1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Features: This circuit is an alternative to the many parrallel port PIC programmers that use the 7407 or 7405 type buffers. The 74HC14 buffer is used because of easier availability in some countries ( idea from Gary Aylward's programmer ). It is a Schmitt trigger type which has very good switching performance. In Circuit Programming (ICP) is included, Q6 performs a reset pulse just as VPP is switched to the target PIC to ensure the pic oscillator is stopped. Regulator for VPP is adjustable to trim out losses across the circuit and obtain the correct voltage at the PIC. PLMS-OziPic'er Issue 2. Microchip PIC programmer Hardware designed for Nigel Goodwin's WinPicProg Software. Suits common 8, 18, 28, 40 Pin PIC's Option to eliminate using a 40 pin Aries ZIF if desired. A narrow socket is fitted inside the wide socket. The wide socket must have its tie bars cut off to be able to slip the narrow 28pin (or 2x20pin header sockets) inside it, see photo. This enables wide and narrow Pic's to be programmed without a ZIF socket. Remove or drill out unused socket pins to make the PIC's insert il D D1 1N4004 3 C1 100uF, 25V Norm Invert Invert Invert Invert Invert 1 D2 D3 D4 D0 D1 Ack D3 1N4004 2 OP + NEED FOOTPRINT FOR THIS VDD VPP VPP40 Dout CLK Din IP 1 + Vin C2 10uF R21 X3 3 + R19 470 VCC VDD C3 1uF VPP D5 Green 240 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 VPP40 +5V VR1 2K4 Vpp Adjust Screw Terminals VPP X1 C To PC printer port U1F LPT D0 13 LPT D0 RB7 1K LPT D1 RB7 RB6 RB7 RB6 VDD VDD RB7 RB6 SOCKET40X0.3 Data R1 12 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 C to IC sockets 74HC14 VDD D2 U5 U1E VPP D3 VPP40 D4 11 LPT D1 10 RB6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 VPP40 Clock VDD to IC sockets 74HC14 VPP U1C 6 LPT ACK 5 LPT ACK VCC 74HC14 R9 4K7 U1D 9 VDD D2 DB25M 8 R8 VDD to IC sockets R2 1K VPP Q1 BC557 D11 Yellow 4K7 R7 74HC14 4K7 R18 470 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Wide for ZIF or socket 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13 D U4 U3 MC78L05C +13V GND 1N4004 1N4004 DC SOCKET U2 LM317 D2 Narrow, fitted inside wide socket WINPICProg Settings D4 Vdd Regulator 2 X2 Vpp Regulator ADJ AC/DC power In - approx 15V a.c. or 17V d.c. 8 RB7 RB6 RB7 RB6 VDD VDD RB7 RB6 SOCKET40X0.6 B B NOTES: R12 74HC14 power is pin 14 to Vcc, Pin 7 to GND. VCC All resistors are 1/4. All caps are 16V or better unless marked. Use 35V for C1 if exceeding 16V AC on power supply. 4K7 R10 4K7 VPP D3 U1A 1 VPP 1N4148 Q2 BC557 Q4 BC548 R11 +13V 4K7 R3 1K to IC sockets R4 1K X4 D12 Red 4K7 74HC14 Parts Alternatives. BC548 - BC547, BC549, BC107*, 2N3904* BC557 - BC558, BC559, BC157* ,2N3905* 1N4148 - 1N914 VDD R20 D7 220 VCC * Check pinouts & re-orientate. R14 4K7 A 2 R13 D6 VPP40 D4 PIC placement (same as P16PRO by B.Dobaj). 40 Pin - Top of sockets. 28 Pin - Top of sockets. 20 Pin - Bottom of sockets. 18 Pin - Bottom of sockets. 8 Pin - Pin 1 of PIC to pin 3 of the socket . U1B 3 4 R16 R17 4K7 4K7 Q5 BC548 R15 +13V Q3 BC557 1N4148 D9 C4 0.01 1K D10 D8 4K7 VPP40 74HC14 1N4148 R22 1K ICP Header ICP MCLR Reset 1N4148 to IC sockets R6 1K R5 1K A D13 Red See Nigel Goodwin's WinPicProg Software, for types supported. Title Size By PLMS Designs, Adelaide Australia. For the WinPicProg Web Site PLMS OziPic'er Issue 2 - for WinPicProg software Number Revision A3 Date: File: 1 Q6 BC548 R23 VPP combined 1N4148 RB7 RB6 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 19-Feb-2003 Sheet of D:\Client98\..\PLMS-OziPic'er- issue2 Protel.sch Drawn By: PLMS Designs 7 8