fSB BAY OJr? PLENTt TIMES, MONDAY, MAKCfI: 5, 1894. TMPOUNDED at the Taorarga 1 X Public Pound, by the lUoger, from within tbe Borougb, on Saturday March 3rd, one dark chestnut bone, white saddle spots, white star on forehead, no visible brand. If not JUDEA SALE YARD S. claimed and expenses paid will be sold FRIDAY, 16th MARCH at 2 p.m on Saturday, March 10th at noon at Iwill hold ipy next sale as abo?e tbe eaid pound. DAVID HALL, Entries to datePoundkeeper. K HEAD GROWN STEERS. TMPOTJNDKD at the Tauranga X Public Pound by Mr G. V. !Farly entries requested. Stewart, from Martray, Katikati, on March sth, one bay horse, black D. LUNDON, points, whitestaron forehead,branded Auctioneer. P.O.Ron off shoulder. If not claimed and expenses paid, will be sold on Saturday March 10, at noon at the ■aid pound. DAVID HAJLL, CO-OPERATIVE STORE MAXWELL'S, STILL LEADS THESTRHND, ; -J Poundkeeper. OQAL! COAL! GOAL1 Now discharging, ex Tokerau, NEWCASTLE COAL dßs 6d (cash)per ton, delivered anywitiiin 4 miles of the Strand. where G. K. MUSGKAVE, N GEO. VERCOE, Family and Shipping Batcher, Has opened those premises THREE DOORS feom WHAEF ST. and is prepared to deliver NOTICE OF POLLING DAY. pursuance of "The Alcoholic" FRESHMEAT DAILY Liquors Sale Control Act, 1893 InTauranga and suburbs. and "The Electoral Act, 1893." I, John Mackintosh JKoberts, Eeturning ONLY PRIMEST MEAT KEPT Officer for the Licensing District of SjiallGoods a speciality. Bay of Plenty,do hereby give notice for the be will held that an election return of eight duly qualified persons to serve as members of the Licensing Committee for the Bay of Plenty Licensing Di-trict and that the latest day of receiving nominations of candidates will be t£e 13th day of March, 1894, andthat the poll if necessary willbe taken at the several polling places of the said district on the 21st day of March, 1894. Every man deiiroua of becoming a Candidate must be nominated by not less than two electors of the district, by a nomination paper as prescribed by Section seventy-five of the Electoral AGENT, TAURANGA. Act, 1803, delivered to the Betttrning 6, h HULME. Officer onor toefove the 13th day of March, 1894, In connection with the above agencyalso give notice1that on the afore- orders I will be received and executed said 2ist day of March, 1894, a with despatch. Samples vehicles tk>U of the electors of the Bay of suitable to district always of oH view at Plenty district will bd taken to deter- my store, Wharf Street. publican's mine with inspect td C. F. HULME, Agent. licenses, accommodation licenses and bottlelicenses withinthe said district. 1. Whether the present number of licenses is to be continued. 2. Whether thenumber of any such licenses is to be reduced. 8. Whether any licenses are to be granted. <The following are the pollingplaces "It sato tj*mtfclpt t& tostra for theBay of Plenty Licensing Distorn piitg to tab' trict. Tauranga, Principal Polling Place, |g raking jit t|e jatnmajje TheNative Land Courthouse public can't xtfm" Opotiki, The Courthouse Whakatane, The Courthouse Katata, The Schoolhouse Thiscan wellbe said of Pongakawa, the Schoolhouse Maketu, The Courthouse Kotorua, The Courthouse TePuke, The Schoolhouse Gfeerton, The Schoolhouse Wairoa, TheSchoolhouse Waterford, The Courthouse Parawai, The Schoolhouse Puriri, The Schoolhouse Hikutaia, The Schoolhouse Paeroa, The Public Hall Karangahake, The Schoolhouse Ko^u, The Post Office Waihi, The Schoolhouse Tairua, The Sawmill Kitchen Owharoa, TheSchoolhouse Waitekauri, The Schoolhouse Galatea, The Schoolhouse Neveaville, The Polling booth Whangamata, John Sainsbury's Gum Store IN % STOCK HEAVILY IN ALL LINES Omahu, Pavitt's house J. M. ROBERTS, Beturning Officer. . - THIS HOT WEATHER ONE NEEDS LIGHT POOD. FOR THEIEST ■ :o: AGENT FOR - CAMERON ROAO. the on I Inreference to tJie above, we have sold the Goodwill of the Auctioneering and Commission Business belonging to tho estate of the late Johk NcNicol to A. J. Storey, who will take over thesame onthe IstFebruary, and conduct it under the namo of McNiool & Go., and we trust the support given to tho lato firm will i atillbe contiaued. All outstanding Acoounta in the old Estate arerequested to be paid at an M. S PENCE. early date to A.J. Storey, Hamilton. E. P. MoNICOL, >-p ARCH. McNICOL, j Es<*utor8 . THE STRAND HAS NOW ON SALE: Friday, 9th. March. GREYSTONE. ALL YATES' SEEDS. Land & Commission Jlgent, TAURANGA. . WAITOA LIVE STOCK SALE. NEW SEASONS, TUENIP SEEDS, SWEDES, ABEBDEENS AND Agent for tne John McNicol, I desiro to inform the farmers and settlers of Waikato and surrounding districts that on and after the Ist February, 1894, I will caiTy on the same under tho name of McNIOOL & CO., and trust, with attention to businessin tho interests of clients, and prompt settlements, to meet with a fair share of support. A. J. STOREY, Hamilton, Jan. 29th, 1894. w THJE STRAND. P. Munro. KEMPTHOItNE pkoSSER AND GO'S MANURES, See their advt. CHOICE FAT STEHRS, * W. L. C. Williams 10 Choice Fat Cows, A.R. nine 6 Light-weightHeifers,McNicol Bros. 100 Fat Ewes, Rangiatea Estate * -r, 50 Crossbred Ewes ) mi |Thos.Rowe 25 Lambs 4 Fat Cows, Riclimond Downs McNICOL & CO. -JA L\J HAMMOND'S AND BELL'S BACON, andHAMS, ; The very best in themarket. KATIKATI AND TE PUKE CHEESE— small sizes. THELARGEST STOCKS IN TOWN OF OATS, MAIZE, CHAFF, BRAN, SHARPS, LINSEED AND COPRA CAKES. BARBED AND PLAIN FENCING WIRE, STAPLES AND WALKER'S5 ROLLERS AT VERY LOW RATESFOR CASH. FLOUR, OATMEAL, TEA, SUGAR, SOAP AND CANDLES, WHITE-" HEAD'S CELEBRATED COFFEE-&.T WHOLESALERATES, G-. F. McOuLLAQg, Aaotior.eer. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Collins Diaries, 1894. New Zealand Diaries, 1894. Brett's Almanacs, Is, 1894. Murray's Household Almanac and FRUIT PRESERVING! Diary, 6d, 1894. ■ i.■ — purchased Goodwill HAVINGof the AUCTIONEERING BUSINESS carried by late-Mr MAXWELL'S, <&Ci N.Z. Cookery Book. — — o— — 1 Price, la; postod to any address;for Is Id Sole vendor,P. Mukbo, agent, Tauranga. Tlje Cheapest Cash.House in Town. r'f'Ufttpa, "~jp?"'"""«i ■ i» Eagle "cortuinCure forToothache. " IT^OUND, ton's Electric Vapour never fails WE ARE ' UroiiUDINO ■ and. We are agents for : ".Renton's Dunedia Biscuits," "Gilmore, YounghusbandV* we<k Hill Dropping and fertiliser Drills, No 2 Seed Drill, Combined Whee Hoe Cultivator, Double Combined "Rake and Plow* Onion Harvesters Plain Double Wheel Hoe, Single wheel Hoe Cultivator, Grass Edger, Horse Hoe <&Ci at IndianTeas, "Nelson, Moate &CoY Teas, Butcher's Cheeses in 61b rollp, Sharlaad's BakiDg Powder, Aucklard Weekly New?, &c, &c. 8. L, ALLEN'S FAMOUS PLANET JR. IMPLEMENTS &Ct Prepared Oil Pajwr, Academy Boards, PreparedPanels, J. Leech's ARTISTS' PictureFrameMaker, Shortlaud-street, Auck- Fresh Butter, Reynolds & Co's Anchor Brand Creamery,also the pick of The Best Local Dairies. 1 Lkech's, at J. Picture FrameMaker, Shortlaud-street, Auck land. Local Hams & Bacon. New cure. Quality A-i. Hitchen's Celebrated B.ood Restorer (reference kindly permitted to Mr J. Marks.) Eagleton's Celebrated Electric Vapour or Toothache Cure, Is per bottle guaranteed to cure toothache in one application. North Germanand Standard FireInsurance Companies. Yates's Seeds, every care taken but no guarantee expressed or imputed. — SECOND ■ —o -—FRUIT — - PRESERVING! .■■'■" SHEEP FAIR. Thursday, 22nd March. # undersigned will hold their THE secondvSheep Fair Ohaupo above date. ' ■ at on To keep up withthe requirements of the season Entries solicited. supplies qt. jars, of Mason's we have full McNICOL AND CO. Mason's hlf, gal. jars Jam & Marmalade -Only a few of the Special Christma i Numbers of Glass Jars, Which we will quote G-. F. McOuLLAGH, Auctioneer. Tide, White, Graphic, and Yule Black London DEFY COMPETITION. AT PRICES TO * :O; Illustrated London News, N.Z. Graphic and Observer left. ThePublic are also requested to inspect our latest shipment ol Crockery, ex s.p. Mamari, direct from the manufacCAMBRIDGE AUTUMN HORSE SOLD OUT: turers whichenables us to sell at first cost. FAIR. Christmas Numbers of Pears' Annual, Sporting and Dramatic, Ladies Pictorial, Canterbury All these Goods are our own selection and importation, and they ar<9 Wednesday, 11th April, specially suitablefor the East Coast. Times, Sydney Bulletin,Ills. Australian ■ Powder is in the npHE undersigned will hold their A annual Autumn Horse Fair on BADG-BB K/. and Crockeryiuare Merchant, Baker, above date, Grocer, Confectioner TH STRAND, TAURANGA. which challengesI by G. F. McCullagh, Auctioneer. ON THE ROAD NOW. AND FOR SALE ON ARRIVAL, 1AAA SOUND. FRESH FULL-lUUU MOUTH CROSSBRED EWES, fiom Waimana. 1000Big-framed, Four-year-old^ Crossbred andLongwool Ewes 2 1300 GrandFour-tooth Cross- S'S bred and Longwool ||o i Wethers, with a few ex- I o*a If* ceptions all fat and big < weights . " Hardware Merchants, And Direct Importers of European and American Goods, Biscuits, Cosfectiokeby Cajtdues, Keboseste, Matches, Wicks Jams, Jellies,Pbespb&ves Spices, Cubbies Pickles, Cheese, Floub,Rice,Seeds,Fabinaß BahngPowdeb Tiknhd Meats, Milk,and FigH Lavkdky akd Toilet 80AP8 " Oius> Paints, &c Hives aitoApiastWabe j Brooms, Bbushwabe j Woodestwake Eaethexwahe,Glasswake beqoisites Xamps, Lampwabe Culikaby, Laundby and Dbugb, Chemicals,PateotMedicines Pkbftjmeby ajo>Toiletarticles Tobacco Wines, Beebs, Spibits, Liqueuks Manvbes / McNICOL & CO. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Oilmen, Provision, Wine Beer and Spirit Merchants, A preparation , Entries solicited. MANN & CO. using. Teas, Coffees, J- GKCLMOEE. CARDSjfor Painting, assortedsizes TjIANCY Jj shapes, and colours, Rowntree's Chocolate Creams and Confectionery, Fresh from the .Manufacturers.— A DELICIOUSLOT ! " COMMISSION AGENCY: Tauranga Public Hal), for evening, ss. House, 6 rooms, Devonport Road, 3s week. House, 4 rooms, Willow Street, 2s 6d a week. Shop, 3 rooms, Wharf Street, 4a week. House of four rooms, porch and shed, c >ncrete tank. 2 allotments. 4s Properties in Town &nd Country 16 suit all classes. Stjoabs, BOTTOMPRICES. and-street, Auckland. The latter we buy andsell fully 20 per cent below any other GO TO actual test and J. GILMORE, always standsI; B O isTDED STORES, Tj^WRJ^NGrJ^., Who has just to hand a large the trial most . CONSIGNMENT OF HoSd large stocks ofall lines, except soft goods, required by Country settlers, including : favourably is Cocoas Tacks Sago & Tapioca, ' Tkeacxeb Dbekd AsrDTootEDFfitnM y Flake and Fe^rl . Mustards, Kitchek Mechanics Tools fapioca & Sago. SHARLAND'S . Sauces Pbotisioss PlatedCOME AND BE ASTONISHED. *I& GROCERIES AT BOCK- COPIES, Drawing Papers. Chinaand Wood Palettes, Knives, etc., DRAWING at J. Lkbch's, Picture Frame Maker, Short- In addition to above we ar.e just opening out a consignment of the Baking «.G»doesnot believeinquotingprices Jj* fe prepared to sell these lines cheaper than anyone else, while the i» superior to any other. land. Flour .Ironmongery house in this district. J7£7V£ JHRS, Two in a nest, 5s 6d per dozen nests POTATOES.— 2OIbs for Is, or 5s per cwt. by the sack. ■ ;Linseed Oil, Poppy OiT, Copa Varnish, Mastio Varnish, at J. Leech's AETISTS' Picture Frama Maker, Shortland-street, Auck we stock only the best and give better value than any house iv the trade. Why ? We stock largely and our selections are made by a Professional Tea-taster : That's Why! Coffee and]Roasted Coffee Beans, Brown Barrett & Co. News and Australian Journal. comparison land. IW TEA, As the proof pt CHARLES G. CARTER, Moonlight Excursion. the pudding is in eating so TAURANGA BOOK ARCADEthe N EXCURSION as A "3vx /jL above will be run 4l|u|gr%fev the proof of 8»8. WAIOTAHI on Wednesday evening, March 21st, leaving Town Wharf at 7.30 o'clock. THE BAND will play selections during thetrip and tbe takings will go to the Band fttnd. JVfre, Is j children half price. ' G. ARNOLD WAB.D, Hon.Secretary. JV. at Our GROCERY DEPiRTMEHT is Replete witt eiery Delicacy. Slippers Gray. Strong. And to attend to these lines with the care and judgment they demand, our time is fully occupied. Inquality of Goods our Patrons unite in Baying OTJK STOCKS ARE SELECT. i\t Lett's Australasian Diaries, 1894. Mil press GROCERS, BAKERS AND PROVISION MERCHANTS PUKE AND SIMPLE, AND Grain Crockery Shoes and moro members forPapa— WANTED.—Two moa Special SetUemetit Association F. Lrvoog,Chairmau. — SALE. Copying FORprice, Ml 7s 6d.— Apply J. W. and table, Anapprenticeto the tailoring. WANTED.— Applyto T. J.Bmoirr, the Oil Colour Boxes, Water-colour r Boxes, Lustre Paints, IiiITTED J. Leech's. Picture Frame Maker, Shortland-street. Auck- WE ARE WE BUY FOR CASH INCLUDING WANTED. Established a Quarter of a Century. In low Prices and High Quality. Groceries Medicines Boots Butefeepy. CashSTRAND. i THE Bedsteads,Beddino ■ Saddleby, Stablerequisites Bope, Twine, Sacks,Mats Stationeby /Ammunition [ Nails, Staples, Screws, iCokbttgatbd Ibon ajsj)Bibgeto Baebkdai?x>Pxadt Wibb Aoeicuxtubai, Implemejits ajtdMachineby Cabpektehs akd Agbicultubal akd G-abdbnTools Cutxeby McNICOL & CO. G. F. McCnLiAair, Auctioneer. MEOHAWIOiS' INdTirUTJB. . THE SECOND OF A wabk HouseholdHabdwabe akdHollowabb Bitildebs Ibonmokgeby Wabehouse Utehsil&akdMatebial SERIES OF Popular Lectures WILL BE GIVEN IK THE THEATRE ROYAL, HARINGTON STREET, ON THURSDAY, Bth MARCH, BAKING By B. 6. B. Moss, Esq., M. & Co., have but one price according to quantity. Orders from regular customers or froni SUBJECTr by accompanied remittance carefully packed and delivered to others when OF KEW ZEALAND. THE INSECTS Coastal boat or Inland carrier. POWDER. list of Goods ■" stocked and Price List on application " Lecture at -Tickets, Is each, as for the course of four ltotures and concert J-a to bo hn>l l'- mi C«" <«f V!nv« '"„'.« "* *;