College Credit Plus (CCP)

College Credit Plus (CCP)
Aimee A. Caldrone
College & Career Counselor
What’s is CCP?
• Students earn both high school and college credit
• All tuition, fees and books are paid for by district
• Offers expanded opportunities to experience college-level
CCP Eligibility
Enrolled in the district
Grade 7-12 during the 2016-2017 school year
Apply and be accepted to the college
Meet a remediation free score (college ready) on an ACT, SAT or placement
exam used by the college
*CCP students must meet the same admission criteria as a traditional student
applying to the college. Each college has their own admission criteria. *
CCP Scheduling Options
1. CCP classes at Olmsted Falls High School
College Composition I
College Composition II
College Algebra
Principles of Biology I
Principles of Biology II
US History I
US History II
Drawing I
Sports Management
Latin for Medical Terminology
2. Any college that offers a CCP course
(All state schools and some private schools)
• College campus
• Online
CCP Courses
1. Each course is ONE semester rather the one school year
2. A three, four or five credit college course = 1 high school credit
3. CCP grades will be on both the high school and college transcript
4. CCP grades will impact high school GPA/rank and potentially college GPA
5. Classes can be taken summer, fall and spring semesters
6. Courses paid for by the district must be non-secular
7. CCP courses are weighted the same as an AP class if the HS offers an AP course
in the same subject area.
8. For every one hour of a college class, expect 3 hours of outside work.
CCP Books
The district is responsible for providing textbooks for
students, however CCP books are NOT the property of
the student. Students must return books at the end of
the semester following the book return policy of the
college they are attending.
Failure to return books can result in financial penalty
and/or the withholding of the student’s grades.
Both are considered advanced standing courses by The State of Ohio
AP (Advanced Placement)
CCP (College Credit Plus)
Course duration: 1 full school year
Course duration: 1 semester
Grade is weighted on a 5.0 scale
Grade weighted on a 5.0 scale IF an AP
course is offered in the subject area at the HS
College credit determined by scores on AP
College credit determined by passing grade in
AP credit accepted at 91% of public colleges
and 92% of private colleges nationwide
Dual enrollment (CCP) credit accepted at all
Ohio public institutions and 92% of public
colleges and 78% of private colleges
nationwide. (NACEP)
**If you are concerned about how colleges will view AP and CCP (dual enrollment) courses in terms of
admissions and credit transfer, call the admissions department of the college and inquire**
CCP Credit Formula
30 – 3(HS credits) = CCP credits per school year
The CCP law states the school district can pay up to 30
credits per school year with a maximum of 120 for the
student‘s total time in the program. The 30 credits is a
combination of high school and college credits using the
formula above. A student that chooses to go over 30
credits per school year will be financially responsible for
the overage and will be charged the per credit rate of
that college.
CCP Credit Formula Example
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
CCP College Comp. I (3 college credits)
CCP College Comp. II (3 college credits)
AP Statistics (.5 HS Credits)
AP Statistics (.5 HS Credits)
Physics (.5 HS Credits)
Physics (.5 HS credits)
CCP General Psychology(3 college credits)
CCP Sociology (3 college credits)
Introduction to Business (.5 HS credits)
Marketing (.5 HS credits)
30 – 3(3 HS credits) = CCP credits for school year
30 – 9 HS credits = 21 CCP credits for school year
How to Apply
CCP classes at OFHS
1. Turn in MANDATORY Letter of Intent Form
no later than APRIL 1, 2016 to Guidance Office.
2. Complete CCP application to LCCC
3. Submit qualifying ACT or SAT scores along with application OR take
LCCC placement test
4. Student receives acceptance letter from college
5. New CCP students/parents attend a group scheduling meeting
with high school counselor
6. Classes can be scheduled in PowerSchool
Apply and test early, the CCP selections will be available in PowerSchool
during scheduling
How to Apply
CCP classes at college
1. Turn in MANDATORY Letter of Intent Form
no later than APRIL 1, 2016 to Guidance Office.
2. Complete CCP application to the college
LCCC, Tri-C and CSU apps available in Guidance & Counselor’s Corner website
3. Submit qualifying ACT or SAT scores along with application or take placement test for
college (Tri-C & LCCC)
4. Student receives acceptance from college
5. New CCP students/parents attend a group scheduling
meeting with high school counselor
6. Student creates a high school schedule in PowerSchool in March.
7. Student meets with school counselor AND college advisor to
schedule classes when college registration begins for summer (April), fall (April) and
spring (October)semesters. The high school schedule is adjusted by HS counselor.
Placement Testing Options
LCCC – OFHS CCP classes and LCCC on-campus classes
Option 1: OFHS Testing Dates – Sign up in the guidance office
Friday, February 12th – 10:30 AM & 1:30 PM
Wednesday, February 24th – 2:30 PM & 5:30 PM
Option 2: Test at the LCCC campus – North Ridgeville – Contact the
college about testing
Tri-C on-campus classes
Option: Test at Tri-C campus – Westshore Campus (Westlake) – Contact
the college about testing
CSU & other 4 year Colleges
Option: Submit a qualifying ACT or SAT score
• Expands educational opportunities
• Become familiar with college curriculum
• Allows for dual credit at no cost
• Credits transfer to all 4 year Ohio public institutions
• Possibility of earning an Associate’s Degree & high school
diploma simultaneously
• Access to all college services
• Failure of the class or student withdrawing after
the 14th day of the course can result in the tuition and fees
becoming the responsibility of the student/parent.
• If a student withdraws from CCP classes frequently and/or obtains a poor
college GPA, this can negatively impact college financial aid
• Athletics and activities may be affected
• Students be in at least 5, 1 credit course each quarter to be eligible for
• College communication with parents will be limited
• HS communication with students off campus can be limited
• College calendar/breaks may be different
• Socialization issues with older students on college campus
• Receiving school decides whether to issue college credit for CCP coursework
(Private or Out-of-State colleges)
• Increase in student responsibility
• Poor grades will negatively affect high school GPA and class rank
What does a successful CCP student look like?
• Take responsibility for their education
• Have initiative to seek out resources and
follow deadlines and procedures
• Demonstrates maturity
• Self-motivated
• Ready for college level curriculum ( as
evidenced by success in high school
curriculum and placement tests )
Final CCP Reminders
• If considering participating in CCP, please complete the steps and
meet ALL deadlines
• CCP students are considered college students and will be held to the
same expectations.
• Check our Counselors' Corner website for CCP updates, procedures
and deadlines
• Any questions, contact Mrs. Caldrone at (440)427-6152 or