Business Survey Financial Services – – – – – – KOF Swiss Economic Institute ETH Zurich, LEE F101, 8092 Zürich Phone 044 632 43 26 Fax 044 632 13 52 Please note Your responses should refer only to the branch named above The questions refer to the activities of domestic branches Do not use a red pencil Tick the appropriate box The notes are on the back of the sheet Please return the questionnaire by the 15th of the month Your responses are treated strictly confidential Monthly Questions 1. Business situation a) We judge our business situation overall as good satisfactory b) Over the last 3 months*, our business situation has improved remained unchanged c) Over the next 6 months*, our business situation will improve remain unchanged 3. Employment poor deteriorated deteriorate 2. Demand a) Over the last 3 months*, the demand for our services has increased remained unchanged b) Over the next 3 months*, the demand for our services will increase Remarks remain unchanged a) We judge our employment as too high b) Over the last 3 months*, employment has increased c) Over the next 3 months*, employment will increase sufficient too low remained unchanged decreased remain unchanged decrease 4. Prices decreased decrease Over the next 3 months, our prices will increase remained unchanged decrease Turn over, please Quarterly Questions 5. Technical capacities We judge our technical capacities as too high sufficient 8. Operating expenses too low 6. Obstacles The main factors limiting currently our business are (multiple answers possible) none shortage of space and/or equipment decreased increase remain unchanged decrease b) Over the next 3 months*, our operating expenses will increased remained unchanged decreased increase remain unchanged decrease b) Over the next 3 months*, our profitability will financial constraints other factors 10. Competitive position 7. Operating income a) Over the last 3 months*, our operation income has increase remained unchanged a) Over the last 3 months*, our profitability has shortage of labour force b) Over the next 3 months*, our operating income will increased 9. Profitability insufficient demand increased a) Over the last 3 months*, our operating expenses have Over the last 3 months, our competitive position has remained unchanged decreased remain unchanged decrease a) overall improved remained unchanged deteriorated b) on the swiss market * excluding purely seasonal variation Many thanks for your participation Explanations General Business surveys ask firms to estimate their own past and future business position. The results of business surveys give projections of economic trends and in particular of cyclical changes earlier than do official statistics. For the purpose of delimiting the domestic financial market, answers should relate only to the activities of domestic branches. Your answers are treated strictly confidential. The results don’t allow conclusions to individual firms. The KOF ETH Zurich is governed by the Swiss Federal Law of Statistics. (BStatG). About the questions Business situation: This question has been kept intentionally vague. The business situation serves to depict the overall economic situation of the company. It is up to the answerer to decide whether he wants to assess this based on the sales, profit, number of employees or a combination of these. Demand: The number of customers on the one hand and the demanded volume on the other hand are decisive. Employment: Full-time equivalents are to be observed as far as possible. Prices: If no prices are disposable, the rate of commission or of honorarium or of tariff should be adapted. Net prices should be considered. Technical capacities: This concerns the machinery and equipment, but not the plant (property) itself, and includes machinery, devices, motor vehicles, EDP infrastructure. Performance barriers: Economic activities are never absolutely free, but always limited by framework conditions. Therefore, only those barriers are meant which surpass normal restrictions. Revenue: Also EBIT, income prior to interest and taxes. Contrary to this, amortisation and depreciation are not to be taken into account (EBITDA). If figures are lacking, it is possible to specify an assumption. Operating expenses: Expenditure or charges that are initiated by the activity of the company in the field mentioned on the questionnaire. Profitability: Takes into account both the volume and margin development and therefore shows a topical image of the company’s profitability. Competitive position: It is determined by production costs, innovation content, quality, service as well as the economic and legal framework conditions.