ECEN4503 Random Signals Lecture #30 31 March 2014 Dr. George Scheets Problems 8.7a & b, 8.11, 8.12a-c (1st Edition) Problems 8.11a&b, 8.15, 8.16 (2nd Edition) ECEN4503 Random Signals Lecture #31 2 April 2014 Dr. George Scheets Problems: 8.15, 8.18, 8.24 (1st Edition) Problems: 8.2, 8.19, 8.22 (2nd Edition) Quiz #8, 4 April, 2nd Order PDF's & Autocorrelation Exam #2, 18 April 2014 OSU ECE Spring Banquet Hosted by Student Branch of IEEE Wednesday, 16 April, at Meditations Doors open at 5:30 pm, meal at 6:00 pm Cash Bar Sign up in ES201 to reserve your seat(s) $20 value! $5 if pay in advance and resume submitted to < 5:00 pm, 14 April. Otherwise $8. Speaker: Dr. Legand Burge, USAF (retired) Dean of Engineering, Tuskegee University Dress is Business Casual Many door prizes available! +6 points extra credit All are invited! Sponsored in part by: Ergodic Process X(t) volts E[X] = A[x(t)] volts Mean Average Average Value Vdc on multi-meter E[X]2 = A[x(t)]2 volts2 (Normalized) D.C. power watts Ergodic Process E[X2] = A[x(t)2] volts2 2nd Moment (Normalized) Average Power watts (Normalized) Total Power watts (Normalized) Average Total Power watts (Normalized) Total Average Power watts Ergodic Process E[X2] - E[X]2 volts2 A[x(t)2] - A[x(t)]2 σ2X (Normalized) AC Power watts Variance E[(X -E[X])2] = A[(x(t) -A[x(t)])2] Deviation σX AC Vrms on multi-meter volts Standard Histogram of Sinusoid Voltages PDF of a 3vp Sinusoid 3 3 1 dx 1 Area under PDF 2 9 x 3 2 x dx 4.5 E[X2] 2 9 x 3 Find PDF of voltage by treating Time as Uniform RV. Then map time → voltage. A[*] = E[*] when Ergodic. Voltage PDF for Clean Sinusoid If x(t) = α cos(2πβt + θ) then fX(x) = 1 / [π(α2 - x2)0.5]; - α < x < α Autocorrelation Statistical average E[X(t)X(t+τ)] using Random Processes & PDF's Time average A[x(t)x(t+τ)] using a single waveform How alike is a waveform & shifted version of itself? Given an arbitrary point on the waveform x(t1), how predictable is a point τ seconds away at x(t1+τ)? RX(τ) = 0? Not alike. Uncorrelated. RX(τ) > 0? Alike. Positively correlated. RX(τ) < 0? Opposite. Negatively correlated.