Standards Designation and Organization Manual InfoComm International Standards Program Ver. 2011-1 March 30, 2010 Issued by: Joseph Bocchiaro III, Ph.D., AStd., CTS-D, CTS-I, ISF-C Vice President of Standards and Best Practices Abstract This manual provides details on designating and organizing standards for the Standards development activities of InfoComm International. It also designates where information should be located within these standards. Separate sections on referenced publications, definitions, standards elements, and arrangement are included. Copyright © 2011 by InfoComm International* All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of InfoComm International. *Registered Trade Name of International Communications Industries Association Inc. Page i InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual Foreword This manual was developed to provide guidance to the InfoComm International Standards Steering Committee, its Planning Committee, its associated Task Groups, and others involved in the development and use of audiovisual standards. Implementation of these guidelines will help users identify, locate, and apply InfoComm standards. It presents guidelines for uniform designations, titling, and arrangement for standards, and promotes the use of keywords and abstracts in standards. It does not provide guidance on grammar, spelling, word usage, style, or text appearance. For style matters, standards developers should refer to the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2: Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. This manual is to be used in conjunction with the InfoComm International Standards Procedure for the Development of Standards. Compliance Compliance with the procedures herein conforms to the principles and practices of: • ANSI National Standard: Standards Engineering Society SES 1:2002 “Recommended Practice for Designation and Organization of Standards” Page ii InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual Table Of Contents Abstract ............................................................................................................................. i Foreword .......................................................................................................................... ii Compliance ...................................................................................................................... ii 1 Scope, Purpose, and Application ........................................................................... 1 1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Application .................................................................................................................. 1 2 Referenced Publications .......................................................................................... 1 3 Definitions..................................................................................................................... 2 3.1 Committee Draft (CD) ............................................................................................... 2 3.2 Draft Standard (DS) .................................................................................................. 2 3.3 Editorial Revision ....................................................................................................... 2 3.4 Metric ........................................................................................................................... 2 3.5 Reaffirmation .............................................................................................................. 2 3.6 Specification-Type Standard.................................................................................... 3 3.7 Standard...................................................................................................................... 3 3.8 Standards Developing Organization (SDO) .......................................................... 3 3.9 Substantive Change .................................................................................................. 3 3.10 Test-Method-Type Standard.................................................................................. 3 3.11 Working Draft (WD) ................................................................................................. 3 4 Standards elements ................................................................................................... 4 4.1 Designation ................................................................................................................. 4 4.2 Date ............................................................................................................................. 5 4.3 Title .............................................................................................................................. 6 4.4 Superseded Information ........................................................................................... 6 4.5 Cancellation ................................................................................................................ 6 4.6 Cover Page ................................................................................................................. 7 4.7 Title Page .................................................................................................................... 7 5 Arrangement ................................................................................................................ 8 5.1 Arrangement for Specification-Type Standards.................................................... 8 5.2 Arrangement for Test-Method-Type Standards .................................................. 11 5.3 Arrangement for Other Types of Standards Products ....................................... 13 5.4 Identification of Revised Text ................................................................................ 15 5.5 Electronic Format .................................................................................................... 16 Index ................................................................................................................................ 17 Page iii STANDARDS DESIGNATATION AND ORGANIZATION MANUAL 1 Scope, Purpose, and Application 1.1 Scope This guideline manual provides for uniformity in the designation and organization of InfoComm International Standards. These guidelines cover the following key areas: a. b. c. d. e. f. designation title abstract keyword uniform arrangement identification of revised portions of standards 1.2 Purpose This guideline manual provides InfoComm International standards developers with a uniform method of presentation for standards products so that users may easily identify standards and information within those standards. 1.3 Application This guideline manual applies to all types of standards. Some provisions, however, may not be appropriate for standards that are less than five pages. 2 Referenced Publications The following documents are referenced in this standard. Users are encouraged to apply the most recent editions of the references indicated below: a. ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2: Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards (Available from the International Organization for Standardization at b. ANSI Z39.4 Basic Criteria for Indexes c. ANSI Z39.14 Writing Abstracts d. ASME Y1.1 Abbreviations for Use on Drawings and in Text (Available from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 3 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016) e. ICS ICS (ISO – International Classification for Standards) Page 1 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual f. IEEE/ASTM SI 10 Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System (Available from IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854-1331 or and ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428-2959 or, ISBN 155937-901-4) ISBN System Users Manual (Available from the International Standard Book Number, United States Agency, 121 Chanlon Road, New Providence, New Jersey 07974) g. ISO 8601 Data Elements and Interchange Formats – Information Interchange Representation of Dates and Times 3 Definitions For the purposes of this guideline manual, the following definitions apply: 3.1 Committee Draft (CD) A draft document that has reached a level of stability and consensus, when balloting can take place within the standards developing committee or standards development working group. Committee drafts are identified by "CD-" followed by sequential Arabic numbers to distinguish between subsequent revisions. 3.2 Draft Standard (DS) A draft document approved by the standards developing committee or working group that will be subjected to final review and approval by the InfoComm International Board of Directors (BOD) or other standards developing organization (SDO). Draft standards are identified by "DS-" followed by sequential Arabic numbers to distinguish between subsequent revisions. 3.3 Editorial Revision A change made to the text of a standard to improve the clarity or preciseness of the language or to correct a typographical or grammatical error. 3.4 Metric The system of measurement, know as the International System of Units (SI). 3.5 Reaffirmation Page 2 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual A confirmation that the standards committee has reviewed a published standard and determined that the standard remains technically valid. Substantive changes may not be made to a standard as part of the reaffirmation process. 3.6 Specification-Type Standard A document that establishes requirements for materials, products, systems, or services, and that may describe procedures to determine that conformance to the requirements has been achieved. 3.7 Standard A term used generically in this document that applies collectively to codes, specifications, recommended practices, classifications, test methods, and guides, which have been prepared by a standards committee or working group, and published in accordance with established procedures. 3.8 Standards Developing Organization (SDO) A private or public organization responsible for the development and maintenance of standards, including government agencies, professional societies, trade associations, and individual companies. 3.9 Substantive Change A change made to the text of a standard that alters a requirement, or the meaning or intent of a sentence or paragraph. 3.10 Test-Method-Type Standard A document that establishes procedures for identifying, measuring, and evaluating qualities, characteristics, or properties of materials, products, systems, or services. 3.11 Working Draft (WD) A document under development prior to initial balloting within the standards developing task group. Working drafts are identified by "WD-" followed by sequential Arabic numbers to distinguish between subsequent revisions. Page 3 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual 4 Standards elements To help standards users identify, locate, and understand key information, it is recommended that standards contain the elements addressed in this section. 4.1 Designation 4.1.1 Standard Identifier A standard should have a single, unique identifier that consists of the elements specified in through The standard identifier should include the unique designator, “INFOCOMM.” If another SDO approves or adopts a standard, a separate notification of approval or adoption should appear on the title page, and may appear on the cover page. In the case of other SDOs that use the same acronym or abbreviation, it is strongly recommended that they agree to use different acronyms or abbreviations to identify their individual organizations. The standard identifier should include an edition indicator denoted by the four-digit calendar year in which the standard was approved or revised. The year should be separated from the unique designator by a colon. Revisions to a standard within the same calendar year that it was approved should be identified by a lower case letter beginning with the letter "a." EXAMPLE OF STANDARD IDENTIFIER INFOCOMM 1 :2007 a INFOCOMM Acronym of International the responsible SDO, InfoComm 1 Unique designator of standard, including an upper case "M" to designate a metric standard (maximum seven characters) : Colon to separate designator from edition indicator 2007 Edition indicator (four digits) a Indicates a revision to the standard within the calendar year of approval The standard identifier should appear on the upper outside corner of each page. Page 4 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual 4.1.2 Status of Draft Standards The status of proposed new and revised standards should be indicated by one of the designators described in through, as appropriate, until the standard is approved for publication. If the standard has a document identifier, the appropriate status designator should be placed above the document identifier until the standard is approved. For each version of the working draft, the status designator should appear as "WD-" followed by an Arabic number identifying the subsequent draft revisions. For example, "WD-1" would represent the first working draft of a standard, "WD-2" the second working draft, and so on. For each version of the committee draft, the status designator should appear as "CD-" followed by an Arabic number identifying the subsequent draft revisions. For example, "CD-1" would represent the first committee draft of a standard, "CD-2" the second committee draft, and so on. For each version of the draft standard, the status designator should appear as "DS-" followed by an Arabic number identifying the subsequent draft revisions. For example, "DS-1" would represent the first draft standard, "DS-2" the second draft standard, and so on. 4.1.3 Reaffirmations If a standard is reaffirmed, it should be identified by a parenthetical notation after the standard identifier. The parenthetical notation should consist of an upper case "R" followed by the four-digit calendar year in which the standard was reaffirmed. For example: " INFOCOMM 1 :2007 a (R2002)." 4.2 Date Draft and published standards should have a date, consisting of the year, month, and day. If the numeric date format is used, it should be as follows: “2001-01-25” in accordance with ISO 8601. 4.2.1 For published standards, the date should be the date of approval by InfoComm International. For draft standards, the date should be the date when the document is sent out for the standards developing committee or for group review. 4.2.2 The date should appear on the upper right corner of the cover page, if any, and the title page. Page 5 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual 4.3 Title Standards should have a title preferably centered on the cover page and the title page. The title should summarize the scope of the standard in fifteen words or less. The title should be constructed as if it were the title of a book. The following are examples of standards titles: a. b. c. d. e. Classification of Surface Texture Symbols Specification for Safety Valves Recommended Practice for Cleaning of Piping Systems Test Method for Determining Rockwell Hardness Guide for Metric Practices 4.4 Superseded Information If a standard replaces another standard or multiple standards, the superseded information should be shown on the cover page, if any, under the standard identifier and its approval date. For example: INFOCOMM 1 :2012 2012-12-22 SUPERSEDES INFOCOMM 1 :2007 a 2007-10-05 Superseded information should also be included on the title page, if applicable. 4.5 Cancellation A cancellation sheet or notice should be prepared when a standard is no longer valid or is determined by the standards developing organization to be rendered obsolete. This cancellation notice should consist of the information found on the cover page along with a statement declaring the standard to be Cancelled or rendered Obsolete. The cancellation notice should indicate superseded information and classification cross-references when applicable. For example: INFOCOMM 3 :2006 2006-03-15 INFOCOMM 3, dated 2006, is hereby canceled without Replacement or Page 6 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual INFOCOMM 3, dated 2006, is hereby canceled and superseded by INFOCOMM 21:2009 4.6 Cover Page The cover page should include the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. Standard identifier Title of standard Approval date of standard InfoComm International name and address Superseded information, if applicable Additional approving or adopting SDO, if applicable 4.7 Title Page Standards should have a title page. If a standard has very few pages, and a separate title page is not desirable, then the information recommended for the title page should appear on the first page. The title page should include the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Standard identifier Title of standard Approval date of standard InfoComm International's name and address Superseded information, if applicable Additional approving or adopting SDO, if applicable Abstract Keywords ICS (ISO International Classification for Standards) Copyright statement, if any Disclaimer statement, if any 4.7.1 Abstracts Standards should contain an abstract that summarizes the contents of the standard. This is an important element of the standards product for the potential user. The abstract should be prepared as an "informative abstract" in accordance with ANSI Z39.14, Writing Abstracts. 4.7.2 Keywords Standards should have a keyword listing of terms or phrases that will help users when searching for a particular standard or group of standards. Keywords Page 7 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual should be listed alphabetically and separated by semicolons. Whenever possible, the singular case of the word should be used. Keywords may include acronyms, abbreviations, synonyms, or commonly used trade jargon. Trademarks and copyrighted names should be used only in accordance with specific procedures established by InfoComm International. 4.7.3 ICS Standards should have “ICS codes” (ISO International Classification for Standards) to serve as a structure for catalogues of international, regional, and national standards, and as a basis for standing-order systems. 4.7.4 Copyright Statement Copyrighted standards should have information identifying the copyright owner and the date of copyright on either the cover page or title page, or both. 4.7.5 Disclaimer Statement Standards may include a disclaimer statement regarding the liability of the SDO. The statement may also advise the user that the standard is subject to revision at any time and will be reviewed according to the procedures of the SDO and either reaffirmed, revised, or withdrawn. This should appear on the title page. 4.7.6 Additional Approving or Adopting SDO If another SDO approves or adopts a standard, a separate notification of approval or adoption should appear on the cover page or title page, or both. The date of approval or adoption may appear on the cover page and title page under the SDO approval date. 5 Arrangement The contents of standards may be described in terms of elements that are part of the standard. Uniform presentation of these elements should make information more understandable and easier to locate. The elements included in standards depend on the type of standard. All paragraphs should be numbered. The following elements are established and classified for the more common types of standards. 5.1 Arrangement for Specification-Type Standards The arrangement for specification-type standards should include, in order, the elements described in 5.1.1 through 5.1.12. Page 8 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual 5.1.1 Cover Page See 4.6 of this standard for guidance on arrangement and usage. 5.1.2 Title Page Since specification-type standards are often brief, a title page may not be appropriate. However, if a separate title page is not provided, the information found on the title page should be located on the first page of the standard. See 4.7 of this standard for guidance on arrangement and usage. 5.1.3 Foreword Specification-type standards of more than five pages should include a foreword. It should include the following, as appropriate: a. A description of the standard's purpose and major provisions b. Information as to who can benefit from application of the standard and examples of what problems it will solve c. An explanation of the principal differences between current and earlier editions and, as a minimum, whether change(s) are editorial, technical, or both d. A short history of the standard's development (optional). (Excerpted from paragraph of the ANSI Style Manual for Preparation of Proposed American National Standards) 5.1.4 Table of Contents Specification-type standards of more than five pages should include a table of contents. It should be identified as "Table of Contents" and list the following elements (by their complete titles) and their corresponding page numbers: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Foreword Committee roster Sections in the main text Tables in the main text Figures in the main text Titles of any annex(es) Index Each listing of tables, figures, and annexes should be preceded by the appropriate heading. (A heading should be used even if there is only one listing in the category. In this instance, the heading should be in the singular form.) Paragraphs within a section may be listed when needed for clarification. (e.g. Ibid, paragraph 4.8.1) Page 9 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual 5.1.5 Section 1, Scope, Purpose, and Application Section 1 should be titled "Scope, purpose, and application” and include information on what the specification-type standard covers or does not cover, the purpose, and intended applications. If safety and health information is included in a standard, that fact may be noted in Section 1. The scope section may also include a "Classification" subsection to distinguish between different types of materials, products, or processes covered by the same standard. 5.1.6 Section 2, Referenced Publications Section 2 should be titled "Referenced Publications" and include documents referenced in the standard. The following criteria should be followed when developing this section: a. Referenced publications should be published documents and readily available. b. The addition year should not be included in the citation unless changes to referenced documents could have serious consequences, such as safety. The statement “Use the latest edition unless otherwise specified” should be noted. c. A source should be provided for obtaining each of the referenced publications, unless the document is commonly available in a bookstore or library. d. Documents should not be included in the reference section unless they are cited in the text. Additional resource material may be provided in an annex. e. If a specification-type standard does not have any referenced publications, the following statement should appear: "This standard does not have any referenced publications." 5.1.7 Section 3, Definitions Section 3 should be titled "Definitions" and include a list of terms that have special technical meaning or are unique to the specification-type standard. This section may also be used to provide lists of abbreviations or symbols used in a standard. ASME Y1.1 should be consulted for standard abbreviations. If a standard does not have any definitions, the following statement should appear: "This standard does not contain any unique definitions." 5.1.8 Section 4, Requirements Section 4 should be titled "Requirements" and include requirements relating to material, design, manufacturing, or performance. 5.1.9 Section 5, Verification Page 10 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual Section 5 should be titled "Verification" and include conformity assessment provisions, such as sampling, inspection procedures, conformance criteria, test methods, metrics, certification requirements, and related information. 5.1.10 Other Sections Other sections may be included to address elements not covered elsewhere, such as packaging, marking, labeling, and notes. 5.1.11 Annexes Annexes provide supplemental information that for reasons of appearance, readability, or convenience is placed after the main text. If an annex is used, a statement should be included in the annex to indicate whether its provisions are mandatory or whether the annex is only for purposes of clarification, illustration, or general information. 5.1.12 Index Indexes should be in accordance with ANSI Z39.4, Basic Criteria for Indexes. 5.2 Arrangement for Test-Method-Type Standards The arrangement for test-method-type standards should include, in order, the elements described in 5.2.1 through 5.2.14. 5.2.1 Cover Page See 4.6 of this standard for guidance on arrangement and usage. 5.2.2 Title Page See 4.7 of this standard for guidance on arrangement and usage. 5.2.3 Foreword Test-method-type standards of more than five pages should include a foreword. It should include the following, as appropriate: a. A description of the test standard's purpose and major provisions b. An explanation of the principal differences between current and earlier editions and, as a minimum, whether change(s) are editorial, technical, or both c. A short history of the test standard's development (optional). (e.g. Ibid, paragraph Page 11 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual 5.2.4 Table of Contents Test-method-type standards of more than five pages should include a table of contents. It should be identified as "Contents" and list the following elements (by their complete titles) and their corresponding page numbers: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Foreword Committee roster Sections in the main text Tables in the main text Figures in the main text Titles of any annex(es) Index Each listing of tables, figures, and annexes should be preceded by the appropriate heading. (A heading should be used even if there is only one listing in the category. In this instance, the heading should be in the singular form.) Paragraphs within a section may be listed when needed for clarification. (e.g. Ibid, paragraph 4.8.1.) 5.2.5 Section 1, Scope, Purpose, and Application See 5.1.5 of this standard for guidance on arrangement and usage. 5.2.6 Section 2, Referenced Publications See 5.1.6 of this standard for guidance on arrangement and usage. 5.2.7 Section 3, Definitions Section 3 should be titled "Definitions" and include a list of terms that have special technical meaning or are unique to the test standard. This section may also be used to provide lists of abbreviations or symbols used in a standard. ASME Y1.1 should be consulted for standard abbreviations. If a test standard does not have any definitions, the following statement should appear: "This standard does not contain any unique definitions." 5.2.8 Section 4, Equipment, Materials, and Reagents Section 4 should be titled "Equipment, materials, and reagents" and include information, on the equipment, materials, and reagents to be used. 5.2.9 Section 5, Test Preparations Page 12 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual Section 5 should be titled "Test preparations" and include information on sampling; the preparation of the test specimen, test unit, or test equipment; and the calibration and standardization of instruments. 5.2.10 Section 6, Test Procedures Section 6 should be titled "Test procedures" and include instructions for conducting the tests. 5.2.11 Section 7, Test Reports, Calculations, and Interpretation of Results Section 7 should be titled "Test reports, calculations, and interpretation of results" and include instructions for required test reports, how to make calculations, and how to interpret the results of tests. 5.2.12 Section 8, Precision and Bias Statement Section 8 should be titled "Precision and bias statement" and include statements relating to the precision (measurement of uncertainty) of the tests and the bias of the results. 5.2.13 Annexes Annexes provide supplemental information that for reasons of appearance, readability, or convenience is placed after the main text. If an annex is used, a statement should be included in the annex to indicate whether its provisions are mandatory or whether the annex is only for purposes of clarification, illustration, or general information. 5.2.14 Index An index is recommended for long or complex test standards, but not for short ones. Indexes should be in accordance with ANSI Z39.4, Basic Criteria for Indexes. 5.3 Arrangement for Other Types of Standards Products Recommended practices, guides, standards, codes, performance, processes, and classifications are among the many other types of standards products generally referred to as standards. The arrangement for these and other types of standards products should include, in order, the elements described in 5.3.1 through 5.3.10. 5.3.1 Cover and Title Page See 4.6 and 4.7 of this standard for guidance on arrangement and usage. Page 13 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual 5.3.2 Abstract All standards products should contain an abstract. This is an important element for the potential user. The abstract should contain a summary of the information given in items a), b), and c) of 5.3.3, Foreword. 5.3.3 Foreword Standards of more than five pages should include a foreword. It should include the following, as appropriate: a. A description of the standard's purpose and major provisions b. Information as to who can benefit from application of the standard and examples of what problems it will solve c. An explanation of the principal differences between current and earlier editions, as a minimum, whether change(s) are editorial, technical, or both d. A short history of the standard's development (optional). (e.g. Ibid, paragraph 5.3.4 Table of Contents Standards of more than five pages should include a table of contents. It should be identified as "Table of Contents" and list the following elements (by their complete titles) and their corresponding page numbers: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Foreword Committee Sections in the main text Tables in the main text Figures in the main text Titles of any annex(es) Index Each listing of tables, figures, and annexes should be preceded by the appropriate heading. (A heading should be used even if there is only one listing in the category. In this instance, the heading should be in the singular form.) Paragraphs within a section may be listed when needed for clarification. (e.g., Ibid, paragraph 4.8.1.) 5.3.5 Section 1, Scope, Purpose, and Application See 5.1.5 of this standard for arrangement and usage guidance. 5.3.6 Section 2, Referenced Publications Page 14 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual See 5.1.6 of this standard for arrangement and usage guidance. 5.3.7 Section 3, Definitions Section 3 should be titled "Definitions" and include a list of terms that have special technical meaning or are unique to the standard. This section may also be used to provide lists of abbreviations or symbols used in a standard. ASME Y1.1 should be consulted for standard abbreviations. If a standard does not have any definitions, the following statement should appear: "This standard does not contain any unique definitions." 5.3.8 Remaining Text Sections Because of the diversity of subjects, information, and applications of these documents, this guideline manual cannot recommend a precise structure for all of the possible text sections. The structure is at the discretion of the InfoComm International Standards Committee. 5.3.9 Annexes Annexes provide supplemental information that for reasons of appearance, readability, or convenience is placed after the main text. If an annex is used, a statement should be included in the annex to indicate whether its provisions are mandatory or whether the annex is only for purposes of clarification, illustration, or general information. 5.3.10 Index Standards of more than five pages should include an index if it would be of significant benefit to the user. Indexes should be in accordance with ANSI Z39.4, Basic Criteria for Indexes. 5.4 Identification of Revised Text 5.4.1 Draft Revisions In a draft revision of an existing standard product or previous draft, the changed text should be struck through and the words, sentences, and paragraphs that are added or changed should be italicized, underlined, or highlighted in some other manner. 5.4.2 Approved Revisions Published standards should provide for the identification of the revised text. Revisions to the text should be identified by marginal notations, such as asterisks Page 15 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual or vertical lines in the outside margin next to the revised text. Changes should also be summarized in the foreword or included in a list of changes placed at the end of the standard before the index. 5.5 Electronic Format Standards should be created using word processing applications in machinereadable form to allow easy access by the standards users. Page 16 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual Index Abbreviations, 5.1.7, 5.2.7, 5.3.7 Abstract, i, 4.7.1, 5.3.2 Adopting SDO Designation, 4.7.6 Annexes, 5.1.11, 5.2.13, 5.3.9 Application, 1.3 Approving or Adopting SDO Designation, 4.7.6 Approved Revisions, 5.4.2 Arrangement, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Calculations, 5.2.11 Cancellation, 4.5 Classification, 5.1.5, 5.2.5, 5.3.5 Committee Draft, 3.1, 4.2.1 Conformance Criteria, 5.1.9 Contents, iv, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Copyright Statement, i, 4.7.4 Cover Page, 4.6 Date of Standard, 4.2 Definitions, Section 3, 5.1.7, 5.2.7, 5.3.7 Designation of Standards, 4.1 Disclaimer Statement, i, 4.7.5 Document Identifier, 4.1.1 Draft Revisions, 5.4.1 Draft Standard, 3.2, 4.2.2 Dual Designations, 4.1.1 Editorial Revision, 3.3, 5.4.2 Electronic Format, 5.5 Equipment, 5.2.8 Foreword, ii, 5.1.3, 5.2.3, 5.3.3 ICS (ISO International Classification of Standards), i, 4.7.3 Identifier, 4.2.1 Indexes, 5.1.12, 5.2.14, 5.3.10 Inspection Procedures, 5.1.9, 5.2.10 Interpretation of Results, 5.2.11 ISO/IEC Directives, ii, 2 Keywords, i, 4.7.2 Metric, 3.4 Materials, 5.2.8 Page 17 InfoComm International Standards Program Standards Designation and Organization Manual Precision and Bias Statement, 5.2.12 Purpose, 1.2 Reaffirmation, 3.5, 4.1.3 Reagents, 5.2.8 Referenced Publications, Section 2, 5.1.6, 5.2.6, 5.3.6 Requirements, 5.1.8 Revised Standards, 4.1.1, 5.4.1, 5.4.2 Scope, 1.1, 5.1.5, 5.2.5, 5.3.5 SDO, 3.8 Sections, Other, 5.1.10 Specification-Type Standards, 3.6, 5.1 Standards Arrangement, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Defined, 3.7 Designation, 4.1 Draft Dtatus, 4.1.2 Identifier, 4.1.1 Revision, 4.1.1, 5.4.1, 5.4.2 Standards Developing Organization, 3.8 Status of Draft Standards, 4.1.2 Substantive Change, 3.9, 5.4.2 Superseded Information, 4.4 Table of Contents, iv, 5.1.4, 5.2.4, 5.3.4 Test-Method-Type Standards, 3.10, 5.2 Test Preparation, 5.2.9 Test Procedures, 5.2.10 Testing, 5.1.9, 5.2.11 Text Arrangement, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Title Page, i, 4.7, 5.1.2, 5.2.2, 5.3.1 Titles of Standards, 4.3 Verification, 5.1.9 Working Draft (WD), 3.11, 4.1.2 Page 18