Argus 3.2.5 Upgrade Instructions Rev 6

Argus 3.2.5 Upgrade instructions
Document revision notes
Massimo Landozzi
Initial version
Massimo Carmagnini/Paolo Paolini
PM/PE revision
Massimo Carmagnini/Paolo Paolini
PE revision
Massimo Carmagnini/Paolo Paolini
PM revision
Odin Sletten
Simrad T.S. Revision
Paolo Paolini
PE revision
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3
ANTARES IP Address.................................................................................................................... 3
ANTARES HTML file upgrade ....................................................................................................... 4
What you need ............................................................................................................................ 4
HTLM file update procedure ....................................................................................................... 4
SW release Package upgrade ...................................................................................................... 4
What you need:........................................................................................................................... 5
4.1.1. How to set a connection from your Laptop to ANTARES ........................................................... 5
Processor A update procedure ................................................................................................... 7
Processor B update procedure ................................................................................................... 8
Future release notes ................................................................................................................... 9
1. Introduction
The new 3.2.5 software upgrade package will include new functionalities.
In order to prevent incorrect programming, the upgrade procedure has been changed so it now includes 3 steps:
Upload an ANTARES HTLM page via the normal USB routine
Upload sw release package 3.2.5 to processor A of the ANTARES board via HTML webpage
Upload the same sw package to processor B of the ANTARES board via HTML webpage
Please read the following information carefully.
Before perform any kind of software upgrade, is compulsory to power off the complete system (not only the
radar Transmission Function).
Wait not less than 10 seconds and power on again.
This will insure that the memory circuitry will be ready for the update operation.
Failing to power cycle the system as described above may cause the system to freeze and lock up completely.
2. ANTARES IP Address
To access to the “General Information” Menu, press:
“Menu” -> “Radar Configuration”
Then digit the password “COLLA”
And then choose “System Configuration”
The following picture shows the “System Configuration Menu”.
ALWAYS note the ANTARES IP Address as this is required for the upload process.
In case of problems during the software upgrade this will help you to recover the Core unit.
Before proceed with any kind of upgrade software is compulsory to power off all the complete system (not only
the radar Transmission) for 10 seconds or and power it on again.
3. ANTARES HTML file upgrade
A new version of the ANTARES HTML page is released along with this software version and will be available on the
new equipment.
What you need
Laptop with USB port.
USB stick
A copy of the HTLM Software package stored in the PC.
HTLM file update procedure
The software package is “selux-argus-www-2.1-20141125” ”, where www identify the HTLM software package, 2
is the major version, 1 is the minor wildcard and 20141125 is the creation date of the package.
The prefix “selux-argus” is necessary in this transition phase to allow the old software to run the package.
Installing the HTML file, you are to create a backup point, so in case that you have trouble during the Antares
update, you can recover the machine.
The upgrade procedure is very easy:
Plug the USB stick into the USB port of you Laptop.
Create the following folder : “Selux”-> “Update”
Copy the unzipped HTML file into the “Update” folder. The core unit is not able to unzip a file.
Insert the USB stick in the USB port of the DCore unit.
Select: Menu->Radar Configuration and then type the password “COLLA”
Select the following path: Menu->Radar Configuration->USB Menu-> Software Upgrade
A new window will be open in the middle of the screen as follows:
Select the file selux-argus-www-2.1-20141125 and click “USB Selection->System”. The window will show
a progress bar, after that you will receive an update confirmation.
Reboot the system
New Radar equipment delivered from the factory with software version 3.2.5, the selux-argus-www-2.120141125.web page is already installed.
4. SW release Package upgrade
The ANTARES board has 2 microprocessors, Processor A and Processor B. Processor A is to be upgraded first
and then Processor B. Processor B has the same IP address of Processor A+1.
E.g. Processor A; Processor B
What you need:
Laptop with 100 base T LAN on board.
Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome).
LAN cable (straight or crossover).
A copy of the Software upgrade package stored in the Laptop.
Set your Laptop with static IP address
4.1.1. How to set a connection from your Laptop to ANTARES
Open “Control Panel” of your Laptop and select “Network and Sharing center”
Select “Change adapter settings”.
Right click on “Local Area Connection” and select Properties.
Select “internet Protocol version 4”.
Select “Use the following IP address”
Fill in only the “IP address”. All the others fields will be created automatically for Processer A and B.
E.g. Processor A; Processor B
You can use in the IP address where xxx: is a value between 1 and 254, but not the value
already used by Processor A and B. In this specific case, you can’t use 100 and 101.
Processor A update procedure
Connect Laptop to Processor A via LAN, left port at the front of the core unit (see example below).
Digit the IP address of Processor A in Explorer window
The web page window will appear as follow:
Click “software Upgrade” option and follow the instruction on screen
The name of the file to select is “selux-argus-3.2.5-20150126”, where 3 is the main platform software version,
2 is the major version, 5 is the minor wildcard and 20150126 is the creation date of the package.
The prefix “selux-argus” is necessary in this transition phase to allow the old software to run the package.
When the upgrade of Processor A is completed a confirmation message will appear on screen.
Now Processor A is update and you can proceed to update Processor B,
Processor B update procedure
Unscrew the core unit top cover to access Processor B.
Connect the LAN cable to Processor B, most upper connector.
Do not forget to write the IP address of the Processor B in the browser and hit “enter”.
A new web Interface page will appear.
Select “software upgrade” and then “Start Proc B Upgrade”.
The same path and software as used for Processor A will automatically be used for Processor B
When the software upgrade is finished, a “complete” message will pop up in the screen.
Complete the upgrade by power cycling the complete system (Off and On).
Verify the software version: Click ‘Menu’ > ‘About ARGUS’ find IOVP 3.2.5
Disconnect the LAN cable and replace the top cover
Note! Do not forget to set your laptop back to ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’. See point 4.1.1.
5. Future release notes
Up to 3.2.4 software release, Argus Radar was looking only for “selux” folder and its specific sub-folders. After the
upgrade to 3.2.5 the primary parent folder in the USB stick is “argus” and the super user mode password is “HIGH”.
The name for future releases will be as follows:
“antares-www-x.y.z-yyyymmdd” for HTLM software release.
“argus-x.y.z-yyyymmdd” for Simrad Argus Radar software release.