Milan, Palazzo delle Stelline - 16/17 March 2017 Organizaon and Secretariat: Argentovivo srl Via F. De Sancs, 33/35 - 20141 Milan - tel. +39 02 89515424 - fax +39 02 40044557 - e-mail: APPLICATION TO PARTICIPATE ENROLMENT Bibliostar you need to: 1. fill in this form, in all parts, and return it by fax by 28 October 2016; 2. pay the first instalment of the fee (for payment before 28 October 2016, discount of 10%); 3. pay the remainder of the fee before 15 January 2017. Applicaons not accompanied by payment and/or lacking the necessary signatures and/or not fully filled in will not be considered valid and will not have the discount applied EXHIBITOR DETAILS EXHIBITOR'S FULL COMPANY NAME Address Postcode City Country Tel no. Fax no. e-mail address Tax code VAT no. Direct tel. no. e-mail address NAME FOR INVOICING (If different from Exhibitor) OFFICIAL COMPANY NAME Address Postcode City Country Tax code VAT no. DETAILS FOR THE EXHIBITION Address City Tel no. Postcode Fax no. Person responsible e-mail address Country vincia Internet site To be sent to DETAILS OF EXHIBITORS GUESTS Address Person responsible To be sent to Fax no. e-mail address Country vincia Internet site Page 1 City Tel no. Postcode PARTICIPATION DETAILS A. TYPE OF EXHIBITION SPACE Tipology 7,5 sq.m (2,5 x 3) 3,910 4,485 10 sq.m (2,5 x 4) 12,5 sq.m (2,5 x 5) 5,030 15 sq.m (2,5 x 6) 5,535 17,5 sq.m (2,5 x 7) 6,010 6,630 20 sq.m (2,5 x 8) 22,5 sq.m (2,5 x 9) 7,260 25 sq.m (2,5 x 10) 7,650 For bookings and payments by 28/10/2016 - 10% discount Pre-furnished ** 2,200 2,990 3,800 4,500 5,200 5,990 6,750 7,450 Non-furnished *** 1,900 2,500 3,200 3,800 4,400 4,980 5,590 6,300 * Combinaon refers to the furnished exhibion space, a full colour page in the exhibion catalogue and a leaflet inserted in the congress parcipant’s bag. ** Pre-furnished exhibion space refers to an exhibion space furnished with recyclable equipment, electrical system and lighng, as shown in the aached layout. *** Non-furnished exhibion space refers to the only exhibion area. B. ENROLMENT FEE The enrolment fee for the exhibion area holders includes: inseron in the Official Exhibion Catalogue; inseron of company data and any programmes held in rooms at the convenon site; a copy of the Official Catalogue; exhibitor badge and sign. The enrolment fee for guests badge and sign. Enrolment fee, Standholder Exhibitor Enrolment fee, Guest Exhibitor Total enrolment fee 240 140 x no. .......... Guest exhibitors C. ADVERTISING The official Bibliostar catalogue, with more than 3000 copies printed, includes the details of exhibitors parcipang at the event (company data and profile, contact details, useful informaon and the services and library equipment furnishing companies list, in order to create a catalogue valid for the whole year). It is distributed among exhibitors, journalists and professional visitors taking part in the Convenon and sold during the year to the interested librarians. DESCRIPTION Inside cover Inside back cover Back cover Full cover page One depliant * One catalogue * TOTAL ADVERTISING FORMAT (15 cm x 20,5 cm) (15 cm x 20,5 cm) (15 cm x 20,5 cm) (15 cm x 20,5 cm) UNIT COST 1,200 990 1,500 900 1,185 1,650 * To be supplied by client. D. ROOM RESERVATIONS Room 16 places * Room 25 places * 630 per day x No. ...... days 740 per day x No. ...... days * The rooms will be assigned in chronological order, according to request, as long as they remain available. E. SPONSORSHIP Sponsorship 4,200 1,790 2,340 3,990 3,200 table and on the site map located at the entrance to the Palazzo near the secretarial office. 1,200 1,000 Page 2 Notebook with pen Clipboard Badge cord Trademark * SUMMARY OF PARTICIPATION ORDER A. EXHIBITION SPACE D. ADVERTISING E. ROOM RESERVATIONS F. SPONSORSHIP SUBTOTAL * -10% DISCOUNT B. ENROLMENT FEE C. GUEST ENROLMENT FEE SUM TO PAY € € € € € € € € € * For deposits before 28 October 2016 - 10% discount. DEPOSIT The Company promises to pay, at the same me as this applicaon, 50% of the SUM TO PAY. DEPOSIT 50% BALANCE of the SUM TO PAY, in any case by 16 January 2017. BALANCE 50% METHOD OF PAYMENT Bank transfer to the account of Argentovivo srl: CREDEM - Ag. 11 Milano - IBAN IT 16 I 03032 01610 010000000599 - SWIFT CODE BACRIT 21335 on the internet site (in the area dedicated to Exhibitors) and i declare that i fully approve the General Regulaons of the Exhibion. COMPANY STAMP AND SIGNATURE OF LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE DATE ________________________________ INFORMATION AND APPROVAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH Law 196/03 or distributed via catalogue. COMPANY STAMP AND SIGNATURE OF LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE Page 3 DATE ________________________________ * These images have a purely demonstrative purpose Esposizione di servizi, tecnologie e arredi per le biblioteche Here you have some examples* of set-up with cardboard furniture for a 7,5/10 square meters exhibiting space. From 12,5 square meters the furniture is double. N.B. The back side is the Palazzo delle Stelline glass window Page 4 Esposizione di servizi, tecnologie e arredi per le biblioteche