Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences Vol. 5, June 1998, pp. 117-120 A general purpose computer-based data acquisition system and temperature controller V Rajagopal Reddy", S Venkatramana Reddl, P N Reddl· & B P N Reddy" "Electronics Division, Department of Physics, Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri 'Department of Physics, Sri Venkateswara 574199, India University, Tirupati 517 502, India Received 24 April 1997; accepted 29 April 1998 The design and operational details of a general purpose computer based data acquisition system (DAS) and temperature controller are given. The DAS consists of a 12-bit analog to digital converter (25 J.1S convertion time), two l2-bit digital to analog converters having fast settling time (500 ns), control circuit and Thermocouple Signal Conditioner (2B50). The software which is user friendly menu driven has been developed in Turbo-Basic. The data acquired is stored in the hard disk and can also be displayed on the monitor. The algorithms for data acquisition and temperature control are presented. The temperature in the range 77-400 K can be controlled with an accuracy of ± 0.1 K. Because of its simplicity and versatality, the system is best suited for upgrading the existing instrumentslike NMR spectrometers, EPR spectrometer, etc. where data acquisition and temperature control are involved. The advent of computers has brought revolution in the measurement techniques and has marked effect on experiments in almost all areas of Physics. Basically a computer can handle only digital information and hence, to carryout any measurement it is imperative that the signals from an experiment be digitized so that data processing can be accomplished. Many data acquisition systems and temperature control schemes have been described in the literature'i". Maintaining the temperature precisely at a given value (set point) for a given length of time is of utmost importance in many experiments. To achieve this a controller which maintains the temperature at the required value is needed. Automatic control of temperature can be accomplished by different control schemes or control algorithms such as proportional (P), Proportional and Integral (Pl), Proportional and Differential (PD), Proportional, Integral and Differential (PID) algorithms. To implement a control algorithm that accomplishes the above functions in assembly' language for microprocessor based system is too involved. With the introduction of the personal ·For correspondence computers (PC), complex control algorithms can easily be implemented using high level language such as Turbo Basic, 'C, etc. This paper describes the design and constructional features of the DAS, temperature controller and the associated software. Data Acquisition System Fig.1 shows the block diagram of the DAS and temperature controller, which can be installed in one of the expansion slots of the PC AT/386. The data acquisition system (DAS) card contains 4-analog input channels, an AID converter (A DC) with 12-bit resolution and fast conversion time (25 J-lS), D/A converter (DAC) with 12-bit resolution and fast settling time (500 ns). Further, user friendly software in high level language has been developed. When this card is installed in a computer (PC AT/386), it becomes a general purpose multichanael (4-channel) data acquisition system. The computer controls the functions (such as initiation of AID conversion, sensing the end of conversion, reading the 12-bit data from ADC output, processing the data, outputting the processed data to the DAC converters to generate control signals to the temperature controller, etc.) of the AID card, stores permanently the converted data on floppy disk or hard disk as data file and 118 INDIAN J. ENG. MATER. sct., JUNE 1998 . , • A OIP F_ c~ ~ 'J 51 III N ~ 1: ;;l m ?" en m n :r +15V •zz ~ en ~ m 5OOK' 5Kn .... R, .. 0 B z Fig. 2--{:ircuit diagram of the thermocouple signal conditioner Fig. I-Block diagram of the DAS and temperature controller also selects the user defined channels. The process of data acquisition can be interrupted by the user at any time by pressing <ESC> key. Temperature Controller A copper-constantan thermocouple has been used as the temperature sensor. The emf from the thermocouple is amplified and filtered by the thermocouple signal conditioner and the ADC converter digitizes this analog signal. The computer compares this signal (corresponding to sample temperature) against the set point signal (desired temperature) and generates a control signal. This digital control signal is translated to correction voltage via a 12-bit DAC, which is amplified and used to control the heater current. Thermocouple Signal Conditioner (2BSO) The 2B50 is a high performance thermocouple signal conditioner featuring input protection, isolation, common mode rejection, amplification, filtering and cold junction compensation in a single compact package. The 2B50 has been designed to condition low-level analog signals such as those produced by thermocouple in the presence of high common mode voltages. The thermocouple connection can be made via screw terminals and it has internal reference junction temperature sensor. In thermocouple temperature measurement applications, outstanding features such as low drift and high noise rejection make the 2850 an ideal choice for systems used in harsh industrial environments. The circuit diagram of the signal conditioner using 2850 is shown in Fig.2. A voltage gain (G) of 2B50 can be set using the equation", RG=200K/(G-I). In the present case, the gain has been set to 500. 2850 has provisions for adjusting input and output offset errors. The input and output offset adjustments were done as follows--the inputs 1 and 2 are shorted. The jumper 'A' has been removed to isolate the cold junction circuitry. The input offset voltage is made zero by slowly varying the potentiometer Rl keeping the gain at the desired value. Then the output offset is made zero by adjusting the potentiometer R2 with the desired gain. Operation The thermocouple output is amplified and filtered by the signal conditioner. The analog output voltage corresponding to the prevailing temperature at the sample is digitized by the ADC and the software computes the required control signal using the PID algorithm and outputs to DAC 1220. The DAC translates the digital signal to analog voltage and controls the current through the heater in such a way that the sample temperature remains constant. Control algorithm The control algorithm digitally using the equation eo (n) = Kp ( e, (nT) can be implemented nt + Ki f (n-l)T e;{nT) dt + Kd (e;{nT) - e;{n -1)T)/T) REDDY et al.: COMPUTER-BASED where t is time; e(k1) is corrected output, elt) is error signal (setpoint-existing value), T is sampling period, Kp is proportional gain, Kd is derivative gain, and Ki is the integral gain. The derivative term Kd (e;{nT) - e,(n-I)T)/T) can be approximated using the backword difference nt equation and the integral term Ki J e;{nT) dt by (n-I)T Simpson's 1/3 rulel6. The control algorithm consists of three different phases with successively smaller gain. In order to attain the desired set temperature, in the initial phase the system operates with maximum gain. When the sample temperature reaches sufficiently close to the desired set temperature, the system proceeds to the next phase. Based on the heating rate of the thermal load, the system gain can be decreased smoothly as the set temperature is approached. This facilitates minimizing the overshoot. When the set temperature is reached, the system enters the final phase with the smallest gain so that the system will not oscillate around the equilibrium point. The system's AID and 01A converters resolutions are.. one bit of 01A and AID corresponds to approximately 0.10 C and 0.060 C, respectively. DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM 119 ware trigger, programmable trigger, and external trigger pulse, (v) Data acquisition can be done using either polling control, interrupt routine or OMA transfer modes, (vi) 12-bit monolithic multiplying 01A output channel, (vii) Copperconstatan thermocouple (J type) as temperature sensor, (viii) Temperature range 77-400 K within ± 0.1 K, (ix) On line data acquisition, (x) User friendly and menu driven, (xi) User selectable channel and sampling intervals, (xii) Data storage on floppy or harddisk, and (xii) Stored data output on screen and printer On invocation, the main screen displays graphically the mobile van logo as "PC BASED DAS AND TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER". Pressing any key on keyboard leads to menu driven on the screen with the following options *Oata acquisition *Temperature Controller Parameters *Graphical Display *Exit The user can select anyone of the above options. Conclusions This paper describes the implementation and the design of hardware for a data acquisition system Software The software for the system is developed in Turbo-Basic with MS DOS 6.2 as operating system. To speed up the data acquisition process, the data acquisition module is developed in assembly language and linked to the programs written in Turbo-Basic. The software is developed to make the system as general purpose OAS and temperature controller. All parameters such as channel selection, number of samples at each sampling interval, temperature scan rate, sampling rate, data file names etc., can be entered through the keyboard by the user. The flow chart of the control algorithm is shown in FigJ. The software initializes the screen to graphic mode, reads set point and displays it on the screen. Salient features (i) User selectable 4-analog input channels, (ii) 12-bit Resolution, (iii) Switch selectable analog input ranges - Bipolar: ± 5 and ± 10 V & - Unipolar: 5 and 10 V, (iv) AID conversion by soft- Fig. ~The control flow chart for data acquisition and temperature 120 INDIAN J. ENG. MATER. SCI., JUNE 1998 and temperature controller using computer. The computer has been used effectively for data acquisition as well as control of temperature. The DAS and temperature controller also include a user-friendly menu driven software offering flexibility not only in selection of various parameters but also in selection of various channels. to be monitored on-line. 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