordinator is preparing the document which will be sent out for ballot in the future. -O n July 23, 2014, UL informed the 496 STP for Lampholderand Temporary Lighting Strings that this STP will be reorganized into two separate STPs. The STP 496 has been reorganized into two separate STPs. STP 496 will now only cover the bi-national Standard for Safety for Lampholders, UL 496. UL 1088 – Temporary Lighting Strings - On July 23, 2014, UL informed the 496 STP for Lampholder and Temporary Lighting Strings that this STP will be reorganized into two separate STPs. The new Joint UL-ULC Technical Committee for Temporary Lighting Strings, TC 1088, has been formed and will cover the Standard for Temporary Lighting Strings, UL 1088. In addition, UL Standards and ULC Standards will be developing a Joint UL-ULC Standard for Temporary Lighting Strings, UL 1088/ ULC-S1088, which will be covered by the new Joint UL-ULC TC 1088. - Proposed new edition of the Joint UL/ULC Standard for Temporary Lighting Strings, UL 1088/ULC-S1088, went out for preliminary review on November 13, 2014 with a due date of December 4, 2014. This proposed standard specifies the requirements applicable to temporary lighting strings intended for indoor and outdoor use to provide illumination during construction, repair, or demolition of buildings or structures, or similar activities. This standard covers traditional constructions employing Edison screw base lampholders and also accommodates new constructions incorporating energy efficient LED light sources. UL 1838 – Low Voltage Landscape Lighting Systems - Proposal went out for preliminary review on July 2, 2014. The proposal related to a revision to ambient temperature measurement method. This proposal went out for ballot on August 22, 2014 with a due date of September 22, 2014. The revisions are being prepared for publication. 2014 — ISSUE 4 - Proposal went out for preliminary review on October 3, 2014 with a due date of November 3, 2014. The proposal is related to: (1) Editorial Revisions, (2) Power Supply Cord Types, and (3) Location of marking for wet location power units with doors. UL 2108 – Low Voltage Lighting Systems - Multiple proposals went out for preliminary review on October 24, 2014 with a due date of December 8, 2014. The proposals related to: (1) Power Over Ethernet (POE) Lighting Systems, (2) Revision to Ambient Temperature Measurement Method, (3) Clarification of Cord Connection Option for Class 2 Luminaires, (4) Temperature Test for ClothesCloset Luminaires, (5) Class 2 Luminaire Marking for Power Unit Compatibility, (6) Clarification of Luminaire Ratings within Part IV, and (7) Clarification of Wet Location Marking for Non-Class 2 Luminaires. UL 234 – Low Voltage Lighting Fixtures for Use in Recreational Vehicles - Proposal went out for preliminary review on July 24, 2014. The proposal is related to: (1) Addition of requirements for RV luminaires suitable for direct contact with bedding (or similar) materials and (2) Revision to ambient temperature measurement method. This proposal went out for ballot on August 29, 2014 with a due date of September 29, 2014. The revisions are being prepared for publication. UL 48 - Electric Signs - Proposal went out for preliminary review on December 24, 2012. The proposal was related to two topics: (1) Clarification of drain opening requirements and (2) Grounding and Bonding Marking. Another proposal went out for preliminary review on December 20, 2013.The proposal was related to two topics: (1) Addition of requirements for laminated or organic-coated glass and revision to test method and (2) Addition of requirements for signs with photovoltaic systems or modules. These proposals went out for ballot on March 28, 2014. The topic related to the grounding and bonding marking did not obtain consensus. The remaining three topics were sent out for recirculation on August 8, 2014. PA G E 5 All three topics maintained consensus. The revisions were published on October 21, 2014. UL 48B – Changing Message Signs and Displays - UL is currently developing the proposed 1st edition for UL48B. UL 2592 – Low Voltage LED Wire - UL 2592 was added under STP 814 (GTO Cables) on June 9, 2014 and the Outline will be converted to a UL Standard. - The proposed 1st edition Standard was sent out for preliminary review on August 20, 2014 with a due date of September 19, 2014. These requirements cover single-conductor and multi-conductor, unjacketed, 18 – 10 AWG (0.807 –5.16 mm2), low voltage LED wire rated 105°C – 250°C (221°F – 482°F), and 300 or 600 volts, suitable for installation in dry and damp, or wet locations. The proposed 1st edition Standard was sent out for ballot on October 10, 2014 with a due date of December 9, 2014. UL 482 -Portable Sun/Heat Lamps - Call for Proposals went out on June 30, 2014 with new proposals due July 21, 2014. No proposals were received. UL is proceeding with the reaffirmation of the standard to maintain ANSI approval. The proposal is being issued for ballot on September 12, 2014 with a due date of October 27, 2014. C O N T I N U E D F R O M PA G E 1 UL Launches “Street LiTE” Program As an example of LiTE decision making for street and area luminaires mounted on poles, consider that the standard is based upon various assumptions related to the accessibility of parts that can present a risk of electric shock and thermal burn injury. But when the product can be assumed to be located where only skilled installers would have access, or where no combustible materials can be impacted by surface temperatures, the intent of the requirements can be met without having to build expensive safeguards into the product. The net effect is that safeguards enabled by the application of HBSE principles allows for potential reduction in testing protocols and design cost without sacrificing safety or compliance. “We started the pilot by focusing on outdoor pole mounted luminaires and received positive feedback from our customers,” said Shari Hunter, UL Lighting Business Development Manager charged with overseeing the rollout of the program. “To some extent, the LiTE program will appear seamless to many customers because the fundamental aspects of the certification process remain intact -- information and samples are submitted, they get examined and tested, a report is issued and authorization to apply a certification mark is granted for products found to comply. But, upon closer examination, they’ll notice fewer samples requested, less investigation time, and simplified documentation, because LiTE allows us to really focus in on the core safety issues and recognize where broader degrees of freedom can be extended to areas such as construction features and component substitution,” added Hunter. While the initial application of LiTE HBSE will be primarily focused on street and area lighting, UL continues to assess potential additional luminaire applications that may benefit from HBSE and may seek to expand the approach to other eligible luminaire types in the future. UL has been providing public and private workshops on HBSE since the late 1990s. In 2015, UL will make available similar educational courses specifically targeted to theStreet Lighting industry. Manufacturers and other parties interested in such a workshop can contact us at[] ( for more information regarding LiTE training modules. To celebrate the launch of LiTE, UL is offering a special 10% discount for safety evaluations of street and area luminaire submittals if a quote is accepted by February 15, 2015. Just mention the word “LiTE”. We’ll extend the total discount to 20% when both safety and DLC performance testing services are quoted together. For further information, please contact your local UL Sales Representative, call 1-877-UL-HELPS (1-877-854-3577), or submit your inquiry to 2015 Lighting for Tomorrow Adds New Decorative Lamps By Shari Hunter / Business Development Manager Vintage lighting utilizing LEDs in place of the traditional tungsten filaments will be a new category in the 2015 LFT competition. The ENERGY STAR®definition of Decorative Lamps is “Lamps of common decorative shapes meeting applicable decorative 2014 — ISSUE 4 performance requirements in this specification – ANSI Standard Lamp Shapes B, BA, C, CA, DC, F and G.” The LFT sponsors are excited to add this category and eager to see the new products. PA G E 6 LFT kicks off the annual competition at the Dallas International Lighting Market in January, 2015. For more details go to UL Introduces 3D Printing Training & Education By Matthew Pasha / Project Manager Foundations of 3D Printing, UL’s initial offering within its 3D Printing education and training program, is now available online via eLearning modules. Geared to those who are new to or have an interest in this innovative technology, Foundations of 3D Printing is an interactive fourmodule course that presents comprehensive introductory knowledge of the 3D printing industry. Covering terms and definitions, software and hardware as well as discussing applications and case studies, participants will begin to understand the benefits of 3D printing in a way that is relevant to their business needs. 2014 — ISSUE 4 In addition, Foundations of 3D Printing introduces concepts related to: • Print process challenges and considerations • Benefits and limitations of the applications of various technologies • Quality and safety considerations We’re excited to offer this training to our customers,” said Simin Zhou, Vice President of UL’s Digital Manufacturing Technologies. “Within such a diverse and fast-moving industry, we believe UL is uniquely positioned to provide a trusted, objective, independent point of view and expertise. This is the first step within our larger goal of helping to advance the 3D printing industry.” PA G E 7 Interested in starting this course today? Foundations of 3D Printing is currently available for purchase at the introductory rate of $249. Click Here to view the course description and start this eLearning today! For more, contact: General Coverage Solution for Tube Lamp Style LED Luminaire Designs By Ed Joseph / Principal Engineer UL offers a fast and flexible path to obtain UL Safety Certification for LED Surface-mounted and Recessed luminaire designs that incorporate the use of bi-pin lampholders and LED tube lamps. The February 2014 Issue of Lumen Insights included an article about the soon-to-be-released General Coverage certification offering through UL for LED surface-mounted luminaires that incorporate the use bi-pin lampholders and LED tube lamps. The offering which became available to manufacturers in May 2014, provides a flexible and cost effective solution for manufacturers that build tube lamp style luminaires at the factory using UL Classified LED Retrofit Kits. Due to the interest level for the initial General Coverage offering and as a result of feedback from manufacturers about the program, UL is pleased to announce the expansion of this offering to additionally include LED recessed luminaires that incorporate the use of bi-pin lampholders and LED tube lamps. recessed Tube lamp style luminaires continue to be a popular design choice in installations including office environments, school buildings and places of public assembly. And, 2 ft. by 2 ft. and 2 4 ft. recessed luminaires are quite prevalent. This expanded General Coverage certification offered through UL to include recessed luminaires provides a convenient and complete solution for luminaire manufacturers that make both LED surface-mounted and LED recessed tube lamp style luminaires. For more information about this service or to request a quote, please contact a UL Customer Service Lighting Representative via email at or via phone at 877.854.3577 2014 — ISSUE 4 PA G E 8 surface-mounted HazLoc Lighting & Global Market Access By David Liu / Engineering Manager UL global HazLoc Lighting family maintains expertise in all area classifications, protection methods and product categories – from enclosure protection (explosion proof – UL, and flameproof – IEC/ EN), non-sparking protection technique to increased safety to restricted breathing luminaires. In order to provide a more efficient, time-saving and cost-effective service channel for the Greater China region, a global strategic production zone packed densely with industries, transplanting its existing service experiences in North America and Europe to the advanced engineering-capable Taiwan, UL established its first HazLoc testing lab in the Greater China region, serving an extensive customer base of equipment manufacturers in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the AsiaPacific region. For Brazil – INMETRO Mark We operate strongly in the areas of Explosive Atmospheres, Oil and Gas Equipment and Fire Fighting . In the Brazilian market, where several classes of product has its safety certification required by legal instruments , has UL INMETRO accreditation to operate in different segments and run all certification service , from technical analysis documentation and evaluation reports test until the factory audit and issue of certificate of conformity . UL is accredited by the Brazil INMETRO certification for Electrical Equipment for use in Explosive Atmospheres, according to the requirements of Regulation 179 2014 — ISSUE 4 as of May 18, 2010. UL have experts based on the main type of protections: Explosion Proof Ex d – ABNT NBR 60079-1 Pressurized Ex p – ABNT NBR 60079-2 Powder filling Ex q – ABNT NBR 60079-5 Oil immersion Ex o – ABNT NBR 60079-6 Increased safety Ex e – ABNT NBR 60079-7 Intrinsic safety Ex i – ABNT NBR 60079-11 Non-incendive Ex n – ABNT NBR 60079-15 Encapsulated Ex m – ABNT NBR 60079-18 For Argentina – S-Mark Accredited by INMETRO as a Brazilian Certification Organization to issue: INMETRO mark and certificates, and Quality assessments. We can accept the INMETRO CoC but they need to perform an extra electrical safety assessment. For China – CQST Mark UL is to act as an agent between the client and CQST for CQST to issue certification. We will use IECEx reports and data to aid CQST, and please note that no UL certification to be provided, CQST will consider the Chinese National Differences during their evaluation and CQST keeps track of certificates within their documentation system. PA G E 9 Flexible Cords with Decorative Braids By Keith Sin / Marketing Manager UL is pleased to announce a new certification service for wire and cable manufacturers of flexible cords used in dry locations where a decorative braid is incorporated to enhance the visual aesthetic of the product using these cords. Cords with a decorative braid can now be evaluated to the UL 62 Standard for Flexible Cords and Cables Certification Requirement Decision (CRD) dated September 2, 2014. This CRD is applicable to Types SV, SP-1, SP-2, SP-3, SJ, S, NISP-1, NISP-2, SVT, SPT-1, SPT-2, SPT-3, SJT, ST, NISPT-1, NISPT-2, SVE, SPE-1, SPE-2, SPE-3, SJE, SE, NISPE-1, and NISPE-2. The cord types may be suffixed by a ‘-B’ to indicate that the braid has been certified for use as part of the flexible cord. The additional markings required for the cord types suffixed with ‘-B’ are printed on a marker tape located over the flexible cord and under the decorative braid. The markings of the base cord type are surface printed on the cord. This new offering is designed for cable manufacturers who provide cords for lighting and other end-products where the cords are plainly visible to the user. Rather than being limited to a singular color, which could potentially detract from the visual appeal of the product, a decorative braid can instead enhance the overall aesthetic, with colors or patterns to compliment that of the product or the room in which is it located. Examples include cords routed through a chain on a pendant fixture or on a portable luminaire seeking a modern, fashionable look. Only cords for use in dry locations are eligible for the ‘-B’ suffix. The new certification service subjects the cords to bending tests after conditioning, to ensure that the braid does not fray during normal handling. The braided construction also undergoes applicable flame tests to ensure that the addition of the braid does not increase the flammability of the cord under the requirements of the UL 62 Standard. Program Benefits The primary program benefits include: • Online Certifications Directory F lexible cords that have been certified by UL can be easily located in UL’s searchable Online Certifications Directory ( Luminaire and appliance manufacturers from around the globe who seek certified flexible cords with braids can search for ‘-B’ product types to meet their needs. • Substitutability in Portable Luminaires U L certified portable luminaires have considerable options for selecting and using listed flexible cords in end-products, typically limited only by size and rating. The use of a listed ‘-B’ cord type will preserve full sourcing options where end-product luminaires that use non-listed ‘-B’ type cords may be subject to additional evaluation if a braid is applied. 2014 — ISSUE 4 PA G E 1 0 UL IQ Database for Solid-State Lighting By Michael Ritto / P.E. – Business Development Manager UL is excited to announce the addition of Solid-State Lighting to our catalogue of iQ Databases! Make sourcing of your solid-state lighting components easy with UL’s new iQ Database for SolidState Lighting. Building upon an already industry leading database including Appliance Wiring Materials, Electrical Insulation Materials, Labels, Plastics, Printed Wiring Boards, Switched and Certified Water Products, the addition of Solid-State Lighting to our iQ Database helps bring UL’s certified components to a new level of visibility and allows users an unparalleled ability to search for and find the component that best meets their needs. Leveraging UL’s extensive collection of data, the iQ Database allows users to search for certified components in not only the traditional ways, including by Manufacturer, Catalogue Number and File Number, but also in much more advanced ways, never before possible. Today our iQ Database for Solid-State Lighting includes LED Drivers, LED Packages and LED SelfBallasted Lamps with more coming in the near future! 2014 — ISSUE 4 For LED Drivers, the new iQDatabase will allow to search by parameters such as input and output electrical ratings, environmental rating, output type and classification (i.e. non-isolated, isolated, constant current, constant voltage, Class 2, etc.). The iQ Database will allow you to search by a few or as many parameters as you deem necessary. Looking to leverage the benefits of UL’s new Type TL LED Driver Program? The iQ Database helps bring immediate visibility to our ever-growing database of Type TL Drivers as well as our comprehensive list of non-Type TL LED Drivers. Search functionality for LED Drivers allows users to find certified LED Drivers based on input and output electrical ratings, environmental ratings, supply connection method as well of add-on ratings, such as Type HL and Type TL. The iQ Database can even be used to help in selecting an LED Driver that will comply with UL’s Type TL interchangeability criteria! Finding UL certified LED Packages for your specific needs becomes as easy as entering your desired forward voltage. Additional search PA G E 1 1 parameters allow you to filter by input type, junction temperature, environmental location and enclosure ratings. Source the right UL certified Self-Ballasted Lamp for your luminaire! Find the lamp you need by searching for lamp type, input voltage, shape, length and many other parameters. Please experience the new UL iQ Database for Solid-State Lighting here. Contact us via phone at 877.854.3577 or find more information at the following links: UL Lighting ONE REPORT: COMBINED UL+IEC CERTIFICATIONS FOR LED SURFACE-MOUNTED LUMINAIRES By Roberto Inclinati / Lighting Business Development Manager At UL we continue to look at the certification process in order to find solutions that provide a positive experience for our customers, studying solutions to help manufacturers achieve their market access in the shortest time possible. A few months ago we created a new certification approach for LED Portable Luminaires, providing a single test report that covered North America and the IEC world on standards not harmonized. Many customers have since asked us to extend this approach to additional product types, and on December 9 we launched the same streamlined certification approach for LED Surface-mounted luminaires. Covering UL1598 and IEC60598-2-1 standards with a single test report provides a shorter time to market, allowing faster time to market and reduce time and costs. In November UL ran a pilot program for LED Surface-mounted luminaires with one of our customers based in Italy, Sozzi Arredamenti s.r.l., a luxury furniture and lighting manufacturer. The product certified was the Jordina model under the Promemoria brand. Pleased with the program, Sozzi had the following to share, “We believe that this project represents a great opportunity for us to grow and at the same time ensures significant benefits in terms of design, cost and time,” said Paolo Sozzi, Head of Technical Department. “In terms of design, this new certification approach has allowed us to study a single device with a single 2014 — ISSUE 4 design for the European and the US market. The design is for us a matter of primary importance that goes hand-in-hand with technological research,” added Sozzi. “This UL new approach also has enabled us to have a reduction in costs as the components meet both certifications. There is also a considerable reduction of time; having a single lead agency, in one process carrying out joint tests.” This new exciting service is available for LED Surface-mounted luminaires with Class 2 LED Driver and includes: • ONE combined Test Report covering both cULus + CB with your choice of one deviation** • ONE sample tested • ONE point of contact, your UL engineer • ONE single-time training program • PLUS photometric tests LM79 & EN 13032 • PLUS photo biological test*** & report **If EU deviation is a third mark, it can be delivered free of charge, D Marks and ENEC15 included. ***Tested in accordance at IEC 62778. ErP service and test in accordance at IEC 62471 will be quoted separately PA G E 1 2 INDIA BIS Compulsory Registration Scheme: Expansion of scope for Phase Two By Souvik Dutta / Project Engineer On November 7, 2014, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) released the official notification for the expansion of product scope under the Compulsory Registration Scheme. This is found in the Gazette notified on November 13, 2014. The published Final Order can be accessed on theDEITy website here. Implementation Dates • All products except batteries – May 13, 2015 • Batteries – August 13, 2015 Here are some of the important highlights from the official order: • 15 new product categories were added • The effective date of the new Final Order is 6 months from the published date of November 7, 2014 for all products except for batteries (SI. No. 20) which has an effective date of 9 month from the published date • A new standard, IS 16242 (Part 1): 2014 was introduced for UPS and inverters instead of IS 13252-1 as mentioned in the draft notification earlier. How UL can help Our Global Market Access is prepared team can help you achieve compliance by identifying applicable requirements for your specific product or technology feature to comply with current regulations in safety, EMC, wireless and energy efficiency. For more information, visit our Global Market Access website or contact our experts at These updates are for information purposes only and are not intended to convey legal or other professional advice. • Power banks for portable applications were added. UL Named Patron Sponsor of International Year of Light By Todd Straka / Business Development Director of Global Lighting UL is pleased to announce it has been named a Patron Sponsor for the 2015 International Year of Light and LightBased Technologies (IYL), as proclaimed by the The United Nations (UN) General Assembly 68th Session on December 20, 2013. This International Year has been the initiative of a large number of international scientific organizations along with UNESCO, and will bring together global constituents from various scientific societies and unions, educational institutions, private sector partners, non-profit organizations, and government/municipalities. The purpose of IYL is to raise global awareness about the impact of lighting on our daily lives, and the ability of light-based technology to promote sustainable development and provide potential solutions for global challenges 2014 — ISSUE 4 with regard to energyefficiency, agriculture, communications, and human health. “We are extremely pleased to be a Patron Sponsor of the 2015 International Year of Light,” said Todd Straka, UL’s Business Development Director for Lighting. “UL’s mission to promote safe living and working environments for people through the application of Safety Science and Hazard-Based Safety Engineering, strongly aligns with the goals of the IYL and other science-based organizations participating in this important global initiative.” PA G E 1 3 UL will be an active participant in IYL activities in 2015. For a complete listing of activities and information regarding IYL, please visit Frohe Festtage!Wesolych Swiat! Happy God jul och ett gott nytt år! Happy Holidays! ! 佳節快樂! Boas Festas! Holidays Buone Feste! Buone Feste Glædelig jul og godt Nytår! Hyvää joulua ja onnellista Prettig Kerstmis! uutta vuotta! Prettige Kerstdagen en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! Joyeuses Fêtes! Felices Fiestas! UL sends warm wishes for a safe and happy holiday, and a prosperous new year around the world! Share Your Insights: Sign up at: UL Lumen Insights P A [G14 E ]1 4 Follow us on Facebook @ULdialogue ULdialogue UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2014. THIS NEWSLETTER IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED TO CONVEY LEGAL OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL ADVICE.