College Credit Plus - Ohio Board of Regents

Maximizing Students’
Postsecondary Credit Opportunities
During High School
Students’ Postsecondary Credit
Opportunities During High School
Articulated Credit
Statewide Articulated
Agreement offering
SCTAI courses
Transcripted Credit
Bilateral Agreement
offering CTE content for
local articulated credit
Secondary Career Technical Alignment Initiative (SCTAI)
All secondary college credit
opportunities are not the same
Advanced Placement requires a third-party assessment, a
score of 3 or above for guaranteed USO credit upon enrollment in a USO
Articulated Credit is not recognized on a student’s college
transcript until that student subsequently enrolls in a college that is
authorized to confer the particular credit.
Transcripted Credit is recognized on the student’s college
transcript upon successful completion of the college course. The high
school student is enrolled at the college at the time the student is taking the
college course.
Highlights of Ohio’s dual enrollment program
This tool is meant to explain selected elements and principles of the College Credit Plus program.
It is meant to provide guidance. It is not meant to represent the law in its entirety.
Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3365 will govern this program as of its effective date of September 15, 2014.
College Credit Plus (CCP)
 CCP replaces Ohio’s Post-Secondary
Enrollment Options program (PSEO) and all
alternative dual enrollment programs previously
governed by Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3365.
 Governor Kasich signed H.B. 487 into law on
June 16, 2014.
 CCP program operational 2015/16 school year.
College Credit Plus
1. Student must be enrolled in both college
and high school.
2. Student to earn transcripted college and
high school credit upon successful
completion of the course.
CCP Participation
• All public districts and public institutions of
higher education (IHE) must participate.
• All nonpublic secondary schools may
• All nonpublic postsecondary schools may
• No eligible public student may be denied
participation through a public IHE.
Participating IHE Must…
• Provide a professional development opportunity to all
high school teachers who instruct a CCP course as
an adjunct
• Conduct at least one observation of each section of
each college course taught in high schools
• Assign an advisor to each CCP student
• Schedule at least one meeting of CCP student and
advisor prior to institution’s effective no-fault course
drop out date
Participating IHEs and
Districts Must…
• Promote CCP opportunities on their websites
• Annually coordinate with each CCP program
partner to present at least one dedicated CCP
event to students and parents
CCP Courses Must…
• Be the same as those offered on campus
(included in IHE course catalogue)
• Be nonsectarian and non-remedial
• Apply toward a degree or professional
• Be taught by instructors who meet BOR’s
academic credential requirements
CCP Pathway Requirements
• Each public high school must develop two
pathway opportunities through CCP.
o One where a student can earn 15 transcripted credits
o One where a student can earn 30 transcripted credits
• Pathways must be developed in coordination with
at least one partnering IHE.
• Pathways must be published as part of school
district’s official course offerings.
CCP Pathway Expectations
A “CCP Pathway” is a grouping of college courses
and course sequences that total at least 15 and 30
college credit hours.
A pathway may:
o Be organized by a major or career path
o Include various core courses required for a degree
or professional certification by the college
CCP Funding
• Funding formulas based on per college credit hour basis
• Ceiling and Floor based on 83% of K-12 per-pupil foundation
funding amount
FY15 Example:
Per-pupil foundation amount = $5,800
Ceiling = $160 ($5,800 / 30 X 83%)
Floor = $40 ($160 X 25%)
IHE and District are encouraged to negotiate local
agreement within Floor and Ceiling. The default structure
highlighted on the “Funding Scenarios” chart applies if no
alternative agreement is negotiated.
CCP Funding
• Chancellor approval; and
• The Chancellor must approve agreement
for a per credit hour rate below the Floor,
when the agreement complies with all
other CCP program requirements.
Funding Scenarios
*Non-chartered non-public high school and home schooled students receive ceiling ($160) per credit hour.
CCP Data
• CCP participation requires the collection
and reporting of program data
• BOR will express CCP data requirements
in Rules.
CCP and Early College High
School Programs (ECHS)
• ECHS beginning operation after 2014-15
school year are subject to CCP requirements
• ECHSs existing during 2014-15 school year
are grandfathered until 2015-16, or until
satisfaction of current ECHS agreement,
whichever is later
• CCP governs only portions of ECHS
agreement that relate to conference of
college credit
CCP Going Forward
• Rules will be in place February 2015.
– Public comment
– Public hearing (at least one)
• Rules will not restate the law
• Rules will:
o Protect CCP integrity for study opportunity
o Define procedures
o Assist education partners with implementation
CCP Going Forward
The Chancellor and State Superintendent
will jointly establish a CCP Advisory
Committee to…
• Assist in developing performance metrics
• Monitor the progress of the CCP program
Board of Regents:
Stephanie Davidson:
Lauren McGarity:
Charles See:
Rebecca Watts:
Department of Education:
Steve Gratz:
Stephanie Siddens: