ADL}OO/ADAI2OO UsertsManual Real Time Devices, Inc. "Accessing theAnalogWorld',, ISO9001 and AS9100 Certified ADLaOO/ADA12OO UsertsManual ffi REALTIMEDEVICES, INC. 820 NorthUniversity Drive PostOfficeBox906 StateCollege, Pennsylvania 16804USA Phone:(8141234A087 FAX:(81a)234-5218 Publishedby RealTime Devices,Inc. 820N. UniversityDr. P.O.Box 906 StateCollege,PA 16804USA Copyright@ 1992by RealTime Devices,Inc. All rightsreserved Printedin U.S.A. Rev.A 9234 Tableof Contents INTRODUCTION Digital-to-Analog (ADA1200Only)........... Conversion i-l ..........................t-3 What ComesWith Your ApplicationsSoftwareandToolkit ............i4 CHAPTER 1 - BOARD SBTTINGS Factory-Configured SwitchandJumperSettings ...............1-3 P3- AnalogInputVoltageRange(FacrorySetring:t0 Volrs)...... ....................... 14 P4- AnalogInputVoltagePolarity(FacorySeuing:+/-) .............. .....................14 P5- DMA Request Channel(FactorySetting:Disabled)..... ........... 14 P6- DMA AcknowledgeChannel(FactorySening: Disabled) ......14 P7 -8254 Timer/Counrer ClockSources @acorySerings:CLKI-XTAL, CLK2-OT1,pCK) ...................1-5 P8 - IntemrptSourceandChannel(FactorySetting:Jumperson OT2 & G; InremrptChsDisabled).........l-6 P9- DAC I OutputVoltageRange(FacorySeuing:+5 to -5 volts) .......... .........1_7 P10- DAC 2 OutputVolrageRange(FactorySening:+5 o -5 volts)............ ......1_g Pl I - A/D DataWordBit StateSet(FacorySetting:+/-) ............. ..................... l_g Plz - A/D ConverterStatus,/External Gate2 Monitor @actorySetting:EOC (A/D ConverterStatus)).......l-9 Sl - BaseAddress(FacorySetting:300hex(268decimal) ................. ..............1_9 Pull-up/Pull-down Resistors on DigitalI/O Lines..... .......1_10 CHAPTER 2 _ BOARD INSTALLATION Connecting theAnalogInputPins Connecting theTriggerIn andTriggerOutpins,Cascading 8oards......... Connecting theAnalogOutpurs(ADAI200 Only)........... Connecting theTimer/Counters andDigitalVO ............... Runningthe 1200DIAGDiagnostics Prrogram CHAPTER 3 - HARDWARE DESCRIPTION ........... 2-l ............24 ..............24 ..................2-s ..................2_5 ...................2_s .............3-1 D/A Converte Di$tal I/O, Programmable Peripheral Interface .................3_5 CHAPTER 4 - BOARD OPERATION AND PROGRAMMING BA + 0: ReadSntus/SrartConvert(Readl'\Mrire) BA + l: ReadA/D Data/Update DAC Outputs(Read/Write) BA + 2: Reset(WriteOnly) .......... BA + 4: PPIPortA - DigitalVO (ReadAMrire) ................ BA + 5: PPI Port B - Channel8oardFunctionsSelect(Readflilrite) BA + 6: PPIPortC - DigitalVO (Readflilrire)................ BA + 7: 8255PPIConrol Word (WriteOnly) ........... BA + 8: SZl4TimerlCounrer0 (ReadAMrite) BA + 9: 8254Timer/Countor I (Read/lMri9 BA+ l0: 8254Timer/Counr€r2(ReadAMrite) BA+ 11: S254ConrolWord(WriteOnly)........... BA + 12: D/A Converter1 LSB: ADA1200(WrireOnly) .......... BA + 13: D/A Converter1 MSB: ADAI200 (WrireOnly) ........... BA + 14: D/A Converter 2 LSB: ADAI200 (WrireOnly) .......... BA + 15: D/A Converter 2 MSB: ADA12200(WriteOnly) ........... .........44 ...........44 ...........44 ...............4-5 ..................4-5 ................4-5 .......................4-5 ...............4-7 ...............4-7 .............4-7 .......4-7 ......4-g .........................4-g ......4-g .......................4-g ClearingandSettingBits in Initializing EnablingandDisablingtheExtemalTrigger ..... EnablingandDisablingIntemrprs Conversion Modes/Triggering ............ Startingan A/D Conversion MonitoringConversion Status@MA Doneor End-of-Convert) ReadingtheConverted Data............ Programming thePacerClock .................. ....................4-12 ......4-12 .....................4-12 ..........,.....4-13 ......................4-13 ...4-13 ...............4-14 8259Programmable IntemrptController IntemrptMaskRegister(IMR) .......... End-of-Interrupt(EOI) Command WhatExactlyllappensWhenanIntemrptOccurs? UsingIntemrptsin YourPrograms.......... Writingan InterruptServiceRoutine(ISR) Savingthe startupIntemrptMaskRegister(IMR) andIntemrptvector Restoringthe StartupIMR andInterruptVector CommonInterruptMistakes .................4-16 ......................4-16 ......4-16 .....................4-16 ................4-16 .............4-17 ..........4-tg .....4-lg ...............4-19 Choosinga DMA Channel Allocatinga DMA Buffer CalculatingthePageandOffsetof a Buffer SettingtheDMA PageRegister................... TheDMA DMA SingleMaskRegister ProgrammingtheDMA Controller Programming the 1200for DMA..... ..................4-19 ...................4-19 ............4-20 ............4-2t ................4-Zz .....4-23 .,4-23 Monitoringfor DMA Done............ CommonDMA Problems ............... (ADA1200Only) D/A Conversions .....4-23 ....4-24 ........4-2,4 ExampleProgramsandFlow Diagrams ......4-27 SingleConvertFlow Diagram(Figure44) ............. DMA FlowDiagram(Figure4-5).............. Interrupts Flow Diagram(Figure4-6) ............. D/A Conversion Flow Diagram(Figure4-7). .....................4-29 ..............4-30 ........4-3I ..........4-32 CHAPTER 5 _ CALIBRATION ...... APPENDIX A - 12OO SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX B - P2 CONNECTORPIN ASSIGNMENTS.... APPENDIX C - COMPONENTDATA SHEETS APPENDIX D _ CONFIGURING THE 12OO FOR SIGNAL MATH APPENDIX E _ CONFIGURINGTHE 12OO FOR ATLANTIS......... APPENDIX F - WARRANTY A-l .........8-1 D-1 .......E.T. F-1 ul iv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS l-l t-2 t-3 T4 1-5 r-6 r-7 t-8 r-9 l-10 l-l I t-12 l-13 l-t4 l-15 1-16 t-17 l-18 2-r 2-2 2-3 3-1 3-2 4-I 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 +-t 5-1 BoardLayoutShowingFactory-Configured Settings................... AnalogInputVoltageRangeJumper,P3 ............... AnalogInputVoltagePolarityJumper,P4 ................ DMA Request ChannelJumper,P5 DMA Acknowledge ChannelJumper,P6................ &254Timer/Counter ClockSourceJumpers, P7................ 8254Timer/Counter CircuitBlockDiagram..................... IntemrptChannel P8 ............... Jumper, PullingDowntheIntemrptRequest Line ............ DAC I OutputVoltageRangeJumper,P9 ................ DAC 2 OutputVoltageRangeJumper,P10.............. A/D DataWord Bit StateSetJumper,Pll A/D Converter StatuslExternal Gate2 MonitorJumper,P12.............. BaseAddress Switch,Sl ................ Pull-up/Pull-down ResistorCircuitry.... AddingPull-upsandPull-downsto DigitalVO Lines GainCircuinyandFormulasfor Calculating Gainandf ............ Diagramfor Removalof SolderShort........... n UO Connector Pin Assignmens............. AnalogInputConnections ............ Two Boardsfor Simultaneous Cascading Sampling ADI200/ADA1200BlockDiagram S2l4TimerlCounterCircuit Block Diagram A/D Conversion TimingDiagram,All Modes.... PacerClockBlockDiagram 8254Timer/Counter Circuit Block Diagram SingleConversion Flow Diagram DMA Flow Diagram Interrupts Flow Diagram................. D/A Conversion Flow Diagram(ADA1200Only)........... .................. 1-3 ...................14 ................14 .....................14 ..................1-5 ........1-5 ........1-6 ................1-6 ......................1-z ................1-8 ................1-8 ........... l-9 ...........1-9 ......................1-9 .............. l-l I .............1-12 ..................1-13 .....1-14 .........2-3 ........................24 .................2-6 .....................3-3 ........34 .....................4-12 ...........4-15 ......4-25 .......................4-Zg ....................4-31 .......4-32 INTRODUCTION The ADl200 andADA1200AdvancedIndusrial Contol boardsturn your IBM PC/XT/AT or compatibleinto high-performance a high-speed, dataacquisitionandcontrolsystem.Installedwithin a singleexpansionslot in the computer,each1200seriesboardfeatures: . 16 single-ended analoginput channels, . l2-bit,5 microsecond analog+o-digitalconverterwith 125kl{z throughput, . 15, tl0, or 0 to +10 volt inputrange, . Resistorconfigurablegain, . Threeconversionmodes, . DMA transfer, . Triggerin andtriggerout for externaltriggeringor cascading boards, . 16TTL/CMOS 8255-based digital I/O lineswhich canbe configuredwith pull-upor pull-downresisrors, ' Threel6-bit timer/counters (two cascaded for pacerclock), . Two 12-bitdigital-to-analog outputchannelswith dedicatedgrounds(ADA1200only), . +5, +10,0 to +5, or 0 to +10 volt analogoutputrange(ADA1200only), . TurtroPascal,TurboC, andBASIC sourcecode;diagnostics program. The following paragraphs briefly describethemajorfunctionsof theboard.A moredetaileddiscussionof board functionsis includedin Chapter3, HardwareOperation,andChapter4, Board OperationandProgramming.Tlte boardsetupis describedin Chapterl, BoardSettings. gital Conversion Analog-to-Di (AlD) circuitryreceivesup to 16single-ended The analog-to-digital analoginputsandconvertstheseinpus into l2-bit digital datawordswhichcantien be readand/ortransferred to pc memory. The analoginput voltagerangeis jumper-selectable for bipolarrangesof -5 to +5 volts or -10 to +10 volts,or a unipolarrangeof 0 to + l0 volts.Theboardis factorysetfor -5 to +5 volts.Overvoltageprotectionto +35 volts is providedat theinputs.The high-perforrnance A,/Dconvertersupportsresistorconfigurablegain circuiry so thatyou cancustomize theinputgain. A,/Dconversions areperformedin 5 microseconds, andthe maximumthroughputrateis 125kllz. Conversions arecontrolledthroughsoftware,by an on-boardpacerclock,or by an externaltriggerbroughtontotheboard throughtheI/O connector. The converteddatacanbe Eansferred throughttrePC databusto PC memoryin oneof two ways: by usingthe microprocessor or by usingdirectmemoryaccess@MA). The modeof transferis software-selectable andthe DMA channelis chosenby jumper settingson theboard.ThePC databusis usedto readand/ortransferdatao pC memory.In theDMA transfermode,you canmakecontinuoustransfersdirectlyo PC memorywittroutgoing throughtheprocessor. Digital-to-AnalogConversion(ADA1200Onty) (D/A) circuitryon theADA1200featurestwo independentl2-bit analogoutputchannels The digiral-to-analog with individuallyjumper-selectable oulputrangesof -5 to +5 volts,-10 to +10 volts,0 to +5 volts,or 0 to +10 volts. Datais programmedinto theD/A converteranda conversionis automaticallytriggeredfor a channelthrougha singlewriteoperation. AccessttrroughDMA is not available. 8254Timer/Counter An 8254programmable intervaltimer containsthreel6-bit, 8-MHz timer/counters to supporta wide rangeof timing andcountingfunctions.Two of thetimerrcounters arecascaded andcanbe usedinternallyfor thepacer clock.The third is availablefor countingapplications, or it canbe cascaded to theothertwo timer/counters. i-3 DigitalVO The 1200has16TTL/CMOS-compatible digitalI/O lineswhichcanbe directlyinterfacedwith externaldevices or signalsto senseswitchclosures,triggerdigital events,or activatesolid-staterelays.Theselinesareprovidedby peripheralinterfacechip.Padsfor installingandactivatingpull-up or pull-down theon-board8255programmable resistorsareincludedon theboard.Installationprocedures aregivenneartheendofChapter l,Board Settings. What ComesWith Your Board You receivethefollowing itemsin your 1200package: . ADl200 or ADAI200 interfaceboard . Softwareanddiagnosticsdiskettewith TurboPascal,TurboC, andBASIC sourcecode . User'smanual If any item is missingor damaged, pleasecall RealTime Devices'CustomerServiceDepartmentat (814)234-8087.If you requireserviceoutsidetheU.S.,contactyour local disnibutor. Board Accessories In additionto theitemsincludedin your 1200package,RealTime Devicesoffersa full line of softwareand hardwareaccessories. Call your local distributoror our mainoffice for moreinformationabouttheseaccessories and for helpin choosingthebestitemsto supportyour board'sapplication. ApplicationSoftwareand Drivers provideexcellentdataacquisitionandanalysissupport.Use Our customapplicationsoftwarepackages SIGNAL*MATH for integrateddaraacquisitionandsophisticated digital signalprocessingandanalysis,or ATLANTIS for real-timemonitoringanddataacquisition.rtdlinx andrtdlinx/ablinx driversprovidefull-featured high level interfacesbetweenthe 1200andcustomor third partysoftware,includingLABTECH NOTEBOOK, NOTEBOOK/XE,andLTICONTROL.rtdlinx sourcecodeis availablefor a one-timefee.Our PascalandC Programmer'sToolkit providesroutineswith documented sourcecodefor cuslomprogrcmming. HardwareAccessories Hardwareaccessories for the 1200includetheMX32 analoginputexpansionboardwhich canexpanda single input channelon your 1200to 16differentialor 32 single-ended inputchannels,MR seriesmechanicalrelayoutput boards,OP seriesoptoisolateddigiualinputboards,theT516 temperature sensorboard,theTB50 terminalboardand XB50 prototype/terminal boardfor easysignalaccessandprototypedevelopment, ttreEX-XT andEX-AT extender boardsfor simplifiedtestinganddebuggingof prototypecircuitry,andXP50twistedpair wire flat ribboncable assemblyfor extemalinterfacing. UsingThis Manual This manualis intendedto helpyou installyour newboardandget it runningquickly,while alsoproviding enoughdetailabouttheboardandits functionsso that you canenjoymaximumuseof its featuresevenin themost complexapplications. We assumethatyou alreadyhavean understanding of dataacquisitionprinciplesandthatyou cancustomizetheexamplesoftwareor write your own applicationsprograms. When You NeedHelp This manualandtheexampleprogramsin thesoftwarepackageincludedwith your boardprovideenough informationto properlyuseall of theboard'sfeatures.If you haveany problemsinstallingor usingttrisboard, (814)234-8087,duringregularbusinesshours,easternsandardtime or contact, our TechnicalSupportDepartment, easterndaylighttime,or senda FAX requestingassistance to (814)234-52L8.Whensendinga FAX request,please includeyour company'snameandaddress,your name,your telephonenumber,anda brief descriptionof the problem. CHAPTER 1 BOARD SETTINGS The AD1200andADA1200boardshavejumper andswitch settingsyou canchangeif necessary for your application.The 1200is factory-configured with the mostoftenusedsettings.The factorysettingsarelistedandshownon a diagramin the beginning of this chapter.Shouldyou needto changethesesettings,usethese easy-to-followinstructionsbeforeyou installtheboardin your computer. Notethatby installingresistorpacksat threelocationsaround the 8255PPI andsolderingjumpersin thedesiredlocationsin the pads,you canconfigurethe 16availabledigital VO associated linesto bepulled up or pulleddown.This procedureis explained nearthe endof this chapter. Also notethatby installingcomponents at RL, R2, TR4, and you C36, canaddyour own resistorconfigurablegain.The gain circuiuy is describedat the endof this chapter. Fa bo: exl avl P3 - Analog Input VoltageRange(Factory Setting: 10 Votts) This headerconnector,shownin Figure 1-2, setsthe analoginput voltagerangefor 10 or 20 volts. Note that if thejumper is installedon 20V, thenP4 canonly be setfor bipolar (+/-). The inpur rangesallowed by the 1200are 15,110,and0 to +10volts. P3 l-l taol t-l cro N Fig.1-2- AnalogInputVoltageRangeJumper,P3 P4 - Analog Input VoltagePolarity (Factory Setting: +/-) This headerconnector,shownin Figure1-3,setstheanaloginput voltagepolarityfor unipolar(+) or bipolar (+/-). Note thatif thejumperon P3 is installedon 20V, thenP4 canonly be setfor bipolar(+/). The inpurranges allowedby the 1200are15, +10,and0 to +10 volts. Fig. 1-3 -Analog Input Voltage PolarityJumper, p4 P5 - DMA RequestChannel(Factory Setting: Disabled) This headerconnector,shownin Figure14, letsyou selectchannel1 or 3 for DMA transfers.This line, the DMA requestline (DRQ), mustbe set to the samechannelasthe DACK line on P6. The factory settingis DMA disabled(umper in a sored position).Note that if any otherdevicein your systemis alreadyusing your selected DMA channel,channelcontentionwill result,causingerratic operation. DRQl DR03 P5 p5 Fig.1-4- DMARequest ChannelJumper, P6 - DMA AcknowledgeChannel(Factory Setting: Disabled) This headerconnector,shownin Figurel-5, letsyou selectchannelI or 3 for DMA transfers.This line, the DMA acknowledge line (DACK), mustbe setto the samechannelastheDRQ line on p5. The factorysettingis DMA disabled(umper in a storedposition).Note thatif anyotherdevicein your systemis alreadyusingyour selectedDMA channel,channelcontentionwill result,causingerraticoperation. T4 tr DACKl DACK3 P6 Fig. 1-5 - DMA AcknowledgeChannelJumper,P6 YI -8254 Timer/CounterClock Sources(FactorySettings:CLKI-XTAL, CLK2-OTI, PCK) This headerconnector,shownin Figurel-6, letsyou selecttheclock sourcesfor the 8254timerlcounters, TC0, TCl, andTC2.TCOandTCI arecascaded to form thepacerclock.You mustinstalltwo or threejumpersin orderto properlyusethe timer/counterfeatures,includingthepacerclock.Figure l-7 showsa block diagramof thetimer/ countercircuitry to helpyou in makingtheseconnections. Theclock sourcefor TCOandTCI is selectedby placinga jumperon XTAL or ECI on CLK1 (thetwo pairsof pins at the top of the header).XTAL is theon-board8-MIIZ clockandECI is an externalclock sourceyou connect throughtheexternalI/O connectore245). Below the CLKI pinsarethreepairsof pinslabeledCLK2. Thesepins areusedto selecttheclock sourcefor TC2. OTI connectstheoutputof TCI to theclock inputof TC2. Installinga jumperherecascades all threetimer/ counters,a featurenecessary whenusingSIGNAL*MATH or ATLANTIS applicationsoftware(seeAppendixesD andE). XTAL is the on-board8 MHz clock,andEC2is connectedto the sameexternalclock sourceasECI (n4r. The lasttwo pins on this header,PCK andET, let you usethepacerclock (PCK) or an externaltrigger(ET) to triggerAID conversions. A jumpermustbe placedon PCK in orderto usethepacerclock (outputfrom TCI). Or, you canplacethejumperacrossET andconnectanyexternaltriggertoY2-39to triggertheA/D converter. NOTES: You mustdisconnectthepacerclockby removingthePCKjumperandinstallthejumperof ET wheneveryou usethe externaltriggerline. You musthaveonejumperinstalledon oneof the npoCLKI selections andonejumperinstalledon oneof thethreeCLK2 selections. P7 Y XTAL o EC1 oTl (\| Y o XTAL IH EC2 PCK ET p7 Fig.1-6-8254 Timer/Counter ClockSource Jumpers, l-5 t - ;8254 ;;------'l 12 0 0 I/O CONNECTOR TO A/D T R I G GE R XTAL EC1 F8 MHz EXT CLK EXT GATE 1 I ptt{ ggl1pl66gp 1x I PIN ozlT / C O U T I oTl TIMER/ COUNTER 2 XTAL EC2 CLK o-_8 MHz EXT GATE 2 GATE T/C OUT2 Ar ri Fig. 1-7 -8254 Timer/Counter CircuitBlockDiagram P8 - Interrupt Sourceand Channet (FactorySetting: Jumperson OT2 & G; Interrupt ChannelsDisabled) This headerconnector,shownin Figure1-8,letsyou connectanyoneof four intemrptsourcesto any of six interruptchannels,IRQ2 (highestpriority channel)throughIRQT (lowestpriority channel).To activatea channel, you mustinstalla jumperverticallyacrossthedesiredIRQ channel.Figure1-8ashowsthe facory setting;Figure 1-8bshowsintenuptsourceOT2 connectedtroIRQ3. P8 F i g .1 - 8 a : FactorySetting P8 or2 or2 ET ET EOC EOC DMA IRQT Fig.1-8b:Interrupt Source OT2 Connectedto lRe3 DMA IRQT IRQ6 IRQ6 IRQ5 IRQ5 IRQ4 lR04 IRQ3 IRQ3 IRQ2 IRQ2 G G Fig. 1-8 - InterruptChannelJumper,pg On the right sideof the header,you canselectany oneof four signalsourcesto generatean intemrpt.An intemtptsourceis chosenby placinga jumperacrossthedesiredpair of.pins.The intemrptsourcesavailablearethe A/D end-of-convert(EOC),DMA done(DMA), extemalrigger @T), andrheoutpurof timer/counter2 (OT2). l-6 Whenjumpered,the bottompair of pins on P8, labeledG, connectsa I kilohm pull-down resistorto the output of a high-impedancetri-statedriver which carriesthe intemrpt requestsignal.This pull-down resistordrives tle intemrptrequestline low wheneverintemrptsarenot active.Wheneveran intemrptrequestis made,the tri-state bufferis enabled,forcingtheoutputhighandgenerating an intemrpLYou canmonitorthe interupt strtusthrough bit 2 in thestatusword (I/O addresslocationBA + 0). After theintemrpthasbeenserviced,theresetcommand returnstheIRQ line low, disablingthetri-statebuffer,andpulling theouput low again. Figurel-9 showsthis circuit.Becausetheintemrptrequestline is drivenlow only by thepull-downresistor,you canhavetwo or more boardswhich sharethe sameIRQ channel.You can tell which boardissuedthe intemlpt requestby monitoring each board'sIRQ statusbit. NOTE: Whenyou usemultipleboardsthatsharethesameinterrupt,only oneboardshouldhavethe G jumper installed.Therestshouldbe disconnected. Wheneveryou operatea singleboard,theG jumper shouldbe installed- INT SOURGE IRO STATUS INTERRUPT g" Fig. 1-9- PullingDownthe InterruptRequestLine P9 - DAC 1 Output VoltageRange(Factory Setting:+5 to -5 volts) This headerconnector,shownin Figurel-10, setstheoutputvoltagerangefor DAC 1 at 0 to +5, +5, 0 to +10, +10 volts.Two jumpersmustbe installed,oneto selecttherangeandoneto selectthemultiplier.The two or rightmostjumpersselecttherange,bipolar(15) or unipolar(5). Thetwoleftmostjumpersselectthe multiplier,X2 or Xl. Whena jumperis on the X2 multiplierpins,therangevaluesbecome+10 and 10.The tablebelowshowsthe four possiblecombinationsof jumpersettings,andthediagramshowsthefactorysetting.This headerdoesnot have to be setthesameasPl0. Jumpers(Leftto Blght) VoltageRange x2 x1 r5 5 -5 to +5 volts OFF ON ON OFF 0 to +5 volts OFF ON OFF ON -10 to +10 volts ON OFF ON OFF 0 to +10volts ON OFF OFF ON t-7 P9 DACl :II: x2x1+5 5 Fig. 1-10- DAC 1 OutputVoltageRangeJumper,P9 P10- DAC 2 Output VoltageRange(Factory Setting:+5 to -5 volts) This headerconnector,shownin Figurel-l l, setstheoutputvoltagerangefor DAC 2 at 0 to +5, +5, 0 to +10, or +10 volts.Two jumpersmustbe installed,oneto selecttherangeandoneto selectthe multiplier.The two rightmostjumpersselecttherange,brpolar(15) or unipolar(5). The two leftmostjumpersselectthemultiplier,X2 or Xl. Whena jumperis on the X2 multiplierpins,therangevaluesbecome+10 and 10.The tablebelowshowsthe four possiblecombinationsof jumpersettings,andthediagramshowsthefactorysetting.This headerdoesnot have to be setthe sameasP9. Jumpers(Leftto Right) Voltage Range and Polarity x2 x1 r5 5 -5 to +5 volts OFF ON ON OFF 0 to +5 volts OFF ON OFF ON -10 to +10 volls ON OFF ON OFF 0 to +10volts ON OFF OFF ON P10 DAC2 :II: x2x1r5 5 Fig.1-11- DAC2 OutputVottageRangeJumper,pl0 Pll - A/D Data Word Bit StateSet (Factory Setting: +/-) This headerconnector,shownin Figurel-12, setsthe stateof theunusedfour bits in the 8-bit MSB of ttre l6-bit AID dataword. This headerensuresthat ttresefour topmostbits are setat 0 for unipolar conversionsand at the same stateasthemost,significantbit of the 12-bitA/D converteddatafor bipolarconversions. Chapter4, BA + 1, explainsthis in moredetail.NOTE: Pll and P4 must be set the samefor proper board operation. +l- Set P4 to the same polarityl Pl1 Fig.1-12-AlD DataWordBit StateSet Jumper,p11 l-8 Plz - A/D Converter StatudExternal Gate 2 Monitor (Factory Setting: EOC (A/D Converter Status)) This headerconnector,shownin Figure l-13, les you selecteitherthe A,/Dconverterstatusor the externalgate input of timer/counter2 to be availablefor monitoringat bit 3 of ttrestatusword (BA + 0). The A/D converterstatus providesa direct readof the t"1D converter'savailability for startingconvenions.This line goeslow when a conversionstafis,thengoeshigh when the conversionis completed.Chapter4 providesa moredetailedexplanation of this statussignal. Oor o (, ut uJ Fig.1-13- A/DConverter Status/External Gate2 Monitor Jumper, P12 S1- BaseAddress(FactorySetting:300hex (768decimat)) Oneof themostcommoncausesof failurewhenyou areflustrying your boardis addresscontention.Someof your computer'sI/O spaceis alreadyoccupiedby internalI/O and otherperipherals.When the 1200boardattempts to useI/O addresslocationsalreadyusedby anotherdevice,contentionresultsand the boarddoesnot work. To avoidtttisproblem,the 1200hasan easilyaccessible five-positionDIP swirch,51, which lets you selectany oneof 32 startingaddresses in thecomputer'sVO. Shouldthe facory seningof 300 hex (76gdecimal)be unsuitabie for your system,you can selecta different baseaddresssimply by settingthe switchesto any oneof the valueslisted in Tablel-2.The tableshowsttreswirchsettingsandtheircorresponding decimalandhexadecimal (in parentheses) values.Makesurethatyou verify theorderof theswitchnumberson ttreswirch(l through5) beforesetting*rem. Whentheswitchesarepulledforward,theyareOPEN,or setto logic 1, aslabeledon theDIp swirchpackage.When you setthebaseaddressfor your board,recordthevaluein therableinsidettrebackcover.Figure l-14 showsthe DIP switchsetfor a baseaddressof 300hex (768decimal). Fig.1-14- BaseAddressSwitch,51 l-9 Table1-2- BaseAddressSwltchSettlngs,S1 BaseAddress Decimal/(Hex) Swltch Setting 54321 00000 BaseAddress Decimal/(Hex) 768/ (300) 00001 784tQr0) 10001 00010 8oo/ (320) 10010 s60tQ30) 00011 -816/ (330) 10011 576| (240) 00100 10100 s92tQs0) 00101 832| (340) 848/ (350) 608tQ60) 6U tQ70) 00110 10110 00111 864/ (360) 880/ (370) 640| (280) 01000 896/ (380) 11000 6s6| (290) 01001 en tQn) ll00l 672t QA0) 688/ (2B0) 01010 928/ (3A0) 11010 01011 9M t(380) ll0ll 704 tQC0) 01100 960/ (3C0) 11100 720tQm) 01101 976tQrn) 11101 736t(2E0) 7s2| (2F0) 01110 9e2t(3E0) 1008/ (3F0) 11110 sn tQ00) s28| (2ro) su t(220) 0ltll Switch Settlng 5432'l 10000 10101 10111 11111 0 = c l o s e d1, = o p e n Pull-up/Pull-downResistorson Digital VO Lines The 8255programmableperipheralinrerfaceprovides 16TTI/CMOS compatibledigiral VO lines which canbe interfacedwith externaldevices.Theselines aredivided into threegroups: eight Port A lines, four port C Lower lines, and four Port C Upper lines. (The eight lines of Port B are usedfor internal boardfunctions.)You can insall and connectpull-up or pull-down resistorsfor any or all of thesethreegroupsof lines. You may want to pull lines up for connectionto switches.This will pull theline high whentheswitchis disconnected. Or, you may wantto pull lines down for connectionto relayswhich control urning motorson and off. Thesemotorsturn on when the digitat lines controlling them are high. The Port A line.sof the 8255automaticallypower up as inputs,which can float high during the few momentsbeforethe boardis first initialized. This cancausethe externaldevicesconnectedto these lines to operateerratically. By pulling theselines down, whenthe dataacquisitionsystemis first hrned on, the motorswill not switchon beforethe 8255is initialized. To usethepull-up/pull-downfeature,you mustfirst ins0all10kilohm resistorpacksin any or all of thethree locationsnearthe8255,labeledPA, PCL, andPCH.PA akes a lGpin pack,andPCL andPCH take6-pin packs. Figure 1-l5 showsa blowupof thePA, PCL, andPCH resistorpacklocations. After theresistorpacksareinstalled,you mustconnecttheminto ttrecircuit aspull-upsor pull-downs.Locate the three-holepadson ttreboardbelow the resistorpacks.They are labeledG (for ground)on one end and V (for +5V) on theotherend.The middleholeis common.PA is for Port A, PCL is for Port C Lower, andpCH is for port C Upper.Figure l-15 showsttresepads.To operateaspull-ups,soldera jumperwire betweenthecommonpin (middlepin of tlrethree)andthe V pin. For pull-downs,soldera jumperwire berweentlrecommonpin (middlepin) andtheG pin. Figurel-16 showsPort A lines with pull-ups,PortC lower with pull-downs,andPort C Upperwith no resistors. l-10 S$FE;EEEHH i5ffieEiEggstr :E: H "lJ"f oooo oooooo oor oo oo* oo oooooo oooo gfrlgg ffiL,L ;ffi];E,f,sp ffi:-*:WI oooooo oooooooo oo oo oo. oo *' 33 33 oooooooo oooooo Fig.1-15- Pull-up/Pull-down Resistor Circuitry 8255 ( PORT AJ (PA0-7) 1 ( PoRT c r LOWER 1 (PAo.3) [ PORT C T l'l^::; 1 Fig.1-16- Addingpuil-upsand putt_downs to Digitatt/O Lines Resistor Configurable Gain Thel200hasresitorconfigurable gainb c11om1ze. thegainseningfor a i:l,Hr[[ H#:,T,fr:" uptheboaio roragainoron.ifi-'ffi;r apprication. Notethat when ,n"ro-lpecific input .r,i,inrriw'r operate onry at Theresisror configurable gainis derived Rl and-R2, trimpotTR4,andcapacibrc36,all locatedin theuppertt'"* -o'tiehi;;'#,i; by addingresislors board:The;e;i;r^ -o trimpotiombin"to ,"t rhegain, in theformulain Figure1-17'ca;;ilor asshown yourinputsignalis a slowlycrrangingcii i. p-"lo"a ,o n"iv"" Jrr low-pass filreringin thegaincircuit.If one;;;"" "oo do it ata.higher capacitor at c36in order,oredu": n"" itp* il;qu€ncynorneed,;;;;* B@,youmaywanrto adda range and in turn reduce formulafor settingthefrequencv ttre noise on'yourinputsignar.The is givenin ttreoiagram.Hg* i-rirn"*, lJ;;;;l#itry is configured. As shownin Figure1'77' asoldershort mustberemoved from trreboardto activatethegaincircuiry. onthebottom This sideofneboarJ ::l#:ffled uno errJ7ra'D;i;ic1.rig* l-18shows rierocation or*re ol OI '{:1" El lFl oHo ^ ooooooooooo iooooooooooq* *r*(f, lf l -.olJ:id6615-ooo#gj oooo oooooo OOr OO oo.B oo oooooo oooo lo IO RemoveSolder Short BetweenThese2 Padson BottomSldeof Board @ HEtr;EiEiESEi k&,ffF'EP oooooo oooooooo oo oo oor oo *. 33 33 oooooooo oooooo Fig.1-18- Diagram lor Rernovalof SolderShort CHAPTER2 BOARD INSTALLATION The 12ffi is easyto installin your IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible computer.It canbe placedin any slot,shortor full-size.This chaptertells you step-by-step how to install andconnectthe board. After you haveinstalledthe boardandmadeall of your connections,you canturn your systemon andrun the 1200DIAG boarddiagnosticsprogramincludedon your examplesoftwaredisk to verify that your boardis working. Board Installation Keep the boardin its antistaticbag until you arereadyto install il in your computer.Whenremoving it from the bag,hold theboardat theedgesanddo not touchthecomponents or connectors. Beforeinstallingtheboardin your computer,checkthejumperandswirchsettings.Chapter1 reviewsthe factory settingsand how to changethem.If you needto changeany settings,refer to the appropriateinsEuctionsin Chapterl. Note that incompatiblejumper settingscanresult in unpredictableboardoperationand erraticresponse. To installtheboard: 1. Turn OFF thepowerto your computer. 2. Removethe top coverof the computerhousing(referm yourowner'smanualif you do not alreadyknow how to do this). 3. Selectany unusedshortor full-sizeexpansionslotandremovethe slot bracket. 4. Touchthe metal housingof the computerto dischargeany staticbuildup and thenremovettreboardfrom its antistaticbag. 5. Holdingtheboardby its edges,orientit so thatits cardedge@us)connectorlinesup with the expansionslot connectorin thebottomof theselectedexpansionslot. 6. After carefullypositioningtheboardin the expansionslot,sothatthecardedgeconnectoris restingon the computer'sbusconnector,gentlyandevenlypressdownon theboarduntil it is securedin ttreslot. NOTE: Do not forcetheboardinto the slot.If theboarddoesnot slideinto place,removeit andtry again. Wiggling the boardor exertingtoo muchpressurecanresultln damageto the boardor to the computer. 7. After the boardis installed,securethe slot bracketback inlo placeandput the coverback on your computer. The boardis now readyto be connectedvia the externalVO connectorat the rear panelof your computer. ExternalVO Connections Figure2-l showsthe 1200'sP2UO connectorpinout.Referto this diagramasyou makeyour I/O connections. AINI AIN9 AIN2 AINlO AIN3 AINIl AIN' AINl2 atil5 AINI3 atil6 AINl' AINT AINIs AIN8 AINl6 AOUTT AIIALOG GND AOUT2 ANALOG OND Ail LOG GI{O ANALOO GND PA7 PC7 PA5 PC6 PA5 PC5 PA' POI PA3 PC3 PA2 PC2 PAI PCt PAO PC0 T R I G G E RI N OIGITALGND EXT GATE 1 T/C OUT r TRIGGEBOUT T/C OUT 2 EXTCLK EXT GATE 2 +12VOLTS +5 VOLTS .r2 volTs D I O I T A LO N D Fig.2-1- PZ VOConnectorPinAssignments 2-3 Connectingthe AnalogInput Pins Connectthe high sideof theanaloginput to oneof theanaloginputchannels,AINI throughAIN16, and connectthelow sideo an ANALOG GND (pins 18and2A-22onP2).Figure2-2 showshow rheseconnections are made. NOTE: It is goodpracticeto connectall unusedchannelsto ground,asshownin thefollowing diagrams. Failure to do so may affect the accuracyof your results. I 200 I'O CONNECTOR P2 I I SIGNAL 7 PIN,I souRcE| ' 1 our( Inno I a a AIN I a a a a . ilux a O U T+ SIGNAL I jouRcE [ ' 15 ourJ + A t Nt 5 OUT . (GNc PIN 16 AIN I5 PIN 22 Fig.2-2- AnalogInputConnections Connectingthe Trigger In and Trigger Out Pins, CascadingBoards The 1200boardhasan externaltrigger input (P2-39)and output(Y243) so that conversionscanbe started basedon externalevents,or so that two or moreboardscanbe cascadedand run synchronouslyin a "master/slave" configuration.By cascadingtwo (or more)boardsas shownin Figure 2-3, theycanbe triggeredto startan A/D conversionat thesametime (samplinguncertaintyis lessttran50 nanoseconds). Whenyou cascade boards,be sure to set eachboardfor a different baseaddress(seeChapterl), or systemcontentionwill result. NOTE: When cascadingboards,the samplinguncertaintyis lessthan 50 nanoseconds. If this level of uncertainty is too geat for your application,you canconnectthe trigger signalto the rigger input of eachboard.In this configuration,the boardsare not cascaded,but ratherdriven by the sametrigger pulseat the sametime, and the samplinguncertaintyis reducedto lessthan5 nanoseconds. If you applyan externaltriggerto theboard'sniggerin pin, notethata jumpershouldbe instauedon ET on p7 (seeChapter1). The boardis triggeredon thepositiveedgeof thepulseandthepulsedurationshouldbe at least100 nanoseconds. 24 B O A R DT 1 (MASTER) T R I G G E RO U T BOARO T2 (SLAVE) T R I G G E RI N Fig. 2-3 - CascadingTwo Boardsfor SimultaneousSampling Connectingthe AnalogOutputs(ADA1200Only) For eachof thetwo D/A outputs,connectthe high sideof thedevicereceivingtheoutputto theAOUT channel F2-17 orP2-19)andconnectthelow sideof the deviceto an ANALOG GND (P2-tS orp2-20). Connectingthe Timer/Countersand Digital UO For all of theseconnections,the high sideof an externalsignalsourceor destinationdeviceis connectedto the appropriatesignalpin on the P2 I/O connectorand the low sideis connectedto any DIGITAL GND. Running the I200DIAG DiagnosticsProgram Now that your boardis readyto use,you will want to try it out. An easy-to-use,menu-drivendiagnostics program,1200DIAG,is includedwith your examplesoftwareto help you verify your board' can also usethis programto makesurethat your curent baseaddresssettingdoesnot contendwith anotherdevice. 2-5 CHAPTER3 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION This chapterdescribesthefeaturesof the 1200hardware.The majorcircuitsarethe A/D, the D/A, thetimer/counters, andthe digital VO lines.This chapteralsodescribesthehardware-selectableintemrpts. The 1200boardhasfour major circuits, the A/D, the D/A (ADA1200 only), the timer/counters,and rhedigitat I/O lines. Figure 3-1 showsthe block diagtamof ttreboard.This chapterdescribesthe hardwarewhich makesup the major circuits and hardware-selectable intemrpts. Fig.3-1- AD1200/ADA1 200BlockDiagram A/D ConversionCircuitry The1200performsanalog-to-digital conversions on up to 16 single-ended software-selectable analoginput channels.The followingparagraphs describettreA/D circuitry. AnalogInputs The input voltagerangeis jumper-selectable for -5 to +5 volts,-10 to +10 volts,or 0 to +10 volts.Resistor configurablegain letsyou amplify lower level signalsto morecloselymatchtheboard'sinput ranges.This gain circiutry is describedin Chapter1. Overvoltageprotectionto +35 volts is providedat theinputs. A/D Converter The AD678 12-bitsuccessive approximationA/D convert€raccuratelydigitizesdynamicinput voltagesin 5 microseconds, for a maximumthroughputrateof 200kHz for theconverteralone.The AD678 containsa sampleand-holdamplifier,a 72-bitA/D converter,a 5-voltreference,a clock,anda digitatinterfaceto providea complete A/D conversionfunctionon a singlechip.Irs low-powerCMOSlogic combinedwith a high-precision, low-noise designgive you accurateresults. Conversionsare initiated throughsoftware(internally riggered) or by using an extemaltrigger broughtonto the boardthroughthe I/O conneclor.An on-boardpacerclock canbe usedto control the conversionrate. Conversion modesaredescribedin Chapter4, Board OperationandProgramming. 3-3 Data Transfer The converteddatacanbe tansfened throughthePC databus to PC memoryin oneof two ways: by usingthe microprocessoror by using direct memoryaccess(DMA). Databus transferstakemore processortime to e*ecute. They usepolling and intemtpts to determinewhen datahasbeenacquiredand is readyfor transfer.DMA places da0adirectlyinto thePC's memory,onebyteat a time,with minimaluseof processortime. DMA transfersare managedby the DMA controllerasa backgroundfunction of the PC, letting you operateat higher throughputrates. Themaximumthroughputrateof the 1200is 125kHz. D/A Converters(ADA1200Only) Two independentl2-bitanalogoutputchannelsareincludedon theADAI200. Theanalogoutputsaregenerjumper-selectable atedby two l2-bit D/A converterswith independent outputrangesof +5, +10, 0 to +5, orb to +10 volts.The110 volt rangehasa resolutionof 4.88millivolts,the+5 and0 to +10 volt rangeshavea resolutionof 2.44millivolts, andthe0 to +5 volt rangehasa resolutionof 1.22millivolts. Timer/Counters An8254 programmableinterval timer providesthree16-bit, 8 MHz timer/countersto supporta wide rangeof timing andcountingfunctions.Two of the timer/counters, TCOandTCl, arecascaded so thattheycanbe usedfor thepacerclock.Thepacerclock is describedin Chapter4. You canusetheremainingtimer/counter, TC2, for countingapplications, or cascade it to TCOandTCI for timing applications. Figure3-2 showsthetimer/counter circuiry. Eachtimer/counterhastwo inputs,CLK in andGATE in, andoneoutput,timer/counterOUT. They canbe programmedasbinary or BCD down counten by writing the appropriatedatato the commandword, as describedin Chapter4. Thecommandword alsoletsyou setup themodeof operation.The six programmable modesare: Mode0 Mode I Mode 2 Mode 3 EventCounter(Intemrpton TerminalCount) Hardware-Retriggerable One-Shot RateGenerator SquareWaveMode !-tru i ------l TITER/ COUI{TER 0 CLK 1200 I/O CONNECTOR ?2 TO A/D TRIGGER XTAL EC1 F- 8 MHz I I I EXT CLK GATE OUT EXT GATE 1 prr{gglrnrecen rN rt* o11116er1l ., CLK 2 L----__-__.; Fig.3-2- 8254Timer/Gounter CircuitBlockDiagram Mode 4 Mode 5 Software-TriggeredStrobe HardwareTriggeredStrobe(Retriggerable) Thesemodesaredetailedin *re 8254DataSheet,reprintedfrom Intel in AppendixC. Digital VO, ProgrammablePeripheralInterface The programmableperipheralinterface@PI) is usedfor digital VO functions.This high-performanceTlLl CMOS compatiblechip has24 digital I/O lines divided into two goups of 12 lines each: GroupA - Port A (8 lines)andPortC Upper(4 lines); GroupB ----Port B (8 lines)andPort C Lower (4 lines). Port A andPort C areavailableat the externalI/O connector,p2. port B is dedicatedto on-boardfunctionsand is not availablefor your use.You can usethe 16 lines of PortsA andC in one of thesethreePPI operatingmodes: Mode 0 - Basicinput/output.Lets you usesimpleinput and outputoperationfor a porL Datais written to or readfrom the specifiedport. Mode I - Strobedinput/output.I-es you transferIIO datafrom Port A in conjunctionwittr strobesor handshakingsignals. Mode2 - Strobedbidirectionalinput/output.I*ts you communicate bidirectionallywittr an externaldevice throughPort A. Handshaking is similarto Mode 1. Thesemodesaredetailedin the8255DataSheet,reprintedfrom Intel in AppendixC. Interrupts The 1200hasfourjumper-selectable intemrptsources:end-of-convert, DMA done,the externaltrigger,andthe outputof timer/counter2. The end-of+onvertsignalcanbe usedto interruptthe computerwhen an A/D convenion is completed.The DMA doneis usedin the DMA modeto generatean intemtpt whenevera DMA transferis completed.The externaltrigger at the VO connectorcanbe usedto generatean intemrpt wheneverthe nigger line changesstatesfrom low to high.Or, theoutputof timer/counter 2 cangenerate an intemrptwheneverrhecount reaches0. Chapter1 tells you how to set thejumperson the intemrpt headerconnectorP7, and Chapter4 describes how to programintemrpts. 3-5 CHAPTER 4 BOARDOPERATIONAND PROGRAMMING This chaptershowsyou how to programanduseyour 1200 board.It providesa completedescriptionof the VO map,a detailed descriptionof programmingoperationsandoperatingmodes,and flow diagramsto aid you in programming.The exampleprograms includedon the disk in your boardpackagearelistedat theendof this chapter.Theseprograms,writtenin TurboC, TurboPascal, andBASIC, includesourcecodeto simplify your applications programming. 4-l Definingthe VO Map The I/O mapfor theADl200 andADA1200is shownin Table4-1 below.As shown,theboardoccupies16 I/O port locations.Thebaseaddress(designated consecutive asBA) canbe selectedusingDIP switchSI asdescribedin Chapterl, Board Settings.This switchcanbe accessed withoutremovingtheboardfrom thecomputer. S1 is factorysetat 300 hex (768decimal).Thefollowing sectionsdescribetheregistercontenrsof eachaddressused in theI/O map. ."Table/t-1--ADl200/ADA1200t/O Map ReglsterDescription ReadFunction ReadStatus/Start Convert Readslatusword WriteFunction Address' (Declmal) StartA/D conversion BA+0 Read converteddata, LSB first,then MSB Simultaneously update DAC1 andDAC2 (ADA1200 only) B A +1 Reset Not used Resets board so that it is readyto start A/D conversions B A +2 Reserved Notused ReadData/Update DACs 8255PPIPortA Notused ProgramPortA digitaloutput ReadPortA dighalinputlines lines 8255PPIPortB (Ghannel/Board Functions)R eadPortB bits 8255PPIPortC Programchannel;external triggerenable,IRQenable ProgramPortC digitaloutput Read Port C digitalinput lines lines BA+3 BA+4 BA+5 BA+6 8255PPlControlWord Notused ProgramPPIconfiguration BA+7 S2S4TimerlCounter 0 (Usedfor pacer clock) Loadcountregister B A +8 Loadcountregister BA+9 Loadcountregister B A +1 0 Programcountermode BA+ 1'l Notused ProgramDAC1LSB B A +1 2 Nol used ProgramDAC1MSB B A +1 3 Notused ProgramDAC2LSB B A +1 4 Not used ProgramDAC2MSB B A +1 5 Readcount value 8254Timer/Counter 1 (Usedfor pacerclock) Readcount value 8254Timer/Counter 2 (Available for externaluse) Readcount value S254TimerlCounter ControlWord Notused D/AConverter 1 LSB (ADA1200 only) D/AConverter 1 MSB (ADA1200 only) D/AConverter 2 LSB (ADA1200 only) D/AConverter 2 MSB (ADA1200 only) * BA = BaseAddress 4-3 BA + 0: ReadStatudStart Convert (ReadlWrite) A readprovidesthefive statusbits definedbelow.Theend-of-convert bit goeshigh whena conversionis completeand doesnot go low until the datais read,usefulinformationwhen using externaltriggering to start conversions. The DMA donebit goeshigh whenyou arein theDMA modeandtheDMA transferis complete.The IRQ statusbit goeshigh whenan intemrpthasoccunedandstayshigh until a resetcommandis sent(BA + 2). D3 showsthe statusof either the A/D converterstatussignalor the externalgateinput for timer/counter2, dependingon thesettingofjumper P12.Unlike theEOC slatusat bit 0, theA/D converters[atusgoeslow whena conversionstarts andthengoeshigh assoonastheconversionis completed.Whentheinput hasbeensampledanda conversionis in progress,this line goeslow. At this time,the analoginput channelcanbe changed,allowingmaximumthroughput for channelscanning. A write stafrsan A/D conversion(datawritten is irrelevant). D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO A/D CONVERTER Starus o=convertinS 1=notconverting EXTGATE2 Status monitors externalgate 2line End-ol l-of-Convert | | O = no n oEOC | | 1 = cconversion or I I done | | DMADone I 0 = DMAnotdone IRQStatus 1 = DMAdone 0=NolRQ 1= IRQ BA + 1: ReadA/D Data/UpdateDAC Outputs (ReadAilrite) Two successive readsprovidetheLSB first, followedby ttreMSB, for eachA/D conversion,asdefinedbelow. If a conversionis srartedbeforethis datais readfrom thepreviousconversion,thedatawill be lost.Whenjumpers on P4 andPl I are setfor bipolar conversions,ttredataword's four most significantbits matcht}remost signifiiant bit of the A/D converteddataOit I l). This is necessaryto provide the correcttwos complementrepresentationof theconverteddata.WhenP4 andPl1 aresetfor unipolarconversions, thesetop four bits are0. LSB MSB D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO Bir7 Bir6 Bits Bit4 Bir3 Bit2 Bir1 Bit0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO Bit11 Bit11 Bit11 Bit9 BitI Bir11 Bir11 Bir10 A write simultaneouslystartsa D/A conversionin both DACs (datawritten is irrelevant).If ttredatawritten to eitherchannelhasnot beenupdatedsincethe lastconversion,theoutputofthe corresponding DAC will not change. BA + 2: Reset(Write Only) Resetsinternal registersso that ttreboardis readyto startconversions.The datawritten is irrelevant;the act of writing to thisaddressclearstheboard.A resetcommandsetsthe internalbyte pointerto readtheLSB on the next read,reserstheDRQ andIRQ registers,androsets(clears)theDMA donebit, BA + 0, bit l. BA + 3: Reserved AA BA + 4: PPI Port A - Digital VO (Read/Write) Transfersthe 8-bit Port A digital input and digital outputdatabetweenthe boardandan externaldevice.A read transfersdatafrom the externaldevice,ttrroughV2,andino PPI Port A; a write transfersthe written datafrom Port A throughP2 to an extemaldevice. BA + 5: PPI Port B - ChanneVBoardFunctionsSelect(ReadAVrite) Programsthe analoginput channel,and enablesthe IRQ andexternaltrigger. Readingthis registershowsyou thecurrentsettings. D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 IRQEnable Enabl 0 = IRQdisabled 1 = IRQenabled D1 DO Analoglnput ChannelSelect 0000= channel1 1000= channel9 0001= channel 2 1001= channel 10 0010= channel 3 1010=channelll 0 0 1 1= c h a n n e l 4 1 0 1 1= c h a n n e1l2 0100 = channel 5 1 1 0 0 = c h a n n1e3l 0101= channel 6 1101= channel 14 0110= channel 7 1 1 1 0 = c h a n n1e5l 0 1 1 1= c h a n n e l S1 1 1 1= c h a n n e1 l6 ExternalTriggerEnable 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled BA + 6: PPI Port C - Digital UO (Read/Write) Transfersthe two 4-bit Port C digital input and digital outputdatagroups@ort C Upper andPort C Lower) betweenthe boardandan extemaldevice.A readtransfersdatafrromthe externaldevice,throughY2, andino PPI Port C; a write Sansfersthe written daa from Port C throughP2 to an externaldevice. BA + 7: 8255PPI Control Word (Write Only) Whenbit 7 of this word is setto l, a write programsttrePPI configuration.The PPI mustbe programmedso thatPort B is a Mode 0 outputport,asshownbelow(X = don't care). D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 DO -l Mode Set F,"s i 1 = active 1", rde Seler>t is: I t, D1 = mode t = mode = modeI I I I I I I I I fr"rl | | I I | I | I Port A 0 = output 1 = input PortC t C Lower o =output oul 1 = iinput np PortB o = outPut 1 = inpur I | I ModeSelEct 0=mode0 1=mode1 L- -__o3t_tJ The tablebelow showsthe control words for the 16possibleMode 0 Port VO combinations.The control words which setPort B asan input cannotbe usedon the 1200. 8255Port l/O Flow Directionand ControlWords,Mode0 GroupA GroupB ControlWord PortA Port C Upper Port B PortC Lower Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Binary Decimal Hex 10000000 128 80 Input 10000001 129 81 Input Output 10000010 130 82 Output Input Input 10000011 131 83 Output Input Output Output 10001000 136 88 Output Input Output Input 10001001 137 89 Output lnput Input Output 10001010 138 8A Output Input Input lnpul 10001011 139 8B Input Output Output Output 10010000 144 90 Inpul Output Output Input 10010001 145 91 Input Output Inpul Output 10010010 146 92 Input Output Input Input 10010011 147 93 lnput Input Output Output 10011000 152 98 Input lnput Outpul lnput 10011001 153 99 lnput Input Input Output 10011010 154 9A Input Input lnput Input 10011011 155 9B Whenbit 7 of $e PPI conrol word is setto 0, a write canbe usedto individually programthe Port C lines. D7 D6 D5 D4 SeUResel set FunctionBit 0 = active D3 D2 Bit Select 000= PCo 001= Pc1 010= PC2 0 1 1= P C 3 100= Pc4 101= PC5 1 1 0= P C 6 1 1 1= P C 7 4-6 D1 DO Blt Set/Reset Sel 0=sel bitto0 1=setbittol For example,if you want to setPort C bit 0 to l, you would setup thecontrolword so thatbit 7 is 0; bits l, 2, and3 are0 (this selectsPC0);andbit 0 is 1 (this setsPCOto l). Theconrrolword is setup like rhis: SetsPCOto 1: (writtento BA+7) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 X = don'tcare SeUReset FunctlonBlr DO Set PCO Bit Select 000= PCO BA + 8: 8254Timer/Counter 0 (ReadAVrite) A readshowsthe countin thecounter,anda write loadsthecounterwitl a newvalue.Countingbeginsassoon asthecountis loaded.This counteris cascaded with TCI to form the 32-biton-boardpacerclock. BA + 9: 8254Timer/Counter1(ReadMrite) A readshowsthe countin thecounter,anda write loadsthecounterwith a new value.Countingbeginsassoon as the count is loaded.This counteris cascadedwith TCOto form fte 32-bit on-boardpacerclock. BA + 10: 8254Timer/Counter 2 (Read/Write) A readshowsthe countin thecounter,anda write loadsthecounterwith a newvalue.Countingbeginsassoon asthecountis loaded.This countercanbe cascaded to TCOandTCI or it canbe usedindependently. BA + 11: 8254Control Word (Write Only) Accesses the 8254controlregisterto directlycontrolthethreetimer/counters. D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO BCD/Binary 0 = binary 1=BCD CounterSelect Selec 00 = Counter0 01 = Counter1 10= Counter 2 11 = readbacksetting Read/Load 00 = latchingoperalion 01 = read/load LSBonly 10 = read/load MSBonly 11= read/load LSB,thenMSB 4-7 CounterMode Select Counter 000= Mode0, evenlcount 001= Mode1, programmable 1-shot 010= Mode2, rategenerator 011 = Mode3, squarewaverategenerator 100= Mode4, software-lriggered strobe 101= Mode5, hardware-triggered strobe BA + 12: D/A Converter l LSB: ADA1200(Write Onty) Programsthe DACI LSB (eightbia). BA + 13: D/A Converterl MSB: ADA1200(Write Onty) ProgramstheDACI MSB (four bits) into D0 throughD3; DztthroughD7 ae inelevant. BA + 14: D/A Converter 2 LSB: ADA1200(Write Only) hograms theDAC2"LSB(eightbis). BA + 15: D/A Converter2 MSB: ADA1200(Write Only) Programsthe DAC2 MSB (four bits) into D0 ttuoughD3; D,l throughD7 arc inelevanl DACLSB DACMSB D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO Bir7 Bit 6 Bit5 Bit4 Bir3 Bir2 Bit 1 Bit 0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO Bit11 Bir10 BirI BitI X 4-8 Programmingthe 1200 This sectiongives you somegeneralinformationaboutprogrammingand the 1200board,and thenwalks you throughthemajor 1200programmingfunctions.Thesedescriptions will help you asyou usetheexampleprograms includedwith the boardand the programmingflow diagramsat the end of this chapter.All of the programdescriptionsin this sectionusedecimalvaluesunlessotherwisespecified. The 1200is programmedby writing to andreadingfrom the correctVO port locationson the board.TheseI/O portsweredefinedin theprevioussection.Most high-levellanguages suchasBASIC, Pascal,C, andC++, andof courseassemblylanguage,makeit very easyto read/writethesepors. The tablebelow showsyou how to readfrom and write to I/O ports using somepopularprogramminglanguages. Language BASIC TurboC TurboPascal Assembly REad Data= INP(Address) Write OUTAddress,Data Data= inportb(Address) outportb(Address, Data) Data:= Port[Address] Port[Address] := Data movdx, Address in al,dx movdx, Address moval, Data out dx, al In addition to being able to read/writethe I/O [nrts on the 1200,you must be able o perform a variety of operationsthat you might not normally usein your programming.The tablebelow showsyou someof the operators discussed in this section,with an exampleof how eachis usedwith Pascal,C, andBASIC. Notethat the modulus operatoris usedto retrievethe leastsignificantbyte (LSB) of a two-byte word, and the integerdivision operatoris usedto retrievethe mostsignificantbyte (MSB). Language Modulus IntegerDivlsion c 2,=bo/oC a=b/c AND & a=b&c OR I a=blc Pascal MOD a : = b M O Dc DIV a:=bDlVc AND a:=bANDc OR a:=bORc BASIC MOD a=bMODc \ (backslash) a=b\c AND a=bANDc OR a=bORc Many compilershavefunctionsthat canread/writeeittrer8 or 16bia from/to an I/O port. For example,Turbo PascalusesPort for 8-bit port operationsandPortW for 16bits,TurboC usesinportb for an 8-bit readofa port andinport for a 16-bitread.Be sure to useonly 8-bit operationswith the 1200! Clearingand SettingBits in a Port Whenyou clearor setoneor morebits in a port, you mustbe carefulthatyou do not changethe satus of the otherbits. You canpreservethe statusof all bits you do not wish to changeby properuseof the AND and OR binary operators.Using AND and OR, singleor multiple bits canbe easilyclearedin one operation. To clear a singlebit in a port, AND thecurrentvalueof theport with thevalueb, whereb = /JJ - 2tat. Example: Clearbit 5 in a port.Readin thecurrentvalueof theporr,AND itwith223 (223=255 -X), andthenwrite theresultingvalueto theport.In BASIC, ttrisis programmedas: V = INP (PortAddress) V=VAND223 OUT PortAddress, V 4-9 To seta singlebit in a port, OR thecurent valueof theport with tle valueb, whereb = 2h,. Example: Setbit 3 in a port.Readin thecurrentvalueof theport, OR it with 8 (8 = 23),andthen write the resulting valueto theport. In Pascal,ttris is programmedas: V :: Poqt [PortAddress] ,. V := V OR 8; Port [PortAddress] := V; just aseasily.To clear multiplebits in a port, Settingor clearingmorethanonebit at a time is accomplished = AND the culrent value of the port with the valueb, whereb 255 (the sum of the valuesof the bits to be cleared). Notethatthebits do not haveto be consecutive. Example:Clearbits2,4,and6inaport.Readinthecunentvalueoftheport,ANDitwithlTl (171= 255 - 22- 2n- ?i), andthenwrite theresultingvalueto tre port. In C, this is programmed as: v = inportb(pbrt_address) ; v=v&171; outportb (port_address, v) ; To set multiplebits in a port, OR thecurrentvalueof theport with the valueb, whereb = the sumof the individualbits to be set.Notethatthebits to be setdo not haveto be consecutive. Example: Setbis 3, 5, and7 in a port.Readin thecurrentvalueof theport, OR it with 168 (168= 23+ 25+ 27),andthenwrite theresultingvaluebacko theport. In assemblylanguage,this is programmed as: mov dx, PortAddress in aI, dx or al, 168 out dx, a1 Often,assigninga rangeof bits is a mixtureof settingandclearingoperations.You cansetor cleareachbit individually or usea fastermethodof first clearingall the bits in the rangethen settingonly thosebits that mustbe setusingthe methodshownabovefor settingmultiplebits in a port.The following exampleshowshow this twostepoperationis done. Example: Assignbits 3,4, and5 in a port to 101(bits 3 and5 set,bit 4 cleared).First,readin the port andclearbis 3,4, and5 by ANDing themwith 199. Thensetbits 3 and5 by ORingthem with 40, andfinally write theresultingvaluebackto theport In C, this is programmedas: v = inportb (port_address),. v=vCL99; ]"io]'Jotf,o..-"oo.."", v),. A final note: Don't be intimidatedby ttrebinary operatorsAND and OR and try to useoperatorsfor which you havea betterintuition.For instance,if you aretemptedto useadditionandsubtractionto setandclearbits in place of themethodsshownabove,DON'T! Additionandsubtractionmay seemlogical,but theywill not work if you try to cleara bit that is alreadyclearor seta bit that is alreadyset.For example,you might think that to set bit 5 of a port, you simply need!o readin the port, add32 (25)to that value,and thenwrite ttreresultingvalue back to the port. This works fine if bit 5 is not alreadyset.But, what happenswhenbit 5 rt alreadyset?Birs 0 to 4 will be unaffected andwe can't sayfor surewhathappensto bits 6 and7,but we cansayfor surethatbit 5 endsup clearedinsteadof being set.A similar problemhappenswhen you usesubtractionto cleara bit in placeof the methodshownabove. Now that you know how to clear andsetbits, we arereadyto look at ttreprogrammingstepsfor the 1200board functions. 4-10 A"/DConversions The following paragraphswalk you throughthe programmingstepsfor performingA,/D conversions.Detailed informationaboutthe conversionmodesis presentedin this section.You canfollow thesestepson the flow diagums at theendof ttrischapterandin our exampleprogramsincludedwith theboard.In this discussion,BA refers to thebaseaddress. . Initializingthe 8255PPI The eightPort B linesof the 8255PPI controlthechannelselection,programmable IRQ, andexternalnigger andDMA enable.Port B is programmed at I/O addresslocationBA + 5: D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO Analoglnput ChannelSelect 0000= channel1 1000 = channel9 0001= channel 2 1 0 0 1= c h a n n e 1l 0 0 0 1 0 = c h a n n e l130 1 0 = c h a n n e1 l1 0 0 1 1= c h a n n e l 4 1 0 1 1= c h a n n e1l 2 0100 = channel 5 1't00 = channel13 0101= channel 6 11 0 1= c h a n n e 1l 4 0110= channel 7 1 1 1 0 = c h a n n e1 l5 0 1 1 1= c h a n n e l S1 1 1 1 = c h a n n e l 1 6 IRQ Enabl Enable 0 = IRQ disabled ;abled 1 = IRQ enabled rabled ExternalTriggerEnable 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled To usePort B for thesecontrolfunctions,the 8255mustbe initializedso thatPort B is setup asa Mode0 outputport.This is doneby writing this datato thePPIcontrolword at VO addressBA + 7 (X = don't care): D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO . Clearingthe Board It is goodpracticeto sta$ your programby reseuingthe 1200board.You can do this by writing to the RESET port locatedat BA + Z.The actualvalue you write to this port is irelevanl After resettingthe boardfollowing power-up,it is a good idea to takean AlD readingandthrow it awayto makesurethe converteris initialized and containsno unwanteddata. . Selectinga Channel To selecta conversionchannel,you mustassignvaluesto bits 0 through3 in thePPIPort B port at BA + 5. The tablebelowshowsyou how to determinethebit settings. x x x x BA+5 cH3 cH2 cHl cH0 cH3 cH2 cH1 cH0 cH3 cH2 cH1 cH0 1 I 0 0 I 1 0 0 1 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 11 1 0 1 0 0 I a I 12 1 0 1 0 13 { I I 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 t 1 I 0 14 15 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 16 1 1 Channel 4 5 b 0 7 t' 0 Channel 4-11 I 1 1 I . Enabling and Disabling the External Trigger Any time you usethe externaltrigger or thepacerclock, this bit at port BA + 5 mustbe set high to enableA/D conversions. . Enablingand DisablingInterrupts Any time you useintemrpts,ttrisbit at port BA + 5 mustbe sethigh to enabletheIRQ circuitry. . ConversionModes/Triggering The 1200hasthreeriggering (conversion)modes.Figure4-1 showsttretiming diagramfor A/D conversions. This sectiondescribestheconverSion modes. Internal vs. External Triggering. With internaltriggering (alsocalled softwaretriggering),conversionsare initiated by writing a valueto the START COI.{VERTport at BA + 0 on theboard.Wittr externaltriggering, conversionsare initiated by applying a high TTL signalto the extemalTRIGGER IN pin (VZ-39).Any TTL signal canbe usedasa trigger source.In fact, you canusetle timer/counteroutputsasa trigger source. l{- 5 psec--+ | Trigger End-of-Convert (Eoc) Data Read Fig.4-1- A/D Conversion TimingDiagram,Alt Modes 4-r2 Softwaretrigger. In this mode,a singleqpecifiedchannelis sampledwhenevera valueis writtento theSTART COI.MRT port, BA + 0. The activechannelis the one specifiedin the PPI Port B port. This is the easiestof all riggering modes. It canbe usedin a wide variety of applications,suchas sampleevery time a key is pressedon the keyboard,samplewith eachiterationof a loop, or watchthe systemclock and sample everyfive seconds.Seethe SOFITRIG sampleprogam in C andPascaland the SINGLE sampleprogramin BASIC. PacerClock. In this mode,conversions arecontinuouslyperformedat thepacerclock rate.To usethis mode, you mustprogramthe pacer.clock-torun at the desiredrate (seethe pacerclock discussionlater in this chapter).The PCKjumperon P? mustbe installedto usethepacerclock. This is the ideal modefor filling an arraywith data.Triggering is automatic,so your programis sparedrhe choreof monioring the pacerclock to determinewhento sample.Seethe MULTI sampleprogramin C andpascal. External Trigger.In this mode,a singleconversionis initiatedby therising edgeof an extemalriggerpulse. This modeis implementedwhenan externaldeviceis usedto detenninewhento sample.SeetheEXTTRIG sampleprogam in C andPascal. . Starting an A/D Conversion Softwareriggered singleconversionsare start€dby writing ro the START COI\IaERT port ar BA + 0. The valueyou write is irrelevanLFor singleconversions, you mustwrite to ttrisport to initiateeveryconversion. Externallytriggeredsingleconversions andmultipleconversions niggeredby thepacerclock throughthe external rigger arestailedby the lrst pulsepresentafter the extemaltrigger hasbeenenabled. . Monitoring ConversionStatus(DMA Doneor End-of-Convert) The A/D conversionslatuscanbe monitoredthroughthe DMA doneflag or throughthe end-of-convert(EOC) bit in the STATUSport at BA + 0. WhendoingDMA transfers,you will wantto monirorthe DMA doneflag for a transitionfrom low to high.This tellsyou whentheDMA transferis completeanddatahasbeenplacedin thi F€'s memory.TheEOC line is availablefor monitoringconversionstatuswhenperformingsingleconversions not using DMA transfer.When ttreEOC goesfrom low o high, rheA/D converterhascompletedits conversionand the data is readyto read.TheEOC line stayshigh followinga convenionuntil thedatahasbeenread.Thentheline goes backto low until thenextconversionis complete. . Readingthe ConvertedData Two successive readsof port BA + I providetheLSB andMSB of the 12-bitAID conversionin the format definedin the VO mapsectionat thebeginningof this chapter.TheLSB mustalwaysbe readfirst, followedby the MSB. Theoutputcodeandtheresolutionof theconversionvary,dependingon theinput volbge rangeselected. Bipolar conversionsare in twos complementform, and unipolarconversionsare straightbinary. When a bipolar valueis read,you mustfhst converttheresultto straightbinaryandthencalculatethe voltage.Theconversion formulais simple:for valuesgreaterthan}M7, you mustsubtract4096from the valueto get thesignof the voltage. For example,if your outputis 2048,you subtract4096: 2MB - 4W6 = -2M8.This resultcorresponds to -5 volts or -10 volts,dependingon your binaryrange.For valuesof 2047or less,you simplyconvertttreresult. The key digital codesand their input voltagevaluesaregiven for eachrangein the threetableswhich follow. 4-13 A/D BlpolarCocleTable (+5V;twos complement) InputVoltage OutputCode +4.998volts M S B 0 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L S B +2.500volts 0100 0000 0000 0 volts 0000 0000 0000 -.00244volts 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 -5.000volts 1000 0000 0000 1 LSB= 2.44millivolts A/D BipolarCodeTabte (il 0V; twos complement) InputVoltage OutputCode +9.995volts M S B0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1L S B +5.000volts 0100 0000 0000 0 volls 0000 0000 0000 -.00488volts 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -10.000 volts 1000 0000 0000 1 LSB= 4.88millivolts A/D UnipolarCodeTable (0 to +10V;straightblnary) InputVoltage Output Code +9.99756volts M S B1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1L S B volts +5.00000 1000 0000 0000 0 volls 0000 0000 0000 1 LSB = 2.44 millivolts . Programmingthe PacerClock Two of the tlree l6-bit timer/countersin the 8254programmableinterval timer are cascadedto form the onboardpacerclock,shownin Figure4-2. Whenyou want to usetle pacerclock for continuousA,/Dconversions, you mustprogramthe clock rate.To find the value you must load ino the clock to producethe desiredrate,you fint haveto calculatethe valueof Divider I (timer/Counter0) andDivider 2 Climer/Counter1) shownin rhediagram. Theformulasfor makingthis calculationareasfollows: = ClockSourceFrequency/(Divider Pacerclockfrequency 1 x Divider2) Divider1 x Divider2 = ClockSourceFrequency/Pacer ClockFrequency To setthepacerclock frequencyat 100kHz usingtheon-board8 MHz clock source,this equationbecomes: Divider1 x Divider 2=8MHzl1OO kHz --> 80 = g y1127100 kHz 4-14 After you determinethe valueof Divider I x Divider 2, you thendivide the result by the leastcommondenominator.The leastcommondenominatoris thevaluethatis loadedinto Divider l, andtheresultof the division,the quotient,is loadedinto Divider 2. In our exampleabove,theleastcommondenominatoris 2, so Divider I equals2, andDivider2 equals802, or 40.The tablebelowlists somecommonpacerclock frequencies andthe counter settings(usingthe on-board8 MHz clock source). After you calculatethedecimalvalueof eachdivider,you canconverttheresultto a hex valueif it is easierfor you whenloadingthecountinto the 16-bitcounter. To setup the pacerclock on the 1200,follow thesesteps: 1. Selecta clock source(fte 8 MHz on-boardclock or an extemalclock source). 2. ProgramTimer/Counter0 for Mode 2 operation. 3. ProgramTimer/Counter1 for Mode 2 operation. 4.Load DividerI LSB. 5. Load Divider I MSB. 6. Load Divider 2 LSB. 7. Load Divider 2 MSB. The pacerclock startsrunningas soonasthe last divider is loaded.A,/Dconversionscanbe startedand stopped by enablinganddisablingtheextemaltrigger. Pacer Clock Fig.4-2- PacerClockBlockDiagram PacerClock Divlder1 decimal/(hex) Divider2 declmal/(hex) 125kHz 2 t (0002) 32 | (0020) 100 kHz 2t (0002) 40 / (0028) 50 kHz 2 | (0002) 80/ (ooso) 10kHz 2 | (ooo2) 400/ (0190) 1 kHz 2 t (00021 4000| (0FA0) 100Hz 2 | (ooo2) 40000/ (9c40) Interrupts . What Is an Interrupt? An interrupt is an eventthat causesthe processorin your computero temporarilyhalt is currentprocessand executeanotherroutine.Upon completionof tle newroutine,controlis retumedto theoriginalroutineat thepoint whereits executionwasintemrpted. Interrupts.uevery handyfor dealingwith asynchronous events(eventsthatoccurat lessthanregularintervals). Keyboardactivity is a goodexample;your computercannotpredictwhenyou might pressa key andit would be a wasteof processortime for it to do nothingwhile waitingfor a keystroketo occur.Thus,the intemrptschemeis usedandtheprocessorproceedswith othertasks.Then,whena keystrokedoesoccur,thekeyboard'intemrpts'the processor, andtheprocessorgetsthekeyboarddata,placesit in memory,andthenreturnsto what it wasdoing beforeit wasinterrupted.Othercommondevicesthatuseintemrptsaremodems,disk drives,andmice. 4-t5 Your 1200boardcan intemtpt the processorwhena variety of conditionsarc met. By using theseintemrpts, you can write softwarethat effectively dealswith real world events. . Interrupt RequestLines To allow different peripheraldevicesto generateintemrps on t}resamecomput€r,the PC bus haseight different intempt request(IRQ) lines. A nansitionfrom low to high on one of theselines generatesan interrupt,request which is handledby the PC's interruptcontroller.The intemrpt controllerchecksto seeif intemtpts are to be acknowledgedfrom that IRQ and,if anotherintemrpt is alreadyin progress,it decidesif the new requestshould supersedethe one in progressor if it hasto wait until the onein progressis done,This prioritizing allows an intemrpt to be intemrptedif the secondrequesthasa higherpriority. The priority level is basedon the numberof the IRQ; IRQ0 hasthehighestpriority, IRQI is second-highest, andso on throughIRQ?,which hasthe lowest.Many of theIRQsareusedby thestandardsystemresources. IRQ0 is usedby the systemtimer,IRQ1 is usedby thekeyboard,IRQ3 by COM2,IRQ4 by COMI, andIRQ6 by thedisk drives.Therefore,it is imporranrfor you !o know which IRQ linesareavailablein your systemfor useby tie 1200board. . 8259ProgrammableInterrupt Controller The chip responsiblefor handlinginterruptrequestsin thePC is the 8259ProgrammableIntemrpt Controller. To useintemrpts,you needto know how to readandsetthe8259'sintemrptmaskregister(IMR) andhow to send (EOI) commandto the 8259. theend-of-interrupt . Interrupt Mask Register(IMR) Eachbit in theinterruptmaskregister(IMR) containsthemaskstatusof an IRQ line; bit 0 is for IRQ0,bit 1 is for IRQI, andsoon. If a bit is set (equalto 1),thenthecorresponding IRQ is maskedandit will not generatean interrupl If a bit is clear (equalto 0), thenthecorresponding IRQ is unmaskedandcangenerateintemrpts.The IMR is programmedthroughport 21H. IRQT IRQ6 IRQ5 IRQ4 IRQ3 rR02 IRQl IRQO l/O Port21H Forall bits: (enabled) 0 = IRQunmasked 1 = IRQmasked(disabled) . End-of-Interrupt(EOI) Command After an intenuptserviceroutineis complete,the8259intemrptcontrollermustbe notified.This is doneby writing the value20H to I/O port 20H. . What Exactly HappensWhen an Interrupt Occurs? Understandingthe sequenceof eventswhen an intemrpt is riggered is necessaryto properly write software intemrpthandlers.Whenan intemrptrequestline is drivenhigh by a peripheraldevice(suchasthe 1200),the intemrpt controller checksto seeif intemrptsareenabledfor that IRQ, and thenchecksCI seeif other inremrptsare activeor requestedand determineswhich intemrpt haspriority. The intemrpt controller then intemtpts the processor.The curent codesegment(CS),instructionpointer(IP), andflagsarepushedon the stackfor storage,anda new CS andIP areloadedfrom a tablethatexistsin thelowest1024bytesof memory.This tableis refenedto asthe intenupt vector table andeachentry is calledan intemrpt vector.Oncethe new CS and Ip are loadedfrom the intemrptvectortable,the processorbeginsexecutingthecodelocatedat CS:IP.Whenthe intemrptroutineis completed,the CS, IP, andflagsthat werepushedon the stackwhenthe intemrptoccurredarenow poppedfrom the stackandexecutionresumesfrom thepoint whereit wasintemrpted. . Usinglnterrupts in Your Programs Adding intenupts to your softwareis not as difficult asit may seem,and what they add in termsof performance is oftenworth theeffort. Note,however,thatalttroughit is not thathardto useinierrupts,the smallestmisake will oftenlead!o a systemhangthatrequiresa reboot.This canbe both frusuatingandtime-consuming. But, aftera few 4-16 tries, you'll get the bugsworked out andenjoy the benefitsof properlyexecutedintemrpts.In addition to readingthe following paragmphs,study the INTRPTS sourcecodeincludedon your 1200programdisk for a betterunderstanding of intemrptprc$am development. . Writing an Interrupt ServiceRoutine(ISR) The first stepin addingintemrps to your softwareis o write ttreintemrpt serviceroutine (ISR). This is the routinethatwill automaticallybe executedeachtime an intemrptrequestoccurson the specifiedIRQ. An ISR is different thanstandardroutinesthat you write. First, on entrance,theprocessorregistersshouldbe pushedonto the just beforeexitingyour ISR,.youmustcleartheintemrptstatusof the stackBEFORE you do anythingelse.-Second, 1200andwrite an end-of-intemrptcommandto the 8259controller.Finally,whenexitingthe ISR, in additiono poppingall the registersyou pushedon entrance,you must usetle IRET insfuction andnot a plain RET. The IRET automaticallypopsthe flags,CS,andIP thatwerepushedwhentheintemrptwascalled. If you find yourself intimidatedby intemrpt programming,takeheart.Most Pascaland C compilersallow you to identify a procedure(function) asan intemrpt type and will automaticallyadd theseinstructionsto your ISR, with oneimportantexception:mostcompilersdo not auomaticallyaddtheend-of-intemrptcommandto ttreprocedure; you mustdo this younelf. Otherthanthis andthefew exceptionsdiscussed below,you canwrite your ISRjust like any other routine.It can call otherfunctionsandproceduresin your programandit can accessglobal data.If you are writing your first ISR, we recommendthatyou stickto thebasics;just somethingthatwill convinceyou that it works,suchas incrementinga globalvariable. NOTE: If you arewriting an ISR usingassemblylanguage, you areresponsible for pushingandpopping registersandusingIRET insteadof RET. Therearea few cautionsyou mustconsiderwhenwriting your ISR. The mostimportantis, do not useany DOS functionsor routinesthat call DOS functionsfrom within an ISR. DOS is not reentranqthatis, a DOS functioncannotcall itself. In typicalprogramming,this will not happenbecauseof theway DOS is written.But whataboutwhenusingintemrps?Then,you couldhavea situationsuchasthis in your program.If DOS functionX is beingexecutedwhenan intemrptoccursandttreint€rruptroutinemakesa call to DOS functionX, thenfunction X is essentiallybeingcalledwhile it is alreadyactive.Sucha recntrancyattemptspellsdisasterbecauseDOS functions:uenot writtento supportit. This is a complexconceptandyou do not needto understand it Justmake surethatyou do not call any DOS functionsfrom within your ISR.Theonewrinkle is that,unfortunately,it is not obviouswhich library routinesincludedwith your compileruseDOS functions.A rule of thumbis thatroutines which write to the screen,or checkthe statusof orread the keyboard,andany disk VO routinesuseDOS and should be avoidedin your ISR. The sameproblemof reentrancyexistsfor manyfloating point emulatorsaswell, meaningyou may haveto avoidfloatingpoint (real)mathin your ISR. Note that the problemof reentrancyexists,no matterwhat programminglanguageyou are using.Even if you arewriting your ISR in assemblylanguage,DOSandmanyfloatingpoint emulatorsarenot reentrant.Of course, thereare waysaroundthis problem,suchasthosewhich involve checkingto seeif any DOS functionsare currently activewhenyour ISR is called,but suchsolutionsarewell beyondthescopeof this discussion. The secondmajorconcernwhenwriting your ISR is to makeit asshortaspossiblein termsof executiontime. Spendinglongperiodsof time in your ISR may meanthatotherimportantinterruptsarebeingignored.Also, if you spendtoo long in your ISR, it maybe calledagainbeforeyou havecompletedhandlingthe oftenieads to a hangthatrequiresa reboot. Your ISR shouldhavethis structure: ' Pushanyprocessorregistersusedin your ISR.Most C andPascalintemrptroutines automaticallydo this for you. . Put thebodyof your routinehere. . Clearthe intemrptbit on ttre 1200by writing anyvalueto BA + 2. ' IssuetheEOI commandto the 8259int€rruptcontrollerby writing 20H to port 20H. ' Popall registerspushedon entrance.Most C andPascalintenuptroutinesautomatically do this for you. 4-17 The following C and Pascalexamples show what the shell of your ISR should be like: In C: void interrupt fSR(void) { ,/* Your code goes here. Do not outportb(BaseAddress + 2, 0); outportb(jx2j, 0x20); ) */ use any DOS functions! */ /* Clear 1200 interrupt /* Send EOr commandto g2\g */ In Pascal: Procedure ISR; Interrupt; begin { Your code goes here. Do not PortlBaseAddress + 2] := 0; Port[$20] := 920; use any DOS functions ! l { Cfear 1200 interrupt { Send EOf conmand to } 8259 } ond. . Savingthe Startup Interrupt Mask Register(IMR) and Interrupt Vector The next stepafter writing the ISR is to savethe startupstateof the interruptmaskregisterandthe intemrpt vertor thatyou will be using.TheIMR is locatedat VO port 21H. The intemrptvectoryou will be usingis located in the intemrpt,vector tablewhich is simply an arrayof 256-bit (a-byte)pointersand is locatedin ttrefint 1024 bytesof memory(Segment= 0, Offset= 0). You canreadthis valuedirectly,but it is a betterpracticeto useDOS function 35H (get intenupt vector).Most C andPascalcompilersprovide a library routine for readingthe valueof a vector.The vectorsfor the hardwareintemrptsarevec0ors8 through 15,whereIRQ0 usesvector 8, IRel uses vector9, andsoon. Thus,if the 1200will be usingIRQ3,you shouldsavethevalueof intemrptvector11. Beforeyou installyour ISR, temporarilymaskout the IRQ you will be using.This preventsttreIRe from requestingan intemrptwhile you areinstallingandinitializingyour ISR.To masktheIRQ, readin the currentIMR at I/O port 21H and set the bit that correspondsto your IRQ (remember,settinga bit disablesinterruptson that IRe while clearinga bit enablesthem).The IMR is anangedso thatbit 0 is for IRQO,bit I is for IRel, andso on. See the paragraphentrtledInterrupt Mask Register(IMR) earlier in this chapterfor help in determiningyour IRe's bit. After settingttrebit, write the new value to I/O port 2ilt. Wiot the startupIMR savedand the intemrps on your tRQ temporarilydisabled,you canassignttreintemrpt vector to point to your ISR. Again, you can overwrite ttreappropriateentry in the vector table with a direct memory write, but this is a badpractice.Instead,useeither DOS function 25H (setintemrpt vector) or, if your compiler providesit, the library routine for settingan intemrpt vector.Rememberthat vector 8 is for IReO, vector 9is for IRQI, andsoon. If you needto programthe sourceof your interrupts,do ttratnexl For example,if you are usingthe programmableinterval timer to generateinterrupts,you mustprogramit o run in the propermodeandat the properiate. Finally, clear the bit in the IMR for the IRQ you areusing.This enablesinremrprson rhe IRe. . Restoringthe Startup IMR and Interrupt Vector Beforeexiting your progam, you must.restorethe intemrpt maskregisterandintemrpt vectorsto the statethey werein when your prog&m stafied.To restorethe IMR, write the value that was savedwhen your pro$am started to I/O port 21H. Restorethe intemrpt vectorthat was savedat startupwittr eitherDOS function f SH Get interrupt vecfor),or usethe library routine suppliedwith your compiler.Performingthesetwo stepswill guaranteethat gri interrupt statusof your computeris the sameafter runningyour progam as it was beforeyour programstarted running. 4-18 . CommonInterrupt Mistakes ' Rememberthat hardwareintemrptsarenumbered8 ttrrough15,eventhoughthe correspondingtRes are numbered0 through7. ' Two of the mostcommonmistakeswhenwriting an ISR areforgettingto clearthe interruptsatus of the 1200 andforgettingto issuetheEOI commando the8259intemrptconroller beforeexiting theISR. Data TransfersUsing DMA Direct Memory Access(DMA) transfersdatabetweena.peripheraldeviceandPC memorywithout usingthe processorasan intermediate.Bypassingthe processorin this way allows very fast transferrates.All PCsconain the necessaryhardwarecomponentsfor accomplishingDMA. However,softwaresupportfor DMA is not includedas partof the BIOS or DOS,leavingyou with thetaskof programmingthe DMA controlleryourself.With a little care, suchprogrammingcanbe successfullyand efficiently achievedThe following discussionis basedon using the DMA controllerto get datafrom a peripheraldeviceand write it to memory.The oppositecan alsobe done;the DMA controllercanreaddatafrom memoryandpassit to a peripheral device.Therearea few minor differences,mostly concemingprogrammingthe DMA controller,but in genlral theprocessis thesame. The following st€psarerequiredwhen usingDMA: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Choosea DMA channel. Allocatea buffer. Calculatethepageandoffsetof thebuffer. SettheDMA pageregister. ProgramtheDMA controller. Programdevicegeneraring data(1200). Waitunril DMA is complete. DisableDMA. Eachstepis detailedin $refollowing paragraphs. . Choosinga DMA Channel Therearea numberof DMA channelsavailableon the PC for useby peripheraldevices.The 1200can use eitherDMA channel1 or DMA channel3. The factory settingis DMA disabled.You can arbinarily chooseone or the otherby settingthejumperson P5 andP6 as describedin Chapter1; in mostcaseseither choiceis fine. Occasionallythough,you will haveanotherperipheraldevice(for example,atapbackupor Bernoullidrive) thatalso usesthe DMA channelyou haveselected.This will certainlycauseerratic resultsand canbe hardto detect.The best approachto pinpoint this problemis to readthe documentationfor the otherperipheraldevicesin your syst€mand try to determinewhich DMA channeleachuses. . Allocatinga DMA Buffer When using DMA, you musthavea location in memorywherethe DMA controller will placedatafrom the 1200board.This buffer canbe eitherstaticor dynamicallyallocated.Justbe surethatits locationwill not change while DMA is in progress.The followingcodeexamplesshowhow to allocatebuffersfor usewith DMA. In Pascal: Var Buffer : Arrayt1..10000l of Byte; { static allocation } -or- Var Buffer Buffer :- : ^Byte; tdynamic al-location G e t M e m ( 1 0 0 0 0 ;) 4-19 l In C: char Buffer[10000]; /* static /* dynamic allocation allocation */ -orchar *Buffer,' */ Buffer = calloc(10000, In BASIC: D I M B U F F E R(?5 O O O ) . Calculatingthe Pageand Offset of a Buffer Onceyou havea buffer ino which to placeyour data,you must inform the DMA controller of the locationof thisbuffer.This is a little morecomplexthanit soundsbecausetheDMA controllerusesa page:offsetmemory scheme,while you areprobablyusedto thinkingaboutyourcomputer'smemoryin termsof a segmentoffset scheme.Pagedmemoryis simplymemorythatoccupiescontiguous,non-overlappingblocksof memory,with each block being64K (onepage)in length.The frst page(page0) startsat thefirst byreof memory,the secondpage (page1) startsat byte65536,the third page(page2) atbyte I3l072,and soon. A compurerwirh 640K of memory hasl0 pagesof memory. The DMA controller can write to (or readfrom) only onepagewitlrout beingreprogrammed.This meansthat theDMA controllerhasaccessto only 64K of memoryat a time.If you programit to usepage3, it cannotuseany otherpageuntil you reprogramit to do so. When DMA is started,the DMA controlleris programmedo placedataat a specifiedoffset into a specified page(for example,startwriting at byte 512of page3). Eachtime a byte of datais writtenby the controller,the offset is automaticallyincrementedso the next byte will be placedin the next memorylocation.The problem for you whenprogrammingthesevaluesis figuring out,what the correspondingpageand offset arefor your buffer. Most compilerscontainmacrosor functionsthat allow you to directly determinethe segmentand offset of a data structure,but not the pageand offset. Therefore,you mustcalculatethe pagenumberand offset yourself.probably the most intuitive way of doing this is to converttlte segmenroffsetaddressof your buffer to a linear addressand thenconvert that linear addressto a page:offsetaddress,The tablebelowshows functions/macrosfor determining the segmentandoffset of a buffer. Language Segment Offset c FP-SEG s = FP_SEG(&Bulfe0 FP_OFF o = FP_OFF(&Buffer) Pascal BASIC seg S:= Seg13u11"r, CIs O :=O1s13utf.t; VARSEG VARPTR S = VARSEG(BUFFER) o = VARPTR(BUFFER) Onceyou've determinedthe segmentandoffset,multiply thesegmentby 16andaddtheoffsetto give you the linear address.(Make sureyou storethis result in a long integer,or DWORD, or the resultswill be meaningiess.y Thepagenumberis the quotientof thedivisionof thelinearaddressby 65536andtheoffsetinro thepageis ttre remainderof thatdivision. Below aresomeprogrammingexamplesfor Pascal,C, andBASIC. 4-20 In Pascal: Segment :: SEG(Buffer),' Offset := OFS(Buffer); Linear Address := Segrment * 16 + Offset,Page := LinearAddress DfV 65535,. PageOffset := LinearAddress I { t { MOD 65536,. get segnent of buffer ) get offset of buffer ) calculate address ) a linear deterrnine page corresponding to this address ) determine into the paSe ) offset linear In C: segn€nt = FP_SEG(&Buffer) ; = FP_OFS (eBuffer) ,. offset = segrEnt * 16 * offset,. linear_address page = linear_address ,/ 55536,' 1* 1* /* /* */ qet se$nent of buffer *,/ geL offset of buffer calculate a linear address */ deterrnine page corresponding to address */ = l"j-near_address /* deterrnine page_offset * 55536,. offset into the this linear page */ In BASIC: s = VARSEG(BUFFER) O : VARPTR(BT]FT'ER) LA=S*16+O PAGE=INT(LAl55536) POFT=LA-(PA@*65536) Beware! Thereis onebig catchwhen usingpage-based addresses. The DMA controller cannotwrite properly to a buffer that 'straddles'a pageboundary.A buffer straddlesa pageboundaryif onepart of the buffer residesin one pageof memorywhile anotier partresidesin thefollowingpage.The DMA controllercannotproperlywrite to such a bufferbecausethe DMA controllercanonly write to onepagewithoutreprognmming.Whenit reachestheendof the currentpage,it doesnot startwriting to the next page.Instead,it startswriting back at the first byte of ttre culrent page.This can be disasEousif the beginningof the pagedoesnot correspondto your buffer. More often than not, this locationis being usedby the codeportion of your prograrnor the operatingsystem,and writing datato it will almostalwayscauseserraticbehaviorandan eventualsystemcrash. You mustcheckto seeif your buffer sraddlesa pageboundaryand,if it does,takeaction to preventttreDMA controller from rying to write to the portion that continueson the next pageYou can reducethe sizeof the buffer or !T [o repositionthe buffer. However,this canbe difficult when using large satic datastrucnres,andoften, the only solutionis to usedynamicallyallocatedmemory. . Settingthe DMA PageRegister Oddly enough,you do not inform ttreDMA conroller directly of the pageto be used.Instead,you put ttrepage to be usedinto the DMA pageregisterwhich is sepantefrom the DMA controller,as shownin the tablebelow. The location of this registerdependson the DMA channelbeing used. DMAChannel Locatlonof PageRegister 1 83(131) 3 82(130) 4-2r . The DMA Controller The DMA controlleris a complexchip thatoccupiesthefirst 16bytesof thePC's I/O port space.A complete discussionon how it operatesis beyondthescopeof this manual;only relevantinformationis includedhere.The DMA connolleris programmedby writing to the DMA registersin yourPC. The tablebelowlists theseregisters. Note thatwhenyou write 16-bitvaluesto anyof theseregisters(suchasto theCountregisters),you mustwrite ttre LSB frst, followedby rheMSB. If you areusingDMA channell, write your pageoffsetandcountro ports02H and03H; if you areusing channel3, write your pageoffsetandcountto pors 06H and07H.The pageoffsetis simply theoffsetthatyou calculatedfor your buffer (seediscussionabove).Countindicatesthenumberof bytesthat you want theDMA controllerto transfer.Rememberttrateachdigitizedsamplefrom the 1200consissof 2 bytes,so thecountthatyou write to tle DMA controllershouldbe equalto (thenumberof samplesx 2) - l. Thesinglemaskregisterandmode registeraredescribedbelow.The clearbytepointersetsan internalflip-flop on the DMA conroller ttratkeepstrack of whethertheLSB or MSB will be sentnextto registersthatacceptbothLSB andMSB. Ordinarily,you neue, needto write to this port,but it is a goodhabito do so beforeprogrammingtheDMA conrroller.Writing any value to thisport clearsrheflip-flop. Addresshex{decimal) RegisterDescrlption 02/(02) Channel1 PageOffset(write2 bytes,LSBfirsl) 03(03) Channel1 Count(write2 bytes,LSBfirst) 06(06) Channel3 PageCIfset(write2 bytes,LSBfirst) 07t(o7) Channel3 Count(write2 bytes,LSBfirst) 0A/(10) SingleMaskRegister oB(11) Mode Register(writeonly) jct(12) ClearBytePointerFlip-Flop (writeonly) . DMA SingleMask Register The DMA singlemaskregisteris usedto enableor disableDMA on a specifiedDMA should mask(disable)DMA on the DMA channelyou will be usingwhile programmingtheDMA controller.After the DMA controller hasbeenprogrammedand the 1200hasbeenprogrammedto sampledata,you canenableDMA by clearingthemaskbit for theDMA channelyou areusing.You shouldmanr:allydisableDMA by settingthe mask bil beforeexiting your programor, if for somereason,samplingis haltedbeforettreDMA controller hasransfened all the datait wasprogrammedto transfer.If you leaveDMA enabledand it hasnot transferredall the darait was programmedto transfer,it will resumetransfersthe next time dataappearsat the A/D converter.This can spell disasterif yourprogramhasendedandthe bufferhasbe reallocatedto anotherapplication. x x x x x 82 B1 BO l/O PortOAH Channel Select MaskBlt 00 = Channet0 0 = unmask 01 = e6snn";1 1 = mask 10= channel2 11= Channel 3 4-22 . DMA Mode Register The DMA moderegisteris usedto setparametersfor the DMA channelyou will be using.The read/writebits areself explanatory;the readmodecannotbe usedwith ttre 1200. Autoinitialization allows the DMA controller to automaticallys[afi over onceit hastransferredthe requestednumberof bytes.Decrementmeansthe DMA conroller shoulddecrementits offset counterafter eachtransfer;the defaultis increment.You can useeither the demandor singletransfermodewhen transferringdata.The demandmodetransfersdatao the PC on demandfor fastest transferrate.The singletransfermodeforcesthe DMA controllerto relinquisheveryother cycle so that the processorcan0akecareofother tasks. B7 B6 Tran tnsferMode 00= 0 1= 1 0= U l o i [ 1 1==cascade B5 B4 B3 82 I autornrtiailzati on =3'?T'iii".o",' I o=oisaute l1=en"bl" I Offset Counter 0 = increment 1 = decrement B1 BO l/O PortOBH Channel rnelSelect t 00 = Channel Chan 0 01 = Channel 66s1 1 10= Channel Chan 2 11= Channel Chan 3 Read/Vt/rite 01 = write 10= 1s3! (notusedwith1200) . Programmingthe DMA Controller To programthe DMA controller,follow thesesteps: 1. Clearthebytepointerflip-flop. 2. DisableDMA on thechannelyou areusing. 3. Write the DMA moderegisterto choosethe DMA paramet€rs. 4. Write theLSB of the pageoffset of your buffer. 5. Write theMSB of thepageoffsetof yourbuffer. 6. Write theLSB of the numberof bytesto transfer. 7. Write theMSB of thenumberof bytesto transfer. 8. EnableDMA on thechannelyou areusing. . Programmingthe 1200for DMA Onceyou haveset up the DMA controller,you mustprogmmttre 1200for DMA. The following stepslist this procedure: l. Setup the 8255PPI for Port B ourput. 2. Setup the timer/countersfor the desiredtransferrate. 3. EnableDMA andexternalrigger. 4. Monitor DMA donebit. NOTE: If the DMA is set up in the singletransfermode,eachDMA transfertakestwo readcycles to complete.Therefore,in single transfer,you canrun the L2{J|.arspeedsup to about 100kIIz so the DMA transferrate can keepup with the board'sconversionrate.The demandmodesupportsevenhighertransferrates.However,rates fasterthan l25kHz, evenin the demandmode,may give unreliableresults. . Monitoring for DMA Done Therearetwo waysto monitorfor DMA done.Theeasiestis to poll theDMA donebit in the 1200status register(BA +0). While DMA is in progress,thebit is clear(0). WhenDMA is complete,thebit is set(l). The secondway to checkis to usethe DMA donesignalto generatean intemrpl An intemrptcanimmediatelynotify your programthat DMA is doneandany actionscanbe takenasneeded.Both methodsare demonstratedin the sampleC andPascalprogmms,the polling methodin the programnamedDMA and the intemrpt methodin DMASTRM. 4-23 . CommonDMA Problems . Make surethat your buffer is largeenoughto hold all of the datayou programthe DMA controller to transfer. . Checkto be surethat your buffer doesnot straddlea pageboundary. . Rememberthat the numberof bytesfor the DMA controllerto transferis equalto twice the numberof samples.This is becauseeachsampleis two bytesin size. ' If you terminatesamplingbeforethe DMA controller hasransferredthe numberof bytesit wasprogrammed for, be sureto disableDMA by settingthe maskbit in the singlemaskregister. . lvlakesuretlat the boardis not running too fast for DMA transfers. (ADA1200Only) D/A Conversions The two D/A converterscan be individually programmedto convert 12-bit digital words into a voltagein the rangeof +5, +10, 0 !o +5, or 0 to +10 volts.DACI is programmed by writing the 12-bitdigital dataword to BA + 8. DACZ is identical,with thedaa word'writtento BA + 10.The foltowingtableslist thekey digital codesand correspondingoutput voltagesfor the D/A converters. D/A ConverterUnlpolarCallbrationTable ldealOutputVoltage(in mllllvolts) D/ABlrWelghr 0to+5V 0to+10V 4095(Max.Output) 4998.8 9997.6 2048 2500.0 5000.0 1024 1250.0 2500.0 512 62s.00 1250.0 256 312.s0 62s.00 128 1s6.250 312.s0 64 78.125 156.250 s2 39.063 78.12s 16 19.5313 39.063 8 9.76s6 4 4.8828 9.76s6 2 2.4414 4.8828 1 1.2207 2.4414 0 0.0000 0.0000 4-24 19.5313 D/AConverter BlpolarCatibratlon Table ldealOutputVoltage(ln millivolts) D/A Bit Welght *5V 4095(Max.Output) +4997.6 110v +9995.1 2048 0.0 0.0 1024 -2500.0 s000.0 512 -3750.0 -7500.0 256 -4375.0 -8750.0 128 -4687.5 -9375.0 64 -4843.8 -9687.s 32 -4921.9 -9843.8 16 -4960.9 -9921.9 8 -4980.5 -9960.9 4 -4990.2 -9980.s 2 -4995.1 -9990.2 1 -4997.6 -9995.1 0 -5000.0 -10000.0 Timer/Counters 4n8254 programmableinterval timer providesthree 16-bit, 8 MlIz timer/countersfor timing and counting functionssuchasfrequencymeasurement, eventcounting,andintemrpts.Two of the timerrcounters arecascaded and can be usedfor the pacerclock. The remainingtimer/counteris availablefor your use.Figure 4-3 showsthe timerhounter circuitry. I 200 I/O CONNECTOR P2 TO A/O TRIGGER I I I EXT CLK I I I I I etl lrlext crre r P7 CLK 2 Fig.4-3 -8254 Programmable IntervalTimer CircuitBlockDiagram 4-25 Eachtimer/counterhastwo inputs,CLK in and GATE in, andone output,timer/counlerOUT. They canbe programmedasbinary or BCD down counten by writing the appropriatedatato the commandword, asdescribedin the I/O mapsectionat the beginningof this chapter. Oneof two clock sources,the on-board8 MHz crystalor the externalclock (P245) canbe selectedas the clock input to TCOor TC2. The diagramshowshow theseclock sourcesareconnectedto the timer/count€rs. Two gatesourcesare availableat the I/O connector(VZ4l andY246). Whena gateis disconnected,an onboardpull-upresistorautomaticallypulls thegatehigh,enablingthetimer/counter. The outputfrom timer/counter-lis available'attheT/C OUT1 pin (Y242)'andtimer/counter2's outputis availablearTl9 2OI-JiI @.44), wherethey canbe usedfor intemlpt generation,asan A/D rigger, or for counting functions. The timer/counterscanbe programmedto operatein one of six modes,dependingon your application.The followingparagraphs briefly describeeachmode. Mode 0, Event Counter (Interrupt on Terminal Count).This modeis typicallyusedfor eventcounting. While the timer/countercountsdown,theoutputis low, andwhentlrecountis complete,it goeshigh.Theoutput stayshigh until a new Mode0 controlword is writtento thetimer/counter. Mode 1, Hardware-RetriggerableOne-Shot.The outputis initially highandgoeslow on ttreclock pulse followinga triggero begintheone-shotpulse.Theoutputremainslow until thecountreaches0, andtirengoeshigh andremainshigh until theclockpulseaftertle nextrigger. Mode 2, Rate Generator.This modefunctionslike a divide-by-Ncounterandis typicallyusedto generatea real-timeclock interrupt.Theoutputis initially high,andwhenthecountdecrements to 1, the outputgoeslow for oneclockpulse.The outputthengoeshigh again,thetimer/counter reloadstheinitial count,andtheprocessis repeated. This sequence continuesindefinitely. Mode 3' SquareWave Mode. Similaro Mode2 exceptfor theduty cycleoutput,this modeis typicallyused for baudrategeneration. The outputis initially high,andwhenthecountdecrements to one-halfits initial count,the outputgoeslow for theremainderof thecounl The timer/counter reloadsand theoutputgoeshighagain.This processrepeatsindefinitely. Mode 4' Software-TriggeredStrobe.The outputis initially high.Whentheinitial countexpires,theoutput goeslow for oneclock pulseandthengoeshigh again.Countingis "figgered" by writing the initial count Mode 5, Hardware Triggered Strobe(Retriggerable).The outputis initially high.Countingis riggeredby the rising edgeof the gateinput. Whenthe initial count hasexpired,the output goeslow for one clock pulseand thengoeshigh again. Digital VO The 16 8255PPl-baseddigital I/O lines can be usedto transferdatabetrveenthe computerand externaldevices. Thedigital input linescanhavepull-upor pull-downresistorsinstalled,asdescribedin Chapterl. 4-26 ExampleProgramsand Flow Diagrams Includedwith the 1200is a setof exampleprogramsthat demonstratethe useof manyof the board's features. Theseexamplesarewrittenin C, Pascal,andBASIC. Also includedis an easy-to-use menu-drivendiagnostics program,I200DIAG, which is especiallyhelpfulwhenyou arefrst checkingout your boardafterinstallationand whencalibratingthe board(Chapter5). Beforeusing the softwareincludedwith your board,makea backupcopy of the disk. You may makeasmany backupsasyou need. C and PascalPrograms Theseprogramsare sourcecodefiles so that you caneasilydevelopyour own customsoftwarefor your 1200 board.In the C directory, 1200.Hand 1200.INCcontainall ttrefunctionsneededo implementthe main C programs. H definesthe addresses and INC containsthe routinescalledby the main progams. In the Pascaldirectory, I200.PNCcontainsall of theprocedures neededto implementthemainPascalprogams. Analog-to-Digital: SOFITRIG EXTTRIG MULTI Demonstrateshow to usethe softwarerigger modefor acquiringdata. Similarto SOFTTRIGexceptttratan externaltriggeris used. Showshow to fill an anay with datausinga softwaretrigger. Timer/Counters: TIMER A shortprogramdemonstratinghow to programthe 8254for useas a timer. Digital VO: DIGITAL Simpleprogramthatshowshow to readandwrite the digiralVO lines. DAC WAVES Showshow to uset}reDACs.UsesA/D channel1 to monitortheouput of DACI. A morecomplexprogramthat showshow to usethe 8254 timer and the DACs asa waveformgenerator. Interrupts: INTRPTS INTSTRM Showsthebareessentialsrequiredfor using interrupts. A completeprogramshowingintemrpt-basedsreaming to disk. DMA: DMA DMASTRM Demonstrateshow to useDMA to transferacquireddatato a memorybuffer. Buffer can be written to disk and viewed with the includedVIEWDAT progam. Demonstrates how to useDMA for disk streaming.Very high continuousacquisition ratescanbe obtained. BASIC Programs Theseprogramsare sourcecodefiles so that you caneasily developyour own customsoftwarefor your 1200 board. Analog-to-Digital: SINGLE EXTTRIG SCAN DemonsEateshow to usethe singleconvert,internal trigger modefor acquiringdata. Demonstrateshow to usethe externaltrigger to acquiredata. Demonstrates how to scanchannelsto acquiredata. 4-27 Timer/Counters: TIMER A shortprogramdemonstratinghow to programthe 8254for useasa timer. Digital VO: DIGITAL Simpleprogramthat showshow to readand write the digital VO lines. Digital-to-Analog: DASCAN Demonstrates D/A conversion. DMA: DMA Showshow to takesamplesand transferthem to PC memoryusing DMA. 4-28 Flow Diagrams The following paragraphsprovide descriptionsand flow diagramsfor someof the 1200'sAID and D/A conversionfunctions.Thesediagramswill helpyou to build your own customapplicationsprogftms. . SingleConvert Flow Diagram (Figure 4-4) This flow diagramshowsyou the stepsfor taking a singlesampleon a selectedchannel.A sampleis takeneach time you sendthe StartConvertcommand.All of the sampleswill be takenon thesamechanneluntil you change thevaluein thePPI Port B register@A + 5). Changingthis valuebeforeeachStartConvertcommandis issuedlets you takethe next readingfrom a different channelat a different gain. Program 8255PPI: PortB out ClearRegisters (Resel) Change Channel? Start Conversion End-of-Conven E O C= 1 ? StopProgram Fig.4-4- SingleConversion FlowDiagram 4-29 . DMA Flow Diagram (Figure 4-5) This flow diagramshowsyou how to take samplesand transferthe datadirectly into the computer'smemory. You can useDMA channelI or 3 to transferdatato the computer'smemory.The pacerclock canbe usedto setthe samplinginterval. Program8255PPI: PodB out ClearRegisters (Reset) Program8254TCO& TC1for desiredtransferrates ProgramDMAController EnableDMA& ExternalTrigger DMADone= 1? StopProgram Fig.4-5- DMAFlowDiagram 4-30 .Interrupts Flow Diagram(Figure4-6) This flow diagramshowsyou how to progam an intemrpt routine for your 1200.The diagramparallelsthe interruptsdiscussionincludedearlier in ttris chapter.You canusethis diagramin conjunctionwith the detailedtext in this chapterto developan intemrpt programfor your 1200. Fig.4-6- Interrupts FlowDiagram 4-31 . D/A ConversionFlow Diagram (Figure 4-7) This flow diagramshowsyou how to generatea voltageoutputthroughthe D/A converter(ADAI200 only). A conversionis initiated eachtime the high byte (MSB) is witten to the D/A converter. Fig.4-7- D/AConversion FlowDiagram 4-32 CHAPTER 5 CALIBRATION This chaptertells you how to calibratethe 1200usingthe 1200DIAGcalibrationprogramincludedin theexamplesofrware packageandsix trimpotson the board.Thesetrimpotscalibratethe A/D conveftergainandoffsetandthe DlAX2 multiplier output. This chaptertells you how to calibratethe A/D convertergain andoffset andthe D/A converterX2 multiplier (ADA1200 only). All A/D and D/A rangesare factory-calibratedbeforeshipping.Any time you suspecrinaccurare readings,you cancheckttreaccuracyof your conversions usingtheprocedurebelow,andmakeadjustments as necessary. Usingthe 1200DIAGdiagnostics programis a convenientway to monitorconversions while you calibratethe board. Calibrationis donewith the boardinstalledin your system.You canaccessthe trimpotsat the edgeof the board.Powerup thesystemandlet theboardcircuitry stabilizefor 15 minutesbeforeyou startcalibrating. RequiredEquipment Thefollowing equipmentis requiredfor calibration: . PrecisionVoltageSource:-10 o +10 volts . Digital Voltmeter:5-112digis . SmallScrewdriver(for trimpotadjustment) While not required,ttreI200DIAG diagnostics progam (includedwith examplesoftware)is helpfulwhen performingcalibrations.Figure5-1 showstheboardlayoutwith thetrimpotslocatedalongttretop edgeof theboard (TR2andTR3 at left, TR7 in middle,andTRl, TR4, andTR6 at right). tE$ llufYto @ ilil*ltg )31J3 t; ho Effi oooooo oooooooo oo oo otrr oo o o 82cs5 o o gg 66 oooooooo oooooo oooo oooooo Oq! OO oo@s cro oooooo oooo bh 6A ct. Feol limc Ocvios, hE. St bCdteg€. pA t6BOa lrSA Fig.5-1- BoardLayout 5-3 o A/D Calibration Two proceduresare usedto calibratettreAID converterfor all input voltageranges.The fint procedurecalibratesthe converterfor the unipolarrange(0 to +10 volts), andthe secondprocedurecalibratesthebipolarranges (15, +10 volts).Table5-1 showstheidealinput voltagefor eachbit weightfor theunipolar,straightbinaryrange, andTable5-2 showsthe idealvoltagefor eachbit weightfor thebipolar,twos complementranges. Unipolar Calibration Two adjustmentsare madeto calibrate+heAID converter'for.theunipolar-rangeof 0 to +10 vols. One is the offsetadjustment" and theotheris thefull scale,or gain,adjustrnent. TrimpotTR7 is usedto maketheoffset adjustment,and trimpot TR2 is usedfor gain adjustment.This calibrationprocedureis performedwith ttreboardset up for a 0 to +10 volt input range.Beforemakingtheseadjustrnents, makesurethat thejumperon P3 is setfor lOV andthejumperson P4 andPll aresetfor +. Useanaloginput channel1 andsetit for a gainof I while calibratingtheboard.Connectyour precisionvoltage sourceto channell. SetthevoltagesourcetD+1.22070miltvolts, starta conversion,andreadtheresultingdata. AdjusttrimpotTR7 until it flickersbetweenthe valueslistedin thetableat the top of the nextpage.Next, setthe voltageto +9.49829volts,andrepeattheprocedure,this rimeadjustingTR2 until the dataflickersbetweenthe valuesin the table.Note that the valueusedto adjustthe full scalevolrageis not the ideal full scalevalue for a 0 to +10 volt inputrange.This valueis usedbecauseit is themaximumvalueat which theA,/Dconverteris guaranteed to be linear, and ensuresaccuratecalibrationresults. Table5-1- A/D ConverterBit Wetghts, Unipolar,StralghtBinary ldeallnput Voltage(mlllivolts) A/D Bit Weight 0 to +10Volts 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 +9997.6 1000 0000 0000 +5000.0 0100 0000 0000 +2500.0 0010 0000 0000 +1250.0 0001 0000 0000 +625.00 0000 1000 0000 +312.50 0000 0100 0000 +156.250 0000 0010 0000 +78.125 0000 0001 0000 +39.063 0000 0000 1000 +19.5313 0000 0000 0100 +9.7656 0000 0000 0010 +4.8828 0000 0000 0001 +2.4414 0000 0000 0000 +0.0000 54 DataValuesfor CalibratlngUnipolar10 Volt Range(0 to +10votts) Offset (TR7) ConverterGaln(TR2) InputVoltage= +1.22070 mV Input Voltage= +9.49829V 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 A/D ConverledData 1 1 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 0 1 1 1 10 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Bipolar Calibration . Bipolar RangeAdjustments:-5 to +5 Volts Two adjustmentsare madeto calibratethe A/D converterfor the bipolar rangeof -5 to +5 volts. One is the offset adjustment,and the other is the full scale,or gain, adjustmenrTrimpot TR3 is usedto makethe offset adjustment,and trimpot TR2 is usedfor gain adjustment.Beforemakingtheseadjustments,makesurethat the junper on P3 is setfor lOV andthejumperson P4 andPl I aresetfor +/-. Useanaloginput channelI andsetit for a gainof 1 while calibratingtheboard.Connectyour precisionvoltage sourceto channel1. Setthe voltagesourceto 4.99878 volts,shrt a conversion,andreadtheresultingdaia.Adjust trimpotTR3 until it flickersbetweenthevalueslistedin the tablebelow.Next, setthe voltagetD+4.99634volts,and repeattheprocedure,this time adjustingTR2 until thedataflickersbetweenthe valuesin the table. DataValuesfor CalibratingBipolar10 Vott Range(-5to +5 votts) Oftset (TR3) ConverterGaln(TR2) InputVoltage= -4.99878V lnput Voltage= +4.99634V A/D ConvertedData 1000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0001 0111 1111 1110 0111 111't 1111 Table5-2- A/D ConverterBit Weights, Bipolar,Twos Complement ldealInputVoltage(millivolts) A/D Bit Weight 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 '5 to +5 Volts -2.44 -10to +10Volts -4.88 1000 0000 0000 -5000.00 -10000.00 0100 0000 0000 +2500.00 +5000.00 0010 0000 0000 +1250.00 +2500.00 0001 0000 0000 +625.00 +1250.00 0000 1000 0000 +312.50 +625.00 0000 0100 0000 +156.25 +312.50 0000 0010 0000 +78.13 +156.25 0000 0001 0000 +39.06 +78.13 0000 0000 1000 +19.53 +39.06 0000 0000 0100 +9.77 +19.53 0000 00000010 +4.88 +9.77 0000 0000 0001 +2.44 +4.88 0000 0000 0000 0.00 0.00 5-5 . Bipolar RangeAdjustments:-10 to +10 Volts To adjustthebipolar20-voltrange(-10 to +10 volts),changethejumperon P3 so that it is insalled acrossthe 20V pins.LeavetheP4 andPll jumpersat +/-. Then,setthe input voltageo +5.0000volts andadjustTRI until the outputmatchesthedatain thetablebelow. DataValuefor CalibratingBipolar20 Volt Range(-10to +10volts) TR1 lnput Voltage= +5.0000V A/D ConvertedData 0100 0000 0000 D/A Calibration(ADA1200) The D/A converterrequiresno calibrationfor the Xl ranges(0 to +5 and+5 volts). The followingparagraph describesthe calibrationprocedurefor the X2 multiplier ranges. To calibratefoirX2(0 to +10 or +10 volts),settheDAC outputvoltagerangeto 0 to + 10volts (iumperson X2 and5 on P9, AOUTI, orP10, AOUT2).Then,programthecorresponding D/A converter(DACI or DAC2) with rhe digital value2048.TheidealDAC outputfor 2048 atX2 (0 to +10 volt range)is 5.0000volts.AdjustTR5 for AOUTI and TR6 for AOUTZ until 5.0000volts is readat the output.Table 5-3 lists ttreideal outputvolragesper bir weightfor unipolarrangesandTable54 lists ttreidealoutputvoltagesfor bipolarranges. Table5-3- D/A ConverterUnipotarCatibrationTabte ldealOutputVoltage(in mlllivotts) D/A Bit Weight 0to+5V 0to+10V 4095(Max.Output) 4998.8 9997.6 2048 2500.0 5000.0 1024 12s0.0 2500.0 512 625.00 1250.0 256 '128 312.50 625.00 156.2s0 312.50 64 78.125 156.250 32 39.063 78.125 16 19.5313 39.063 I 9.7656 19.s313 4 4.8828 9.7656 2 2.4414 4.8828 1 1.2207 2.4414 0 0.0000 0.0000 5-6 Table54 - D/A ConverterBlpolarGallbrailonTabte ldealOutputVoltage(ln mlllivolts) D/A Bit Weighl 15V 4095(Max.Output) +4997.6 r10v +9995.1 2048 0.0 0.0 1024 -2500.0 -5000.0 512 -3750.0 -7500.0 256 -437s.0 -8750.0 128 -4687.s -9375.0 64 -4843.8 -9687.s 32 -4921.9 -9843.8 16 -4960.9 -9921.9 I -4980.s -9960.9 4 -4990.2 -9980.s 2 -4995.1 -9990.2 1 -4997.6 -999s.1 0 -5000.0 -10000.0 5-'l 5-8 APPENDIX A 12OO SPECIFICATIONS A-l A-2 AD1200/ADA1200 Characteristicsrypical @2soc lnterface Switch-selectable baseaddress,l/O mapped Jumper-selectable interrupts & DMAchannel Analog lnput 16single-ended inputs Inputimpedance, eachchannel........ Gain............. Inputranges Guaranteed linearityacrossinputranges protection Overvoltage Settling time(gain= 1)..... A/D Converter............... Type............ Resolution Linearity Conversion speed.......... Throughput .............>10 megohms .................... resistor configurable .............i5, 110,or 0 to +10vohs .....t5,t9.5, and0 to +9.5vohs ..135Vdc ...5Fsec,max ..AD678 Successive ........... approximation ..........12 bits(2.214 mV@ 10V;4.88mV@ 20V) .11 bit,typ psec,typ ................5 125kHz PacerClock (using Range I MHzclock) ........... on-board Digitall/O ............. ..............9 minutes to 5 psec CMOS82C55 Number of lines ......................16 Logiccompatibility ............ .............TTUCMOS (Configurablewithoptionall/O pull-up/pul l-downresistors) voltage................... High-fevel output ....................4.2V, min Low-level outputvoltage.................. ..................0.45V, max High-level inputvoltage ..2.2V,min;5.5V,max Low-level inputvoltage .-0.3V,min;0.8V,max pA Inputloadcurrenl ............+10 Inputcapacitance, pF C(|N)@F=1MHz ................ ..................10 Outputcapacitance, C(OUT)<@F=1MHz pF .......20 D/A Converter (ADA1200Only) ......AD7237 Analogoutputs ..,,......2 channels Resolution ...12bits Outputranges .....0to +5,t5, or 0 to +10vohs Guaranteed linearityacrossoutputranges....................0 to +5,t5, and0 to +9.2vohs Relativeaccuracy...... t1 bit, max Full-scale accuracy .t5 bits,max Non-linearity. .............11 bit,max Settling time............. psec,max ..................10 cMos82cs4 Timer/Counters ........... Three16-bitdowncounlers(2 cascaded, 1 independent) 6 programmable operatingmodes Counter inputsource ...........External clock(8 MHz,max)or on-board8-MHzclock Counteroutputs Available externally; usedas PC interrupts gatesource.. Counter gateor alwaysenabled ........External (PCbus-sourced) Miscellaneous lnputs/Outputs ground t5 volts,112 volts, CurrentRequirements 140mA@ +5 vohs;32 mA@ +12volts;30 mA@ -12 volts A-3 Gonnector 50-pinrightangleshrouded header Size Shortslot- 3.875'H x 5.25'W(99mm x 134mm) A4 APPENDIX B P2 CONNECTORPIN ASSIGNMENTS B-l AINl AIN9 AIN2 AINlO AIN3 AIN11 AIN4 AINl2 AIN5 A1N13 AIN6 Alltla AINT AIN15 AINs AINl6 AOUTl ANALOGGND AOUT2 ANALOG GND ANALOGGND ANALOGGND PA7 PC7 PA6 PC6 PA5 PCs PA4 PC4 PA3 PC3 PA2 PC2 PAl PCl PAO PC0 T R I G G E RI N EXT GATE 1 T R I G G E RO U T EXT CLK +12 VOLTS .12 VOLTS DIGITAL GND T/C OUT 1 Ttc ouT 2 EXTGATE2 +5 voLTs DIGITALGND P2 Connector APPENDIXC COMPONENT DATA SHEETS c- l lntef82C54Programmable IntervalTimer DataSheetReprint intel' 82C54 TIMER CHMOSPROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL r Compatlblewlth all Intel and most other mlcroprocessors r Hlgh Speed,"Zero Walt State" Operatlonwlth 8 MHz8086/88and 80186/188 I HandlesInputs from DC to 8 MHz - 10 MHzfor 82C54-2 r AvallableIn EXPRESS - StandardTemperatureRange - ExtendedTemperatureRange I Three Independent16-bltcounters I Low Power CHMOS - lcc : 10 mA o 8 MHzCount frequency r CompletelyTTL Compatlble r Six ProgrammableCounterModes I Blnary or BCDcountlng I Status Read Back Command I AvallableIn 24-PlnDIPand 28-PlnPLCC TheIntel82C54is a high-performance, CHMOSversionof the industrystandard 8254counter/timer whichis designedto solvethe timingcontrolproblemscommonin microcomputer providesthree independent 16-bitcounters, eachcapableof handlingclockinputsup to 10 MHz.All modesare software programmable. The 82C54is pincompatible withth€ HMOS8254,and is a supersetof the 8253. Six programmable timer modesallow the 82C54to be usedas an 6vsnt counter,elaps€cttime indicator, programmable one-shot,and in manyotherapplications. The82C54is fabricated on Intel'sadvancedCHMOSlll technology whichprovideslow powerconsumption withperformance equaltoor greaterthantheequivalent HMOSproduct. The82C54is available in 24-pinDIP and 28-pinplasticleadedchipcarrier(PLCC)packages. OIOCI coiilEn Oa Dt 6 c3 Or , AI Ot I AO DO 9 c|.x2 t0 lt t2lt'.ts$?ll oalEocaao xc 23124/--3 PLASNCLEADEDCHIPCAFRIER O, Or Or D. Dr Ot Dr Oo .cLx 0 out 0 OAIEO or{D 2312U-1 Flgure1.82C54BlockDlagram I 2 3 a 5 t 2a tt t2 21 20 rt Ycc m m d-s At Aa a ra cLr 2 rt oul 2 c !3 OATC2 t0 rt cLx r It ta '|l I l2 CATET ouTt 231244-2 Diagramsar€lor pin reterenc€only. Packagesizesar6 not to scal€. Ffgure2.82C54Plnout 3-83 scPtGmbor1989 Ordcr Numbcn 231244405 int€f 82C54 Table1.PlnDescrlption Symbol Dz-Do PlnNumber DIP 1-8 PLCC 2-9 CLKO OUTO 9 10 10 GATE O GND 11 12 12 13 OUT1 GATE1 CLK1 GATE2 OUT2 CLK2 Ar,Ao 13 Function Type vo data bus lines, Data:Bidirectionaltri-state connectedto systemdata bus. Clock0: Clockinputof Counter0. o Output0: Outputof Counter0. Gate0: Gateinputof Counter0. 16 17 18 o I 20-19 t9 20 21 23-22 G z',|, 24 I m 22 26 I WF 23 27 I Vr:n 24 28 Out1:Outpuiof Counter1 Gate1:Gateinoutof Counter1. 1. Clock1:Clockinputof Counter 2. Gate2: Gateinputof Counter 2. Out2: Outputof Gounter 2. Clock2: Clockinoutof Counter Address: Usedto selectoneof thethreeGounters or theControlWordRegisterfor reador write Normallyconnectedto thesystem operations. addressbus. Ar Ao Selects Counter0 0 0 Counter1 1 0 Counter2 1 0 1 1 ControlWord Reqister ChipSelectA lowon thisinputenablesthe82C54 to respondto FD andWFisignals.RDandWFlare iqnoredotherwise. ReadControl:Thisinputis lowduringCPUread operations. WriteControl:Thisinputis lowduringGPUwrite operations. Power:* 5Vpowersupplvconnection. No Connect NC 14 15 16 17 18 Ground:Powersupplyconnection. 14 o I 1 ,1 1 ,1 5 , 2 5 FUNCTIONALDESCRIPTION General The82C54is a programmable intervaltimer/counter designedfor usewith Intelmicrocomputer systems. It is a generalpurpose, multi-timing elementthatcan be treatedas an anay ol llO ports in the system software. The 82C54solvesone o{ the most commonproblemsin any microcomputer system,the generation of accuratetime delaysundersoftwarecontrol.Insteadof settingup timingloopsin software,the programmerconfigures the 82C54to matchhisrequirementsand programsone of the countersfor the de- sired delay. After the desired delay, the 82C54 will intenupt the CPU.Sottwareoverheadis minimaland variablelength delays can easily be accommodated. Some of the other counter/timer functions common to microcomputerswhich can be implementedwith the 82C54 are: r Realtimeclock o Even counter o Digitalone-shot o Programmable rategenerator . Square wavegenerator o BinaUratemultiplier o Complexwaveformgenerator o Complexmotorcontroller intef 82C54 BlockDlagram CONTROLWORD REGISTER The ControlWordRegister(see Figure4) is selected by the Read/WriteLogicwhen Ar, Ao : 11. lf the CPU then does a write operationto the 82C54,the data is stored in the ControlWord Registerand is interpreted as a Control Word used to define the operationof the Counters. DATABUSBUFFER This3-state,bi-directional, 8-bitbutleris usedto interfacethe 82C54to the systembus(seeFigure3). The Control Word Register can only be written to; status informationis availablewith the Read-Back Command. ND m 231244-4 Flgure3. Block DlagramShowlngDataBus Buffer and Read/WrlteLoglc Functlons 231244-5 READ/WRITE LOGIC The Read/WriteLogicacceptsinputsfromthe system bus and generatescontrolsignalsfor the other functionalblocksof the 82C54.A1 and As select oneof the threecountersor the ControlWordReE ter to be readfrom/writteninto.A "low" on the FiD inputtells the 82C54that the CPl.lis readingone of the counters.A "low" on the WH input tells the 82C54that the CPUis writinqeithera ControlWord or an initialcount.BothFiDanOWn-are qualifiedby 6; HE and WH are ignoredunlessthe 82C54hai beenselectedby holdingCS low. Flgure4. Block DlagramShowlngControlWord Reglsterand GounterFunctlons couNTERO,COUNTEB1, COUNTER 2 Thesethreefunctionalblocksare identicalin operation,so onlya singleCounterwillbe described. The internalblockdiagramof a singlecounteris shown in Figure5. The Countersare fully independent. EachCounter mayoperatein a differentMode. The ControlWordRegisteris shownin the figure;it is not partof the Counteritself,but its contentsdeterminehowthe Counteroperates. 3-85 int€t 82C54 to the CE.The storedin the CRandlatertransferred ControlLogic allowsone registerat a time to be loadedfromthe internalbus. Both bytesare transCRy and CRl are ferredto the CE simultaneously. ln this clearedwhenthe Counteris programmed. for one way,if the Gounterhas beenprogrammed byteonlyor least bytecounts(eithermostsignificant significantbyte onty)the other byte will be zero. Notethat the CEcannotbe writteninto;whenevera countis written,it is writtenintothe CR. CLK TheControlLogicis alsoshownin thediagram. n, GATEn, andOUTn areall connected to the outsideworldthroughthe ControlLogic. 82C54SYSTEMINTERFACE 231244-6 Flgure5. InternalBlockDlagramof a Counter The status register,shown in the Figure,when latched,containsthe currentcontentsof the Control Word Registerand status of the output and null countflag.(Seedetailedexplanation of the ReadBackcommand.) Theactualcounterlslabelled CE(lor"Counting Element").lt is a 16-bitpresettable synchronous down counter. The82C54is treatedby the systemssoftwareas an l/O ports;three arecountersand arrayof peripheral the fourthis a controlregisterfor MODEprogramming. Basically, the selectinputsA0,A1connectto the A9, A1addressbussignalsof the CPU.The CScanbe deriveddirectlyfromthe addressbus usinga linear selectmethod.Or it can be connectedto the output of a decoder,suchas an Intel8205for largersyst€ms. OLy and OL1are two 8-bit latch€s.OL standsfor "OutputLatch";the subscriptsM and L standfor "Most significantbyte" and "Leastsignificantbyte" respectively. Both are normallyreferredto as on€ unitand calledjust OL.Theselatchesnormally"follow" the CE,but if a suitableCounterLatch.Commandis sent to the 82C54,the latches"latch" the presentcountuntilreadby the CPUandthenreturn to "following"theCE.Onelatchat a timeis enabled by the counter'sControlLogicto ddvethe internal bus.This is howthe 16-bitCountercommunicates over the 8-bit internalbus. Note that the CE itself cannotbe read;wheneveryou readthe count,it is the OL that is beingread. Similarly,there are two 8-bit registerscalled GBtul Bothare normally and CRg(for "CountRegister"). relerredto as one unitand callediust CR.Whena new countis writtento the Counter,the countis 3-86 Ar lo . coutttt Cl 0r r--:* out olTC cLt DlD, atcaa corrtl:t couxt:i r-:+ 'ot t oalc crx' 'ot l otlE clx 231244-7 Flgure6. 82C54SystemIntertace intef 82C54 DESCRIPTION OPERATIONAL Programmingthe 82C54 General Counters areprogrammed by writinga ControlWord andthenan initialcount.Thecontrolwordformatis shownin Figure7. Atter power-up,the state of the 82C54 is undefined. The Mode, count value,and output of all Counters are undefined. How each Counteroperatesis determinedwhen it is programmed.Each Counter must be programmed beforeit can be used.Unusedcountersneed not be programmed. All ControlWordsare writteninto the OontrolWord Register, whichis selected when41,Ao : 11.The ControlWord itselfspecifies whichCounteris being programmed. By contrast,initialcountsarewrittenintothe Counters,not the ControlWordRegister. The 41, A9 inputs are used to selectthe Counterto be written into.Theformatof the initialcountis determined by theControlWord used. ControlWordFormat A1,A9:11 G:O ffi:1 D7 WH:O D5 scl sc0 D5 Da D3 D2 D1 Ds RW1 RWO M2 M 1 MO BCD SC- SelectCounter: M- MODE: n2 Ml scl sco 0 0 SelectCounter0 0 0 0 Mode0 0 1 SelectCounter1 0 0 1 Mode 1 1 0 SelectCounter2 X 1 0 Mode 2 1 1 Read-BackCommand (See Read Operations) x 1 1 Mode3 1 0 0 Mode4 1 0 1 Mode 5 RW - Read/Wrlte: RWl RWo 0 0 MO BCD: CounterLatchCommand(seeRead Operations) 0 1 Read/Writeleastsignificantbyte only. 1 0 Read/Write mostsignilicant byteonly. 1 1 Read/Writeleastsignificant bytefirst, thenmostsignificant byte. 0 BinaryCounter16-bits 1 BinaryCodedDecimal(BCD)Counter (4 Decades) NOTE:Don't care bits (X) should be 0 to insure compatibilitywith future Intel products. Figure7. GontrolWordFormat 3-87 iilef 82C54 structions€quenceis required.Any programming thatfollowsth€ conventions sequence aboveis acceptable. WrlteOperations procedurefor the 82C54is very The programming flexible.Onlytwo conventions needto be rememA new initialcountmay be writtento a Counterat bered: any time without affecting the Counter's pro1) For each Counter,the ControlWord must be grammed Modein anyway.Counting willbeatfected writtenbeforethe initialcountis written. in the Modedefinitions. as described Thenewcount 2) The initialcount must tollow the count format mustfollowthe programmed countformat. specifiedin the ControlWord (leastsignificant byteonly,mostsignificant byteonly,or leastsiglf a Gounteris programmed to read/writetwo-byte nificantbyteandthenmostsignificant byte). counts,the followingprecaution applies:A program must not transfercontrolbetweenwritingthe first Since the ControlWord Registerand the three andsecondbyteto anotherroutinewhichalsowrites Countershaveseparateaddresses(selectedby the intothat sameCounter.Othenrise, the Counterwill Ar, Ao inputs),andeachGontrolWordspecifies the be loadedwithan incorrectcount. Counterit appliesto (SC0,SC1bits),no specialinControlWord LSBof countMSBofcountControlWordLSBof countMSBof countControlWordLSBofcountMSBof count- 41 11 00 00 11 01 01 11 10 10 Ae Counter 0 Counter 0 Gounter0 Counter1 Counter1 Gounter 1 Counter 2 Counter2 Counter 2 ControlWordCounterWordControlWordLSBofcountLSBofcountLSBofcountMSBof countMSBof countMSBof count- A1 11 11 11 10 01 00 00 01 10 Ae Counter0 Counter1 Counter2 Counter2 Counterl Counter0 Counter0 Counter1 Counter2 ControlWord ControlWordControlWord LSBof countMSBof countLSBof countMSBof countLSBof countMSBof count- Counter 2 Counter1 Counter 0 Counter 2 Counter 2 Counter1 Counter1 Counter 0 Counter 0 ControlWord ControlWordLSBof countControlWord LSBof count MSBof countLSBof countMSBof countMSBof count- Counter1 Counter0 Counter1 Counter2 Counter 0 Counter1 Counter2 Counter0 Counter2 A1 'l 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 A1 11 11 01 11 00 01 10 00 10 Ao 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 A6 NOTE: ln all four examples,all countersare programmedto read/writ€two-byt€counts. These are only four of many possibleprogrammingsaguenc€s. Figure8. A FewPoeslbleProgrammlngSequences ReadOperations It is often desirableto readthe valueof a Gounter withoutdisturbing thecountin progress. Thisis easily donein the 82C54. Thereare three possiblemethodsfor readingthe counters:a simple read operation,the Counter Latch Command,and the Read-BackGommand. Eachis explainedbelow.The first methodis to performa simplereadoperation. To readthe Counter, whichis selectedwith the A1, A0 inputs,the CLK inputof the seleciedCountermustbe inhibitedby usingeitherthe GATEinpuior externallogic.Otherwise,the countmaybe in the processof changing whenit is read,givingan undefined result. 3-88 intef 82C54 grammingoperationsof other Countersmay be insertedbetweenthem. COUNTER LATCHCOMMANO Thesecondmethodusesthe "GounterLatchCommand".Likea ControlWord,thiscommand is written to the ControlWord Register,which is selected when41, Ao : 11.Alsolikea ControlWord,the SCO,SC1bitsselectoneof the threeCounters, but twootherbits,D5andD4,distinguish thiscommand froma ControlWord. A l , A O : 1 1 6; : 0 ; D7 D5 R D - : 1W ; F:O D5 Da 0 0tx sc1 sc0 Another feature of the 82C54 is that reads and writesof the same Countermay be interleaved:for example,if the Counteris programmedfor two byte counts,the followingsequenceis valid. '1. Read least significantbyte. 2. Write new least significantbyte. 3. Read most significantbyte. 4. Write new most significantbyte. D3 D2 D1 Ds X X X lf a Counteris programmedto readlwrite two-byte counts,the followingprecautionapplies;A program must not transfercontrol betweenreadingthe first and secondbyteto anotherroutinewhichalso reads from that same Counter.Otheruvise,an incorrect count will be read. SC1, SCO- specifycounterto be latched scl sco Counter 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 Read-BackCommand READ.BACKCOMMAND The third method uses the Read-Backcommand. This commandallows the user to check the count value, programmedMode, and current state of the OUT pin and Null Count flag of the selectedcounter(s). D5,D4- 00 designatesCounterLatchCommand X - don't care The commandis writteninto the ControlWord Register and has the format shown in Figure 10. The commandappliesto the countersselectedby setting their correspondingbits DB,D2,D1: 1. NOTE: Don'tcarebits (X) shouldbe 0 to insurecompatibility withfutureIntelproducts. Figure 9. Counter Latchlng Command Format The selectedCounter'soutputtatch(OL)latchesthe count at the time the Counter Latch Commandis received.This count is held in the latch until it is read by the CPU (or until the Counteris reprogrammed). The count is then unlatched automaticaliyand the OL returnsto "following"the countingelement(CE). This allows reading the contents oi the Counters :'9! the fly" without atfecting counting in progress. MultipleGounterLatch Commandsmiy be used to latch more than one Counter.Each latched Gounter's OL holdsits countuntilit is read.CounterLatch Commandsdo not affect the programmedMode of the Counterin any way. lf a Counter is latched and then, some time later, latchedagain before the count is read, the second CounterLatchCommandis ignored.The count read will be the count at the time the first CounterLatch Commandwas issued. With either method,the count must be read according to the programmedformat; specifically,if the Counter is programmedfor two byte counts, two bytes must be read.The two bytes do not have to be read one right after the other; read or write or pro- A 0 , A 1: 1 1 D7 1 Q$-O FD:1 WF:o Da 1 D1 6TNT SlTr-USCNT2 CNT 1 C N T O 0 D5:0 : Latch count ol selectedcounter(s) Da:0 : Latch statusof selectedcounter(s) D3: 1 : Select counter2 D2: 1 = Select counter 1 Dr: 1 : Select counter0 Dg: Reservedfor luture expansion;must be 0 Figure 10.Read-BackCommand Format The read-backcommandmay be used to latch multioutput latches (OL) by setting the S_pgnter COUNT bit D5:0 and selectingthe desiredLounte(s). This single command is functionallyequiva_ lent to several counter latch commands,one for each counterlatched.Each counter'slatchedcount is held until it is read (or the counter is reprogrammed).That counter is automaticallyunlatched when read, but other countersremain latched until they are read.lf multiplecountread-backcommands are issuedto the same counterwithoutreadingthe 3-89 inbf 82C54 count,all but the first are ignored;i.e.,the count whichwill be readis the countat the timethe first read-back wasissued. command THISACTION: A. Writeto the control wordregister:ht B. Writeto the count Theread-back command mayalsobe usedto latch statusinformationof selectedcounter(s)by setting ffifre bit D4:0. Statusmustbe tatch6dto ue read;statusof a counteris accessedby a readfrom thatcounter. r"tot"i tcnitri C. Newcountis loacled intocE (cH + 6E;. NULL OUTPUT RWI RWOM2 M1 MO BCD COUNT Dz1:OutPinisl 0: OutPinis0 D 5 1 : N u l lc o u n t 0 : Countavailablefor reading Ds-Do CounterProgrammedMode (See Figure7) Flgure 11.Status Byte NULL COUNTbit DOindicateswhen the last count writtento the counterregister(CR)has been loaded into the countingelement(CE).The exact time this happensdependson the Modeof the counterand is describedin the Mode Definitions,but untilthe count is loadedinto the countingelement(CE),it can't be read from the counter. lf the count is latchedor read before this time, the count value will not reflectthe new count just written.The operationof Null Count is shown in Figure12. 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Nullcount=o Flgure12.NullCountOpera$on Both count and status of the selectedcounter(s) may be latchedsimultaneously by setting both ffi and SIAluS- bits DS,D4:0. rnis ii functionallythe sameas issuingtwo separateread-back commands at once,andthe abovediscussions apply herealso.Specifically, if multipl€countand/or statusread-back commands areissuedto the same counter(s) withoutanyintervening reads,all butthe firstare ignored. Thisis illustrated in Figure13. lf bothcountandstatusof a counterarelatched,the firstreadoperationof that counterwill returnlatched status,regardlessof which was latchedfirst. The nextone or two reads(depending on whetherthe counteris programmed for one or two type counts) returnlatchedcount.Subsequent readsreturnunlatchedcount. Command DescrlPtlon D7 D5 D5 Da D3 D2 D1 D9 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Readbackcountandstatusof 1 Nullcount:1 lf multiplestatuslatchoperations of the counter(s) areperformed withoutreadingthe status,all butthe firstare ignored;i.e.,the statusthat will be readis the statusof the counterat the timethe firststatus read-back command wasissued. Dl 1 Nullcount= 1 ttl Qn! the counterspeciliedby the controlword will have its null count set to 1. Null count bits of other countersare unatfected. l2l f tne counler is programmedfor two-byte counts (least significantbyte thgn most significantbyte) null count goes to 1 when the secondbyte is written. Thecounterstatustormatis shownin Figure11.Bits D5 throughD0 containthe counter'sprogrammed Modeexactlyas writtenin the last ModeControl Word.OUTPUTbit D7 containsthe cunentstateof the OUT pin. This allowsthe userto monitorthe counter'soutputvia software,possiblyeliminating somehardware froma system. 1 CAUSES: Results Countandstatuslatched Counter0 for Counter0 0 Readbackstatusof Counter1 Statuslatchedfor Counter1 0 Readbackstatusof Counters2, 1 statuslatchedfor counter 2, butnotCounter1 0 Readbackcountof Counter2 Countlatchedfor Counter2 0 Readbackcountandstatusof Countlatchedlor Counter1 Counter1 but not status 0 Readbackstatusof Counter1 Command ignored, status alreadylatchedfor Counter1 Figure13.Read-Back GommandExample 3-90 inqef cs RD WR 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 'l 0 0 1 82C54 0 1 0 0 1 A r Ao 0 0 WriteintoCounter 0 0 1 WriteintoCounter1 1 0 WriteintoCounter2 1 1 WriteControlWord 0 0 ReadfromCounter 0 0 1 Readfrom Counter1 1 0 Readfrom Counter2 1 1 No-Qperation (3-State) 1 x X X X 0 1 1 X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Thisallowsthecounting sequence to be synchroniz_ ed by^gottware. Again,OUTdoesnotgo highuntitN + 1 CLKpulsesafierthe newcountot tt is written. lf an initialcountis writtenwhileGATE: 0, it will stillbe loadedon the nextCLKpulse.WhenGATE goeshigh,OUTwittgo highN CLKputsestater;no CLKpulseis neededto loadtheCounteras thishas alreadybeendone. No-Operation (3-State) (3-State) No-Operation Flgure14.Read/WrlteOperailonsSummary ModeDefinitions The followingare definedfor use in describing the operation of the 82C54. CLKPULSE:a risingedge,thena failingedge,in thatorder,of a Counter,s CLKinput. TRIGGER: a risingedgeof a Counter'sGATEinput. COUNTER LOADTNG: thetransferof a countfrom the CR to the CE (referto the "FunctionalDescription") | -l " l* | * | I I ! I I I i I slfflF[l CW.l0 t!!rt l" l- l- l- l3lt lt l! i? ls lr:l MODE0: INTERBUPT ON TERMTNAL COUNT Mode0 is typically usedfor eventcountinq. Afterthe ControlWordis written,OUTis initiallylo-w,andwill remainlowuntiltheCounterreacheszero.OUTthen goeshighand remainshighuntila newcountor a new Mode0 ControlWordis writteninto the Counter. GATE: 1 enablescounting;GATE: 0 disables counting. GATEhasno etfecton OUT. AftertheControlWordandinitialcountarewrittento a Counter, the initialcountwillbe loadedon the next CLKpulse.ThisCLKpulsedoesnot decrement the count,so for an initialcountof N, OUTdoesnot go highuntilN + 1 CLKputsesafterthe initiatcountis written. ll a new countis writtento the Counter,it will be loadedon the nextCLKpulseandcountingwillcon. tinuefromthe newcount.lf a two-bytecountis writ_ ten,the followinghappens: 1) Writingthefirstbytedisabtes counting. OUTis set low immediately (noclockpulserequired). 2) Writingthe secondbyte allowsthe new countto be loadedon the nextCLKpulse. 3-91 l"l-l*l* l3 l: I I ll lt l; lt:l 231244-8 NOTE: The FollowingConventionsApply To All Mode Timing Diagrams: 1. Counters.are_programmedfor binary (not BCD) golllins and for Reading/Writingteast signiiicantbyte (LSB)only. 2. The counteris alwaysselected(G alwayslow). 3. CW standsfor "ControlWord"; CW : iO mein" a controlword of 10, hex is writtento the counter. 4. LSBstandsfor "LeastSignificantByte" of count. 5. Numbersbelow diagramsare count values. The lower numberis the least signiticantbyte. The upper numberis the most signilicanibyte. Since the counter is. programmedto Read/Write LSB only, the most signilicantbyte cannot be read. N standsfor an undelinedcount. Verticallinesshowtransitionsbetweencountvalues. Figure15.Mode 0 intef 82C54 IIIODE1: HARDWARERETRTGGERABLE ONE-SHOT OUT will be initiallyhigh.OUTwill go low on the CLK pulsefollowinga triggerto beginthe one-shotpulse, and will remainlow until the Counterreacheszero. QUT will then go high and remainhigh untilthe CLK pulse atter the next trigger. After writingthe ControlWord and initialcount,the Counter is armed. A trigger results in loading the Counterand settingOUT low on the next CLK pulse' thus startingthe one-shotpulse.An initialcountof N will resultin a one-sholpulse N CLK cyclesin dura' tion. The one-shotis retriggerable,hence OUT will remainlow for N CLK pulsesafter any trigger.The one-shotpulsecan be repeatedwithoutrewritingthe samecountinto the counter.GATEhas no etfecton OUT. ll a new countis writtento the Counterduringa oneshot pulse,the currentone-shotis not affectedunless the Counter is retriggered.In that case, the Counteris loadedwith the new count and the oneshot pulse continuesuntilthe new count expires. MODE2: RATE GENERATOR This Mode functionslike a is typiciallyused to generatea Real Time Clock inter' rirpt.OUf will initiallybe high.When the initialcount has decrementedto 1, OUT goes low for one CLK pulse. OUT then goes high again, the Counter reioads the initialcount and the processis repeated' Mode 2 is periodic;the same sequenceis repeated indefinitely.For an initialcount of N, the sequence repeats every N CLK cYcles. GATE : 1 enablescounting;GATE : 0 disables counting.lf GATE goes low duringan outputpulse, OUT is set high immediately.A triggerreloadsthe Counterwith the initialcounton the next CLK pulse; OUT goes low N CLK pulsesafter the trigger.Thus the GATE input can be used to synchronizethe Counter. After writing a Control Word and initial count, the Counterwili be loadedon the next CLK pulse.OUT ooes low N CLK Pulsesafier the initialcount is writien. This allows the Counterto be synchronizedby software also. WF w-t cl( ctx oltt oArc out oul WT WF clx clx o^lE oltE oul l,.l- l- l-l: ll ll l3 ll I il: I our Cwrll lElra LSl.5 .Wr cLx 9F GATE crx our Gltt l- l3i: ll lll:l3l 231244-'.lo our NOTE: A GATE transitionshould not occur one clock prior to terminalcount. l- i. I xlr ir I I i : l3i:[lffl: l3 | 231244-9 Flgure 17.Mode 2 Figure 16.Mode 1 3-92 inbf 82C54 Writinga new countwhilecountingdoesnot atfect the cunent a triggeris receivedafterwritinga newcountbut beforethe end of the cunentperiod,the Counterwill be loadedwith the newcounton the nextCLKpulseandcounting will continuefrom the new count.Othenvise, th6 new countwill be loadedat the end of the current countingcycle.In mode2, a COUNTof 1 is illegal. OUTwill be highfor (N + 1)/2 countsand low for (N -1)/2 counts. m ctl orra 0t MODE3: SQUAREWAVEMODE Mode3 is typicallyusedfor Baudrateqeneration. Mode3 is similarto Mode2 exceptforthJdutycycle of OUT.OUTwiilinitialty be high.Whenhatfina ini_ tialcounthasexpired, OUTgoeslowfor theremainder of the count.Mode3 is-periodic; the sequence aboveis repeatadindefinitely. An initialcountof N resultsin a sguarewavewith a periodof N CLK cycles. GATE: 1 enablescounting;GATE= 0 disables coulling.lf GATEgoeslowwhiteOUTis tow,OUTis set highimmediately; no CLK pulseis required.A triggerreloadsthe Counterwiththe initialcounton the nextCLK pulse.Thusthe GATEinputcan be usedto synchronize the Counter Atter writinga ControlWord and initialcount,the Counterwill be loadedon the nextCLKpulse.This allowsthe Counterto be synchronized by software also. Writinga newcountwhilecountingdoes not atfect the currentcountingsequence.lf a triggeris receivedafterwritinga newcountbut befo-r6 the end of the cunent half-cycleof the squarewave,the Counterwill be loadedwith the new count on the nextCLKpulseandcountingwill continuelromthe newcount.Otherwise, the newcountwill be loaded at the end of the currenthalf-cycle. Mode3 is implemented as follows: Evencounts:OUTis initiallyhigh.Theinitialcount is loadedon one CLKpulseandthenis decremented by two on succeeding CLKpulses.Whenthe count expiresOUTchangesvalueand the Counteris re_ loadedwiththe initialcount.The aboveprocessis repeatedindefinitely. Odd counts:OUT is initiailyhigh.The initiatcount minusone (anevennumber)is loadedon one CLK pulseandthenis decremenled by two on succeed_ ing CLKpulses.OneCLK gulseafterthe countexpires,OUT goes low and the Counteris reloaded with the initialcountminusone. Succeeding CLK pulsesdecrement thecountby two.Whenthecount expires,OUT goes high againand the Counteris reloaded withtheinitialcountminusone.Theabove processis repeatedindefinitely. So for odd counts, 3-93 9t c!i oAr: our 9I cu olt: oul l-l.l*l.i: l:l :i:i Itl:l: l| !l 231244-11 NOTE: A GATE transitionshould not occur one clock prior to l€rminalcount. Flgure18.Mode3 IIODE4: SOFTWARE TRtccEREDSTROBE OUTwill be initiailyhigh.Whenthe initiatcountexpirgq,OUTwill go low for one CLKpulseand then go highagain.Thecountings€quence is,.triggered,, by writingthe initialcount. GATE: 1 enablescounting;GATE: O disables counting. GATEhasno effecton OUT. Atter writinga ControlWord and initialcount,the Counterwill be loadedon the nextCLKpulse.This CLKpulsedoesnot decrement the couni,so for an initialcountof N, OUT does not strobeiow until N + 1 CLKpulsesafterthe initialcountis written. ff a new count is wriilenduringcounting,it wilt be loadedon the nextGLKpulseandcountiigwiilcon_ tinuefromthe newcount.lf a two-bytecorjntis writ ten,the followinghappens: 82C54 1) Writingthe first bytehasno etfecton counting. 2) Writingthe secondbyteallowsthe newcountto be loadedon the nextCLKPulse. This allowsthe sequenceto be "retriggered"by software.OUT strobeslow N+ 1 CLK pulsesafter th€ newcountof N is written. WT Atterwritingthe ControlWordand initialcount,the counterwillnotbe loadeduntiltheCLKpulseattera trigger.This CLK pulsedoes not decrementthe count,so for an initialcountof N, OUTdoes not strobelowuntilN+ 1 CLKpulsesaftera trigger. A triggerresultsin theCounterbeingloadedwiththe initialcounton the next CLK pulse.The counting OUTwill not strobelow sequenceis retriggerable. for N + 1 CLK pulsesafterany trigger.GATEhas no etfecton OUT. the current lf a newcountis writtenduringcounting, countingsequencewill not be atfected.lf a trigger occursafterthe newcountis writtenbut beforethe currentcountexpires,the Counterwill be loaded with the new count on the next CLK pulseand will continuefromthere. counting clr oAt€ our wr rt ctr cLx o/l?t cltt OUT 9I w-l cLx clx oltc oltE out our l"l.l"l"ll to lz lo lr lo la lo lr lo lFFl lo lrrl 231211-12 Figure 19.Mode 4 Fi ctx MODE 5: HARDWARETRIGGEREDSTROBE (RETRIGGERABLE) G IC OUT will initiallybe high. Countingis triggeredby a risingedge of GATE.When the initialcount has expired,OUT will go low for one CLK pulse and then go high again. l"l r | l o I o lrrl;rl * l| * l| * l| * I| o3 I| o 2 I I I O trftFEt o o g ir a II 231244-',t3 Flgure20.Mode5 3-94 inbr 82C54 OperationCommonto All Modes Programmlng 1) lnitiates counting 2) Resetsoutput aft€r next clock Flgure21.GatePlnOperailonsSummary lrlAX COUNT COUNT 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 MODE MIN 0 1 2 3 4 NOTE: 0 is equivalent to 216for binarycountingand 104for BCDcounting Figure22.ilinlmumand MarlmumInlilalCounts When a GontrolWord is writtento a Counter,atl ControlLogicis immediately resetandOUTgoesto a knowninitialstate;no CLKpulsesare requiredfor this. GATE The GATEinputis alwayssampledon the rising edgeof CLK.In Modes0, 2, 3, and4 theGATEinpu-t is levelsensitive, andthe logiclevelis sampledon therisingedgeof CLK.In Modes1,2, g, and5 the GATEinputis rising-edge sensitive. In theseModes, a rising-9dgeof GATE(trigger)setsan edge-sensitiveflip-flopin theCounter. Thisflip-flopis thensampledon the nextrisingedgeof CLK;the flip-flopis resetimmediately afterit is sampled.ln thisway,a triggerwill be detectedno matterwhenit occurs_a highlogicleveldoesnot haveto be maintained until the nextrisingedgeof CLK.Notethat in Modes2 and3, theGATEinputis bothedge-andlevel-sensitive.In Modes2 and 3, if a CLKsourceotherthan the systemclock is used,GATEshouldbe pulsed immediately following WF of a newcountvalue. COUNTER New counts are loadedand Countersare decrementedon the fallingedgeof CLK. Thelargestpossibleinitialcountis O;thisis equivalent to 216 lor binarycountingand 104 for BCD counting. The Counterdoesnot stopwhenit reacheszero.In Modes0, 1,4, and5 the Counter,?rapsaround"to the highestcount,eitherFFFFhexfor binarvcountingor 9999for BCDcounting, andcontinueicounting.Modes2 and3 areperiodic;the Counterreloads itselfwith the initialcountand continuescounting fromthere. intef 82C54 ABSOLUTEMAXIMUMRATINGS* UnderBias... . . . '0'C to 70'C Temperature Ambient - 65' to + 150'C Temperature Storage . -0,5to *8.0V SupplyVoltage +4Vto+7V Op'erdtingVoitage...... . 'GND-2V to +6.5V Vdttage onanylnput.. Voltageon anyOutput. .GND-0.5Vto V66 + 0.5V ... '.1Watt PoweiDissipation 'Notice: Sfressesahove those listed under'Abso' lute MaximumBatings"maycausepermanentdamage to the device. Thisis a sfless rating only and functionaloperationof the device at these or any otherconditionsabovethoseindicatedin the opera' tionatsectionsof thisspecificationis not implied.Ex' posure to absolutemaximumrating conditionsfor extendedperiodsmayaffect devicereliability. D.C.CHARACTERISTICS (Il:0.c Symbol Vrr Vrr+ Vor vox to 70.c,vcc:5Vt Temperature) GND:OV)fin : -40oc tO t85'C for Extended 10"/o, Parameter InoutLowVoltage InputHighVoltage OutputLowVoltage OutputHighVoltage Mln - 0.5 2.O Max 0.8 Vcn * 0.5 o.4 3.0 Vee - 0.4 Unlte V V V V v Test Condltlong lnr : 2.5 mA lox : -2.5 mA lox = -100 rlA Vrr.r:Vec to 0V r.2.0 166 lnoutLoadCurrent. OutputFloatLeakageCunent V66 SupplyCurrenl t10 20 mA crkFreq= ,'fiH*r%l".ti lccsg Vs6 SupplyCurrent-StandbY 10 pA lccsgr V66 SupplyCurrent-StandbY 150 pA CLKFreq : Pt6 dS: V66. All lnputs/DataBusV66 AllOutoutsFloatinq CLKFreq: 96 eS : V66.AllOtherInPuts, l/O Pins: Vcrun,OutputsOPen InputCapacitance l/O Capacitance OutpulCapacitance 10 20 20 pF fc: pF pins Unmeasured to GND(S) rEturned I11 lorl crru Qro Corrr A.C.CHARACTERISTICS : 5V t10o/o, GND :0V) (IR : CfA : 0'C to 70'C, V66 BUS PABAMETERS(NOIE1) READCYCLE Symbol Parameter tln AddressStableBeforeF'DJ tsR tnn G staoteBeforeffi J tno AddressHoldTimeAtterRDt m PulseWidth DataDelayfromFD J DataDelayfromAddress tor nD T to DataFloating tRR tno Time CommandRecovery Inv NOTE: 1. AC timingsmeasuredat V96 : 2-OY'Vol : 0.8V. U,A pA pF Vorr:Vcc to 0.0V 1 MHz -40"C to + 85'C for ExtendedTemperature) 82C54 Max Mln 45 0 0 150 120 220 c 90 200 82C54-2 llax llln 30 0 0 95 85 185 5 165 65 Unlts ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns inbr 82C54 A.C. CHARACTERISTICS(continued) WRITECYCLE Symbol Parameter Min tew tsw twn tww tow two tnv AddressStableBeforeWR-J 6stabte BeforeWF'J AddressHoldTimeAfterWFIf 82C54 Max 82C54-2 Min Itlar 0 0 0 0 0 0 WR PulseWidth 150 DataSetupTimeBeforeWFIf DataHoldTimeAfterWFIf Command RecoveryTime 120 95 95 0 200 Unlts ns ns ns ns ns 0 ns ns 165 CLOCKAND GATE Symbol tcr-r tpwx tpwt Tn tp tew tet tes tox Too tooo twc twc two tcl Parameter Clock Period HighPulseWidth Low PulseWidth ClockRiseTime ClockFallTime GateWdth High Gate Width Low 9ate SetupTimeto CLKf GateHoldTimeAfterCLK1 OutputDelayfromCLKJ OutputDelayfromGateJ __qLK Delayfor Loading(a) Gate Delayfor Sampling(a) OUT DelayfromModeWrite CLKSet Upfor CountLatch 82C54 Min Max 125 DC 60(3) 60(3) 82C54-2 Max 100 DC ns 25 25 ns ns ns ns 30(3) 50(3) 25 25 50 50 50 50(2) 50(2) 50. ns 50 ns 40 ns ns ns 150 100 100 120 0 -5 55 50 0 55 -5 40 240 40 260 -40 45 Units Mln -40 ns ns ns ns ns NOTES: 2' ln Modes 1 and 5 trigg€rsare sampledon each risingclock edge. A second triggerwithin .t20 ns (70 ns for the g2c54-2' of the risingclock edge may not be det€cted. 3' Low'goingglitchesthat violatetpwx, tpwt may cause errorsrequiring count€rreprogramming. 4. Exceptror Exrendedremp., see enendb? Tehp. A.c. ctraraa6risiicsolro*. 5. Samplednot 100o/otested.T1 : 25.C. 6' It cLK presentat rvvg min lhen count equalsN+2 cLK pulses,Tryg max equalscounl N+1 cLK pulse.Twc min to Tryg max, count will be either N * 1 or N + 2 CLK Dulses. 7' ln Modes 1 and 5, if GATE is presentwhen wriiing a new count value, al Tyy6 min counter will not be triggered,at Try6 max Counterwill be triggered. 8' lf cLK presentwhen writing a counter Latch or ReadBackcommand, at Tq min cLK will be reflectedin counl value latched,at T61 max cLK will not be reflectedin the counl value latched.writing a counter Latch or ReadBackcommand betweenTg; min and Try; max will result in a latchedcount valluewtricnis + one teast significantbit. EXTENDED TEMPERATURE = -40oC to *85oC for ExtendedT 3-97 inbf 2312M-14 c8 IU lao On?Arus--29124-',t5 inbf 82C54 CLOCKAND GATE z'3',t24-17 ' Last byt€ ol count b€ing wdtten A.C.TESTINGINPUT,OUTPUTWAVEFORM A.C.TESTINGLOADCIRCUIT INPUT/OUTPUT i-i I orvrcr uxom I l?rlrll |- I | *cr'lrcr' | I 2'3124/-18 A.C.Testing:InprrtBare d.ivenet 2.4Vlq a loglc,,i " and O,4SV for.a logic "0." Timingm€asurem€nleare madeat 2,0Vtor a loglc "1" and 0.8Vtor a logic.,0." 3-99 ? Cs - 150pF C1 Includeellg capacitance 23124-15 Intel82C55AProgrammable Peripheral Interface DataSheetReprint intel' 82C55A INTERFACE PERIPHERAL CHMOSPROGRAMMABLE I Control Word Read.BackCapablllty I Direct Btt Set/ResetGaPabllitY . 2.5 mA DC Drlve Gapabilltyon all l/O Port Outputs r AvailableIn 4GPin DIP and 44-PlnPLCC r AvailableIn EXPRESS - StandardTemperatureRange - ExtendedTemperatureRange I Compatlblewlth all Intel and Most Other MlcroProcessors r Hlgh Speed,"Zero Walt State" Operationwlth 8 MHz8086/88and 80186/188 a 24 Programmablel/O Plns I Low PowerCHMOS r CompletelyTTL Compatible CHMOSversionof the industrystandard82554generalpurpos€ The Intel82C55Ais a high-performance, lt provides programmable l/O devicswhichis designedfor usewithall Inteland mostothermicroprocessors. in 3 major modes groups used of operation. 12 programmed ol and in 2 pins whichmaybe individually Zq ttO withthe NMOS8255Aand8255A'5. The82C55Ais pincompatible in setsof 4 and I to be inputsor outputs.ln ln MODE0, eachgroupof 12llo pinsmaybe programmed 4 pinsareused input of or output.3 of the remaining programmed 8 lines group to have maybe MODE1, each bus configuration. and intenuptcontrolsignals.MODE2 is a strobedbi-directional for handshaking The 82C55Ais fabricatedon Intel'sadvancedCHMOSlll technologywhichprovideslow powerconsumption equalto or greaterthan the equivalentNMOSproduct.The 82C55Ais availablein 40-pin with performance DfPand 44-pinplasticleadedchipcarrier(PLCC)packages. r e3 i ! 3 r i 3 i 3r : I.SET 00 ol 02 DJ !.c 0a 06 0a o, 7 t I t0 It t2 IJ la VC RSfEE2iREEE 231256-31 231256-1 Flgure 1.82C55ABlock Diagram 231256-2 Figure2.82C55APlnout Diagramsaro tor pin rot€r€nceonly. Packag€ siz€s ar6 not to scale. 3-124 S.ptcmbci tetT Ordcr llumb.n 231256{0l 82C55A Table1. Pln Descrlpilon Symbol PAs-o FE Pln Number PLCC 1-4 2-5 Dlp Type Nameand Functlon vo PORTA, PINS0-3: Lowernibbteof an g-bitdataoutputlatch/ butferandan 8-bitdatainputlatch. READCONTROL: Thisinputis towduringCpUreadoperations. CHIPSELECT: A lowon thisinputenablesthe82C55Ato respondto FiEandWF signals.R-DandWRareignored otherwise. SystemGround ADDRESS: Theseinputsignals, in conjunction FE andWF[, controlthe selectionof oneof thethreeportsor thecontrol wordregisters. 5 6 I 6 7 I GND 7 I Ar-o 8-9 9-10 es Ar As m 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 10-13 11,13-15 vo Pco-g 14-17 16-19 vo PBo-z 't8-25 t/o RESET 35 20-22, 24-28 29 30-33, 35-38 39 WR 36 40 37-40 41-44 Vcc Dz-o PAt-t NC 26 27-34 1,12, 23,94 vo I vo F 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 InputOperailon(Read) PortA-DataBus PortB-DataBus PortC-DataBus - DataBus ControlWord OutputOplratlon (Wrtte) 0 0 DataBus- PoitA 1 1 0 0 DataBus- PortB 1 0 1 0 0 DataBus- PortC 1 1 1 0 0 DataBus- Control DisableFunctlon x X X X 1 DataBus-3-State X X 1 1 0 DataBus-3-State PORTC, PINS4-Z: Uppernibbteof an 8-bitdataoutputlatch/ bufferandan 8-bitdatainputbutfer(noratchfor rnpui).Thisport canbe dividedintotwo4-bitportsunderthe modecontrol.Each 4-bitportcontainsa 4-bitlatchandit canbe usedfor the control signaloutputs andstatussignalinputsin conjunction withports A andB. PORTC, PINS0-3: Lowernibbleof portC. PORTB, PINS0-Z: An 8-bitdataoutputlatch/butferandan 8bit datainputbutfer. SYSTEITI POWER:* 5VpowerSupply. DATABUS:Bi-directional, tri-statedatabuslines,connectedto systemdatabus. 0 0 PCt-c 1 WR 0 1 RESET:A high on this input clears the control registerand atl ports are set to the input mode. WRITECONTRO|:Thisinputis towduringCpUwrite operations. PORTA, PINS4-7: Uppernibbleof an8_bitdataoutputlatch/ lgttqr andan 8-bitdatainputtatch. No Connect intef 82C554 DESCRIPTION 82C55AFUNCTIONAL General peripheralinterface The82C55Ais a programmable sys' devicedesignedfor usein lntelmicrocomputer t€ms.lts functionis that of a generalpurposel/O componentto interfaceperipheralequipmentto the microcomputer systembus.The funclionalconfiguby the system rationof the 82C55Ais programmed sottwareso that normallyno externallogicis necsssaryto interfaceperipheraldevicesor structures. DataBus Buffer This3-statebidirectionalS-bit butferis usedto intsrface the 82C55Ato the systemdata bus. Data is transmittad or receivedby the butferuponexecution of inputor outputinstructionsby the CPU.Control words and statusinformationare also transfened throughthe databus buffer. Read/Wrlteand Control Loglc The functionof this block is to manageall of the internaland externaltransfersof both Data and Controlor acceptsinputsfrom the CPUAddressandControlbusses andin turn,issues commandsto bothof the ControlGroups. Group A and Group B Gontrols The functionalconfigurationof each port is programmedby the systemssoftware.In essence,the CPU"outputs"a controlwordto the 82C55A.The controlword containsinlormationsuchas "mode", "bit s€t", "bit reset", etc., that initializesthe functionalconfiguration of the 82C55A. Eachof the Controlblocks(GroupA and GroupB) accepts"commands"from the Read/WriteControl Logic,receives"control words" from the internal to its asdatabusand issuesthe propercommands sociatedports. ControlGroupA - PortA andPortG upper(C7-C4) ControlGroupB - PortB andPortC lower(C3-C0) The controlword registercan be both writtenand readas shownin the addressdecodetable in the pin descriptions.Figure6 showsthe controlword lormat for both Readand Writeoperations.When thecontrolwordis read,bit D7willalwaysbe a logic "1", as thisimpliescontrolwordmodeinformation. Portg A, B, and G The82G55Acontainsthree8-bitports(A, B, andC). All can be configuredin a widevarietyof functional by the systemsottwarebut eachhas characteristics its own specialfeaturesor "personality"to further enhancethe powerand flexibilityof the 82C55A. Port A. One 8-bitdata outputlatch/butferand one 8-bit input latch butfer.Both "pull-up'''and "pulldown"bus holddevicesare pres€nton PortA. Port B. One 8-bit data input/outputlatch/butfer. Only"pull-up"busholddevicesare presenton Port B. Port C. One 8-bitdataoutputlatch/bufferand one 8-bitdata inputbutfer(no latchfor input).This port can be dividedinto two 4-bit portsunderthe mode control.Each4-bitport containsa 4-bit latchand it canbe usedfor the controlsignaloutputsandstatus withportsA and B. Only signalinputsin conjunction "pull-up"bus holddevicesar€ presenton PortG. for SeeFigure4 for the bus-holdcircuitconfiguration PortA, B, andC. 3-126 intef 82C55A ar.Drttctlilat oltr .|a or Do t6 ar atttt 231256-9 Flgure3' 82c55ABlock DlagramShowlngDataBus Bufferand Read/wrlte controtLogtc Fu;[o; RESSI ilTERTAT OATA|l{ irTElxAL OATAOUT EnEtx t POFrqC ?IN NYESIAL OATA 'NOTE: wn Port pins loaded with more than 20 pF capacitanc€may not have 231zfi-4 their rogic level guaranteed following a hardware resel. Flgure4. Port A, B, C, Bus-holdConllguration 3-127 intef 82C55A 82C55AOPERATIONALDESCRIPTION c(,i|riolfirno q ModeSelectlon oa D! or Dr D2 Dl o! I Thereare threebasicmodesof operationthat can be selectedby the systemsoftware: Mode0 - Basicinput/output Mode1 - StrobedInput/ouput Bus Mode2 - Bi-directional Whenthe res€tinputgoes"high"all portswillbe set to theinputmodewithall24portlinesheldat a logic "on€" levelby the internalbus hold devices(see Figure4 Note). Atter the reset is removedthe 82G55Acanremainin the inputmodewithno addirequired. Thiseliminates the need tionalinitialization for pullupor pulldowndevicesin "all CMOS"designs.Duringthe executionof the systemprogram, anyof the othermodesmaybe s€lectedby usinga single output instruction.This allows a single 82C55Ato servicea varietyol peripheraldevices with a simplesoftwaremaintenance routine. I I t_ / oo'" \ ;oirc |lortFl I . I'{?UT 0. Oulru? ''0i7 3 | . ltl?UT 0. Ot ttUT xoDEl€tEctlor 0. r,OO:0 I . arool I / cnoua \ troiT c llttEil l.ll|'W 0.OuTrut The modesfor PortA and PortB can be separately defined,whilePortC is dividedinto two portionsas requiredby the PortA and PortB definitions. All of the outputregisters,includingthe statusflip-flops, will be resetwheneverthe modeis changed.Modes may be combinedso that theirfunctionaldefinition can be "tailored"to almostany l/O structure.For instance;GroupB can be programmed in Mode0 to monitorsimpleswitchclosingsor displaycomputational results,Group A could be programmedin Mode1 to monitora keyboardor tapereaderon an intenupt-driven basis. foir a t .lt|'lrt o. Ottlttt r@E SCLECflOX O. alOOEO ot.I|oOE I lX.mE2 rcOE $' FLAG | . ACTIVE 231256-6 Flgure6. ModeDetlnltlonFormat The modedefinitionsand possiblemodecombinationsmayseemconfusingat firstbut attera cursory reviewof the completedeviceoperationa simple, logicall/O approachwill surface.The designof the 82C55Ahastakeninto accountthingssuchas efficientPCboardlayout,controlsignaldefinition vs PC layoutand completefunctionalflexibilityto support almostany peripheraldevicewith no extemallogic. Such designrepresentsthe maximumuse of the pins. available SlngleBlt Sel/Reset Feature Anyof the eightbits of PortC can be Set or Reset usinga singleOUTputinstruction.This featurereducessottwarerequirements in Control-based applications. Figure5. BasicModeDefinltionsand Bus Interface WhenPortC is beingusedas status/controlforPort A or B, thesebitscanbe set or r€setby usingthe Bit Set/Resetoperationjust as if theyweredataoutput POrts. 3-128 82C5sA InterruptControl Functlons oor?notronD When the 82C55Ais programmedto operatein mode1 or mode2, controliignatsare providedthat can be usedas interruptrequ€stinputsto the GpU. Theinterruptrequestsignals,generated fromportC, can be inhibitedor enabledby settingor resetting the associatedINTEflip-flop,usingthe bit set/reset functionof portC. This functionallowsthe Programmer to disallowor allowa specificl/O deviceto intem.rpt the CPUwithout atfectingany otherdevicein the interruptstructure. INTEflip-flopdefinition: 251256-7 (BIT-SET)-INTE is SET-lnterruptenabte (BIT-RESETFINTE is RESET-lnterrupt disabte Flgure7. Blt Set/ResetFormat Note: All Mask flip-flopsare automaticallyreset during modeselectionand deviceReset. 3-129 intef 82C55A OperatlngModeg Mode0 (BaslcInput/Output).Thisfunctionalconfigurationprovidessimpleinput and outputop€rationsfor eachof the threeports.No "handshaking" is required,data is simplywrittento or readfrom a specifiedport. Mode0 BasicFunctional Definitions: o Two 8-bitportsandtwo 4-hitports. o Any port can be inputor output. . Outputsare lalched. o Inpi.rtsare not latched. o 16 ditferentInput/Outputconfigurations are pos. siblein thisMode. MODE0 (BAS|C|NPUT) 231256-A lrlODE0 (BASICOUTPUT) 231256-9 3-130 intef 82C5sA IIIODE0 Port Dellnltlon A B Da D3 D1 De 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GROUPA POFTC POBTA (UPPER) OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT GROUPB PORTC PORTB GOWER) OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT INPUT INPUT OUTPUT INPUT INPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT INPUT INPUT OUTPUT # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 INPUT INPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT 10 INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT 11 INPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT 12 13 0 INPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT 14 INPUT OUTPUT 1 INPUT INPUT 15 INPUT INPUT MODE0 Conflguratlons cof{?iot firaD 12 LO.OrO.OrOz coa{7eol 80iD -3 Ot Da olo D5 D. 0t0 O! Dt o Or Oo I INPUT intef E2C55A ilODE 0 Conflguratlons(Continued) coNrnot woBDa D, Dc D3 D. Dr D2 Dr Do oon?not ioRD 16 cor|rnor fitRD,t corctnot fitRo a6 coxrFot fi)ao alo o, D. o, o. ot or Dr tl0lolrl0lolr cofrtiot o, toRo at oo o Oofrtltol tORD arl 06 03 o. Dt o' 0 o 0 I 0 Dr oo I o, Da D! rlol0lr D. O! O, 010 Or I Oo 82C55A ilODE 0 Conflguratonr (Continued) ooatYlot f,oaD fiz oo,{tnoLtroeorr. or%orDrorDtoroo lorDro.DrDrDroo rlololrltlolrlo @ffrtoL tfotDttt %tDrDrDrDrOrOo Operatlng llodct IIODE 1 (Strobed Inptrt/Output).This functional contiguration providesa meanafor transfeningl/O rlQ to or from a specifiedport in conjunctionwith strob€sor "handshaking" signals.In m6de1, portA and Port B use the lineson port C to generateor acceptthese"handshaking"signals. Mode1 BasicfunctionalDefinitions: o Two Groups(GroupA and GroupB). . F?ghgroupcontainsone 8-bitdataportand one 4-bit control/datraport. . fhg 8-bitdata port can be eitherinputor output Bothinputsand ouputs are latched. o The4-bitportis usedfor controlandstatusof the 8-bitdatraport. 3-133 int€f 82C554 lnput Control SlgnalDellnltlon STE (Strole Input). A "low" on this input loads dataintothe inputlatch. ooxtior woto f!: IBF (lnput Bufler Full F/F) ffi^ t!?^ A "high" on this outputindicatesthat the data has beenloadedintothe inputlatch;in 6ssence,an acknowledgement. IBF is set by STE ingt beinglow and is resetby the risingedgeof the RD input. |l{tn^ t/o INTR(lntenupt Fequest) sc A "high" on this outputcan be usedto interuptthe GPUwhen an input deviceis requestingservice. INTRis set by the STBis a "on6", IBFis a "one" and INTEis a "one". lt is resetby the fallingedgeof RD-.This procedureallowsan input deviceto request servicefrom the CPUby simplystrobingits dataintothe port. INTEA Controlledby bit set/resetof PCa. INTEB Gontrolledby bit set/resetof PC2. oofJttol I coirll f,oto r--.1 I lljtc I !!! .23r256-13 Flgure8. lrlODEI Input It fl?i E rurtro- Ei|lfiIAL - - 2312ft-14 Flgure9.llODE 1 (StrobedInput) 3-134 intef 82C55A OutputControlSlgnalDeflnlilon OEFlOutpurBuftcrFu[ F/F).The6BF outputwil go "low" to indicatethat the CPUhas writtendata out to the specifiedport.The ffi f n wiil be set bv the risingedgeof the WF inputand resetby ffi Inputbeinglow. oiltiottlotD dl^ r--.r I ltrl lAl I E^ FR (lctnowledge Input). A "low" on this input informsthe 82C55Athatthe datafromportA or port B hasbeenacceptsd.In essenc€,a responsefrom the peripheraldeviceindicatingthat it has received the dataoutputby the cPU. INTR(lnterruptRequest).A "high','onthis output can be usedto intenuptthe CpU when an output devicehas accepteddata transmittedbv the CpU. INTRis set whenAffi is a ,,on€",6EF-isa ,,on€" gl INTEis a "on€". lt is resetby the fallingedgeof lffie mE oof{ttol I FOtt] toRD ilh wR. eh ITiITE A Gontrolled by bit set/resetof pG5. INTEB Controlledby bit set/resetof pC2. Itfrq 231256-r5 Flgurel0.llODE I Outpur 231256-16 Flgurc 11.IIODE 1 (StrobcdOutput) 3-135 82C55A Comblnatloneof IIODE I PortA andPortB cbnbe individually definedas inputor outputin Mode1 to supporta widevarietyof strobed l/O applications. fiF^ I!-xe c(xlnolsoio coillFot fitiD lf{Ti^ to dFr sfE lcx. llfr tNlnr ntTir tolT A - tstaotED rirPUTl roi? I - (sttoSEo outaJ?t roFTA-(STiO8€OOurrutl ioBTt-(stnoffonrfurl 231256-17 Flgure12.Comblnatlons of ilODE 1 OperatlngModes Output Operatlons MODE 2 (Strobed Bidlrectlonal Bus l/O).This providesa meansfor comfunctionalconfiguration municating witha peripheral deviceor structureon a single8-bit bus for both transmittingand receiving data(bidirectional bus l/O). "Handshaking" signals areprovidedto maintainproperbusflowdisciplinein a similarmannerto MODE1. Intenuptgeneration and enable/disable functionsare alsoavailable. OEF (Output Buffer Full).The 6EF outputwitt9o "lovv"to indicatethat the CPUhaswrittendata out to portA. MODE2 BasicFunctionalDefinitions: . Usedin GroupA only. o One8-bit,bi-directional busport(PortA) anda 5bit controlport (PortG). o Bothinputsand outputsare latched. o The S-bitcontrolport (PortC) is usedfoi control and status for the 8-bit, bi-directionalbus port (PortA). BldirectionalBus l/O ControlSignalDefinltlon INTR(lnterruptRequest).A highon thisoutputcan be usedto interrupt theCPUfor inputor outputoperations. ffi (ncmowbdge). A "low" on this inputenables the tri-stateoutputbutfer of Port A to send out the data.Otherwise, the outputbuflerwill be in the high impedancestate. INTE I (The INTE Fllp-Flop Assoclated wlth OBF).Controlledby bit set/resetof PC6. Input Operatlons SF lStroUe Input). A "low" on this input loads dataintothe inputlatch. IBF(lnputBuffer FullF/F).A "high"on thisoutput indicatesthat data has been loadedinto the input latch. INTE2 (The INTEFlip-FlopAssoclatedwtth tBF). Gontrolledby bit set/resetof PCa. 3-136 intef 82C55A ooiftiol fitiD qD.orD, dF^ Ero I . ltltuT O.OUT?I,I ffi^ x)fit E l - ltruT 0 - OUttUT cnottErooE 0 - 'IOOE0 I .l,lOOE I 231256-18 Flgure13.ItlODE ControlWord 231256-19 Flguru1{.llODE 2 o tat'H crutoatcra FI ill rittR tEf lrt IBF ?ENI'|ICBAL 31,s io DA?A IiOI 'ln'|lGialTOaacaa oAtAttor epaa ro;Eil,'rcu! Figure15.MODE2 (Btdtrectionat) NOTE: ispermissibre. :'rgff'3flh+fl8ffi*1":'Hl'o'"ffi til+ff:?JP".ffi^Ttffi 3-137 intel 82C55A MOO€2 AND MODEO IOUTPUTI MOOE 2 AND MOOE O {IfIIPUTI rcr r+rt 6f. rc? -i^ rq Fr^ m^ rca fri^ |!;a fcr tlfr tQo tro IFr^ OOIJTROL fiOND 4Dr\D.DrOrOrDo 4Dr%D.OrD2DrOo r/o rar+'lo MOOE2 ANOMOOEI IOUTPUTI MOOE2 AND MOOEI IINPUTI rc! r.Trt tc: 6-F^ rc' oa-F^ tcr iG-rr rct lc-I^ tc. m^ ,rCa ffi^ rq lFe q tlt 'trrh lG1 rt'rq 6-Fr t% 4 ef" RD fct tltr tfltBa ii r% ilrrr Figure16.MODE/4 Combinatlons 3-138 irfief 82C55A ModeDeflnltlonSummary MODEO MODE1 MODE2 IN OUT IN ouT PAo PAr PAz PAs P& PAs PAo PAz IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT IN IN IN 1N IN 1N IN IN OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT PBo PBr PBe PBg PBa PBs PBs PBz 1N IN IN IN IN IN IN IN OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT IN IN IN IN IN 1N IN IN OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT Pco PCr PCz PCs PCe PCs PCo PCz IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT GROUPA ONLY < MODEO OH MODE1 ONLY vo INTRg INTRs lBFs GFs Affis ffia INTRl INTRa t/o llo INTRI srEA alo lBFa vo l to VO sIBl lBFa Iffia OtsF-a TfKA 6EFa SpeclalModeComblnatlonConslderailons Thereare severalcombinations of modespossible. For anycombination, someor all of the PortC lines areusedfor controlor status.Theremaining bitsare eitherinputsor outputsas definedby a "Set Mod6" command. Duringa readof PortC, the stat€of all the port C lines,exceptthe Affi and SE lines,will be placed on the data bus. In placeof the Affi and ffi line states,flag statuswill appearon the databusin the PC2,PC/, and PCObit positionsas illustratedby Figure18. Througha "WritePortG" command, onlythe PortC pinsprogrammed as outputsin a Mode0 groupcan be written.No otherpinscanbe atfectedby a "Write PortC" command,norcanthe interruptenableflags be accessed.To write to any Port C output programmedas an outputin a Mode 1 groupor to changean int€rruptenableflag,the "Set/ResetPort C Bit" commandmustbe used. Witha "Set/ResetPortC Bit" command,anyPortC lineplggrammed as an output(including |NTR,tBF and OBF)can be written,or an interuptenableflag can be €ithers€t or reset.PortC linesproqrammed as inputs,inctudingAffi and SfB linei, aJsociated with PortG are not atfectedby a "Set/ResetPortC Bit" command.Writing1]g the conesponding PortC bit positionsof the fiffi and SE'finei iritn tn" "Set/Reset Port C Bit" commandwill atfect the GroupA andGroupB interrupt enableflags,as illus. tratedin Figure18. GurrentDrlve Capabltlty Anyoutputon PortA, B or C can sinkor source2.S mA.Thisfeatureallowsthe 82Cf5Ato direcilydrive Darlingtonbpe driv€rs and high-voltagedisplays that requiresuchsinkor sourcecurrent. 3-139 82C55A ReadlngPort G Status In Mode0, PortC transfersdatato or fromthe peWhenthe82C554is programmed to ripheraldevice. functionin Modes1 or 2, Port C generatesor acsignalswiththe peripheral decepts"hand-shaking" vice.Readingthe contentsof PortC allowsthe programmerto test or verifythe "status" of each peripheraldeviceand changethe programflow accordingly. Thereis no specialinstructionto readthe statusinformationfrom PortC. A normalread operationof PortC is executedto performthis function. II{PUTCONFIGURATION D5 D3 D2 Da D1 D7 D5 t/o vo lBFl INTEI INTRI INTEs lBFs INTR6 GROUPA D7 D6 GROUPB OUTPUTCONFIGURATIONS D2 D5 D5 Da D3 D1 GROUPA D6 GROUPB Figure17a.MODEI StatusWordFormat D? D5 D5 Da D3 D2 D1 De GROUPA GROUPB (D€fn€dByMode0 or ModeI Sel€ction) Figure17b.iIODE 2 StatusWord Format Interrupt Enable Flaq INTEB INTEA2 INTEA1 Poeltlon AlternatePort C PlnSlgnal(llode) PC2 Affie (OutputMode1)orSTEe(lnputMode1) PC4 STEa(lnputMode1 or Mode2) PC6 ffia (OutoutMode'l or Mode2 Flgure18.InterruptEnableFlagsln ilodes 1 and 2 3-140 inbf 82C55A ABSOLUTEMAXIMUMRATINGS* Ambient Temperature UnderBias.. . .0'C to + 70"C StorageTemperature ... - 65'Cto+ 150'C - 0.5to + 8.0V SupplyVoltage OperatingVoltage .....+ 4Vto + 7V Voltageon anyInput.. . .GND-2V to + 6.5V Voltageon anyOuput . .GND-0.5Vto V66 + O.sV PowerDissipation 1 Watt 'Notice: Sfressasabove those listed under 'Absolute MaximumRatings"maycausepermanentdamage to the device. Thisis a stress rating only and functionaloperationof the deuicedt these or any otherconditionsabovethoseindicatedin thd operationalsectionsof thisspecificationis not imptied.Exposure to absolutemaximumrating cbnditionsfor ertendedperiodsmayaffect devicereliability. D.C. CHARACTERISTICS T n = O G t o 7 0 " C , V C C :* 5 V X l O o / o , G N D : 0 V f f n : - 4 0 ' C t o * S 5 . C f o r E x t e n d e d T e m p e r t u r e ) Symbol Parameter Mln Max Unlts TestCondltlons 0 . 5 vr InputLowVoltage 0.8 V Vrx Vor Vox OutputLowVoltage OutputHighVoltage It InputLeakageCunent lopl OutputFloatLeakageGunent lolR Darlington DriveCunent lpxt InputHighVoltage 2.0 Vcc V 0.4 V lgg : 2.5 mA V V l o H : -2.5 mA loH - -100 pA t1 pA Vlx : V66to0V (Note1) r10 pA V1x : V66 to 0V (Note 2) t2.5 (Note4) mA PortsA, B, C R61 = 500O Vs1 : 1.7V PortHoldLowLeakageCunent +50 +300 pA Vow = 1.ov lpxx PortHoldHighLeakageCunent -50 -300 lpxlo -350 pA Vggry: 0.8V Inrno PortHoldLowOverdriveCunent PortHoldHighOverdriveCunent +350 pA VOUT:3.0V 166 Vg6SupplyCunent 10 mA lccsa V6s SupplyCunent-Standby 10 pA (Note3) V69 : 5.5V Vtru: VCCor GND PortConditions Itl/P : Open/High OlP : OpenOnly WithDataBus : High/Low 6: High Reset: Low PureInputs: Low/High 3.0 V66 - 0.4 PortA only pA vow = 3.ov PortsA, B, C ilOTES: 1. Pins41,Ao,6, WF',F'0,Reset. 3. Outputsop€n. 4. Limitoutpulcun€ntto 4.0 mA. 3-141 intef 82C55A CAPACITANCE Tq : 25"G,Vgg :Q|lP - 9Y GrH lnputCapacitance 10 Unlts pF cvo !/O Capacitance 20 pF Parameter Symbol l/lax Mln Test Condltlons plns Unmeasured returnedto GND lc : 1 MHz(s) NOTE: 5. Samplednot 10006test€d. A.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA : 0oto 70'C,Vcc : +5V t10o/o,GND : 0V TA : -40'C to +85'C for ExtendedTemperature BUS PARAMETERS READ CYCLE Symbol 82C554.2 Parameter llln tnn AddressStableBeforeF-DJ 0 tRa AddressHoldTimeAtterF'D1 0 tnn RDPutseWidtn tRo DataDelayfromFEJ tor tnv HDt to DatraFloating 10 RecoveryTimebatweenHE/WH 200 Unlts tar 150 120 75 Tert Condltlons ns ns ns ns ns ns WRITECYCLE Symbol 82C55A-2 Parametcr tln tar Unlte tew AddressStableBeforeWFIJ, 0 ns twe AddressHoldTimeAfterWF 1 20 ns ns ns ns ns ns 20 tww tow two WF Pulsewidth 100 DataSetupTimeBeforeWFif 100 DataHoldTimeAfterWF f 30 30 3-142 Tcet Gondltlonr PortsA & B PortC PortsA & B PortC intef 82C55A OTHERTITII{GS Symbol 82C55A-2 Parameter Mln ilar Unlts Gondltlons tws tn tnn tnx 0 ns ns ns 7ffi Pubewidrh 200 ns tsr SfB PulseWidth 100 tps 20 tpx Per.DataBeforeSffi Xigfr Per.DataAtterSTBHign teo Iffi: txo Fffi : 1 to OutputFloat twog W F i : l to OE F : O Affi:0toOBF:1 150 SfB:0tolBF-1 150 R-D:'ltolBF:0 HD : OtoINTR: 0 STE:lto|NTR:1 150 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns tnog lsre tnra tnr tgr tnn twr tnes W'F i :l to Ou tp u t Peripheral DataBeforeH-D Peripheral DataAtterRD- 350 0 50 't75 OtoOutput 20 150 200 150 Fffi:lto|NTR:1 WFi: OtoINTR: 0 Reset PulseWidth 250 150 200 500 Test se€ note 1 s€enot€2 }IOTE: 1. INTRf mayoccuras eartyas WFJ . 2' Pulsewidthof initiatResetpulseafter poweron mustbe at least50 pSec. SubseguentResetpulsesmay be 5111) ng minimum. 3-143 82C554 WAVEFORMS moDEo (BAslc lNPl,tT) 281zft-u2 roDE o (BASTC OUTPUT) ",31zft-2s -4+<s-' 3-144 WAVEFORMS(continued) iloDE 1 (STROBED TNPUT) m t!F tf,tl l-D rpu? itil tEirttlEial 231256,-24 iloDE r (STROBEDOUTPUT) 82C55A WAVEFORMS(continued) lroDE2 (BIDIRECTTONAL) 231256-26 lloto: Any-eequence U€re fiElqcurs b€for€ffi nNo_srE @cursbeforeFE is permissible. (INTR= IBFo FFffi. SF6. FD + OEF. [[ASRo fif;( o ffi; WRITETIMING READTIMING 231256-27 A.C.TESTINGINPUT,OUTPUTWAVEFORM "31256-28 A.C.TESTINGLOADCIRCUIT Ytrr' 1e.uP I 231256-29 231256-30 'VgXr ls S€t At Variqrs VottagesDuringTesting To Gurantee Th€ Specificetion.Cs InctudesJig Capacilance. AC. Toting lnputs Are DrivenAt 2AV Fot A Logic 1 And 0.45V For A Lggic 0 Timing Measur€nents Are Made At z.OV For A Logic 1 And 0.8 For A Logic 0. 3.146 APPENDIX D CONFIGURING THE 12OO FOR SIGNAL*MATH Jumper and SwitchSettings WhenrunningSIGNAL*MATH, you may haveto changesomeof the 1200'son-boardjumpen from their factory-setpositions.BeforeusingSIGNAL*MATH on the 1200board,checkthefollowing switchandjumpers: . Sl * Baseaddress cll *8254 timerlcounterI/O configuration . P8 - Interrupts Theboardlayoutis shownin FigureD-1. tE$ llolY'lo @ ilgl'lig )3LJ3 tt* h! ffi oo oooo oooooo OO! OO ooorc, oo oooooo oooo oooooo oooooooo oo oo Otrr OO oo oo gg 82css 9q oooooooo oooooo ooooooo ooooooa' 7 soo0000000\7tro( 6hEUI o(ED ]im. O€vics, IrF. St t Cdt.g., pA l6!Oa t SA @ Fig. D-1 - 1200 BoardLayout 51- BaseAddress SIGNAL*MATH assumes thatfte baseaddressof your 1200is thefactorysetringof 300 hex (768decimal).If you changethis setting,you must run the ADAINST programandresetthebaseaddress. NOTE: WhenusingtheADAINST program,you canenterthebaseaddressin decimalor hexadecimal notation.Whenenteringa hex value,you mustprecedethenumberby a dollar sign(for example,$300). D-3 W -8254 Timer/CounterUO Configuration The 8254mustbe configuredwitlt thetiree jumpersplacedbetweenthepins asshownin FigureD-2. This configurationis thesameasthefactorysetting.After settingthejumpers,verify thateachis in theproperlocation. Any remainingjumpersmustbe removedfrom theP7 headerconnector. P7 XTAL ;l EC1 :l oTl XTAL H EC2 PCK I ET Fig. D-2 -8254 Timer/CounterClock SourceJumpers,P7 P8 - Interrupts To selectan IRQ channelandan intemrptsoruce,you mustinstallthreejumperson this headerconnector.To configurethis headerfor SIGNAL*MATH, placeonejumperacrossthepins of your desiredIRQ channel,placethe secondjumperacrossthepins labeledEOC,andplacethirdjumperacrossthepins labeledG. Makecertainthat thereareno otherjumperson this connector.Also, makesurethattheIRQ channelyou haveselectedis not usedby any otherdevicein your system.FigureD-3 showsyou how to configureP8 for IRQ channel3. P8 oT2 ET EOC DMA IRQT IHQ6 IRQs IRQ4 IRQ3 IRQ2 p8 Fig.D-3- Interrupts and InterruptChannelJumpers, D-4 RunningADAINST After thejumpersandswitcharesetandthe 1200boardis installedin ttrecomputer,you arereadyto configure SIGNAL*MATH so thatit is compatiblewith your board'ssettings.This is doneby runningthe ADAINST driver installationprogram.After runningtheprogram,openADA1200.EXEfrom the OpenaFile menu.You will seea screensimilarto thescreenshownin FigureD4 below.The factorydefaultsettingsareshownin theillusration. Your settingsmay or may not matchthedefaultsettings,dependingon whetheryou havemadechangesto these settingsbefore. BaseAddress. Theboard'sbaseaddresssettingis enteredin theupperright block,as shownin thediagram. The factory settingfor all Real Time Devicesboardsis 300 hex (768 decimal).The baseaddresscanbe enteredasa decimalor hexadecimal value(hexvaluesmustbe precededby a dollarsign (for example,$300)).Referto your board'smanualif you needhelpin determiningthecorrectvalueto enter. EOC IT (End-of-ConvertInterrupt). In this block,entertheIRQ channelnumberwhich corresponds to your jumpersettingon P8. Timer IT (Timer/CounterInterrupt). This block is not usedon the 1200,andshouldbe left blank. LabTech Sw IT (LABTECH NOTEBOOK SoftwareInterrupt). This setsthe softwareintemrptaddress whereLABTECH NOTEBOOK'slabLINX driveris installed.The factorysettingis $60.This settingcanbe ignoredwhenrunningSIGNAL*MATH. AID Parameters.Six A/D boardparameters arelisted:resolution,numberof channels,activeDMA channel, gain,loss,andinput voltagepolarity. Resolutionandnumberof channelsarefixed by theprogramfor your board. End-of-Convert lnterrupt Channel Timer/Counter Interrupt Channel BaseAddress Sottware Intenupt Address A/D DMA Channel Select: External Gain & Loss D/A DMA Channel Select; ExternalGain & Loss A/D Unipolar/ Bipolar Select D/AUnipolar/ Bipolar Select Fig.D-4- ADAINST.EXE Screen D-5 If you areusingDMA Eansfer,you mustenterthechannelnumberwhich conespondsto thejumper settingsin theDMA channelblock.Valid channelsnumbersare I and3. The nexttwo blocks,gainandloss,areprovidedso thatyou canmakeadjustments for externalgain or loss, gainsettingsavailableon theboard.If your input signalis externallyattenuated, other than theprogrammable then you canadjustfor this by settinga valueotherthanI for loss.Ifyou havean externalgain factor,thenyou can adjustfor this condition.Numbersmustbe enteredaswholedecimalvalues.The factorydefaultsettingfor gain and lossis 1. For a bipolarinput range,an X shouldbe placedbeforeBipolaron the screen(defaultsetting).For unipolar operation,removetheX. D/A Parameters(ADA1200Only). Six D/A boardparameters arelisted:resolution,numberof channels, activeDMA channel,gain,loss,andinput voltagepolarity.Resolutionandnumberof channelsarefixed. For the ADAI200, DMA is not usedandshouldbe left blank. Gainandlossareprovidedso thatyou canmakeadjustments for externalgain or loss,asdescribedabovefor theA/D parameters. For a bipolaroutputrange,an X shouldbe placedbeforeBipolaron the screen(defaultsetting).For unipolaroperation,removetheX. D-6 APPENDIXE CONFIGURING THE 12OO FOR ATLANTIS E-l E-2 If you havepurchasedATLANTIS dataacquisitionandreal time monitoring applicationsoftwarefor your 1200,pleasenote that the ATLANTIS drivers for your boardmustbe loadedfrom your examplesoftwaredisk into thesamedirectoryasthe ATLANTIS.EXEprogmm.WhenrunningATLANTIS, you mustchangesomeof the 1200'son-boardjumpersfrom ttreirfactory-setpositions.BeforeusingATLANTIS on the 1200board,checkthe followingswitchandjumpers: . Sl - Baseaddress . P7 - 8254 timeilcounterI/O configuration . P8- Interrupts FigureE-l showstheboardlayout. Eg uFlfrs ofYloltl' l l oo oo oo oo oo t_t r- "I 3u3 *.*. , o-6t1o-666' l?;'^tri1,',s I i GONTRO SYSEM ro\7troooooo oooo oooooo OOr OO o osrce o o ooooooooo oooooo oooo oooooo oooooooo oo oo oor oo *"* 33 33 oooooooo oooooo rcb.ab .& Rqel lin! Oa/i6. lm. Sblc Cdt.g., PA r38oa IJSA Fig.E-1- 1200BoardLayout 51- BaseAddress ATLANTIS assumes thatthe baseaddressof your 1200is the factoryseuingof 300 hex (seeChapterl). If you changedthis setting,you must run theATINST programandresetthebaseaddress. NOTE: The ATINST progmmrequiresthebaseaddressto be enteredin decimalnotation. P7 - 8254Timer/CounterVO Configuration The 8254mustbe configuredwittr thethreejumpersplacedbetweenthepins asshownin FigureE-2. This configurationis the sameasthe factorysetting.After settingthejumpers,verify thateachis in theprroperlocation. Any remainingjumpersmustberemovedfrom theP7 headerconnector. E-3 P7 Y XTAL o EC1 N Y o rH orl XTAL EC2 PCK XTRIG p7 Fig.E-2- 8254Timer/Counter ClockSource Jumpers, P8 - Interrupts To selectan IRQ channelandan intemrptsource,you mustinstallthreejumperson ttrisheaderconnector.To configurethis headerfor ATLANTIS, placeonejumperacrossthepinsof your desiredIRQ channel,placethe secondjumperacrossthepins labeledOT2,andplacethirdjumperacrossthepins labeledG. Ivfakecertainthatthere areno otherjumperson this connector.Also, makesurethatttreIRQ channelyou haveselectedis not usedby any otherdevicein your system.FigureE-3 showsyou how to configureP8 for IRQ channel3. P8 oT2 EOC DMA IRQT IRQ6 IRQs IRQ4 IRQ3 IRQ2 G pg Fig.E-3- lnterrupts andInterrupt ChannelJumpers, APPENDIXF WARRANTY F-1 LIMITED WARRANTY Real Time Devices,Inc. warrantsthe hardwareandsoftwareproductsit manufacturesandproducesto be free from defectsin materialsandworkmanshipfor oneyeiu following thedateof shipmentfrom REAL TIME DEVICES.This warrantyis limited to theoriginalpurchaserof productandis not Eansferable. During theoneyearwarrantyperiod,REAL TIME DEVICESwill repairor replace,atits option,anydefective productsor partsat no additionalcharge,providedthattheproductis returned,shippingprepaid,to REAL TIME DEVICES.All replacedpartsandproductsbecomettrepropertyof REAL TIME DEVICES.Before returning any product for repair, customersare required to contactthe factory for an RMA number. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DOESNOT EXTEND TO AT.IYPRODUCTSWHICH HAVE BEEN DAMAGED AS A RESULTOF ACCIDENT,MISUSE,ABUSE (suchas:useof incorrectinput voltages,improperor insufficientventilation,failureto follow the operatinginstructionsthatareprovidedby REAL TIME DEVICES, "actsof God" or othercontingencies beyondthecontrolof REAL TIME DEVICES),OR AS A RESULTOF SERVICEOR MODIFICATION BY ANYONE OTI{ER THAN REAL TIME DEVICES.EXCEPTAS EXPRESSLYSETFORTH ABOVE, NO OTIIER WARRANTIESARE EXPRESSEDOR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTMS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE,AND REAL TIME DEVICESEXPRESSLYDISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIESNOT STATED I{EREIN. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES,INCLUDINGIMPLIED WARRANTIESFOR MECHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE,ARE LIMITED TO TIIE DURATION OF THIS WARRANTY. IN TI{E EVENT TI{E PRODUCTIS NOT FREEFROM DEFECTSAS WARRAN].ED ABOVE, THE PURCHASER'SSOLEREMEDY SHALL BE REPAIROR REPLACEMENTAS PROVIDED ABOVE. T]NDERNO CIRCUMSTANCESWILL REAL TIME DEVICESBE LIABLE TO TIIE PURCHASER OR ANY USERFOR ANY DAMAGES,INCLUDING AI\ry INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES,EXPENSES,LOST PROFITS,LOST SAVINGS,OR OTHERDAMAGES ARISING OUT OF TIIE USE OR INABILITY TO USE TIIE PRODUCT. SOMESTATESDO NOT ALLOW TIIE EXCLUSIONOR LIMITATION OFINCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR CONSUMERPRODUCTS,AND SOMESTATESDO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONC AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS,SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONSMAY NOIAPPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFICLEGAL RIG}ITS,AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTSWHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. F-3 AD1200/ADAI 200UserSettings Basel/OAddress: (hex) IRQChannel: DMAChannel: (decimal)