Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Computer Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering and Science
The Study Board of Electronics and IT Curriculum for Bachelor (BSc) in Electronics and Computer Engineering Aalborg University September 2014 Campus Esbjerg
Pursuant to Act 367 of May 22, 2013 on Universities (the University Act) with subsequent changes,
the following curriculum for the Bachelor's programme in Electronics and Computer Engineering is
established. The programme also follows the Framework Provisions and the Examination Policies
and Procedures for the Faculty of Engineering and Science.
AAU, November 2013
Uffe Kjærulff
Director of studies
Table of contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER 1: LEGAL BASIS OF THE CURRICULUM, ETC. .................................................. 4
1.1 Basis in ministerial orders ..................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Faculty affiliation ................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Board of Studies affiliation .................................................................................................... 4
COMPETENCE PROFILE .............................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Admission ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Degree designation in Danish and English ........................................................................... 4
2.3 The programme’s specification in ECTS credits ................................................................... 4
2.4 Competence profile on the diploma ....................................................................................... 4
3.1 Overview of the programme: ................................................................................................. 7
CHAPTER 5: OTHER PROVISIONS .......................................................................................... 57
5.1 Rules concerning written work, including the Bachelor’s project....................................... 57
5.2 Rules concerning credit transfer (merit), including the possibility for choice of modules
that are part of another programme at a university in Denmark or abroad ............................. 57
5.3 Rules concerning the progress of the Bachelor’s programme............................................. 57
5.4 Rules concerning the completion of the Bachelor’s programme ......................................... 58
The Bachelor’s programme must be completed no later than six years after it was begun. ..... 58
5.5 Special project process ........................................................................................................ 58
5.6 Rules for examinations ......................................................................................................... 58
5.8 Rules and requirements for the reading of texts .................................................................. 58
5.9 Additional information ......................................................................................................... 58
Chapter 1: Legal Basis of the Curriculum, etc.
1.1 Basis in ministerial orders
The Bachelor’s programme in Electronics and Computer Engineering is organised in accordance
with the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education’s Order no. 814 of June 29, 2010 on
Bachelor’s and Master’s Programmes at Universities (the Ministerial Order of the Study
Programmes) and Ministerial Order no. 666 of June 24, 2012 on University Examinations (the
Examination Order) with subsequent changes. Further reference is made to Ministerial Order no.
1487 of December 16, 2013 (the Admission Order) and Ministerial Order no. 250 of March 15,
2007 (the Grading Scale Order) with subsequent changes.
1.2 Faculty affiliation
The Bachelor’s programme falls under the Faculty of Engineering and Science.
1.3 Board of Studies affiliation
The Bachelor’s program falls under the Board of Studies for Electronics and IT.
Chapter 2: Admission, Degree Designation, Program Duration and Competence Profile
2.1 Admission
Admission to the Bachelor’s programme in Electronics and Computer Engineering requires an
upper secondary education.
The program’s specific requirements are: English B, Mathematics A and Physics B according to
admission notice. All subjects must be passed.
2.2 Degree designation in Danish and English
Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Engineering (Electronic and Computer Engineering). The Danish
designation is Bachelor (BSc) i teknisk videnskab (elektronik og datateknik)
2.3 The programme’s specification in ECTS credits
The Bachelor’s programme is a 3-year, research-based, full-time study programme. The programme
is set to 180 ECTS credits.
2.4 Competence profile on the diploma
The following will appear on the diploma:
A graduate of the Bachelor's programme has competencies acquired through an
educational programme that has taken place in a research environment.
A graduate of the Bachelor's programme has fundamental knowledge of and insight
into his/her subject's methods and scientific foundation. These properties qualify the
graduate of the Bachelor’s programme for further education in a relevant Master’s
programme as well as for employment on the basis of the educational programme.
2.5 Competence profile of the programme:
The graduate of the Bachelor’s programme:
Has knowledge of and insight into fundamental theories, methods and
practical subjects within the field of Electronics and Computer Engineering
Is able to understand and reflect upon theories, methods and practical
subjects within the field
Has a firm grasp of the mathematical and programming foundations of the
Can analyse, design, implement, test and document micro-processor-based
Has knowledge of the interaction between electronic and physical systems,
including feedback mechanisms, electronic circuits, automation and control
systems, and signal processing
Has insight into techniques and methods for real-time acquisition, storage
and processing of complex information
Has insight into analysis, design and test methods for feedback control and
digital signal processing
Can utilize up-to-date scientific methods, tools and techniques to analyse
and solve complex problems in the field of Electronics and Computer
Can evaluate and compare theoretical and practical problems, as well as
describe and select relevant solution strategies
Is able to implement such solution strategies and evaluate them in a
systematic manner
Is able to present problems and solution strategies within the field of
Electronics and Computer Engineering, in writing as well as orally, to
specialists as well as non-specialists, including external parties, users, etc.
Is able to handle complex situations that arise in research and/or
development-related environments, such as university studies and/or
engineering workplaces.
Is able to develop and test hardware and software for embedded systems in
a broad systems-oriented context
Can work independently as well as in collaboration with others, both within
and across technical fields, in an efficient and professional manner
Is able to identify his/her own learning needs and structure his/her own
learning in various learning environments
Chapter 3: Content and Organisation of the Programme
The programme is structured in modules and organised as a problem-based study. A module is a
programme element or a group of programme elements, which aims to give students a set of
professional skills within a fixed time frame specified in ECTS credits, and concluding with one or
more examinations within specific exam periods. The examinations are defined in the curriculum.
The programme is based on a combination of academic, problem-oriented and interdisciplinary
approaches and organised based on the following work and evaluation methods that combine skills
and reflection:
classroom instruction
project work
exercises (individually and in groups)
teacher feedback
portfolio work
3.1 Overview of the programme:
All modules are assessed through individual grading according to the 7-point scale or Pass/Fail. All
modules are assessed by external examination (external grading) or internal examination (internal
grading or assessment by the supervisor only).
Technological Project Work
Monitoring & Programming
Imperative Programming
Problem Based Learning in
Science, Technology and
Linear Algebra
Analog Instrumentation
Basic Electrical Engineering
Digital Design & Sensors
Micro Processor Based Systems
AC-Circuits & Electro Physics
Advanced Calculus
Micro Processors &
Control Engineering
Modelling & Simulations
Control Theory
Power Electronics & Networks
Digital Filtering*
Numerical Methods
Signal Processing
Real-time Embedded Systems
BSc Project (Automation and
BSc Project (Embedded Realtime Signal Processing)*
Introduction to probability
theory and statistics
Matrix computation and convex
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
7 grade scale
* Elective module
Throughout the semesters students will at an increasing abstraction level be introduced to relevant
theories and scientific methods. Scientific theory and scientific methods in general are included in
the course Problem based learning in science, technology and society. Moreover, the students
develop their skills in this area in their project work, where they will apply scientific methods in
practice and reflect on their application.
3.2 Descriptions of modules
Technological Project Work
Teknologisk projektarbejde
1st semester
Through this module, the student shall acquire knowledge about
problem oriented and problem based learning. Furthermore, he/she shall
acquire first-hand knowledge about project-oriented group work as a
learning method. Additionally, the student will be introduced to basic
problems and concepts within the field of Electronics and IT.
After completion of the module, the student:
 Shall have insight into elementary concepts related to projectoriented group work.
 Shall be familiar with the processes involved in project work,
knowledge acquisition and supervisor collaboration
 Shall be able to define project goals and work in a methodical
manner toward achieving such goals
 Shall be able to describe and analyse several approaches to
project solutions
 Shall be able to present results achieved within the project in
writing, orally, and graphically in a comprehensive manner.
 Shall be able to reflect upon the problem oriented and problem
based learning approach taken throughout the study
 Shall be able to document the results achieved during the project
in a report
 Shall be able to cooperate with other students during the project
period and make a joint presentation of the results achieved in
the project.
 Shall be able to reflect upon different ways of presenting results
achieved with the project in writing, orally, and graphically.
The project group must prepare a report and process analysis,
participate in a P0 collection of experience and attend a presentation
seminar where the project group documents discussed.
Type of
Exam format:
Project work with supervision
Individual oral examination based on a written report
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Monitoring & Programming
Overvågning og programmering
1st semester
Technological project work (P0)
One of the most fundamental capabilities any electronics and computer
Engineer must possess is the ability to construct functionality that allows
a computer to interact with its surroundings. Through the 1st semester
project, the students shall acquire basic knowledge within electronics
and computer engineering through practical and theoretical work. The
project takes its starting point in a problem of relevance to society or
industry; the problem is then broken down into smaller, more
manageable sub-problems and analysed for the purpose of defining a
relevant technical problem formulation, which can be solved via theories
and methods related to micro-processor- or PC- based systems. The
solution shall encompass an electronic system containing (at least) a
programmable electronic computing device, which is able to measure
signals from its surroundings via selected sensors and process them in
some digital form.
Students who complete the module:
 Must have understanding of basic electronic systems and their
interaction with their surroundings
Must have basic insight into concepts such as signals, sensors,
actuators and micro-processors
Shall have sufficient insight into technological and social issues
to enable them to pinpoint relevant problems that can be solved
by technical means
Shall have knowledge about common processes in extensive,
problem-oriented projects
Shall be able to explain and clarify theories and methods used in
the project
Given a socially relevant problem, must be able to identify
relevant requirements to a technical solution, product or similar
Must be able to follow a relevant method for structured
development in the project, including formulation and analysis of
the problem, define a requirement specification and divide the
problem into sub-problems that can be resolved separately
Shall be able to utilize the selected sensors and actuators for data
collection and interaction with an electronic system and its
surroundings as well
Shall be able to formulate and solve technical problems via
algorithms and be able to implement algorithms in a microprocessor or similar programmable device
Shall be able to analyse and evaluate their own utilization of
taught theories and methods
Shall be able to document and present the knowledge and skills
outlined above, using correct terminology, in writing as well as
Shall be able to analyse and evaluate their own learning
processes using relevant methods
Shall be able to plan and carry out an extensive group project in
collaboration with a supervisor
 Shall understand the general concept of a system, in particular
pertaining to electronic systems interacting with their
Shall be able to assume responsibility for their own learning
processes during an extensive group project, as well as generalize
and interpret the experience acquired
Shall be able to plan, structure, carry out, and reflect upon a
project that starts from a socially or industrially relevant problem,
in which electronic systems and information technology is an
important element, individually as well as in groups.
Type of
Project work with supervision
Oral examination based on a written report
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Imperative Programming
Imperativ programmering
1st semester
Students who complete the module enrich their background in working
with computers and other digital devices in procedural ways to enable
programming for different media platforms and working with analog and
digital sensors.
Students who complete the course module
 Shall have understanding of integrated development
 Shall have understanding of differences between run-time and
compile-time computer programming languages
 Shall be able to explain the concepts of types, declarations,
expressions and statements
 Shall be able to make use of libraries and understand the concept
of linking
 Shall have insight into data structures, such as arrays
 Shall have insight into input/output in various forms
 Shall have understanding of procedures and functions, including
function arguments
 Shall have understanding of pointers and references
 Shall have understanding of the complexity of a program
 Shall have understanding of simple algorithms
 Shall be able to interpret and analyse a basic imperative program
and elaborate its functionality
 Shall be able to design and implement algorithms for data
structure manipulation using references and addresses where
 Shall be able to estimate the complexity of a program
 Shall be able to explain how to use algorithms, functions and data
for solving problems (understanding)
 Must be able, individually and in collaboration with others, to
design and implement one or more imperative program(s) to
solve a previously specified problem
Type of
Exam format:
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Individual oral or written examination
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Problem Based Learning in Science, Technology and Society
Problembaseret læring i videnskab, teknologi og samfund
1st semester
To enable the student to approach real-life complex problems in a
methodical manner, and to carry out project work, planning and
documentation in a structured way.
Students who complete the course module will obtain the following
Shall be able to explain basic learning theory
Shall be able to explain techniques for planning and management
of projects
Shall be able to explain different approaches to problem-based
learning (PBL), including the so-called Aalborg model based on
problems that are part of a social and/or humanistic context
Shall be able to explain different approaches to analysis and
assessment of problems and solutions within engineering, natural
and health sciences from a theoretical, ethical, and societal
Shall be able to explain how these methods can be applied within
electronics and computer engineering
Must be able to plan and manage a problem-based study project
Must be able to analyse the project group's organization and
cooperation in order to identify strengths and weaknesses, and
suggest how cooperation in future groups can be improved based
on this analysis
 Must be able to reflect on the causes and devise possible
solutions to any group conflicts
 Must be able to analyse and evaluate their own study work and
learning, in order to identify strengths and weaknesses, and use
these reflections to consider further study and group work
 Must be able to reflect upon the methods used from a theoretical
 Must be able to identify relevant areas of focus, concepts and
methods to assess and develop technical solutions under
consideration of the social and humanistic contexts that solution
must be a part of
 Shall be able to take part in a team-based project
 Shall be able to document and present work carried out in a
 Shall be able to reflect upon and develop his/her own learning
Shall be able to engage in and improve upon the collaborative
learning processes
Shall be able to reflect upon his/her professional activities in
relation to the surrounding community
Type of
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Exam format:
Individual oral or written examination
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Linear Algebra
Lineær algebra
1st semester
Linear algebra is a fundamental tool for virtually all engineering
Students who complete the module:
 Shall have knowledge about definitions, results and techniques
within the theory of systems of linear equations
 Shall be able to demonstrate insight into linear transformations
and their connection with matrices
 Shall have obtained knowledge about the computer tool
MATLAB and how it can be used to solve various problems in
linear algebra
 Shall have acquired knowledge of simple matrix operations
 Shall know about invertible matrices and invertible linear
 Shall have knowledge of the vector space Rn and various
 Must have knowledge of linear dependence and independence of
vectors and the dimension and bases of subspace
 Must have knowledge of the determinant of matrices
 Must have knowledge of Eigen values and eigenvectors of
matrices and their use
 Must have knowledge of projections and orthonormal bases
 Must have knowledge of first order differential equations, and on
systems of linear differential equations
 Must be able to apply theory and calculation techniques for
systems of linear equations to determine solvability and to
provide complete solutions and their structure
 Must be able to represent systems of linear equations using
matrix equations, and vice versa
 Must be able to determine and apply the reduced Echelon form of
a matrix
 Must be able to use elementary matrices for Gaussian elimination
and inversion
of matrices
 Must be able to determine linear dependence or linear
independence of small sets of vectors
 Must be able to determine the dimension of and basis for small
Must be able to determine the matrix for a given linear
transformation, and vice versa
 Must be able to solve simple matrix equations
 Must be able to calculate the inverse of small matrices
 Must be able to determine the dimension of and basis for kernel
and column spaces
 Must be able to compute determinants and could use the result of
 Must be able to calculate Eigen values and eigenvectors for
simple matrices
 Must be able to determine whether a matrix is diagonalizable,
and if so, implement a diagonalization for simple matrices
Must be able to compute the orthogonal projection onto a
subspace of Rn
 Must be able to solve separable and linear first order differential
equations, in general, and with initial conditions
 Shall demonstrate development of his/her knowledge of,
understanding of, and ability to make use of, mathematical
theories and methods within relevant technical fields
 Shall, given certain pre-conditions, be able to make mathematical
deductions and arguments based on concepts from linear algebra
Type of
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Exam format:
Individual oral or written examination
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Analog Instrumentation
Analog instrumentering
2nd semester
Monitoring and programming (P1)
Through theoretical and practical work on a selected problem, the
students acquire knowledge in the electronics and computer engineering
discipline, as well as use appropriate methods to document that the
problem has a relevant social context. The problem is analysed by
decomposition into sub problems in order to formulate a technical
problem that can be solved by using analog electronic systems that
interact with the environment in one way or another. The complete
solution is assessed with respect to the relevant social context. Compared
to the first semester, this semester focuses more on the continuous-time
(analog) aspects of electronic systems as well as interaction with the
surroundings in greater detail.
Students who complete the module:
 Shall have gained experience with theories and methods of
calculation and simulation of linear electronic circuits, linear
electro-mechanical systems, and/or other linear systems
 Shall have acquired knowledge of methods for analysis of
linear dynamic systems, including electronic circuits,
described by differential equations
 Shall have gained insight into basic feedback theory and its
applications in electronic systems
 Must master calculations with complex numbers, as used
within the field of electronics
 Shall have knowledge of recognized standards for
documentation of electronic circuits, including electrical
diagrams, PCB layout, etc.
 Shall be able to demonstrate knowledge of theory and
method to the extent of being able to explain and justify the
project's theory and methods, including both selection and
 Shall master the relevant terminology
 Shall have understanding of basic theories behind simple
electronic components such as resistors, capacitors,
operational amplifiers, etc., including calculation of these
 Shall be able to identify, analyse and formulate issues within
the discipline through the use of contextual and technical
analysis methods
 Shall, based on the above, be able to create requirements and
test specifications that enable the completed system to be
Type of
Exam format:
tested rigorously
 Shall be able to use mathematical theories and methods to
analyse problems involving linear dynamic components
 Shall be able to simulate and design simple analog circuits,
allowing specific, desired properties to be achieved.
 Shall be able to design and implement basic analog and
digital circuits and demonstrate that these work as intended
 Shall be able to document and disseminate knowledge and
skills with proper use of terminology, orally and in writing
through a project report
 Shall be able to analyse and reflect upon his/her own
learning process using appropriate methods of analysis and
experience from P0 and P1
 Shall be able to analyse a technical-scientific problem under
consideration of technological and societal contexts, and
assess the technological and social consequences of proposed
 Must be able to demonstrate, independently and in groups,
the ability to plan, organize, implement and reflect upon a
project that is based on a problem of relevance to society or
industry, in which analog electronic devices play a central
 Must have acquired, independently and in groups, the ability
to obtain the necessary knowledge of a contextual as well as
of technical nature, and be able to formulate models of
limited parts of reality to such a level of abstraction that the
models can be used in the design, implementation and test of
a comprehensive system to meet given requirements
 Must be able to evaluate and take responsibility for science
and technical solutions in a societal perspective.
 Must be able to generalize and reflect upon the experience
with project planning and cooperation for the further study
acquired during the project work
Project work with supervision
Oral examination based on a written report
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
2nd semester
Linear algebra
Calculus is the branch of mathematics that studies differential equations
and operations such as integration. Differential equations, in turn,
describe (among other things) how signals in electric circuits behave
Students who complete the module:
 Must have knowledge of definitions, results and techniques
within the theory of differentiation and integration of functions
of two or more variables
 Must have knowledge of the trigonometric functions and their
inverse functions
 Must have knowledge of complex numbers, including rules for
computation and their representations
 Must have knowledge of factorization of polynomials over the
complex numbers
 Must have knowledge of the complex exponential function, its
characteristics and its
connection with trigonometric functions
 Must have knowledge of curves in the plane (both rectangular
and polar coordinates) and spatial parameterizations, tangent
vectors and curvatures of such curves
 Must have knowledge of the theory of second order linear
differential equations with constant coefficients
 Must be able to visualize functions of two and three variables
using graphs, level curves and level surfaces
 Must be able to determine local and global extreme for functions
of two and three variables
 Must be able to determine area, volume, moment of inertia etc.
using integration theory
 Must be able to approximate functions of one variable using
Taylor's formula, and use linear approximations for functions of
two or more variables
 Must be able to perform arithmetic computations with complex
 Must be able to find the roots in the complex quadratic equation
and perform factorization of simple polynomials
 Must be able to solve linear second order differential equations
with constant coefficients, in general, and with initial conditions
Must be able to use the concepts, findings and theories
introduced in the course to make mathematical deductions in the
context of simple and concrete abstract problems
 Shall demonstrate development of his/her knowledge of,
understanding of, and ability to make use of, mathematical
theories and methods within relevant technical fields
 Shall, given certain pre-conditions, be able to make
mathematical deductions and arguments based on concepts from
multi-variable calculus
Type of
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Exam format:
Individual oral or written examination
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Basic Electrical Engineering
Grundlæggende elektronik
2nd semester
Monitoring and programming (P1) or 1st semester of Electronics and IT
or Energy studies
To give the students theoretical and practical insight into analog
electronic devices, their models, and how to use them in the design of
electronic systems
Students who complete the module:
 Must have knowledge and understanding of resistive electrical
 Must have knowledge and understanding of operational
 Must have knowledge and understanding of analog electronics,
including diodes and transistors
 Must have knowledge and understanding of electrical
measurement techniques
 Must have knowledge and understanding of laboratory safety of
electro technical laboratory experiments
 Must have knowledge of Basic DC Circuit Theory (without
energy storing components) including
 Ohm's law
 Kirchhoff's laws
 Circuit reductions (serial and parallel)
 Star-triangle dependent and independent sources
 The focal point and mask method
 Basic operational amplifier couplings
 The ideal operational amplifier
 Thévenin and Norton theorems, the superposition principle,
and the maximum power transfer principle.
 Must have knowledge of PN transitions including
 The diode and its stationary large / small-signal model diode
as rectifier
 Transistor and its use as a linear amplifier
 The transistor as a switch
 Semiconductor models in simulation software
 Must have knowledge of measurement theory including
 Measurement of voltage, current, power and energy
 Measuring instruments such as voltmeter, ampere meter,
wattmeter as well as multi-meter and oscilloscopes
 Accuracy, complex measurement errors and uncertainty
Must have knowledge of relevant rules and regulations
 Must be able to analyse simple and complex electrical DC
 Must be able to use circuit analysis techniques to calculate
currents, voltages, energy and power in DC circuits
 Must be able to use circuit reduction methods to simplify
electrical circuit models
 Must be able to apply and analyse electrical DC circuits with
diodes and transistors
 Must be able to use analysis methods to design the operational
amplifier couplings
 Must be able to plan and execute well-designed, successful
electro technical laboratory experiments in a safe and appropriate
 Must be able to handle simple development-oriented situations
related to electric circuits and laboratory setups in study- or
work-related contexts
 Must be able to independently engage in professional and
interdisciplinary collaboration with a professional approach
within the context of basic electrical engineering
Must be able to identify his/her own learning needs within basic
circuit theory and the electro technical laboratory experiments,
and structure such learning accordingly.
Type of
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3. Notice that attendance at
lab exercises is mandatory.
Exam format:
Individual oral or written examination
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Digital Design & Sensors
Digital design og sensorer
2nd semester
Monitoring and programming (P1)
To help the students to acquire knowledge and skills which enable the
analysis and designing of basic digital circuits, they acquire knowledge
about various sensors and develop skills to use and monitor the signals.
To teach the operating principles of various typical sensors and to
introduce the concepts & designs for the measurement of electrical and
non-electrical quantities.
Students who complete the module:
 Must have knowledge and understanding of basic digital circuits
 Must have knowledge of Boolean algebra and minimal methods
 Must be able to explain the difference between CMOS and TTL
 Must have knowledge of Multi-vibrators & Sequential circuits.
 Must have knowledge of Bi-stable Circuits, structure of monostable and a-stable circuits.
 Must have knowledge of Mealy and Moore State Machines
 Must have knowledge of Counters and Shift Registers
 Must have knowledge of different sensors
 Must have knowledge of how signal is obtained from different
 Must have knowledge of internal working principal of various
 Must be able to analyse simple digital circuits
 Must be able to design digital circuits which is a central feature
of data or electrical engineering
 Must be able to understand the analysis, design and the
realization of digital circuits
 Must be able to demonstrate an understanding of relevant
concepts, theories and methods of analysis and synthesis of
combinational and sequential networks.
 Must be able to apply concepts, theories and methods to describe
and analyse a specific problem and explain the theoretical and
practical implementation considerations.
 Must be able to outline the main electrical characteristics of logic
building blocks.
 Must be able to demonstrate knowledge of different logical
networks, including both combinational and sequential
 Must be able to model and synthesize digital circuits.
 Must be able to use Karnaugh Map to simplify circuit design
Must be able to use measurements terminologies including
resolution, sensitivity, accuracy, and uncertainty
 Must be able to use sensors for example for the measurement of
temperature, displacement and position, digital encoders, shaft
encoders, absolute and relative encoders, linear encoders.
 Must be able to handle simple development-oriented situations
related to digital circuits design, sensors and laboratory setups in
study- or work-related contexts
 Must be able to independently engage in professional and
interdisciplinary collaboration with a professional approach
within the context of digital electronics and sensor measurements
 Must be able to identify his/her own learning needs within digital
electronics and sensor technology theory and the electro
technical laboratory experiments, and structure such learning
Type of
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Exam format:
Individual oral or written examination
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Micro Processor Based Systems
Microprocessor-baserede systemer
3rd semester
Knowledge of electronics corresponding to analog Instrumentation (2nd
Students shall understand the fundamental principles of microprocessor
based systems and be able to construct and program a specific
microprocessor based system so as to handle a small sized practical
Students who complete the module:
 Be able to build and program a microprocessor based system
 Must have knowledge of the methodology used for constructing
connected digital systems, including an introduction to fundamental
digital circuits, their use and limitations
 Must have insight of basic terminology for the architecture of
 Be able to synthesize a microprocessor based system based on a
specific technical problem, with the possibility of simple interaction
between a user and surroundings
 Be able to modularize the total system into hardware and software
with well-defined interfaces
 Be able to determine the architecture with regard to hardware and
software and communication between subsystems
 Must be able to design a microprocessor program which can runs on
its own for controlling the digital/analog hardware
 Must be able to elaborate a number of possibilities for analysis,
program development, programming and testing for the entire
microprocessor based system
 Be able to synthesize, document and bring the entire system
(hardware and software) to working condition
 Be able to analyse and specify the design requirement through
problem domain analysis
 Be able to design a microprocessor based system based on the
design specifications
 Be able to implement and test the developed system with the
purpose of verifying the hypothesis, as well as draw conclusions
based on the achieved result.
Type of
Project work with supervision
Exam format:
Oral examination based on a written report
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
AC-Circuits & Electro Physics
AC kredsløbsteori og elektrofysik
3rd semester
Knowledge of electronics corresponding to analog instrumentation (2nd
To teach students with fundamental knowledge of AC circuits and
electro physics. To enable them to do analysis about static, quasistatic
and dynamic electrical circuits connecting with combined electrical and
magnetic fields
Students who complete the module:
 Have knowledge of static and quasistatic electrical and magnetic
fields, capacity and inductance
 Must be able to understand and analyse circuits containing
resistive, capacitive and inductive elements
 Must be able to understand and analyse stationary AC-circuits
using complex symbolic methodology
 Must be able to understand and use Laplace transformation to
analyse of dynamic electrical circuits
 Must be able to analyse static and quasistatic electrical and
magnetic fields and their usage
 Must be able to apply electro physics to determine electrical
resistance, capacitance and inductance
 Must be able to apply electro physics to calculation of
mechanical forces produced by electrical and magnetic fields
 Must be able to analyse stationary conditions in circuits
containing resistive, capacitive and inductive elements
 Must be able to analyse electrical circuits dynamic conditions
 Must be able to apply methods for analyse of frequency
conditions (amplitude and phase characteristic)
 Must be able to apply complex symbolic methodology for
calculating stationary AC-circuits
 Must be able to analyse current, voltage, energy and power
conditions in AC-circuits
 Must have skills within Electro physics including
 Electrical fields, Displacement, electrical field strength,
permittivity, Coulombs law, dielectric polarisation, Electrical
 Energy in electrical fields, Gauss’ law, capacitance for simple
geometries, electric flux, capacitors and capacitance
 Magnetic fields, flux intensity and magnetic field strength,
permeability, Biot-Savarts magnetic polarisation, Ampère’s
law and magnetic flux
 Inductance, magnetic forces on conducting conductors,
torque on current loops in homogeny magnetic fields and
magnetic forces between two parallel conductors, and coils
 The generalized form of Ampére’s law
 Faraday’s law, induced electromotive force, the electric
 Lenz’ law
 Maxwell’s equations
 Ferromagnetic materials, hysteresis, B-H curves, energy in
magnetic fields, vortex losses
 Must have skills in elementary circuit theory including
 Energy storing components (L and C), initial values (L(0) and
 First order systems, solving circuit equations of first order,
Universal method
 Second order systems, damping and natural frequency (θ and ω),
solving circuit equations of second order (over damped, under
damped and critically damped)
 Transfer functions and usage of Laplace transformation on
electrical circuits
 Frequency analysis and Bodepots (amplitude and phase
 Resonance circuits
 Poles and zeroes analysis
 Frequency analysis
 Filter networks
 Fourier analysis
 Must have skills in elementary AC-circuits theory including
 The complex symbolic methodology for calculating AC-circuits
(single phased)
 Impedance and admittance principle for stationary circuits
 Power in AC-circuits, immediate power, average power, RMS,
active and reactive power, power factor
 Phasordiagrams for calculating stationary AC-circuits
 Mutual inductance, coupling factor, single phase transformer
 Shall be able to handle simple development oriented situations
regarding electro physics and circuit technical problems in studyor work situations
 Shall independently be able to engage in disciplinary and
interdisciplinary corporations with a professional approach
within elementary electrical and physics theory and methods.
Must be able to identify own learning needs and structure own
learning within electro physics and dynamical electrical circuits
Type of
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Exam format:
Individual oral examination based on a written report
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Advanced Calculus
Videregående calculus
3rd semester
linear algebra, calculus
The dynamical behaviour of systems is typically described by
differential equations. This course supports the semester theme by
providing mathematical tools for analysing such systems in detail.
Students who complete the module:
 Must have knowledge of important results within vector analysis
in 2 and 3 dimensions
 Shall be able to understand Laplace transformation and use it to
solve differential equations.
 Must have knowledge of complex analytic functions
 Must have an understanding of power series and Taylor series
 Must have knowledge of Laurent series and the method of
residues integration
 Must be able to use vector analysis, including inner product,
vector product, vector functions, scalar functions and fields, as
well as elements of vector differential and integral calculus
 Must have understanding of Fourier series, including concepts
such as trigonometric series, periodic functions, even and odd
functions, complex Fourier series and forced oscillations
resulting from non-sinusoidal input
 Shall be able to understand and utilize the Laplace transform for
analysis of differential equations; specific subjects include:
o The definition of the Laplace transforms.
o Inverse transformation.
o Linearity and s-shift.
o Transformation of common functions, including regular,
impulse and step functions.
o Transformation of derivatives and integrals.
o Solving Differential Equations
o Folding and integral equations
o Differentiation and integration of transformed systems of
ordinary differential equations
o Using Tables
Shall be able to use complex analytical functions within the
contexts of conformal mappings and complex integrals; specific
subjects include:
o Complex numbers and complex plane
o Polar form of complex numbers
o Exponential, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
o Logarithmic functions and general power functions
o Complex Integration: Line integrals in the complex plane
o The Cauchy integral theorem
 Shall demonstrate development of his/her knowledge of,
understanding of, and ability to make use of, mathematical
theories and methods within relevant technical fields
 Shall be able to identify their own learning requirements and
structure their own learning within the context of fundamental
Type of
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Exam format:
Individual oral or written examination
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Micro Processors & Programming
Mikroprocessorer og programmering
Type of
Exam format:
3rd semester
imperative programming; digital design and sensors
Most mechatronic systems include dedicated computers that handles the
”intelligent” tasks of guidance, monitoring and control. Typically, such a
dedicated computer is connected to/equipped with sensors that allow it to
measure important information about current system status and (in some
cases) its surroundings. Using these measurements, the dedicated
computer executes various algorithms that enable it to determine how to
operate the mechatronic system's actuators in response to the immediate
situation. Building on the knowledge gained in the 2nd semester, this
course aims to provide the students with theories and methods that
enable them to design and implement programs for such dedicated
computers and use them in a practical system context.
Students who complete the module:
 Shall have understanding of basic real-time aspects of singleprocessor system operation, including clock frequency, sampling
rate, algorithm processing time etc., as well as how these aspects
affect each other
 Must have insight into common micro-processor architecture
elements, such as RAM, ALU, registers, buses, etc., as well as
how these components interact
 Shall have insight into number representation on digital
 Must have basic insight into simple digital filtering functionality
 Must be able to use relevant tools to find a digital
implementation of a continuous-time differential equation
 Must be able to design algorithms for a chosen micro-processor
that satisfy specified timing constraints
 Must be able to use a relevant programming language, along with
relevant compilers and linkers, to implement and test said
algorithms on said micro-processor
 Must be able to design and implement relevant circuitry to enable
a micro-processor to become an integrated part of a mechatronic
 Are able to design and implement simple, micro-processor-based
systems that can be integrated in mechatronic systems and handle
fundamental monitoring and control tasks.
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Individual oral or written examination.
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Control Engineering
4th semester
Qualifications corresponding to 3rd semester on the bachelor’s
programme in electronics and computer engineering
Students shall understand fundamental principles of regulation systems as
well as real time issues within this kind of systems. Students shall be able to
develop a physical regulation system using the classical control techniques
and implement the developed digital controller using the programming
skills. In order to provide effective control solutions, the students are
required to make models of the systems as well as consider the effects of
feedback (the control) and noise (the disturbances) in a more rigorous
manner than before.
Students who complete the module:
 Must have insight of transfer functions described via the Laplace
formulation, including feature analysis, such as poles, zeros, and
analog/digital implementation
 Must have an understanding of state space description of modern
control systems, including the feature analysis, such as
controllability, observability and eigen-structures etc.
 Shall have the insight of different modelling techniques,
including the first-principle and experimental approaches
 Must be able to linearize non-linear system models in order to
approximate them by linear models
 Must have insight into real-time aspects in relation to digital
systems communicating with other analog and/or digital systems
 Must have an understanding of basic power electronics and typical
electrical machines, such as different types of motors and generators
 Must be able to analyse and select methods for modelling of
physical systems, including electric, electro-mechanical, thermal
and fluid dynamical systems, at a level where the resulting
models can be utilized in a control system design
 Must be able to apply selected theoretical and/or experimental
modeling techniques for modeling dynamic systems and simulating
 Must be able to analyse the open-loop and closed-loop system
features and specify system performances, both in transfer
function and state space descriptions
 Must be able to apply both classical (frequency-domain) and
modern (state space) control techniques for analysis and design of a
control system based on a given specification
 Must be able to convert the developed controller into a digital
version in order to implement it in a digital programmable device,
for example, in a specific micro-processor or PC based manner
Must be able to apply different modelling techniques to illustrate
dynamic system’s features and performance, with an orientation
for control design purpose
Must be able to simulate the obtained mathematical model by
employing some simulation tools, such as Matlab/Simulink.
Must be able to analyse, design and implement a control solution
for a given specific regulation problem, by using both classical
and modern control theories
Must have insight of basic principles and analysis of power
electronics and electrical machines, potentially some control
issues of these devices and systems
A control Type of
Project work with supervision
Exam format:
Oral examination based on a written report
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Modelling and simulation
Modellering og simulering
4th semester
Basic electrical engineering
To enable students to apply some of theoretical and experimental
modelling methods into their project and simulate the system by means
of simulation tools, such as Matlab/Simulink
 Must have knowledge of the modelling of some typical physical
systems, such as mechatronic systems, flow dynamic systems,
energy production/transportation/distribution systems, process
systems etc., provision of operating conditions
 Must have insight into the theoretical modelling for dynamic
systems, including the principles of mass balance, energy balance
and momentum balance
 Must have the knowledge of experimental modelling of linear
and non-linear dynamic systems, including the experiment
design, data collection and pre-filtering, model structure
selection, parameter estimation and model validation
 Must have insight of linearization techniques of nonlinear
 Must be able to simulate the obtained mathematical model in
some typical simulation environment, such as Matlab/Simulink
 Shall be able to apply basic theoretical and experimental
modelling techniques for modelling dynamic systems and
simulating them
 Shall be able to model and analyse some typical dynamical
systems, including electrical, mechanical, power and thermo
dynamical systems etc.
 Must be able to develop models of dynamic systems in the form
of block diagrams and be able to reformulate the equivalent
 Must be able to linearize a obtained nonlinear system and analyse
the difference between the linearized and original systems
 Must be able to simulate the obtained mathematical model of
concerned system and analyse the system features within a
proper simulation environment
 Be able to apply the theoretical modelling approach to model
some typical physical systems, with an orientation for control
design purpose
 Be able to correctly apply the experimental modelling approach
for complicated systems, including the proper experiment design,
data collation and analysis, selection of model structure and
estimation of system parameters, as well as model validation
 Be able to apply Linearization techniques for nonlinear system
analysis and simplification
Type of
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Exam format:
Individual oral or written examination
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Control Theory
4th semester
Linear algebra, calculus and mathematics
basic electrical engineering
To offer students with systematic and fundamental knowledge of
feedback control theory, including the classical (transfer function based)
and modern (state space based) control methods. After this course,
students are able to formulate the control design problem; analyse the
open & closed loop systems’ features and performances; commit a
proper control design by following either classical or modern or both
control design methods; implement the designed solution in a digital
manner and verify the design through experiment.
Students who complete the module:
 Must have insight of the transfer function description and state
space description from a control development point of view
 Must have insight of the system’s characteristics with the
correlation of system's dynamic and stationary behaviours,
including the impact of system type and order, as well as poles
and zeros and their influence on the system response
 Must have insight of typical classical control design methods,
including the PID tuning, root locus method, and frequency
design methods
 Must have an understanding of a system's frequency response
characteristics, including open-loop and closed-loop perspectives
 Must be able to commit system’s stability analysis and determine
the stability margins
 Must have an understanding of fundamental system property
analysis based on state space description, i.e., controllability,
observability, stability and robustness
 Must have insight into typical modern control design techniques,
including full state feedback control, observer design, and
observer-based feedback control
 Must have an understanding of basic optimal control methods,
such as LQR control.
 Must have insight into implementation of developed controllers
 Shall be able to analyse the concerned system static and dynamic
features based on both transfer function description and state
space description
 Shall be able to commit a control problem formulation, analysis,
design, implementation and validation based on a concerned
regulation problem and system, by using both classical and
modern control design methods
Shall be able to develop and tune a PID type of controller and
analyse the consequence to the controlled system
Shall be able to design a type of feedback controller based on the
state space model, and analyse the influence to the open-loop and
closed loop systems characteristics
Shall be able to discuss and implement the developed controller
in a correct and reliable digital manner
 Must have gained the ability to translate academic knowledge
and skills within the fields of basic modelling and control
engineering to a practical problem, which can be formulated and
 Are able to design a control system, such that the system can be
used to solve the problem formulated above
 Possesses the ability to design and implement algorithms for the
concerned control problem.
Type of
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Exam format:
Individual oral or written examination
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Power Electronics and Networks
Effektelektronik og netværk
4th semester
Linear algebra, calculus and mathematics, basic electric circuits, ACcircuits and electro physics
To offer students with basic knowledge about power electronics, such as
transformers, inverters and converters etc., and fundamental knowledge
about electrical machines. Network and data communication is essential
part of most systems today so student learns the basics about networks &
data communication.
Students who complete the module:
 Have knowledge of components in the area of Power Electronics
including diodes, rectifiers, thyristor rectifiers, coils,
transformers, capacitors, MOSFETs, bipolar transistors
 Have knowledge of fundamental converter theory including
Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost and Forward converter in both
Continuous Conduction Mode and Discontinuous Conduction
 Have knowledge of the principles of Pulse-Width Modulation
 Have knowledge of the transformer idle and load curve including
determining parameters through experiments
 Have understanding of the principles and handling of systems
characterized by numerous cooperating and communicating
 Have knowledge about the comprehension of principles and
techniques of modern data network systems and their
 Have knowledge of basic embedded sensor networks
 Must be able to apply stationary analysis for transformers and
 Must be able to choose the right components and converter
topology for a given task
 Must be able to perform calculations of conduction losses, design
criteria for choice of components
 Must be able to design and build a coil for a given task
 Must be able to understand OSI models and protocol concepts
 Must be able to understand Layer 1 and 2 including basic datatransmission, MAC, LLC, HDLC
 Must be able to understand network protocols and their
programming, including IP, UDP, TCP, Sockets, and RPC.
 Must be able to use concepts from the OSI model, including the
MAC, network, transport and application layers.
Must be able to use TCP / IP protocol stack and be able to assess
functions in the network, transport and application layers,
including Quality of Service mechanisms.
 Must be able to understand and use network topologies for
embedded sensor networks including SPI and I2C
 Must be able handle development orientated situations in relation
to stationary conditions for converters
 Shall independently be able to engage in disciplinary and
interdisciplinary corporations with a professional approach
within converter design
 Shall be able to analyse describe/design a communication
network for a given system.
 Shall be able to choose the right communication network
topology fir accessing various types of sensors for a given task
Type of
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Exam format:
Individual oral examination based on a written report
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
5th semester
Qualifications corresponding to 4th semester on the bachelor’s
programme in electronics and computer engineering
This semester offers two themes: automation and real-time signal
processing, students has the option to select any one of them.
Through the automation theme student shall acquire fundamental
knowledge of digital regulation systems as well as the real time issues
within these kinds of systems. Students shall be able to develop a physical
regulation system using the control techniques leaned from previous
semester. They should be able to implement the developed digital controller
using the real-time and embedded programming skills.
Students completing this project module should have:
 Must have insight of sampling mechanism and sampling theorem
for an ADC implementation
 Must have insight of typical numerical computation methods,
including the principles, features and limitations
 Must be able to simulate the concerned digital control solution in
an efficient and reliable manner
 Must be able to convert a controller initially formulated in an
analog form to its equivalent digital version and analyse the
influence because of this discretization
 Must have insight of typical digital filter design techniques,
including FIR and IIR filters
 Must have insight of discrete Fourier transform and its efficient
digital computation algorithms, FFT
 Must be able to deal with real-time issues in a systematic manner
when a digital controller is implemented
 Must be able to determine a correct sampling frequency based on
the system frequency feature analysis
 Must be able to commit a proper discretization of a controller
which initially is in analog form
 Must be able to perform spectrum analysis of the signals
 Must be able to handle the real-time issues of digital
implementation in a professional manner
 Must be able to analyse and design a digital system controller in
a professional way
 Must be able to design typical frequency selective filters both as
direct digital as well as in an indirect manner
Must be able to perform the real-time analysis and programming
of the designed digital controller
Type of
Project work with supervision
Exam format:
Oral examination based on a written report
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Digital Filtering
Digital filtrering
5th semester
Qualifications corresponding to 4th semester on the bachelor’s
programme in electronics and computer engineering
This semester offers two themes: automation and real-time signal
processing, students has the option to select any one of them.
The purpose of real-time signal processing is to offer students with
fundamental knowledge of digital signal processing systems as well as
the real time issues within this kind of systems. Students shall be able to
develop a signal processing system using the knowledge leaned from this
semester, and implement the developed solution using the real-time ad
embedded programming skills.
Students who complete the project module:
 Must have insight of sampling mechanism and sampling theorem
with proper ADC implementation
 Must have insight of typical numerical computation methods,
including the principles, features and limitations
 Must be able to simulated the concerned digital signal processing
solution in an efficient and reliable manner
 Must be able to convert an analog filter into its equivalent digital
version, and analyse the influence due to this discretization
 Must have insight of typical digital filter design techniques,
including FIR and IIR filter designs
 Must have insight of discrete Fourier transform and its efficient
digital computation algorithms, named FFT
 Must have an understanding of different digital filter, e.g., DSP
 Must be able to take care of the real-time issue in a systematic
manner when a digital filter is implemented
 Must be able to determine a correct sampling frequency based on
system frequency feature analysis
 Must be able to commit a proper discretization of an analog filter
 Must be able to design frequency selective filters and analyse the
system frequency features
 Must be able to commit digital signal spectrum analysis and
analyse its results and limitations
 Must be able to cope with the real-time issue of digital
implementation in an professional manner
 Must be able to analyse and design a digital implementation of a
filter in an professional way
Must be able to design typical frequency selective filters either in
a direct digital way or indirect way, i.e., converting from analog
one to its digital formulation
Must be able to produce a signal’s digital spectrum and retrieve
signal’s corresponding features
Must be able to commit the real-time analysis and programming
of the concerned digital filter
Type of
Project work with supervision
Exam format:
Oral examination based on a written report
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Numerical methods
Numeriske metoder
5th semester
Not all mathematical and engineering problems are simple enough to
solve analytically. The purpose of this course is to provide the students
with tools and methodologies to approach those problems that cannot be
solved with 'pen and paper', but requires numerical approximations.
Students who complete the module:
 Must have understanding of how to solve partial differential
equations with analytic methods
 Must have understanding of different numerical methods
 Must have an understanding of finite difference, finite volume
and finite element method
 Shall be able to use analytical methods for solving partial
differential equations, in particular the method of Separation of
Variables and D’Alembert’s Principle.
 Shall be able to utilize numerical methods to solve mathematical
problems, including:
o Systems of linear equations, Gauss elimination, and
factorization-based method.
o Iterative solution of systems of linear equations, e.g.,
o Ill-conditioned systems of linear equations.
o Matrix Eigen value problems.
o Solving systems of non-linear equations.
o Interpolation and splines.
o Numerical solution of definite integrals.
o Numerical solution of first- and second-order differential
 Must be able to utilize finite difference methods for solution of
partial differential equations, including:
o Approximation by finite differences.
o Elliptical equations.
o Dirichlet and Neumann boundary value problems.
o Parabolic equations.
o Explicit and implicit method, the Theta-method.
o Hyperbolic equations.
o Relationship with finite volume methods.
 Shall have understanding of finite element methods for solving
partial differential equations.
 Shall demonstrate development of his/her knowledge of,
understanding of, and ability to make use of, mathematical
theories and methods related to solving technical problems using
numerical methods.
Shall be able to identify their own learning requirements and
structure their own learning within the context of numerical
Type of
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Exam format:
Individual oral or written examination
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Signal Processing
5th semester
Mathematics, micro processors and programming, fundamental control
theory and modelling
To offer students with fundamental knowledge about analysis, design
and implementation of digital systems, including digital controllers or
Students who complete the course:
 Must have the knowledge of Z-transform and its application in
analysis and design of digital signals and systems
 Must have knowledge about sampling theories and methods for
processing of physical signals on a computer
 Must have knowledge about theories and methods for spectral
 Must have knowledge about theories and methods for design of
digital filters (IIR/FIR)
 Must be able to implement IIR filters using bilinear transforms
and impulse invariant methods
 Must have an understanding of the limitations of taught theories
and methods
 Must have knowledge about the interplay between analysis of
signals in the time and frequency domains
 Must have knowledge about basic implementation structures and
specific DSP implementation
 Shall be able to utilize some software tools for analysis, design
and simulation of digital signal processing systems
 Must be able to apply theories and methods for spectral
estimation including DFT / FFT
 Must be able to demonstrate the correlation between frequency
resolution, window functions and zero-padding
 Must be able to apply theories and methods for design of digital
 Must be able to design FIR filters using windowing methods
 Must be able to explain the relationship between the pole/zero
plots and frequency responses of digital filters
 Must be able to implement filters in practice, making use of
appropriate filter structures, quantization, and scaling.
 Shall be able to discuss fundamental theories and methods for
analysis and processing of digital signals, using correct
 Shall be able to assess opportunities and limitations in connection
with practical application of taught theories and methods
Type of
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Exam format:
Individual oral or written examination
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Real-time Embedded Systems
Indlejrede realtidssystemer
5th semester
Micro-processor and programing
To give the students at an application level to construct a real time
embedded system.
To enable students at an application level to gain knowledge to make
analysis, design and implementation of real time embedded systems.
 Must have knowledge and understanding real time embedded
 Must have knowledge of programming concepts and embedded
 Must have knowledge the software engineering practices in the
embedded software development
 Must have knowledge of real time operating systems
 Must have knowledge of hardware and software co design for a
real time embedded system
 Must have knowledge of processors for embedded systems
 Must have knowledge of scheduling and guaranties on deadlines
 Must be able to make analysis of real time including embedded
 Must be able to design and develop an embedded systems
 Must be able program and test a real time embedded system
 Must be able to understand and analyse various embedded
 Must be able to understand and analyse scheduling and
guaranties on deadlines for embedded systems
 Must be able to handle real time embedded systems and
laboratory setups in study- or work-related contexts
 Must be able to independently engage in professional and
interdisciplinary collaboration with a professional approach
within the context of real time embedded systems
 Must be able to identify his/her own learning needs within the
real time systems including the embedded systems and structure
such learning accordingly.
Type of
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Exam format:
Individual oral or written examination
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
BSc Project (Automation and Control)
BSc projekt (Automation og regulering)
6th semester
Knowledge, skills and competencies equivalent to having passed the 5th
The project must be based on a physical process. The process can be
mechanical, thermal, electrical, biologic or chemical. A dynamic model
of the process has to be developed. The model has to be adjusted and
verified through measurements. Demands as well in the time as in the
frequency domain has to be listed. Using the dynamic model a classic
and/or a state space controller are designed and implemented on the
process. The controllers have to be evaluated and compared to the
Students who complete the project module:
Must have knowledge of how to design and analyse control
Must be able to understand and implement dynamic modelling,
The control design should follow up with the model-base
approaches, i.e., either classic or modern controller design.
Must be able to implement the designed controller in its
equivalent digital format, and be able to analyse this discretization
Must be able to analyse dynamic systems in time and frequency
 Must be able to analyse and apply model based controller design
methods, including classical and modern methods
 Must be able to apply theoretical and experimental modelling
principles for mechanical, thermodynamic, biological or chemical
systems to develop their corresponding dynamic model with the
orientation for control design purpose
 Must be able to analyse and apply numerical methods for
simulating dynamic systems
 Must be able to evaluate industrial control and supervision
 Must be able to communicate the above knowledge and skills
(using proper terminology of the field), both orally and in a
written report
Shall be equipped with all necessary knowledge to be qualified as
a control engineer
Must be able to select and extract relevant features and apply
these in a new context
Type of
Exam format:
Must be able to plan, structure and execute a project, within the
subject-field of this project module
Project work with supervision
Oral examination based on a written report
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
BSc Project (Embedded Real-Time Signal Processing)
BSc projekt (Indlejret realtidssignalbehandling)
6th semester
Real time embedded system
An embedded system is defined as an electronic system which is based
on a computer, but the system is not in itself a computer, e.g., like a PC.
The purpose of this project module is to specify, design, simulate,
implement, test and document (part of) an embedded real-time signal
processing system. In this context, the algorithm(s) which are to perform
the signal processing have to be developed, simulated/evaluated
(preferably using C or Matlab) and optimized. The overall design
parameters may include, but are not limited to execution time, code size,
numerical robustness, and eventually energy consumption. Primarily, the
project will focus on the signal processing theories and algorithms, as
well as the development of optimal source- and object codes using
commercially available development boards/tools, thus excluding the
design and implementation of user-specific hardware.
Students who complete the project module:
 Must have knowledge about the building blocks used in a generic
embedded real-time digital signal processing system, their mutual
interaction and interfaces, as well as relevant performance
 Must have knowledge about theories and methods used to design
numerically robust and resource optimal signal processing
algorithms suitable for being executed in real-time on a given
 Must be able to analyse a technical problem which naturally finds
its solution in terms of real-time digital signal processing.
Secondly, to formulate a set of specifications for the algorithms
to be developed, and possibly also for the hardware/software
platform to be used.
 Must be able to apply various methods to design, simulate, and
evaluate digital signal processing algorithms according to the
 Must be able to analyse digital signal processing algorithms from
a computational complexity, structural, and data flow oriented
point of view in order to specify architectural requirements for a
software programmable target platform.
 Must be able to apply design tools, such as C compilers (possibly
using in-line assembly language), in order to develop and
optimize real-time executable code for digital signal processing
 Must be able to evaluate 1) an overall system solution, and 2) the
design methods applied to derive the solution. This must be done
in terms of relevant metrics such as execution time, memory
usage and energy consumption. Secondly, from a micro52
computer architectural point of view, the students must be able to
evaluate the match between algorithms and architectures.
Must be able to communicate the above mentioned knowledge
and skills (using the terminology of the domain), both orally and
in a written report.
 Must be able to identify, design, implement, and evaluate a
viable solution for an embedded real-time signal processing
 Must be able to plan, structure, and conduct a project within the
scientific subject of this project module.
Type of
Exam format:
Project work with supervision
Oral examination based on a written report
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistics
Introduktion til sandsynlighedsregning og statistik
6th semester
Fundamentals in linear algebra, calculus, and Fourier theory
After attending the course the students have developed the engineering
intuition of the fundamental concepts and results of probability, and
statistics. They are able to apply the taught material to model and solve
simple engineering problems involving randomness.
Students who complete the course:
 Must have knowledge about the concept of probability spaces
 Must have knowledge about the conceptual models of estimation
and hypothesis testing
 Must be able to understand the basic concepts of probability
theory, i.e., probability of events, random variables, etc.
 Must be able to understand basic concepts of statistics such as
binary hypothesis testing.
 Must be able to apply/compute
o Bayes rule in simple contexts
o The probability that Binomial, Poisson, and Gaussian
random variables take values in a specified interval
o The mean and variance of Binomial, Poisson, and
Gaussian random variables
o The marginal distributions of multi-variate Gaussian
 Must be able to apply and interpret
o ML-estimation in simple contexts involving the Binomial,
Poisson, and Gaussian distribution
o Binary-hypothesis tests in simple contexts involving the
Binomial, Poisson, and Gaussian distribution
 Must be able to apply the general concepts of probability theory
and statistics in a new, simple context. This includes choosing
suitable methods, evaluating outcomes, and drawing the
appropriate conclusions
Type of
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Exam format:
Individual oral or written examination
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Matrix Computation and Convex Optimization
Matrix beregninger og Convex optimering
6th semester
Linear algebra, calculus
Engineering systems and design problems can often be compactly
described analysed and manipulated using matrices and vectors.
Moreover, tractable solutions to design problems can be obtained by
casting the design problems as optimization problems. For the class of
linear and quadratic problems, the solutions can be obtained by solving
systems of equations. In computer programs, this is achieved via matrix
factorizations. For the larger class of convex problems, no closed-form
solution may exist and numerical methods must be applied. This course
aims at teaching numerically robust methods for solving systems of
equations and, more generally, convex optimization problems, including
also standard constrained problems.
Students who complete the course:
 Must have knowledge about convex functions and sets, norms,
special matrices
 Must have understanding of how to classify and solve systems of
equations and convex optimization problems
 Must have understanding of numerical aspects of solving systems
of equations and convex optimization problems
 Must have knowledge about Lagrange multipliers
 Must have understanding of matrix factorizations and their
 Must be able to identify optimization problems and cast them
into standard form
 Must be able to identify types of extrema (minima, maxima,
local, global, etc.)
 Must be able to apply Eigen value and singular value
decomposition to relevant matrix problems
 Must have understanding of state space descriptions of systems
of linear differential equations
 Shall be able to apply numerically robust methods to solve
systems of equations
 Shall be able to apply and implement the following numerical
optimization methods to unconstrained optimization problems:
Steepest Descent, Newton's method, Gauss-Newton method
 Shall be able to apply and interpret least-squares solutions when
solving over-determined systems of equations
 Shall be able to apply the Lagrange multiplier method to
constrained convex optimization problems
 Are able to apply linear algebra theory to analyse engineering
systems in their field
Can state and analyse engineering design problems in their field
as systems of equations or standard optimization problems
Are able to select appropriate matrix factorization or numerical
optimization methods to solve engineering design problems in
their field
Type of
As described in the introduction to Chapter 3.
Exam format:
Individual oral or written examination
Evaluation criteria: Stated in the Framework Provisions
Chapter 4: Entry into Force, Interim Provisions and Revision
The curriculum is approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Science and enters into
forces as of 1 September 2014.
Students who wish to complete their studies under the previous curriculum from 2011 must
conclude their education by the summer examination period 2016 at the latest, since examinations
under the previous curriculum are not offered after this time.
In accordance with the Framework Provisions for the Faculty of Engineering and Science and The
Faculty of Medicine at Aalborg University, the curriculum must be revised no later than 5 years
after its entry into force.
Chapter 5: Other Provisions
5.1 Rules concerning written work, including the Bachelor’s project
In the assessment of all written work, regardless of the language it is written in, weight is also given
to the student's formulation and spelling ability, in addition to the academic content. Orthographic
and grammatical correctness as well as stylistic proficiency are taken as a basis for the evaluation of
language performance. Language performance must always be included as an independent
dimension of the total evaluation. However, no examination can be assessed as ‘Pass’ on the basis
of good language performance alone; similarly, an examination normally cannot be assessed as
‘Fail’ on the basis of poor language performance alone.
The Board of Studies can grant exemption from this in special cases (e.g., dyslexia or a native
language other than Danish).
The Bachelor’s project must include an English summary.1 If the project is written in English, the
summary must be in Danish.2 The summary must be at least 1 page and not more than 2 pages (this
is not included in any fixed minimum and maximum number of pages per student). The summary is
included in the evaluation of the project as a whole.
5.2 Rules concerning credit transfer (merit), including the possibility for choice of modules
that are part of another programme at a university in Denmark or abroad
In the individual case, the Board of Studies can approve successfully completed (passed)
programme elements from other Master’s programmes in lieu of programme elements in this
programme (credit transfer). The Board of Studies can also approve successfully completed
(passed) programme elements from another Danish programme or a programme outside of
Denmark at the same level in lieu of programme elements within this curriculum. Decisions on
credit transfer are made by the Board of Studies based on an academic assessment. See the
Framework Provisions for the rules on credit transfer.
5.3 Rules concerning the progress of the Bachelor’s programme
The student must participate in all first year examinations by the end of the first year of study in the
Bachelor's programme, in order to be able to continue the programme. The first year of study must
be passed by the end of the second year of study, in order that the student can continue his/her
Bachelor's programme.
Or another foreign language (French, Spanish or German) upon approval by the Board of Studies.
The Board of Studies can grant exemption from this.
In special cases, however, there may be exemption from the above if the student has been on a leave
of absence. Leave is granted during first year of study only in the event of maternity, adoption,
military service, UN service or where there are exceptional circumstances.
5.4 Rules concerning the completion of the Bachelor’s programme
The Bachelor’s programme must be completed no later than six years after it was begun.
5.5 Special project process
In the 3rd, 4th and 5th semesters, the student can upon application, design an educational programme
where the project work is replaced by other study activities; cf. the Framework Provisions section
5.6 Rules for examinations
The rules for examinations are stated in the Examination Policies and Procedures published by the
Faculty of Engineering and Science on their website.
5.7 Exemption
In exceptional circumstances, the Board of Studies study can grant exemption from those parts of
the curriculum that are not stipulated by law or ministerial order. Exemption regarding an
examination applies to the immediate examination.
5.8 Rules and requirements for the reading of texts
It is assumed that the student can read academic texts in his or her native language as well as in
English and use reference works etc. in other European languages.
5.9 Additional information
The current version of the curriculum is published on the Board of Studies’ website, including more
detailed information about the programme, including exams.