H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon Hossein Hashemi1, Xiang Guan2, Ali Hajimiri2 1 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 2 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Outline • Introduction • Phased-Array Receiver Architectures • A 24GHz Integrated Phased-Array Receiver • Measurement Results • Conclusion H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. The 24-GHz Frequency Band 250 MHz frequency 22GHz 24GHz 29GHz Industrial, Scientific, Medical (ISM) / Unlicensed* Ultra Wide Band (UWB) for Vehicular Radar Systems * 24.075 - 24.175GHz for field disturbance sensors (FCC Part 15, Section 15.245) 24.0 - 24.25GHz for fixed and point-to-point operation (FCC Part 15, Section 15.249) H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. 24-GHz Compared to 2.4- and 5.2-GHz • Smaller wavelength λ1 > λ2 – Reduced antenna size and spacing (~ λ) – Lower effective antenna area (~ λ2) • Indoor channel characteristic in an office environment 1: – More isolation between floors – Less delay spread for line-of-sight – Comparable excess path loss for line-of-sight • Less than proportionate increase of power consumption in a narrowband integrated radio implementation 1 D. Lu and D. Rutledge, “Investigation of Indoor Channels from 2.4GHz to 24GHz,” IEEE International Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium, June 2003. H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Outline • Introduction • Phased-Array Receiver Architectures • A 24GHz Integrated Phased-Array Receiver • Measurement Results • Conclusion H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Advantages of Multiple Antennas • Limiting factors in high speed wireless communications: – Multi-path Fading – Co-channel Interference • Multiple spaced antennas form statistically independent communications channels in a fading environment. – Receiver diversity – Transmitter diversity • Phased array provides a directional communication channel. • Improvement increases with the number of antenna elements. H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Phased-Array Principle k Rejection of at Amplification undesired desired direction direction θ d≈λ λ/2 Delay wave-front d= λ 300m/s ≈ = 15cm 2 2 × 1000Hz sound nalogy d Delay + Processor Delay Antenna 1 Antenna 2 • Compensate for air propagation delay in order to amplify or reject signals from certain directions. • Amplitude control allows for multiple spatial peaks and nulls. H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Signal-to-Noise Ratio Improvement SIN,1 NIN,1 SIN,2 NIN,2 + SOUT = G.n2.SIN G1 NRX,1 + SOUT G1 NRX,2 NOUT = G.n.(NIN+NRX) SNROUT = n + NOUT SIN,n SIN NIN+NRX NIN,n + G1 NRX,n Example: n=8 , SNRIN=6dB , BW=250MHz , NF1-path= 10dB sensitivity = 10log[C/(I+N)] + 10log(kBTB) + NF = (6 + 9) + (-174 + 84) + 10 = -65 dBm * Assuming equal input signal and noise power levels and identical paths. [dBm] H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Signal Path Phase Shifting Architectures G1 Delay G1 A/D G2 Delay G1 A/D G1 A/D A/D + LO Gn Delay Digital Baseband Combining and Processing LO RF Phase Shifting Baseband Processing Linear RF Phase Shifters High None A/D Requirements Low / Moderate Severe Power Consumption Moderate High Analog Dynamic Range High Low Versatility Low High H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. LO Phase Shifting Architecture Heterodyne Version GRF Homodyne Version G1 GIF φ1 GRF φ1 G2 GIF + φ2 GRF φ2 + A/D Gn GIF φn A/D LO φn • Compensate propagation delay by phase shifting the LO, • Ideal for narrowband channels, • Accuracy is inversely proportional to the bandwidth. H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Narrowband vs. Wideband Signal constellations of a QPSK signal with 6dB SNR at each antenna input of an 8-path array at 24-GHz carrier frequency.* BW = 250MHz Data Rate = 333Mbps * Courtesy of Abbas Komijani, Caltech. BW = 5GHz Data rate = 6.67Gbps H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Outline • Introduction • Phased-Array Receiver Architectures • A 24GHz Integrated Phased-Array Receiver • Measurement Results • Conclusion H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. 24GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver 24-GHz LNA RF Mixer LO1Φ1 LO1Φ2 LO1Φ3 LO1Φ4 ϕ1...ϕ16 LO1Φ1 LO1Φ2 16:1 Phase-Selector LO1Φ3 16:1 Phase-Selector LO1Φ4 16:1 Phase-Selector LO1Φ5 16:1 Phase-Selector LO1Φ6 16:1 Phase-Selector LO1Φ7 16:1 Phase-Selector LO1Φ8 16:1 Phase-Selector 19.2-GHz 16-Phase VCO 16:1 Phase-Selector Vcntrl ÷4 LO2_Q Loop Filter LO2_I ÷64 Charge Pump refin Phase-Frequency Detector bitin LO1Φ5 Phase-Select Shift-Register CLK 4.8-GHz IF Mixer BB Buffer LO1Φ6 IF Amplifier LO1Φ7 LO1Φ8 Σ Band-gap & PTAT references LO2_I LO2_Q QBB IBB Vsupply 75-MHz H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Beam Steering w/ Discrete LO Steps R elativeA rray-G ain(dB ) Relative Array Gain (dB) 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Incidence Angle (degrees) Incidence Angle (degrees) • 4-bit phase selection resolution, • Forward looking beam steering steps of ~10°, • Sufficient coverage of the entire range of angles, • Narrow beam width provides spatial selectivity, • Nulls affected by asymmetric LO phase distribution. H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. 24-GHz Two-Stage Low Noise Amplifier One Signal Path Simulated Performance Vdd Vin Vbias Vout (dB) Vbias 30 25 Noise Figure 20 S21 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Frequency (GHz) • Simultaneous noise and power match for the LNA, • Impedance match between stages for max power transfer, • 8-mA DC current consumption from a 2.5-V supply. H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. RF Mixers and IF Combining Structure IF+ IF+ LO+ LO- Mixer Cell Vbias2 IF2IF3+ LO3+ IF- IF3IF4+ LO4+ LO+ Vbias2 RF Vdd IF+ IF1IF2+ LO2+ LO- LO+ RF IF1+ LO1+ IF- IF- IF4IF5+ LO5+ Vbias1 Matched to LNA Output IF5IF6+ LO6+ IF6IF7+ LO7+ IF7IF8+ LO8+ IF8- Mixer Mixer Mixer Mixer Mixer Mixer Mixer Mixer Cell 1 LO2- Cell 2 LO3- Cell 3 LO4- Cell 4 LO5- Cell 5 LO6- Cell 6 LO7- Cell 7 LO8- Cell 8 LO1RF1 RF2 RF3 RF4 RF5 RF6 RF7 RF8 • Mixer outputs combined in current domain via a binary tree. H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. IF Amplifier and Image-Reject Mixers Vdd BBi+ Vbias IF+ Vbias IF- LO2i+ BBiLO2i- Vbias LO2i+ Vbias Vbias Vbias to Quadrature Mixer • The intermediate frequency is 4.8-GHz, • Tuned loads at IF. to Quadrature Mixer H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. 16-Phase Voltage-Controlled Oscillator 167.5° 135° 337.5° 0°° 22.5° 180° 202.5° Vdd VCNTRL Vout225° 315° 45° Vin+ 292.5° 112.5° 270° 247.5° Vout+ Vin- 67.5° Vbias 90° • 16-phase, 19.2-GHz CMOS VCO, • An 8-stage ring structure generates 16 equally spaced phases, • Single pole gain stage would require GBW larger than 46-GHz, • Amplifiers tuned close to ωosc due to large tank Q, • Symmetric layout minimizes relative deviation of phases. H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. 19-GHz Integer-N Frequency Synthesizer fref 75-MHz PFD Charge Pump Loop Filter VCNTRL 19.2-GHz fout one VCO phase ÷ 256 • Third order loop, • Bandwidth of 7-MHz and settling time less than 50µs, • Multi-switch charge pump to minimize reference feedthrough,1 • Standard tri-state frequency phase detector (PFD), • Master-slave latches with emitter controlled logic (ECL) for divide-by-two circuits. 1 J. Cranincks and M. Steyaert, “Wireless CMOS Frequency Synthesizer Design,” Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Phase-Selecting (analog multiplexing) Vdd Phase-Selector LOΦ1..8+ Φ1..8 112.5°° 90°° 67.5°° 45°° 135°° 22.5°° 157.5°° 0°° Vdd LOΦ1+ Vdd LOΦ1..8Φ1..8 Vdd Vdd LOΦ1- LOΦ2+ selΦ1 Vdd LOΦ2- LOΦ8+ Vdd LOΦ8- selΦ8 selΦ2 Vbias Vdd Sign-Selector LOΦ1..16Φ1..16 LOΦ1..16+ Φ1..16 Vdd Vdd Vdd LOΦ1..8+ LOΦ1..8- sel180°° sel180°° Vdd LOΦ1..8+ Vbias • 23+2=10 total phase selectors instead of 24=16, • A dummy array is included to maintain constant loading H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Oscillator Phase Distribution Network Global Distribution Tree 1st path 16 16 16 2nd 4th path 5th path 16 16 16 16 16 LO phases 16 16 6th 16 path 7th path 8th path 16 0° 180° 202.5° 22.5° 45° 225° 16 path 3rd path Transmission Line Array 16 337.5° 157.5° 16 • The adopted distribution tree and phasing sequence minimizes the unwanted electromagnetic coupling between paths.* * X. Guan, H. Hashemi, A. Komijani, and A. Hajimiri, “Multiple Phase Generation and Distribution for a Fully Integrated 24-GHz Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” to be presented at RFIC’04, June 2004. H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Outline • Introduction • Phased-Array Receiver Architectures • A 24GHz Integrated Phased-Array Receiver • Measurement Results • Conclusion H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Die Microphotograph 3.5mm 1-Channel Phase Selector LO Phase Distribution 16-phase Oscillator Frequency Synthesizer Biasing Circuitry 3.3mm 1 RF Channel (LNA + mixer) IF Mixers & BB Amps Implemented in a SiGe Process (fT,HBT=120GHz , LCMOS=0.18µm) H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. High Frequency Test Setup Control Lines (connected to PC) Gold Wirebond Duriod Ground Electroplated Gold Chip Silver Epoxy Power Supply Brass Substrate RF Inputs Synthesizer Reference 200 µm Baseband Outputs • Short and symmetric connections to multiple inputs, • Efficient grounding at high frequencies, • Compatible with patch antenna technology. H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Small Signal Response Single Path Gain [dB] Image Band Input Reflection, S11 [dB] Signal Band 40 0 Image Rejection 20 0 -10 -20 ` -20 -30 -40 -40 10 0 5 10 15 20 Frequency (GHz) 25 30 15 20 25 Frequency (GHz) 30 35 • 18dB larger signal gain for the 8-path array, • 9dB SNR improvement in the 8-path array, • Image rejection can be further enhanced by using narrowband antennas1. * D. Lu, M. Kovacevic, J. Hacker, and D. Rutledge, “A 24-GHz Active Patch Array,” International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, pp. 693-704, May 2002. H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Single Path Large Signal Behavior Compression Point Two Tone Test * 1dB 20 main 20 Pout [dBm] Pout [dBm] 40 0 intermod -20 10 0 -10 -40 -27 -11 -40 -30 -20 -10 -60 -50 Pin (dBm) • Intermodulation slope is 2.5dB/dB, • Higher-order nonlinearity affect the system. * Two in-band tones with 5-MHz separation are applied. -40 -30 Pin (dBm) -20 -10 H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. 16-Phase Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Phase Noise (dBc/Hz) * VCO Frequency (GHz) 21 -70 20.5 -80 20 -90 19.5 -100 19 18.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Vcntrl [V] 2.5 3 -110 100k 1M Offset Frequency [Hz] 10M • Non-intrusive measurement using a pick-up coil, • Phase noise variations with frequency in stand-alone VCO. * Phase noise curve for VCO frequency of 18.7-GHz. H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. 19-GHz Frequency Synthesizer [dBm] Locked Spectrum Phase Noise (dBc/Hz) -40 -40 -50 -60 -60 -80 -70 -100 -80 -120 -90 -140 -100 19.18 19.19 19.2 19.21 Frequency [GHz] 19.22 20.2-GHz 18.4-GHz 19.2-GHz 20log(28) 75-MHz reference -160 100 10k 1M Offset Frequency [Hz] • Synthesizer locking range is greater than 2-GHz, * • Similar in-band phase noise for all locked frequencies, • Phase noise measurements limited by reference noise. * By varying the reference frequency 100M H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Array Measurement Set-up Laptop for array programming Signal Generator Power Supply 24,000,000,000 Hz HP 83650B 2.5 V Variable Phase-Shifter RF1 X8 Agilent E 3644A Control Bits Vdd Phased-Array Receiver 75,000,000 Hz HP 8643A RF8 Power Divider BB+ BB- refin Spectrum Analyzer Baseband Power-Combiner HP 8563E Microwave Cable • Phase-Shifters at input emulate propagation delay. H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. 2-Path Array Patterns -135° -90° 180° 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -45° -135° -90° 135° -135° -90° 90° 180° 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -45° 45° 135° -135° -90° 90° 45° 180° 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0 180° 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 180° 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 180° 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -45° 135° -90° 90° 45° 0 -45° 135° -90° 90° 45° 0 -135° -45° -45° 135° 90° 45° 0 135° -135° -90° 90° 45° 0 -135° -90° 90° 45° -45° 0 -135° 135° 180° 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 180° 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 135° 90° 45° -45° 0 H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. 4-Path Array Patterns Measured Theoretical 170° 160° 150° 140° 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 170° 10° 160° 20° 30° 130° 120° 40° 140° 50° 130° 60° 110° 150° 90° 160° 150° 140° 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 90° 70° 90° 80° Measured 10° 80° 40° 60° 100° 130° 110° 100° 30° 110° 80° 120° 20° 50° Measured 170° 10° 120° 70° 100° 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 b 0 170° 1 0 160° 0.8 150° 0.6 0.4 140° 0.2 0 130° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 120° 60° 110° 70° 100° 90° 80° H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Measured Performance Summary Signal Path Performance (per path) Peak Gain Noise-Figure Input-Referred 1dB Compression Point Input-Referred Intercept Point On-chip Image Rejection Input reflection Coefficient (S11) 43dB 8.0dB -27dBm -11.5dBm (2 tones 5MHz apart) 35dB -10 to -20dB LO Path Performance Synthesizer Locking Range KVCO VCO Phase-Noise 2 GHz (10%) 2.1 GHz/V @19.2GHz -103dBc/Hz @ 1MHz offset from 18.7GHz Complete Receiver Performance (8 paths) Total Array Gain SNR Improvement Beam-steering Resolution (forward looking) Beam-forming Peak-to-Null Ratio Power Dissipation @ 2.5V 61dB 9dB <10° up to 20dB (measured for 4 path) 364mA 287mA (w/o biasing and baseband buffers) Implementation Technology Die Area SiGe, 120GHz HBT, 0.18µm CMOS 3.5mm x 3.3mm H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Summary • Multiple antenna offer more efficient solutions at higher frequencies. • 24-GHz is a good candidate for a variety of future wireless communication schemes and automotive radar applications. • Phase shifting has been performed at the local oscillator path using a multi-phase synthesizer and symmetric distribution networks. • The first fully-integrated phased-array system at 24-GHz using a silicon technology has been demonstrated. H. Hashemi, X. Guan, and A. Hajimiri, “A Fully Integrated 24-GHz 8-Path Phased-Array Receiver in Silicon,” ISSCC 2004. Acknowledgements • Lee Center for Advanced Networking, Caltech, • Caltech Center for Neuromorphic Systems Engineering (CNSE), • National Science Foundation (NSF), • IBM Corporation for chip fabrication, • R. Aparicio, R. Chunara, A. Komijani, A. Natarajan, D. Lu, N. Wadefalk, A. Shen, and Prof. D. Rutledge from Caltech.