AVERAGE VALUES (1) • • • • • • • • Average value of waveform is the average of all its values over a period of time Computing the average over time involves adding all the values that occur in a specific time interval and dividing that sum by time This is done by computing the area of waveform over a period of time Area above time axis is a positive area Area below time axis is a negative area Algebraic signs must be taken into account when computing total (net) area Time interval is the period T Find the average value of the following AC waveform v(t) A1 +15V A2 0.2 0.6 0.8 0 1.2 t(s) -3V T 7. Measuring AC Waveforms 1 AVERAGE VALUES (2) • • • • • Sine waves are symmetrical about time axis, thus average is zero: positive area cancels negative area Must use calculus to compute average, and we take into consideration the area of a half cycle of a sinusoidal waveform, called a pulse Using calculus it can be shown that: Area = 2Vp/ω V-s or 2Ip/ω A-s What is the average of the following waveform i(t) 0.4A 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 7. Measuring AC Waveforms 0.4 0.5 t (s) 2 AVERAGE VALUES (3) • • • • • • • • • • Average value of waveform also called dc value Knowledge of average value important in the design of high power devices such as power supplies and power amplifiers Waveforms in circuits regarded as sine waves with dc offset DC level (offset) is simply added to ac waveform Equation for ac voltage with dc component Vdc is v(t) = Vdc + Vp sin(ωt + ϕ) Vdc can either be positive or negative Minimum v(t) = Vdc – Vp volts Maximum v(t) = Vdc + Vp volts Find the average value of v(t), and derive mathematical expression as a function of time +12V Vdc 0 2 10 t (µs) -2V 7. Measuring AC Waveforms 3 EFFECTIVE (RMS) VALUES (1) • • • • • Average values not useful for comparing sinusoidal ac waveforms because average value is zero Use measure called effective or root mean square (rms) value Measure shows how effective the waveform produces heat in a resistance RMS measure eliminates consideration of waveform polarity The DC voltage that causes the same heating in resistance R as an ac voltage is the effective value (rms value) of the ac voltage (likewise for current) 2 Vp ≈ 0.707Vp 2 2 I eff = I p ≈ 0.707I p 2 Vp = 2Veff ≈ 1.414Vp Veff = I p = 2I eff ≈ 1.414I p • • Find the effective value of the ac current i(t) = 4.2sin(5000t + 45°)A The ac voltage supplied at a terminal has a frequency of 60Hz and effective value of 120V rms. Derive the mathematical expression for the voltage at the terminal, assuming zero phase angle 7. Measuring AC Waveforms 4 EFFECTIVE (RMS) VALUES (2) • • • • • Relationship between peak and rms values given in previous equations valid only for sinusoids It is possible to compute effective value of some nonsinusoidal waveforms using root mean square method Square the waveform, find its average, then square root the answer √[average(waveform)2] Find the effective value of the voltage of this waveform v(t) +20V 2 0 1 4 7 5 9 6 12 10 11 t (s) -12V 7. Measuring AC Waveforms 5 AC VOLTAGE AND CURRENT IN RESISTANCE • Ohm’s Law can be applied to an ac circuit containing a resistance to determine ac current in a resistance when ac voltage is applied across it • At every instant in time, the current in the resistor is the voltage at that instant divided by the resistance, i.e. instantaneous current is instantaneous voltage divided by the resistance v(t ) R i(t ) = • For a sinusoidal voltage i(t ) = Vp R sin(ωt + φ ) • Ip = Vp/R • The voltage across and the current through the resistor have the same phase angle, they are in phase 7. Measuring AC Waveforms 6 AC VOLTAGE AND CURRENT IN RESISTANCE: EXAMPLES • • • • • • • The current in a 2.2 kΩ resistor is: i(t) = 5sin(2π × 100t + 45°) mA Write the mathematical expression for the voltage across the capacitor What is the effective value of the resistor voltage? What is the instantaneous value of the resistor at t = 0.4ms? The ac voltage across a 150Ω resistor is: 39sin(2π × 103t) V. At what value of t does the current through the resistor equal -0.26A? 7. Measuring AC Waveforms 7 CAPACITORS AND AC (1) • • • • • • • AC current through a capacitor depends not only on the voltage across it, but also on the frequency of that voltage The property of a capacitor that causes it to resist the flow of ac current through it is called capacitive reactance, denoted by XC. Its units are also Ohms XC = 1/ωC = 1/2πfC Ohms XC is inversely proportional to frequency The greater the frequency, the smaller the reactance and thus the greater the current through the capacitor The lower the frequency, the greater the reactance Graph of reactance XC v frequency f XC XC = 1/2πfC Capacitor is an open circuit when dc voltage is connected across it i.e. f = 0 Ip = 0 f Vp volts = amps X C ohms I p = VpωC = Vp 2πfC 7. Measuring AC Waveforms 8 CAPACITORS AND AC (2) • • • • • Example: The ac voltage across a 0.5µF capacitor is: v(t) = 16sin(2 × 103t) V What is the capacitive reactance of the capacitor? What is the peak value of the current through it? Example: The ac current through a 20µF capacitor is i(t) = 3sin(800t) A. What is the peak voltage across the capacitor? • The peak current through a capacitor does not occur at the same instant of time that the voltage across it reaches its peak value The current through a capacitor leads the voltage across it by 90° vC(t) = Vpsin(ωt + ϕ)V iC(t) = Ip sin(ωt + ϕ + 90°)A Example: The voltage across a 0.01µF capacitor is vC(t) = 240sin(1.25×104t -30°)V. Write the mathematical expression for the current through it. • • • • 7. Measuring AC Waveforms 9 INDUCTORS AND AC • • • Inductance resists or impedes the flow of ac current Property called inductive reactance XL where: XL = ωL = 2πfL ohms; waveform: XL (Ω) XL f • • • • • • • XL directly proportional to frequency XL decreases with frequency, approaching 0Ω as frequency approaches zero (dc) Inductor is a short circuit when a dc voltage is connected across it Ohm’s Law: Ip = Vp/XL amperes Voltage across inductor leads current through it by 90° iL(t) = Ipsin(ωt + ϕ); vL(t) = Vpsin(ωt + ϕ + 90°) Example: The current through an 80mH is 0.1sin(400t25°)A. Write the mathematical expression for the voltage 7. Measuring AC Waveforms 10 AVERAGE POWER • • • • The power at any instant in time, instantaneous power: p(t) = v(t)i(t) = [i(t)]2R = [v(t)]2/R More useful measure is average power, which is the average of the instantaneous power over a period of time Example: Find the average power dissipated through a 50Ω with a voltage of 12sin(377t)V across it. Use all the equations on the left. 1 Pavg = I p2 R watts 2 2 Pavg = I eff R watts Pavg = Vp2 watts 2R Veff2 Pavg = watts R Vp I p Pavg = watts 2 Pavg = Veff I eff watts 7. Measuring AC Waveforms 11