IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference 3-3 November 12-14, 2007 / Jeju, Korea A Low-Power, 3–5-GHz CMOS UWB LNA Using Transformer Matching Technique Dong Hun Shin1, Jaejin Park2, and C. Patrick Yue1 1 Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 2 Samsung Electronics, Giheung, Gyeonggi-do, Korea Abstract — This paper presents the design of a 3−5-GHz CMOS ultra-wideband (UWB) low-noise amplifier (LNA) utilizing an on-chip transformer to achieve low-power operation and to realize a compact input matching network. Detailed analyses of the input match, voltage gain, and noise figure of the LNA are provided. Implemented in 0.13-µm CMOS, the LNA achieves a maximum power gain of 16.2 dB, an input return loss of greater than 11.0 dB, and a minimum noise figure of 2.8 dB for the 3−5-GHz UWB while consuming only 6.7 mW from a 1.2-V supply. The active area of the fabricated CMOS UWB LNA is 0.32 mm2. The input match of a cascode stage with degeneration inductor is inherently narrowband due to the series RLC resonant circuit formed by Ls and Cgs1+Cd [5]. In this work, a transformer with a shunt capacitor (Cp) is utilized to absorb this series RLC circuit into a wideband matching network. VDD Rload Lload Vout Index terms — Ultra-wideband, low-noise amplifier, transformer, broadband matching, CMOS, RFIC. VBIAS II. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS The proposed UWB LNA topology is shown in Fig. 1. To achieve high gain and good reverse isolation, a cascode stage is used for the amplifier core. The source degeneration inductor (Ls) is added to realize a 50-Ω real impedance for input match. One drawback of this topology is that the gate-source capacitance (Cgs) of the input device (M1) is usually quite small such that a large series inductance at the gate of M1 is required to achieve the desired 50-Ω impedance. To resolve this issue, a capacitor (Cd) can be added between the gate and source of M1 as depicted in Fig. 1. Furthermore, by optimizing the value of Cd, the noise due to M1 can be reduced [4]. 1-4244-1360-5/07/$25.00 M2 V out' Cc Vin k I. INTRODUCTION A critical component in an ultra-wideband (UWB) system is a wideband low-noise amplifier (LNA). It needs to provide low noise figure, stable gain, and good input matching over the entire bandwidth with low power consumption. Several 3−5-GHz CMOS UWB LNA topologies utilizing various input matching networks have been reported recently such as LC band-pass filter (BPF) [1], resistive shunt feedback [2], and miller effect [3]. The BPF matching network-based topology achieves wideband characteristics with low power consumption. However, it tends to occupy large die area due to the need of multiple on-chip LC components. The resistive shunt feedback LNA also has wideband characteristics, but it tends to degrade noise performance due to the feedback resistor. To further push the performance for CMOS wideband LNA, this work explores the concept of utilizing a transformer as a wideband input matching network which occupies small die area and provides good noise performance. M3 M1 Vgs1 Rs Cp Vs L1 L2 Zin Zg Ls Cd Fig. 1. Simplified schematic of the proposed UWB LNA. A. Input Matching Network Figure 2 shows the simplified equivalent circuit for the proposed transformer-based input matching network. I1 I2 k L1 Cp Zin Zt L2 Zp Fig. 2. A simplified equivalent circuit of the proposed transformerbased input matching network. With the secondary coil (L2) terminated with arbitrary load impedance (Zt), the impedance, Zp, looking into the positive node of the primary coil (L1), is given by Z p ( s ) = sL1 − s 2M 2 , sL2 + Z t (1) where L1 and L2 are the self inductance of the primary and secondary coil, respectively [6]. M is the mutual inductance, which is equal to k ⋅ L1 ⋅ L2 . The overall input impedance of the equivalent circuit, Zin, can be expressed as Z in ( s ) = Z p( s ) 1 + sC p Z p ( s ) . (2) The parasitic resistance and capacitance of the transformer are not explicitly included in Eq. (1) and (2) 2007 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif Santa Barbara. Downloaded on June 4, 2009 at 18:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 95 in order to simplify the derivation. Nevertheless, the frequency response characteristics of Zin are still well captured because the parasitic RC has similar effects as Zt and Cp. However, for noise analysis, the contribution due to the parasitic resistance must be considered. The input impedance of the amplifier in Fig. 1 can then be derived based on Eq. (1) and (2) by substituting Zt with the series RLC circuit looking into the gate of M1. The final expression is shown at the bottom of the page as Eq. (3). In Eq. (3), Ct is the sum of Cgs1 and Cd, and Rt is equal to ωTLs [5]. Equation (3) reveals that Zin has a zero at the origin, a complex zero, and two complex poles for the practical RLC values that can be realized on chip. The solution for the complex zero is 2 ( ( ( ) ) ) 2 − Rt Ct ± Rt Ct − 4 Ct L2 1 − k 2 + Ls )) . desired bandwidth. The output impedance, Zload, can be expressed as Z load ( s ) = C. Gain and Noise Analyses The proposed amplifier can be divided into two parts to derive its voltage gain: the input matching network and the cascode stage with an inductive load. The transfer function of the input matching network is v gs1 ( s ) For practical on-chip transformer and capacitance values, it turns out that the z23 is a complex conjugate, since the first term in the square root is much smaller than the second term. Although a closed-form solution for fourthorder polynomial exists, it is complicated. To get the desired wideband input match, one can set the complex zero frequency in between the two complex pole frequencies whose values can be solved numerically using Matlab. For the targeted bandwidth of 3–5 GHz, the complex zero is set to 4 GHz, and the two complex poles are placed at 2.5 and 7 GHz as shown in Fig. 3(a). The corresponding S11 is shown in Fig. 3(b). For design margin, the bandwidth of the input match is designed to be from 2.5–7 GHz. vin ( s ) ( ( 2Ct L2 1 − k 2 + Ls = Av ( s ) = v gs1( s ) vin ( s ) -5 S11 [dB] Zin [ Ω] -15 -25 Imaginary -75 -100 1 -20 Real -50 2 3 (6) ⋅ g m1 ⋅ Z load ( s ) , (7) s2 M 2 Rs R1 + sL1 + 1 + sR s C p , (8) where R1 and R2 are series resistances of primary and secondary coils, respectively, and Rs is the source resistance. -10 0 , where gm1 is the effective transconductance of the cascade stage including the effect of Ls. For the noise figure derivation of the proposed LNA, it is convenient to use the equivalent noise models shown in Fig. 4, which refer the drain and gate noise currents to output. The impedance (Zg) looking into the secondary terminal of the transformer is 50 25 ) where vgs1 is the voltage across the gate and source nodes of M1. Because the output voltage at the drain of M2 is gm1 vgs1 Zload, the overall voltage gain of the amplifier shown in Fig. 1 can be calculated by 0 75 k L1 L2 ( s 2 L1Ct ( L2 1 − k 2 + Ls ) + sRt Ls Ct + L1 Z g ( s ) = R2 + sL2 − 100 (5) where Cout is the total output capacitance at the drain node of M2. A source follower buffer stage with a current source load is added at the output to drive an off-chip 50Ω load during testing. (4) z 23 = sRload Lload , s 2 (Lload Cout ) + sRload Cout + 1 -25 4 5 6 7 8 Frequency [GHz] -30 1 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Frequency [GHz] iout 9 10 (a) (b) Fig. 3. Simulated responses for input matching network using Eq. (3) with L1 = 2.5nH, L2 =4.7nH, k =0.85, Cp=600fF, Ls=0.6nH, Ct=820fF, Rt=50. (a) Zin, (b) S11 in dB. iout gm vgs ing Ct vgs gmvgs ind Zg Zgs vgs Ct indg Zg B. Output Stage To achieve high gain under low voltage headroom, an inductor with a series resistor is adopted as the output load to implement a low-Q, tuned load to cover the Z in ( s ) = ( ( ( (a) (b) Fig. 4. Equivalent noise model for the proposed LNA: (a) noise model with two noise current sources, (b) equivalent noise model referring drain and gate noise sources to the output. ) ) ) sL1 s 2 Ct L2 1 − k 2 + Ls + sRt Ct + 1 (3) s L1Ct C p ( L2 1 − k + Ls ) + s 3 Rt L1Ct C p + s 2 ( Ct ( L2 + Ls ) + L1C p ) + sRt Ct + 1 4 ( 2 ) 96 Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif Santa Barbara. Downloaded on June 4, 2009 at 18:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Following the derivation in [7], the total output noise current can be found as 2 2 i 2 ng i ng 2 i 2 ndg = i 2 nd η + 2 ⋅ Re c ⋅ ⋅ g m ⋅ η ⋅ Z gs + ⋅ g m Z gs 2 i 2 nd i nd 2 values of the input matching network are different from the initial design listed in Fig. 3. For the output load, a 4nH inductor (Lload) is used in series with a 28-Ω resistor (Rload). (9) where c is the correlation coefficient between the drain and induced gate noises, and Zgs, η are expressed as Z gs ( s ) = 1 Z g + sLs || sC t 1 + g m ⋅ sLs , g ⋅ sL s Z . η( s ) = 1 − m sLs + Z g gs F =1+ i i 2 ndg nout ( source , (12) ) where i 2 nout ( source ) is the output noise current due to the source and is given by 2 i 2 nout ( source) = g m ⋅ A2 gain( s ) ⋅ 4k BTRs ∆f . (13) Note that Again is the voltage gain between vs and vgs1 as defined in Fig. 1 and can be found as follows. Again ( s ) = v gs1 ( s ) Z in ( s ) . vin ( s ) Rs + Z in ( s ) ⋅ 0.8 mm (11) By using Eq. (9), the total LNA noise factor can be expressed as 2 0.4 mm (10) Fig. 5. Fabricated chip micrograph. The on-chip transformer with poly-silicon patterned ground shield (PGS) (see Fig. 6) is designed using a fullwave 3D simulator (Ansoft HFSS). The values of the equivalent circuit model are extracted and summarized in Table I. The transformer has a 3-to-4 turn ratio and an outer dimension of 250 µm. The trace width and spacing are 4 µm and 5.5 µm, respectively. P1 (14) where Zin is the total input impedance given in Eq. (2). Although the results of the LNA noise derivation is quite complicated, it can be shown from Eq. (6), (13), and (14) that i 2 nout ( source ) increases with Again which in turn increase with the transformer coupling coefficient k. Therefore, the noise figure of the proposed LNA decreases with increasing k. However, the operating bandwidth of transformer decreases as k increases [8]. Therefore, the transformer design must balance the tradeoff between noise and input matching bandwidth. III. IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES AND MEASUREMENT The proposed LNA is implemented in a 0.13-µm CMOS process. The chip micrograph is shown in Fig. 5. The size of the common-source transistor (M1) is optimized for the noise performance at 4 GHz [5] and is set to be 256 µm/0.12 µm. The width of the cascode transistor (M2) is chosen to be 128 µm/0.12 µm after considering the tradeoff between gain and bandwidth. The lager size of M2 is better to achieve a higher gain, but has a potential to decrease overall bandwidth because Cout is increased as shown Eq. (5). The value of the source degeneration inductor, Ls is chosen to be as small as possible to minimize its effect on the gain. With Ls set equal to 300 pH, a 300-fF shunt capacitor (Cd) is used to generate a 50-Ω input impedance. It should be noted that due to gain and noise considerations, the component P1 S2 P2 S1 Cp1 Cc Cp2 L1 k L2 Cs1 R1 P2 Cp1 (a) S2 Cs2 R2 Cc Cp2 S1 (b) Fig. 6. (a) The 3-to-4 transformer with poly-silicon patterned ground shield, (b) equivalent circuit of the transformer. TABLE I EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT VALUES FOR TRANSFORMER R1 R2 Cc Cp1 Cp2 Cs1 Cs2 L1 L2 k nH nH 2.7 3.5 0.83 Ω Ω fF fF fF fF fF 7 8 99 70 128 1 1 Figure 7 shows power gain (S21) and noise figure of the designed UWB LNA for both simulated and measured results. The maximum power gain is 16.2 dB at 3.4 GHz. The −3-dB gain bandwidth is between 2.3–5.0 GHz, which covers the targeted lower UWB band. The minimum noise figure is 2.8 dB at 2.8 GHz and is less than 5.2 dB across the lower UWB band. Noise analyses based on simulations show that the insertion loss associated with the input transformer and the noise of the input device (M1 in Fig. 1) contribute 57% and 18%, respectively, to the noise factor excluding the noise due to the source resistance (F−1). 97 Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ of Calif Santa Barbara. Downloaded on June 4, 2009 at 18:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. TABLE II PERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF RECENTLY REPORTED 3−5-GHZ CMOS UWB LNA References FOM [1] MWCL, 2006 [2] JSSC, 2005 [3] ISSCC, 2006 This work 0.1 ~ 0.4 0.1 ~ 0.2 0.8 ~ 1.2 0.2 ~ 1.0 S11 (dB) < −10.0 < −9.0 < −10.5 Gain (dB) 6.4 ~ 9.5 6.7 ~ 9.8 15.0 ~ 16.0 13.7 ~ 16.2 < −11.0 NF (dB) 3.5 ~ 5.5 2.3 ~ 4.0* 1.8 ~ 2.2 2.8 ~ 5.2 IIP3 (dBm) −0.8 −7.0 −9.0 PDC (mW) 16.5** 12.6** 7.7 −8.5** 6.7** Area*** (mm2) ~ 1.08 ~ 0.90 ~ 0.63 ~ 0.60 Technology 0.13 µm 0.18 µm 0.18 µm 0.13 µm * With external inductors, ** Excluding output buffer, *** Including I/O pads Under a 1.2-V supply, the LNA dissipates 6.7 mW excluding the output buffer. The reverse isolation, S12, is measured to be less than −45 dB across the lower UWB band. The measured S11 and S22, are shown in Fig. 8. The S11 is less than −11.0 dB, and the S22 is less than −13.4 dB for the lower UWB band. Good agreement is obtained between the measured and simulated results for gain, return loss, and noise figure by using pre-characterized RF sub-circuits cells as described in [9]. Based on measurement and simulation results using two-tone inputs at 4.0 and 4.02 GHz, the estimated IIP3 with and without the output buffer is −14.0 dBm and −8.5 dBm, respectively. 30 30 Measured 20 20 Simulated 0 15 NF [dB] S21 [dB] 10 25 Measured -10 FOM = 5 1 2 3 4 5 Frequency [GHz] 6 7 0 8 9 10 REFERENCES [1] [3] [4] 0 Measured -5 -5 [5] Simulated -10 -15 -15 Measured -20 -25 -30 1 2 3 4 5 Frequency [GHz] 6 7 [6] -20 [7] -25 [8] -30 8 9 10 Fig. 8. Input and output match of the designed UWB LNA. S22 [dB] S11 [dB] -10 (15) The design of a 3−5-GHz CMOS UWB LNA with onchip transformer matching technique is reported. Experimental results demonstrated the advantage of this technique in reducing chip area and power consumption in comparison to other broadband input matching schemes such as resistive-shunt feedback or LC ladder filters. Fig. 7. Measured vs. simulated power gain and noise figure. 0 . IV. CONCLUSIONS [2] Simulated G ⋅ IIP 3 ( NF − 1 ) ⋅ PDC Our design achieves the lowest power consumption and chip area while attaining comparable performance in gain, matching, NF and linearity to other recently reported low-band UWB LNA. 10 -20 -30 The performance comparison of the designed 3−5-GHz UWB LNA is shown in Table II with in-band figure of merit (FOM) that is defined as [9] A. Bevilacqua, et al., “A Fully Integrated Differential CMOS LNA for 3−5-GHz Ultrawideband Wireless Receivers,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 134-136, March 2006. C.-W. 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