rorn^ 990-EZ ^ Short Form Return of Organization Exemt From Income Tax oM8 No 154.1150 Under section 1 (c), 627, or 4947(a)(1) o f the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung benefit trust or private foundation) 200.9 e0 Naxs ar I re^llol^r10 tirsprr'we. m fs der^am sreha^ V5'1NIttsspu+inr4a^a atdw^nr,'0 sr2"aJ " q)irnsIMcerm*0 +^aaerordr^a"iua,. w,''«.oisrer.o^+kSw000morona M.S1, I »r Gen 11 lSC.EnO 01 no and er ft Var l rur wa ew'anr OMwt.r dt.he rw"pv O p en to Public IRs etion ^ The orgeniz (son may have to use a copy of this return to salts state reporting requirements. "Ml r_,v__ s " A For 2009 calendar year, or Ia4 year begirrfting . 2009. and ending .20 8C Name o otgenisaiibn D Employer Identification number rwre.senxrgr ^3-G^'fla !UL rwr p DUTCH C{ NTRY PLhYSRS ;ramecr s, E Telephone number Wilt&' Number & street (or P,Q. box, it mak Is not delivered to street addr.) mum- k" BOX 2$3 City of town , state or country, and ZIP + :t (215).2-34-0;166 F Group Exemption _ Number.... ^ .e1 ford PA 18969-0263 G Accounting Method - Fj Cash U Accrual Other (s , )^ t Website ; R WKW . DUT CHCOUNTRYPLAYERS. COM if organization to not required H Check ' J Thx-*xumpt status i¢rr# vAj - -Pq 501(c)(.3 ) +E (Inner[ no.) 4$47(x)(1) or 5527 in attach $oh B reran 09D c 04L, r,i WOI'M K Check ^ if the cryaptrati0 n Is not a Mcdon 5D9(a)(3) supporting organization and Its gross receipts are normally not more than $25,000. A Form 990•EZ or Fomi•990 ratum•Is not required , butt the organization chooses to file a return, be sufe to file a complete reium. • Section 501tc)( 3) organizations and 494T(a)(1) nonexemps charitable trusts must attach a completed Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ). k i i,Q34ent (0e fiwm' W rwmrw pl Fbm 000-M Ravanue . EYnene e . end Chances In Not Assets or Fund alances L *dd finer eg $+ .vo i8. m Nne 9 "o Part I Contributions ,•gfft , grants, and. shatter amounts received 2 Program service revenue Indu^tq overnment fees ant! contracts .... gnenis I estme 1. V A ... ... 5a G a punt tram sale oraSset's then inventory . .. Ifaip$., L (los9 from sate of skeete WIM1e nees , .. bb, , . - than Inventory (Subtraet line 5b from line 52) .. . amt. sat aanaaae Gr a•, ni is tam gaming , ~. t,a. P. 6 CAI E n U E v •a tar Mgdi of contributions -' re so on ne. t I .... , . . ..... b Les. direct expenses Other than fundraising expenses .. , .. ' Bb 0 Net ink or (loss) from special events and activities ( Subtract One fib ffom tine 6a) ..... 7a 78 Gross sites of inverIbry.. Was rdurns and allowances . 7b b Less. cost of goods sold m 0 m rv 0 0 ^"d Sc .. E B D E X E 13 Profasslonal .fees artd outer payments to independent conlhsciors N 14 •t>oipanty, rent, utilities. and-mairdenance 15 Pr inting . publications, postage, arrd sh(t>ping Grants and eirnllar amounts paid (alta h schedule) .............. . ..... .. .... . . .. . . .. . , .... Benefits paid to or far members , :Salaries, bthercompedaation. Snd employee benefits , . ... ) ^ .. ... 8 . 9 10 ,r .. _ i ^i+, 11 . 12 13 .... .. ....... ... ,. e Sc 7c a 'Gross proM or (loss) from sales ofinventaly (Subtract line 7b from line 70). .. .... Other revenue (dest»e ^ 3Pe . attachment tE 1 Tutai revenue. All4lnes 1 9.3.4, •5c, 6a_, 70, and 8 a 9 10 11 •i2 _ ^. 4 Sa . b c 2 .... ..... I R v6 ` 1f L tree the instructions for Part I I .• 14 23, 3' 15 10, Other e%pensbs (describe ^ See attachment 442 ) 16 41, 3 17 7 6, ^ Total expenses. Add $nes IO,thraugh 18 2 •,, Esscees or (de0alq for the year (Subtrad line 17 from Ina 9). • • .. '. . A Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from Ilne 27, column (A)) (must agree with Ng -end-of-year figure reported on prior year's return) ES " #' ' • .r • 19 .. . • 20 •4 : `. . , in . T S 20 net explanation ) . . .. . Oilier changes assets or land b8 (anoea (attach , 03 j (1 ! , ^ 21 1 •(ret assp dr fund, beianods at 644 of year. Cambine Was 10, throu ' li 20. . Fart tt Baiafloe Sheets . If Total assets on fine 25. column (B) are $1.250.000 or more, fits Form 490 instead or Form 99o•te inriln of dear (B End of year (A) (See the instructions for part ii ) 14 li _ 22 2 5, 83 0 22 Cash . savings, and Investments , ... 11 'i', 71 23 Wnu and buildings . i.2 3, b is 9 23 .... .. , ... S 16 17 18 19 24 otnar assets (desclea ^ 3ee a t L chmen t 44 25 Tatar assets .. , .... Net assets or fund belancp (line 21 of eo(unln ( B) must agree with line 21) . For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the separate Instructions . 'rwr3s"a+ cspngt Fae.a t +a'*,nrrs - WW IW ,+VR 09 990EZ1 5, G4 3 24 13 4 ^) .. .. .... 70 To(a113abilities (describe b See attachment #5 21 ) 1 26 5.14 1k1 ;:" ", 55, 773 26 -18,-739 27 1 rr : + ? .• Farm 990 -EZ (2009) It/ vj^ - 990-Ez To09) DUTCH COUNTRY PLAYERS 23-6269000 t II I Statement of Program Service Accomplishments (See the instructions far Part nil-) what is the organiatlons primary exempt purpose? SEE STATEMPNT Describe what was achieved In carrying out the organization's exempt purposes. In a dear end concise manner, describe the serwrss provided . the number of persons benerted. 8 other relevant Information for each program tide. 20 See attachment. 2 Expenses IRrryr drwa"An5CI(4e]. a^ ris analAlt5x aar Mewn4947r11x'•1rmIIF caL^a^ 99WI for I 6 Grants $ J If this amount Includes foreign grants . check here ?Grants 5 It this amount includes foreign grants; check here ^ 28a 3 "e., •_t 29 29a 30 4Grartts S ] it this amount includes tarepn 9lanta, check hera ^ 31 Other program sertles (attach smatdulij '-^ ^Grents S 1. It',thls amount Includes foreig n grants. check here a2 Total program service expenses add lines 289 Ovdtigh 318) Part IV L ist fficers , Direc ors, Trustees , and Key Em p lo y ees . (al Name and address (b) Title and average hork k^e r week hlon davolad to . 30Y ^ 31a 32 Lm wxhwM e,ont dpi ao^hp6o"mofd isis S's Ogr rtPst IV j (c) Compensation If not paid, enter 4• (,d) co*ismns b amswraa mark Craw I. aolur,ee raww^•+wu+ pensa y eCCq nt and other aiiowances gee attachment ova 09 990ET1 Tw =4rA cnWVs tram, ids 0"I - 2" Tw Form 990-EZ (20091 Page 3 Forn990-EZ(2009) 23-6269000 DUTCH COUNTRY PLAYERS Part V Other Information (Note the statement requirements in the instructions lot Part V ) 34 Dtd the organization engage In any activity not previously reported to the IRS? If-yes.' attach a detailed description of each edlvity .. Were any changes maderto the organizing or governing deormients? If. Yes, ellach a conformed copy at the 35 changes .. ... ..... ... .. .. .... ,. It the organization had income from business, sollyites, such as those regorlad on lines 2.6a, and 7a (among others), but 33 not reported on Form 990-T. attach a statement captaining why the organization did not report the income on Form 990-T a Did the arganisatIon have unrelated business gross income of.i'1.000 or more or was it subject to section 6033(e) notice, reporting. and proxy tax requirements' .. . . . . .. . _ . .. . . 4 If "Yes' has it Blvd a tart return onForm 990-T for this year?. . , 36 Old the organization undergo a liquidation, dissolution, termination. or significant disposition of not assets during the year? If "Yes! complete abplltabis parts at Schedule N .... 37a Enter amount of political eapendilbras. diirect or Indirect. as described in the Instructions ^ 37e b Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this year'. . .... 380 Did the organization borrow from, or make any loans to, any officer. director, trustee, or key employee or were any such Ioansmede in a prior year and atnl outstanding at the end of the period covered by this return? 35b b If "Yes." complete Schedule L, Part it and enter the talal amount involved.. .... 39 Section 501(0 7),ofganixat'runs. Wait. If thillatibn (ee9 And capit*l.c6ntrlbutlbne included on line 9 , ........ .. 392 39b b Grass receipts, lncluddd on'tl1w9. for pdbhc use of dub facilities . .- , . , . , 40a Section 301lc)(3) organizatlbns. Enter amount of tax "posed on the organization during the year under section : section 4912 ^ . section 4955 ^ b Section SO1(c)(3) and 601 c (4) organizations Did the organizaUDA engage In any section 4958 excess benefit transaction during the year or is It aware that it engaged In an excess benefit transaction with a disquaffied person in e• prior year. and that the trensealon has not been reported on any of the organization's priot Forms 990 or 990-EZ? It "Yes." complete Schedule L Pan I ..... . .... ... .... .... .. . c Seiilon 501(c)(3) and $04 tc)(A1 organizaliops. Enter amount of iex imposed on organization Menggers,.or dls iuskrled persons during the year under sections 4912. ,4996, • and' 4958 .. ........ ....... . ... a , , ...... ... .. .. ...... d SgWon 501(c)t3) and SO FG)R41;or9ar+ite4wss Enter amount-of tax an fine 40c o 41 42a b a 43 44 45 l x14 33 34 X 350 35b. X X 38 7. 371; X 36e 2f 40b Y. 40e y: reimbursed by the organic sttwr :.... ^ .... .... - ... AN orgtmlzations,.At any't'urn during the tsar year, was the organization a party to a prohibited tax shelter transecuon? If' Y-es" complete Farm U8BT'. .. Ust.ihe slates with which a copy of thrs,nrturn is riled. ^ NONE' Telephone no ^ The organization's bdokit are in card of fis. See a c t a ehme n t 4-8 ZIP + 4 ^ Looted at ^ At oily time during the calendar year. did the organization have an interest In or a Oipneture or tither authority over a financial eocaunt 10 a foreign country (such as a bank account. securities account, or other flnanaral socoulltl!) .. I "Yes." enter the name of the foreign country: ^ See the instnicilons for exceptions and filing ing requirements for Form TO F 90.22.1, Report of Foreign Bank _ e$ 42b a Y. -and Flnsn al Accounts. a!eX ...... .. ....... At any time during the calendar year. did the organization maintain &n office outside of the U.S.? country.-! it'- Yes* enter the name of the toretgn u . . Section 4947(a)(i) nonexerllpt charitable trusts filing Form 990-EZ In Ileu;ol Form 1041 •- Check here . . . .. ^ I.43 and enter the amount or tsx exempt Interest redewed or accrued duiing the tax year Did the organization maintain any donor advised funds? If "Yes," Form 890 must be completed Instead of .. . . Farm •990- EX . . . . . .. ... . .. , .. , .. . .. Is any misted organization a controlled entity of the organization within Die meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If "Yes," Form 990 must be cornpleledinstead of Form 99p•E2 , , , ,., . ,, Form T.w+er Farm, rso4iec ontr) • 76ea rw 09 990F.Z3 TM L4401 Pa e4 Form 990-SZ(2009) DUTCH COUNTRY PLAYi<aRS 23-6269000 Section 501(c)(3) organizations and section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable truss on y .allsection Part. V1 50 1(c)(3) ofganixallons and sermon 4947( a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts must answer questions 4649b and complete the tables for lines 50 and 51. 198 nr 46 Did the organization engage. In direct or Indirect polllital campaign activities on behalf of or In opposition to candidates 46 X for public office? It 'Yes.a complete Schedule C Part I ..... ...... .. 47 Did the orgaruzalion engage in lobbying aotiviuas? if "Yes." complete Schedule C, Pan II 47 X .................. 48 48 Is the organ ation a school as described in section 1701b)(1)(A)(1l)? If "Yas.' complete Schedule E X , , .. , , . . 49a Did the wgenfzailon make any transfers to an exempt non-charitable related organization ? , . , ., 49s R b It -'Yes." was the related orgpnlzailon a section 527 organization? 4Bh X 50 Complete this table lo'r the orgpniaahon's rive highest compensated employees (other then officers . directors , trustees and key employees) who each received more than $100,000 of cornperualton from the organization. if there is none . enter " None." (a) Name and address of each empkayse paid more than 5100,000 T*°"'s"'°rap (b)hm IM snow lo (C) Colnoensoton WGA (d) cam tMOU to e) WOO* Mraby a Ou"fil .UM 8 aev+d a," *.,,et „n NONE f Total number of other enmolovass cold over 31 00.000.. ti Complete this table for the ptganrzation's live highest compensated independent contractors who each received more tear! 1100.000 or compensation from the organization if theta is non6, enter -None." 51 (sl'Name and address ofbach Independent ooniretlor paid more then 5100.000 d Total number of other Independent contractors each receiving over S1 Under penalties of perjury. I declare that I have examined I the best of dly knowledge and be'Nef. it is live, correct, add Ay knowledge (nfqrmerlon of which pr a Sign Here Skina of r GET Y4ROSCHAK pe or print name and tills Prepaure ' &V nature Paid Preparer's F,,,•s,,,,.,w,,, 4144"+o mdl Use Only Q . LZ4M- MWOM AM all , 4 May, the IRS discuss this return with the preparer shown above? See ins NA. 09 9Y0EZ4 'rvW+r7san Ccplri 'l rams t$s a4 wrr • 200 1W 1 (b) Type of service I (e) Cpmpanyatlnn SCHEDULE A lsdsoo^t7 ^^^ g Public CharityY Status and Public Support (Form 990 or 9g.0-EZ) Complete It the organization is a section 501(o)( 3) organization or a section 4947(al(1) nonexempt charitable trusts Open to Public Inspect ion. ^ See separate Instructions. Employer idenliflcat(on number 3-62G9000 wn'megr. ne is,ver ^ Attach to Fbrr(r 990 or• Form 990•EZ. Name of the organization DUTCH COUNTRY PLAYERS The organization is not a private foundation because it It (For lines I through 11, check only one bax.) 1 A church . convention of chur hes, or association of churches destnbed Irt section 1710(bNi MA)(1). 2 A school descnbsd in section 170(b)(4)(AKlil. jArtsch Schedule, E.) A hospital or a cooperative hospital service w9snization described in section 170(b )(1)(A)iilf). 3 4 A tttadical research orgnnizalion operated in oonluncticn wish;s hospital described in ieslion 170(bl ( 1 KA)(11i). Fates the hosprtafs name, city: ahd stale, 5 0 An oroanizallon Operrited for the benefit of a college or university owned or operated by S governmental unit deserlbed in section 1 T0(b)(1)(A)(Ivl. (Complete Pail 11.) A federal , state. or local govenimeni or governmental unit described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(v). An organization that normally rec6lvea a substantial past of Its support from a goaeunmenial unit or from the general public, described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(vl ). (Oomplete Pan It.) A oorl5fnunity busiLdp s cribed it1 s^scllon 170(b ) l1)(A•(vf}.(Complete Pail II.) An arganrzallon that normally ra aivss:41) mars than 133 rr3 % of Its support from contributions. membership fees, and gross raoslpta Rom adtlvitles related to its exempt functions--eubject ' ta certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 33 113 % of lit support from gross investment income and unrelated businesirtaxable Income (less section 511 tax) from busineserrs aoquirad by-the organization after June 30. 4975 See section 509(a)(2). (Complete Part Ill.) b 7 S 9 10 11 e D An organization organized and operated exclusively to test for public safety See section 509(aH4). An organization organized and operated exclusively for the beneAl of, to perform the- function of, or to carry. out the purpuses•of one or mbre publlaly supported organizations deswibod In section 509(a)(1) or section 5WIa1(21,'See section 509(x)(3). Check the box that. desorlbe* the type of supportllig .organisation and complete lines 1 I e through 11 h. d (]Type Ill-Other a a Tyr* I b 0 Type M. c 0 Type iii-Firnctionally lntdgratbd ' U (fy 0401119 this bbx ,i osflify that the arpanreation Is not controlled directly or Indiised(y by anew more disqusillied . persons ether than foundation managers and other than one or more publicly supported organizations described In section 509(a )(1) or section 50(1(a)(2). g If the organization received a writtep dalsmunation from the IRS That it Is a Type 1. Type 11 or Type III supporting .. .. .... organixatlon, check this box . ... . .. .. . . . . ... . . .... ... ... Stnbe August 17, 2006, has the organization aecepled any gili.orcontrbution From any of the It (1) A person who- directly of Indirectly controls, either alone or together with persons described In (II) and (Iii) below. the governing body of the supported otganizzation? '(Ii) A family member of•e parson dreribed In (1) above? . .. , .... ... , . .. (Ill) A 35% controlled entity of a person described in (0 of (N) above? , Provide the followitro Information abou t. the supported organization(s). I . . . 11 following person's (if Name of supported (ii) EIN ors, anization (ill) Tyre o'gunr4r'w , iv) rt Iro bi"newith ,AMSarr,.oarr+rsr-F mo* W IRO "CIO nmr (1) Iwxre,,ar yarn g i *uus anti Yes ... ..... ... , (VI) t.uua (v) Du eau a s, O., i,unr,r^ol (t) aflsrr mnnmr (1) ^901tl weeuiu d'n It. oloO has No No X X (vii) Amount of support u8 (lee Instruotlbns)) Yae 1'19 1) 119111) I l9((ii Yes No Yes No Total For prl'vacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notlcp. see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990#L .NA 09 990A12 iwra4ae ceg140 w,r.%6.:e .ow"•1C0S1W Sbhedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2009 A(Fonn990or990 -EZ)2809 DUTC H COUNTRY PLAYERS Page3 23-6269000 ^^.a r^^._^..^_ t.. r^___.__u _ ._ r^__ ^?^_3 >r Zi__a?__ endi_tr^• Ie..^ (Complete only if you checked the box on loin 9 of Part I ) S ection A. P u bli c 3umort Calendar year, (or fiscal year beginning in) ^ 1 Gifts. pants , contributions, and membership fee's received . (Do not inciuce any "unusual grants,"). 2 Gras receipts from admissions, rltetchandso sold or services performed . or feciflles • furnushed in any aeevify []he! is related to the orgspizati00 % tax•ellarool Gurow ... 3 0ini} fDOp44Mn EIIYiY4^ (he1015 i wtMW 1mW ar 4Jf1iiui 4 ] -4 . (b) 24013 (c) 2007 h6 (ol 2009 (1) Toia1 1469e L4190 •1 ;.'.r (d) 2008 31 __ 5f'! ? It$ SCI $ _ r-2 I Mrr, i 60643 51404 F9 9 616 85833 %E594 fan Vnd, Wimn 5.1 4 Tax revenues ibvied for the'or9ernzalion's benefit and either paid to.or expended an its behalf . 1-1 ......... ..... b the value of services or facilities furnished Wj a governmental unit to the oryanrzatlon without charge Total. Add lines ) through 5 ... ... 8 (a) 2006 7a 'Amounts Included on Isles 1, 2, and 3 received from disqualified persons b ANVAU 10MUMM aiibff ll rmn 3ae11aN a gap a4zrtnr+ ^IrauuAMdposersIrpt Wasere -- IIi St Owa%YfNw m. ianMm18 c. Add .lines 7a and 7b , , , , , • . • , KIM support famma ti* re twn ito s ! 8 aecuon cs. r.ozal buppors Calendat yeir (or fiscal year beginning In) a 9 Amounts from Noe 6 104 b c 11. Gross income from internal. dividends. paymenis received on securities loans. tents. royalties and income from timgar sources ... . .............. .. Unrelated business taxable Income (less section 511 texas) from businesses liMUtred afterJune 30,1915... ....... Add lines lea anti'lOb .. ... .. . . Net income from unrelatgd business aellvdlps not Included In One lob, whether ornot the tiuilhsss is regularly sarried on ..: ..^..,...... .... (e) 2005 (b) 2000 (c) 2007 (d) 2008 (092009 If) Total +if^o4^ 5i4iM 5996E 9569) 5504 V4.1°?' its 221 24 i ?I3 221 ''_ Il 1G 12 Other Income. Oon(;t Include gain or loss born the sale of capital assets 13 total support. awe atea a• roe + t mvj +a t 14 Fire[ five years. If the Form 990 Is fonthe orgeniaallon's first, second, third, fourth, or filth tax year as a section 501(c'1(3) oroarliasiran.•check•Ihle box and atop here ... . 1 LI'7 844'r 3915 11.630 M'• 15Z6kb% 55Q3Z 72 9 1, 877+54 1t10e"1' 16 Pubic, uW4 percentage jai 2009 (line 8, dalwnin (I) divided by line 13. column (f)) it Pvt4tc uppbit•ps;centage rpm 2008 8ihedule 1, Part Ill. line 15. :. Section D. Computation of Investment Income Percentag e 17 Investment Income percenlege for 2009 (line I Oc, column ff) divided by line 13, column (f)) •,• , , 16 Investment lncarnap percentage from 2008 Schedule A. pail qt. tine it ... .. .. .. . 194 :4L0 j,a7 15 1 96. id, '13 1 G r'-'-96T.^3^_r T °ie --_._._ ...^ n% 17 b 331/3 9 support Lists - 2009. If the orga,iraibn did not check the box on one. 14. and Ike 15 is more than 33113 45, and line It is not more than 33 103 %, chock this box and slop here. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization .. .. , ! 0. 33 113 '% support tests .- 2008. It the orgaltizaton did not check a tlox on pile 14 or line l9gi,, and line 18 le more than 3.3113' . and Ime 20 irA . . ^ U 18 is no# mote than 33 1.13%, CIieft this box and..stop here. The organization quolllles as a publicly supported organization-. Private fOundatfon, If Ihs orgdnizatib Aid not che* a box on One 14,19s, or 19b, check this box end see instructions Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EL) 2009 09 p80A34 fens p stamen c7a l-acne rw cnr^i AtL•achment 1: Open to Public In C00" SCHEDULE OF OTHER REVENUE p a g e 1- 990-EZ Pa g e 1 , Part I Line 8 For calendar year 2009 or tax period beg innir!g Name of Organization DUTCH COUNTRY . and ending Employer Identification Number 23-6269004 PLAYERS ,Descdplton of Other RetwIYa INCOME' FROM YI $TBO AND UP SH IR" wnouht i . •: • i .SALES Tot81 Jury cynt Fonts ( +R Ori^y^ 2Dd9 tW um ^{EOElvtr4 ' Attac hment 2 : pace 1 - 990-EZ Pane 1. Part I, Linty 16 , Open IQ Pubic Inspection For calendar year 2009 or tas period beginnin g Name of Organization and ending Employer Identification Number 3-6269000 DUTCH COUNTRY PLAYERS Amount Description of Oltrer Expenses 4, S65 4,0(2 I, 3-79 ADVERTISING CHILDREN SHOWS CODIWJNTTY AWARENESS !E4 COSTUMES ENTGRTRINMENT FOH REFRESHMENTS 1197` roil SUPPLIES 348 LIGHTS AND SOUND 1,543 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND MORTGAGE INTEREST 100 2,9-74 PLAYREADIWG ='-X15 1.121? PROPS AND SUPPI.]'CS .14, 883 11413 1, 130 RQ'ALrI:ES SEI' CONSTRUCTION SIGNS fOUTSI1E 205 108 491 15 SMI L E'FF crS TECHNOLOGY tl.C I ET OFF ICI ' EXPEN!"dE 'POOLS MD EQUIPMENT 115 USE TAX FOR ]?A , 406 Dei;s.L'S^.ciation Total Ri 1, 31. *j%.p "GYVLG Vr V I r7Grt 41"71"314VG^7 U\ 1\v- I Attachment 3: nacre 1 - 990-RZ Paar 1. Parr Open to PUblic inspection For calendar year 2009 or tax period beginning Name of Organization M^7^7G I Q Vrti T. Line 20 . and ending Employer Idendficadon Number DUTCH COUNTRY. PLAYER 3-6269000 Total Amount Desufptron of Changes SUFU 4D •0k' "CaOMPg:.E " DEPOSIT - PREPAID 2 '008 EXPIENSE TWO CHECKS NEWEL CASHED - 3.) • VtRTZON ADJUSTMENT Total -•?.J-' Attachment 4: a 1 - 990-EZ Pa g e Part 1, Lire 24 Open 10 Public Inspection For calendar year 2009 or tax period beginning Name of Organization . and ending Employer Identification Number DUTCH COUNTRY PLAYERS 12 .3-620000 Descripllon of Other Asset's PREPAID-EXPENSES Totals Beginning End EOY FMV of Year of Year (940-PF Only) 5 r70 !I,1047 _ 1f 5 ,04 5, _ i 7 SCHEDULE OF OTHER LIABLILITIES Attachment 5: p a g e 1 - 0O-EZ Pa E 1 , Part II , Line 26 Open to Public Inspection For calendar year 2009 or tax period beginning and ending Name of Organization DUTCH COUNTRI PLAYERS Employer Identification Number 123-6269000 Beginning of Vent Description of Liability End of Year MORTGAGE PAYABLE 40,1'0 ,.>, 1 a.: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DEFERRED INCOME PERSONAL, LOANS 1.75 FBI 195 9.22 , t1.. i ^ ... a' 5),77 ) _ ; •^ Totals NA ce irc'i' Fem. {SNr^ws Ohb) • 7= TW L0sl9F 76EQEIGPI PROGRAM SERVICE ACCOMPLISHMENT Attachment 6: pag e 1 - 990-EZ Pa g e 3, Open tb Public Inspecllpn - -i For calendar year 2009 or [as period beginning Name of Organliation DUTCH COUNTRY PLAYERS Part III - Statement of'rogram Senrlce Aocon pliahments Grants •and t lIocabons Part III , and ending Employer Wanlincation Number 123=6269000 Amountincludes•foreign grants Progratn >Elrvkaexpenses Exempt Purpose Achievements COMMUNITY THEATRE PRODUCTION OF SIX A DULT SHOWS AND THREE CHILDRENS SHOWS DCP CONTACTS LOCAL HIGH SCHOOLS. THE HIGH SCHOOLS SELECT THE STUDENTS THAT QUALIFY. THE QUALIFIER IS THAT THE RECIPIENT MUST BE FURTHERING THEIR EDUCATION IN THE ARTS. TWO, S 5D SCHOLARSHIPS WERE AWARDED IN 200J. 1VA Cepyrg ,F"*twP*h.On'rl • 2004'rw 1.O29 F 00_ Ft)Elnel 3 •- 390-EZ AL- tathment. Open to Public fnspsdlon Pa e 3, Part V, Lille 42a and ending Fcr_ calendar year 2009 or Ilk period beginnln Employer Identification Number 3-G269044 Name of Organization DU'TCI1 COUNTRY PLAYERS Part V-Urfa 42a mdiyiduai Nair* GEOFF YAROSCHAK or BusIIess Name- StreetMdress .. .. ....... .. .. 791 HUNTER DRIVE .. U.S. gtfdress; -zip code or -City PENNS.BURG 1.80-73 state P1k Foreign Address, city .. .......... ... Province or State ... .. .. . .... . . . Country Postal code . . .. ... ........ . . . . .. . . .. . . ......... . .. Phone IJumirer Fox Number .. ....... . ... . .. . ... .. ... ..... .. ....... ... . . . .. . ... ..... ..... . Attact-iment 7: Open to Public Inspection p a g e. 1__ - 99O-E Page 2, For calendar near 2009 or tax oerlod becinnino Part IV and ondina Maine of Organization DUTCH COUNTRY PLAYERS (A) Name and Address Employer Identification lumber 3-6269000 (8) Title and Average His. per Week 4Y fMPSON 379 VALLEYBROOK ROAD ID. 00 ICE PRESIDENT .00 -tECOR.DING ECRETARY SELLERSVILLE, PA 18960 .00 O.RRESPONDING EC SOUDERTONN, .00 161.5 LOWER i^DC'KY' BALE ROAD GREEN LANE. PA 18054 BILL TMOMPSOM 2-84 -OLD ORCHARD DRIVE POTTSTOWN, RA 19464 .VA OmyVa Faj ISadws• OMVI -WM m (D} Cont to Employee (E I Expense Account Ben Plans 8 De(. Comp d Other Allowances 0 R CAMERON Pt RDY 5d9 CHERRY .ROAD PA 18964 not , Id, antor 0) Ea rD'ENT GLEN MILLS, PA 19342 DERNT ]ONES 811 ,HARLEYSVILLE PIKE HARLEYSVILLE, PA 19438 CANDICE RLMPHREY 234 BRIARWOOD DR - WESLEY HRABXNA (0) Compensation (II 0 {) 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 REASURER 5.O'0 P*D OARD NATOR .0D Lae1CR 0 aMB No 1545.0172 2009 Depreciation and Amortization (Including Information on Listed Property) Form 4562 t^ra^ tr we.tarR^s rneruy AtlaChmelil a,+aaw^ R^veswsa*es (99) Name (s) Owen on return DUTCH COUNTRY ^ See se PLAYERS uence No 67 Identifying number 123-6269000 rate instrUctions . ) Attach to your laft return. Business or aatiVlly to Which this form retakes FOR FORM 990-EZ LINO .16 Note: Iryou have any listed property, complete Part V before youticompletd Part I I Malnlnurn amount. Seethe instructions for a higher limit for certain businesses ... 2 Total coat of.zectiof 17.9 propdrty placed in servl be (tee instructions) .. 3 Threshold cost of section 179 pl'operty beibre reduction in limitation (see instructions) . . 4. Reduction in limitation. Subtract tine 3 from line 2. 1( zero or less, enter -0- , . ...... . .. .... 5 Dollar limsalfon for tax year. 9ubtlact Noe 4 from line I It zero or less, enter -0-. It marled tiling separately, see irWotcilons .,. (a) poz;;l tkm of pnOpetlY 6 (b) Cost (bush. use only) 7 LWed properly Enter the amount from line 29 ...... . ... .. 1 2 3 4 $250, 000 5 2 50, $800.000 (e) Elected cost 7 .. Total elected tort of,section 119 property, Add amounts in column (c), Ones 6 end 7 Tlntalive deduction . Shier the smaller of line 5 or Ina 8 ... .............. Carryover ofdfaaNowed dedudion•Fram Nine 13 of ytur 2008 Form 4562 BU^ness income limitation, Lnter-the:emailer •o/business Income trot less then zero) or fine 5 (see inet,uctrons) Seetlo 170 ettpe^se daduotton. Add lines Send 1 0. but do not enter• more.then tine 11 Carrytner of d1sa11cfred deduction to 2010. Add, lines 9 and 10, less-iiine 12 ... ^ Note: Do^no; use Part II or Pert Ill below for lilted property Instead, use Part V. 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 9 10 11 12 Part 11 S pecial Depreciation Allowance and Other De reciation (Do not include listed properly. 14 Specia( depreciation afowanee for qualified property (other than listed property) placed In service during the tax year (see Instrucllons).... 16 Pnopsdy subject to seq[on 1 $80(4) 8leelbn .... 16 Other depredation Ripaludin AC ) Part 111 .1 MACRS Depr6diation ( bo not Indite listed property.) (See Ihstructlons.). 14 16 16 Section•A 17 MACRS deductions for aseeta•pl1 d In service in tax years beginning berora 20t)9 .. 18 if you *re. electing to gr ouo any assets placed in sennce during the tax year Into one or more yenaral asset accounts; checkMara . .. , ' 1, 17 , ... ... , It i 6 t Section R,- Amens Placae in Swlca ourlno 2000 Tar Year llslna the Minera l Debreciation System {U t:tdes>lication ohpraperty i9a 3- 101 y nth WW laced In se ice (c) Bests for depr, raven - w. eneM+su try Method (d) Recovery (,) period Conrenlton (g) Q6pusoa6on deduction r iliac. b .' ^r earpjt edy c 7-yea t property d l0-year graindy. --,+--- -- a ' 15- r'pt0 try I' 20- leer protwrt -. SiL 9 2-5•yptr pr h Residential rental pi'rty 25 yrs. 27.6 yrs. 27.5 yrs I 39 yrs. MM NonreeigenU'at reel pm"rty 20a doss lire SIL _ SIL -- S/L MM Sect16n'C +.A sets;Placid In Sanrigq during 2009 Tax Year Using the. Iterttaltvq Deprooiatlon 3 stem SrL b 12- eat t3 rs• c 40- 40 yrs rarttv MW IMM ar summa SiL MM SiL (See Inltructions) 21 Usted property. Enter amount trbm line 28 22 Toter. Add amounts from line 13,, lines 14 through V. Ones 10 and 20 in column (g), and line 21 . Etrter We 21 arid on the appropgake lines ofygur • rewrn. Partnerships and $ oorporationst - see In P409115 23 for assels •shown above and placed in service dun ng the current year, enter the portion of the basis attrlbutablo to•seabn 263A costs . 22. F For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate Instructions . 09 45821• nw actsl7 ODOM" Per u ls41le Drtq) . em rww JVA ... , .. 4 40 f Form 4562 (2009)